mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 06:03:03 +08:00
Optimizations and refactoring
Added pooling to most of the Space Init functions (BVH Builders, etc) Added multi threading to search world and Space Init functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,11 +8,14 @@ using CodeWalker.Core.Utils;
using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using Collections.Pooled;
using CommunityToolkit.HighPerformance;
using Iced.Intel;
using SharpDX;
using System;
using System.Buffers.Binary;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Benchmarks
[Params(10, 100, 1000)]
public int Length { get; set; } = 10000;
@ -147,10 +150,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Benchmarks
private int randomValue;
private uint[] ushorts = new uint[0];
private byte[] bytes = new byte[16];
private string Str = "iakslgbhfibnrihbderpiugaehigoI BIHGVUIVDSOUFVBOUADGBOIUYfgiuywetrg872q13rh9872`134tgyihsbaopuJGUIYODGBFIOUFgvbouailksdbhnfp";
private char[] chars1 = new char[0];
private Vector3 WorldPos;
public void Setup()
@ -159,19 +166,39 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Benchmarks
valueByte = 0;
valueUint = 0;
ushorts = new uint[Length];
Str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
ushorts[i] = (uint)random.Next(0, int.MaxValue);
if (random.Next(0, 10) <= 1)
Str += random.Next('A', 'Z');
} else
Str += random.Next('a', 'z');
var hashes = MemoryMarshal.Cast<uint, MetaHash>(ushorts);
chars1 = Str.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"{ushorts[i]} -> {hashes[i]}");
//float f0 = Flags0.Value / 255.0f;
//float f1 = Flags1.Value / 255.0f;
//float f2 = Flags2.Value / 255.0f;
//var c = new Color4(f0, f1, f2, 1.0f);
var c = new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
// Shortcut
WorldPos = new Vector3(random.NextFloat(float.MinValue, float.MaxValue), random.NextFloat(float.MinValue, float.MaxValue), random.NextFloat(float.MinValue, float.MaxValue));
//Console.WriteLine("Setup done");
@ -245,6 +272,234 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Benchmarks
// return Str.AsSpan().IndexOf('\0');
public static string GetBytesReadable(long i)
//shamelessly stolen from stackoverflow, and a bit mangled
// Returns the human-readable file size for an arbitrary, 64-bit file size
// The default format is "0.### XB", e.g. "4.2 KB" or "1.434 GB"
// Get absolute value
long absolute_i = Math.Abs(i);
// Determine the suffix and readable value
string suffix;
double readable;
if (absolute_i >= 0x1000000000000000) // Exabyte
suffix = "EB";
readable = (i >> 50);
else if (absolute_i >= 0x4000000000000) // Petabyte
suffix = "PB";
readable = (i >> 40);
else if (absolute_i >= 0x10000000000) // Terabyte
suffix = "TB";
readable = (i >> 30);
else if (absolute_i >= 0x40000000) // Gigabyte
suffix = "GB";
readable = (i >> 20);
else if (absolute_i >= 0x100000) // Megabyte
suffix = "MB";
readable = (i >> 10);
else if (absolute_i >= 0x400) // Kilobyte
suffix = "KB";
readable = i;
return i.ToString("0 bytes"); // Byte
// Divide by 1024 to get fractional value
readable = (readable / 1024);
string fmt = "0.### ";
if (readable > 1000)
fmt = "0";
else if (readable > 100)
fmt = "0.#";
else if (readable > 10)
fmt = "0.##";
// Return formatted number with suffix
return $"{readable.ToString(fmt)}{suffix}";
static string[] sizeSuffixes = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"];
public static string GetBytesReadableNew(long size)
//shamelessly stolen from stackoverflow, and a bit mangled
// Returns the human-readable file size for an arbitrary, 64-bit file size
// The default format is "0.### XB", e.g. "4.2 KB" or "1.434 GB"
// Get absolute value
Debug.Assert(sizeSuffixes.Length > 0);
if (size == 0)
return $"{0:0.#} {sizeSuffixes[0]}";
var absSize = Math.Abs(size);
var fpPower = Math.Log(absSize, 1024);
var intPower = (int)fpPower;
var normSize = absSize / Math.Pow(1024, intPower);
return $"{normSize:G4} {sizeSuffixes[intPower]}";
public static byte ToLower(char c)
return ToLower((byte)c);
//return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? (byte)(c - 'A' + 'a') : (byte)c;
public static byte ToLower(byte c)
return ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ? (byte)(c | 0x20) : c;
public static byte ToLowerDirect(char c)
return (byte)(('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ? (byte)(c | 0x20) : (byte)c);
public static uint GenHashLower(ReadOnlySpan<char> data)
uint h = 0;
foreach (var b in data)
h += ToLower(b);
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
public static void WriteDataOneGo(Span<byte> data)
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref data[0], new Int128(ulong.MaxValue, ulong.MaxValue));
public static void WriteData(Span<byte> data)
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned<ulong>(ref data[0], ulong.MaxValue);
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned<ulong>(ref data[8], ulong.MaxValue);
public static void WriteDataOld(Span<byte> data)
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned<ulong>(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data[..8]), ulong.MaxValue);
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned<ulong>(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data.Slice(8, 8)), ulong.MaxValue);
public static uint GenHashLowerDirect(ReadOnlySpan<char> data)
uint h = 0;
foreach (var b in data)
h += ToLowerDirect(b);
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
public static uint GenHashLowerVectorized(Span<char> data)
Ascii.ToLowerInPlace(data, out _);
uint h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
h += (byte)data[i];
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
public static uint GenHashLowerVectorized(ReadOnlySpan<char> data)
Span<char> chars = stackalloc char[data.Length];
Ascii.ToLower(data, chars, out _);
uint h = 0;
foreach (var b in chars)
h += (byte)b;
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
public static uint GenHashLower(string data)
uint h = 0;
foreach (var b in data)
h += ToLower(b);
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
private PooledList<SimpleType3> getPooledListClass()
var list = new PooledList<SimpleType3>();
@ -343,22 +598,25 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Benchmarks
public void ReverseEndianness()
public void WriteData()
//BinaryPrimitives.ReverseEndianness(MemoryMarshal.Cast<float, uint>(ushorts), MemoryMarshal.Cast<float, uint>(ushorts));
public void SwapBytes()
public void WriteDataOld()
var _ushorts = ushorts;
for (int i = 0; i < _ushorts.Length; i++)
_ushorts[i] = MetaTypes.SwapBytes(_ushorts[i]);
public void WriteDataOneGo()
@ -859,8 +859,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++)
var th = h + (i << 29);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(JenkIndex.TryGetString(th))) return th;
if (MetaNames.TryGetString(th, out string str)) return th;
if (JenkIndex.TryGetString(th, out _))
return th;
if (MetaNames.TryGetString(th, out _))
return th;
return h;
@ -869,13 +871,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
if (CachedName != null) return CachedName;
if (CachedName is not null)
return CachedName;
var ha = HashAdjusted;
var str = JenkIndex.TryGetString(ha);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) CachedName = str;
else if (MetaNames.TryGetString(ha, out str)) CachedName = str;
else CachedName = "0x" + Hash.Hex;
return CachedName;
if (JenkIndex.TryGetString(ha, out CachedName))
return CachedName;
else if (MetaNames.TryGetString(ha, out CachedName))
return CachedName;
return CachedName = $"0x{Hash.Hex}";
private string CachedName;
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
using Collections.Pooled;
using CodeWalker.Core.Utils;
using Collections.Pooled;
using Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool;
using SharpDX;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
@ -60,8 +62,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
uint modlen;
bool indates = false;
using var dates = new PooledList<CacheFileDate>();
using var allMapNodes = new PooledList<MapDataStoreNode>();
using var allCInteriorProxies = new PooledList<CInteriorProxy>();
var allMapNodes = PooledListPool<MapDataStoreNode>.Shared.Get();
using var allCInteriorProxies = new PooledList<CInteriorProxy>();;
using var allBoundsStoreItems = new PooledList<BoundsStoreItem>();
for (int i = 100; i < data.Length; i++)
@ -105,8 +107,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
allCInteriorProxies.Add(new CInteriorProxy(br));
if (allCInteriorProxies.Count != structcount)
{ }//all pass here
i += (int)(modlen + 4);
case "BoundsStore":
@ -118,14 +118,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
allBoundsStoreItems.Add(new BoundsStoreItem(br));
if (allBoundsStoreItems.Count != structcount)
{ }//all pass here
i += (int)(modlen + 4);
if (!indates)
{ } //just testing
if (indates)
string line = new string(charArr.Slice(0, length));
dates.Add(new CacheFileDate(line));//eg: 2740459947 (hash of: platform:/data/cdimages/scaleform_frontend.rpf) 130680580712018938 8944
@ -146,8 +142,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
AllCInteriorProxies = allCInteriorProxies.ToArray();
AllBoundsStoreItems = allBoundsStoreItems.ToArray();
MapNodeDict = new Dictionary<uint, MapDataStoreNode>();
var rootMapNodes = new List<MapDataStoreNode>();
var rootMapNodes = PooledListPool<MapDataStoreNode>.Shared.Get();
foreach (var mapnode in AllMapNodes)
MapNodeDict[mapnode.Name] = mapnode;
@ -155,33 +153,26 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
if (mapnode.UnkExtra != null)
{ }//notsure what to do with this
foreach (var mapnode in AllMapNodes)
MapDataStoreNode pnode;
if (MapNodeDict.TryGetValue(mapnode.ParentName, out pnode))
if (MapNodeDict.TryGetValue(mapnode.ParentName, out MapDataStoreNode pnode))
else if ((mapnode.ParentName != 0))
{ }
foreach (var mapnode in AllMapNodes)
RootMapNodes = rootMapNodes.ToArray();
BoundsStoreDict = new Dictionary<MetaHash, BoundsStoreItem>();
foreach (BoundsStoreItem item in AllBoundsStoreItems)
BoundsStoreItem mbsi = null;
if (BoundsStoreDict.TryGetValue(item.Name, out mbsi))
{ }
BoundsStoreDict[item.Name] = item;
@ -199,8 +190,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
{ }
foreach (var mapnode in AllMapNodes)
@ -434,8 +423,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class BoundsStoreItem : IMetaXmlItem
public MetaHash Name { get; set; }
public Vector3 Min { get; set; }
public Vector3 Max { get; set; }
public Vector3 _Min;
public ref Vector3 Min => ref _Min;
public Vector3 _Max;
public ref Vector3 Max => ref _Max;
public uint Layer { get; set; }
public BoundsStoreItem()
@ -795,10 +787,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public MapDataStoreNodeExtra UnkExtra { get; set; }
public MapDataStoreNode[] Children { get; set; }
private List<MapDataStoreNode> ChildrenList; //used when building the array
private PooledList<MapDataStoreNode>? ChildrenList; //used when building the array
public CInteriorProxy[] InteriorProxies { get; set; }
private List<CInteriorProxy> InteriorProxyList;
private PooledList<CInteriorProxy>? InteriorProxyList;
public MapDataStoreNode()
{ }
@ -826,15 +818,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
Unk3 = br.ReadByte(); //slod flag?
Unk4 = br.ReadByte();
if (Unk1 != 0)
{ }
if (Unk2 != 0)
{ }
if (Unk3 != 0)
{ }
if (Unk4 != 0)
{ } //no hits here now..
//if (Unk4 == 0xFE)
// //this seems to never be hit anymore...
@ -896,10 +879,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
Unk4 = (byte)Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "unk4");
public void AddChildToList(MapDataStoreNode child)
ChildrenList ??= new List<MapDataStoreNode>();
ChildrenList ??= PooledListPool<MapDataStoreNode>.Shared.Get();
public void ChildrenListToArray()
@ -907,12 +889,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
if (ChildrenList is not null)
Children = ChildrenList.ToArray();
ChildrenList = null; //plz get this GC
public void AddInteriorToList(CInteriorProxy iprx)
InteriorProxyList ??= new List<CInteriorProxy>();
InteriorProxyList ??= PooledListPool<CInteriorProxy>.Shared.Get();
public void InteriorProxyListToArray()
@ -920,6 +903,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
if (InteriorProxyList is not null)
InteriorProxies = InteriorProxyList.ToArray();
InteriorProxyList = null; //plz get this GC
@ -297,8 +297,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}",
Start, Count, Offset);
return $"{Start}, {Count}, {Offset}";
@ -399,7 +398,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0} - Size: {1}, Pos: {2}", Type, Size, Position);
return $"{Type} - Size: {Size}, Pos: {Position}";
public class WaterFlow : WaterItem
@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class YddFile : GameFile, PackedFile
public DrawableDictionary DrawableDict { get; set; }
public DrawableDictionary? DrawableDict { get; set; }
public Dictionary<uint, Drawable> Dict { get; set; }
public Drawable[] Drawables { get; set; }
public Dictionary<uint, Drawable>? Dict { get; set; }
public Drawable[]? Drawables { get; set; }
public YddFile() : base(null, GameFileType.Ydd)
@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using CommunityToolkit.HighPerformance;
using Collections.Pooled;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using CodeWalker.Core.Utils.TypeConverters;
namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles;
@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ public class YmapFile : GameFile, PackedFile
public YmapEntityDef[] RootEntities { get; set; } = [];
public YmapEntityDef[] MloEntities { get; set; } = [];
private WeakReference<YmapFile> parent = new WeakReference<YmapFile>(null);
private WeakReference<YmapFile?> parent = new WeakReference<YmapFile?>(null);
public YmapFile? Parent
@ -52,6 +55,12 @@ public class YmapFile : GameFile, PackedFile
return null;
if (target is not null && target.IsDisposed)
return null;
return target;
@ -296,9 +305,9 @@ public class YmapFile : GameFile, PackedFile
//build the entity hierarchy.
List<YmapEntityDef> roots = new List<YmapEntityDef>(instcount);
List<YmapEntityDef> alldefs = new List<YmapEntityDef>(instcount);
List<YmapEntityDef> mlodefs = null;
var roots = PooledListPool<YmapEntityDef>.Shared.Get();
var alldefs = PooledListPool<YmapEntityDef>.Shared.Get();
YmapEntityDef[]? mlodefs = null;
if (CEntityDefs.Length > 0)
@ -310,7 +319,7 @@ public class YmapFile : GameFile, PackedFile
if (CMloInstanceDefs.Length > 0)
mlodefs = new List<YmapEntityDef>(CMloInstanceDefs.Length);
mlodefs = new YmapEntityDef[CMloInstanceDefs.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < CMloInstanceDefs.Length; i++)
YmapEntityDef d = new YmapEntityDef(this, i, CMloInstanceDefs[i]);
@ -320,29 +329,31 @@ public class YmapFile : GameFile, PackedFile
d.MloInstance.defaultEntitySets = defentsets;
mlodefs[i] = d;
var allEntities = alldefs.ToArray();
MloEntities = mlodefs ?? [];
AllEntities = allEntities;
for (int i = 0; i < alldefs.Count; i++)
foreach(var d in allEntities)
YmapEntityDef d = alldefs[i];
int pind = d._CEntityDef.parentIndex;
bool isroot = false;
if ((pind < 0) || (pind >= alldefs.Count) || d.LodInParentYmap)
if (pind < 0 || pind >= allEntities.Length || d.LodInParentYmap)
isroot = true;
YmapEntityDef p = alldefs[pind];
YmapEntityDef p = allEntities[pind];
if ((p._CEntityDef.lodLevel <= d._CEntityDef.lodLevel) ||
((p._CEntityDef.lodLevel == rage__eLodType.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD) &&
(d._CEntityDef.lodLevel != rage__eLodType.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD)))
isroot = true;
p = null;
@ -352,22 +363,24 @@ public class YmapFile : GameFile, PackedFile
YmapEntityDef p = alldefs[pind];
YmapEntityDef p = allEntities[pind];
for (int i = 0; i < alldefs.Count; i++)
foreach(var d in allEntities)
AllEntities = alldefs.ToArray();
RootEntities = roots.ToArray();
MloEntities = mlodefs?.ToArray() ?? Array.Empty<YmapEntityDef>();
foreach(var ent in AllEntities)
foreach(var ent in allEntities)
ent.Extensions = MetaTypes.GetExtensions(Meta, in ent._CEntityDef.extensions) ?? Array.Empty<MetaWrapper>();
ent.Extensions = MetaTypes.GetExtensions(Meta, in ent._CEntityDef.extensions) ?? [];
@ -963,7 +976,7 @@ public class YmapFile : GameFile, PackedFile
if (pind >= 0) //connect root entities to parents if they have them..
