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2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
using SharpDX;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using TC = System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute;
using EXP = System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter;
using CodeWalker.World;
namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
//this is a helper class for parsing the data.
public static class MetaTypes
public static Dictionary<uint, MetaEnumInfo> EnumDict = new Dictionary<uint, MetaEnumInfo>();
public static Dictionary<uint, MetaStructureInfo> StructDict = new Dictionary<uint, MetaStructureInfo>();
public static void Clear()
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static void EnsureMetaTypes(Meta meta)
if (meta.EnumInfos != null)
foreach (MetaEnumInfo mei in meta.EnumInfos)
if (!EnumDict.ContainsKey(mei.EnumKey))
EnumDict.Add(mei.EnumKey, mei);
MetaEnumInfo oldei = EnumDict[mei.EnumKey];
if (!CompareMetaEnumInfos(oldei, mei))
//throw new Exception("Mismatching MetaEnumInfos!");
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
if (meta.StructureInfos != null)
foreach (MetaStructureInfo msi in meta.StructureInfos)
if (!StructDict.ContainsKey(msi.StructureKey))
StructDict.Add(msi.StructureKey, msi);
MetaStructureInfo oldsi = StructDict[msi.StructureKey];
if (!CompareMetaStructureInfos(oldsi, msi))
//throw new Exception("Mismatching MetaStructureInfos!");
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static bool CompareMetaEnumInfos(MetaEnumInfo a, MetaEnumInfo b)
//returns true if they are the same.
if (a.Entries.Length != b.Entries.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.Entries.Length; i++)
if ((a.Entries[i].EntryNameHash != b.Entries[i].EntryNameHash) ||
(a.Entries[i].EntryValue != b.Entries[i].EntryValue))
return false;
return true;
public static bool CompareMetaStructureInfos(MetaStructureInfo a, MetaStructureInfo b)
//returns true if they are the same.
if (a.Entries.Length != b.Entries.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.Entries.Length; i++)
if ((a.Entries[i].EntryNameHash != b.Entries[i].EntryNameHash) ||
(a.Entries[i].DataOffset != b.Entries[i].DataOffset) ||
(a.Entries[i].DataType != b.Entries[i].DataType))
return false;
return true;
public static string GetTypesString()
StringBuilder sbe = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sbs = new StringBuilder();
sbe.AppendLine("//Enum infos");
sbs.AppendLine("//Struct infos");
foreach (var kvp in EnumDict)
var mei = kvp.Value;
string name = GetSafeName(mei.EnumNameHash, mei.EnumKey);
sbe.AppendLine("public enum " + name + " //Key:" + mei.EnumKey.ToString());
foreach (var entry in mei.Entries)
string eename = GetSafeName(entry.EntryNameHash, (uint)entry.EntryValue);
sbe.AppendFormat(" {0} = {1},", eename, entry.EntryValue);
foreach (var kvp in StructDict)
var msi = kvp.Value;
string name = GetSafeName(msi.StructureNameHash, msi.StructureKey);
sbs.AppendLine("public struct " + name + " //" + msi.StructureSize.ToString() + " bytes, Key:" + msi.StructureKey.ToString());
for (int i = 0; i < msi.Entries.Length; i++)
var entry = msi.Entries[i];
if ((entry.DataOffset == 0) && (entry.EntryNameHash == (MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO)) //referred to by array
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
string sename = GetSafeName(entry.EntryNameHash, (uint)entry.ReferenceKey);
string fmt = " public {0} {1}; //{2} {3}";
if (entry.DataType == MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array)
if (entry.ReferenceTypeIndex >= msi.Entries.Length)
var structentry = msi.Entries[entry.ReferenceTypeIndex];
var typename = "Array_" + MetaStructureEntryDataTypes.GetCSharpTypeName(structentry.DataType);
sbs.AppendFormat(fmt, typename, sename, entry.DataOffset, entry.ToString() + " {" + structentry.ToString() + "}");
else if (entry.DataType == MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure)
var typename = GetSafeName(entry.ReferenceKey, (uint)entry.ReferenceTypeIndex);
sbs.AppendFormat(fmt, typename, sename, entry.DataOffset, entry.ToString());
var typename = MetaStructureEntryDataTypes.GetCSharpTypeName(entry.DataType);
sbs.AppendFormat(fmt, typename, sename, entry.DataOffset, entry);
string result = sbe.ToString();
return result;
public static string GetTypesInitString(Meta meta)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var si in meta.StructureInfos)
AddStructureInfoString(si, sb);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
foreach (var ei in meta.EnumInfos)
AddEnumInfoString(ei, sb);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
string str = sb.ToString();
return str;
public static string GetTypesInitString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var si in StructDict.Values)
AddStructureInfoString(si, sb);
foreach (var ei in EnumDict.Values)
AddEnumInfoString(ei, sb);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
string str = sb.ToString();
return str;
private static void AddStructureInfoString(MetaStructureInfo si, StringBuilder sb)
var ns = GetMetaNameString(si.StructureNameHash);
sb.AppendFormat("case " + ns + ":");
sb.AppendFormat("return new MetaStructureInfo({0}, {1}, {2}, {3},", ns, si.StructureKey, si.Unknown_8h, si.StructureSize);
for (int i = 0; i < si.Entries.Length; i++)
var e = si.Entries[i];
string refkey = "0";
if (e.ReferenceKey != 0)
refkey = GetMetaNameString(e.ReferenceKey);
sb.AppendFormat(" new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s({0}, {1}, MetaStructureEntryDataType.{2}, {3}, {4}, {5})", GetMetaNameString(e.EntryNameHash), e.DataOffset, e.DataType, e.Unknown_9h, e.ReferenceTypeIndex, refkey);
if (i < si.Entries.Length - 1) sb.Append(",");
private static void AddEnumInfoString(MetaEnumInfo ei, StringBuilder sb)
var ns = GetMetaNameString(ei.EnumNameHash);
sb.AppendFormat("case " + ns + ":");
sb.AppendFormat("return new MetaEnumInfo({0}, {1},", ns, ei.EnumKey);
for (int i = 0; i < ei.Entries.Length; i++)
var e = ei.Entries[i];
sb.AppendFormat(" new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s({0}, {1})", GetMetaNameString(e.EntryNameHash), e.EntryValue);
if (i < ei.Entries.Length - 1) sb.Append(",");
private static string GetMetaNameString(MetaName n)
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MetaName), n))
return "MetaName." + n.ToString();
return "(MetaName)" + n.ToString();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static MetaStructureInfo GetStructureInfo(MetaName name)
//to generate structinfos
switch (name)
case MetaName.CScenarioPointContainer:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CScenarioPointContainer, 2489654897, 768, 48,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPoint),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LoadSavePoints, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioPoint),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.MyPoints, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0)
case MetaName.CScenarioChainingGraph:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CScenarioChainingGraph, 88255871, 768, 88,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioChainingNode),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Nodes, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Edges, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioChain),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Chains, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 4, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.rage__spdGrid2D:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.rage__spdGrid2D, 894636096, 768, 64,
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.MinCellX, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.MaxCellX, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.MinCellY, 20, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.MaxCellY, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CellDimX, 44, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CellDimY, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CScenarioPointLookUps:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CScenarioPointLookUps, 2669361587, 768, 96,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.TypeNames, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PedModelSetNames, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.VehicleModelSetNames, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 4, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.GroupNames, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 6, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.InteriorNames, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 8, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.RequiredIMapNames, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 10, 0)
case MetaName.CScenarioPointRegion:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CScenarioPointRegion, 3501351821, 768, 376,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.VersionNumber, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Points, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioPointContainer),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioEntityOverride),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.EntityOverrides, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ChainingGraph, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioChainingGraph),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.AccelGrid, 184, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__spdGrid2D),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)3844724227, 248, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 6, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioPointCluster),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Clusters, 264, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 8, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LookUps, 280, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioPointLookUps)
case MetaName.CScenarioPoint:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CScenarioPoint, 402442150, 1024, 64,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iType, 21, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ModelSetId, 22, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iInterior, 23, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iRequiredIMapId, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iProbability, 25, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.uAvailableInMpSp, 26, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iTimeStartOverride, 27, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iTimeEndOverride, 28, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iRadius, 29, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iTimeTillPedLeaves, 30, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iScenarioGroup, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Flags, 36, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntFlags2, 0, 32, MetaName.CScenarioPointFlags__Flags),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.vPositionAndDirection, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CScenarioEntityOverride:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CScenarioEntityOverride, 1271200492, 1024, 80,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.EntityPosition, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.EntityType, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPoint),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ScenarioPoints, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.EntityMayNotAlwaysExist, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.SpecificallyPreventArtPoints, 65, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPoint:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPoint, 3077340721, 1024, 96,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetRotation, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.spawnType, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedType, 52, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.interior, 60, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.requiredImap, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.availableInMpSp, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.CSpawnPoint__AvailabilityMpSp),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.probability, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.timeTillPedLeaves, 76, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.radius, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.start, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.end, 85, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 88, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntFlags2, 0, 32, MetaName.CScenarioPointFlags__Flags),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.highPri, 92, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.extendedRange, 93, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.shortRange, 94, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CScenarioChainingNode:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CScenarioChainingNode, 1811784424, 1024, 32,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Position, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)2602393771, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ScenarioType, 20, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.HasIncomingEdges, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.HasOutgoingEdges, 25, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge, 2004985940, 256, 8,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NodeIndexFrom, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NodeIndexTo, 2, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Action, 4, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ByteEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge__eAction),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NavMode, 5, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ByteEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavMode),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NavSpeed, 6, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ByteEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavSpeed)
case MetaName.CScenarioChain:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CScenarioChain, 2751910366, 768, 40,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)1156691834, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.EdgeIds, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 1, 0)
case MetaName.rage__spdSphere:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.rage__spdSphere, 1189037266, 1024, 16,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.centerAndRadius, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CScenarioPointCluster:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CScenarioPointCluster, 3622480419, 1024, 80,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Points, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CScenarioPointContainer),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ClusterSphere, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__spdSphere),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)1095875445, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)3129415068, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CStreamingRequestRecord:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CStreamingRequestRecord, 3825587854, 768, 40,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CStreamingRequestFrame),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Frames, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CStreamingRequestCommonSet),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CommonSets, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NewStyle, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CStreamingRequestFrame:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CStreamingRequestFrame, 1112444512, 1024, 112,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.AddList, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.RemoveList, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PromoteToHDList, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 4, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CamPos, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CamDir, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CommonAddSets, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 8, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Flags, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
//case MetaName.CStreamingRequestFrame:
// return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CStreamingRequestFrame, 3672937465, 1024, 96,
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.AddList, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.RemoveList, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CamPos, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CamDir, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)1762439591, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 6, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Flags, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
// );
case MetaName.CStreamingRequestCommonSet:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CStreamingRequestCommonSet, 3710200606, 768, 16,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Requests, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CMapTypes:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CMapTypes, 2608875220, 768, 80,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.StructurePointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.extensions, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.StructurePointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.archetypes, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.dependencies, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 5, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CCompositeEntityType),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.compositeEntityTypes, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 7, 0)
case MetaName.CBaseArchetypeDef:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CBaseArchetypeDef, 2411387556, 1024, 144,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lodDist, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.specialAttribute, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMin, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMax, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bsCentre, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bsRadius, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.hdTextureDist, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 88, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.textureDictionary, 92, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.clipDictionary, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.drawableDictionary, 100, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.physicsDictionary, 104, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.assetType, 108, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__fwArchetypeDef__eAssetType),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.assetName, 112, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.StructurePointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.extensions, 120, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 15, 0)
//case MetaName.CBaseArchetypeDef:
// return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CBaseArchetypeDef, 2352343492, 1024, 128,
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lodDist, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.specialAttribute, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMin, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMax, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bsCentre, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bsRadius, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.hdTextureDist, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 88, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.textureDictionary, 92, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.clipDictionary, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.drawableDictionary, 100, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.physicsDictionary, 104, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.StructurePointer, 0, 0, 0),
// new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.extensions, 112, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 13, 0)
// );
case MetaName.CCreatureMetaData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CCreatureMetaData, 2181653572, 768, 56,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CShaderVariableComponent),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.shaderVariableComponents, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CPedPropExpressionData),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedPropExpressions, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CPedCompExpressionData),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedCompExpressions, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 4, 0)
case MetaName.CShaderVariableComponent:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CShaderVariableComponent, 3085831725, 768, 72,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedcompID, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.maskID, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.shaderVariableHashString, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.tracks, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 3, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ids, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 5, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.components, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 7, 0)
case MetaName.CPedPropExpressionData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CPedPropExpressionData, 1355135810, 768, 88,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedPropID, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedPropVarIndex, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedPropExpressionIndex, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.tracks, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 3, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ids, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 5, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.types, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 7, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.components, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 9, 0)
case MetaName.CPedCompExpressionData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CPedCompExpressionData, 3458164745, 768, 88,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedCompID, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedCompVarIndex, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedCompExpressionIndex, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.tracks, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 3, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ids, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 5, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.types, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 7, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.components, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 9, 0)
case MetaName.rage__fwInstancedMapData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.rage__fwInstancedMapData, 1836780118, 768, 48,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ImapLink, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__fwPropInstanceListDef),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PropInstanceList, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 1, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.GrassInstanceList, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 3, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CLODLight:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CLODLight, 2325189228, 768, 136,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.FloatXYZ),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.direction, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.falloff, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.falloffExponent, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 4, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.timeAndStateFlags, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 6, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.hash, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 8, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.coneInnerAngle, 88, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 10, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.coneOuterAngleOrCapExt, 104, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 12, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.coronaIntensity, 120, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 14, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CDistantLODLight:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CDistantLODLight, 2820908419, 768, 48,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.FloatXYZ),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.position, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.RGBI, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.numStreetLights, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.category, 42, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CBlockDesc:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CBlockDesc, 2015795449, 768, 72,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.version, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 4, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.CharPointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.exportedBy, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.CharPointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.owner, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.CharPointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.time, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.CharPointer, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CMapData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CMapData, 3448101671, 1024, 512,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.parent, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.contentFlags, 20, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.streamingExtentsMin, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.streamingExtentsMax, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.entitiesExtentsMin, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.entitiesExtentsMax, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.StructurePointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.entities, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 8, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__fwContainerLodDef),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.containerLods, 112, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 10, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.BoxOccluder),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.boxOccluders, 128, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 4, 12, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.OccludeModel),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.occludeModels, 144, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 4, 14, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.physicsDictionaries, 160, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 16, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.instancedData, 176, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__fwInstancedMapData),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CTimeCycleModifier),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.timeCycleModifiers, 224, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 19, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CCarGen),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.carGenerators, 240, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 21, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LODLightsSOA, 256, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CLODLight),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.DistantLODLightsSOA, 392, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CDistantLODLight),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.block, 440, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CBlockDesc)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CEntityDef:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CEntityDef, 1825799514, 1024, 128,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.archetypeName, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.guid, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.position, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.rotation, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.scaleXY, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.scaleZ, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.parentIndex, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lodDist, 76, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.childLodDist, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lodLevel, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__eLodType),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.numChildren, 88, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.priorityLevel, 92, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__ePriorityLevel),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.StructurePointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.extensions, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 13, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ambientOcclusionMultiplier, 112, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.artificialAmbientOcclusion, 116, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.tintValue, 120, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CTimeCycleModifier:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CTimeCycleModifier, 2683420777, 1024, 64,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.minExtents, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.maxExtents, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.percentage, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.range, 52, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.startHour, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.endHour, 60, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CTimeArchetypeDef:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CTimeArchetypeDef, 2520619910, 1024, 160,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lodDist, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.specialAttribute, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMin, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMax, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bsCentre, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bsRadius, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.hdTextureDist, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 88, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.textureDictionary, 92, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.clipDictionary, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.drawableDictionary, 100, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.physicsDictionary, 104, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.assetType, 108, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__fwArchetypeDef__eAssetType),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.assetName, 112, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.StructurePointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.extensions, 120, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 15, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.timeFlags, 144, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CExtensionDefLightEffect:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefLightEffect, 2436199897, 1024, 48,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CLightAttrDef),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.instances, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0)
case MetaName.CLightAttrDef:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CLightAttrDef, 2363260268, 768, 160,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.posn, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 0, (MetaName)3),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.colour, 20, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 2, (MetaName)3),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flashiness, 23, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.intensity, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 28, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.boneTag, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lightType, 34, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.groupId, 35, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.timeFlags, 36, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.falloff, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.falloffExponent, 44, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.cullingPlane, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 13, (MetaName)4),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.shadowBlur, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.padding1, 65, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.padding2, 66, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.padding3, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.volIntensity, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.volSizeScale, 76, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.volOuterColour, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 21, (MetaName)3),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lightHash, 83, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.volOuterIntensity, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.coronaSize, 88, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.volOuterExponent, 92, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lightFadeDistance, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.shadowFadeDistance, 97, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.specularFadeDistance, 98, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.volumetricFadeDistance, 99, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.shadowNearClip, 100, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.coronaIntensity, 104, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.coronaZBias, 108, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.direction, 112, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 34, (MetaName)3),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.tangent, 124, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 36, (MetaName)3),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.coneInnerAngle, 136, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.coneOuterAngle, 140, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.extents, 144, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 40, (MetaName)3),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.projectedTextureKey, 156, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CMloInstanceDef:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CMloInstanceDef, 2151576752, 1024, 160,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.archetypeName, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.guid, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.position, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.rotation, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.scaleXY, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.scaleZ, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.parentIndex, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lodDist, 76, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.childLodDist, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lodLevel, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__eLodType),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.numChildren, 88, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.priorityLevel, 92, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__ePriorityLevel),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.StructurePointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.extensions, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 13, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ambientOcclusionMultiplier, 112, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.artificialAmbientOcclusion, 116, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.tintValue, 120, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.groupId, 128, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.floorId, 132, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.defaultEntitySets, 136, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 20, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.numExitPortals, 152, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.MLOInstflags, 156, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.BoxOccluder:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.BoxOccluder, 1831736438, 256, 16,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iCenterX, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iCenterY, 2, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iCenterZ, 4, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iCosZ, 6, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iLength, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iWidth, 10, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iHeight, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iSinZ, 14, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedShort, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.OccludeModel:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.OccludeModel, 1172796107, 1024, 64,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bmin, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bmax, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.dataSize, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.verts, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.DataBlockPointer, 4, 3, (MetaName)2),
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.numVertsInBytes, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.numTris, 50, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 52, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CMloArchetypeDef:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CMloArchetypeDef, 937664754, 1024, 240,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lodDist, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.specialAttribute, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMin, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMax, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bsCentre, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bsRadius, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.hdTextureDist, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 88, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.textureDictionary, 92, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.clipDictionary, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.drawableDictionary, 100, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.physicsDictionary, 104, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.assetType, 108, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__fwArchetypeDef__eAssetType),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.assetName, 112, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.StructurePointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.extensions, 120, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 15, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.mloFlags, 144, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.StructurePointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.entities, 152, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 18, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CMloRoomDef),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.rooms, 168, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 20, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CMloPortalDef),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.portals, 184, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 22, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CMloEntitySet),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.entitySets, 200, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 24, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CMloTimeCycleModifier),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.timeCycleModifiers, 216, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 26, 0)
case MetaName.CMloRoomDef:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CMloRoomDef, 3885428245, 1024, 112,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.CharPointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMin, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMax, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.blend, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.timecycleName, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.secondaryTimecycleName, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 76, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.portalCount, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.floorId, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.exteriorVisibiltyDepth, 88, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.attachedObjects, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 10, 0)
case MetaName.CMloPortalDef:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CMloPortalDef, 1110221513, 768, 64,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.roomFrom, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.roomTo, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.mirrorPriority, 20, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.opacity, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.audioOcclusion, 28, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.corners, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 6, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.attachedObjects, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 8, 0)
case MetaName.CMloTimeCycleModifier:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CMloTimeCycleModifier, 838874674, 1024, 48,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.sphere, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.percentage, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.range, 36, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.startHour, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.endHour, 44, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CExtensionDefParticleEffect:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefParticleEffect, 466596385, 1024, 96,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetRotation, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.fxName, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.CharPointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.fxType, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.boneTag, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.scale, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.probability, 76, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.color, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CCompositeEntityType:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CCompositeEntityType, 659539004, 1024, 304,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Name, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfChars, 0, 0, (MetaName)64),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lodDist, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.specialAttribute, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMin, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bbMax, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bsCentre, 112, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bsRadius, 128, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.StartModel, 136, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfChars, 0, 0, (MetaName)64),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.EndModel, 200, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfChars, 0, 0, (MetaName)64),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.StartImapFile, 264, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.EndImapFile, 268, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PtFxAssetName, 272, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CCompEntityAnims),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Animations, 280, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 13, 0)
