Not only is this simpler, but it also is more correct (for explanation
why, try holding both shift keys while dragging, and just releasing one
of them - the previous code would briefly turn aspect ratio off).
This is going to be used by server-side flows. Note that the server-side
overload of `UpdateFromLegacy()` was not calling
Computing the score without mods inline reduces reflection overheads
from constructing mod instances, which feels pretty important for
server-side flows.
There is one weird kink in the treatment of stable scores with score V2
active - they get the *legacy* multipliers unapplied for them because
that made the most sense. For all intents and purposes this matters
mostly for client-side replays with score V2. I'm not sure whether
scores with SV2 ever make it to submission in stable.
There may be minute differences in converted score due to rounding
shenanigans but I don't think it's worth doing a reverify for this.
The affected user's database contained six sentakki scores with an empty
hash. When an online score is being imported, an online model (which
does not have a hash) will be transmogrified into a `ScoreInfo` with
an empty hash, which would end up accidentally matching those scores
and basically breaking everything at that point.
To fix, avoid attempting to match anything on empty hash. This does not
break online score matching because for those cases the actual online ID
of the score will be used.
`drawable.Position` is a location in the parent's coordinate space, and
`drawable.OriginPosition` is in the drawable's local space and
additionally does not take scale into account.
Yes this means that such scores will have a zero total score without
mods in DB and thus might up getting their total recalculated to zero
when we try a mod multiplier rebalance (unless we skip scores with zero
completely I suppose). I also don't really care about that right now.