if (pymap.AllEntities != null && pymap.AllEntities.Length > 0)
if (pymap.AllEntities is not null && pymap.AllEntities.Length > 0)
if (pind < pymap.AllEntities.Length)
@ -1740,7 +1753,11 @@ public class YmapEntityDef
public uint EntityHash { get; set; } = 0; //used by CW as a unique position+name identifier
public LinkedList<YmapEntityDef> LodManagerChildren { get; set; } = null;
public LinkedList<YmapEntityDef>? LodManagerChildren { get; set; } = null;
public YmapEntityDef[]? LodManagerChildrenDisp => LodManagerChildren?.ToArray();
public object LodManagerRenderable = null;
@ -2079,7 +2096,8 @@ public class YmapEntityDef
public void ChildListToArray()
if (ChildList == null) return;
if (ChildList is null || ChildList.Count == 0)
//if (Children == null)
Children = ChildList.ToArray();
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
using CodeWalker.World;
using CodeWalker.Core.Utils;
using CodeWalker.World;
using Collections.Pooled;
using Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool;
using SharpDX;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
@ -226,9 +228,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
Nodes = new YndNode[nodes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
var n = new YndNode();
n.Init(this, nodes[i]);
Nodes[i] = n;
Nodes[i] = new YndNode(this, nodes[i]);
if (NodeDictionary.JunctionRefs is not null && NodeDictionary.Junctions is not null)
@ -254,17 +254,17 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public YndNode AddNode()
int cnt = Nodes?.Length ?? 0;
YndNode yn = new YndNode();
Node n = new Node();
n.AreaID = (ushort)AreaID;
n.NodeID = (ushort)(Nodes?.Length ?? 0);
yn.Init(this, n);
YndNode yn = new YndNode(this, n);
int ncnt = cnt + 1;
YndNode[] nnodes = new YndNode[ncnt];
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
nnodes[i] = Nodes[i];
nnodes[i] = Nodes![i];
nnodes[cnt] = yn;
Nodes = nnodes;
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
if (Nodes is null || Nodes.Length == 0)
NodePositions = Array.Empty<Vector4>();
NodePositions = [];
int cnt = Nodes.Length;
@ -441,72 +441,69 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
private void UpdateLinkTriangleVertices()
//build triangles for the path links display
int vc = 0;
if (Links != null)
if (Links is null || Nodes is null)
vc = Links.Length * 6;
TriangleVerts = [];
using PooledList<EditorVertex> verts = new PooledList<EditorVertex>(vc);
//EditorVertex v0 = new EditorVertex();
//EditorVertex v1 = new EditorVertex();
//EditorVertex v2 = new EditorVertex();
//EditorVertex v3 = new EditorVertex();
if (Links is not null && Nodes is not null)
//build triangles for the path links display
PooledList<EditorVertex> verts = PooledListPool<EditorVertex>.Shared.Get();
var vectorZero = Vector3.Zero;
foreach (var node in Nodes)
foreach (var node in Nodes)
if (node.Links is null)
if (node.Links is null)
foreach (var link in node.Links)
ref var p0 = ref link.Node1.Position;
ref var p1 = ref link.Node2.Position;
var dir = link.GetDirection();
var ax = Vectors.Cross(in dir, in Vector3.UnitZ);
float lanestot = link.LaneCountForward + link.LaneCountBackward;
//float backfrac = Math.Min(Math.Max(link.LaneCountBackward / lanestot, 0.1f), 0.9f);
//float lanewidth = 7.0f;
//float inner = totwidth*(backfrac-0.5f);
//float outer = totwidth*0.5f;
float lanewidth = link.GetLaneWidth();
float inner = link.LaneOffset * lanewidth;// 0.0f;
float outer = inner + lanewidth * link.LaneCountForward;
float totwidth = lanestot * lanewidth;
float halfwidth = totwidth * 0.5f;
if (link.LaneCountBackward == 0)
inner -= halfwidth;
outer -= halfwidth;
if (link.LaneCountForward == 0)
inner += halfwidth;
outer += halfwidth;
foreach (var link in node.Links)
var p0 = link.Node1?.Position ?? Vector3.Zero;
var p1 = link.Node2?.Position ?? Vector3.Zero;
var dir = link.GetDirection();
var ax = Vector3.Cross(dir, Vector3.UnitZ);
var c = link.GetColourUint();
float lanestot = link.LaneCountForward + link.LaneCountBackward;
//float backfrac = Math.Min(Math.Max(link.LaneCountBackward / lanestot, 0.1f), 0.9f);
//float lanewidth = 7.0f;
//float inner = totwidth*(backfrac-0.5f);
//float outer = totwidth*0.5f;
var v0 = new EditorVertex(p1 + ax * inner, c);
var v1 = new EditorVertex(p0 + ax * inner, c);
var v2 = new EditorVertex(p1 + ax * outer, c);
var v3 = new EditorVertex(p0 + ax * outer, c);
float lanewidth = link.GetLaneWidth();
float inner = link.LaneOffset * lanewidth;// 0.0f;
float outer = inner + lanewidth * link.LaneCountForward;
float totwidth = lanestot * lanewidth;
float halfwidth = totwidth * 0.5f;
if (link.LaneCountBackward == 0)
inner -= halfwidth;
outer -= halfwidth;
if (link.LaneCountForward == 0)
inner += halfwidth;
outer += halfwidth;
var c = (uint)link.GetColour().ToRgba();
var v0 = new EditorVertex(p1 + ax * inner, c);
var v1 = new EditorVertex(p0 + ax * inner, c);
var v2 = new EditorVertex(p1 + ax * outer, c);
var v3 = new EditorVertex(p0 + ax * outer, c);
@ -519,17 +516,19 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
TriangleVerts = [];
private void UpdateJunctionTriangleVertices(YndNode[]? selectedNodes)
if (selectedNodes is null)
if (selectedNodes is null || selectedNodes.Length == 0)
//build triangles for the junctions bytes display....
using PooledList<EditorVertex> verts = new PooledList<EditorVertex>();
PooledList<EditorVertex> verts = PooledListPool<EditorVertex>.Shared.Get();
EditorVertex v0;
EditorVertex v1;
EditorVertex v2;
@ -537,10 +536,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
foreach (var node in selectedNodes)
if (node.Ynd != this)
if (node.Junction is null)
if (node.Ynd != this || node.Junction is null)
var j = node.Junction;
var d = j.Heightmap;
if (d is null)
@ -604,6 +602,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
TriangleVerts = vertsarr;
@ -725,7 +725,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public ref Vector3 Position => ref _Position;
public int LinkCount { get; set; }
public int LinkCountUnk { get; set; }
public YndLink[]? Links { get; set; }
private YndLink[]? _links;
public YndLink[]? Links { get => _links; set => _links = value; }
public ushort AreaID { get => _RawData.AreaID; set => _RawData.AreaID = value; }
public ushort NodeID { get => _RawData.NodeID; set => _RawData.NodeID = value; }
@ -737,7 +739,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public FlagsByte Flags4 { get => _RawData.Flags4; set => _RawData.Flags4 = value; }
public TextHash StreetName { get => _RawData.StreetName; set => _RawData.StreetName = value; }
public Color4 Colour { get; set; }
public Color4 Colour => new Color4(ColourRgba);
public uint ColourRgba { get; set; }
public YndJunction Junction { get; set; }
public bool HasJunction;
@ -875,17 +879,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public bool IsPedNode => IsSpecialTypeAPedNode(Special);// If Special is 10, 14 or 18 this is a ped node.
public void Init(YndFile ynd, Node node)
public YndNode(YndFile ynd, Node node)
Ynd = ynd;
RawData = node;
_RawData = node;
Position = new Vector3(node.PositionX / 4.0f, node.PositionY / 4.0f, node.PositionZ / 32.0f);
LinkCount = node.LinkCountFlags.Value >> 3;
LinkCountUnk = node.LinkCountFlags.Value & 7;
Colour = GetColour();
ColourRgba = (uint)GetColour().ToRgba();
public Color4 GetColour()
@ -995,13 +998,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public YndLink AddLink(YndNode? tonode = null, bool bidirectional = true)
if (Links == null)
Links = Array.Empty<YndLink>();
Links ??= [];
var existing = Links.FirstOrDefault(el => el.Node2 == tonode);
if (existing != null)
if (existing is not null)
return existing;
@ -1026,15 +1026,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
int cnt = Links?.Length ?? 0;
int cnt = Links.Length;
int ncnt = cnt + 1;
YndLink[] nlinks = new YndLink[ncnt];
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
nlinks[i] = Links[i];
nlinks[cnt] = l;
Links = nlinks;
Array.Resize(ref _links, ncnt);
_links[cnt] = l;
LinkCount = ncnt;
if (bidirectional)
@ -1168,15 +1163,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
if (AreaID != expectedArea?.ID)
var nodeYnd = space.NodeGrid.GetCell(AreaID).Ynd;
var newYnd = expectedArea?.Ynd;
if (newYnd is null)
affectedFiles = Array.Empty<YndFile>();
affectedFiles = [];
var nodeYnd = space.NodeGrid.GetCell(AreaID)?.Ynd;
if ((nodeYnd is null) ||
nodeYnd.RemoveYndNode(space, this, false, out var affectedFilesFromDelete))
@ -1207,10 +1202,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public void GenerateYndNodeJunctionHeightMap(Space space)
if (Junction == null)
Junction = new YndJunction();
Junction ??= new YndJunction();
var junc = Junction;
var maxZ = junc.MaxZ / 32f;
@ -1279,7 +1271,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class YndLink
public class YndLink
public YndFile Ynd { get; set; }
public YndNode Node1 { get; set; }
@ -1296,11 +1289,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public NodeLink _RawData;
public NodeLink RawData { get { return _RawData; } set { _RawData = value; } }
public FlagsByte Flags0 { get { return _RawData.Flags0; } set { _RawData.Flags0 = value; } }
public FlagsByte Flags1 { get { return _RawData.Flags1; } set { _RawData.Flags1 = value; } }
public FlagsByte Flags2 { get { return _RawData.Flags2; } set { _RawData.Flags2 = value; } }
public FlagsByte LinkLength { get { return _RawData.LinkLength; } set { _RawData.LinkLength = value; } }
public NodeLink RawData { get => _RawData; set => _RawData = value; }
public FlagsByte Flags0 { get => _RawData.Flags0; set => _RawData.Flags0 = value; }
public FlagsByte Flags1 { get => _RawData.Flags1; set => _RawData.Flags1 = value; }
public FlagsByte Flags2 { get => _RawData.Flags2; set => _RawData.Flags2 = value; }
public FlagsByte LinkLength { get => _RawData.LinkLength; set => _RawData.LinkLength = value; }
public int LaneCountForward
@ -1333,16 +1326,19 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
set => Flags2 = value ? (byte)(Flags2 | 2) : (byte)(Flags2 &~ 2);
public YndLink()
public void Init(YndFile ynd, YndNode node1, YndNode node2, NodeLink link)
public YndLink(YndFile ynd, YndNode node1, YndNode node2, NodeLink link)
Ynd = ynd;
Node1 = node1;
Node2 = node2;
RawData = link;
_RawData = link;
public void UpdateLength()
if (Node1 is null || Node2 is null)
@ -1398,6 +1394,54 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public uint GetColourUint()
if (Shortcut)
// new Color4(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f);
return 2134061824;
var node1 = Node1;
var node2 = Node2;
if (node1.IsDisabledUnk0
|| node1.IsDisabledUnk1
|| node2.IsDisabledUnk0
|| node2.IsDisabledUnk1)
if (node1.OffRoad || node2.OffRoad)
return 2130772741;
return 2130706437;
if (node1.IsPedNode || node2.IsPedNode)
return 2130716211;
if (node1.OffRoad || node2.OffRoad)
return 2131371825;
if (DontUseForNavigation)
return 2134048819;
if (LaneCountForward == 0)
return 2130706559;
return 2130719488;
public Color4 GetColour()
//float f0 = Flags0.Value / 255.0f;
@ -1414,29 +1458,33 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
return c;
if (Node1.IsDisabledUnk0
|| Node1.IsDisabledUnk1
|| Node2.IsDisabledUnk0
|| Node2.IsDisabledUnk1)
var node1 = Node1;
var node2 = Node2;
if (node1.IsDisabledUnk0
|| node1.IsDisabledUnk1
|| node2.IsDisabledUnk0
|| node2.IsDisabledUnk1)
if (Node1.OffRoad || Node2.OffRoad)
c.Red = 0.02f;
if (node1.OffRoad || node2.OffRoad)
c.Red = 0.0196f;
c.Green = 0.0156f;
c.Blue = 0.0043f;
c.Red = 0.02f;
return c;
if (Node1.IsPedNode || Node2.IsPedNode)
if (node1.IsPedNode || node2.IsPedNode)
c.Red = 0.2f;
c.Green = 0.15f;
return c;
if (Node1.OffRoad || Node2.OffRoad)
if (node1.OffRoad || node2.OffRoad)
c.Red = 0.196f;
c.Green = 0.156f;
@ -1706,7 +1754,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
Sphere.Radius = (Box.Maximum - Box.Minimum).Length() * 0.5f;
private static ObjectPool<PooledList<BasePathNode>> basePathNodeListPool => PooledListPool<BasePathNode>.Shared;
public void Build()
if (Nodes == null || Nodes.Length == 0 || Nodes.Length <= Threshold || Depth >= MaxDepth)
@ -1715,9 +1763,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
Vector3 avgsum = Vector3.Zero;
foreach (var node in Nodes)
avgsum += node.Position;
Vector3.Add(ref node.Position, ref avgsum, out avgsum);
Vector3 avg = avgsum * Nodes.Length;
Vector3 avg = avgsum / Nodes.Length;
int countx = 0, county = 0, countz = 0;
foreach (var node in Nodes)
@ -1735,14 +1783,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
int dy = Math.Abs(target - county);
int dz = Math.Abs(target - countz);
int axis = -1;
int axis;
if ((dx <= dy) && (dx <= dz)) axis = 0; //x seems best
else if (dy <= dz) axis = 1; //y seems best
else axis = 2; //z seems best
using PooledList<BasePathNode> l1 = new PooledList<BasePathNode>(Nodes.Length);
using PooledList<BasePathNode> l2 = new PooledList<BasePathNode>(Nodes.Length);
PooledList<BasePathNode> l1 = PooledListPool<BasePathNode>.Shared.Get();
PooledList<BasePathNode> l2 = PooledListPool<BasePathNode>.Shared.Get();
foreach (var node in Nodes)
var s = axis switch
@ -1759,13 +1809,19 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
var cdepth = Depth + 1;
var nodesL1 = l1.ToArray();
var nodesL2 = l2.ToArray();
Node1 = new PathBVHNode
Depth = cdepth,
MaxDepth = MaxDepth,
Threshold = Threshold,
Nodes = l1.ToArray(),
Nodes = nodesL1,
@ -1774,7 +1830,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
Depth = cdepth,
MaxDepth = MaxDepth,
Threshold = Threshold,
Nodes = l2.ToArray(),
Nodes = nodesL2,
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
@ -14,45 +15,43 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public static class LoadState
public const int None = 0;
public const int Loaded = 1;
public const int LoadQueued = 2;
public const int Loaded = 1 << 0;
public const int LoadQueued = 1 << 1;
public const int Disposed = 1 << 2;
public static bool ToggleFlag(ref int currentValue, int flagToToggle, bool value)
if (value)
return (Interlocked.Or(ref currentValue, flagToToggle) & flagToToggle) == 0;
return (Interlocked.And(ref currentValue, ~flagToToggle) & flagToToggle) == flagToToggle;
public abstract class GameFile : Cacheable<GameFileCacheKey>, IDisposable
public byte LoadAttempts = 0;
public int loadState = (int)LoadState.None;
public bool LoadQueued {
get => (loadState & LoadState.LoadQueued) == LoadState.LoadQueued;
set {
if (value)
Interlocked.Or(ref loadState, LoadState.LoadQueued);
Interlocked.And(ref loadState, ~LoadState.LoadQueued);
set => SetLoadQueued(value);
public bool Loaded
get => (loadState & LoadState.Loaded) == LoadState.Loaded;
if (value)
Interlocked.Or(ref loadState, LoadState.Loaded);
Interlocked.And(ref loadState, ~LoadState.Loaded);
set => SetLoaded(value);
public bool IsDisposed {
get => (loadState & LoadState.Disposed) == LoadState.Disposed;
set => SetDisposed(value);
public DateTime LastLoadTime = DateTime.MinValue;
@ -60,7 +59,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public string Name { get; set; }
public string FilePath { get; set; } //used by the project form.
public GameFileType Type { get; set; }
public bool IsDisposed { get; set; } = false;
@ -84,29 +82,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public bool SetLoadQueued(bool value)
if (value)
return (Interlocked.Or(ref loadState, LoadState.LoadQueued) & LoadState.LoadQueued) == 0;
return (Interlocked.And(ref loadState, ~LoadState.LoadQueued) & LoadState.LoadQueued) == LoadState.LoadQueued;
public bool SetLoadQueued(bool value) => LoadState.ToggleFlag(ref loadState, LoadState.LoadQueued, value);
public bool SetLoaded(bool value)
if (value)
return (Interlocked.Or(ref loadState, LoadState.Loaded) & LoadState.Loaded) == 0;
return (Interlocked.And(ref loadState, ~LoadState.Loaded) & LoadState.Loaded) == LoadState.Loaded;
public bool SetLoaded(bool value) => LoadState.ToggleFlag(ref loadState, LoadState.Loaded, value);
public bool SetDisposed(bool value) => LoadState.ToggleFlag(ref loadState, LoadState.Disposed, value);
public override string ToString() => string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) ? JenkIndex.GetString(Key.Hash) : Name;
@ -188,6 +168,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
DistantLights = 30,
Ypdb = 31,
PedShopMeta = 32,
None = 33,
@ -1052,11 +1052,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
YftDict ??= new Dictionary<uint, RpfFileEntry>(40000);
YcdDict ??= new Dictionary<uint, RpfFileEntry>(20000);
YedDict ??= new Dictionary<uint, RpfFileEntry>(300);
foreach (var rpffile in AllRpfs)
foreach (var rpffile in AllRpfs.AsSpan())
if (rpffile.AllEntries is null)
foreach (var entry in rpffile.AllEntries)
foreach (var entry in rpffile.AllEntries.Span)
if (entry is RpfFileEntry fentry)
@ -1106,7 +1107,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
if (rpffile.AllEntries is null)
foreach (var entry in rpffile.AllEntries)
foreach (var entry in rpffile.AllEntries.Span)
if (entry is RpfFileEntry fentry)
@ -3415,9 +3416,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
var csv = sb.ToString();
@ -1931,64 +1931,71 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
return null; //couldn't find the strings data section.
using PooledList<string> strings = new PooledList<string>();
var currentblock = startblock;
int currentblockind = startblockind;
while (currentblock != null)
PooledList<string> strings = PooledListPool<string>.Shared.Get();
//read strings from the block.
int startindex = 0;
int endindex = 0;
var data = currentblock.Data;
foreach(var span in data.AsSpan().EnumerateSplit((byte)0))
var currentblock = startblock;
int currentblockind = startblockind;
while (currentblock != null)
if (!span.IsEmpty)
//read strings from the block.
int startindex = 0;
int endindex = 0;
var data = currentblock.Data;
foreach (var span in data.AsSpan().EnumerateSplit((byte)0))
string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetStringPooled(span);
if (!span.IsEmpty)
string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetStringPooled(span);
//for (int b = 0; b < data.Length; b++)
// if (data[b] == 0)
// {
// startindex = endindex;
// endindex = b;
// if (endindex > startindex)
// {
// string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data.AsSpan(startindex, endindex - startindex));
// strings.Add(str);
// endindex++; //start next string after the 0.
// }
// }
//if (endindex != data.Length - 1)
// startindex = endindex;
// endindex = data.Length - 1;
// if (endindex > startindex)
// {
// string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data.AsSpan(startindex, endindex - startindex));
// strings.Add(str);
// strings2.Add(str);
// }
if (currentblockind >= datablocks.Count)
break; //last block, can't go any further
currentblock = datablocks[currentblockind];
if (currentblock.StructureNameHash != (MetaName)MetaTypeName.STRING)
break; //not the right block type, can't go further
//for (int b = 0; b < data.Length; b++)
// if (data[b] == 0)
// {
// startindex = endindex;
// endindex = b;
// if (endindex > startindex)
// {
// string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data.AsSpan(startindex, endindex - startindex));
// strings.Add(str);
// endindex++; //start next string after the 0.