2019-01-12 14:45:19 +08:00
case MetaName.CCompEntityAnims:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CCompEntityAnims, 4110496011, 768, 216,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.AnimDict, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfChars, 0, 0, (MetaName)64),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.AnimName, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfChars, 0, 0, (MetaName)64),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.AnimatedModel, 128, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfChars, 0, 0, (MetaName)64),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.punchInPhase, 192, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.punchOutPhase, 196, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CCompEntityEffectsData),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.effectsData, 200, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 5, 0)
2019-01-12 14:45:19 +08:00
case MetaName.CCompEntityEffectsData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CCompEntityEffectsData, 1724963966, 1024, 160,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.fxType, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.fxOffsetPos, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.fxOffsetRot, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.boneTag, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.startPhase, 52, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.endPhase, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ptFxIsTriggered, 60, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ptFxTag, 61, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfChars, 0, 0, (MetaName)64),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ptFxScale, 128, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ptFxProbability, 132, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ptFxHasTint, 136, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ptFxTintR, 137, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ptFxTintG, 138, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ptFxTintB, 139, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ptFxSize, 144, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings, 2701897500, 1024, 48,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.settings, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CExtensionDefAudioEmitter:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefAudioEmitter, 15929839, 1024, 64,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetRotation, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.effectHash, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CExtensionDefExplosionEffect:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefExplosionEffect, 2840366784, 1024, 80,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetRotation, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.explosionName, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.CharPointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.boneTag, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.explosionTag, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.explosionType, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 76, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CExtensionDefLadder:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefLadder, 1978210597, 1024, 96,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bottom, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.normal, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.materialType, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.CExtensionDefLadderMaterialType),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.template, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.canGetOffAtTop, 88, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.canGetOffAtBottom, 89, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CExtensionDefBuoyancy:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefBuoyancy, 2383039928, 1024, 32,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CExtensionDefExpression:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefExpression, 24441706, 1024, 48,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.expressionDictionaryName, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.expressionName, 36, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.creatureMetadataName, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.initialiseOnCollision, 44, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CExtensionDefLightShaft:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefLightShaft, 2526429398, 1024, 176,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.cornerA, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.cornerB, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.cornerC, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.cornerD, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.direction, 96, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.directionAmount, 112, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.length, 116, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.fadeInTimeStart, 120, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.fadeInTimeEnd, 124, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.fadeOutTimeStart, 128, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.fadeOutTimeEnd, 132, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.fadeDistanceStart, 136, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.fadeDistanceEnd, 140, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.color, 144, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.intensity, 148, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flashiness, 152, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 156, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.densityType, 160, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.CExtensionDefLightShaftDensityType),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.volumeType, 164, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.CExtensionDefLightShaftVolumeType),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.softness, 168, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.scaleBySunIntensity, 172, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.FloatXYZ:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.FloatXYZ, 2751397072, 512, 12,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.x, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.y, 4, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.z, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2019-01-12 14:45:19 +08:00
case MetaName.CPedPropInfo:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CPedPropInfo, 1792487819, 768, 40,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.numAvailProps, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CPedPropMetaData),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.aPropMetaData, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 1, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CAnchorProps),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.aAnchors, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 3, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2019-01-12 14:45:19 +08:00
case MetaName.CPedVariationInfo:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CPedVariationInfo, 4030871161, 768, 112,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bHasTexVariations, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bHasDrawblVariations, 1, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
2019-12-29 09:09:23 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bHasLowLODs, 2, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bIsSuperLOD, 3, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.availComp, 4, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 4, (MetaName)MetaTypeName.PsoPOINTER),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CPVComponentData),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.aComponentData3, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 6, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CPedSelectionSet),
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.aSelectionSets, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 8, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CComponentInfo),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.compInfos, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 10, 0),
2019-01-12 14:45:19 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.propInfo, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CPedPropInfo),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.dlcName, 104, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
case MetaName.CPVComponentData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CPVComponentData, 2024084511, 768, 24,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.numAvailTex, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CPVDrawblData),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.aDrawblData3, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 1, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CPVDrawblData__CPVClothComponentData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CPVDrawblData__CPVClothComponentData, 508935687, 0, 24,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ownsCloth, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
case MetaName.CPVDrawblData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CPVDrawblData, 124073662, 768, 48,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.propMask, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.numAlternatives, 1, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CPVTextureData),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.aTexData, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 2, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.clothData, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CPVDrawblData__CPVClothComponentData)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
case MetaName.CPVTextureData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CPVTextureData, 4272717794, 0, 3,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.texId, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.distribution, 1, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CComponentInfo:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CComponentInfo, 3693847250, 512, 48,
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedXml_audioID, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedXml_audioID2, 4, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedXml_expressionMods, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 2, (MetaName)5),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 28, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.inclusions, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntFlags2, 0, 32, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.exclusions, 36, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntFlags2, 0, 32, 0),
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedXml_vfxComps, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ShortFlags, 0, 16, MetaName.ePedVarComp),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedXml_flags, 42, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedXml_compIdx, 44, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.pedXml_drawblIdx, 45, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2019-01-12 14:45:19 +08:00
case MetaName.CPedPropMetaData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CPedPropMetaData, 2029738350, 768, 56,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.audioId, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.expressionMods, 4, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 1, (MetaName)5),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.CPedPropTexData),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.texData, 24, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 3, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.renderFlags, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntFlags1, 0, 3, MetaName.ePropRenderFlags),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.propFlags, 44, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.anchorId, 50, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.propId, 51, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.stickyness, 52, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CPedPropTexData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CPedPropTexData, 2767296137, 512, 12,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.inclusions, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntFlags2, 0, 32, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.exclusions, 4, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntFlags2, 0, 32, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.texId, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.inclusionId, 9, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.exclusionId, 10, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.distribution, 11, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CAnchorProps:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CAnchorProps, 403574180, 768, 24,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.props, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.anchor, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.eAnchorPoints)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2019-01-12 14:45:19 +08:00
case MetaName.CPedSelectionSet:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CPedSelectionSet, 3120284999, 512, 48,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.compDrawableId, 4, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 1, (MetaName)MetaTypeName.PsoPOINTER),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.compTexId, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 3, (MetaName)MetaTypeName.PsoPOINTER),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.propAnchorId, 28, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 5, (MetaName)6),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.propDrawableId, 34, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 7, (MetaName)6),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.propTexId, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 9, (MetaName)6)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CExtensionDefDoor:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefDoor, 2671601385, 1024, 48,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.enableLimitAngle, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.startsLocked, 33, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.canBreak, 34, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Boolean, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.limitAngle, 36, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.doorTargetRatio, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.audioHash, 44, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CMloEntitySet:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CMloEntitySet, 4180211587, 768, 48,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.locations, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 1, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.StructurePointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.entities, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 3, 0)
case MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride, 2551875873, 1024, 64,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ScenarioType, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iTimeStartOverride, 36, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.iTimeEndOverride, 37, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Group, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ModelSet, 44, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.AvailabilityInMpSp, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntEnum, 0, 0, MetaName.CSpawnPoint__AvailabilityMpSp),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Flags, 52, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntFlags2, 0, 32, MetaName.CScenarioPointFlags__Flags),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Radius, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.TimeTillPedLeaves, 60, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CExtensionDefWindDisturbance:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefWindDisturbance, 3971538917, 1024, 96,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetRotation, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.disturbanceType, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.boneTag, 52, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.size, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.strength, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 84, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.CCarGen:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CCarGen, 2345238261, 1024, 80,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.position, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.orientX, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.orientY, 36, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.perpendicularLength, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.carModel, 44, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bodyColorRemap1, 52, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bodyColorRemap2, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bodyColorRemap3, 60, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.bodyColorRemap4, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.popGroup, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.livery, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.SignedByte, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.rage__spdAABB:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.rage__spdAABB, 1158138379, 1024, 32,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.min, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.max, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef, 941808164, 1024, 96,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.BatchAABB, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__spdAABB),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ScaleRange, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.archetypeName, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.lodDist, 52, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LodFadeStartDist, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LodInstFadeRange, 60, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.OrientToTerrain, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.InstanceList, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 36, 7, 0)
case MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData, 2740378365, 256, 16,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedShort, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Position, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 0, (MetaName)3),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NormalX, 6, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NormalY, 7, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Color, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 4, (MetaName)3),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Scale, 11, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Ao, 12, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Pad, 13, MetaStructureEntryDataType.ArrayOfBytes, 0, 8, (MetaName)3)
case MetaName.CExtensionDefProcObject:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefProcObject, 3965391891, 1024, 80,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.offsetPosition, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.radiusInner, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.radiusOuter, 36, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.spacing, 40, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.minScale, 44, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.maxScale, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.minScaleZ, 52, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.maxScaleZ, 56, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.minZOffset, 60, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.maxZOffset, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.objectHash, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.flags, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedInt, 0, 0, 0)
case MetaName.rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds, 2075461750, 768, 32,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(, 8, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Hash, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s((MetaName)MetaTypeName.ARRAYINFO, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Structure, 0, 0, MetaName.rage__phCapsuleBoundDef),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CollisionData, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Array, 0, 1, 0)
case MetaName.rage__phCapsuleBoundDef:
return new MetaStructureInfo(MetaName.rage__phCapsuleBoundDef, 2859775340, 1024, 96,
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.OwnerName, 0, MetaStructureEntryDataType.CharPointer, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Rotation, 16, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZW, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Position, 32, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Normal, 48, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float_XYZ, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CapsuleRadius, 64, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CapsuleLen, 68, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CapsuleHalfHeight, 72, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CapsuleHalfWidth, 76, MetaStructureEntryDataType.Float, 0, 0, 0),
new MetaStructureEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Flags, 80, MetaStructureEntryDataType.IntFlags2, 0, 32, MetaName.rage__phCapsuleBoundDef__enCollisionBoundDef)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return null;
public static MetaEnumInfo GetEnumInfo(MetaName name)
//to generate enuminfos
switch (name)
case MetaName.CScenarioPointFlags__Flags:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.CScenarioPointFlags__Flags, 2814596095,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.IgnoreMaxInRange, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NoSpawn, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.StationaryReactions, 2),
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.OnlySpawnInSameInterior, 3),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.SpawnedPedIsArrestable, 4),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ActivateVehicleSiren, 5),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.AggressiveVehicleDriving, 6),
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LandVehicleOnArrival, 7),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.IgnoreThreatsIfLosNotClear, 8),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.EventsInRadiusTriggerDisputes, 9),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.AerialVehiclePoint, 10),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.TerritorialScenario, 11),
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.EndScenarioIfPlayerWithinRadius, 12),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.EventsInRadiusTriggerThreatResponse, 13),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.TaxiPlaneOnGround, 14),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.FlyOffToOblivion, 15),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.InWater, 16),
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.AllowInvestigation, 17),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.OpenDoor, 18),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PreciseUseTime, 19),
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NoRespawnUntilStreamedOut, 20),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NoVehicleSpawnMaxDistance, 21),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ExtendedRange, 22),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ShortRange, 23),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.HighPriority, 24),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.IgnoreLoitering, 25),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.UseSearchlight, 26),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ResetNoCollisionOnCleanUp, 27),
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.CheckCrossedArrivalPlane, 28),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.UseVehicleFrontForArrival, 29),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.IgnoreWeatherRestrictions, 30)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CSpawnPoint__AvailabilityMpSp:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.CSpawnPoint__AvailabilityMpSp, 671739257,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.kBoth, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.kOnlySp, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.kOnlyMp, 2)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge__eAction:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge__eAction, 3326075799,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Move, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)7865678, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.MoveFollowMaster, 2)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavMode:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavMode, 3016128742,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Direct, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NavMesh, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.Roads, 2)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavSpeed:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavSpeed, 1112851290,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)3279574318, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)2212923970, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)4022799658, 2),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)1425672334, 3),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)957720931, 4),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)3795195414, 5),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)2834622009, 6),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)1876554076, 7),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)698543797, 8),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)1544199634, 9),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)2725613303, 10),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)4033265820, 11),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)3054809929, 12),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)3911005380, 13),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)3717649022, 14),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s((MetaName)3356026130, 15)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
case MetaName.rage__fwArchetypeDef__eAssetType:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.rage__fwArchetypeDef__eAssetType, 1866031916,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ASSET_TYPE_UNINITIALIZED, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ASSET_TYPE_FRAGMENT, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ASSET_TYPE_DRAWABLE, 2),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ASSET_TYPE_DRAWABLEDICTIONARY, 3),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ASSET_TYPE_ASSETLESS, 4)
case MetaName.rage__eLodType:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.rage__eLodType, 1856311430,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LODTYPES_DEPTH_HD, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LODTYPES_DEPTH_LOD, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD1, 2),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD2, 3),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD3, 4),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD, 5),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD4, 6)
case MetaName.rage__ePriorityLevel:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.rage__ePriorityLevel, 2200357711,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PRI_REQUIRED, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PRI_OPTIONAL_HIGH, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PRI_OPTIONAL_MEDIUM, 2),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PRI_OPTIONAL_LOW, 3)
case MetaName.CExtensionDefLadderMaterialType:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefLadderMaterialType, 3514570158,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.METAL_SOLID_LADDER, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.METAL_LIGHT_LADDER, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.WOODEN_LADDER, 2)
case MetaName.CExtensionDefLightShaftDensityType:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefLightShaftDensityType, 3539601182,
2019-11-22 12:50:53 +08:00
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LIGHTSHAFT_DENSITYTYPE_SOFT, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LIGHTSHAFT_DENSITYTYPE_LINEAR, 4),
case MetaName.CExtensionDefLightShaftVolumeType:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.CExtensionDefLightShaftVolumeType, 4287472345,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.LIGHTSHAFT_VOLUMETYPE_SHAFT, 0),
2019-11-22 12:50:53 +08:00
case MetaName.ePedVarComp:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.ePedVarComp, 3472084374,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_INVALID, -1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_HEAD, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_BERD, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_HAIR, 2),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_UPPR, 3),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_LOWR, 4),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_HAND, 5),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_FEET, 6),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_TEEF, 7),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_ACCS, 8),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_TASK, 9),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_DECL, 10),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_JBIB, 11),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PV_COMP_MAX, 12)
case MetaName.ePropRenderFlags:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.ePropRenderFlags, 1551913633,
2019-11-22 12:50:53 +08:00
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PRF_ALPHA, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PRF_DECAL, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.PRF_CUTOUT, 2)
case MetaName.eAnchorPoints:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.eAnchorPoints, 1309372691,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_HEAD, 0),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_EYES, 1),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_EARS, 2),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_MOUTH, 3),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_LEFT_HAND, 4),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_RIGHT_HAND, 5),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_LEFT_WRIST, 6),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_RIGHT_WRIST, 7),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_HIP, 8),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_LEFT_FOOT, 9),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_RIGHT_FOOT, 10),
2019-11-22 12:50:53 +08:00
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_PH_L_HAND, 11),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.ANCHOR_PH_R_HAND, 12),
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.NUM_ANCHORS, 13)
case MetaName.rage__phCapsuleBoundDef__enCollisionBoundDef:
return new MetaEnumInfo(MetaName.rage__phCapsuleBoundDef__enCollisionBoundDef, 1585854303,
new MetaEnumEntryInfo_s(MetaName.BOUND_DEF_IS_PLANE, 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return null;
private static string GetSafeName(MetaName namehash, uint key)
string name = namehash.ToString();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
name = "Unk_" + key;
if (!char.IsLetter(name[0]))
name = "Unk_" + name;
return name;
public static byte[] ConvertToBytes<T>(T item) where T : struct
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
int offset = 0;
byte[] arr = new byte[size];
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(item, ptr, true);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, arr, 0, size);
offset += size;
return arr;
public static byte[] ConvertArrayToBytes<T>(params T[] items) where T : struct
if (items == null) return null;
var size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)) * items.Length;
var b = new byte[size];
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(items, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var h = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
Marshal.Copy(h, b, 0, size);
return b;
//int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
//int sizetot = size * items.Length;
//byte[] arrout = new byte[sizetot];
//int offset = 0;
//for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
// byte[] arr = new byte[size];
// IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
// Marshal.StructureToPtr(items[i], ptr, true);
// Marshal.Copy(ptr, arr, 0, size);
// Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
// Buffer.BlockCopy(arr, 0, arrout, offset, size);
// offset += size;
//return arrout;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static T ConvertData<T>(byte[] data) where T : struct
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var h = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
var r = Marshal.PtrToStructure<T>(h);
return r;
public static T ConvertData<T>(byte[] data, int offset) where T : struct
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var h = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
var r = Marshal.PtrToStructure<T>(h + offset);
return r;
public static T[] ConvertDataArray<T>(byte[] data, int offset, int count) where T : struct
T[] items = new T[count];
int itemsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
//for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// int off = offset + i * itemsize;
// items[i] = ConvertData<T>(data, off);
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(items, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var h = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
Marshal.Copy(data, offset, h, itemsize * count);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return items;
public static T[] ConvertDataArray<T>(Meta meta, MetaName name, Array_StructurePointer array) where T : struct
//return ConvertDataArray<T>(meta, name, array.Pointer, array.Count1);
uint count = array.Count1;
if (count == 0) return null;
MetaPOINTER[] ptrs = GetPointerArray(meta, array);
if (ptrs == null) return null;
if (ptrs.Length < count)
{ return null; }
T[] items = new T[count];
int itemsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
int itemsleft = (int)count; //large arrays get split into chunks...
//MetaName blocktype = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var ptr = ptrs[i];
var offset = ptr.Offset;
var block = meta.GetBlock(ptr.BlockID);
if (block == null) continue;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
//if (blocktype == 0)
//{ blocktype = block.StructureNameHash; }
//else if (block.StructureNameHash != blocktype)
//{ } //not all the same type..!
if (block.StructureNameHash != name)
{ return null; } //type mismatch - don't return anything...
if ((offset < 0) || (block.Data == null) || (offset >= block.Data.Length))
{ continue; }
items[i] = ConvertData<T>(block.Data, offset);
return items;
public static T[] ConvertDataArray<T>(Meta meta, MetaName name, Array_Structure array) where T : struct
return ConvertDataArray<T>(meta, name, array.Pointer, array.Count1);
public static T[] ConvertDataArray<T>(Meta meta, MetaName name, ulong pointer, uint count) where T : struct
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
if (count == 0) return null;
T[] items = new T[count];
int itemsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
int itemsleft = (int)count; //large arrays get split into chunks...
uint ptrindex = (uint)(pointer & 0xFFF) - 1;
uint ptroffset = (uint)((pointer >> 12) & 0xFFFFF);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
var ptrblock = (ptrindex < meta.DataBlocks.Count) ? meta.DataBlocks[(int)ptrindex] : null;
if ((ptrblock == null) || (ptrblock.Data == null) || (ptrblock.StructureNameHash != name))
{ return null; } //no block or wrong block? shouldn't happen!
int byteoffset = (int)ptroffset;// (ptroffset * 16 + ptrunkval);
int itemoffset = byteoffset / itemsize;
int curi = 0;
while (itemsleft > 0)
int blockcount = ptrblock.DataLength / itemsize;
int itemcount = blockcount - itemoffset;
if (itemcount > itemsleft)
{ itemcount = itemsleft; } //don't try to read too many items..
for (int i = 0; i < itemcount; i++)
int offset = (itemoffset + i) * itemsize;
int index = curi + i;
items[index] = ConvertData<T>(ptrblock.Data, offset);
itemoffset = 0; //start at beginning of next block..
curi += itemcount;
itemsleft -= itemcount;
if (itemsleft <= 0)
{ return items; }//all done!
ptrblock = (ptrindex < meta.DataBlocks.Count) ? meta.DataBlocks[(int)ptrindex] : null;
if ((ptrblock == null) || (ptrblock.Data == null))
{ break; } //not enough items..?
if (ptrblock.StructureNameHash != name)
{ break; } //type mismatch..
return null;
#region old version
//old version
int currentp = (int)pointer - 1;
var datablock = ((currentp>=0)&&(currentp < meta.DataBlocks.Count)) ? meta.DataBlocks[currentp] : null;
if ((datablock == null) || (datablock.StructureNameHash != name)) //no match. look for the first match
currentp = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < meta.DataBlocks.Count; i++)
if (meta.DataBlocks[i].StructureNameHash == name)
currentp = i;
if (currentp < 0) //couldn't find the right type.
return null;
int curindex = 0;
while (itemsleft > 0)
if ((currentp >= meta.DataBlocks.Count) || (meta.DataBlocks[currentp].StructureNameHash != name))
//wasn't enough data to read... problem.. (no next block to read from), just return whatever we got
T[] newitems = new T[curindex]; //have to return a smaller array..
for (int n = 0; n < curindex; n++) newitems[n] = items[n];
return newitems;
datablock = meta.DataBlocks[currentp];
int curitemcount = datablock.DataLength / itemsize;
int totusedbytes = curitemcount * itemsize;
if (totusedbytes < datablock.DataLength)
//didn't use all the bytes in the block... potential problem!
if (totusedbytes == 0)
//not big enough for one item..
if (curindex == 0) return null; //nothing read if on first iteration.
T[] newitems = new T[curindex]; //have to return a smaller array.. just return whatever we got
for (int n = 0; n < curindex; n++) newitems[n] = items[n];
return newitems;
else //there was something... how to know if it's right though??
//break; //just keep going.. at least parse what we got
for (int i = 0; i < curitemcount; i++)
int offset = i * itemsize;
int index = curindex + i;
if (index >= items.Length)
//too much data! grow the output?
items[index] = ConvertData<T>(datablock.Data, offset);
itemsleft -= curitemcount;
curindex += curitemcount;
return items;
public static MetaPOINTER[] GetPointerArray(Meta meta, Array_StructurePointer array)
uint count = array.Count1;
if (count == 0) return null;
MetaPOINTER[] ptrs = new MetaPOINTER[count];
int ptrsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MetaPOINTER));
int ptroffset = (int)array.PointerDataOffset;
var ptrblock = meta.GetBlock((int)array.PointerDataId);
if ((ptrblock == null) || (ptrblock.Data == null) || (ptrblock.StructureNameHash != (MetaName)MetaTypeName.POINTER))
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
{ return null; }
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
int offset = ptroffset + (i * ptrsize);
if (offset >= ptrblock.Data.Length)
{ break; }
ptrs[i] = ConvertData<MetaPOINTER>(ptrblock.Data, offset);
return ptrs;
public static MetaHash[] GetHashArray(Meta meta, Array_uint array)
return ConvertDataArray<MetaHash>(meta, (MetaName)MetaTypeName.HASH, array.Pointer, array.Count1);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static Vector4[] GetPaddedVector3Array(Meta meta, Array_Vector3 array)
return ConvertDataArray<Vector4>(meta, (MetaName)MetaTypeName.VECTOR4, array.Pointer, array.Count1);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static uint[] GetUintArray(Meta meta, Array_uint array)
return ConvertDataArray<uint>(meta, (MetaName)MetaTypeName.UINT, array.Pointer, array.Count1);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static ushort[] GetUshortArray(Meta meta, Array_ushort array)
return ConvertDataArray<ushort>(meta, (MetaName)MetaTypeName.USHORT, array.Pointer, array.Count1);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static short[] GetShortArray(Meta meta, Array_ushort array)
return ConvertDataArray<short>(meta, (MetaName)MetaTypeName.USHORT, array.Pointer, array.Count1);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static float[] GetFloatArray(Meta meta, Array_float array)
return ConvertDataArray<float>(meta, (MetaName)MetaTypeName.FLOAT, array.Pointer, array.Count1);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static byte[] GetByteArray(Meta meta, Array_byte array)
uint ptrindex = array.PointerDataIndex;
uint ptroffset = array.PointerDataOffset;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
var ptrblock = (ptrindex < meta.DataBlocks.Count) ? meta.DataBlocks[(int)ptrindex] : null;
if ((ptrblock == null) || (ptrblock.Data == null))// || (ptrblock.StructureNameHash != name))
{ return null; } //no block or wrong block? shouldn't happen!
var count = array.Count1;
if ((ptroffset + count) > ptrblock.Data.Length)
{ return null; }
byte[] data = new byte[count];
Buffer.BlockCopy(ptrblock.Data, (int)ptroffset, data, 0, count);
return data;
public static byte[] GetByteArray(Meta meta, DataBlockPointer ptr, uint count)
//var pointer = array.Pointer;
uint ptrindex = ptr.PointerDataIndex;// (pointer & 0xFFF) - 1;
uint ptroffset = ptr.PointerDataOffset;// ((pointer >> 12) & 0xFFFFF);
var ptrblock = (ptrindex < meta.DataBlocks.Count) ? meta.DataBlocks[(int)ptrindex] : null;
if ((ptrblock == null) || (ptrblock.Data == null))// || (ptrblock.StructureNameHash != name))
{ return null; } //no block or wrong block? shouldn't happen!
//var count = array.Count1;
if ((ptroffset + count) > ptrblock.Data.Length)
{ return null; }
byte[] data = new byte[count];
Buffer.BlockCopy(ptrblock.Data, (int)ptroffset, data, 0, (int)count);
return data;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static T[] GetTypedDataArray<T>(Meta meta, MetaName name) where T : struct
if ((meta == null) || (meta.DataBlocks == null)) return null;
var datablocks = meta.DataBlocks.Data;
MetaDataBlock startblock = null;
int startblockind = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < datablocks.Count; i++)
var block = datablocks[i];
if (block.StructureNameHash == name)
startblock = block;
startblockind = i;
if (startblock == null)
return null; //couldn't find the data.
int count = 0; //try figure out how many items there are, from the block size(s).
int itemsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
var currentblock = startblock;
int currentblockind = startblockind;
while (currentblock != null)
int blockitems = currentblock.DataLength / itemsize;
count += blockitems;
if (currentblockind >= datablocks.Count) break; //last block, can't go any further
currentblock = datablocks[currentblockind];
if (currentblock.StructureNameHash != name) break; //not the right block type, can't go further
if (count <= 0)
return null; //didn't find anything...
return ConvertDataArray<T>(meta, name, (uint)startblockind + 1, (uint)count);
public static T GetTypedData<T>(Meta meta, MetaName name) where T : struct
foreach (var block in meta.DataBlocks)
if (block.StructureNameHash == name)
return MetaTypes.ConvertData<T>(block.Data);
throw new Exception("Couldn't find " + name.ToString() + " block.");
public static string[] GetStrings(Meta meta)
//look for strings in the sectionSTRINGS data block(s)
if ((meta == null) || (meta.DataBlocks == null)) return null;
var datablocks = meta.DataBlocks.Data;
MetaDataBlock startblock = null;
int startblockind = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < datablocks.Count; i++)
var block = datablocks[i];
if (block.StructureNameHash == (MetaName)MetaTypeName.STRING)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
startblock = block;
startblockind = i;
if (startblock == null)
return null; //couldn't find the strings data section.
