Intended to be a temporary fix for while a more permanent solution
is established. A proper fix is actually quite simple, but updating the
test to work with it is... *slightly* more complicated.
This hotfix will mean that if a `UserJoined` event arrives during the
unobserved window during room join (of the local user), the local user
still won't see the joining user, but the game won't crash as a result.
This was an implicit requirement until now, but not well documented
everywhere. Adding this makes it much easier to understand the
requirement (and probably safer).
As seen by this kind of crash, having the `.ToMod` method throw can be
very problematic and also hidden (as it is used inside of models in
places where exceptions are not expected to occur).
Given there are tens of usages of this method, returning a placeholder
mod seems like a better idea than outright throwing.
An unhandled has occurred.
There is no mod in the ruleset (osu) matching the acronym AS.
at osu.Game.Online.API.APIMod.ToMod(Ruleset ruleset) in /Users/dean/Projects/osu/osu.Game/Online/API/APIMod.cs:line 54
at osu.Game.Scoring.ScoreInfo.<get_Mods>b__117_0(APIMod m) in /Users/dean/Projects/osu/osu.Game/Scoring/ScoreInfo.cs:line 193
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectArrayIterator`2.ToArray()
at osu.Game.Scoring.ScoreInfo.get_Mods() in /Users/dean/Projects/osu/osu.Game/Scoring/ScoreInfo.cs:line 193
at osu.Game.Screens.Select.Leaderboards.BeatmapLeaderboard.<>c.<subscribeToLocalScores>b__40_2(ScoreInfo s) in /Users/dean/Projects/osu/osu.Game/Screens/Select/Leaderboards/BeatmapLeaderboard.cs:line 199
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext()
at osu.Game.Database.RealmObjectExtensions.Detach[T](IEnumerable`1 items) in /Users/dean/Projects/osu/osu.Game/Database/RealmObjectExtensions.cs:line 180
at osu.Game.Screens.Select.Leaderboards.BeatmapLeaderboard.<>c__DisplayClass40_0.<subscribeToLocalScores>g__localScoresChanged|1(IRealmCollection`1 sender, ChangeSet changes, Exception exception) in /Users/dean/Projects/osu/osu.Game/Screens/Select/Leaderboards/BeatmapLeaderboard.cs:line
at Realms.RealmCollectionBase`1.Realms.INotifiable<Realms.NotifiableObjectHandleBase.CollectionChangeSet>.NotifyCallbacks(Nullable`1 changes, Nullable`1 exception)
at Realms.NotifiableObjectHandleBase.NotifyObjectChanged(IntPtr managedHandle, IntPtr changes, IntPtr exception)