// }
// }
//if (endindex != data.Length - 1)
// startindex = endindex;
// endindex = data.Length - 1;
// if (endindex > startindex)
// {
// string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data.AsSpan(startindex, endindex - startindex));
// strings.Add(str);
// strings2.Add(str);
// }
if (currentblockind >= datablocks.Count)
break; //last block, can't go any further
currentblock = datablocks[currentblockind];
if (currentblock.StructureNameHash != (MetaName)MetaTypeName.STRING)
break; //not the right block type, can't go further
if (strings.Count <= 0)
return null; //don't return empty array...
return strings.ToArray();
if (strings.Count <= 0)
return null; //don't return empty array...
return strings.ToArray();
@ -4921,7 +4928,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public void AddScenarioPoint(MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint p)
List<MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint> newpoints = new List<MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint>();
if (ScenarioPoints != null)
if (ScenarioPoints is not null)
@ -1907,18 +1907,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public class StringBuilderPooledObjectPolicyLogged : StringBuilderPooledObjectPolicy
public override bool Return(StringBuilder obj)
Console.WriteLine($"StringBuilder returned with capacity: {obj.Capacity} {obj.Length}");
return base.Return(obj);
public class MetaXmlBase
public static ObjectPool<StringBuilder> StringBuilderPool = ObjectPool.Create<StringBuilder>(new StringBuilderPooledObjectPolicyLogged { MaximumRetainedCapacity = 4 * 1024 * 1024, InitialCapacity = 1024 * 32 });
public static ObjectPool<StringBuilder> StringBuilderPool = ObjectPool.Create<StringBuilder>(new StringBuilderPooledObjectPolicy { MaximumRetainedCapacity = 4 * 1024 * 1024, InitialCapacity = 1024 * 32 });
public const string XmlHeader = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
@ -450,7 +450,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public class RbfStructure : IRbfType, IDisposable
private static ObjectPool<PooledList<IRbfType>> listPool = ObjectPool.Create(new DefaultPooledObjectPolicy<PooledList<IRbfType>>());
public string Name { get; set; }
public PooledList<IRbfType>? Children { get; set; }
@ -519,13 +518,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
internal void AddChild(IRbfType value)
Children ??= listPool.Get();
Children ??= PooledListPool<IRbfType>.Shared.Get();
internal void AddAttribute(IRbfType value)
Attributes ??= listPool.Get();
Attributes ??= PooledListPool<IRbfType>.Shared.Get();
@ -546,11 +545,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
if (Children is PooledList<IRbfType> children)
if (Attributes is PooledList<IRbfType> attributes)
@ -3300,16 +3300,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent)
var s = string.Format("{0} m=\"{1}\" v1=\"{2}\" v2=\"{3}\" v3=\"{4}\" f1=\"{5}\" f2=\"{6}\" f3=\"{7}\"",
vertFlag1 ? 1 : 0,
vertFlag2 ? 1 : 0,
vertFlag3 ? 1 : 0
var s = $"{Type} m=\"{MaterialIndex}\" v1=\"{vertIndex1}\" v2=\"{vertIndex2}\" v3=\"{vertIndex3}\" f1=\"{(vertFlag1 ? 1 : 0)}\" f2=\"{(vertFlag2 ? 1 : 0)}\" f3=\"{(vertFlag3 ? 1 : 0)}\"";
YbnXml.SelfClosingTag(sb, indent, s);
public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node)
@ -3324,7 +3315,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public override string ToString()
return base.ToString() + ": " + vertIndex1.ToString() + ", " + vertIndex2.ToString() + ", " + vertIndex3.ToString();
return $"{base.ToString()}: {vertIndex1}, {vertIndex2}, {vertIndex3}";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class BoundPolygonSphere : BoundPolygon
@ -3335,20 +3326,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public uint unused0 { get; set; }
public uint unused1 { get; set; }
public override Vector3 BoxMin
return Position - sphereRadius;
public override Vector3 BoxMax
return Position + sphereRadius;
public override Vector3 BoxMin => Position - sphereRadius;
public override Vector3 BoxMax => Position + sphereRadius;
public override Vector3 Scale
@ -3571,13 +3550,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent)
var s = string.Format("{0} m=\"{1}\" v1=\"{2}\" v2=\"{3}\" radius=\"{4}\"",
var s = $"{Type} m=\"{MaterialIndex}\" v1=\"{capsuleIndex1}\" v2=\"{capsuleIndex2}\" radius=\"{FloatUtil.ToString(capsuleRadius)}\"";
YbnXml.SelfClosingTag(sb, indent, s);
public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node)
@ -3587,10 +3560,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
capsuleIndex2 = (ushort)Xml.GetUIntAttribute(node, "v2");
capsuleRadius = Xml.GetFloatAttribute(node, "radius");
public override string ToString()
return base.ToString() + ": " + capsuleIndex1.ToString() + ", " + capsuleIndex2.ToString() + ", " + capsuleRadius.ToString();
public override string ToString() => $"{base.ToString()}: {capsuleIndex1}, {capsuleIndex2}, {capsuleRadius}";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class BoundPolygonBox : BoundPolygon
@ -3790,10 +3760,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
boxIndex3 = (short)Xml.GetIntAttribute(node, "v3");
boxIndex4 = (short)Xml.GetIntAttribute(node, "v4");
public override string ToString()
return base.ToString() + ": " + boxIndex1.ToString() + ", " + boxIndex2.ToString() + ", " + boxIndex3.ToString() + ", " + boxIndex4.ToString();
public override string ToString() => $"{base.ToString()}: {boxIndex1}, {boxIndex2}, {boxIndex3}, {boxIndex4}";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class BoundPolygonCylinder : BoundPolygon
@ -3815,20 +3782,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
set { if (Owner != null) Owner.SetVertexPos(cylinderIndex2, value); }
public override Vector3 BoxMin
return Vector3.Min(Vertex1, Vertex2) - cylinderRadius;//not perfect but meh
public override Vector3 BoxMax
return Vector3.Max(Vertex1, Vertex2) + cylinderRadius;//not perfect but meh
public override Vector3 BoxMin => Vector3.Min(Vertex1, Vertex2) - cylinderRadius;//not perfect but meh
public override Vector3 BoxMax => Vector3.Max(Vertex1, Vertex2) + cylinderRadius;//not perfect but meh
public override Vector3 Scale
@ -3853,10 +3808,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public override Vector3 Position
return (Vertex1 + Vertex2) * 0.5f;
get => (Vertex1 + Vertex2) * 0.5f;
var offset = value - Position;
@ -3962,10 +3914,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
cylinderIndex2 = (ushort)Xml.GetUIntAttribute(node, "v2");
cylinderRadius = Xml.GetFloatAttribute(node, "radius");
public override string ToString()
return base.ToString() + ": " + cylinderIndex1.ToString() + ", " + cylinderIndex2.ToString() + ", " + cylinderRadius.ToString();
public override string ToString() => $"{base.ToString()}: {cylinderIndex1}, {cylinderIndex2}, {cylinderRadius}";
@ -4311,10 +4260,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
set { MaxX = (short)value.X; MaxY = (short)value.Y; MaxZ = (short)value.Z; }
public override readonly string ToString()
return $"{NodeIndex1}, {NodeIndex2} ({NodeIndex2 - NodeIndex1} nodes)";
public override readonly string ToString() => $"{NodeIndex1}, {NodeIndex2} ({NodeIndex2 - NodeIndex1} nodes)";
public struct BVHNode_s
@ -4339,10 +4285,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
set { MaxX = (short)value.X; MaxY = (short)value.Y; MaxZ = (short)value.Z; }
public override readonly string ToString()
return $"{ItemId}: {ItemCount}";
public override readonly string ToString() => $"{ItemId}: {ItemCount}";
@ -4851,46 +4794,34 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
return !(left == right);
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct BoundMaterialColour
public struct BoundMaterialColour
public byte R { get; set; }
public byte G { get; set; }
public byte B { get; set; }
public byte A { get; set; } //GIMS EVO saves this as "opacity" 0-100
public override string ToString()
//return Type.ToString() + ", " + Unk0.ToString() + ", " + Unk1.ToString() + ", " + Unk2.ToString();
return R.ToString() + ", " + G.ToString() + ", " + B.ToString() + ", " + A.ToString();
public override string ToString() => $"{R}, {G}, {B}, {A}";
//return Type.ToString() + ", " + Unk0.ToString() + ", " + Unk1.ToString() + ", " + Unk2.ToString();
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public struct BoundsMaterialType
public struct BoundsMaterialType
public byte Index { get; set; }
public BoundsMaterialData MaterialData
return BoundsMaterialTypes.GetMaterial(this);
public BoundsMaterialData MaterialData => BoundsMaterialTypes.GetMaterial(this);
public override string ToString()
return BoundsMaterialTypes.GetMaterialName(this);
public override string ToString() => BoundsMaterialTypes.GetMaterialName(this);
public static implicit operator byte(BoundsMaterialType matType)
return matType.Index; //implicit conversion
public static implicit operator byte(BoundsMaterialType matType) => matType.Index;
public static implicit operator BoundsMaterialType(byte b)
return new BoundsMaterialType() { Index = b };
public static implicit operator BoundsMaterialType(byte b) => new BoundsMaterialType() { Index = b };
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class BoundsMaterialData
public class BoundsMaterialData
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Filter { get; set; }
@ -4918,10 +4849,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public Color Colour { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return Name;
public override string ToString() => Name;
public static class BoundsMaterialTypes
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public string Name { get; set; }
public FragBoneTransforms BoneTransforms { get; set; }
public ResourcePointerArray64<FragGlassWindow> GlassWindows { get; set; }
public FragPhysicsLODGroup PhysicsLODGroup { get; set; }
public FragPhysicsLODGroup? PhysicsLODGroup { get; set; }
public FragDrawable DrawableCloth { get; set; }
public FragVehicleGlassWindows VehicleGlassWindows { get; set; }
@ -1995,10 +1995,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class FragPhysicsLODGroup : ResourceSystemBlock
public override long BlockLength
get { return 48; }
public override long BlockLength => 48;
// structure data
public uint VFT { get; set; } = 1080055472;
@ -2010,9 +2007,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public ulong Unknown_28h; // 0x0000000000000000
// reference data
public FragPhysicsLOD PhysicsLOD1 { get; set; }
public FragPhysicsLOD PhysicsLOD2 { get; set; }
public FragPhysicsLOD PhysicsLOD3 { get; set; }
public FragPhysicsLOD? PhysicsLOD1 { get; set; }
public FragPhysicsLOD? PhysicsLOD2 { get; set; }
public FragPhysicsLOD? PhysicsLOD3 { get; set; }
public override void Read(ResourceDataReader reader, params object[] parameters)
@ -2167,8 +2164,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public FragPhysArticulatedBodyType ArticulatedBodyType { get; set; }
public float[] ChildrenUnkFloats { get; set; }
public FragPhysGroupNamesBlock GroupNames { get; set; }
public ResourcePointerArray64<FragPhysTypeGroup> Groups { get; set; }
public ResourcePointerArray64<FragPhysTypeChild> Children { get; set; }
public ResourcePointerArray64<FragPhysTypeGroup>? Groups { get; set; }
public ResourcePointerArray64<FragPhysTypeChild>? Children { get; set; }
public FragPhysArchetype Archetype1 { get; set; }
public FragPhysArchetype Archetype2 { get; set; }
public Bounds Bound { get; set; }
@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
//public float Unknown_23 { get; set; }
//public float Unknown_24 { get; set; }
public Matrix3_s(Vector4 row1, Vector4 row2, Vector4 row3)
Row1 = row1;
Row2 = row2;
Row3 = row3;
public Matrix3_s(float[] a)
@ -215,8 +221,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
return new Matrix(Column1.X, Column1.Y, Column1.Z, 0, Column2.X, Column2.Y, Column2.Z, 0, Column3.X, Column3.Y, Column3.Z, 0, Column4.X, Column4.Y, Column4.Z, 1);
public static Matrix4F_s Identity => new Matrix4F_s(true);
public static Matrix4F_s Zero => new Matrix4F_s(false);
public readonly static Matrix4F_s Identity = new Matrix4F_s(true);
public readonly static Matrix4F_s Zero = new Matrix4F_s(false);
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public struct FileCounts
public record struct FileCounts
public uint Rpfs;
public uint Files;
@ -54,16 +54,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
BinaryFiles = a.BinaryFiles + b.BinaryFiles
public static bool operator ==(in FileCounts left, in FileCounts right)
return left.Equals(in right);
public static bool operator !=(in FileCounts left, in FileCounts right)
return !(left == right);
public class RpfFile
@ -285,7 +275,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
rfe.IsEncrypted = rfe.IsExtension(".ysc");//any other way to know..?
@ -548,11 +537,18 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
private Dictionary<string, RpfEntry[]>? FilesByFileType;
public RpfEntry[] GetFilesByFileType(string ext)
FilesByFileType ??= new Dictionary<string, RpfEntry[]>();
if (!FilesByFileType.TryGetValue(ext, out var entries))
entries = AllEntries.Where(p => p.IsExtension(ext)).ToArray();
FilesByFileType[ext] = entries;
return entries;
@ -64,14 +64,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
BaseRpfs = new List<RpfFile>(1300);
ModRpfs = new List<RpfFile>(0);
DlcRpfs = new List<RpfFile>(3500);
AllRpfs = new List<RpfFile>(5000);
AllRpfs ??= new List<RpfFile>(0);
DlcNoModRpfs = new List<RpfFile>(3500);
AllNoModRpfs = new List<RpfFile>(5000);
RpfDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfFile>(DefaultRpfDictCapacity, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
EntryDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfEntry>(DefaultEntryDictCapacity, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
RpfDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfFile>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
EntryDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfEntry>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
ModRpfDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfFile>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
ModEntryDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfEntry>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
FileCounts _fileCounts = default;
var rpfs = new ConcurrentBag<RpfFile>();
Parallel.ForEach(allfiles, (rpfpath) =>
@ -79,21 +81,27 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
RpfFile rf = new RpfFile(rpfpath, rpfpath.Replace(replpath, ""));
if (ExcludePaths != null)
if (ExcludePaths is not null)
bool excl = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ExcludePaths.Length; i++)
foreach(var path in ExcludePaths)
if (rf.Path.StartsWith(ExcludePaths[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (rf.Path.StartsWith(path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
excl = true;
if (excl) return; //skip files in exclude paths.
if (excl)
return; //skip files in exclude paths.
rf.ScanStructure(updateStatus, errorLog, out _);
rf.ScanStructure(updateStatus, errorLog, out var fileCounts);
_fileCounts += fileCounts;
if (rf.LastException != null) //incase of corrupted rpf (or renamed NG encrypted RPF)
@ -115,13 +123,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
return rpf.AllEntries?.Count ?? 0 + rpf.Children?.Sum(calculateSum) ?? 0;
var minCapacity = rpfs.Sum(calculateSum);
if (minCapacity > AllRpfs.Capacity)
AllRpfs.Capacity = minCapacity;
EntryDict.EnsureCapacity((int)_fileCounts.Rpfs + (int)_fileCounts.Files);
foreach(var rpf in rpfs)
foreach (var rpf in rpfs)
AddRpfFile(rpf, false, false);
@ -142,8 +149,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
IsInited = true;
Console.WriteLine($"fileCounts: {_fileCounts}");
Console.WriteLine($"AllRpfs: {AllRpfs.Count}; RpfDict: {RpfDict.Count}; EntryDict: {EntryDict.Count}; BaseRpfs: {BaseRpfs.Count}; ModRpfs: {ModRpfs.Count}; DlcRpfs: {DlcRpfs.Count}; DlcNoModRpfs: {DlcNoModRpfs.Count}; AllNoModRpfs: {AllNoModRpfs.Count}; ModRpfDict: {ModRpfDict.Count}; ModEntryDict: {ModEntryDict.Count}");
@ -191,7 +197,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
isdlc = isdlc || (file.Name.EndsWith(".rpf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && (file.Name.StartsWith("dlc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || file.Name.Equals("update.rpf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
ismod = ismod || (file.Path.StartsWith("mods\\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (file.AllEntries != null)
if (file.AllEntries is not null)
if (!ismod)
@ -237,7 +243,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
EntryDict[entry.Path] = entry;
_ = EntryDict.TryAdd(entry.Path, entry);
@ -246,7 +252,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
file.LastError = ex.ToString();
file.LastException = ex;
ErrorLog?.Invoke(entry.Path + ": " + ex.ToString());
ErrorLog?.Invoke($"{entry.Path}: {ex}");
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ using static System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.JSType;
namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public class GTACrypto
@ -232,8 +233,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
table[15][data[15]] ^
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data[..8]), x1 | (ulong)x2 << 32);
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data.Slice(8, 8)), x3 | (ulong)x4 << 32);
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref data[0], x1 | (ulong)x2 << 32);
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref data[8], x3 | (ulong)x4 << 32);
//Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data[..4]), x1);
//Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data.Slice(4, 4)), x2);
@ -271,8 +272,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
table[12][data[12]] ^
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data[..8]), x1 | (ulong)x2 << 32);
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data.Slice(8, 8)), x3 | (ulong)x4 << 32);
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref data[0], x1 | (ulong)x2 << 32);
Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref data[8], x3 | (ulong)x4 << 32);
//Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data[..4]), x1);
//Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data.Slice(4, 4)), x2);
@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public static class JenkIndex
//public static ConcurrentDictionary<uint, string> Index = new ConcurrentDictionary<uint, string>(Environment.ProcessorCount * 2, 2000000);
@ -400,6 +401,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
return res;
public static string TryGetString(uint hash)
string res;
@ -417,8 +419,5 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
var res = Index.Values;
return res;
@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
catch (Exception ex)
UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Error! " + ex.ToString());
UpdateStatus?.Invoke($"Error! {ex}");
if (xmltest && (ybn != null) && (ybn.Bounds != null))
@ -1179,18 +1179,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
var xml = YbnXml.GetXml(ybn);
var ybn2 = XmlYbn.GetYbn(xml);
var xml2 = YbnXml.GetXml(ybn2);
if (xml.Length != xml2.Length)
{ }
if (savetest && (ybn != null) && (ybn.Bounds != null))
if (entry is not RpfFileEntry fentry)
{ continue; } //shouldn't happen
continue; //shouldn't happen
var bytes = ybn.Save();
if (!reloadtest)
{ continue; }
string origlen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(fentry.FileSize);
string bytelen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(bytes.Length);
@ -1200,9 +1198,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
RpfFile.LoadResourceFile(ybn2, bytes, 43);
if (ybn2.Bounds == null)
{ continue; }
if (ybn2.Bounds.Type != ybn.Bounds.Type)
{ continue; }
//quick check of roundtrip
switch (ybn2.Bounds.Type)
@ -1211,30 +1209,30 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundSphere;
if (ybn2.Bounds is not BoundSphere b)
{ continue; }
case BoundsType.Capsule:
var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundCapsule;
if (ybn2.Bounds is not BoundCapsule b)
{ continue; }
case BoundsType.Box:
var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundBox;
if (ybn2.Bounds is not BoundBox b)
{ continue; }
case BoundsType.Geometry:
var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundGeometry;
if (ybn2.Bounds is not BoundGeometry b)
{ continue; }
if (a.Polygons?.Length != b.Polygons?.Length)
{ continue; }
for (int i = 0; i < a.Polygons.Length; i++)
var pa = a.Polygons[i];
@ -1248,17 +1246,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundBVH;
if (ybn2.Bounds is not BoundBVH b)
{ continue; }
if (a.BVH?.Nodes?.data_items?.Length != b.BVH?.Nodes?.data_items?.Length)
{ }
if (a.Polygons?.Length != b.Polygons?.Length)
{ continue; }
for (int i = 0; i < a.Polygons.Length; i++)
var pa = a.Polygons[i];
var pb = b.Polygons[i];
if (pa.Type != pb.Type)
{ }
@ -1275,7 +1271,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundDisc;
if (ybn2.Bounds is not BoundDisc b)
{ continue; }
case BoundsType.Cylinder:
@ -12,16 +12,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker
public static class MatrixExtensions
public static Vector3 MultiplyW(in this Matrix m, Vector3 v)
float x = (((m.M11 * v.X) + (m.M21 * v.Y)) + (m.M31 * v.Z)) + m.M41;
float y = (((m.M12 * v.X) + (m.M22 * v.Y)) + (m.M32 * v.Z)) + m.M42;
float z = (((m.M13 * v.X) + (m.M23 * v.Y)) + (m.M33 * v.Z)) + m.M43;
float w = (((m.M14 * v.X) + (m.M24 * v.Y)) + (m.M34 * v.Z)) + m.M44;
float iw = 1.0f / Math.Abs(w);
return new Vector3(x * iw, y * iw, z * iw);
public static Vector3 MultiplyW(in this Matrix m, in Vector3 v)
float x = (((m.M11 * v.X) + (m.M21 * v.Y)) + (m.M31 * v.Z)) + m.M41;
@ -32,7 +22,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
return new Vector3(x * iw, y * iw, z * iw);
public static Vector3 Multiply(in this Matrix m, Vector3 v)
public static Vector3 Multiply(in this Matrix m, in Vector3 v)
float x = (((m.M11 * v.X) + (m.M21 * v.Y)) + (m.M31 * v.Z)) + m.M41;
float y = (((m.M12 * v.X) + (m.M22 * v.Y)) + (m.M32 * v.Z)) + m.M42;
@ -40,7 +30,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
return new Vector3(x, y, z);
//this quick mul ignores W...