List<string> strings = new List<string>();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
var currentblock = startblock;
int currentblockind = startblockind;
while (currentblock != null)
//read strings from the block.
int startindex = 0;
int endindex = 0;
var data = currentblock.Data;
for (int b = 0; b < data.Length; b++)
if (data[b] == 0)
startindex = endindex;
endindex = b;
if (endindex > startindex)
string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, startindex, endindex - startindex);
endindex++; //start next string after the 0.
if (endindex != data.Length - 1)
startindex = endindex;
endindex = data.Length - 1;
if (endindex > startindex)
string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, startindex, endindex - startindex);
if (currentblockind >= datablocks.Count) break; //last block, can't go any further
currentblock = datablocks[currentblockind];
if (currentblock.StructureNameHash != (MetaName)MetaTypeName.STRING) break; //not the right block type, can't go further
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
if (strings.Count <= 0)
return null; //don't return empty array...
return strings.ToArray();
public static string GetString(Meta meta, CharPointer ptr)
var blocki = (int)ptr.PointerDataIndex;// (ptr.Pointer & 0xFFF) - 1;
var offset = (int)ptr.PointerDataOffset;// (ptr.Pointer >> 12) & 0xFFFFF;
if ((blocki < 0) || (blocki >= meta.DataBlocks.BlockLength))
{ return null; }
var block = meta.DataBlocks[blocki];
if (block.StructureNameHash != (MetaName)MetaTypeName.STRING)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
{ return null; }
//var byteoffset = offset * 16 + offset2;
var length = ptr.Count1;
var lastbyte = offset + length;
if (lastbyte >= block.DataLength)
{ return null; }
string s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(block.Data, offset, length);
//if (meta.Strings == null) return null;
//if (offset < 0) return null;
//if (offset >= meta.Strings.Length) return null;
//string s = meta.Strings[offset];
return s;
public static MetaWrapper[] GetExtensions(Meta meta, Array_StructurePointer ptr)
if (ptr.Count1 == 0) return null;
var result = new MetaWrapper[ptr.Count1];
var extptrs = GetPointerArray(meta, ptr);
if (extptrs != null)
for (int i = 0; i < extptrs.Length; i++)
var extptr = extptrs[i];
MetaWrapper ext = null;
var block = meta.GetBlock(extptr.BlockID);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
var h = block.StructureNameHash;
switch (h)
//archetype extension types
case MetaName.CExtensionDefParticleEffect:
ext = new MCExtensionDefParticleEffect();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefParticleEffect>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefParticleEffect>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings:
ext = new MCExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefAudioEmitter:
ext = new MCExtensionDefAudioEmitter();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefAudioEmitter>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefAudioEmitter>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPoint:
ext = new MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint();// new MetaExtension<CExtensionDefSpawnPoint>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefSpawnPoint>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefExplosionEffect:
ext = new MCExtensionDefExplosionEffect();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefExplosionEffect>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefExplosionEffect>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefLadder:
ext = new MCExtensionDefLadder();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefLadder>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefLadder>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefBuoyancy:
ext = new MCExtensionDefBuoyancy();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefBuoyancy>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefBuoyancy>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefExpression:
ext = new MCExtensionDefExpression();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefExpression>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefExpression>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefLightShaft:
ext = new MCExtensionDefLightShaft();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefLightShaft>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefLightShaft>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefWindDisturbance:
ext = new MCExtensionDefWindDisturbance();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefWindDisturbance>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefWindDisturbance>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefProcObject:
ext = new MCExtensionDefProcObject();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefProcObject>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefProcObject>(block, extptr));
//entity extension types
case MetaName.CExtensionDefLightEffect:
ext = new MCExtensionDefLightEffect();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefLightEffect>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefLightEffect>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride:
ext = new MCExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.CExtensionDefDoor:
ext = new MCExtensionDefDoor();// MetaExtension<CExtensionDefDoor>(h, GetData<CExtensionDefDoor>(block, extptr));
case MetaName.rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds: //rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds
ext = new Mrage__phVerletClothCustomBounds();// MetaExtension<rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds>(h, GetData<rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds>(block, extptr));
//string ts = GetTypesInitString(meta);
if (ext != null)
ext.Load(meta, extptr);
if (i < result.Length)
result[i] = ext;
return result;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static int GetDataOffset(MetaDataBlock block, MetaPOINTER ptr)
if (block == null) return -1;
var offset = ptr.Offset;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
if ((offset < 0) || (block.Data == null) || (offset >= block.Data.Length))
{ return -1; }
return offset;
public static T GetData<T>(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr) where T : struct
var block = meta.GetBlock(ptr.BlockID);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
var offset = GetDataOffset(block, ptr);
if (offset < 0) return new T();
return ConvertData<T>(block.Data, offset);
public static ushort SwapBytes(ushort x)
return (ushort)(((x & 0xFF00) >> 8) | ((x & 0x00FF) << 8));
2018-12-20 01:28:43 +08:00
public static short SwapBytes(short x)
return (short)SwapBytes((ushort)x);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public static uint SwapBytes(uint x)
// swap adjacent 16-bit blocks
x = (x >> 16) | (x << 16);
// swap adjacent 8-bit blocks
return ((x & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8) | ((x & 0x00FF00FF) << 8);
public static int SwapBytes(int x)
return (int)SwapBytes((uint)x);
public static ulong SwapBytes(ulong x)
//////// [not swapping 32bit blocks! careful!]
////// swap adjacent 32-bit blocks
////x = (x >> 32) | (x << 32);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
// swap adjacent 16-bit blocks
x = ((x & 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000) >> 16) | ((x & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF) << 16);
// swap adjacent 8-bit blocks
return ((x & 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00) >> 8) | ((x & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF) << 8);
public static float SwapBytes(float f)
var a = BitConverter.GetBytes(f);
return BitConverter.ToSingle(a, 0);
public static Vector2 SwapBytes(Vector2 v)
var x = SwapBytes(v.X);
var y = SwapBytes(v.Y);
return new Vector2(x, y);
public static Vector3 SwapBytes(Vector3 v)
var x = SwapBytes(v.X);
var y = SwapBytes(v.Y);
var z = SwapBytes(v.Z);
return new Vector3(x, y, z);
public static Vector4 SwapBytes(Vector4 v)
var x = SwapBytes(v.X);
var y = SwapBytes(v.Y);
var z = SwapBytes(v.Z);
var w = SwapBytes(v.W);
return new Vector4(x, y, z, w);
public enum MetaTypeName : uint
VECTOR4 = 0x33,
HASH = 0x4a,
STRING = 0x10,
POINTER = 0x7,
USHORT = 0x13,
UINT = 0x15,
ARRAYINFO = 0x100,
BYTE = 17,
FLOAT = 33, //0x21
PsoPOINTER = 12,
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public abstract class MetaWrapper
public virtual string Name { get { return ToString(); } }
public abstract void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr);
public abstract MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb);
//generated enums
[Flags] public enum CScenarioPointFlags__Flags //SCENARIO point flags / extension spawn point flags
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: int //Key:2814596095
IgnoreMaxInRange = 1,//0,
NoSpawn = 2,//1,
StationaryReactions = 4,//2,
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
OnlySpawnInSameInterior = 8,//3,
SpawnedPedIsArrestable = 16,//4,
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
ActivateVehicleSiren = 32,//5,
AggressiveVehicleDriving = 64,//6,
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
LandVehicleOnArrival = 128,//7,
IgnoreThreatsIfLosNotClear = 256,//8,
EventsInRadiusTriggerDisputes = 512,//9,
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
AerialVehiclePoint = 1024,//10,
TerritorialScenario = 2048,//11,
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
EndScenarioIfPlayerWithinRadius = 4096,//12,
EventsInRadiusTriggerThreatResponse = 8192,//13,
TaxiPlaneOnGround = 16384,//14,
FlyOffToOblivion = 32768,//15,
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
InWater = 65536,//16,
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
AllowInvestigation = 131072,//17,
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
OpenDoor = 262144,//18,
PreciseUseTime = 524288,//19,
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
NoRespawnUntilStreamedOut = 1048576,//20,
NoVehicleSpawnMaxDistance = 2097152,//21,
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
ExtendedRange = 4194304,//22,
ShortRange = 8388608,//23,
HighPriority = 16777216,//24,
IgnoreLoitering = 33554432,//25,
UseSearchlight = 67108864,//26,
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
ResetNoCollisionOnCleanUp = 134217728,//27,
2021-11-23 09:46:16 +08:00
CheckCrossedArrivalPlane = 268435456,//28,
UseVehicleFrontForArrival = 536870912,//29,
IgnoreWeatherRestrictions = 1073741824,//30,
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public enum CSpawnPoint__AvailabilityMpSp //SCENARIO Spawn point availability availableInMpSp
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: int //Key:671739257
kBoth = 0,
kOnlySp = 1,
kOnlyMp = 2,
public enum CScenarioChainingEdge__eAction //SCENARIO (Path) Edge Action
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: byte //Key:3326075799
Move = 0,
Unk_7865678 = 1,
MoveFollowMaster = 2,
public enum CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavMode //SCENARIO (Path) Edge nav mode
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: byte //Key:3016128742
Direct = 0,
NavMesh = 1,
Roads = 2,
public enum CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavSpeed //SCENARIO (Path) Edge nav speed
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: byte //Key:1112851290
Unk_00_3279574318 = 0,
Unk_01_2212923970 = 1,
Unk_02_4022799658 = 2,
Unk_03_1425672334 = 3,
Unk_04_957720931 = 4,
Unk_05_3795195414 = 5,
Unk_06_2834622009 = 6,
Unk_07_1876554076 = 7,
Unk_08_698543797 = 8,
Unk_09_1544199634 = 9,
Unk_10_2725613303 = 10,
Unk_11_4033265820 = 11,
Unk_12_3054809929 = 12,
Unk_13_3911005380 = 13,
Unk_14_3717649022 = 14,
Unk_15_3356026130 = 15,
public enum rage__fwArchetypeDef__eAssetType //archetype assetType
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: int //Key:1866031916
ASSET_TYPE_FRAGMENT = 1, //571047911
ASSET_TYPE_DRAWABLE = 2, //130075505
ASSET_TYPE_ASSETLESS = 4, //4161085041
public enum rage__eLodType //entity lodLevel
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: int //Key:1856311430
LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD3 = 4, //thanks Tadden :D
public enum rage__ePriorityLevel //entity priorityLevel
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: int //Key:2200357711
PRI_REQUIRED = 0, //1943361227
PRI_OPTIONAL_HIGH = 1, //3993616791
PRI_OPTIONAL_MEDIUM = 2, //515598709
PRI_OPTIONAL_LOW = 3, //329627604
public enum CExtensionDefLadderMaterialType //archetype CExtensionDefLadder materialType
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: int //Key:3514570158
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public enum CExtensionDefLightShaftDensityType //archetype CExtensionDefLightShaft densityType
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: int //Key:3539601182
2019-11-22 12:50:53 +08:00
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public enum CExtensionDefLightShaftVolumeType //archetype CExtensionDefLightShaft volumeType
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: int //Key:4287472345
2019-11-22 12:50:53 +08:00
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public enum ePedVarComp //component peds CComponentInfo ped accessory / variations slot
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: short //Key:3472084374
PV_COMP_UPPR = 4,//3,
PV_COMP_LOWR = 8,//4,
PV_COMP_HAND = 16,//5,
PV_COMP_FEET = 32,//6,
PV_COMP_TEEF = 64,//7,
PV_COMP_ACCS = 128,//8,
PV_COMP_TASK = 256,//9,
PV_COMP_DECL = 512,//10,
PV_COMP_JBIB = 1024,//11,
PV_COMP_MAX = 2048,//12,
public enum ePropRenderFlags //component peds CPedPropMetaData renderFlags
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: int //Key:1551913633
2019-11-22 12:50:53 +08:00
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public enum eAnchorPoints //component peds CAnchorProps eAnchorPoints
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: int //Key:1309372691
2019-11-22 12:50:53 +08:00
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public enum rage__phCapsuleBoundDef__enCollisionBoundDef //cloth collision data - rage__phCapsuleBoundDef Flags
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
: int //Key:1585854303
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
//generated + adjusted structs code (UnusedX padding vars manually added) from here down, + meta wrapper classes
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CMapTypes //80 bytes, Key:2608875220
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public Array_StructurePointer extensions { get; set; } //8 8: Array: 0: extensions {0: StructurePointer: 0: 256}
public Array_StructurePointer archetypes { get; set; } //24 24: Array: 0: archetypes {0: StructurePointer: 0: 256}
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //40 40: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//44
public Array_uint dependencies { get; set; } //48 48: Array: 0: dependencies//1013942340 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public Array_Structure compositeEntityTypes { get; set; } //64 64: Array: 0: compositeEntityTypes {0: Structure: SectionUNKNOWN2: 256}
public override string ToString()
return name.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CBaseArchetypeDef //144 bytes, Key:2411387556
public uint Unused00 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused01 { get; set; }//4
public float lodDist { get; set; } //8 8: Float: 0: lodDist
public uint flags { get; set; } //12 12: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public uint specialAttribute { get; set; } //16 16: UnsignedInt: 0: specialAttribute
public uint Unused02 { get; set; }//20
public uint Unused03 { get; set; }//24
public uint Unused04 { get; set; }//28
public Vector3 bbMin { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZ: 0: bbMin
public float Unused05 { get; set; }//44
public Vector3 bbMax { get; set; } //48 48: Float_XYZ: 0: bbMax
public float Unused06 { get; set; }//60
public Vector3 bsCentre { get; set; } //64 64: Float_XYZ: 0: bsCentre
public float Unused07 { get; set; }//76
public float bsRadius { get; set; } //80 80: Float: 0: bsRadius
public float hdTextureDist { get; set; } //84 84: Float: 0: hdTextureDist//2908576588
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //88 88: Hash: 0: name
public MetaHash textureDictionary { get; set; } //92 92: Hash: 0: textureDictionary
public MetaHash clipDictionary { get; set; } //96 96: Hash: 0: clipDictionary//424089489
public MetaHash drawableDictionary { get; set; } //100 100: Hash: 0: drawableDictionary
public MetaHash physicsDictionary { get; set; } //104 104: Hash: 0: physicsDictionary//3553040380
public rage__fwArchetypeDef__eAssetType assetType { get; set; } //108 108: IntEnum: 1991964615: assetType
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MetaHash assetName { get; set; } //112 112: Hash: 0: assetName
public uint Unused08 { get; set; }//116
public Array_StructurePointer extensions { get; set; } //120 120: Array: 0: extensions {0: StructurePointer: 0: 256}
public uint Unused09 { get; set; }//136
public uint Unused10 { get; set; }//140
public override string ToString()
return name.ToString() + ", " +
assetName.ToString() + ", " +
drawableDictionary.ToString() + ", " +
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CBaseArchetypeDef_v2 //128 bytes, Key:2352343492 //old version...
public uint Unused00 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused01 { get; set; }//4
public float lodDist { get; set; } //8 8: Float: 0: lodDist
public uint flags { get; set; } //12 12: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public uint specialAttribute { get; set; } //16 16: UnsignedInt: 0: specialAttribute
public uint Unused02 { get; set; }//20
public uint Unused03 { get; set; }//24
public uint Unused04 { get; set; }//28
public Vector3 bbMin { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZ: 0: bbMin
public float Unused05 { get; set; }//44
public Vector3 bbMax { get; set; } //48 48: Float_XYZ: 0: bbMax
public float Unused06 { get; set; }//60
public Vector3 bsCentre { get; set; } //64 64: Float_XYZ: 0: bsCentre
public float Unused07 { get; set; }//76
public float bsRadius { get; set; } //80 80: Float: 0: bsRadius
public float hdTextureDist { get; set; } //84 84: Float: 0: hdTextureDist//2908576588
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //88 88: Hash: 0: name
public MetaHash textureDictionary { get; set; } //92 92: Hash: 0: textureDictionary
public MetaHash clipDictionary { get; set; } //96 96: Hash: 0: clipDictionary//424089489
public MetaHash drawableDictionary { get; set; } //100 100: Hash: 0: drawableDictionary
public MetaHash physicsDictionary { get; set; } //104 104: Hash: 0: physicsDictionary//3553040380
public uint Unused08 { get; set; }//108
public Array_StructurePointer extensions { get; set; } //112 112: Array: 0: extensions {0: StructurePointer: 0: 256}
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CTimeArchetypeDefData
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public uint timeFlags { get; set; } //144 144: UnsignedInt: 0: timeFlags//2248791340
public uint Unused11 { get; set; }//148
public uint Unused12 { get; set; }//152
public uint Unused13 { get; set; }//156
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CTimeArchetypeDef //160 bytes, Key:2520619910
public CBaseArchetypeDef _BaseArchetypeDef;
public CTimeArchetypeDefData _TimeArchetypeDef;
public CBaseArchetypeDef BaseArchetypeDef { get { return _BaseArchetypeDef; } set { _BaseArchetypeDef = value; } }
public CTimeArchetypeDefData TimeArchetypeDef { get { return _TimeArchetypeDef; } set { _TimeArchetypeDef = value; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override string ToString()
return _BaseArchetypeDef.ToString();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CMloArchetypeDefData
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public uint mloFlags { get; set; } //144 144: UnsignedInt: 0: mloFlags//3590839912
public uint Unused11 { get; set; }//148
public Array_StructurePointer entities { get; set; } //152 152: Array: 0: entities {0: StructurePointer: 0: 256}
public Array_Structure rooms { get; set; } //168 168: Array: 0: rooms {0: Structure: CMloRoomDef: 256}
public Array_Structure portals { get; set; } //184 184: Array: 0: portals//2314725778 {0: Structure: CMloPortalDef: 256}
public Array_Structure entitySets { get; set; } //200 200: Array: 0: entitySets//1169996080 {0: Structure: CMloEntitySet: 256}
public Array_Structure timeCycleModifiers { get; set; } //216 216: Array: 0: timeCycleModifiers {0: Structure: CMloTimeCycleModifier: 256}
public uint Unused12 { get; set; }//232
public uint Unused13 { get; set; }//236
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CMloArchetypeDef //240 bytes, Key:937664754
public CBaseArchetypeDef _BaseArchetypeDef;
public CMloArchetypeDefData _MloArchetypeDef;
public CBaseArchetypeDef BaseArchetypeDef { get { return _BaseArchetypeDef; } set { _BaseArchetypeDef = value; } }
public CMloArchetypeDefData MloArchetypeDef { get { return _MloArchetypeDef; } set { _MloArchetypeDef = value; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override string ToString()
return _BaseArchetypeDef.ToString();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CMloInstanceDef //160 bytes, Key:2151576752
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public CEntityDef CEntityDef { get; set; }
public uint groupId { get; set; } //128 128: UnsignedInt: 0: 2501631252
public uint floorId { get; set; } //132 132: UnsignedInt: 0: floorId//2187650609
public Array_uint defaultEntitySets { get; set; } //136 136: Array: 0: defaultEntitySets//1407157833 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public uint numExitPortals { get; set; } //152 152: UnsignedInt: 0: numExitPortals//528711607
public uint MLOInstflags { get; set; } //156 156: UnsignedInt: 0: MLOInstflags//3761966250
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CMloRoomDef //112 bytes, Key:3885428245
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public CharPointer name { get; set; } //8 8: CharPointer: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//24
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public Vector3 bbMin { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZ: 0: bbMin
public float Unused4 { get; set; }//44
public Vector3 bbMax { get; set; } //48 48: Float_XYZ: 0: bbMax
public float Unused5 { get; set; }//60
public float blend { get; set; } //64 64: Float: 0: blend
public MetaHash timecycleName { get; set; } //68 68: Hash: 0: timecycleName//2724323497
public MetaHash secondaryTimecycleName { get; set; } //72 72: Hash: 0: secondaryTimecycleName//3255324828
public uint flags { get; set; } //76 76: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public uint portalCount { get; set; } //80 80: UnsignedInt: 0: portalCount//1105339827
public int floorId { get; set; } //84 84: SignedInt: 0: floorId//2187650609
public int exteriorVisibiltyDepth { get; set; } //88 88: SignedInt: 0: exteriorVisibiltyDepth//552849982
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//92
public Array_uint attachedObjects { get; set; } //96 96: Array: 0: attachedObjects//2382704940 {0: UnsignedInt: 0: 256}
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCMloRoomDef : MetaWrapper
public CMloRoomDef _Data;
public CMloRoomDef Data { get { return _Data; } }
public string RoomName { get; set; }
public uint[] AttachedObjects { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBCenter { get { return (_Data.bbMax + _Data.bbMin) * 0.5f; } }
public Vector3 BBSize { get { return (_Data.bbMax - _Data.bbMin); } }
public Vector3 BBMin { get { return (_Data.bbMin); } }
public Vector3 BBMax { get { return (_Data.bbMax); } }
public Vector3 BBMin_CW { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMax_CW { get; set; }
Ability to edit YTYP files and MLO Entity Defintions + Revisions to grass brush (#33) * - Add ability to edit/add ytyp files to project. - Add ability to edit/add ytyp archetype files to ytyp. - Add ability to add/remove entities from mlo archetype defs. - Add ability to save ytyp files. - Add dialog popup before optimizing grass batches. - Fix grass batches not being selected when chaning selection in project explorer. - Merged with upstream/master. - Squashed last 4 commits for PR cleanliness. * Fixed windows forms reference error. * - Added error checking to deleting mlo entities. - Fixed various bugs with deleting mlo entities. - Fixed edit archetype panel Asset Type box. - Removed redundant/unnecessary. - Removed backwards references between MCEntityDef and YmapEntityDef. All ymap entity to mcentity references are grabbed using indecies in the MloInstanceData class. - Fixed "YmapMenu" not showing when selecting entities/mlo entities in project form. Current bugs: - Loading a ytyp file -- mlo entities are not editiable, and are created in the world. - entitysets are not editable (properly). - Removing an mloinstancedef from a ymap does not delete the mlo instance's gizmo from the world, and it's still selectable. (Although all references are lost, and I believe collected by the GC?) * - Moved archetype initialization methods YmapFile.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) and MloInstanceData.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) - Added ability to load mlo instance defs through ymap files. - Fixed add method for mlo archetypes. * - Removed SetOrientationInv. - Removed unreachable code + updated comment. - Renamed CreateEntity to CreateYmapEntity, and renamed params for consistency. * Split calls to CreateYmapEntity() and MloArchetype.AddEntity(). * Fixed redundant rotation inversions. * - Added ability to select rooms. - Changed tree view grouping for mlo entities. - Fixed projectexplorer selection bugs. - Added ability to toggle mlo entity sets. - Fixed some change events when editing archetypes.
2018-12-03 16:54:04 +08:00
2019-12-28 01:08:45 +08:00
public MloArchetype OwnerMlo { get; set; } // for browsing/reference purposes
Ability to edit YTYP files and MLO Entity Defintions + Revisions to grass brush (#33) * - Add ability to edit/add ytyp files to project. - Add ability to edit/add ytyp archetype files to ytyp. - Add ability to add/remove entities from mlo archetype defs. - Add ability to save ytyp files. - Add dialog popup before optimizing grass batches. - Fix grass batches not being selected when chaning selection in project explorer. - Merged with upstream/master. - Squashed last 4 commits for PR cleanliness. * Fixed windows forms reference error. * - Added error checking to deleting mlo entities. - Fixed various bugs with deleting mlo entities. - Fixed edit archetype panel Asset Type box. - Removed redundant/unnecessary. - Removed backwards references between MCEntityDef and YmapEntityDef. All ymap entity to mcentity references are grabbed using indecies in the MloInstanceData class. - Fixed "YmapMenu" not showing when selecting entities/mlo entities in project form. Current bugs: - Loading a ytyp file -- mlo entities are not editiable, and are created in the world. - entitysets are not editable (properly). - Removing an mloinstancedef from a ymap does not delete the mlo instance's gizmo from the world, and it's still selectable. (Although all references are lost, and I believe collected by the GC?) * - Moved archetype initialization methods YmapFile.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) and MloInstanceData.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) - Added ability to load mlo instance defs through ymap files. - Fixed add method for mlo archetypes. * - Removed SetOrientationInv. - Removed unreachable code + updated comment. - Renamed CreateEntity to CreateYmapEntity, and renamed params for consistency. * Split calls to CreateYmapEntity() and MloArchetype.AddEntity(). * Fixed redundant rotation inversions. * - Added ability to select rooms. - Changed tree view grouping for mlo entities. - Fixed projectexplorer selection bugs. - Added ability to toggle mlo entity sets. - Fixed some change events when editing archetypes.