public static Vector3 MultiplyRot(in this Matrix m, Vector3 v)
public static Vector3 MultiplyRot(in this Matrix m, in Vector3 v)
float x = (((m.M11 * v.X) + (m.M21 * v.Y)) + (m.M31 * v.Z));// + m.M41;
float y = (((m.M12 * v.X) + (m.M22 * v.Y)) + (m.M32 * v.Z));// + m.M42;
@ -49,7 +39,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
//this quick mul ignores W and translation...
public static Vector4 Multiply(in this Matrix m, Vector4 v)
public static Vector4 Multiply(in this Matrix m, in Vector4 v)
float x = (((m.M11 * v.X) + (m.M21 * v.Y)) + (m.M31 * v.Z)) + m.M41;
float y = (((m.M12 * v.X) + (m.M22 * v.Y)) + (m.M32 * v.Z)) + m.M42;
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
using Collections.Pooled;
using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using Collections.Pooled;
using CommunityToolkit.Diagnostics;
using CommunityToolkit.HighPerformance.Buffers;
using Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool;
using System;
@ -19,31 +21,49 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Core.Utils
public class PooledListObjectPolicy<T> : PooledObjectPolicy<PooledList<T>>
private readonly ClearMode clearMode;
public PooledListObjectPolicy(ClearMode _clearMode = ClearMode.Auto)
clearMode = _clearMode;
public PooledList<T> Get()
return new PooledList<T>();
return new PooledList<T>(clearMode);
public override PooledList<T> Create()
return new PooledList<T>();
return new PooledList<T>(clearMode);
public override bool Return(PooledList<T> list)
foreach (var entry in list.Span)
if (entry is IDisposable disposable)
if (entry is IResettable resettable)
return true;
public static class PooledListPool<T>
private static readonly ObjectPool<PooledList<T>> s_shared = ObjectPool.Create(new PooledListObjectPolicy<T>(ClearMode.Never));
public static ObjectPool<PooledList<T>> Shared => s_shared;
public static class PooledListExtensions
public static int EnsureCapacity<T>(this PooledList<T> list, int capacity)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfLessThan(capacity, 0, nameof(capacity));
if (list.Capacity < capacity)
list.Capacity = capacity;
return list.Capacity;
public static class StringPoolExtension
@ -1,46 +1,99 @@
using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace CodeWalker.Core.Utils
public class DisposableTimer : IDisposable
public class DisposableTimer : Stopwatch, IDisposable, IResettable
public static event Action<TimeSpan, string> TimerStopped;
public Stopwatch Stopwatch { get; init; }
public static event Action<TimeSpan, string> OnDispose;
public Stopwatch Stopwatch => this;
static DisposableTimer()
TimerStopped += (timeSpan, name) => Debug.WriteLine($"{name} took {timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds} ms");
TimerStopped += (timeSpan, name) => Console.WriteLine($"{name} took {timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds} ms");
OnDispose += (timeSpan, name) => Console.WriteLine($"{name} took {timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds} ms");
public string Name { get; private set; }
public DisposableTimer(string name)
public DisposableTimer([CallerMemberName] string name = "") : base()
Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Name = name;
public DisposableTimer(string name, bool start)
Name = name;
if (start)
Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
} else
Stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
public void Dispose()
TimerStopped?.Invoke(Stopwatch.Elapsed, Name ?? string.Empty);
OnDispose?.Invoke(Elapsed, Name ?? string.Empty);
public bool TryReset()
return true;
public class SummableDisposableTimer : DisposableTimer
public event Action<TimeSpan, string> OnDispose;
public SummableDisposableTimer([CallerMemberName] string name = "") : base(name)
public void Dispose()
public class DisposableTimerSummed : IDisposable
private long _elapsed;
public TimeSpan TimeSpan => new TimeSpan(_elapsed);
public string Name { get; set; }
public DisposableTimerSummed([CallerMemberName] string name = "")
Name = name;
public DisposableTimer GetTimer([CallerMemberName] string name = "")
var timer = new SummableDisposableTimer(name);
timer.OnDispose += (time, _) =>
Interlocked.Add(ref _elapsed, time.Ticks);
return timer;
public void Dispose()
Console.WriteLine($"{Name} took {TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds} ms");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CodeWalker.Core.Utils.TypeConverters;
public class LinkedListPropertyDescripter<T> : PropertyDescriptor
private readonly LinkedListNode<T> node;
public LinkedListPropertyDescripter(LinkedListNode<T> node)
: base(CSharpName(node.Value.GetType()), null)
this.node = node;
private static string CSharpName(Type type)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var name = type.Name;
if (!type.IsGenericType)
return name;
sb.Append(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf('`')));
sb.Append(string.Join(", ", type.GetGenericArguments()
return sb.ToString();
public override object GetValue(object component)
return node.Value;
public override bool IsReadOnly => true;
public override string Name => node.Value.ToString();
public override Type PropertyType => node.Value.GetType();
public override Type ComponentType => node.List.GetType();
public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component) => false;
public override bool CanResetValue(object component) => false;
public override void ResetValue(object component)
public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
public class LinkedListConverter<T> : CollectionConverter
public override bool GetPropertiesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context) => true;
public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes)
LinkedList<T> list = value as LinkedList<T>;
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return base.GetProperties(context, value, attributes);
var items = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
foreach (var item in list)
var node = list.Find(item);
items.Add(new LinkedListPropertyDescripter<T>(node));
return items;
public class ExpandableCollectionPropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor
private IList collection;
private readonly int _index;
public ExpandableCollectionPropertyDescriptor(IList coll, int idx)
: base(GetDisplayName(coll, idx), null)
collection = coll;
_index = idx;
private static string GetDisplayName(IList list, int index)
return $"[{index}] " + CSharpName(list[index].GetType());
private static string CSharpName(Type type)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var name = type.Name;
if (!type.IsGenericType)
return name;
sb.Append(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf('`')));
sb.Append(string.Join(", ", type.GetGenericArguments()
return sb.ToString();
public override bool CanResetValue(object component)
return true;
public override Type ComponentType
get { return this.collection.GetType(); }
public override object GetValue(object component)
return collection[_index];
public override bool IsReadOnly
get { return false; }
public override string Name
get { return _index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public override Type PropertyType
get { return collection[_index].GetType(); }
public override void ResetValue(object component)
public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component)
return true;
public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
collection[_index] = value;
public class ListConverter : CollectionConverter
public override bool GetPropertiesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
return true;
public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes)
IList list = value as IList;
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return base.GetProperties(context, value, attributes);
var items = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
object item = list[i];
items.Add(new ExpandableCollectionPropertyDescriptor(list, i));
return items;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
@ -21,8 +22,31 @@ namespace CodeWalker
public static class TextUtil
static string[] sizeSuffixes = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"];
public static string GetBytesReadable(long i)
public static string GetBytesReadable(long size)
//shamelessly stolen from stackoverflow, and a bit mangled
// Returns the human-readable file size for an arbitrary, 64-bit file size
// The default format is "0.### XB", e.g. "4.2 KB" or "1.434 GB"
// Get absolute value
Debug.Assert(sizeSuffixes.Length > 0);
if (size == 0)
return "0 B";
var absSize = Math.Abs(size);
var fpPower = Math.Log(absSize, 1024);
var intPower = (int)fpPower;
var normSize = absSize / Math.Pow(1024, intPower);
return $"{normSize:G4} {sizeSuffixes[intPower]}";
public static string GetBytesReadableOld(long i)
//shamelessly stolen from stackoverflow, and a bit mangled
@ -8,6 +8,18 @@ using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
namespace CodeWalker
public static class Matrices
public static Matrix FromVectors(in Vector4 row1, in Vector4 row2, in Vector4 row3, in Vector4 row4)
return new Matrix(
row1.X, row1.Y, row1.Z, row1.Z,
row2.X, row2.Y, row2.Z, row2.Z,
row3.X, row3.Y, row3.Z, row3.Z,
row4.X, row4.Y, row4.Z, row4.Z
public static class Vectors
public static Vector3 XYZ(in this Vector4 v)
@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ using System.Xml.Linq;
using CodeWalker.Core.Utils;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics.Metrics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace CodeWalker.World
public class Scenarios
public volatile bool Inited = false;
@ -32,9 +34,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
Timecycle = timecycle;
GameFileCache = gameFileCache;
using (new DisposableTimer("EnsureScenarioTypes"))
await EnsureScenarioTypes(gameFileCache);
@ -56,10 +59,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
YmtFile? manifestymt = await rpfman.GetFileAsync<YmtFile>(manifestfilename);
if (manifestymt is not null && manifestymt.CScenarioPointManifest is not null)
var regionDefs = manifestymt.CScenarioPointManifest.RegionDefs;
foreach (var region in manifestymt.CScenarioPointManifest.RegionDefs)
using var timerSummed = new DisposableTimerSummed("LoadYmtFile");
await Parallel.ForAsync(0, regionDefs.Length, async (i, cancellationToken) =>
string regionfilename = region.Name.ToString() + ".ymt"; //JenkIndex lookup... ymt should have already loaded path strings into it! maybe change this...
var region = regionDefs[i];
string regionfilename = $"{region.Name}.ymt"; //JenkIndex lookup... ymt should have already loaded path strings into it! maybe change this...
string basefilename = regionfilename.Replace("platform:", "x64a.rpf");
string updfilename = regionfilename.Replace("platform:", "update\\update.rpf\\x64");
string usefilename = updfilename;
@ -68,14 +76,19 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
usefilename = basefilename;
YmtFile? regionymt = await rpfman.GetFileAsync<YmtFile>(usefilename) ?? await rpfman.GetFileAsync<YmtFile>(basefilename);
//YmtFile? regionymt = await rpfman.GetFileAsync<YmtFile>(usefilename) ?? await rpfman.GetFileAsync<YmtFile>(basefilename);
if (regionymt is not null)
var sregion = regionymt.ScenarioRegion;
if (sregion != null)
if (sregion is not null)
@ -90,23 +103,19 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
//System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\CodeWalker.Projects\\YmtTest\\AllYmts\\" + regionymt.Name, data);
Inited = true;
public static void EnsureScenarioTypes(GameFileCache gfc)
public static async Task EnsureScenarioTypes(GameFileCache gfc)
//if (ScenarioTypes == null)
var stypes = new ScenarioTypes();
await stypes.LoadAsync(gfc);
ScenarioTypes = stypes;
@ -294,67 +303,66 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
List<MCScenarioChainingEdge> chainedges = new List<MCScenarioChainingEdge>();
if ((r.Paths.Chains != null) && (r.Paths.Edges != null))
if (r.Paths.Chains is not null && r.Paths.Edges is not null)
List<MCScenarioChainingEdge> chainedges = new List<MCScenarioChainingEdge>();
var rp = r.Paths;
var rpc = rp.Chains;
var rpe = rp.Edges;
var rpeLength = rp.Edges.Length;
var rpn = rp.Nodes;
var rpnLength = rpn.Length;
foreach (var chain in rpc)
if (chain.EdgeIds != null)
if (chain.EdgeIds is not null)
foreach (var edgeId in chain.EdgeIds)
if (edgeId >= rpe.Length)
{ continue; }
if (edgeId >= rpeLength)
var edge = rpe[edgeId];
if (edge.NodeIndexFrom >= rpn.Length)
{ continue; }
if (edge.NodeIndexTo >= rpn.Length)
{ continue; }
if (edge.NodeIndexFrom >= rpnLength)
if (edge.NodeIndexTo >= rpnLength)
edge.NodeFrom = rpn[edge.NodeIndexFrom];
edge.NodeTo = rpn[edge.NodeIndexTo];
var nfc = edge.NodeFrom?.Chain;
var ntc = edge.NodeTo?.Chain;
if ((nfc != null) && (nfc != chain))
{ }
if ((ntc != null) && (ntc != chain))
{ }
if (edge.NodeFrom != null) edge.NodeFrom.Chain = chain;
if (edge.NodeTo != null) edge.NodeTo.Chain = chain;
if (edge.NodeFrom is not null)
edge.NodeFrom.Chain = chain;
if (edge.NodeTo is not null)
edge.NodeTo.Chain = chain;
chain.Edges = chainedges.ToArray();
chain.Edges = chainedges.ToArray();
chain.Edges = [];
if (r.Points != null)
if (r.Points is not null)
if (r.Points.MyPoints != null)
if (r.Points.MyPoints is not null)
foreach (var point in r.Points.MyPoints)
if (r.Points.LoadSavePoints != null)
if (r.Points.LoadSavePoints is not null)
foreach (var point in r.Points.LoadSavePoints)
@ -363,15 +371,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
if (r.Clusters != null) //spawn groups
if (r.Clusters is not null) //spawn groups
foreach (var cluster in r.Clusters)
if (cluster.Points != null)
if (cluster.Points is not null)
if (cluster.Points.MyPoints != null)
if (cluster.Points.MyPoints is not null)
foreach (var point in cluster.Points.MyPoints)
@ -379,7 +387,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
node.Cluster = cluster;
if (cluster.Points.LoadSavePoints != null)
if (cluster.Points.LoadSavePoints is not null)
foreach (var point in cluster.Points.LoadSavePoints)
@ -391,13 +399,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
if (r.EntityOverrides != null)
if (r.EntityOverrides is not null)
foreach (var overr in r.EntityOverrides)
if (overr.ScenarioPoints != null)
if (overr.ScenarioPoints is not null)
foreach (var point in overr.ScenarioPoints)
@ -407,10 +415,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
//Nodes = NodeDict.Values.ToList();
@ -422,47 +428,46 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public void BuildVertices()
List<EditorVertex> pathverts = new List<EditorVertex>();
PathVerts = [];
uint cred = (uint)Color.Red.ToRgba();
uint cblu = (uint)Color.Blue.ToRgba();
uint cgrn = (uint)Color.Green.ToBgra();
uint cblk = (uint)Color.Black.ToBgra();
if (Ymt?.CScenarioPointRegion is not null)
var r = Ymt?.CScenarioPointRegion?.Paths;
if (r?.Nodes is not null && r?.Chains is not null && r?.Edges is not null)
var r = Ymt.CScenarioPointRegion;
List<EditorVertex> pathverts = new List<EditorVertex>();
if ((r.Paths != null) && (r.Paths.Nodes != null))
var nodes = r.Nodes;
var nodesLength = nodes.Length;
foreach (var chain in r.Chains)
if ((r.Paths.Chains != null) && (r.Paths.Edges != null))
foreach (var chain in r.Paths.Chains)
if (chain.Edges == null) continue;
foreach (var edge in chain.Edges)
var vid1 = edge._Data.NodeIndexFrom;
var vid2 = edge._Data.NodeIndexTo;
if ((vid1 >= r.Paths.Nodes.Length) || (vid2 >= r.Paths.Nodes.Length)) continue;
var v1 = r.Paths.Nodes[vid1];
var v2 = r.Paths.Nodes[vid2];
byte cr1 = (v1.HasIncomingEdges) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
byte cr2 = (v2.HasIncomingEdges) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
byte cg = 0;// (chain._Data.Unk_1156691834 > 1) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
//cg = ((v1.Unk1 != 0) || (v2.Unk1 != 0)) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
//cg = (edge.Action == CScenarioChainingEdge__eAction.Unk_7865678) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
//cg = ((v1.UnkValTest != 0) || (v2.UnkValTest != 0)) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
if (chain.Edges is null)
byte cb1 = (byte)(255 - cr1);
byte cb2 = (byte)(255 - cr2);
var colour1 = (uint)new Color(cr1, cg, cb1, (byte)255).ToRgba();
var colour2 = (uint)new Color(cr2, cg, cb2, (byte)255).ToRgba();
pathverts.Add(new EditorVertex(v1.Position, colour1));
pathverts.Add(new EditorVertex(v2.Position, colour2));
foreach (var edge in chain.Edges)
var vid1 = edge._Data.NodeIndexFrom;
var vid2 = edge._Data.NodeIndexTo;
if ((vid1 >= nodesLength) || (vid2 >= nodesLength))
var v1 = nodes[vid1];
var v2 = nodes[vid2];
byte cr1 = (v1.HasIncomingEdges) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
byte cr2 = (v2.HasIncomingEdges) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
byte cg = 0;// (chain._Data.Unk_1156691834 > 1) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
//cg = ((v1.Unk1 != 0) || (v2.Unk1 != 0)) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
//cg = (edge.Action == CScenarioChainingEdge__eAction.Unk_7865678) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
//cg = ((v1.UnkValTest != 0) || (v2.UnkValTest != 0)) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
byte cb1 = (byte)(255 - cr1);
byte cb2 = (byte)(255 - cr2);
var colour1 = (uint)new Color(cr1, cg, cb1, (byte)255).ToRgba();
var colour2 = (uint)new Color(cr2, cg, cb2, (byte)255).ToRgba();
pathverts.Add(new EditorVertex(v1.Position, colour1));
pathverts.Add(new EditorVertex(v2.Position, colour2));
@ -503,28 +508,21 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
// }
if (pathverts.Count > 0)
PathVerts = pathverts.ToArray();
if (pathverts.Count > 0)
var _nodes = Nodes;
var count = _nodes.Count;
Vector4[] nodePositions = new Vector4[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
PathVerts = pathverts.ToArray();
PathVerts = [];
nodePositions[i] = new Vector4(_nodes[i].Position, 1.0f);
Vector4[] nodes = new Vector4[Nodes.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count; i++)
nodes[i] = new Vector4(Nodes[i].Position, 1.0f);
NodePositions = nodes;
NodePositions = nodePositions;
@ -582,7 +580,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
exnode.LoadSavePoint = point;
exnode.Position = point.Position;
exnode.Orientation = point.Orientation;
NodeDict[point.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
@ -599,7 +596,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
exnode = new ScenarioNode(cluster.Region?.Ymt);
exnode.Cluster = cluster;
exnode.Position = cluster.Position;
NodeDict[cluster.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
@ -618,7 +614,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
exnode.ClusterMyPoint = point;
exnode.Position = point.Position;
exnode.Orientation = point.Orientation;
NodeDict[point.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
@ -635,7 +630,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
exnode = new ScenarioNode(point.ScenarioRegion?.Ymt);
exnode.ClusterLoadSavePoint = point;
exnode.Position = point.Position;
NodeDict[point.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
@ -653,7 +647,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
exnode.EntityPoint = point;
exnode.Position = point.Position;
exnode.Orientation = point.Orientation;
NodeDict[point.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
@ -670,7 +663,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
exnode = new ScenarioNode(entity.Region?.Ymt);
exnode.Entity = entity;
exnode.Position = entity.Position;
NodeDict[entity.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
@ -733,21 +725,24 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
if ((Region != null) && (Region.Points != null))
if (Region is not null && Region.Points is not null)
if (n.MyPoint != null) Region.Points.AddMyPoint(n.MyPoint);
if (n.LoadSavePoint != null) Region.Points.AddLoadSavePoint(n.LoadSavePoint);
if ((n.Cluster != null) && (n.Cluster.Points != null))
if (n.Cluster is not null && n.Cluster.Points is not null)
if (n.ClusterMyPoint != null) n.Cluster.Points.AddMyPoint(n.ClusterMyPoint);
if (n.ClusterLoadSavePoint != null) n.Cluster.Points.AddLoadSavePoint(n.ClusterLoadSavePoint);
if (n.ClusterMyPoint is not null)
if (n.ClusterLoadSavePoint is not null)
if ((n.Entity != null) && (n.Entity.ScenarioPoints != null))
if ((n.Entity is not null) && (n.Entity.ScenarioPoints is not null))
if (n.EntityPoint != null) n.Entity.AddScenarioPoint(n.EntityPoint);
if (n.EntityPoint is not null)
if ((Region != null) && (Region.Paths != null))
if (Region is not null && Region.Paths is not null)
if (n.ChainingNode != null)
@ -1701,37 +1696,50 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public class ScenarioTypes
private readonly object SyncRoot = new object(); //keep this thread-safe.. technically shouldn't be necessary, but best to be safe
private Dictionary<uint, ScenarioTypeRef> TypeRefs { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, ScenarioType> Types { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, ScenarioTypeGroup> TypeGroups { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet> PropSets { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet> PedModelSets { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet> VehicleModelSets { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, ConditionalAnimsGroup> AnimGroups { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, ScenarioTypeRef>? TypeRefs { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, ScenarioType>? Types { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, ScenarioTypeGroup>? TypeGroups { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet>? PropSets { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet>? PedModelSets { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet>? VehicleModelSets { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, ConditionalAnimsGroup>? AnimGroups { get; set; }
public void Load(GameFileCache gfc)
public async Task LoadAsync(GameFileCache gfc)
lock (SyncRoot)
Types = LoadTypes(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\scenarios.meta");
TypeGroups = LoadTypeGroups(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\scenarios.meta");
PropSets = LoadModelSets(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\propsets.meta");
PedModelSets = LoadModelSets(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\ambientpedmodelsets.meta");
VehicleModelSets = LoadModelSets(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\vehiclemodelsets.meta");
AnimGroups = LoadAnimGroups(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\conditionalanims.meta");
await Task.WhenAll([
Task.Run(() => Types = LoadTypes(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\scenarios.meta")),
Task.Run(() => TypeGroups = LoadTypeGroups(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\scenarios.meta")),
Task.Run(() => PropSets = LoadModelSets(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\propsets.meta")),
Task.Run(() => PedModelSets = LoadModelSets(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\ambientpedmodelsets.meta")),
Task.Run(() => VehicleModelSets = LoadModelSets(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\vehiclemodelsets.meta")),
Task.Run(() => AnimGroups = LoadAnimGroups(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\conditionalanims.meta")),
TypeRefs = new Dictionary<uint, ScenarioTypeRef>(Types.Count + TypeGroups.Count);
foreach (var kvp in Types)
TypeRefs = new Dictionary<uint, ScenarioTypeRef>(Types.Count + TypeGroups.Count);
lock (TypeRefs)
if (Types is not null)
TypeRefs[kvp.Key] = new ScenarioTypeRef(kvp.Value);
lock (Types)
foreach (var (key, value) in Types)
TypeRefs[key] = new ScenarioTypeRef(value);
foreach (var kvp in TypeGroups)
if (TypeGroups is not null)
TypeRefs[kvp.Key] = new ScenarioTypeRef(kvp.Value);
foreach (var (key, value) in TypeGroups)
TypeRefs[key] = new ScenarioTypeRef(value);
@ -1764,6 +1772,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var typesxml = xml.DocumentElement;
var items = typesxml.SelectNodes("Scenarios/Item");
if (items is null)
return types;
foreach (XmlNode item in items)
var typestr = Xml.GetStringAttribute(item, "type");
@ -1821,6 +1832,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var typesxml = xml.DocumentElement;
var items = typesxml.SelectNodes("ScenarioTypeGroups/Item");
if (items is null)
return types;
foreach (XmlNode item in items)
ScenarioTypeGroup group = new ScenarioTypeGroup();
@ -1853,6 +1867,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var setsxml = xml.DocumentElement;
var items = setsxml.SelectNodes("ModelSets/Item");
if (items is null)
return sets;
var noneset = new AmbientModelSet();
noneset.Name = "NONE";
noneset.NameHash = JenkHash.GenHash("none");
@ -1880,7 +1897,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var xml = LoadXml(gfc, filename);
if (xml?.DocumentElement == null)
if (xml?.DocumentElement is null)
return groups;
@ -1888,6 +1905,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var setsxml = xml.DocumentElement;
var items = setsxml.SelectNodes("ConditionalAnimsGroup/Item");
if (items is null)
return groups;
foreach (XmlNode item in items)
ConditionalAnimsGroup group = new ConditionalAnimsGroup();
@ -1910,153 +1930,161 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public ScenarioTypeRef? GetScenarioTypeRef(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (TypeRefs is null)
return null;
lock (TypeRefs)
if (TypeRefs == null)
return null;
ScenarioTypeRef st;
TypeRefs.TryGetValue(hash, out st);
TypeRefs.TryGetValue(hash, out var st);
return st;
public ScenarioType? GetScenarioType(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (Types is null)
return null;
lock (Types)
if (Types == null)
return null;
Types.TryGetValue(hash, out var st);
return st;
public ScenarioTypeGroup? GetScenarioTypeGroup(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (TypeGroups is null)
return null;
lock (TypeGroups)
if (TypeGroups == null)
return null;
TypeGroups.TryGetValue(hash, out var tg);
return tg;
public AmbientModelSet? GetPropSet(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (PropSets is null)
return null;
lock (PropSets)
if (PropSets == null)
return null;
PropSets.TryGetValue(hash, out var ms);
return ms;
public AmbientModelSet? GetPedModelSet(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (PedModelSets is null)
return null;
if (PedModelSets == null)
return null;
if(!PedModelSets.TryGetValue(hash, out var ms))
ref var ms = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(PedModelSets, hash, out var exists);
if (!exists)
string s_hash = hash.ToString("X");
ms = new AmbientModelSet();
ms.Name = $"UNKNOWN PED MODELSET ({s_hash})";
ms.NameHash = new MetaHash(hash);
ms.Models = [];
PedModelSets.Add(hash, ms);
return ms;
public AmbientModelSet? GetVehicleModelSet(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (VehicleModelSets is null)
return null;
if (VehicleModelSets == null)
return null;
if(!VehicleModelSets.TryGetValue(hash, out var ms))
ref var ms = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(VehicleModelSets, hash, out var exists);
if (!exists)
string s_hash = hash.ToString("X");
ms = new AmbientModelSet();
ms.Name = $"UNKNOWN VEHICLE MODELSET ({s_hash})";
ms.NameHash = new MetaHash(hash);
ms.Models = [];
VehicleModelSets.Add(hash, ms);
return ms;
public ConditionalAnimsGroup? GetAnimGroup(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (AnimGroups == null)
return null;
if (AnimGroups == null)
return null;
ConditionalAnimsGroup ag;
AnimGroups.TryGetValue(hash, out ag);
AnimGroups.TryGetValue(hash, out var ag);
return ag;
public ScenarioTypeRef[] GetScenarioTypeRefs()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (TypeRefs is null)
return [];
if (TypeRefs == null)
return [];
return TypeRefs.Values.ToArray();
public ScenarioType[] GetScenarioTypes()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (Types is null)
return [];
lock (Types)
if (Types == null)
return [];
return Types.Values.ToArray();
public ScenarioTypeGroup[] GetScenarioTypeGroups()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (TypeGroups is null)
return [];
lock (TypeGroups)
if (TypeGroups == null)
return [];
return TypeGroups.Values.ToArray();
public AmbientModelSet[] GetPropSets()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (PropSets is null)
return [];
lock (PropSets)
if (PropSets == null)
return [];
return PropSets.Values.ToArray();
public AmbientModelSet[] GetPedModelSets()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (PedModelSets is null)
return [];
lock (PedModelSets)
if (PedModelSets == null)
return [];
return PedModelSets.Values.ToArray();
public AmbientModelSet[] GetVehicleModelSets()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (VehicleModelSets is null)
return [];
lock (VehicleModelSets)
if (VehicleModelSets == null)
return [];
return VehicleModelSets.Values.ToArray();
public ConditionalAnimsGroup[] GetAnimGroups()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (AnimGroups is null)
return [];
lock (AnimGroups)
if (AnimGroups == null)
return [];
return AnimGroups.Values.ToArray();
@ -2174,7 +2202,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
NameHash = JenkHash.GenHashLower(Name);
var models = node.SelectNodes("Models/Item");
var modellist = new List<AmbientModel>();
var modellist = new List<AmbientModel>(models.Count);
foreach (XmlNode item in models)
AmbientModel model = new AmbientModel();
@ -2,10 +2,13 @@
using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using Collections.Pooled;
using CommunityToolkit.HighPerformance;
using Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool;
using SharpDX;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
@ -60,34 +63,32 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
GameFileCache = gameFileCache;
var task = Task.Run(() => InitNodeGrid("Space Init"));
updateStatus?.Invoke("Scanning manifests...");
InitManifestData("Space Init");
updateStatus?.Invoke("Scanning caches...");
await InitCacheDataAsync();
await InitCacheDataAsync("Space Init");
updateStatus?.Invoke("Building map data store...");
InitMapDataStore("Space Init");
updateStatus?.Invoke("Building bounds store...");
updateStatus?.Invoke("Loading paths...");
InitBoundsStore("Space Init");
updateStatus?.Invoke("Loading nav meshes...");
InitNavGrid("Space Init");
await task;
Inited = true;
@ -95,9 +96,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
private void InitManifestData()
private void InitManifestData([CallerMemberName] string callerName = "")
using var _ = new DisposableTimer("InitManifestData");
using var _ = new DisposableTimer($"{callerName} -> {nameof(InitManifestData)}");
@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var manifests = GameFileCache.AllManifests;
foreach (var manifest in manifests)
foreach (var manifest in manifests.AsSpan())
//build interior lookup - maps child->parent interior bounds
@ -166,10 +167,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
private async Task InitCacheDataAsync()
private async Task InitCacheDataAsync([CallerMemberName] string callerName = "")
//build the grid from the cached data
using var _ = new DisposableTimer("InitCacheDataAsync");
using var _ = new DisposableTimer($"{callerName} -> {nameof(InitCacheDataAsync)}");
var caches = GameFileCache.AllCacheFiles;
nodedict = new Dictionary<MetaHash, MapDataStoreNode>(6000);
//List<BoundsStoreItem> intlist = new List<BoundsStoreItem>();
@ -252,8 +253,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
using var ymapTimer = new DisposableTimer("ymaps");
using var ybnTimer = new DisposableTimer("ybns");
using var ymapTimer = new DisposableTimer("ymaps", false);
using var ybnTimer = new DisposableTimer("ybns", false);
using(new DisposableTimer("maprpfs.Values"))
//try and generate the cache data for uncached ymaps... mainly for mod maps!
@ -264,6 +265,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
if (entry.IsExtension(".ymap"))
if (!nodedict.ContainsKey(new MetaHash(entry.ShortNameHash)))
//non-cached ymap. mostly only mods... but some interesting test things also
@ -277,9 +279,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
if (entry.IsExtension(".ybn"))
MetaHash ehash = new MetaHash(entry.ShortNameHash);
if (!usedboundsdict.ContainsKey(ehash))
@ -297,6 +301,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
@ -306,33 +311,29 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
private void InitMapDataStore()
private void InitMapDataStore([CallerMemberName] string callerName = "")
using var _ = new DisposableTimer("InitMapDataStore");
using var _ = new DisposableTimer($"{callerName} -> {nameof(InitMapDataStore)}");
MapDataStore = new SpaceMapDataStore();
private void InitBoundsStore()
private void InitBoundsStore([CallerMemberName] string callerName = "")
using var _ = new DisposableTimer("InitBoundsStore");
using var _ = new DisposableTimer($"{callerName} -> {nameof(InitBoundsStore)}");
BoundsStore = new SpaceBoundsStore();
private void InitNodeGrid()
private Dictionary<uint, RpfFileEntry> GetYndEntries()
using var _ = new DisposableTimer("InitNodeGrid");
NodeGrid = new SpaceNodeGrid();
using var addRpfYndTimer = new DisposableTimer($"{nameof(InitNodeGrid)} -> AddRpfYnds");
var rpfman = GameFileCache.RpfMan;
Dictionary<uint, RpfFileEntry> yndentries = new Dictionary<uint, RpfFileEntry>();
foreach (var rpffile in GameFileCache.BaseRpfs) //load nodes from base rpfs
foreach (var rpffile in GameFileCache.BaseRpfs.AsSpan()) //load nodes from base rpfs
AddRpfYnds(rpffile, yndentries);
@ -341,27 +342,39 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var updrpf = rpfman.FindRpfFile("update\\update.rpf"); //load nodes from patch area...
if (updrpf is not null)
foreach (var rpffile in updrpf.Children)
foreach (var rpffile in updrpf.Children.Span)
AddRpfYnds(rpffile, yndentries);
foreach (var dlcrpf in GameFileCache.DlcActiveRpfs) //load nodes from current dlc rpfs
foreach (var dlcrpf in GameFileCache.DlcActiveRpfs.AsSpan()) //load nodes from current dlc rpfs
if (dlcrpf.Path.StartsWith("x64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
continue; //don't override update.rpf YNDs with x64 ones! *hack
foreach (var rpffile in dlcrpf.Children)
foreach (var rpffile in dlcrpf.Children.Span)
AddRpfYnds(rpffile, yndentries);
return yndentries;
private async Task InitNodeGrid([CallerMemberName] string callerName = "")
using var _ = new DisposableTimer($"{callerName} -> {nameof(InitNodeGrid)}");
NodeGrid = new SpaceNodeGrid();
var yndentries = GetYndEntries();
var addRpfYndTimer = new DisposableTimer($"{nameof(InitNodeGrid)} -> BuildNodeGrid");
Vector3 corner = new Vector3(-8192, -8192, -2048);
Vector3 cellsize = new Vector3(512, 512, 4096);
for (int x = 0; x < NodeGrid.CellCountX; x++)
await Parallel.ForAsync(0, NodeGrid.CellCountX, async (x, cancellationToken) =>
for (int y = 0; y < NodeGrid.CellCountY; y++)
@ -370,14 +383,17 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
uint fnhash = JenkHash.GenHash(fname);
if (yndentries.TryGetValue(fnhash, out RpfFileEntry? fentry))
cell.Ynd = RpfManager.GetFile<YndFile>(fentry);
cell.Ynd = await RpfManager.GetFileAsync<YndFile>(fentry);
cell.Ynd.BBMin = corner + (cellsize * new Vector3(x, y, 0));
cell.Ynd.BBMax = cell.Ynd.BBMin + cellsize;
cell.Ynd.CellX = x;
cell.Ynd.CellY = y;
cell.Ynd.Loaded = true;
AllYnds[fnhash] = cell.Ynd;
AllYnds[fnhash] = cell.Ynd;
#region node flags test
@ -458,19 +474,24 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
addRpfYndTimer = new DisposableTimer($"{nameof(InitNodeGrid)} -> BuildYndData");
//join the dots....
//StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
List<EditorVertex> tverts = new List<EditorVertex>();
using PooledList<YndLink> tlinks = new PooledList<YndLink>();
using PooledList<YndLink> nlinks = new PooledList<YndLink>();
foreach (var ynd in AllYnds.Values)
BuildYndData(ynd, tverts, tlinks, nlinks);
var allYnds = AllYnds.Values.ToArray();
Parallel.ForEach(allYnds, BuildYndData);
//foreach (var ynd in AllYnds.Values)
// BuildYndData(ynd);
// //sb.Append(ynd.nodestr);
//string str = sb.ToString();
@ -482,11 +503,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
private void AddRpfYnds(RpfFile rpffile, Dictionary<uint, RpfFileEntry> yndentries)
private static void AddRpfYnds(RpfFile rpffile, Dictionary<uint, RpfFileEntry> yndentries)
if (rpffile.AllEntries is null)
foreach (var entry in rpffile.AllEntries)
foreach (var entry in rpffile.AllEntries.Span)
if (entry is RpfFileEntry fentry)
@ -498,19 +520,20 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public void BuildYndLinks(YndFile ynd, IList<YndLink>? tlinks = null, IList<YndLink>? nlinks = null)
public void BuildYndLinks(YndFile ynd)
var ynodes = ynd.Nodes;
var nodes = ynd.NodeDictionary?.Nodes;
var links = ynd.NodeDictionary?.Links;
if (ynodes is null || nodes is null || links is null) return;
if (ynodes is null || nodes is null || links is null)
int nodecount = ynodes.Length;
//build the links arrays.
tlinks ??= new PooledList<YndLink>();
nlinks ??= new PooledList<YndLink>();
var tlinks = PooledListPool<YndLink>.Shared.Get();
var nlinks = PooledListPool<YndLink>.Shared.Get();
for (int i = 0; i < nodecount; i++)
@ -524,24 +547,24 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var llid = linkid + l;
if (llid >= links.Length) continue;
var link = links[llid];
YndNode tnode;
YndNode? tnode;
if (link.AreaID == node.AreaID)
if (link.NodeID >= ynodes.Length)
{ continue; }
tnode = ynodes[link.NodeID];
tnode = NodeGrid.GetYndNode(link.AreaID, link.NodeID);
if (tnode == null)
{ continue; }
if ((Math.Abs(tnode.Ynd.CellX - ynd.CellX) > 1) || (Math.Abs(tnode.Ynd.CellY - ynd.CellY) > 1))
{ /*continue;*/ } //non-adjacent cell? seems to be the carrier problem...
//if ((Math.Abs(tnode.Ynd.CellX - ynd.CellX) > 1) || (Math.Abs(tnode.Ynd.CellY - ynd.CellY) > 1))
//{ /*continue;*/ } //non-adjacent cell? seems to be the carrier problem...
YndLink yl = new YndLink();
yl.Init(ynd, node, tnode, link);
YndLink yl = new YndLink(ynd, node, tnode, link);
@ -549,10 +572,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
ynd.Links = tlinks.ToArray();
public void BuildYndVerts(YndFile ynd, YndNode[]? selectedNodes, IList<EditorVertex>? tverts = null)
public void BuildYndVerts(YndFile ynd, YndNode[]? selectedNodes = null)
var laneColour = (uint) new Color4(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f).ToRgba();
var laneColour = 4294901760; // (uint) new Color4(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f).ToRgba();
var ynodes = ynd.Nodes;
if (ynodes is null)
@ -560,7 +586,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
int nodecount = ynodes.Length;
//build the main linked vertex array (used by the renderable to draw the lines).
tverts ??= new PooledList<EditorVertex>();
var tverts = PooledListPool<EditorVertex>.Shared.Get();
for (int i = 0; i < nodecount; i++)
@ -569,14 +595,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var nvert = new EditorVertex(node.Position, (uint)node.Colour.ToRgba());
var nvert = new EditorVertex(node.Position, (uint)node.ColourRgba);
for (int l = 0; l < node.Links.Length; l++)
foreach(var yl in node.Links)
YndLink yl = node.Links[l];
var laneDir = yl.GetDirection();
var laneDirCross = Vector3.Cross(laneDir, Vector3.UnitZ);
var laneDirCross = Vectors.Cross(in laneDir, in Vector3.UnitZ);
var laneWidth = yl.GetLaneWidth();
var laneHalfWidth = laneWidth / 2;
var offset = yl.IsTwoWay()
@ -587,9 +611,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var tnode = yl.Node2;
if (tnode == null)
if (tnode is null)
continue; //invalid links could hit here
var tvert = new EditorVertex(tnode.Position, (uint)tnode.Colour.ToRgba());
var tvert = new EditorVertex(tnode.Position, (uint)tnode.ColourRgba);
@ -619,6 +643,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
ynd.LinkedVerts = tverts.ToArray();
public void BuildYndJuncs(YndFile ynd)
@ -631,8 +657,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
for (int i = 0; i < junccount; i++)
var junc = yjuncs[i];
var cell = NodeGrid.GetCell(junc.RefData.AreaID);
if (cell?.Ynd?.Nodes is null)
if (!NodeGrid.TryGetCell(junc.RefData.AreaID, out var cell) || cell?.Ynd?.Nodes is null)
var jynd = cell.Ynd;
@ -656,15 +681,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public void BuildYndData(YndFile ynd, IList<EditorVertex>? tverts = null, IList<YndLink>? tlinks = null, IList<YndLink>? nlinks = null)
public void BuildYndData(YndFile ynd)
BuildYndLinks(ynd, tlinks, nlinks);
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(ynd, nameof(ynd));
BuildYndVerts(ynd, null, tverts);
public YndFile[] GetYndFilesThatDependOnYndFile(YndFile file)
@ -723,9 +747,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
private void InitNavGrid()
private void InitNavGrid([CallerMemberName] string callerName = "")
using var _ = new DisposableTimer("InitNavGrid");
using var _ = new DisposableTimer($"{callerName} -> InitNavGrid");
NavGrid = new SpaceNavGrid();
var rpfman = GameFileCache.RpfMan;
@ -774,16 +798,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
private void AddRpfYnvs(RpfFile rpffile, Dictionary<uint, RpfFileEntry> ynventries)
if (rpffile.AllEntries == null) return;
foreach (var entry in rpffile.AllEntries)
if (rpffile.AllEntries is null)
foreach (var entry in rpffile.AllEntries.Span)
if (entry is RpfFileEntry)
if (entry is RpfFileEntry fentry)
RpfFileEntry fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry;
if (entry.IsExtension(".ynv"))
if (ynventries.ContainsKey(entry.NameHash))
{ }
ynventries[entry.NameHash] = fentry;
@ -794,10 +816,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public void Update(float elapsed)
if (!Inited) return;
if (BoundsStore == null) return;
if (!Inited)
if (BoundsStore is null)
if (elapsed > 0.1f) elapsed = 0.1f;
if (elapsed > 0.1f)
elapsed = 0.1f;
@ -806,11 +831,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
foreach (var e in PersistentEntities)
if (e.Enabled) EnabledEntities.Add(e);
if (e.Enabled)
foreach (var e in TemporaryEntities)
if (e.Enabled) EnabledEntities.Add(e);
if (e.Enabled)
@ -1044,9 +1071,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
if (ymapweathertypes.TryGetValue(ymaphash, out var weathers))
for (int i = 0; i < weathers.Length; i++)
foreach(var _weather in weathers)
if (weathers[i] == weather)
if (_weather == weather)
return true;
return false;
@ -1057,10 +1084,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public void GetVisibleYmaps(Camera cam, int hour, MetaHash weather, Dictionary<MetaHash, YmapFile> ymaps)
if (!Inited)
if (MapDataStore is null)
if (!Inited || MapDataStore is null)
CurrentHour = hour;
CurrentWeather = weather;
var items = MapDataStore.GetItems(in cam.Position);
@ -1156,7 +1182,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var hash = cell.YnvEntry.ShortNameHash;
var ynv = (hash > 0) ? GameFileCache.GetYnv(hash) : null;
if ((ynv != null) && (ynv.Loaded))
if (ynv != null && ynv.Loaded)
@ -1196,8 +1222,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
} //already a closer hit
YbnFile ybn = GameFileCache.GetYbn(bound.Name);
if (ybn == null)
YbnFile? ybn = GameFileCache.GetYbn(bound.Name);
if (ybn is null)
} //ybn not found?
@ -1917,10 +1943,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
RootNode = new SpaceBoundsStoreNode();
RootNode.Owner = this;
foreach (var item in items)
@ -1932,6 +1955,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
return VisibleItems;
public List<BoundsStoreItem> GetItems(ref Ray ray, bool[]? layers = null)
@ -1941,44 +1965,58 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
return VisibleItems;
public class SpaceBoundsStoreNode
public SpaceBoundsStore Owner = null;
public SpaceBoundsStoreNode[] Children = null;
public List<BoundsStoreItem> Items = null;
public SpaceBoundsStore? Owner = null;
public SpaceBoundsStoreNode[]? Children = null;
public PooledList<BoundsStoreItem>? Items = null;
public Vector3 BBMin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
public Vector3 BBMax = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
public int Depth = 0;
public void Add(BoundsStoreItem item)
if (Items == null)
Items = new List<BoundsStoreItem>();
BBMin = Vector3.Min(BBMin, item.Min);
BBMax = Vector3.Max(BBMax, item.Max);
Items ??= PooledListPool<BoundsStoreItem>.Shared.Get();
Vectors.Min(in BBMin, in item.Min, out BBMin);
Vectors.Max(in BBMax, in item.Max, out BBMax);
public void AddRange(IEnumerable<BoundsStoreItem> items)
Items ??= PooledListPool<BoundsStoreItem>.Shared.Get();
if (items.TryGetNonEnumeratedCount(out var count))
Items.EnsureCapacity(Items.Count + count);
foreach (var item in items)
Vectors.Min(in BBMin, in item.Min, out BBMin);
Vectors.Max(in BBMax, in item.Max, out BBMax);
public void TrySplit(int threshold)
if ((Items == null) || (Items.Count <= threshold))
{ return; }
if (Items is null || Items.Count <= threshold)
Children = new SpaceBoundsStoreNode[4];
var newItems = new List<BoundsStoreItem>();
var newItems = PooledListPool<BoundsStoreItem>.Shared.Get();
var ncen = (BBMax + BBMin) * 0.5f;
var next = (BBMax - BBMin) * 0.5f;
var nsiz = Math.Max(next.X, next.Y);
var nsizh = nsiz * 0.5f;
foreach (var item in Items)
foreach (var item in Items.Span)
var imin = item.Min;
var imax = item.Max;
ref readonly var imin = ref item.Min;
ref readonly var imax = ref item.Max;
var icen = (imax + imin) * 0.5f;
var iext = (imax - imin) * 0.5f;
var isiz = Math.Max(iext.X, iext.Y);
@ -1991,7 +2029,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var cind = ((icen.X > ncen.X) ? 1 : 0) + ((icen.Y > ncen.Y) ? 2 : 0);
var c = Children[cind];
if (c == null)
if (c is null)
c = new SpaceBoundsStoreNode();
c.Owner = Owner;
@ -2007,25 +2045,28 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
if (Items is not null)
Items = newItems;
public void GetItems(in Vector3 min, in Vector3 max, List<BoundsStoreItem> items, bool[] layers = null)
public void GetItems(in Vector3 min, in Vector3 max, List<BoundsStoreItem> items, bool[]? layers = null)
if ((max.X >= BBMin.X) && (min.X <= BBMax.X) && (max.Y >= BBMin.Y) && (min.Y <= BBMax.Y))
if (max.X >= BBMin.X && min.X <= BBMax.X && max.Y >= BBMin.Y && min.Y <= BBMax.Y)
if (Items != null)
for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
foreach(var item in Items.Span)
var item = Items[i];
if ((layers != null) && (item.Layer < 3) && (!layers[item.Layer]))
if (layers is not null && item.Layer < 3 && !layers[item.Layer])
if ((max.X >= item.Min.X) && (min.X <= item.Max.X) && (max.Y >= item.Min.Y) && (min.Y <= item.Max.Y))
if (max.X >= item.Min.X && min.X <= item.Max.X && max.Y >= item.Min.Y && min.Y <= item.Max.Y)
@ -2040,6 +2081,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public void GetItems(ref Ray ray, List<BoundsStoreItem> items, bool[]? layers = null)
var box = new BoundingBox(BBMin, BBMax);
@ -2047,10 +2089,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
if (Items is not null)
for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
foreach(var item in Items.Span)
var item = Items[i];
if (layers is not null && item.Layer < 3 && !layers[item.Layer])
@ -2101,23 +2141,37 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public SpaceNodeGridCell GetCell(int id)
public SpaceNodeGridCell? GetCell(int id)
int x = id % CellCountX;
int y = id / CellCountX;
if ((x >= 0) && (x < CellCountX) && (y >= 0) && (y < CellCountY))
if (x >= 0 && x < CellCountX && y >= 0 && y < CellCountY)
return Cells[x, y];
return null;
public bool TryGetCell(int id, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out SpaceNodeGridCell cell)
int x = id % CellCountX;
int y = id / CellCountX;
if (x >= 0 && x < CellCountX && y >= 0 && y < CellCountY)
cell = Cells[x, y];
return true;
cell = default;
return false;
public SpaceNodeGridCell? GetCellForPosition(in Vector3 position)
var x = (int)((position.X - CornerX) / CellSize);
var y = (int)((position.Y - CornerY) / CellSize);
if ((x >= 0) && (x < CellCountX) && (y >= 0) && (y < CellCountY))
if (x >= 0 && x < CellCountX && y >= 0 && y < CellCountY)
return Cells[x, y];
@ -2128,11 +2182,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public YndNode? GetYndNode(ushort areaid, ushort nodeid)
var cell = GetCell(areaid);
if (cell?.Ynd?.Nodes is null)
if (!TryGetCell(areaid, out var cell) || cell?.Ynd?.Nodes is null)
return null;
if (nodeid >= cell.Ynd.Nodes.Length)
{ return null; }
return null;
return cell.Ynd.Nodes[nodeid];
@ -2160,7 +2217,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public int Y;
public int ID;
public YndFile Ynd;
public YndFile? Ynd;
public SpaceNodeGridCell(int x, int y)
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using CodeWalker.Core.Utils;
using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
nameHash = JenkHash.GenHash(namel);
List<TimecycleModValue> vals = new List<TimecycleModValue>();
var vals = PooledListPool<TimecycleModValue>.Shared.Get();
foreach (XmlNode valnode in node.ChildNodes)
if (!(valnode is XmlElement)) continue;
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
Dict[val.name] = val;
Values = vals.ToArray();
public override string ToString()
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
public static SwitchToUiAwaitable SwitchToUi(this Form form)
public static SwitchToUiAwaitable SwitchToUiContext(this Form form)
return new SwitchToUiAwaitable(form);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CodeWalker.WinForms.Utils;
public class LinkedListPropertyDescripter<T> : PropertyDescriptor
private readonly LinkedListNode<T> node;
public LinkedListPropertyDescripter(LinkedListNode<T> node)
: base(CSharpName(node.Value.GetType()), null)
this.node = node;
private static string CSharpName(Type type)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var name = type.Name;
if (!type.IsGenericType)
return name;
sb.Append(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf('`')));
sb.Append(string.Join(", ", type.GetGenericArguments()
return sb.ToString();
public override object GetValue(object component)
return node.Value;
public override bool IsReadOnly => true;
public override string Name => node.Value.ToString();
public override Type PropertyType => node.Value.GetType();
public override Type ComponentType => node.List.GetType();
public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component) => false;
public override bool CanResetValue(object component) => false;
public override void ResetValue(object component)
public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
public class LinkedListConverter<T> : CollectionConverter
public override bool GetPropertiesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context) => true;
public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes)
LinkedList<T> list = value as LinkedList<T>;
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return base.GetProperties(context, value, attributes);
var items = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
foreach(var item in list)
var node = list.Find(item);
items.Add(new LinkedListPropertyDescripter<T>(node));
return items;
public class ExpandableCollectionPropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor
private IList collection;
private readonly int _index;
public ExpandableCollectionPropertyDescriptor(IList coll, int idx)
: base(GetDisplayName(coll, idx), null)
collection = coll;
_index = idx;
private static string GetDisplayName(IList list, int index)
return $"[{index}] " + CSharpName(list[index].GetType());
private static string CSharpName(Type type)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var name = type.Name;
if (!type.IsGenericType)
return name;
sb.Append(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf('`')));
sb.Append(string.Join(", ", type.GetGenericArguments()
return sb.ToString();
public override bool CanResetValue(object component)
return true;
public override Type ComponentType
get { return this.collection.GetType(); }
public override object GetValue(object component)
return collection[_index];
public override bool IsReadOnly
get { return false; }
public override string Name
get { return _index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public override Type PropertyType
get { return collection[_index].GetType(); }
public override void ResetValue(object component)
public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component)
return true;
public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
collection[_index] = value;
public class ListConverter : CollectionConverter
public override bool GetPropertiesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
return true;
public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes)
IList list = value as IList;
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return base.GetProperties(context, value, attributes);
var items = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
object item = list[i];
items.Add(new ExpandableCollectionPropertyDescriptor(list, i));
return items;
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Loading scenario types...");
await Scenarios.EnsureScenarioTypes(FileCache);
UpdateStatus?.Invoke("File cache loaded.");
@ -2548,7 +2548,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker
} else if (entry.IsExtension(".ytd"))
else if (entry.IsExtension(".ytd"))
YtdFile ytd = RpfFile.GetFile<YtdFile>(entry, fileData);
@ -2605,7 +2606,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
foreach (var tp in texparams)
//MetaXml.WriteCustomItemArray(sb, tp.Value.Textures, 3, "Texture");
MetaXml.OpenTag(sb, 3, string.Format(otstr, ((ShaderParamNames)tp.Key).ToString(), "Texture"));
MetaXml.OpenTag(sb, 3, $"Item name=\"{(ShaderParamNames)tp.Key}\"");