2018-12-03 16:54:04 +08:00
public int Index { get; set; }
public MCMloRoomDef() { }
public MCMloRoomDef(Meta meta, CMloRoomDef data)
_Data = data;
RoomName = MetaTypes.GetString(meta,;
AttachedObjects = MetaTypes.GetUintArray(meta, _Data.attachedObjects);
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CMloRoomDef>(meta, ptr);
RoomName = MetaTypes.GetString(meta,;
AttachedObjects = MetaTypes.GetUintArray(meta, _Data.attachedObjects);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RoomName))
{ = mb.AddStringPtr(RoomName);
{ = new CharPointer();
if (AttachedObjects != null)
_Data.attachedObjects = mb.AddUintArrayPtr(AttachedObjects);
_Data.attachedObjects = new Array_uint();
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CMloRoomDef, _Data);
public override string Name
return RoomName;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override string ToString()
return RoomName;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CMloPortalDef //64 bytes, Key:1110221513
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public uint roomFrom { get; set; } //8 8: UnsignedInt: 0: 4101034749
public uint roomTo { get; set; } //12 12: UnsignedInt: 0: 2607060513
public uint flags { get; set; } //16 16: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public uint mirrorPriority { get; set; } //20 20: UnsignedInt: 0: 1185490713
public uint opacity { get; set; } //24 24: UnsignedInt: 0: opacity
public uint audioOcclusion { get; set; } //28 28: UnsignedInt: 0: 1093790004
public Array_Vector3 corners { get; set; } //32 32: Array: 0: corners {0: Float_XYZ: 0: 256}
public Array_uint attachedObjects { get; set; } //48 48: Array: 0: attachedObjects//2382704940 {0: UnsignedInt: 0: 256}
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCMloPortalDef : MetaWrapper
public CMloPortalDef _Data;
public CMloPortalDef Data { get { return _Data; } }
public Vector4[] Corners { get; set; }
public uint[] AttachedObjects { get; set; }
public Vector3 Center
if ((Corners == null)||(Corners.Length==0)) return Vector3.Zero;
var v = Vector3.Zero;
for (int i = 0; i < Corners.Length; i++)
v += Corners[i].XYZ();
v *= (1.0f / Corners.Length);
return v;
2019-12-28 01:08:45 +08:00
public MloArchetype OwnerMlo { get; set; } // for browsing/reference purposes
public int Index { get; set; }
public MCMloPortalDef() { }
public MCMloPortalDef(Meta meta, CMloPortalDef data)
_Data = data;
Corners = MetaTypes.GetPaddedVector3Array(meta, _Data.corners);
AttachedObjects = MetaTypes.GetUintArray(meta, _Data.attachedObjects);
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CMloPortalDef>(meta, ptr);
Corners = MetaTypes.GetPaddedVector3Array(meta, _Data.corners);
AttachedObjects = MetaTypes.GetUintArray(meta, _Data.attachedObjects);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
if (Corners!=null)
_Data.corners = mb.AddPaddedVector3ArrayPtr(Corners);
_Data.corners = new Array_Vector3();
if (AttachedObjects != null)
_Data.attachedObjects = mb.AddUintArrayPtr(AttachedObjects);
_Data.attachedObjects = new Array_uint();
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CMloPortalDef, _Data);
public override string Name
2019-12-29 21:56:29 +08:00
return Index.ToString() + ": " + _Data.roomFrom.ToString() + " to " + _Data.roomTo.ToString();
public override string ToString()
return Name;
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CMloEntitySet //48 bytes, Key:4180211587
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Array_uint locations { get; set; } //16 16: Array: 0: locations {0: UnsignedInt: 0: 256}
public Array_StructurePointer entities { get; set; } //32 32: Array: 0: entities {0: StructurePointer: 0: 256}
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCMloEntitySet : MetaWrapper
public CMloEntitySet _Data;
public CMloEntitySet Data { get { return _Data; } }
public uint[] Locations { get; set; }
public MCEntityDef[] Entities { get; set; }
2019-12-28 01:08:45 +08:00
public MloArchetype OwnerMlo { get; set; } // for browsing/reference purposes
public int Index { get; set; }
public bool ForceVisible { get; set; } = false; //forces this entity set visible from the project window, for rendering purpose
public MCMloEntitySet() { }
2019-12-28 01:08:45 +08:00
public MCMloEntitySet(Meta meta, CMloEntitySet data, MloArchetype owner)
_Data = data;
2019-12-28 01:08:45 +08:00
OwnerMlo = owner;
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CMloEntitySet>(meta, ptr);
private void Load(Meta meta)
Locations = MetaTypes.GetUintArray(meta, _Data.locations);
var ents = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CEntityDef>(meta, MetaName.CEntityDef, _Data.entities);
if (ents != null)
Entities = new MCEntityDef[ents.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < ents.Length; i++)
2019-12-28 01:08:45 +08:00
Entities[i] = new MCEntityDef(meta, ref ents[i]) { OwnerMlo = OwnerMlo };
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
if (Locations != null)
_Data.locations = mb.AddUintArrayPtr(Locations);
_Data.locations = new Array_uint();
if (Entities!=null)
_Data.entities = mb.AddWrapperArrayPtr(Entities);
_Data.entities = new Array_StructurePointer();
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CMloEntitySet, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
2018-01-02 14:43:47 +08:00
return Name + ": " + (Entities?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " entities";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CMloTimeCycleModifier //48 bytes, Key:838874674
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector4 sphere { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZW: 0: sphere
public float percentage { get; set; } //32 32: Float: 0: percentage
public float range { get; set; } //36 36: Float: 0: range
public uint startHour { get; set; } //40 40: UnsignedInt: 0: startHour
public uint endHour { get; set; } //44 44: UnsignedInt: 0: vlink87812
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CMapData //512 bytes, Key:3448101671
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public MetaHash parent { get; set; } //12 12: Hash: 0: parent
public uint flags { get; set; } //16 16: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public uint contentFlags { get; set; } //20 20: UnsignedInt: 0: contentFlags//1785155637
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//24
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public Vector3 streamingExtentsMin { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZ: 0: streamingExtentsMin//3710026271
public float Unused4 { get; set; }//44
public Vector3 streamingExtentsMax { get; set; } //48 48: Float_XYZ: 0: streamingExtentsMax//2720965429
public float Unused5 { get; set; }//60
public Vector3 entitiesExtentsMin { get; set; } //64 64: Float_XYZ: 0: entitiesExtentsMin//477478129
public float Unused6 { get; set; }//76
public Vector3 entitiesExtentsMax { get; set; } //80 80: Float_XYZ: 0: entitiesExtentsMax//1829192759
public float Unused7 { get; set; }//92
public Array_StructurePointer entities { get; set; } //96 96: Array: 0: entities {0: StructurePointer: 0: 256}
public Array_Structure containerLods { get; set; } //112 112: Array: 0: containerLods//2935983381 {0: Structure: 372253349: 256}
public Array_Structure boxOccluders { get; set; } //128 128: Array: 0: boxOccluders//3983590932 {0: Structure: SectionUNKNOWN7: 256}
public Array_Structure occludeModels { get; set; } //144 144: Array: 0: occludeModels//2132383965 {0: Structure: SectionUNKNOWN5: 256}
public Array_uint physicsDictionaries { get; set; } //160 160: Array: 0: physicsDictionaries//949589348 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public rage__fwInstancedMapData instancedData { get; set; } //176 176: Structure: rage__fwInstancedMapData: instancedData//2569067561
public Array_Structure timeCycleModifiers { get; set; } //224 224: Array: 0: timeCycleModifiers {0: Structure: CTimeCycleModifier: 256}
public Array_Structure carGenerators { get; set; } //240 240: Array: 0: carGenerators//3254823756 {0: Structure: CCarGen: 256}
public CLODLight LODLightsSOA { get; set; } //256 256: Structure: CLODLight: LODLightsSOA//1774371066
public CDistantLODLight DistantLODLightsSOA { get; set; } //392 392: Structure: CDistantLODLight: DistantLODLightsSOA//2954466641
public CBlockDesc block { get; set; } //440 440: Structure: CBlockDesc//3072355914: block
// flag 1 = SCRIPTED flag (eg destruction)
// flag 2 = LOD flag? reflection proxy flag?
public override string ToString()
return name.ToString() + ": " + parent.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CEntityDef //128 bytes, Key:1825799514
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash archetypeName { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: archetypeName
public uint flags { get; set; } //12 12: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public uint guid { get; set; } //16 16: UnsignedInt: 0: guid
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//20
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//24
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//28
public Vector3 position { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZ: 0: position
public float Unused5 { get; set; }//44
public Vector4 rotation { get; set; } //48 48: Float_XYZW: 0: rotation
public float scaleXY { get; set; } //64 64: Float: 0: 2627937847
public float scaleZ { get; set; } //68 68: Float: 0: 284916802
public int parentIndex { get; set; } //72 72: SignedInt: 0: parentIndex
public float lodDist { get; set; } //76 76: Float: 0: lodDist
public float childLodDist { get; set; } //80 80: Float: 0: childLodDist//3398912973
public rage__eLodType lodLevel { get; set; } //84 84: IntEnum: 1264241711: lodLevel //LODTYPES_DEPTH_
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public uint numChildren { get; set; } //88 88: UnsignedInt: 0: numChildren//2793909385
public rage__ePriorityLevel priorityLevel { get; set; } //92 92: IntEnum: 648413703: priorityLevel//647098393
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public Array_StructurePointer extensions { get; set; } //96 96: Array: 0: extensions {0: StructurePointer: 0: 256}
public int ambientOcclusionMultiplier { get; set; } //112 112: SignedInt: 0: ambientOcclusionMultiplier//415356295
public int artificialAmbientOcclusion { get; set; } //116 116: SignedInt: 0: artificialAmbientOcclusion//599844163
public uint tintValue { get; set; } //120 120: UnsignedInt: 0: tintValue//1015358759
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//124
public override string ToString()
return JenkIndex.GetString(archetypeName) + ": " + JenkIndex.GetString(guid) + ": " + position.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCEntityDef : MetaWrapper
public CEntityDef _Data;
Ability to edit YTYP files and MLO Entity Defintions + Revisions to grass brush (#33) * - Add ability to edit/add ytyp files to project. - Add ability to edit/add ytyp archetype files to ytyp. - Add ability to add/remove entities from mlo archetype defs. - Add ability to save ytyp files. - Add dialog popup before optimizing grass batches. - Fix grass batches not being selected when chaning selection in project explorer. - Merged with upstream/master. - Squashed last 4 commits for PR cleanliness. * Fixed windows forms reference error. * - Added error checking to deleting mlo entities. - Fixed various bugs with deleting mlo entities. - Fixed edit archetype panel Asset Type box. - Removed redundant/unnecessary. - Removed backwards references between MCEntityDef and YmapEntityDef. All ymap entity to mcentity references are grabbed using indecies in the MloInstanceData class. - Fixed "YmapMenu" not showing when selecting entities/mlo entities in project form. Current bugs: - Loading a ytyp file -- mlo entities are not editiable, and are created in the world. - entitysets are not editable (properly). - Removing an mloinstancedef from a ymap does not delete the mlo instance's gizmo from the world, and it's still selectable. (Although all references are lost, and I believe collected by the GC?) * - Moved archetype initialization methods YmapFile.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) and MloInstanceData.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) - Added ability to load mlo instance defs through ymap files. - Fixed add method for mlo archetypes. * - Removed SetOrientationInv. - Removed unreachable code + updated comment. - Renamed CreateEntity to CreateYmapEntity, and renamed params for consistency. * Split calls to CreateYmapEntity() and MloArchetype.AddEntity(). * Fixed redundant rotation inversions. * - Added ability to select rooms. - Changed tree view grouping for mlo entities. - Fixed projectexplorer selection bugs. - Added ability to toggle mlo entity sets. - Fixed some change events when editing archetypes.
2018-12-03 16:54:04 +08:00
public CEntityDef Data { get { return _Data; } set { _Data = value; } }
public MetaWrapper[] Extensions { get; set; }
2019-12-28 01:08:45 +08:00
public MloArchetype OwnerMlo { get; set; } // for browsing/reference purposes
public int Index { get; set; }
Ability to edit YTYP files and MLO Entity Defintions + Revisions to grass brush (#33) * - Add ability to edit/add ytyp files to project. - Add ability to edit/add ytyp archetype files to ytyp. - Add ability to add/remove entities from mlo archetype defs. - Add ability to save ytyp files. - Add dialog popup before optimizing grass batches. - Fix grass batches not being selected when chaning selection in project explorer. - Merged with upstream/master. - Squashed last 4 commits for PR cleanliness. * Fixed windows forms reference error. * - Added error checking to deleting mlo entities. - Fixed various bugs with deleting mlo entities. - Fixed edit archetype panel Asset Type box. - Removed redundant/unnecessary. - Removed backwards references between MCEntityDef and YmapEntityDef. All ymap entity to mcentity references are grabbed using indecies in the MloInstanceData class. - Fixed "YmapMenu" not showing when selecting entities/mlo entities in project form. Current bugs: - Loading a ytyp file -- mlo entities are not editiable, and are created in the world. - entitysets are not editable (properly). - Removing an mloinstancedef from a ymap does not delete the mlo instance's gizmo from the world, and it's still selectable. (Although all references are lost, and I believe collected by the GC?) * - Moved archetype initialization methods YmapFile.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) and MloInstanceData.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) - Added ability to load mlo instance defs through ymap files. - Fixed add method for mlo archetypes. * - Removed SetOrientationInv. - Removed unreachable code + updated comment. - Renamed CreateEntity to CreateYmapEntity, and renamed params for consistency. * Split calls to CreateYmapEntity() and MloArchetype.AddEntity(). * Fixed redundant rotation inversions. * - Added ability to select rooms. - Changed tree view grouping for mlo entities. - Fixed projectexplorer selection bugs. - Added ability to toggle mlo entity sets. - Fixed some change events when editing archetypes.
2018-12-03 16:54:04 +08:00
public MCEntityDef(MCEntityDef copy)
Ability to edit YTYP files and MLO Entity Defintions + Revisions to grass brush (#33) * - Add ability to edit/add ytyp files to project. - Add ability to edit/add ytyp archetype files to ytyp. - Add ability to add/remove entities from mlo archetype defs. - Add ability to save ytyp files. - Add dialog popup before optimizing grass batches. - Fix grass batches not being selected when chaning selection in project explorer. - Merged with upstream/master. - Squashed last 4 commits for PR cleanliness. * Fixed windows forms reference error. * - Added error checking to deleting mlo entities. - Fixed various bugs with deleting mlo entities. - Fixed edit archetype panel Asset Type box. - Removed redundant/unnecessary. - Removed backwards references between MCEntityDef and YmapEntityDef. All ymap entity to mcentity references are grabbed using indecies in the MloInstanceData class. - Fixed "YmapMenu" not showing when selecting entities/mlo entities in project form. Current bugs: - Loading a ytyp file -- mlo entities are not editiable, and are created in the world. - entitysets are not editable (properly). - Removing an mloinstancedef from a ymap does not delete the mlo instance's gizmo from the world, and it's still selectable. (Although all references are lost, and I believe collected by the GC?) * - Moved archetype initialization methods YmapFile.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) and MloInstanceData.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) - Added ability to load mlo instance defs through ymap files. - Fixed add method for mlo archetypes. * - Removed SetOrientationInv. - Removed unreachable code + updated comment. - Renamed CreateEntity to CreateYmapEntity, and renamed params for consistency. * Split calls to CreateYmapEntity() and MloArchetype.AddEntity(). * Fixed redundant rotation inversions. * - Added ability to select rooms. - Changed tree view grouping for mlo entities. - Fixed projectexplorer selection bugs. - Added ability to toggle mlo entity sets. - Fixed some change events when editing archetypes.
2018-12-03 16:54:04 +08:00
if (copy != null) _Data = copy.Data;
Ability to edit YTYP files and MLO Entity Defintions + Revisions to grass brush (#33) * - Add ability to edit/add ytyp files to project. - Add ability to edit/add ytyp archetype files to ytyp. - Add ability to add/remove entities from mlo archetype defs. - Add ability to save ytyp files. - Add dialog popup before optimizing grass batches. - Fix grass batches not being selected when chaning selection in project explorer. - Merged with upstream/master. - Squashed last 4 commits for PR cleanliness. * Fixed windows forms reference error. * - Added error checking to deleting mlo entities. - Fixed various bugs with deleting mlo entities. - Fixed edit archetype panel Asset Type box. - Removed redundant/unnecessary. - Removed backwards references between MCEntityDef and YmapEntityDef. All ymap entity to mcentity references are grabbed using indecies in the MloInstanceData class. - Fixed "YmapMenu" not showing when selecting entities/mlo entities in project form. Current bugs: - Loading a ytyp file -- mlo entities are not editiable, and are created in the world. - entitysets are not editable (properly). - Removing an mloinstancedef from a ymap does not delete the mlo instance's gizmo from the world, and it's still selectable. (Although all references are lost, and I believe collected by the GC?) * - Moved archetype initialization methods YmapFile.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) and MloInstanceData.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) - Added ability to load mlo instance defs through ymap files. - Fixed add method for mlo archetypes. * - Removed SetOrientationInv. - Removed unreachable code + updated comment. - Renamed CreateEntity to CreateYmapEntity, and renamed params for consistency. * Split calls to CreateYmapEntity() and MloArchetype.AddEntity(). * Fixed redundant rotation inversions. * - Added ability to select rooms. - Changed tree view grouping for mlo entities. - Fixed projectexplorer selection bugs. - Added ability to toggle mlo entity sets. - Fixed some change events when editing archetypes.
2018-12-03 16:54:04 +08:00
public MCEntityDef(Meta meta, ref CEntityDef d)
_Data = d;
Extensions = MetaTypes.GetExtensions(meta, _Data.extensions);
Ability to edit YTYP files and MLO Entity Defintions + Revisions to grass brush (#33) * - Add ability to edit/add ytyp files to project. - Add ability to edit/add ytyp archetype files to ytyp. - Add ability to add/remove entities from mlo archetype defs. - Add ability to save ytyp files. - Add dialog popup before optimizing grass batches. - Fix grass batches not being selected when chaning selection in project explorer. - Merged with upstream/master. - Squashed last 4 commits for PR cleanliness. * Fixed windows forms reference error. * - Added error checking to deleting mlo entities. - Fixed various bugs with deleting mlo entities. - Fixed edit archetype panel Asset Type box. - Removed redundant/unnecessary. - Removed backwards references between MCEntityDef and YmapEntityDef. All ymap entity to mcentity references are grabbed using indecies in the MloInstanceData class. - Fixed "YmapMenu" not showing when selecting entities/mlo entities in project form. Current bugs: - Loading a ytyp file -- mlo entities are not editiable, and are created in the world. - entitysets are not editable (properly). - Removing an mloinstancedef from a ymap does not delete the mlo instance's gizmo from the world, and it's still selectable. (Although all references are lost, and I believe collected by the GC?) * - Moved archetype initialization methods YmapFile.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) and MloInstanceData.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) - Added ability to load mlo instance defs through ymap files. - Fixed add method for mlo archetypes. * - Removed SetOrientationInv. - Removed unreachable code + updated comment. - Renamed CreateEntity to CreateYmapEntity, and renamed params for consistency. * Split calls to CreateYmapEntity() and MloArchetype.AddEntity(). * Fixed redundant rotation inversions. * - Added ability to select rooms. - Changed tree view grouping for mlo entities. - Fixed projectexplorer selection bugs. - Added ability to toggle mlo entity sets. - Fixed some change events when editing archetypes.
2018-12-03 16:54:04 +08:00
public MCEntityDef(ref CEntityDef d, MloArchetype arch)
_Data = d;
2019-12-28 01:08:45 +08:00
OwnerMlo = arch;
Ability to edit YTYP files and MLO Entity Defintions + Revisions to grass brush (#33) * - Add ability to edit/add ytyp files to project. - Add ability to edit/add ytyp archetype files to ytyp. - Add ability to add/remove entities from mlo archetype defs. - Add ability to save ytyp files. - Add dialog popup before optimizing grass batches. - Fix grass batches not being selected when chaning selection in project explorer. - Merged with upstream/master. - Squashed last 4 commits for PR cleanliness. * Fixed windows forms reference error. * - Added error checking to deleting mlo entities. - Fixed various bugs with deleting mlo entities. - Fixed edit archetype panel Asset Type box. - Removed redundant/unnecessary. - Removed backwards references between MCEntityDef and YmapEntityDef. All ymap entity to mcentity references are grabbed using indecies in the MloInstanceData class. - Fixed "YmapMenu" not showing when selecting entities/mlo entities in project form. Current bugs: - Loading a ytyp file -- mlo entities are not editiable, and are created in the world. - entitysets are not editable (properly). - Removing an mloinstancedef from a ymap does not delete the mlo instance's gizmo from the world, and it's still selectable. (Although all references are lost, and I believe collected by the GC?) * - Moved archetype initialization methods YmapFile.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) and MloInstanceData.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) - Added ability to load mlo instance defs through ymap files. - Fixed add method for mlo archetypes. * - Removed SetOrientationInv. - Removed unreachable code + updated comment. - Renamed CreateEntity to CreateYmapEntity, and renamed params for consistency. * Split calls to CreateYmapEntity() and MloArchetype.AddEntity(). * Fixed redundant rotation inversions. * - Added ability to select rooms. - Changed tree view grouping for mlo entities. - Fixed projectexplorer selection bugs. - Added ability to toggle mlo entity sets. - Fixed some change events when editing archetypes.
2018-12-03 16:54:04 +08:00
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CEntityDef>(meta, ptr);
Extensions = MetaTypes.GetExtensions(meta, _Data.extensions);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
if (Extensions != null)
_Data.extensions = mb.AddWrapperArrayPtr(Extensions);
_Data.extensions = new Array_StructurePointer();
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CEntityDef, _Data);
public override string Name
return _Data.archetypeName.ToString();
public override string ToString()
return Name;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct BoxOccluder //16 bytes, Key:1831736438 //boxOccluders
public short iCenterX { get; set; } //0 0: SignedShort: 0: 48026296
public short iCenterY { get; set; } //2 2: SignedShort: 0: 896907229
public short iCenterZ { get; set; } //4 4: SignedShort: 0: 1597508449
public short iCosZ { get; set; } //6 6: SignedShort: 0: iCosZ
public short iLength { get; set; } //8 8: SignedShort: 0: 2854610661
public short iWidth { get; set; } //10 10: SignedShort: 0: 168013536
public short iHeight { get; set; } //12 12: SignedShort: 0: 3485277993
public short iSinZ { get; set; } //14 14: SignedShort: 0: iSinZ
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct OccludeModel //64 bytes, Key:1172796107 //occludeModels
public Vector3 bmin { get; set; } //0 0: Float_XYZ: 0: bmin
public float Unused0 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 bmax { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: bmax
public float Unused1 { get; set; }//28
public uint dataSize { get; set; } //32 32: UnsignedInt: 0: dataSize//2442753371
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//36
public DataBlockPointer verts { get; set; } //40 40: DataBlockPointer: 2: verts
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
public ushort numVertsInBytes { get; set; } //48 48: UnsignedShort: 0: numVertsInBytes
public ushort numTris { get; set; } //50 50: UnsignedShort: 0: numTris
public uint flags { get; set; } //52 52: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//56
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//60
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct rage__fwInstancedMapData //48 bytes, Key:1836780118
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash ImapLink { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: ImapLink//2142127586
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Array_Structure PropInstanceList { get; set; } //16 16: Array: 0: PropInstanceList//3551474528 {0: Structure: rage__fwPropInstanceListDef: 256}
public Array_Structure GrassInstanceList { get; set; } //32 32: Array: 0: GrassInstanceList//255292381 {0: Structure: rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef: 256}
public override string ToString()
return ImapLink.ToString() + ", " + PropInstanceList.Count1.ToString() + " props, " + GrassInstanceList.Count1.ToString() + " grasses";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef //96 bytes, Key:941808164 rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef//2085051229
public rage__spdAABB BatchAABB { get; set; } //0 0: Structure: 4084721864: BatchAABB//1859041902
public Vector3 ScaleRange { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZ: 0: ScaleRange
public float Unused0 { get; set; }//44
public MetaHash archetypeName { get; set; } //48 48: Hash: 0: archetypeName
public uint lodDist { get; set; } //52 52: UnsignedInt: 0: lodDist
public float LodFadeStartDist { get; set; } //56 56: Float: 0: LodFadeStartDist//2216273066
public float LodInstFadeRange { get; set; } //60 60: Float: 0: LodInstFadeRange//1405992723
public float OrientToTerrain { get; set; } //64 64: Float: 0: OrientToTerrain//3341475578
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//68
public Array_Structure InstanceList { get; set; } //72 72: Array: 0: InstanceList//470289337 {0: Structure: rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData: 256}
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//88
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//92
public override string ToString()
return archetypeName.ToString() + " (" + InstanceList.Count1.ToString() + " instances)";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData //16 bytes, Key:2740378365 rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData//3985044770 // Tom: Something to do with placing foliage
public ArrayOfUshorts3 Position { get; set; } //0 0: ArrayOfBytes: 3: Position - Ushorts
public byte NormalX { get; set; } //6 6: UnsignedByte: 0: NormalX//3138065392
public byte NormalY { get; set; } //7 7: UnsignedByte: 0: NormalY//273792636
public ArrayOfBytes3 Color { get; set; } //8 8: ArrayOfBytes: 3: Color
public byte Scale { get; set; } //11 11: UnsignedByte: 0: Scale
public byte Ao { get; set; } //12 12: UnsignedByte: 0: Ao//2996378564
public ArrayOfBytes3 Pad { get; set; } //13 13: ArrayOfBytes: 3: Pad
public override string ToString()
return Position.ToString() + " : " + Color.ToString() + " : " + Scale.ToString();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CTimeCycleModifier //64 bytes, Key:2683420777
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 minExtents { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: minExtents=1731020657
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public Vector3 maxExtents { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZ: 0: maxExtents=2554806840
public float Unused4 { get; set; }//44
public float percentage { get; set; } //48 48: Float: 0: percentage
public float range { get; set; } //52 52: Float: 0: range
public uint startHour { get; set; } //56 56: UnsignedInt: 0: startHour
public uint endHour { get; set; } //60 60: UnsignedInt: 0: endHour
//regarding name in OpenIV:
//2633803310 = NoAmbientmult
//2003616884 = INT_NoAmbientMult
public override string ToString()
return name.ToString() + ": startHour " + startHour.ToString() + ", endHour " + endHour.ToString() + ", range " + range.ToString() + ", percentage " + percentage.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CCarGen //80 bytes, Key:2345238261
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//8
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 position { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: position
public float Unused4 { get; set; }//28
public float orientX { get; set; } //32 32: Float: 0: orientX=735213009
public float orientY { get; set; } //36 36: Float: 0: orientY=979440342
public float perpendicularLength { get; set; } //40 40: Float: 0: perpendicularLength=124715667
public MetaHash carModel { get; set; } //44 44: Hash: 0: carModel
public uint flags { get; set; } //48 48: UnsignedInt: 0: flags /// _CP_: looks like flag 1879051873 in cargens forces to spawn a vehicle
public int bodyColorRemap1 { get; set; } //52 52: SignedInt: 0: bodyColorRemap1=1429703670
public int bodyColorRemap2 { get; set; } //56 56: SignedInt: 0: bodyColorRemap2=1254848286
public int bodyColorRemap3 { get; set; } //60 60: SignedInt: 0: bodyColorRemap3=1880965569
public int bodyColorRemap4 { get; set; } //64 64: SignedInt: 0: bodyColorRemap4=1719152247
public MetaHash popGroup { get; set; } //68 68: Hash: 0: popGroup=911358791
public sbyte livery { get; set; } //72 72: SignedByte: 0: livery
public byte Unused5 { get; set; }//73
public ushort Unused6 { get; set; }//74
public uint Unused7 { get; set; }//76
public override string ToString()
return carModel.ToString() + ", " + position.ToString() + ", " + popGroup.ToString() + ", " + livery.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CLODLight //136 bytes, Key:2325189228
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public Array_Structure direction { get; set; } //8 8: Array: 0: direction {0: Structure: VECTOR3: 256}
public Array_float falloff { get; set; } //24 24: Array: 0: falloff {0: Float: 0: 256}
public Array_float falloffExponent { get; set; } //40 40: Array: 0: falloffExponent {0: Float: 0: 256}
public Array_uint timeAndStateFlags { get; set; } //56 56: Array: 0: timeAndStateFlags=3112418278 {0: UnsignedInt: 0: 256}
public Array_uint hash { get; set; } //72 72: Array: 0: hash {0: UnsignedInt: 0: 256}
public Array_byte coneInnerAngle { get; set; } //88 88: Array: 0: coneInnerAngle//1163671864 {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
public Array_byte coneOuterAngleOrCapExt { get; set; } //104 104: Array: 0: coneOuterAngleOrCapExt=3161894080 {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
public Array_byte coronaIntensity { get; set; } //120 120: Array: 0: coronaIntensity//2292363771 {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CDistantLODLight //48 bytes, Key:2820908419
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public Array_Structure position { get; set; } //8 8: Array: 0: position {0: Structure: VECTOR3: 256}
public Array_uint RGBI { get; set; } //24 24: Array: 0: RGBI {0: UnsignedInt: 0: 256}
public ushort numStreetLights { get; set; } //40 40: UnsignedShort: 0: numStreetLights//3708891211
public ushort category { get; set; } //42 42: UnsignedShort: 0: category//2052871693
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//44
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CBlockDesc //72 bytes, Key:2015795449
public uint version { get; set; } //0 0: UnsignedInt: 0: version
public uint flags { get; set; } //4 4: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public CharPointer name { get; set; } //8 8: CharPointer: 0: name
public CharPointer exportedBy { get; set; } //24 24: CharPointer: 0: exportedBy//1983184981
public CharPointer owner { get; set; } //40 40: CharPointer: 0: owner
public CharPointer time { get; set; } //56 56: CharPointer: 0: time
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefParticleEffect //96 bytes, Key:466596385
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public Vector4 offsetRotation { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZW: 0: offsetRotation
public CharPointer fxName { get; set; } //48 48: CharPointer: 0: fxName
public int fxType { get; set; } //64 64: SignedInt: 0: fxType
public int boneTag { get; set; } //68 68: SignedInt: 0: boneTag
public float scale { get; set; } //72 72: Float: 0: scale
public int probability { get; set; } //76 76: SignedInt: 0: probability
public int flags { get; set; } //80 80: SignedInt: 0: flags
public uint color { get; set; } //84 84: UnsignedInt: 0: color
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//88
public uint Unused5 { get; set; }//92
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefParticleEffect - " + name.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefParticleEffect : MetaWrapper
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public CExtensionDefParticleEffect _Data;
public CExtensionDefParticleEffect Data { get { return _Data; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public string fxName { get; set; }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefParticleEffect>(meta, ptr);
fxName = MetaTypes.GetString(meta, _Data.fxName);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
if (fxName != null)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
_Data.fxName = mb.AddStringPtr(fxName);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefParticleEffect, _Data);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override string Name
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return fxName;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString() + " - " + fxName;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefLightEffect //48 bytes, Key:2436199897
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public Array_Structure instances { get; set; } //32 32: Array: 0: 274177522 {0: Structure: CLightAttrDef: 256}
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefLightEffect - " + name.ToString();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefLightEffect : MetaWrapper
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public CExtensionDefLightEffect _Data;
public CExtensionDefLightEffect Data { get { return _Data; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public CLightAttrDef[] instances { get; set; }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefLightEffect>(meta, ptr);
instances = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CLightAttrDef>(meta, MetaName.CLightAttrDef, _Data.instances);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
if (instances != null)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
_Data.instances = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CLightAttrDef, instances);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefLightEffect, _Data);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override string Name
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString() + " (" + (instances?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " Attributes)";
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CLightAttrDef //160 bytes, Key:2363260268
public uint Unused00 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused01 { get; set; }//4
public Vector3 posn { get; set; } //8 8: ArrayOfBytes: 3: posn //actually ArrayOfFloats3 (Vector3!)
public ArrayOfBytes3 colour { get; set; } //20 20: ArrayOfBytes: 3: colour
public byte flashiness { get; set; } //23 23: UnsignedByte: 0: 3829693202
public float intensity { get; set; } //24 24: Float: 0: intensity
public uint flags { get; set; } //28 28: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public short boneTag { get; set; } //32 32: SignedShort: 0: boneTag
public byte lightType { get; set; } //34 34: UnsignedByte: 0: 482065968
public byte groupId { get; set; } //35 35: UnsignedByte: 0: 2501631252
public uint timeFlags { get; set; } //36 36: UnsignedInt: 0: timeFlags//2248791340
public float falloff { get; set; } //40 40: Float: 0: falloff
public float falloffExponent { get; set; } //44 44: Float: 0: falloffExponent
public Vector4 cullingPlane { get; set; } //48 48: ArrayOfBytes: 4: 1689591312 //48: 1689591312//cullingPlane - actually ArrayOfFloats4!
public byte shadowBlur { get; set; } //64 64: UnsignedByte: 0: shadowBlur
public byte padding1 { get; set; } //65 65: UnsignedByte: 0: padding1//3180641850
public short padding2 { get; set; } //66 66: SignedShort: 0: padding2//2346113727
public uint padding3 { get; set; } //68 68: UnsignedInt: 0: padding3//3521603295
public float volIntensity { get; set; } //72 72: Float: 0: volIntensity//689780512
public float volSizeScale { get; set; } //76 76: Float: 0: volSizeScale//2029533327
public ArrayOfBytes3 volOuterColour { get; set; } //80 80: ArrayOfBytes: 3: volOuterColour//2283994062
public byte lightHash { get; set; } //83 83: UnsignedByte: 0: lightHash//643049222
public float volOuterIntensity { get; set; } //84 84: Float: 0: volOuterIntensity//3008198647
public float coronaSize { get; set; } //88 88: Float: 0: coronaSize//1705000075
public float volOuterExponent { get; set; } //92 92: Float: 0: volOuterExponent//2758849250
public byte lightFadeDistance { get; set; } //96 96: UnsignedByte: 0: lightFadeDistance//1307926275
public byte shadowFadeDistance { get; set; } //97 97: UnsignedByte: 0: shadowFadeDistance//1944267876
public byte specularFadeDistance { get; set; } //98 98: UnsignedByte: 0: specularFadeDistance//4150887048
public byte volumetricFadeDistance { get; set; } //99 99: UnsignedByte: 0: volumetricFadeDistance//2066998816
public float shadowNearClip { get; set; } //100 100: Float: 0: shadowNearClip//954647178
public float coronaIntensity { get; set; } //104 104: Float: 0: coronaIntensity//2292363771
public float coronaZBias { get; set; } //108 108: Float: 0: coronaZBias//2520359283
public Vector3 direction { get; set; } //112 112: ArrayOfBytes: 3: direction //actually ArrayOfFloats3 (Vector3!)
public Vector3 tangent { get; set; } //124 124: ArrayOfBytes: 3: tangent //actually ArrayOfFloats3 (Vector3!)
public float coneInnerAngle { get; set; } //136 136: Float: 0: coneInnerAngle//1163671864
public float coneOuterAngle { get; set; } //140 140: Float: 0: coneOuterAngle//4175029060
public Vector3 extents { get; set; } //144 144: ArrayOfBytes: 3: extents//759134656 //actually ArrayOfFloats3 (Vector3!)
public uint projectedTextureKey { get; set; } //156 156: UnsignedInt: 0: projectedTextureKey//1076718994
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings //48 bytes, Key:2701897500
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public MetaHash settings { get; set; } //32 32: Hash: 0: settings
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//36
public uint Unused5 { get; set; }//40
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//44
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings - " + name.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings : MetaWrapper
public CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings _Data;
public CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings Data { get { return _Data; } }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefAudioEmitter //64 bytes, Key:15929839
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public Vector4 offsetRotation { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZW: 0: offsetRotation
public MetaHash effectHash { get; set; } //48 48: UnsignedInt: 0: effectHash//2982223448
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//52
public uint Unused5 { get; set; }//56
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//60
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefAudioEmitter - " + name.ToString() + ": " + effectHash.ToString() + ": " + offsetPosition.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefAudioEmitter : MetaWrapper
public CExtensionDefAudioEmitter _Data;
public CExtensionDefAudioEmitter Data { get { return _Data; } }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefAudioEmitter>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefAudioEmitter, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefExplosionEffect //80 bytes, Key:2840366784
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public Vector4 offsetRotation { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZW: 0: offsetRotation
public CharPointer explosionName { get; set; } //48 48: CharPointer: 0: explosionName//3301388915
public int boneTag { get; set; } //64 64: SignedInt: 0: boneTag
public int explosionTag { get; set; } //68 68: SignedInt: 0: explosionTag//2653034051
public int explosionType { get; set; } //72 72: SignedInt: 0: explosionType//3379115010
public uint flags { get; set; } //76 76: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefExplosionEffect - " + name.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefExplosionEffect : MetaWrapper
public CExtensionDefExplosionEffect _Data;
public CExtensionDefExplosionEffect Data { get { return _Data; } }
public string explosionName { get; set; }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefExplosionEffect>(meta, ptr);
explosionName = MetaTypes.GetString(meta, _Data.explosionName);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
if (explosionName != null)
_Data.explosionName = mb.AddStringPtr(explosionName);
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefExplosionEffect, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString() + " - " + explosionName;
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefLadder //96 bytes, Key:1978210597
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public Vector3 bottom { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZ: 0: bottom
public float Unused4 { get; set; }//44
public Vector3 top { get; set; } //48 48: Float_XYZ: 0: top
public float Unused5 { get; set; }//60
public Vector3 normal { get; set; } //64 64: Float_XYZ: 0: normal
public float Unused6 { get; set; }//76
public CExtensionDefLadderMaterialType materialType { get; set; } //80 80: IntEnum: CExtensionDefLadderMaterialType: materialType
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MetaHash template { get; set; } //84 84: Hash: 0: template
public byte canGetOffAtTop { get; set; } //88 88: Boolean: 0: canGetOffAtTop
public byte canGetOffAtBottom { get; set; } //89 89: Boolean: 0: canGetOffAtBottom
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public ushort Unused7 { get; set; }//90
public uint Unused8 { get; set; }//92
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefLadder - " + name.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefLadder : MetaWrapper
public CExtensionDefLadder _Data;
public CExtensionDefLadder Data { get { return _Data; } }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefLadder>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefLadder, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefBuoyancy //32 bytes, Key:2383039928
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefBuoyancy - " + name.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefBuoyancy : MetaWrapper
public CExtensionDefBuoyancy _Data;
public CExtensionDefBuoyancy Data { get { return _Data; } }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefBuoyancy>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefBuoyancy, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefExpression //48 bytes, Key:24441706
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
public MetaHash expressionDictionaryName { get; set; } //32 32: Hash: 0: expressionDictionaryName
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MetaHash expressionName { get; set; } //36 36: Hash: 0: expressionName
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
public MetaHash creatureMetadataName { get; set; } //40 40: Hash: 0: creatureMetadataName
public byte initialiseOnCollision { get; set; } //44 44: Boolean: 0: initialiseOnCollision
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte Unused4 { get; set; }//45
public ushort Unused5 { get; set; }//46
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefExpression - " + name.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefExpression : MetaWrapper
public CExtensionDefExpression _Data;
public CExtensionDefExpression Data { get { return _Data; } }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefExpression>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefExpression, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefLightShaft //176 bytes, Key:2526429398
public uint Unused00 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused01 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused02 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused03 { get; set; }//28
public Vector3 cornerA { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZ: 0: cornerA
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public float Unused04 { get; set; }//44
public Vector3 cornerB { get; set; } //48 48: Float_XYZ: 0: cornerB
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public float Unused05 { get; set; }//60
public Vector3 cornerC { get; set; } //64 64: Float_XYZ: 0: cornerC
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public float Unused06 { get; set; }//76
public Vector3 cornerD { get; set; } //80 80: Float_XYZ: 0: cornerD
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public float Unused07 { get; set; }//92
public Vector3 direction { get; set; } //96 96: Float_XYZ: 0: direction
public float Unused08 { get; set; }//108
public float directionAmount { get; set; } //112 112: Float: 0: directionAmount
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public float length { get; set; } //116 116: Float: 0: length
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
public float fadeInTimeStart { get; set; } //120 120: Float: 0: fadeInTimeStart
public float fadeInTimeEnd { get; set; } //124 124: Float: 0: fadeInTimeEnd
public float fadeOutTimeStart { get; set; } //128 128: Float: 0: fadeOutTimeStart
public float fadeOutTimeEnd { get; set; } //132 132: Float: 0: fadeOutTimeEnd
public float fadeDistanceStart { get; set; } //136 136: Float: 0: fadeDistanceStart
public float fadeDistanceEnd { get; set; } //140 140: Float: 0: fadeDistanceEnd
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public uint color { get; set; } //144 144: UnsignedInt: 0: color
public float intensity { get; set; } //148 148: Float: 0: intensity
public byte flashiness { get; set; } //152 152: UnsignedByte: 0: flashiness
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte Unused09 { get; set; }//153
public ushort Unused10 { get; set; }//154
public uint flags { get; set; } //156 156: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public CExtensionDefLightShaftDensityType densityType { get; set; } //160 160: IntEnum: CExtensionDefLightShaftDensityType: densityType
public CExtensionDefLightShaftVolumeType volumeType { get; set; } //164 164: IntEnum: CExtensionDefLightShaftVolumeType: volumeType
public float softness { get; set; } //168 168: Float: 0: softness
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
public byte scaleBySunIntensity { get; set; } //172 172: Boolean: 0: scaleBySunIntensity
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte Unused11 { get; set; }//173
public ushort Unused12 { get; set; }//174
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefLightShaft - " + name.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefLightShaft : MetaWrapper
public CExtensionDefLightShaft _Data;
public CExtensionDefLightShaft Data { get { return _Data; } }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefLightShaft>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefLightShaft, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefDoor //48 bytes, Key:2671601385
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public byte enableLimitAngle { get; set; } //32 32: Boolean: 0: enableLimitAngle=1979299226
public byte startsLocked { get; set; } //33 33: Boolean: 0: startsLocked=3204572347
public byte canBreak { get; set; } //34 34: Boolean: 0: canBreak=2756786344
public byte Unused4 { get; set; }//35
public float limitAngle { get; set; } //36 36: Float: 0: limitAngle
public float doorTargetRatio { get; set; } //40 40: Float: 0: doorTargetRatio=770433283
public MetaHash audioHash { get; set; } //44 44: Hash: 0: audioHash=224069936
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefDoor - " + name.ToString() + ", " + audioHash.ToString() + ", " + offsetPosition.ToString() + ", " + limitAngle.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefDoor : MetaWrapper
public CExtensionDefDoor _Data;
public CExtensionDefDoor Data { get { return _Data; } }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefDoor>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefDoor, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefSpawnPoint //96 bytes, Key:3077340721
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public Vector4 offsetRotation { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZW: 0: offsetRotation
public MetaHash spawnType { get; set; } //48 48: Hash: 0: spawnType
public MetaHash pedType { get; set; } //52 52: Hash: 0: pedType
public MetaHash group { get; set; } //56 56: Hash: 0: group
public MetaHash interior { get; set; } //60 60: Hash: 0: interior
public MetaHash requiredImap { get; set; } //64 64: Hash: 0: requiredImap
public CSpawnPoint__AvailabilityMpSp availableInMpSp { get; set; } //68 68: IntEnum: CSpawnPoint__AvailabilityMpSp: availableInMpSp
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public float probability { get; set; } //72 72: Float: 0: probability
public float timeTillPedLeaves { get; set; } //76 76: Float: 0: timeTillPedLeaves
public float radius { get; set; } //80 80: Float: 0: radius
public byte start { get; set; } //84 84: UnsignedByte: 0: start
public byte end { get; set; } //85 85: UnsignedByte: 0: end
public ushort Unused4 { get; set; }//86
public CScenarioPointFlags__Flags flags { get; set; } //88 88: IntFlags2: 700327466: flags
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte highPri { get; set; } //92 92: Boolean: 0: highPri
public byte extendedRange { get; set; } //93 93: Boolean: 0: extendedRange
public byte shortRange { get; set; } //94 94: Boolean: 0: shortRange
public byte Unused5 { get; set; }//95
public override string ToString()
return spawnType.ToString() + ": " + name.ToString() + ", " + pedType.ToString();// + ", " + flags.ToString() + ", " + offsetPosition.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint : MetaWrapper
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public object Parent { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPointRegion ScenarioRegion { get; private set; }
public CExtensionDefSpawnPoint _Data;
public CExtensionDefSpawnPoint Data { get { return _Data; } }
public Vector3 ParentPosition { get; set; } = Vector3.Zero;
public Vector3 OffsetPosition { get { return _Data.offsetPosition; } set { _Data.offsetPosition = value; } }
public Vector4 OffsetRotation { get { return _Data.offsetRotation; } set { _Data.offsetRotation = value; } }
public MetaHash NameHash { get { return; } set { = value; } }
public MetaHash SpawnType { get { return _Data.spawnType; } set { _Data.spawnType = value; } }
public MetaHash PedType { get { return _Data.pedType; } set { _Data.pedType = value; } }
public MetaHash Group { get { return; } set { = value; } }
public MetaHash Interior { get { return _Data.interior; } set { _Data.interior = value; } }
public MetaHash RequiredImap { get { return _Data.requiredImap; } set { _Data.requiredImap = value; } }
public CSpawnPoint__AvailabilityMpSp AvailableInMpSp { get { return _Data.availableInMpSp; } set { _Data.availableInMpSp = value; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public float Probability { get { return _Data.probability; } set { _Data.probability = value; } }
public float TimeTillPedLeaves { get { return _Data.timeTillPedLeaves; } set { _Data.timeTillPedLeaves = value; } }
public float Radius { get { return _Data.radius; } set { _Data.radius = value; } }
public byte StartTime { get { return _Data.start; } set { _Data.start = value; } }
public byte EndTime { get { return _Data.end; } set { _Data.end = value; } }
public CScenarioPointFlags__Flags Flags { get { return _Data.flags; } set { _Data.flags = value; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public bool HighPri { get { return _Data.highPri == 1; } set { _Data.highPri = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } }
public bool ExtendedRange { get { return _Data.extendedRange == 1; } set { _Data.extendedRange = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } }
public bool ShortRange { get { return _Data.shortRange == 1; } set { _Data.shortRange = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } }
public Vector3 Position { get { return _Data.offsetPosition + ParentPosition; } set { _Data.offsetPosition = value - ParentPosition; } }
public Quaternion Orientation { get { return new Quaternion(_Data.offsetRotation); } set { _Data.offsetRotation = value.ToVector4(); } }
public MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint() { }
public MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint(MCScenarioPointRegion region, Meta meta, CExtensionDefSpawnPoint data, object parent)
ScenarioRegion = region;
Parent = parent;
_Data = data;
public MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint(MCScenarioPointRegion region, MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint copy)
ScenarioRegion = region;
if (copy != null)
_Data = copy.Data;
Parent = copy.Parent;
ParentPosition = copy.ParentPosition;
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefSpawnPoint>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPoint, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride //64 bytes, Key:2551875873
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public MetaHash ScenarioType { get; set; } //32 32: Hash: 0: ScenarioType
public byte iTimeStartOverride { get; set; } //36 36: UnsignedByte: 0: iTimeStartOverride//591476992
public byte iTimeEndOverride { get; set; } //37 37: UnsignedByte: 0: iTimeEndOverride//2688038523
public ushort Unused4 { get; set; }//38
public MetaHash Group { get; set; } //40 40: Hash: 0: Group
public MetaHash ModelSet { get; set; } //44 44: Hash: 0: ModelSet
public CSpawnPoint__AvailabilityMpSp AvailabilityInMpSp { get; set; } //48 48: IntEnum: CSpawnPoint__AvailabilityMpSp: AvailabilityInMpSp//2932681318
public CScenarioPointFlags__Flags Flags { get; set; } //52 52: IntFlags2: 700327466: Flags
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public float Radius { get; set; } //56 56: Float: 0: Radius
public float TimeTillPedLeaves { get; set; } //60 60: Float: 0: TimeTillPedLeaves//4073598194
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride - " + name.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride : MetaWrapper
public CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride _Data;
public CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride Data { get { return _Data; } }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefWindDisturbance //96 bytes, Key:3971538917
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public Vector4 offsetRotation { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZW: 0: offsetRotation
public int disturbanceType { get; set; } //48 48: SignedInt: 0: disturbanceType//3802708370
public int boneTag { get; set; } //52 52: SignedInt: 0: boneTag
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//56
public uint Unused5 { get; set; }//60
public Vector4 size { get; set; } //64 64: Float_XYZW: 0: size
public float strength { get; set; } //80 80: Float: 0: strength
public int flags { get; set; } //84 84: SignedInt: 0: flags
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//88
public uint Unused7 { get; set; }//92
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefWindDisturbance - " + name.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefWindDisturbance : MetaWrapper
public CExtensionDefWindDisturbance _Data;
public CExtensionDefWindDisturbance Data { get { return _Data; } }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefWindDisturbance>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefWindDisturbance, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CExtensionDefProcObject //80 bytes, Key:3965391891
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 offsetPosition { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: offsetPosition
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
public float radiusInner { get; set; } //32 32: Float: 0: radiusInner
public float radiusOuter { get; set; } //36 36: Float: 0: radiusOuter
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public float spacing { get; set; } //40 40: Float: 0: spacing
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
public float minScale { get; set; } //44 44: Float: 0: minScale
public float maxScale { get; set; } //48 48: Float: 0: maxScale
public float minScaleZ { get; set; } //52 52: Float: 0: minScaleZ
public float maxScaleZ { get; set; } //56 56: Float: 0: maxScaleZ
public float minZOffset { get; set; } //60 60: Float: 0: minZOffset
public float maxZOffset { get; set; } //64 64: Float: 0: maxZOffset
public uint objectHash { get; set; } //68 68: UnsignedInt: 0: objectHash
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public uint flags { get; set; } //72 72: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//76
public override string ToString()
return "CExtensionDefProcObject - " + name.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCExtensionDefProcObject : MetaWrapper
public CExtensionDefProcObject _Data;
public CExtensionDefProcObject Data { get { return _Data; } }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CExtensionDefProcObject>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefProcObject, _Data);
public override string Name
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds //32 bytes, Key:2075461750
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //8 8: Hash: 0: name
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Array_Structure CollisionData { get; set; } //16 16: Array: 0: CollisionData {0: Structure: SectionUNKNOWN1: 256}
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class Mrage__phVerletClothCustomBounds : MetaWrapper
public rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds _Data;
public rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds Data { get { return _Data; } }
public Mrage__phCapsuleBoundDef[] CollisionData { get; set; }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds>(meta, ptr);
var cdata = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<rage__phCapsuleBoundDef>(meta, MetaName.rage__phCapsuleBoundDef, _Data.CollisionData);
if (cdata != null)
CollisionData = new Mrage__phCapsuleBoundDef[cdata.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < cdata.Length; i++)
CollisionData[i] = new Mrage__phCapsuleBoundDef(meta, cdata[i]);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
if (CollisionData != null)
_Data.CollisionData = mb.AddWrapperArray(CollisionData);
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds, _Data);
public override string ToString()
return "rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds - " + + " (" + (CollisionData?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " CollisionData)";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct rage__phCapsuleBoundDef //96 bytes, Key:2859775340 //dexy: cloth CollisionData (child of rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds) ... eg josh house // Tom: explosions?