foreach(var texture in tp.Value.Textures)
@ -2618,15 +2619,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker
var svp = s.GetSortedList(vp.Value);
var defval = svp.FirstOrDefault();
MetaXml.SelfClosingTag(sb, 3, string.Format(otstr, ((ShaderParamNames)vp.Key).ToString(), "Vector") + " " + FloatUtil.GetVector4XmlString(defval));
MetaXml.SelfClosingTag(sb, 3, $"Item name=\"{(ShaderParamNames)vp.Key}\" type=\"Vector\" {FloatUtil.GetVector4XmlString(in defval)}");
foreach (var ap in arrparams)
var defval = ap.Value.FirstOrDefault();
MetaXml.OpenTag(sb, 3, string.Format(otstr, ((ShaderParamNames)ap.Key).ToString(), "Array"));
MetaXml.OpenTag(sb, 3, $"Item name=\"{(ShaderParamNames)ap.Key}\" type=\"Array\"");
foreach (var vec in defval)
MetaXml.SelfClosingTag(sb, 4, "Value " + FloatUtil.GetVector4XmlString(vec));
MetaXml.SelfClosingTag(sb, 4, $"Value {FloatUtil.GetVector4XmlString(in vec)}");
MetaXml.CloseTag(sb, 3, "Item");
@ -5248,7 +5249,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker
ImageIndex = 1; //FOLDER imageIndex
var ic = fld.GetItemCount();
fileSize = ic;
fileSizeText = $"{ic} item{((ic != 1) ? "s" : "")}";
if (ic != 1)
fileSizeText = $"{ic} items";
fileSizeText = $"{ic} item";
@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Forms
int ih = (int)fh;
int im = v - (ih * 60);
if (ih == 24) ih = 0;
TimeOfDayLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", ih, im);
TimeOfDayLabel.Text = $"{ih:00}:{im:00}";
@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Forms
var tgnode = tmnode.Nodes.Add(gname);
tgnode.Tag = geom;
if ((geom.Shader != null) && (geom.Shader.ParametersList != null) && (geom.Shader.ParametersList.Hashes != null))
if (geom.Shader?.ParametersList?.Hashes is not null)
var pl = geom.Shader.ParametersList;
var h = pl.Hashes;
@ -1446,9 +1446,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Forms
var tstr = tex.Name.Trim();
if (tex is Texture t)
tstr = string.Format("{0} ({1}x{2}, embedded)", tex.Name, t.Width, t.Height);
tstr = $"{tex.Name} ({t.Width}x{t.Height}, embedded)";
var tnode = tgnode.Nodes.Add(hash.ToString().Trim() + ": " + tstr);
var tnode = tgnode.Nodes.Add($"{hash}: {tstr}");
tnode.Tag = tex;
@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
int ih = (int)fh;
int im = v - (ih * 60);
if (ih == 24) ih = 0;
TimeOfDayLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", ih, im);
TimeOfDayLabel.Text = $"{ih:00}:{im:00}";
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
UnkVec1TextBox.Text = FloatUtil.GetVector4String(z.UnkVec1);
UnkVec2TextBox.Text = FloatUtil.GetVector4String(z.UnkVec2);
UnkVec3TextBox.Text = FloatUtil.GetVector2String(z.UnkVec3);
UnkBytesTextBox.Text = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", z.Unk14, z.Unk15, z.Unk16);
UnkBytesTextBox.Text = $"{z.Unk14}, {z.Unk15}, {z.Unk16}";
Flags0TextBox.Text = z.Flags0.Hex;
Flags1TextBox.Text = z.Flags1.Hex;
Unk13TextBox.Text = z.Unk13.Hex;
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
SceneTextBox.Text = z.Scene.ToString();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (z.Rules != null)
if (z.Rules is not null)
foreach (var hash in z.Rules)
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
populatingui = true;
var n = CurrentPathNode.RawData;
var n = CurrentPathNode._RawData;
//YndNodePanel.Enabled = true;
PathNodeDeleteButton.Enabled = ProjectForm.YndExistsInProject(CurrentYndFile);
PathNodeAddToProjectButton.Enabled = !PathNodeDeleteButton.Enabled;
@ -812,11 +812,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var statf = "{0} hit tests, {1} hits, {2} new polys";
var stats = string.Format(statf, hitTestCount, hitCount, newCount);
UpdateStatus("Process complete. " + stats);
UpdateStatus($"Process complete. {hitTestCount} hit tests, {hitCount} hits, {newCount} new polys");
@ -615,16 +615,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
if ((ynd.Nodes != null) && (ynd.Nodes.Length > 0))
if (ynd.Nodes is not null && ynd.Nodes.Length > 0)
var nodesnode = node.Nodes.Add("Nodes (" + ynd.Nodes.Length.ToString() + ")");
var nodesnode = node.Nodes.Add($"Nodes ({ynd.Nodes.Length})");
nodesnode.Name = "Nodes";
nodesnode.Tag = ynd;
var nodes = ynd.Nodes;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
var ynode = nodes[i];
var nnode = ynode.RawData;
var nnode = ynode._RawData;
var tnode = nodesnode.Nodes.Add(nnode.ToString());
tnode.Tag = ynode;
@ -2315,7 +2315,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var tn = FindYmapTreeNode(ymap);
if (tn != null)
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
tn.Text = ymap.RpfFileEntry?.Name ?? ymap.Name;
@ -2357,7 +2357,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var tn = FindYnvTreeNode(ynv);
if (tn != null)
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
tn.Text = ynv.RpfFileEntry?.Name ?? ynv.Name;
@ -2366,7 +2366,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var tn = FindTrainTrackTreeNode(track);
if (tn != null)
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
tn.Text = track.RpfFileEntry?.Name ?? track.Name;
@ -2375,7 +2375,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var tn = FindScenarioTreeNode(scenarios);
if (tn != null)
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
tn.Text = scenarios.RpfFileEntry?.Name ?? scenarios.Name;
@ -2384,7 +2384,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var tn = FindAudioRelTreeNode(rel);
if (tn != null)
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
tn.Text = rel.RpfFileEntry?.Name ?? rel.Name;
@ -2393,7 +2393,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var tn = FindArchetypeTreeNode(archetype);
if (tn != null)
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
tn.Text = archetype._BaseArchetypeDef.ToString();
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project
public RpfManager RpfMan { get; private set; }
public bool IsProjectLoaded => CurrentProjectFile != null;
public bool IsProjectLoaded => CurrentProjectFile is not null;
public ProjectFile? CurrentProjectFile;
private MapSelection[]? CurrentMulti;
@ -99,17 +99,17 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project
public readonly object ProjectSyncRoot = new object();
private Dictionary<string, YbnFile> visibleybns = new Dictionary<string, YbnFile>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private Dictionary<int, YndFile> visibleynds = new Dictionary<int, YndFile>();
private Dictionary<int, YnvFile> visibleynvs = new Dictionary<int, YnvFile>();
private Dictionary<string, TrainTrack> visibletrains = new Dictionary<string, TrainTrack>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private Dictionary<string, YmtFile> visiblescenarios = new Dictionary<string, YmtFile>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private Dictionary<uint, YmapEntityDef> visiblemloentities = new Dictionary<uint, YmapEntityDef>();
private Dictionary<uint, RelFile> visibleaudiofiles = new Dictionary<uint, RelFile>();
private readonly Dictionary<string, YbnFile> visibleybns = new Dictionary<string, YbnFile>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private readonly Dictionary<int, YndFile> visibleynds = new Dictionary<int, YndFile>();
private readonly Dictionary<int, YnvFile> visibleynvs = new Dictionary<int, YnvFile>();
private readonly Dictionary<string, TrainTrack> visibletrains = new Dictionary<string, TrainTrack>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private readonly Dictionary<string, YmtFile> visiblescenarios = new Dictionary<string, YmtFile>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private readonly Dictionary<uint, YmapEntityDef> visiblemloentities = new Dictionary<uint, YmapEntityDef>();
private readonly Dictionary<uint, RelFile> visibleaudiofiles = new Dictionary<uint, RelFile>();
private Dictionary<uint, YbnFile> projectybns = new Dictionary<uint, YbnFile>();//used for handling interior ybns
private readonly Dictionary<uint, YbnFile> projectybns = new Dictionary<uint, YbnFile>();//used for handling interior ybns
private List<YmapEntityDef> interiorslist = new List<YmapEntityDef>(); //used for handling interiors ybns
private readonly List<YmapEntityDef> interiorslist = new List<YmapEntityDef>(); //used for handling interiors ybns
private bool ShowProjectItemInProcess = false;
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project
SetTheme(Settings.Default.ProjectWindowTheme, false);
_ = SetTheme(Settings.Default.ProjectWindowTheme, false);
if (!GameFileCache.IsInited)
@ -264,15 +264,23 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project
return null;
public void ShowDefaultPanels()
public async void ShowDefaultPanels()
await ShowProjectExplorer();
await ShowWelcomePanel();
catch(Exception ex)
public void ShowProjectExplorer()
public async ValueTask ShowProjectExplorer()
if ((ProjectExplorer == null) || (ProjectExplorer.IsDisposed) || (ProjectExplorer.Disposing))
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
if (ProjectExplorer is null || ProjectExplorer.IsDisposed || ProjectExplorer.Disposing)
ProjectExplorer = new ProjectExplorerPanel(this);
ProjectExplorer.OnItemSelected += ProjectExplorer_OnItemSelected;
@ -285,8 +293,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project
public void ShowWelcomePanel()
public async ValueTask ShowWelcomePanel()
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
ShowPreviewPanel(() => new WelcomePanel());
public void ShowPreviewPanel<T>(Func<T> createFunc, Action<T>? updateAction = null) where T : ProjectPanel
@ -7498,7 +7507,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project
var curybn = bounds?.GetRootYbn();
var eray = mray;
if (hidegtavmap && (curybn != null))
if (hidegtavmap && (curybn is not null))
@ -7506,7 +7515,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project
lock (ProjectSyncRoot)
if (renderitems && (CurrentProjectFile != null))
if (renderitems && CurrentProjectFile is not null)
for (int i = 0; i < CurrentProjectFile.YbnFiles.Count; i++)
@ -8707,8 +8716,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project
await ymap.LoadAsync(data);
ymap.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache); //this needs to be done after calling YmapFile.Load()
private async Task LoadYtypFromFileAsync(YtypFile ytyp, string filename)
@ -884,7 +884,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project
if (Bounds != sel.CollisionBounds) wf.SelectObject(Bounds);
if (Bounds != sel.CollisionBounds)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=208121.
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ using SharpDX;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Collections.Pooled;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
@ -76,11 +77,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public YtdFile[]? HDtxds;
public bool AllTexturesLoaded = false;
public RenderableModel[] HDModels = Array.Empty<RenderableModel>();
public RenderableModel[] HDModels = [];
public RenderableModel[]? MedModels;
public RenderableModel[]? LowModels;
public RenderableModel[]? VlowModels;
public RenderableModel[] AllModels = Array.Empty<RenderableModel>();
public RenderableModel[] AllModels = [];
public float LodDistanceHigh;
public float LodDistanceMed;
@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public bool HasAnims = false;
public double CurrentAnimTime = 0;
public YcdFile ClipDict;
public ClipMapEntry ClipMapEntry;
public Expression Expression;
public YcdFile? ClipDict;
public ClipMapEntry? ClipMapEntry;
public Expression? Expression;
public Dictionary<ushort, RenderableModel>? ModelBoneLinks;
public bool EnableRootMotion = false; //used to toggle whether or not to include root motion when playing animations
@ -370,19 +371,19 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (distance > LodDistanceVLow)
return Array.Empty<RenderableModel>();
return [];
else if (distance > LodDistanceLow)
return VlowModels ?? Array.Empty<RenderableModel>();
return VlowModels ?? [];
else if (distance > LodDistanceMed)
return LowModels ?? Array.Empty<RenderableModel>();
return LowModels ?? [];
else if (distance > LodDistanceHigh)
return MedModels ?? Array.Empty<RenderableModel>();
return MedModels ?? [];
@ -434,7 +435,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
LoadQueued = false;
public override string ToString()
public override string? ToString()
return Key.ToString();
@ -442,48 +443,46 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public void ResetBoneTransforms()
if (Skeleton == null) return;
if (Skeleton is null)
private void UpdateBoneTransforms()
if (Skeleton?.Bones?.Items == null) return;
if (Skeleton?.Bones?.Items is null)
var bones = Skeleton.Bones?.Items;
var bonetransforms = Skeleton.BoneTransforms;
if (AllModels is null || AllModels.Length == 0 || bones is null)
var drawbl = Key;
if (AllModels == null) return;
for (int i = 0; i < AllModels.Length; i++)
foreach(var model in AllModels)
var model = AllModels[i];
if (model?.Geometries == null) continue;
for (int g = 0; g < model.Geometries.Length; g++)
if (model?.Geometries is null)
foreach(var geom in model.Geometries)
var geom = model.Geometries[g];
var boneids = geom?.DrawableGeom?.BoneIds;
if (boneids == null) continue;
if (boneids is null)
if (boneids.Length != bones.Length)
var idc = boneids.Length;
if (geom.BoneTransforms == null)
geom.BoneTransforms = new Matrix3_s[idc];
geom.BoneTransforms ??= new Matrix3_s[idc];
for (int b = 0; b < idc; b++)
var id = boneids[b];
if (id < bonetransforms.Length)
geom.BoneTransforms[b] = bonetransforms[id];
if (id != b)
{ }
{ }
@ -500,12 +499,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
realTime = ClipMapEntry.PlayTime;
if (CurrentAnimTime == realTime) return;//already updated this!
if (CurrentAnimTime == realTime)
return;//already updated this!
CurrentAnimTime = realTime;
EnableRootMotion = ClipMapEntry?.EnableRootMotion ?? false;
if (ClipMapEntry != null)
if (ClipMapEntry is not null)
UpdateAnim(ClipMapEntry); //animate skeleton/models
@ -551,15 +551,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
private void UpdateAnim(Animation anim, float t)
if (anim is null)
if (anim.BoneIds?.data_items is null)
if (anim.Sequences?.data_items is null)
if (anim?.BoneIds?.data_items is null || anim.Sequences?.data_items is null)
@ -567,8 +559,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
bool interpolate = true; //how to know? eg. cs4_14_hickbar_anim shouldn't
var frame = anim.GetFramePosition(t);
var dwbl = this.Key;
var skel = Skeleton;
var bones = skel?.BonesSorted;//.Bones?.Items;//
if (bones is null)
@ -585,19 +575,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
var boneid = boneiditem.BoneId;
var track = boneiditem.Track;
if (Expression?.BoneTracksDict != null)
if (Expression?.BoneTracksDict is not null)
var exprbt = new ExpressionTrack() { BoneId = boneid, Track = track, Flags = boneiditem.Unk0 };
var exprbtmap = exprbt;
if ((track == 24) || (track == 25) || (track == 26))
if (track == 24 || track == 25 || track == 26)
if (Expression.BoneTracksDict.TryGetValue(exprbt, out exprbtmap))
var exprbt = new ExpressionTrack() { BoneId = boneid, Track = track, Flags = boneiditem.Unk0 };
if (Expression.BoneTracksDict.TryGetValue(exprbt, out var exprbtmap))
boneid = exprbtmap.BoneId;
{ }
@ -676,21 +662,20 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
foreach(var bone in bones)
var bone = bones[i];
var tag = bone.Tag;
switch (bone.Tag)
tag = tag switch
case 23639: tag = 58271; break; //RB_L_ThighRoll: SKEL_L_Thigh
case 6442: tag = 51826; break; //RB_R_ThighRoll: SKEL_R_Thigh
//case 61007: tag = 61163; break; //RB_L_ForeArmRoll: SKEL_L_Forearm //NOT GOOD
//case 5232: tag = 45509; break; //RB_L_ArmRoll: SKEL_L_UpperArm
if ((tag != bone.Tag) && (tag != bone.Parent?.Tag))
23639 => (ushort)58271,
6442 => (ushort)51826,
//61007 => 61163; //RB_L_ForeArmRoll: SKEL_L_Forearm //NOT GOOD
//5232 => 45509; //RB_L_ArmRoll: SKEL_L_UpperArm
_ => tag,
if (tag != bone.Tag && tag != bone.Parent?.Tag)
var obone = bone;
if (skel.BonesMap.TryGetValue(tag, out obone))
if (skel.BonesMap.TryGetValue(tag, out var obone))
bone.AnimRotation = obone.AnimRotation;
@ -699,9 +684,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (ModelBoneLinks is not null)
for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
foreach (var bone in bones)
var bone = bones[i];
@ -713,7 +697,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
bmodel.Transform = bone.AnimTransform;
@ -871,11 +854,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public uint VertexDataSize { get; set; }
public uint IndexDataSize { get; set; }
public uint TotalDataSize { get; set; }
public TextureBase[] Textures;
public Texture[] TexturesHD;
public RenderableTexture?[]? RenderableTextures;
public RenderableTexture?[]? RenderableTexturesHD;
public ShaderParamNames[] TextureParamHashes;
public TextureBase[]? Textures;
public Texture?[]? TexturesHD { get; set; }
public RenderableTexture?[]? RenderableTextures { get; set; }
public RenderableTexture?[]? RenderableTexturesHD { get; set; }
public ShaderParamNames[]? TextureParamHashes { get; set; }
public PrimitiveTopology Topology { get; set; }
public bool IsFragment = false;
public bool IsEmissive { get; set; } = false;
@ -904,11 +887,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public float HeightOpacity { get; set; } = 0; //for terrainfoam
public bool HDTextureEnable = true;
public bool globalAnimUVEnable = false;
public ClipMapEntry ClipMapEntryUV = null;
public ClipMapEntry? ClipMapEntryUV = null;
public bool isHair = false;
public bool disableRendering = false;
public Matrix3_s[] BoneTransforms = null;
public Matrix3_s[]? BoneTransforms = null;
[MemberNotNullWhen(true, nameof(Textures), nameof(RenderableTextures), nameof(RenderableTexturesHD), nameof(TexturesHD), nameof(TextureParamHashes))]
public bool HasTextures => Textures is not null;
public static ShaderParamNames[] GetTextureSamplerList()
@ -1128,8 +1114,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
RenderableTexturesHD = new RenderableTexture[texs.Count]; //these will get populated at render time.