public CharPointer OwnerName { get; set; } //0 0: CharPointer: 0: OwnerName
public Vector4 Rotation { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZW: 0: Rotation
public Vector3 Position { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZ: 0: Position
public float Unused0 { get; set; }//44
public Vector3 Normal { get; set; } //48 48: Float_XYZ: 0: Normal
public float Unused1 { get; set; }//60
public float CapsuleRadius { get; set; } //64 64: Float: 0: CapsuleRadius
public float CapsuleLen { get; set; } //68 68: Float: 0: CapsuleLen
public float CapsuleHalfHeight { get; set; } //72 72: Float: 0: CapsuleHalfHeight
public float CapsuleHalfWidth { get; set; } //76 76: Float: 0: CapsuleHalfWidth
public rage__phCapsuleBoundDef__enCollisionBoundDef Flags { get; set; } //80 80: IntFlags2: rage__phCapsuleBoundDef__enCollisionBoundDef: Flags
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//84
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//88
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//92
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class Mrage__phCapsuleBoundDef : MetaWrapper
public rage__phCapsuleBoundDef _Data;
public rage__phCapsuleBoundDef Data { get { return _Data; } }
public string OwnerName { get; set; }
public Mrage__phCapsuleBoundDef() { }
public Mrage__phCapsuleBoundDef(Meta meta, rage__phCapsuleBoundDef s)
_Data = s;
OwnerName = MetaTypes.GetString(meta, _Data.OwnerName);
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<rage__phCapsuleBoundDef>(meta, ptr);
OwnerName = MetaTypes.GetString(meta, _Data.OwnerName);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
if (OwnerName != null)
_Data.OwnerName = mb.AddStringPtr(OwnerName);
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.rage__phCapsuleBoundDef, _Data);
public override string ToString()
return "rage__phCapsuleBoundDef - " + OwnerName;
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct rage__spdGrid2D //64 bytes, Key:894636096
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//8
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
public int MinCellX { get; set; } //12 12: SignedInt: 0: MinCellX //MIN X
public int MaxCellX { get; set; } //16 16: SignedInt: 0: MaxCellX //MAX X
public int MinCellY { get; set; } //20 20: SignedInt: 0: MinCellY //MIN Y
public int MaxCellY { get; set; } //24 24: SignedInt: 0: MaxCellY //MAX Y
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//32
public uint Unused5 { get; set; }//36
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//40
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
public float CellDimX { get; set; } //44 44: Float: 0: CellDimX //grid scale X (cell size)
public float CellDimY { get; set; } //48 48: Float: 0: CellDimY //grid scale Y (cell size)
public uint Unused7 { get; set; }//52
public uint Unused8 { get; set; }//56
public uint Unused9 { get; set; }//60
public Vector2I Dimensions
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
return new Vector2I((MaxCellX - MinCellX)+1, (MaxCellY - MinCellY)+1);
public Vector2 Scale
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
return new Vector2(CellDimX, CellDimY);
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
CellDimX = value.X;
CellDimY = value.Y;
public Vector2 Min
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
return new Vector2(MinCellX, MinCellY) * Scale;
var gv = value / Scale;
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
MinCellX = (int)Math.Floor(gv.X);
MinCellY = (int)Math.Floor(gv.Y);
public Vector2 Max
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
return new Vector2(MaxCellX, MaxCellY) * Scale;
var gv = value / Scale;
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
MaxCellX = (int)Math.Floor(gv.X);
MaxCellY = (int)Math.Floor(gv.Y);
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct rage__spdAABB //32 bytes, Key:1158138379
public Vector4 min { get; set; } //0 0: Float_XYZW: 0: min
public Vector4 max { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZW: 0: max
public override string ToString()
return "min: " + min.ToString() + ", max: " + max.ToString();
public void SwapEnd()
min = MetaTypes.SwapBytes(min);
max = MetaTypes.SwapBytes(max);
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct rage__spdSphere //16 bytes, Key:1189037266 //Sphere - used in scenario parts
public Vector4 centerAndRadius { get; set; } //0 0: Float_XYZW: 0: centerAndRadius
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override string ToString()
return centerAndRadius.ToString();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CScenarioPointRegion //SCENARIO YMT ROOT - in /scenario/ folder //376 bytes, Key:3501351821
public int VersionNumber { get; set; } //0 0: SignedInt: 0: VersionNumber
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//4
public CScenarioPointContainer Points { get; set; } //8 8: Structure: CScenarioPointContainer//2380938603: Points//702683191
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//56
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//60
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//64
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//68
public Array_Structure EntityOverrides { get; set; } //72 72: Array: 0: EntityOverrides//697469539 {0: Structure: CScenarioEntityOverride//4213733800: 256}
public uint Unused5 { get; set; }//88
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//92
public CScenarioChainingGraph ChainingGraph { get; set; } //[PATHS] 96 96: Structure: CScenarioChainingGraph: ChainingGraph
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public rage__spdGrid2D AccelGrid { get; set; } //184 184: Structure: rage__spdGrid2D: AccelGrid//3053155275
public Array_ushort Unk_3844724227 { get; set; } //248 248: Array: 0: 3844724227 {0: UnsignedShort: 0: 256}
public Array_Structure Clusters { get; set; } //264 264: Array: 0: Clusters//3587988394 {0: Structure: CScenarioPointCluster//750308016: 256}
public CScenarioPointLookUps LookUps { get; set; } //280 280: Structure: CScenarioPointLookUps//3019621867: LookUps//1097626284
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCScenarioPointRegion : MetaWrapper
public YmtFile Ymt { get; set; }
public CScenarioPointRegion _Data;
public CScenarioPointRegion Data { get { return _Data; } }
public MCScenarioPointContainer Points { get; set; }
public MCScenarioEntityOverride[] EntityOverrides { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChainingGraph Paths { get; set; }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public ushort[] Unk_3844724227 { get; set; } //GRID DATA - 2d dimensions - AccelGrid ((MaxX-MinX)+1)*((MaxY-MinY)+1)
public MCScenarioPointCluster[] Clusters { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPointLookUps LookUps { get; set; }
public int VersionNumber { get { return _Data.VersionNumber; } set { _Data.VersionNumber = value; } }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
var data = MetaTypes.GetData<CScenarioPointRegion>(meta, ptr);
Load(meta, data);
public void Load(Meta meta, CScenarioPointRegion data)
_Data = data;
Points = new MCScenarioPointContainer(this, meta, _Data.Points);
var entOverrides = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CScenarioEntityOverride>(meta, MetaName.CScenarioEntityOverride, _Data.EntityOverrides);
if (entOverrides != null)
EntityOverrides = new MCScenarioEntityOverride[entOverrides.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < entOverrides.Length; i++)
EntityOverrides[i] = new MCScenarioEntityOverride(this, meta, entOverrides[i]);
Paths = new MCScenarioChainingGraph(this, meta, _Data.ChainingGraph);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
var clusters = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CScenarioPointCluster>(meta, MetaName.CScenarioPointCluster, _Data.Clusters);
if (clusters != null)
Clusters = new MCScenarioPointCluster[clusters.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < clusters.Length; i++)
Clusters[i] = new MCScenarioPointCluster(this, meta, clusters[i]);
Unk_3844724227 = MetaTypes.GetUshortArray(meta, _Data.Unk_3844724227);
LookUps = new MCScenarioPointLookUps(this, meta, _Data.LookUps);
#region data analysis
////data analysis
//if (Points.LoadSavePoints != null)
//{ } //no hits here!
//if (Unk_3844724227 != null)
// var grid = _Data.AccelGrid;
2018-12-29 08:10:49 +08:00
// var minx = grid.MinCellX;
// var maxx = grid.MaxCellX;
// var miny = grid.MinCellY;
// var maxy = grid.MaxCellY;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
// var len = Unk_3844724227.Length;
// var calclen = ((maxx - minx) + 1) * ((maxy - miny) + 1);
// if (len != calclen)
// { } //no hits here!
// int pointcount = 0;
// if (Points.MyPoints != null) pointcount += Points.MyPoints.Length;
// //if (Points.LoadSavePoints != null) pointcount += Points.LoadSavePoints.Length;//not necessary!
// int lastuval = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < Unk_3844724227.Length; i++)
// {
// var uval = Unk_3844724227[i];
// var uval2 = uval & 0x7FFF;
// var uval3 = uval >> 15; //what does this bit mean?
// if (uval3 > 0)
// { }
// lastuval = uval2;
// if (uval2 > pointcount)
// { } //no hits here!
// }
// if (lastuval != pointcount)
// { } //no hits here!
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
var sprb = mb.EnsureBlock(MetaName.CScenarioPointRegion);
//var hashb = mb.EnsureBlock((MetaName)MetaTypeName.HASH);
//var ushb = mb.EnsureBlock((MetaName)MetaTypeName.USHORT);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
//var pntb = mb.EnsureBlock(MetaName.CScenarioPoint);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
if (Points != null)
var scp = new CScenarioPointContainer();
var loadSavePoints = Points.GetCLoadSavePoints();
if (loadSavePoints != null)//this never seems to be used...
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
scp.LoadSavePoints = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPoint, loadSavePoints);
var myPoints = Points.GetCMyPoints();
if (myPoints != null)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
scp.MyPoints = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CScenarioPoint, myPoints);
_Data.Points = scp;
_Data.Points = new CScenarioPointContainer();
if ((EntityOverrides != null) && (EntityOverrides.Length > 0))
//_Data.EntityOverrides = mb.AddWrapperArray(EntityOverrides);
var cents = new CScenarioEntityOverride[EntityOverrides.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < EntityOverrides.Length; i++)
var mcent = EntityOverrides[i];
var cent = mcent.Data;
var scps = mcent.GetCScenarioPoints();
if (scps != null)
cent.ScenarioPoints = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPoint, scps);
cents[i] = cent;
_Data.EntityOverrides = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CScenarioEntityOverride, cents);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
_Data.EntityOverrides = new Array_Structure();
if (Paths != null)
var pd = new CScenarioChainingGraph();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
var nodes = Paths.GetCNodes();
if (nodes != null)
pd.Nodes = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CScenarioChainingNode, nodes);
var edges = Paths.GetCEdges();
if (edges != null)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
pd.Edges = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge, edges);
if (Paths.Chains != null)
foreach (var chain in Paths.Chains)
if (chain.EdgeIds != null)
chain._Data.EdgeIds = mb.AddUshortArrayPtr(chain.EdgeIds);
chain._Data.EdgeIds = new Array_ushort();
var chains = Paths.GetCChains();
if (chains != null)
pd.Chains = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CScenarioChain, chains);
_Data.ChainingGraph = pd;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
_Data.ChainingGraph = new CScenarioChainingGraph();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
if ((Clusters != null) && (Clusters.Length > 0))
_Data.Clusters = mb.AddWrapperArray(Clusters);
_Data.Clusters = new Array_Structure();
if ((Unk_3844724227 != null) && (Unk_3844724227.Length > 0))
_Data.Unk_3844724227 = mb.AddUshortArrayPtr(Unk_3844724227);
_Data.Unk_3844724227 = new Array_ushort();
if (LookUps != null)
var spl = new CScenarioPointLookUps();
if ((LookUps.TypeNames != null) && (LookUps.TypeNames.Length > 0))
spl.TypeNames = mb.AddHashArrayPtr(LookUps.TypeNames);
if ((LookUps.PedModelSetNames != null) && (LookUps.PedModelSetNames.Length > 0))
spl.PedModelSetNames = mb.AddHashArrayPtr(LookUps.PedModelSetNames);
if ((LookUps.VehicleModelSetNames != null) && (LookUps.VehicleModelSetNames.Length > 0))
spl.VehicleModelSetNames = mb.AddHashArrayPtr(LookUps.VehicleModelSetNames);
if ((LookUps.GroupNames != null) && (LookUps.GroupNames.Length > 0))
spl.GroupNames = mb.AddHashArrayPtr(LookUps.GroupNames);
if ((LookUps.InteriorNames != null) && (LookUps.InteriorNames.Length > 0))
spl.InteriorNames = mb.AddHashArrayPtr(LookUps.InteriorNames);
if ((LookUps.RequiredIMapNames != null) && (LookUps.RequiredIMapNames.Length > 0))
spl.RequiredIMapNames = mb.AddHashArrayPtr(LookUps.RequiredIMapNames);
_Data.LookUps = spl;
_Data.LookUps = new CScenarioPointLookUps(); //this shouldn't happen...
2017-10-01 14:29:31 +08:00
mb.AddString("Made with CodeWalker by dexyfex. " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CScenarioPointRegion, _Data);
public void AddCluster(MCScenarioPointCluster cluster)
List<MCScenarioPointCluster> newclusters = new List<MCScenarioPointCluster>();
if (Clusters != null)
cluster.Region = this;
//cluster.ClusterIndex = newclusters.Count;
Clusters = newclusters.ToArray();
public void AddEntity(MCScenarioEntityOverride ent)
List<MCScenarioEntityOverride> newents = new List<MCScenarioEntityOverride>();
if (EntityOverrides != null)
ent.Region = this;
//ent.EntityIndex = newents.Count;
EntityOverrides = newents.ToArray();
public bool RemoveCluster(MCScenarioPointCluster cluster)
bool r = false;
if (Clusters != null)
List<MCScenarioPointCluster> newclusters = new List<MCScenarioPointCluster>();
foreach (var nc in Clusters)
if (nc == cluster)
r = true;
//nc.ClusterIndex = newclusters.Count;
if (r)
Clusters = newclusters.ToArray();
return r;
public bool RemoveEntity(MCScenarioEntityOverride ent)
bool r = false;
if (EntityOverrides != null)
List<MCScenarioEntityOverride> newents = new List<MCScenarioEntityOverride>();
foreach (var nc in EntityOverrides)
if (nc == ent)
r = true;
//nc.EntityIndex = newents.Count;
if (r)
EntityOverrides = newents.ToArray();
return r;
public override string Name
return Ymt?.ToString() ?? "CScenarioPointRegion";
public override string ToString()
return Name;
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CScenarioPointContainer //SCENARIO Region Points arrays // 48 bytes, Key:2489654897
public Array_Structure LoadSavePoints { get; set; } //0 0: Array: 0: LoadSavePoints//3016741991 {0: Structure: CExtensionDefSpawnPoint: 256}
public Array_Structure MyPoints { get; set; } //16 16: Array: 0: MyPoints//1170781136 {0: Structure: CScenarioPoint//4103049490: 256}
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//32
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//36
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//40
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//44
public override string ToString()
return LoadSavePoints.Count1.ToString() + " LoadSavePoints, " + MyPoints.Count1.ToString() + " MyPoints";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCScenarioPointContainer : MetaWrapper
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public object Parent { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPointRegion Region { get; private set; }
public CScenarioPointContainer _Data;
public CScenarioPointContainer Data { get { return _Data; } set { _Data = value; } }
public MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint[] LoadSavePoints { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPoint[] MyPoints { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPointContainer() { }
public MCScenarioPointContainer(MCScenarioPointRegion region)
Region = region;
public MCScenarioPointContainer(MCScenarioPointRegion region, Meta meta, CScenarioPointContainer d)
Region = region;
_Data = d;
public void Init(Meta meta)
var vLoadSavePoints = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CExtensionDefSpawnPoint>(meta, MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPoint, _Data.LoadSavePoints);
if (vLoadSavePoints != null)
LoadSavePoints = new MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint[vLoadSavePoints.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < vLoadSavePoints.Length; i++)
LoadSavePoints[i] = new MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint(Region, meta, vLoadSavePoints[i], this);
var vMyPoints = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CScenarioPoint>(meta, MetaName.CScenarioPoint, _Data.MyPoints);
if (vMyPoints != null)
MyPoints = new MCScenarioPoint[vMyPoints.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < vMyPoints.Length; i++)
MyPoints[i] = new MCScenarioPoint(Region, meta, vMyPoints[i], this);
MyPoints[i].PointIndex = i;
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CScenarioPointContainer>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CScenarioPointContainer, _Data);
public CExtensionDefSpawnPoint[] GetCLoadSavePoints()
if ((LoadSavePoints == null) || (LoadSavePoints.Length == 0)) return null;
CExtensionDefSpawnPoint[] r = new CExtensionDefSpawnPoint[LoadSavePoints.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < LoadSavePoints.Length; i++)
r[i] = LoadSavePoints[i].Data;
return r;
public CScenarioPoint[] GetCMyPoints()
if ((MyPoints == null) || (MyPoints.Length == 0)) return null;
CScenarioPoint[] r = new CScenarioPoint[MyPoints.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < MyPoints.Length; i++)
r[i] = MyPoints[i].Data;
return r;
public void AddMyPoint(MCScenarioPoint p)
List<MCScenarioPoint> newpoints = new List<MCScenarioPoint>();
if (MyPoints != null)
p.PointIndex = newpoints.Count;
p.Container = this;
MyPoints = newpoints.ToArray();
public void AddLoadSavePoint(MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint p)
List<MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint> newpoints = new List<MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint>();
if (LoadSavePoints != null)
p.Parent = this;
LoadSavePoints = newpoints.ToArray();
public bool RemoveMyPoint(MCScenarioPoint p)
bool r = false;
if (MyPoints != null)
List<MCScenarioPoint> newpoints = new List<MCScenarioPoint>();
foreach (var mp in MyPoints)
if (mp == p)
r = true;
if (r)
MyPoints = newpoints.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < MyPoints.Length; i++)
MyPoints[i].PointIndex = i;
return r;
public bool RemoveLoadSavePoint(MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint p)
bool r = false;
if (LoadSavePoints != null)
List<MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint> newpoints = new List<MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint>();
foreach (var mp in LoadSavePoints)
if (mp == p)
r = true;
if (r)
LoadSavePoints = newpoints.ToArray();
return r;
public override string Name
return "CScenarioPointContainer";
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CScenarioPoint //SCENARIO Point, similar to CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride //64 bytes, Key:402442150
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//8
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//12
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//16
public byte Unused5 { get; set; }//20
public byte iType { get; set; } //21 21: UnsignedByte: 0: iType
public byte ModelSetId { get; set; } //22 22: UnsignedByte: 0: ModelSetId//3361647288
public byte iInterior { get; set; } //23 23: UnsignedByte: 0: 1975994103
public byte iRequiredIMapId { get; set; } //24 24: UnsignedByte: 0: iRequiredIMapId//1229525587
public byte iProbability { get; set; } //25 25: UnsignedByte: 0: iProbability//2974610960
public byte uAvailableInMpSp { get; set; } //26 26: UnsignedByte: 0: uAvailableInMpSp//717991212
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte iTimeStartOverride { get; set; } //27 27: UnsignedByte: 0: 591476992
public byte iTimeEndOverride { get; set; } //28 28: UnsignedByte: 0: 2688038523
public byte iRadius { get; set; } //29 29: UnsignedByte: 0: iRadius
public byte iTimeTillPedLeaves { get; set; } //30 30: UnsignedByte: 0: 2296188475 //in game minutes?
public byte Unused6 { get; set; }//31
public ushort iScenarioGroup { get; set; } //32 32: UnsignedShort: 0: iScenarioGroup//2180252673
public ushort Unused7 { get; set; }//34
public CScenarioPointFlags__Flags Flags { get; set; } //36 36: IntFlags2: 700327466: Flags
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public uint Unused8 { get; set; }//40
public uint Unused9 { get; set; }//44
public Vector4 vPositionAndDirection { get; set; } //48 48: Float_XYZW: 0: vPositionAndDirection//4685037
public override string ToString()
return FloatUtil.GetVector4String(vPositionAndDirection); //iTimeStartOverride.ToString() + "-" + iTimeEndOverride.ToString();// + ", " + Flags.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCScenarioPoint : MetaWrapper
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public MCScenarioPointContainer Container { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPointRegion Region { get; set; }
public CScenarioPoint _Data;
public CScenarioPoint Data { get { return _Data; } set { _Data = value; } }
public Vector3 Position { get { return _Data.vPositionAndDirection.XYZ(); } set { _Data.vPositionAndDirection = new Vector4(value, Direction); } }
public float Direction { get { return _Data.vPositionAndDirection.W; } set { _Data.vPositionAndDirection = new Vector4(Position, value); } }
public Quaternion Orientation
get { return Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitZ, Direction); }
Vector3 dir = value.Multiply(Vector3.UnitX);
float dira = (float)Math.Atan2(dir.Y, dir.X);
Direction = dira;
public byte TypeId { get { return _Data.iType; } set { _Data.iType = value; } }
public ScenarioTypeRef Type { get; set; }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte ModelSetId { get { return _Data.ModelSetId; } set { _Data.ModelSetId = value; } }
public AmbientModelSet ModelSet { get; set; }
public byte InteriorId { get { return _Data.iInterior; } set { _Data.iInterior = value; } }
public MetaHash InteriorName { get; set; }
public ushort GroupId { get { return _Data.iScenarioGroup; } set { _Data.iScenarioGroup = value; } }
public MetaHash GroupName { get; set; }
public byte IMapId { get { return _Data.iRequiredIMapId; } set { _Data.iRequiredIMapId = value; } }
public MetaHash IMapName { get; set; }
public string TimeRange { get { return _Data.iTimeStartOverride.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":00 - " + _Data.iTimeEndOverride.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":00"; } }
public byte TimeStart { get { return _Data.iTimeStartOverride; } set { _Data.iTimeStartOverride = value; } }
public byte TimeEnd { get { return _Data.iTimeEndOverride; } set { _Data.iTimeEndOverride = value; } }
public byte Probability { get { return _Data.iProbability; } set { _Data.iProbability = value; } }
public byte AvailableMpSp { get { return _Data.uAvailableInMpSp; } set { _Data.uAvailableInMpSp = value; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte Radius { get { return _Data.iRadius; } set { _Data.iRadius = value; } }
public byte WaitTime { get { return _Data.iTimeTillPedLeaves; } set { _Data.iTimeTillPedLeaves = value; } }
public CScenarioPointFlags__Flags Flags { get { return _Data.Flags; } set { _Data.Flags = value; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public int PointIndex { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPoint(MCScenarioPointRegion region) { Region = region; }
public MCScenarioPoint(MCScenarioPointRegion region, Meta meta, CScenarioPoint d, MCScenarioPointContainer container)
Region = region;
Container = container;
_Data = d;
public MCScenarioPoint(MCScenarioPointRegion region, MCScenarioPoint copy)
Region = region;
if (copy != null)
_Data = copy.Data;
Type = copy.Type;
ModelSet = copy.ModelSet;
InteriorName = copy.InteriorName;
GroupName = copy.GroupName;
IMapName = copy.IMapName;
public void CopyFrom(MCScenarioPoint copy)
_Data = copy.Data;
Type = copy.Type;
ModelSet = copy.ModelSet;
InteriorName = copy.InteriorName;
GroupName = copy.GroupName;
IMapName = copy.IMapName;
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CScenarioPoint>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CScenarioPoint, _Data);
public override string Name
return (Type?.ToString() ?? "") + ": " + (ModelSet?.ToString() ?? "");
public override string ToString()
return Name + ": " + TimeRange;
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CScenarioEntityOverride //SCENARIO Entity Override //80 bytes, Key:1271200492
public Vector3 EntityPosition { get; set; } //0 0: Float_XYZ: 0: EntityPosition//642078041
public float Unused00 { get; set; }//12
public MetaHash EntityType { get; set; } //16 16: Hash: 0: EntityType//1374199246
public uint Unused01 { get; set; }//20
public Array_Structure ScenarioPoints { get; set; } //24 24: Array: 0: ScenarioPoints {0: Structure: CExtensionDefSpawnPoint: 256}
public uint Unused02 { get; set; }//40
public uint Unused03 { get; set; }//44
public uint Unused04 { get; set; }//48
public uint Unused05 { get; set; }//52
public uint Unused06 { get; set; }//56
public uint Unused07 { get; set; }//60
public byte EntityMayNotAlwaysExist { get; set; } //64 64: Boolean: 0: EntityMayNotAlwaysExist
public byte SpecificallyPreventArtPoints { get; set; } //65 65: Boolean: 0: SpecificallyPreventArtPoints
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public ushort Unused08 { get; set; }//66
public uint Unused09 { get; set; }//68
public uint Unused10 { get; set; }//72
public uint Unused11 { get; set; }//76
public override string ToString()
return EntityType.ToString() + ", " + ScenarioPoints.Count1.ToString() + " ScenarioPoints";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCScenarioEntityOverride : MetaWrapper
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public object Parent { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPointRegion Region { get; set; }
public CScenarioEntityOverride _Data;
public CScenarioEntityOverride Data { get { return _Data; } set { _Data = value; } }
public Vector3 Position { get { return _Data.EntityPosition; } set { _Data.EntityPosition = value; } }
public MetaHash TypeName { get { return _Data.EntityType; } set { _Data.EntityType = value; } }
public bool EntityMayNotAlwaysExist { get { return _Data.EntityMayNotAlwaysExist == 1; } set { _Data.EntityMayNotAlwaysExist = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } }
public bool SpecificallyPreventArtPoints { get { return _Data.SpecificallyPreventArtPoints == 1; } set { _Data.SpecificallyPreventArtPoints = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint[] ScenarioPoints { get; set; }
public MCScenarioEntityOverride() { }
public MCScenarioEntityOverride(MCScenarioPointRegion region, MCScenarioEntityOverride copy)
Region = region;
if (copy != null)
_Data = copy.Data;
public MCScenarioEntityOverride(MCScenarioPointRegion region, Meta meta, CScenarioEntityOverride d)
Region = region;
_Data = d;
public void Init(Meta meta)
var scenarioPoints = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CExtensionDefSpawnPoint>(meta, MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPoint, _Data.ScenarioPoints);
if (scenarioPoints != null)
ScenarioPoints = new MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint[scenarioPoints.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < scenarioPoints.Length; i++)
ScenarioPoints[i] = new MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint(Region, meta, scenarioPoints[i], this);
ScenarioPoints[i].ParentPosition = Position;
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CScenarioEntityOverride>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
if (ScenarioPoints != null)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
_Data.ScenarioPoints = mb.AddWrapperArray(ScenarioPoints);
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CScenarioEntityOverride, _Data);
public void AddScenarioPoint(MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint p)
List<MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint> newpoints = new List<MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint>();
if (ScenarioPoints != null)
p.Parent = this;
ScenarioPoints = newpoints.ToArray();
public bool RemoveScenarioPoint(MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint p)
bool r = false;
if (ScenarioPoints != null)
List<MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint> newpoints = new List<MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint>();
foreach (var mp in ScenarioPoints)
if (mp == p)
r = true;
if (r)
ScenarioPoints = newpoints.ToArray();
return r;
public CExtensionDefSpawnPoint[] GetCScenarioPoints()
if ((ScenarioPoints == null) || (ScenarioPoints.Length == 0)) return null;
CExtensionDefSpawnPoint[] r = new CExtensionDefSpawnPoint[ScenarioPoints.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < ScenarioPoints.Length; i++)
r[i] = ScenarioPoints[i].Data;
return r;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override string Name
return "CScenarioEntityOverride " + _Data.EntityType.ToString();
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CScenarioChainingGraph //SCENARIO PATH ARRAYS //88 bytes, Key:88255871
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public Array_Structure Nodes { get; set; } //0 0: Array: 0: Nodes {0: Structure: CScenarioChainingNode//3340683255: 256}
public Array_Structure Edges { get; set; } //16 16: Array: 0: Edges {0: Structure: CScenarioChainingEdge//4255409560: 256}
public Array_Structure Chains { get; set; } //32 32: Array: 0: Chains {0: Structure: CScenarioChain: 256}
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//48
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//52
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//56
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//60
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//64
public uint Unused5 { get; set; }//68
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//72
public uint Unused7 { get; set; }//76
public uint Unused8 { get; set; }//80
public uint Unused9 { get; set; }//84
public override string ToString()
return Nodes.Count1.ToString() + " Nodes, " + Edges.Count1.ToString() + " Edges, " + Chains.Count1.ToString() + " Chains";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCScenarioChainingGraph : MetaWrapper
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MCScenarioPointRegion Region { get; private set; }
public CScenarioChainingGraph _Data;
public CScenarioChainingGraph Data { get { return _Data; } set { _Data = value; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MCScenarioChainingNode[] Nodes { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChainingEdge[] Edges { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChain[] Chains { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChainingGraph() { }
public MCScenarioChainingGraph(MCScenarioPointRegion region) { Region = region; }
public MCScenarioChainingGraph(MCScenarioPointRegion region, Meta meta, CScenarioChainingGraph d)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
Region = region;
_Data = d;
public void Init(Meta meta)
var pathnodes = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CScenarioChainingNode>(meta, MetaName.CScenarioChainingNode, _Data.Nodes);
if (pathnodes != null)
Nodes = new MCScenarioChainingNode[pathnodes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < pathnodes.Length; i++)
Nodes[i] = new MCScenarioChainingNode(Region, meta, pathnodes[i], this, i);
var pathedges = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CScenarioChainingEdge>(meta, MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge, _Data.Edges);
if (pathedges != null)
Edges = new MCScenarioChainingEdge[pathedges.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < pathedges.Length; i++)
Edges[i] = new MCScenarioChainingEdge(Region, meta, pathedges[i], i);
var pathchains = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CScenarioChain>(meta, MetaName.CScenarioChain, _Data.Chains);
if (pathchains != null)
Chains = new MCScenarioChain[pathchains.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < pathchains.Length; i++)
Chains[i] = new MCScenarioChain(Region, meta, pathchains[i]);
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CScenarioChainingGraph>(meta, ptr);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CScenarioChainingGraph, _Data);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public CScenarioChainingNode[] GetCNodes()
if ((Nodes == null) || (Nodes.Length == 0)) return null;
CScenarioChainingNode[] r = new CScenarioChainingNode[Nodes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Length; i++)
r[i] = Nodes[i].Data;
return r;
public CScenarioChainingEdge[] GetCEdges()
if ((Edges == null) || (Edges.Length == 0)) return null;
CScenarioChainingEdge[] r = new CScenarioChainingEdge[Edges.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Edges.Length; i++)
r[i] = Edges[i].Data;
return r;
public CScenarioChain[] GetCChains()
if ((Chains == null) || (Chains.Length == 0)) return null;
CScenarioChain[] r = new CScenarioChain[Chains.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Chains.Length; i++)
r[i] = Chains[i].Data;
return r;
public void AddNode(MCScenarioChainingNode node)
List<MCScenarioChainingNode> newnodes = new List<MCScenarioChainingNode>();
if (Nodes != null)
node.Parent = this;
node.Region = Region;
node.NodeIndex = newnodes.Count;
Nodes = newnodes.ToArray();
public void AddEdge(MCScenarioChainingEdge edge)
List<MCScenarioChainingEdge> newedges = new List<MCScenarioChainingEdge>();
if (Edges != null)
edge.Region = Region;
edge.EdgeIndex = newedges.Count;
Edges = newedges.ToArray();
public void AddChain(MCScenarioChain chain)
List<MCScenarioChain> newchains = new List<MCScenarioChain>();
if (Chains != null)
chain.Region = Region;
chain.ChainIndex = newchains.Count;
Chains = newchains.ToArray();
public bool RemoveNode(MCScenarioChainingNode n)
bool r = false;
if (Edges != null)
//first remove any edges referencing this node...
List<MCScenarioChainingEdge> remedges = new List<MCScenarioChainingEdge>();
foreach (var edge in Edges)
if ((edge.NodeFrom == n) || (edge.NodeTo == n))
foreach (var edge in remedges)
if (Nodes != null)
List<MCScenarioChainingNode> newnodes = new List<MCScenarioChainingNode>();
foreach (var nn in Nodes)
if (nn == n)
r = true;
nn.NodeIndex = newnodes.Count;
if (r)
Nodes = newnodes.ToArray();
foreach (var e in Edges)
e.NodeIndexFrom = (ushort)e.NodeFrom.NodeIndex;
e.NodeIndexTo = (ushort)e.NodeTo.NodeIndex;
return r;
public bool RemoveEdge(MCScenarioChainingEdge e)
bool r = false;
if (Edges != null)
List<MCScenarioChainingEdge> newedges = new List<MCScenarioChainingEdge>();
foreach (var ne in Edges)
if (ne == e)
r = true;
ne.EdgeIndex = newedges.Count;
if (r)
Edges = newedges.ToArray();
var remchains = new List<MCScenarioChain>();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
foreach (var c in Chains)
if (c == null) continue;
if (c.RemoveEdge(e))
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
if ((c.Edges?.Length ?? 0) == 0)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
foreach (var c in remchains)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return r;
public bool RemoveChain(MCScenarioChain c)
bool r = false;
if (Chains != null)
List<MCScenarioChain> newchains = new List<MCScenarioChain>();
foreach (var nc in Chains)
if (nc == c)
r = true;
nc.ChainIndex = newchains.Count;
if (r)
Chains = newchains.ToArray();
return r;
public override string Name
return "CScenarioChainingGraph " + _Data.ToString();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CScenarioChainingNode //SCENARIO PATH NODE //32 bytes, Key:1811784424
public Vector3 Position { get; set; } //0 0: Float_XYZ: 0: Position
public float Unused0 { get; set; }//12
public MetaHash Unk_2602393771 { get; set; } //16 16: Hash: 0: 2602393771 prop name, eg. prop_parknmeter_01, prop_atm_01, prop_bench_01a
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MetaHash ScenarioType { get; set; } //20 20: Hash: 0: ScenarioType
public byte HasIncomingEdges { get; set; } //24 24: Boolean: 0: HasIncomingEdges (not first node)
public byte HasOutgoingEdges { get; set; } //25 25: Boolean: 0: HasOutgoingEdges (not last node)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public ushort Unused1 { get; set; }//26
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//28
public override string ToString()
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
ScenarioType.ToString() + ", " + Unk_2602393771.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCScenarioChainingNode : MetaWrapper
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public MCScenarioChainingGraph Parent { get; set; }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MCScenarioPointRegion Region { get; set; }
public ScenarioNode ScenarioNode { get; set; }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public CScenarioChainingNode _Data;
public CScenarioChainingNode Data { get { return _Data; } set { _Data = value; } }
public Vector3 Position { get { return _Data.Position; } set { _Data.Position = value; } }
public MetaHash PropHash { get { return _Data.Unk_2602393771; } set { _Data.Unk_2602393771 = value; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MetaHash TypeHash { get { return _Data.ScenarioType; } set { _Data.ScenarioType = value; } }
public ScenarioTypeRef Type { get; set; }
public bool HasIncomingEdges { get { return _Data.HasIncomingEdges == 1; } set { _Data.HasIncomingEdges = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } }
public bool HasOutgoingEdges { get { return _Data.HasOutgoingEdges == 1; } set { _Data.HasOutgoingEdges = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public int NodeIndex { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChain Chain { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChainingNode() { }
public MCScenarioChainingNode(MCScenarioPointRegion region, Meta meta, CScenarioChainingNode d, MCScenarioChainingGraph parent, int index)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
Region = region;
Parent = parent;
_Data = d;
NodeIndex = index;
public MCScenarioChainingNode(MCScenarioPointRegion region, MCScenarioChainingNode copy)
Region = region;
_Data = copy._Data;
Type = copy.Type;
public void CopyFrom(MCScenarioChainingNode copy)
_Data = copy._Data;
Type = copy.Type;
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CScenarioChainingNode>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CScenarioChainingNode, _Data);
public override string Name
return "CScenarioChainingNode";// + _Data.Unk_2602393771.ToString();
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CScenarioChainingEdge //SCENARIO PATH EDGE //8 bytes, Key:2004985940
public ushort NodeIndexFrom { get; set; } //0 0: UnsignedShort: 0: NodeIndexFrom//3236798246
public ushort NodeIndexTo { get; set; } //2 2: UnsignedShort: 0: NodeIndexTo//2851806039
public CScenarioChainingEdge__eAction Action { get; set; } //4 4: ByteEnum: CScenarioChainingEdge__eAction: Action
public CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavMode NavMode { get; set; } //5 5: ByteEnum: CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavMode: NavMode
public CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavSpeed NavSpeed { get; set; } //6 6: ByteEnum: CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavSpeed: NavSpeed
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte Unused0 { get; set; }//7
public override string ToString()
return NodeIndexFrom.ToString() + ", " + NodeIndexTo.ToString() + ", " + Action.ToString() + ", " + NavMode.ToString() + ", " + NavSpeed.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCScenarioChainingEdge : MetaWrapper
public MCScenarioPointRegion Region { get; set; }
public CScenarioChainingEdge _Data;
public CScenarioChainingEdge Data { get { return _Data; } set { _Data = value; } }
public MCScenarioChainingNode NodeFrom { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChainingNode NodeTo { get; set; }
public ushort NodeIndexFrom { get { return _Data.NodeIndexFrom; } set { _Data.NodeIndexFrom = value; } }
public ushort NodeIndexTo { get { return _Data.NodeIndexTo; } set { _Data.NodeIndexTo = value; } }
public CScenarioChainingEdge__eAction Action { get { return _Data.Action; } set { _Data.Action = value; } }
public CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavMode NavMode { get { return _Data.NavMode; } set { _Data.NavMode = value; } }
public CScenarioChainingEdge__eNavSpeed NavSpeed { get { return _Data.NavSpeed; } set { _Data.NavSpeed = value; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public int EdgeIndex { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChainingEdge() { }
public MCScenarioChainingEdge(MCScenarioPointRegion region, Meta meta, CScenarioChainingEdge d, int index)
Region = region;
_Data = d;
EdgeIndex = index;
public MCScenarioChainingEdge(MCScenarioPointRegion region, MCScenarioChainingEdge copy)
Region = region;
_Data = copy._Data;
NodeFrom = copy.NodeFrom;
NodeTo = copy.NodeTo;//these should be updated later...
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CScenarioChainingEdge>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CScenarioChainingEdge, _Data);
public override string Name
return "CScenarioChainingEdge";
public override string ToString()
return Action.ToString() + ", " + NavMode.ToString() + ", " + NavSpeed.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CScenarioChain //SCENARIO PATH CHAIN //40 bytes, Key:2751910366
public byte Unk_1156691834 { get; set; } //0 0: UnsignedByte: 0: 1156691834
public byte Unused0 { get; set; }//1
public ushort Unused1 { get; set; }//2
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//4
public Array_ushort EdgeIds { get; set; } //8 8: Array: 0: EdgeIds {0: UnsignedShort: 0: 256}
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//24
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//28
public uint Unused5 { get; set; }//32
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//36
public override string ToString()
return Unk_1156691834.ToString() + ": " + EdgeIds.Count1.ToString() + " EdgeIds";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCScenarioChain : MetaWrapper
public MCScenarioPointRegion Region { get; set; }
public CScenarioChain _Data;
public CScenarioChain Data { get { return _Data; } set { _Data = value; } }
public byte Unk1 { get { return _Data.Unk_1156691834; } set { _Data.Unk_1156691834 = value; } }
public ushort[] EdgeIds { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChainingEdge[] Edges { get; set; }
public int ChainIndex { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChain() { }
public MCScenarioChain(MCScenarioPointRegion region, Meta meta, CScenarioChain d)
Region = region;
_Data = d;
EdgeIds = MetaTypes.GetUshortArray(meta, _Data.EdgeIds);
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CScenarioChain>(meta, ptr);
EdgeIds = MetaTypes.GetUshortArray(meta, _Data.EdgeIds);
public void AddEdge(MCScenarioChainingEdge edge)
List<MCScenarioChainingEdge> newedges = new List<MCScenarioChainingEdge>();
List<ushort> newedgeids = new List<ushort>();
if (Edges != null)
if (EdgeIds != null)
edge.Region = Region;
Edges = newedges.ToArray();
EdgeIds = newedgeids.ToArray();
public bool RemoveEdge(MCScenarioChainingEdge e)
bool r = false;
if (Edges != null)
List<MCScenarioChainingEdge> newedges = new List<MCScenarioChainingEdge>();
List<ushort> newedgeids = new List<ushort>();
foreach (var ne in Edges)
if (ne == e)
r = true;
if (r)
Edges = newedges.ToArray();
EdgeIds = newedgeids.ToArray();
return r;
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
//if (EdgeIds != null)
// mb.AddStructureInfo((MetaName)MetaTypeName.USHORT);
// _Data.EdgeIds = mb.AddItemArrayPtr((MetaName)MetaTypeName.USHORT, EdgeIds);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CScenarioChain, _Data);
public override string Name
return "CScenarioChain";
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CScenarioPointCluster //SCENARIO spawn cluster - all things spawn together //80 bytes, Key:3622480419
public CScenarioPointContainer Points { get; set; } //0 0: Structure: CScenarioPointContainer//2380938603: Points//702683191
public rage__spdSphere ClusterSphere { get; set; } //48 48: Structure: 1062159465: ClusterSphere//352461053
public float Unk_1095875445 { get; set; } //64 64: Float: 0: 1095875445 //spawn chance? eg 5, 30
public byte Unk_3129415068 { get; set; } //68 68: Boolean: 0: 3129415068
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//72
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//76
public override string ToString()
return Points.ToString();// + ", Sphere: " + ClusterSphere.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCScenarioPointCluster : MetaWrapper
public MCScenarioPointRegion Region { get; set; }
public CScenarioPointCluster _Data;
public CScenarioPointCluster Data { get { return _Data; } set { _Data = value; } }
public MCScenarioPointContainer Points { get; set; }
public Vector3 Position //is separate from Points...
get { return _Data.ClusterSphere.centerAndRadius.XYZ(); }
var v4 = new Vector4(value, _Data.ClusterSphere.centerAndRadius.W);
_Data.ClusterSphere = new rage__spdSphere() { centerAndRadius = v4 };
public float Radius
get { return _Data.ClusterSphere.centerAndRadius.W; }
var v4 = new Vector4(_Data.ClusterSphere.centerAndRadius.XYZ(), value);
_Data.ClusterSphere = new rage__spdSphere() { centerAndRadius = v4 };
public float Unk1 { get { return _Data.Unk_1095875445; } set { _Data.Unk_1095875445 = value; } }
public bool Unk2 { get { return _Data.Unk_3129415068==1; } set { _Data.Unk_3129415068 = (byte)(value?1:0); } }
public MCScenarioPointCluster() { }
public MCScenarioPointCluster(MCScenarioPointRegion region) { Region = region; }
public MCScenarioPointCluster(MCScenarioPointRegion region, MCScenarioPointCluster copy)
Region = region;
if (copy != null)
_Data = copy.Data;
Points = new MCScenarioPointContainer(region);
Points.Parent = this;
public MCScenarioPointCluster(MCScenarioPointRegion region, Meta meta, CScenarioPointCluster d)
Region = region;
_Data = d;
Points = new MCScenarioPointContainer(region, meta, d.Points);
Points.Parent = this;
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CScenarioPointCluster>(meta, ptr);
Points = new MCScenarioPointContainer(Region, meta, _Data.Points);
Points.Parent = this;
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
if (Points != null)
var scp = new CScenarioPointContainer();
////meta version
//if ((Points.LoadSavePoints != null) && (Points.LoadSavePoints.Length > 0))
// scp.LoadSavePoints = mb.AddWrapperArray(Points.LoadSavePoints);
//if ((Points.MyPoints != null) && (Points.MyPoints.Length > 0))
// scp.MyPoints = mb.AddWrapperArray(Points.MyPoints);
//optimised version...
var loadSavePoints = Points.GetCLoadSavePoints();
if (loadSavePoints != null)//this never seems to be used...
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
scp.LoadSavePoints = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPoint, loadSavePoints);
var myPoints = Points.GetCMyPoints();
if (myPoints != null)
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
scp.MyPoints = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CScenarioPoint, myPoints);
_Data.Points = scp;
_Data.Points = new CScenarioPointContainer();
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CScenarioPointCluster, _Data);
public override string Name
get { return "CScenarioPointCluster"; }
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CScenarioPointLookUps //SCENARIO hash arrays //96 bytes, Key:2669361587
public Array_uint TypeNames { get; set; } //0 0: Array: 0: TypeNames//3057471271 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public Array_uint PedModelSetNames { get; set; } //16 16: Array: 0: PedModelSetNames//3020866217 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public Array_uint VehicleModelSetNames { get; set; } //32 32: Array: 0: VehicleModelSetNames//3827910541 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public Array_uint GroupNames { get; set; } //48 48: Array: 0: GroupNames//2506712617 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public Array_uint InteriorNames { get; set; } //64 64: Array: 0: InteriorNames {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public Array_uint RequiredIMapNames { get; set; } //[ymap names] //80 80: Array: 0: RequiredIMapNames//1767860162 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public override string ToString()
return "CScenarioPointLookUps";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCScenarioPointLookUps : MetaWrapper
public MCScenarioPointRegion Region { get; set; }
public CScenarioPointLookUps _Data;
public CScenarioPointLookUps Data { get { return _Data; } set { _Data = value; } }
public MetaHash[] TypeNames { get; set; } //scenario type hashes used by points
public MetaHash[] PedModelSetNames { get; set; } //ped names
public MetaHash[] VehicleModelSetNames { get; set; } //vehicle names
public MetaHash[] GroupNames { get; set; } //scenario group names?
public MetaHash[] InteriorNames { get; set; }
public MetaHash[] RequiredIMapNames { get; set; } //ymap names
public MCScenarioPointLookUps() { }
public MCScenarioPointLookUps(MCScenarioPointRegion region)
Region = region;
public MCScenarioPointLookUps(MCScenarioPointRegion region, Meta meta, CScenarioPointLookUps d)
Region = region;
_Data = d;
public void Init(Meta meta)
TypeNames = MetaTypes.GetHashArray(meta, _Data.TypeNames);
PedModelSetNames = MetaTypes.GetHashArray(meta, _Data.PedModelSetNames);
VehicleModelSetNames = MetaTypes.GetHashArray(meta, _Data.VehicleModelSetNames);
GroupNames = MetaTypes.GetHashArray(meta, _Data.GroupNames);
InteriorNames = MetaTypes.GetHashArray(meta, _Data.InteriorNames);
RequiredIMapNames = MetaTypes.GetHashArray(meta, _Data.RequiredIMapNames);
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CScenarioPointLookUps>(meta, ptr);
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
return mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CScenarioPointLookUps, _Data);
public override string Name
return "CScenarioPointLookUps";
public override string ToString()
return _Data.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CCompositeEntityType //304 bytes, Key:659539004 dex: composite entity type - ytyp // Tom: des_ destruction
public ArrayOfChars64 Name { get; set; } //0 0: ArrayOfChars: 64: Name
public float lodDist { get; set; } //64 64: Float: 0: lodDist
public uint flags { get; set; } //68 68: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public uint specialAttribute { get; set; } //72 72: UnsignedInt: 0: specialAttribute
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//76
public Vector3 bbMin { get; set; } //80 80: Float_XYZ: 0: bbMin
public float Unused1 { get; set; }//92
public Vector3 bbMax { get; set; } //96 96: Float_XYZ: 0: bbMax
public float Unused2 { get; set; }//108
public Vector3 bsCentre { get; set; } //112 112: Float_XYZ: 0: bsCentre
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//124
public float bsRadius { get; set; } //128 128: Float: 0: bsRadius
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//132
public ArrayOfChars64 StartModel { get; set; } //136 136: ArrayOfChars: 64: StartModel
public ArrayOfChars64 EndModel { get; set; } //200 200: ArrayOfChars: 64: EndModel
public MetaHash StartImapFile { get; set; } //264 264: Hash: 0: StartImapFile//2462971690
public MetaHash EndImapFile { get; set; } //268 268: Hash: 0: EndImapFile//2059586669
public MetaHash PtFxAssetName { get; set; } //272 272: Hash: 0: PtFxAssetName//2497993358
public uint Unused5 { get; set; }//276
public Array_Structure Animations { get; set; } //280 280: Array: 0: Animations {0: Structure: 1980345114: 256}
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//296
public uint Unused7 { get; set; }//300
public override string ToString()
return Name.ToString() + ", " + StartModel.ToString() + ", " + EndModel.ToString() + ", " +
StartImapFile.ToString() + ", " + EndImapFile.ToString() + ", " + PtFxAssetName.ToString();
2019-01-12 14:45:19 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CCompEntityAnims //216 bytes, Key:4110496011 //destruction animations?
public ArrayOfChars64 AnimDict { get; set; } //0 0: ArrayOfChars: 64: AnimDict
public ArrayOfChars64 AnimName { get; set; } //64 64: ArrayOfChars: 64: AnimName
public ArrayOfChars64 AnimatedModel { get; set; } //128 128: ArrayOfChars: 64: AnimatedModel
public float punchInPhase { get; set; } //192 192: Float: 0: punchInPhase//3142377407
public float punchOutPhase { get; set; } //196 196: Float: 0: punchOutPhase//2164219370
public Array_Structure effectsData { get; set; } //200 200: Array: 0: effectsData {0: Structure: 3430328684: 256}
2019-01-12 14:45:19 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CCompEntityEffectsData //160 bytes, Key:1724963966 //destruction animation effects data
public uint fxType { get; set; } //0 0: UnsignedInt: 0: fxType
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//4
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//8
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public Vector3 fxOffsetPos { get; set; } //16 16: Float_XYZ: 0: fxOffsetPos
public float Unused3 { get; set; }//28
public Vector4 fxOffsetRot { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZW: 0: fxOffsetRot
public uint boneTag { get; set; } //48 48: UnsignedInt: 0: boneTag
public float startPhase { get; set; } //52 52: Float: 0: startPhase
public float endPhase { get; set; } //56 56: Float: 0: endPhase
public byte ptFxIsTriggered { get; set; } //60 60: Boolean: 0: ptFxIsTriggered
public ArrayOfChars64 ptFxTag { get; set; } //61 61: ArrayOfChars: 64: ptFxTag
public byte Unused4 { get; set; }//125
public ushort Unused5 { get; set; }//126
public float ptFxScale { get; set; } //128 128: Float: 0: ptFxScale
public float ptFxProbability { get; set; } //132 132: Float: 0: ptFxProbability
public byte ptFxHasTint { get; set; } //136 136: Boolean: 0: ptFxHasTint
public byte ptFxTintR { get; set; } //137 137: UnsignedByte: 0: ptFxTintR
public byte ptFxTintG { get; set; } //138 138: UnsignedByte: 0: ptFxTintG
public byte ptFxTintB { get; set; } //139 139: UnsignedByte: 0: ptFxTintB
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//140
public Vector3 ptFxSize { get; set; } //144 144: Float_XYZ: 0: ptFxSize
public uint Unused7 { get; set; }//156
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CStreamingRequestRecord //40 bytes, Key:3825587854 //SRL YMT ROOT - in /streaming/ folder
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public Array_Structure Frames { get; set; } //0 0: Array: 0: Frames {0: Structure: CStreamingRequestFrame: 256}
public Array_Structure CommonSets { get; set; } //16 16: Array: 0: CommonSets {0: Structure: CStreamingRequestCommonSet: 256}
public byte NewStyle { get; set; } //32 32: Boolean: 0: NewStyle
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte Unused0 { get; set; }//33
public ushort Unused1 { get; set; }//34
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//36
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CStreamingRequestFrame //112 bytes, Key:1112444512 //SRL frame...
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public Array_uint AddList { get; set; } //0 0: Array: 0: AddList//327274266 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public Array_uint RemoveList { get; set; } //16 16: Array: 0: RemoveList//3372321331 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
public Array_uint PromoteToHDList { get; set; } //32 32: Array: 0: 896120921 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public Vector3 CamPos { get; set; } //48 48: Float_XYZ: 0: CamPos//357008256
public float Unused0 { get; set; }//60
public Vector3 CamDir { get; set; } //64 64: Float_XYZ: 0: CamDir//210316193
public float Unused1 { get; set; }//76
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
public Array_byte CommonAddSets { get; set; } //80 80: Array: 0: 1762439591 {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public uint Flags { get; set; } //96 96: UnsignedInt: 0: Flags
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//100
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//104
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//108
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CStreamingRequestFrame_v2 //96 bytes, Key:3672937465 //SRL frame...
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public Array_uint AddList { get; set; } //0 0: Array: 0: AddList//327274266 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public Array_uint RemoveList { get; set; } //16 16: Array: 0: RemoveList//3372321331 {0: Hash: 0: 256}
public Vector3 CamPos { get; set; } //32 32: Float_XYZ: 0: CamPos//357008256
public float Unused0 { get; set; }//44
public Vector3 CamDir { get; set; } //48 48: Float_XYZ: 0: CamDir//210316193
public float Unused1 { get; set; }//60
public Array_byte Unk_1762439591 { get; set; } //64 64: Array: 0: 1762439591 {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
public uint Flags { get; set; } //80 80: UnsignedInt: 0: Flags
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//84
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//88
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//92
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CStreamingRequestCommonSet //16 bytes, Key:3710200606 //SRL common set
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public Array_uint Requests { get; set; } //0 0: Array: 0: Requests {0: Hash: 0: 256}
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CCreatureMetaData //56 bytes, Key:2181653572
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public Array_Structure shaderVariableComponents { get; set; } //8 8: Array: 0: shaderVariableComponents {0: Structure: CShaderVariableComponent: 256}
public Array_Structure pedPropExpressions { get; set; } //24 24: Array: 0: pedPropExpressions {0: Structure: CPedPropExpressionData: 256}
public Array_Structure pedCompExpressions { get; set; } //40 40: Array: 0: pedCompExpressions {0: Structure: CPedCompExpressionData: 256}
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CShaderVariableComponent //72 bytes, Key:3085831725
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public uint pedcompID { get; set; } //8 8: UnsignedInt: 0: pedcompID
public uint maskID { get; set; } //12 12: UnsignedInt: 0: maskID
public uint shaderVariableHashString { get; set; } //16 16: Hash: 0: shaderVariableHashString
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//20
public Array_byte tracks { get; set; } //24 24: Array: 0: tracks {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
public Array_ushort ids { get; set; } //40 40: Array: 0: ids {0: UnsignedShort: 0: 256}
public Array_byte components { get; set; } //56 56: Array: 0: components {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CPedPropExpressionData //88 bytes, Key:1355135810
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public uint pedPropID { get; set; } //8 8: UnsignedInt: 0: pedPropID
public int pedPropVarIndex { get; set; } //12 12: SignedInt: 0: pedPropVarIndex
public uint pedPropExpressionIndex { get; set; } //16 16: UnsignedInt: 0: pedPropExpressionIndex
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//20
public Array_byte tracks { get; set; } //24 24: Array: 0: tracks {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
public Array_ushort ids { get; set; } //40 40: Array: 0: ids {0: UnsignedShort: 0: 256}
public Array_byte types { get; set; } //56 56: Array: 0: types {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
public Array_byte components { get; set; } //72 72: Array: 0: components {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CPedCompExpressionData //88 bytes, Key:3458164745
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//0
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
public uint pedCompID { get; set; } //8 8: UnsignedInt: 0: pedCompID
public int pedCompVarIndex { get; set; } //12 12: SignedInt: 0: pedCompVarIndex
public uint pedCompExpressionIndex { get; set; } //16 16: UnsignedInt: 0: pedCompExpressionIndex
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//20
public Array_byte tracks { get; set; } //24 24: Array: 0: tracks {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
public Array_ushort ids { get; set; } //40 40: Array: 0: ids {0: UnsignedShort: 0: 256}
public Array_byte types { get; set; } //56 56: Array: 0: types {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
public Array_byte components { get; set; } //72 72: Array: 0: components {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CPedVariationInfo : IPsoSwapEnd //112 bytes, Key:4030871161 //COMPONENT PEDS YMT ROOT - in componentpeds .rpf's
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte bHasTexVariations { get; set; } //0 0: Boolean: 0: bHasTexVariations
public byte bHasDrawblVariations { get; set; } //1 1: Boolean: 0: bHasDrawblVariations
2019-12-29 09:09:23 +08:00
public byte bHasLowLODs { get; set; } //2 2: Boolean: 0: bHasLowLODs
public byte bIsSuperLOD { get; set; } //3 3: Boolean: 0: bIsSuperLOD
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public ArrayOfBytes12 availComp { get; set; } //4 4: ArrayOfBytes: 12: availComp
public Array_Structure aComponentData3 { get; set; } //16 16: Array: 0: aComponentData3 {0: Structure: CPVComponentData: 256}
public Array_Structure aSelectionSets { get; set; } //32 32: Array: 0: aSelectionSets {0: Structure: CPedSelectionSet: 256}
public Array_Structure compInfos { get; set; } //48 48: Array: 0: compInfos {0: Structure: CComponentInfo: 256}
public CPedPropInfo propInfo { get; set; } //64 64: Structure: CPedPropInfo: propInfo
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MetaHash dlcName { get; set; } //104 104: Hash: 0: dlcName
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//108
public void SwapEnd()
aComponentData3 = aComponentData3.SwapEnd();
aSelectionSets = aSelectionSets.SwapEnd();
compInfos = compInfos.SwapEnd();
propInfo = propInfo.SwapEnd();
dlcName = MetaTypes.SwapBytes(dlcName);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCPedVariationInfo : MetaWrapper
public CPedVariationInfo _Data;
public CPedVariationInfo Data { get { return _Data; } }
public byte[] ComponentIndices { get; set; }
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public MCPVComponentData[] ComponentData3 { get; set; }
public MCPedSelectionSet[] SelectionSets { get; set; }
public MCComponentInfo[] CompInfos { get; set; }
public MCPedPropInfo PropInfo { get; set; }
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
var data = MetaTypes.GetData<CPedVariationInfo>(meta, ptr);
Load(meta, data);
public void Load(Meta meta, CPedVariationInfo data)
//maybe see
_Data = data;
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
ComponentIndices = data.availComp.GetArray();
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
var aComponentData3 = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CPVComponentData>(meta, MetaName.CPVComponentData, _Data.aComponentData3);
if (aComponentData3 != null)
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
ComponentData3 = new MCPVComponentData[aComponentData3.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < aComponentData3.Length; i++)
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
ComponentData3[i] = new MCPVComponentData(meta, aComponentData3[i], this);
var vSelectionSets = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CPedSelectionSet>(meta, MetaName.CPedSelectionSet, _Data.aSelectionSets);
if (vSelectionSets != null)
SelectionSets = new MCPedSelectionSet[vSelectionSets.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < vSelectionSets.Length; i++)
SelectionSets[i] = new MCPedSelectionSet(meta, vSelectionSets[i], this);
var vCompInfos = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CComponentInfo>(meta, MetaName.CComponentInfo, _Data.compInfos);
if (vCompInfos != null)
CompInfos = new MCComponentInfo[vCompInfos.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < vCompInfos.Length; i++)
CompInfos[i] = new MCComponentInfo(meta, vCompInfos[i], this);
PropInfo = new MCPedPropInfo(meta, data.propInfo, this);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) //set the component type indices on all the component variants, for them to use
var compInd = ComponentIndices[i];
if ((compInd > 0) && (compInd < ComponentData3?.Length))
var compvar = ComponentData3[compInd];
compvar.ComponentType = i;
if (compvar.DrawblData3 != null)
foreach (var cvp in compvar.DrawblData3)
cvp.ComponentType = i;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public void Load(PsoFile pso, CPedVariationInfo data)
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
throw new NotImplementedException();
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public MCPVComponentData GetComponentData(int componentType)
if ((componentType < 0) || (componentType > 11)) return null;
if (ComponentIndices == null) return null;
var index = ComponentIndices[componentType];
if (index > ComponentData3?.Length) return null;
return ComponentData3[index];
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CPVComponentData //24 bytes, Key:2024084511 //COMPONENT PEDS component variations item
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte numAvailTex { get; set; } //0 0: UnsignedByte: 0: numAvailTex
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte Unused0 { get; set; }//1
public ushort Unused1 { get; set; }//2
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//4
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public Array_Structure aDrawblData3 { get; set; } //8 8: Array: 0: aDrawblData3 {0: Structure: CPVDrawblData: 256}
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCPVComponentData : MetaWrapper
public MCPedVariationInfo Owner { get; set; }
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public CPVComponentData _Data;
public CPVComponentData Data { get { return _Data; } }
public byte numAvailTex { get { return _Data.numAvailTex; } set { _Data.numAvailTex = value; } }
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public MCPVDrawblData[] DrawblData3 { get; set; }
public int ComponentType { get; set; } = 0;
public static string[] ComponentTypeNames { get; } =
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public MCPVComponentData() { }
public MCPVComponentData(Meta meta, CPVComponentData data, MCPedVariationInfo owner)
_Data = data;
Owner = owner;
private void Init(Meta meta)
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
var aDrawblData3 = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CPVDrawblData>(meta, MetaName.CPVDrawblData, _Data.aDrawblData3);
if (aDrawblData3 != null)
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
DrawblData3 = new MCPVDrawblData[aDrawblData3.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < aDrawblData3.Length; i++)
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
DrawblData3[i] = new MCPVDrawblData(meta, aDrawblData3[i], this, i);
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
_Data = MetaTypes.GetData<CPVComponentData>(meta, ptr);
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override string ToString()
string r = (ComponentType < 12) ? ComponentTypeNames[ComponentType] : "error";
return r + " : " + DrawblData3?.Length.ToString() ?? base.ToString();
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CPVDrawblData //48 bytes, Key:124073662 //COMPONENT PEDS drawable info
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte propMask { get; set; } //0 0: UnsignedByte: 0: propMask
public byte numAlternatives { get; set; } //1 1: UnsignedByte: 0: 2806194106
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public ushort Unused0 { get; set; }//2
public uint Unused1 { get; set; }//4
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public Array_Structure aTexData { get; set; } //8 8: Array: 0: aTexData {0: Structure: CPVTextureData: 256}
public CPVDrawblData__CPVClothComponentData clothData { get; set; } //24 24: Structure: CPVDrawblData__CPVClothComponentData: clothData
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCPVDrawblData : MetaWrapper
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public MCPVComponentData Owner { get; set; }
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public CPVDrawblData _Data;
public CPVDrawblData Data { get { return _Data; } }
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public CPVTextureData[] TexData { get; set; }
public int ComponentType { get; set; } = 0;
public int DrawableIndex { get; set; } = 0;
public int PropMask { get { return _Data.propMask; } }
public int NumAlternatives { get { return _Data.numAlternatives; } }
public int PropType { get { return (PropMask >> 4) & 3; } }
public string GetDrawableName(int altnum = 0)
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
string r = (ComponentType < 12) ? MCPVComponentData.ComponentTypeNames[ComponentType] : "error";
r += "_";
r += DrawableIndex.ToString("000");
r += "_";
switch (PropType)
case 0: r += "u"; break;//what do these mean?
case 1: r += "r"; break;
case 2: r += "m"; break;
case 3: r += "m"; break;
if (altnum > 0)
r += "_";
r += altnum.ToString();
return r;
public string GetTextureName(int texnum = 0)
return GetTexturePrefix() + GetTextureSuffix(texnum);
public string GetTexturePrefix()
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
string r = (ComponentType < 12) ? MCPVComponentData.ComponentTypeNames[ComponentType] : "error";
r += "_diff_"; //are there variations of this?
r += DrawableIndex.ToString("000");
r += "_";
return r;
public string GetTextureSuffix(int texnum)
2019-11-25 22:26:28 +08:00
if (texnum < 0) texnum = 0;
const string alphas = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var tex = TexData[texnum];
var texid = tex.texId;
var distr = tex.distribution;//what does this do?
var r = string.Empty;
r += alphas[texnum % 26];
r += "_";
switch (texid)
case 0:
r += "uni";
case 1:
r += "whi";
case 2:
r += "bla";
case 3:
r += "chi";
case 4:
r += "lat";
case 5:
r += "ara";
case 8:
r += "kor";
case 10:
r += "pak";
r += "whi";
return r;
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public MCPVDrawblData() { }
public MCPVDrawblData(Meta meta, CPVDrawblData data, MCPVComponentData owner, int index)
_Data = data;
Owner = owner;
DrawableIndex = index;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
TexData = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CPVTextureData>(meta, MetaName.CPVTextureData, _Data.aTexData);
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override string ToString()
return GetDrawableName();
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CPVTextureData //3 bytes, Key:4272717794 //COMPONENT PEDS (cloth?) aTexData
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte texId { get; set; } //0 0: UnsignedByte: 0: texId
public byte distribution { get; set; } //1 1: UnsignedByte: 0: distribution//914976023
public byte Unused0 { get; set; }//2
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CPVDrawblData__CPVClothComponentData //24 bytes, Key:508935687 //COMPONENT PEDS clothData
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte ownsCloth { get; set; } //0 0: Boolean: 0: ownsCloth
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte Unused0 { get; set; }//1
public ushort Unused1 { get; set; }//2
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//4
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//8
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//12
public uint Unused5 { get; set; }//16
public uint Unused6 { get; set; }//20
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CPedSelectionSet //48 bytes, Key:3120284999 //COMPONENT PEDS
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MetaHash name { get; set; } //0 0: Hash: 0: name
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
public ArrayOfBytes12 compDrawableId { get; set; } //4 4: ArrayOfBytes: 12: compDrawableId
public ArrayOfBytes12 compTexId { get; set; } //16 16: ArrayOfBytes: 12: compTexId
public ArrayOfBytes6 propAnchorId { get; set; } //28 28: ArrayOfBytes: 6: propAnchorId
public ArrayOfBytes6 propDrawableId { get; set; } //34 34: ArrayOfBytes: 6: propDrawableId
public ArrayOfBytes6 propTexId { get; set; } //40 40: ArrayOfBytes: 6: propTexId
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public ushort Unused0 { get; set; }//46
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCPedSelectionSet : MetaWrapper
public MCPedVariationInfo Owner { get; set; }
public CPedSelectionSet _Data;
public CPedSelectionSet Data { get { return _Data; } }
public MCPedSelectionSet() { }
public MCPedSelectionSet(Meta meta, CPedSelectionSet data, MCPedVariationInfo owner)
_Data = data;
Owner = owner;
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
throw new NotImplementedException();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CComponentInfo //48 bytes, Key:3693847250 //COMPONENT PEDS
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
public MetaHash pedXml_audioID { get; set; } //0 0: Hash: 0: 802196719
public MetaHash pedXml_audioID2 { get; set; } //4 4: Hash: 0: 4233133352
public ArrayOfBytes5 pedXml_expressionMods { get; set; } //8 8: ArrayOfBytes: 5: 128864925
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte Unused0 { get; set; }//13
public ushort Unused1 { get; set; }//14
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//16
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//20
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//24
public uint flags { get; set; } //28 28: UnsignedInt: 0: flags
public int inclusions { get; set; } //32 32: IntFlags2: 0: inclusions//2172318933
public int exclusions { get; set; } //36 36: IntFlags2: 0: exclusions
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
public ePedVarComp pedXml_vfxComps { get; set; } //40 40: ShortFlags: ePedVarComp: 1613922652
public ushort pedXml_flags { get; set; } //42 42: UnsignedShort: 0: 2114993291
public byte pedXml_compIdx { get; set; } //44 44: UnsignedByte: 0: 3509540765
public byte pedXml_drawblIdx { get; set; } //45 45: UnsignedByte: 0: 4196345791
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public ushort Unused5 { get; set; }//46
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCComponentInfo : MetaWrapper
public MCPedVariationInfo Owner { get; set; }
public CComponentInfo _Data;
public CComponentInfo Data { get { return _Data; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
public int ComponentType { get { return _Data.pedXml_compIdx; } }
public int ComponentIndex { get { return _Data.pedXml_drawblIdx; } }
public MCComponentInfo() { }
public MCComponentInfo(Meta meta, CComponentInfo data, MCPedVariationInfo owner)
_Data = data;
Owner = owner;
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override string ToString()
2019-11-21 18:29:55 +08:00
return (ComponentType < 12) ? MCPVComponentData.ComponentTypeNames[ComponentType] + "_" + ComponentIndex.ToString("000") : base.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CPedPropInfo //40 bytes, Key:1792487819 //COMPONENT PEDS
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte numAvailProps { get; set; } //0 0: UnsignedByte: 0: numAvailProps
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte Unused0 { get; set; }//1
public ushort Unused1 { get; set; }//2
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//4
public Array_Structure aPropMetaData { get; set; } //8 8: Array: 0: aPropMetaData {0: Structure: CPedPropMetaData: 256}
public Array_Structure aAnchors { get; set; } //24 24: Array: 0: aAnchors {0: Structure: CAnchorProps: 256}
public CPedPropInfo SwapEnd()
aPropMetaData = aPropMetaData.SwapEnd();
aAnchors = aAnchors.SwapEnd();
return this;
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCPedPropInfo : MetaWrapper
public MCPedVariationInfo Owner { get; set; }
public CPedPropInfo _Data;
public CPedPropInfo Data { get { return _Data; } }
public MCPedPropMetaData[] PropMetaData { get; set; }
public MCAnchorProps[] Anchors { get; set; }
public MCPedPropInfo() { }
public MCPedPropInfo(Meta meta, CPedPropInfo data, MCPedVariationInfo owner)
_Data = data;
Owner = owner;
var vPropMetaData = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CPedPropMetaData>(meta, MetaName.CPedPropMetaData, _Data.aPropMetaData);
if (vPropMetaData != null)
PropMetaData = new MCPedPropMetaData[vPropMetaData.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < vPropMetaData.Length; i++)
PropMetaData[i] = new MCPedPropMetaData(meta, vPropMetaData[i], this);
var vAnchors = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CAnchorProps>(meta, MetaName.CAnchorProps, _Data.aAnchors);
if (vAnchors != null)
Anchors = new MCAnchorProps[vAnchors.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < vAnchors.Length; i++)
Anchors[i] = new MCAnchorProps(meta, vAnchors[i], this);
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
throw new NotImplementedException();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CPedPropMetaData //56 bytes, Key:2029738350 //COMPONENT PEDS
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MetaHash audioId { get; set; } //0 0: Hash: 0: audioId
public ArrayOfBytes5 expressionMods { get; set; } //4 4: ArrayOfBytes: 5: expressionMods//942761829
public byte Unused0 { get; set; }//9
public ushort Unused1 { get; set; }//10
public uint Unused2 { get; set; }//12
public uint Unused3 { get; set; }//16
public uint Unused4 { get; set; }//20
public Array_Structure texData { get; set; } //24 24: Array: 0: texData {0: Structure: CPedPropTexData: 256}
public ePropRenderFlags renderFlags { get; set; } //40 40: IntFlags1: ePropRenderFlags: renderFlags
public uint propFlags { get; set; } //44 44: UnsignedInt: 0: propFlags
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public ushort flags { get; set; } //48 48: UnsignedShort: 0: flags
public byte anchorId { get; set; } //50 50: UnsignedByte: 0: anchorId
public byte propId { get; set; } //51 51: UnsignedByte: 0: propId
2023-11-26 11:53:37 +08:00
public byte stickyness { get; set; } //52 52: UnsignedByte: 0: 2894625425
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public byte Unused5 { get; set; }//53
public ushort Unused6 { get; set; }//54
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCPedPropMetaData : MetaWrapper
public MCPedPropInfo Owner { get; set; }
public CPedPropMetaData _Data;
public CPedPropMetaData Data { get { return _Data; } }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public CPedPropTexData[] TexData { get; set; }
public MCPedPropMetaData(Meta meta, CPedPropMetaData data, MCPedPropInfo owner)
_Data = data;
Owner = owner;
TexData = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CPedPropTexData>(meta, MetaName.CPedPropTexData, _Data.texData);
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
throw new NotImplementedException();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CPedPropTexData //12 bytes, Key:2767296137 //COMPONENT PEDS
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public int inclusions { get; set; } //0 0: IntFlags2: 0: inclusions
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public int exclusions { get; set; } //4 4: IntFlags2: 0: exclusions
public byte texId { get; set; } //8 8: UnsignedByte: 0: texId
public byte inclusionId { get; set; } //9 9: UnsignedByte: 0: inclusionId
public byte exclusionId { get; set; } //10 10: UnsignedByte: 0: exclusionId
public byte distribution { get; set; } //11 11: UnsignedByte: 0: distribution
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct CAnchorProps //24 bytes, Key:403574180 //COMPONENT PEDS CAnchorProps
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public Array_byte props { get; set; } //0 0: Array: 0: props {0: UnsignedByte: 0: 256}
public eAnchorPoints anchor { get; set; } //16 16: IntEnum: eAnchorPoints: anchor
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public uint Unused0 { get; set; }//20
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class MCAnchorProps : MetaWrapper
public MCPedPropInfo Owner { get; set; }
public CAnchorProps _Data;
public CAnchorProps Data { get { return _Data; } }
public byte[] Props { get; set; }
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00
public MCAnchorProps(Meta meta, CAnchorProps data, MCPedPropInfo owner)
_Data = data;
Owner = owner;
Props = MetaTypes.GetByteArray(meta, _Data.props);
public override void Load(Meta meta, MetaPOINTER ptr)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MetaPOINTER Save(MetaBuilder mb)
throw new NotImplementedException();
2017-09-21 18:33:05 +08:00