public void Load(Device device)
@ -1938,7 +1938,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
var rndbl = GetArchetypeRenderable(ent.Archetype);
ent.LodManagerRenderable = rndbl;
if (rndbl != null)
if (rndbl is not null)
@ -2427,22 +2427,21 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
private Renderable GetArchetypeRenderable(Archetype arch)
private Renderable? GetArchetypeRenderable(Archetype arch)
if (arch == null)
if (arch is null)
return null;
Renderable rndbl = null;
if (!ArchetypeRenderables.TryGetValue(arch, out rndbl))
if (!ArchetypeRenderables.TryGetValue(arch, out Renderable? rndbl))
var drawable = gameFileCache.TryGetDrawable(arch);
rndbl = TryGetRenderable(arch, drawable);
if (rndbl != null && rndbl.IsLoaded)
if (rndbl is not null && rndbl.IsLoaded)
ArchetypeRenderables[arch] = rndbl;
if ((rndbl != null) && rndbl.IsLoaded && (rndbl.AllTexturesLoaded || !waitforchildrentoload))
if (rndbl is not null && rndbl.IsLoaded && (rndbl.AllTexturesLoaded || !waitforchildrentoload))
return rndbl;
@ -2454,9 +2453,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public void RenderYmap(YmapFile ymap)
if (ymap is null)
if (!ymap.Loaded)
if (ymap is null || !ymap.Loaded)
if (ymap.AllEntities.Length > 0 && ymap.RootEntities.Length > 0)
@ -2493,15 +2490,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (rendercars && ymap.CarGenerators != null && ymap.CarGenerators.Length > 0)
if (rendercars && ymap.CarGenerators is not null && ymap.CarGenerators.Length > 0)
if (rendergrass && ymap.GrassInstanceBatches != null && ymap.GrassInstanceBatches.Length > 0)
if (rendergrass && ymap.GrassInstanceBatches is not null && ymap.GrassInstanceBatches.Length > 0)
if (renderdistlodlights && timecycle.IsNightTime && ymap.DistantLODLights != null)
if (renderdistlodlights && timecycle.IsNightTime && ymap.DistantLODLights is not null)
@ -2715,14 +2712,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
var maxdist = 200 * renderworldDetailDistMult;
var maxdist2 = maxdist * maxdist;
for (int i = 0; i < ymap.CarGenerators.Length; i++)
foreach(var cg in ymap.CarGenerators)
var cg = ymap.CarGenerators[i];
var bscent = cg.Position - camera.Position;
float bsrad = cg._CCarGen.perpendicularLength;
if (bscent.LengthSquared() > maxdist2)
continue; //don't render distant cars..
if (!camera.ViewFrustum.ContainsSphereNoClipNoOpt(ref bscent, bsrad))
continue; //frustum cull cars...
@ -2737,297 +2733,296 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
private void RenderWheels(Archetype? arch, YmapEntityDef ent, FragType fragment, uint txdhash = 0, ClipMapEntry? animClip = null)
if (fragment.PhysicsLODGroup?.PhysicsLOD1?.Children?.data_items is null)
var pl1 = fragment.PhysicsLODGroup.PhysicsLOD1;
//var groupnames = pl1?.GroupNames?.data_items;
//var groups = pl1.Groups?.data_items;
FragDrawable? wheel_f = null;
FragDrawable? wheel_r = null;
foreach (var pch in pl1.Children.data_items)
//var groupname = pch.GroupNameHash;
//if ((pl1.Groups?.data_items != null) && (i < pl1.Groups.data_items.Length))
// //var group = pl1.Groups.data_items[i];
if (pch.Drawable1 is not null && pch.Drawable1.AllModels.Length != 0)
switch (pch.BoneTag)
case 27922: //wheel_lf
case 26418: //wheel_rf
wheel_f = pch.Drawable1;
case 29921: //wheel_lm1
case 29922: //wheel_lm2
case 29923: //wheel_lm3
case 27902: //wheel_lr
case 5857: //wheel_rm1
case 5858: //wheel_rm2
case 5859: //wheel_rm3
case 26398: //wheel_rr
wheel_r = pch.Drawable1;
RenderDrawable(pch.Drawable1, arch, ent, txdhash, null, null, animClip);
{ }
if (pch.Drawable2 is not null && pch.Drawable2.AllModels.Length != 0)
RenderDrawable(pch.Drawable2, arch, ent, txdhash, null, null, animClip);
{ }
if (wheel_f is not null || wheel_r != null)
for (int i = 0; i < pl1.Children.data_items.Length; i++)
var pch = pl1.Children.data_items[i];
FragDrawable dwbl = pch.Drawable1;
FragDrawable? dwblcopy = null;
switch (pch.BoneTag)
case 27922: //wheel_lf
case 26418: //wheel_rf
dwblcopy = wheel_f ?? wheel_r;
case 29921: //wheel_lm1
case 29922: //wheel_lm2
case 29923: //wheel_lm3
case 27902: //wheel_lr
case 5857: //wheel_rm1
case 5858: //wheel_rm2
case 5859: //wheel_rm3
case 26398: //wheel_rr
dwblcopy = wheel_r ?? wheel_f;
//switch (pch.GroupNameHash)
// case 3311608449: //wheel_lf
// case 1705452237: //wheel_lm1
// case 1415282742: //wheel_lm2
// case 3392433122: //wheel_lm3
// case 133671269: //wheel_rf
// case 2908525601: //wheel_rm1
// case 2835549038: //wheel_rm2
// case 4148013026: //wheel_rm3
// dwblcopy = wheel_f != null ? wheel_f : wheel_r;
// break;
// case 1695736278: //wheel_lr
// case 1670111368: //wheel_rr
// dwblcopy = wheel_r != null ? wheel_r : wheel_f;
// break;
// default:
// break;
if (dwblcopy is not null)
if (dwbl is not null)
if (dwbl != dwblcopy && dwbl.AllModels.Length == 0)
dwbl.Owner = dwblcopy;
dwbl.AllModels = dwblcopy.AllModels; //hopefully this is all that's need to render, otherwise drawable is actually getting edited!
//dwbl.DrawableModelsHigh = dwblcopy.DrawableModelsHigh;
//dwbl.DrawableModelsMedium = dwblcopy.DrawableModelsMedium;
//dwbl.DrawableModelsLow = dwblcopy.DrawableModelsLow;
//dwbl.DrawableModelsVeryLow = dwblcopy.DrawableModelsVeryLow;
//dwbl.VertexDecls = dwblcopy.VertexDecls;
RenderDrawable(dwbl, arch, ent, txdhash /*, null, null, animClip*/);
{ }
{ }
public bool RenderFragment(Archetype arch, YmapEntityDef ent, FragType f, uint txdhash = 0, ClipMapEntry animClip = null)
private static readonly uint ColourBlue = (uint)Color.Blue.ToRgba();
private static readonly uint ColourRed = (uint)Color.Red.ToRgba();
private void RenderFragmentWindows(Archetype? arch, YmapEntityDef ent, FragType fragment, uint txdhash = 0, ClipMapEntry? animClip = null)
if (!renderfragwindows)
var eori = Quaternion.Identity;
var epos = Vector3.Zero;
if (ent is not null)
eori = ent.Orientation;
epos = ent.Position;
if (fragment.GlassWindows?.data_items is not null)
foreach(var gw in fragment.GlassWindows.data_items)
var projt = gw.ProjectionRow1;//row0? or row3? maybe investigate more
var proju = gw.ProjectionRow2;//row1 of XYZ>UV projection
var projv = gw.ProjectionRow3;//row2 of XYZ>UV projection
//var unk01 = new Vector2(gw.UnkFloat13, gw.UnkFloat14);//offset?
//var unk02 = new Vector2(gw.UnkFloat15, gw.UnkFloat16);//scale? sum of this and above often gives integers eg 1, 6
//var thick = gw.Thickness; //thickness of the glass
//var unkuv = new Vector2(gw.UnkFloat18, gw.UnkFloat19); //another scale in UV space..?
//var tangt = gw.Tangent;//direction of surface tangent
//var bones = f.Drawable?.Skeleton?.Bones?.Items; //todo: use bones instead?
var grp = gw.Group;
var grplod = gw.GroupLOD;
var xforms = grplod?.FragTransforms?.Matrices;
var xoffs = Vector3.Zero;
if (grp is not null && xforms is not null && grp.ChildIndex < xforms.Length && grplod is not null)
var xform = xforms[grp.ChildIndex];
xoffs = xform.TranslationVector + grplod.PositionOffset;
var m = new Matrix(
projt.X, projt.Y, projt.Z, 0,
proju.X, proju.Y, proju.Z, 0,
projv.X, projv.Y, projv.Z, 0,
xoffs.X, xoffs.Y, xoffs.Z, 1
//m.Row1 = new Vector4(projt, 0);
//m.Row2 = new Vector4(proju, 0);
//m.Row3 = new Vector4(projv, 0);
//m.Row4 = new Vector4(xoffs, 1);
var v0 = m.Multiply(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
var v1 = m.Multiply(new Vector3(1, 0, 1));
var v2 = m.Multiply(new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
var v3 = m.Multiply(new Vector3(1, 1, 0));
var c0 = eori.Multiply(in v0) + epos;
var c1 = eori.Multiply(in v1) + epos;
var c2 = eori.Multiply(in v2) + epos;
var c3 = eori.Multiply(in v3) + epos;
RenderSelectionLine(in c0, in c1, ColourBlue);
RenderSelectionLine(in c1, in c2, ColourBlue);
RenderSelectionLine(in c2, in c3, ColourBlue);
RenderSelectionLine(in c3, in c0, ColourBlue);
//RenderSelectionLine(c0, c0 + tangt, colred);
if (fragment.VehicleGlassWindows?.Windows is not null)
foreach(var vgw in fragment.VehicleGlassWindows.Windows)
//var grp = vgw.Group;
//var grplod = vgw.GroupLOD;
var m = vgw.Projection;
m.M44 = 1.0f;
var min = (new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
var max = (new Vector3(vgw.ShatterMapWidth, vgw.ItemDataCount, 1));
var v0 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(min.X, min.Y, 0));
var v1 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(min.X, max.Y, 0));
var v2 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(max.X, max.Y, 0));
var v3 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(max.X, min.Y, 0));
var c0 = eori.Multiply(in v0) + epos;
var c1 = eori.Multiply(in v1) + epos;
var c2 = eori.Multiply(in v2) + epos;
var c3 = eori.Multiply(in v3) + epos;
RenderSelectionLine(in c0, in c1, ColourBlue);
RenderSelectionLine(in c1, in c2, ColourBlue);
RenderSelectionLine(in c2, in c3, ColourBlue);
RenderSelectionLine(in c3, in c0, ColourBlue);
if (vgw.ShatterMap != null)
var width = vgw.ShatterMapWidth;
var height = vgw.ShatterMap.Length;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
var smr = vgw.ShatterMap[y];
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
var v = smr.GetValue(x);
if (v < 0 || v > 255)
var col = (uint)(new Color(v, v, v, 127).ToRgba());
v0 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(x, y, 0));
v1 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(x, y + 1, 0));
v2 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(x + 1, y + 1, 0));
v3 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(x + 1, y, 0));
c0 = eori.Multiply(v0) + epos;
c1 = eori.Multiply(v1) + epos;
c2 = eori.Multiply(v2) + epos;
c3 = eori.Multiply(v3) + epos;
RenderSelectionQuad(c0, c1, c2, c3, col);//extra ouch
public bool RenderFragment(Archetype? arch, YmapEntityDef ent, FragType fragment, uint txdhash = 0, ClipMapEntry? animClip = null)
RenderDrawable(f.Drawable, arch, ent, txdhash, null, null, animClip);
RenderDrawable(fragment.Drawable, arch, ent, txdhash, null, null, animClip);
if (f.DrawableCloth != null) //cloth
if (fragment.DrawableCloth is not null) //cloth
RenderDrawable(f.DrawableCloth, arch, ent, txdhash, null, null, animClip);
RenderDrawable(fragment.DrawableCloth, arch, ent, txdhash, null, null, animClip);
//vehicle wheels...
if ((f.PhysicsLODGroup != null) && (f.PhysicsLODGroup.PhysicsLOD1 != null))
RenderWheels(arch, ent, fragment, txdhash, animClip);
bool isselected = SelectionFlagsTestAll || (fragment.Drawable == SelectedDrawable);
if (isselected && fragment.DrawableArray?.data_items is not null)
var pl1 = f.PhysicsLODGroup.PhysicsLOD1;
//var groupnames = pl1?.GroupNames?.data_items;
var groups = pl1?.Groups?.data_items;
FragDrawable wheel_f = null;
FragDrawable wheel_r = null;
if (pl1.Children?.data_items != null)
foreach(var draw in fragment.DrawableArray.data_items)
for (int i = 0; i < pl1.Children.data_items.Length; i++)
var pch = pl1.Children.data_items[i];
//var groupname = pch.GroupNameHash;
//if ((pl1.Groups?.data_items != null) && (i < pl1.Groups.data_items.Length))
// //var group = pl1.Groups.data_items[i];
if ((pch.Drawable1 != null) && (pch.Drawable1.AllModels.Length != 0))
switch (pch.BoneTag)
case 27922: //wheel_lf
case 26418: //wheel_rf
wheel_f = pch.Drawable1;
case 29921: //wheel_lm1
case 29922: //wheel_lm2
case 29923: //wheel_lm3
case 27902: //wheel_lr
case 5857: //wheel_rm1
case 5858: //wheel_rm2
case 5859: //wheel_rm3
case 26398: //wheel_rr
wheel_r = pch.Drawable1;
RenderDrawable(pch.Drawable1, arch, ent, txdhash, null, null, animClip);
{ }
if ((pch.Drawable2 != null) && (pch.Drawable2.AllModels.Length != 0))
RenderDrawable(pch.Drawable2, arch, ent, txdhash, null, null, animClip);
{ }
if ((wheel_f != null) || (wheel_r != null))
for (int i = 0; i < pl1.Children.data_items.Length; i++)
var pch = pl1.Children.data_items[i];
FragDrawable dwbl = pch.Drawable1;
FragDrawable dwblcopy = null;
switch (pch.BoneTag)
case 27922: //wheel_lf
case 26418: //wheel_rf
dwblcopy = wheel_f != null ? wheel_f : wheel_r;
case 29921: //wheel_lm1
case 29922: //wheel_lm2
case 29923: //wheel_lm3
case 27902: //wheel_lr
case 5857: //wheel_rm1
case 5858: //wheel_rm2
case 5859: //wheel_rm3
case 26398: //wheel_rr
dwblcopy = wheel_r != null ? wheel_r : wheel_f;
//switch (pch.GroupNameHash)
// case 3311608449: //wheel_lf
// case 1705452237: //wheel_lm1
// case 1415282742: //wheel_lm2
// case 3392433122: //wheel_lm3
// case 133671269: //wheel_rf
// case 2908525601: //wheel_rm1
// case 2835549038: //wheel_rm2
// case 4148013026: //wheel_rm3
// dwblcopy = wheel_f != null ? wheel_f : wheel_r;
// break;
// case 1695736278: //wheel_lr
// case 1670111368: //wheel_rr
// dwblcopy = wheel_r != null ? wheel_r : wheel_f;
// break;
// default:
// break;
if (dwblcopy != null)
if (dwbl != null)
if ((dwbl != dwblcopy) && (dwbl.AllModels.Length == 0))
dwbl.Owner = dwblcopy;
dwbl.AllModels = dwblcopy.AllModels; //hopefully this is all that's need to render, otherwise drawable is actually getting edited!
//dwbl.DrawableModelsHigh = dwblcopy.DrawableModelsHigh;
//dwbl.DrawableModelsMedium = dwblcopy.DrawableModelsMedium;
//dwbl.DrawableModelsLow = dwblcopy.DrawableModelsLow;
//dwbl.DrawableModelsVeryLow = dwblcopy.DrawableModelsVeryLow;
//dwbl.VertexDecls = dwblcopy.VertexDecls;
RenderDrawable(dwbl, arch, ent, txdhash /*, null, null, animClip*/);
{ }
{ }
bool isselected = SelectionFlagsTestAll || (f.Drawable == SelectedDrawable);
if (isselected)
var darr = f.DrawableArray?.data_items;
if (darr != null)
for (int i = 0; i < darr.Length; i++)
RenderDrawable(darr[i], arch, ent, txdhash, null, null, animClip);
if (renderfragwindows)
var colblu = (uint)(new Color(0, 0, 255, 255).ToRgba());
var colred = (uint)(new Color(255, 0, 0, 255).ToRgba());
var eori = Quaternion.Identity;
var epos = Vector3.Zero;
if (ent != null)
eori = ent.Orientation;
epos = ent.Position;
if (f.GlassWindows?.data_items != null)
for (int i = 0; i < f.GlassWindows.data_items.Length; i++)
var gw = f.GlassWindows.data_items[i];
var projt = gw.ProjectionRow1;//row0? or row3? maybe investigate more
var proju = gw.ProjectionRow2;//row1 of XYZ>UV projection
var projv = gw.ProjectionRow3;//row2 of XYZ>UV projection
//var unk01 = new Vector2(gw.UnkFloat13, gw.UnkFloat14);//offset?
//var unk02 = new Vector2(gw.UnkFloat15, gw.UnkFloat16);//scale? sum of this and above often gives integers eg 1, 6
//var thick = gw.Thickness; //thickness of the glass
//var unkuv = new Vector2(gw.UnkFloat18, gw.UnkFloat19); //another scale in UV space..?
//var tangt = gw.Tangent;//direction of surface tangent
//var bones = f.Drawable?.Skeleton?.Bones?.Items; //todo: use bones instead?
var grp = gw.Group;
var grplod = gw.GroupLOD;
var xforms = grplod?.FragTransforms?.Matrices;
var xoffs = Vector3.Zero;
if ((grp != null) && (xforms != null) && (grp.ChildIndex < xforms.Length) && (grplod != null))
var xform = xforms[grp.ChildIndex];
xoffs = xform.TranslationVector + grplod.PositionOffset;
var m = new Matrix();
m.Row1 = new Vector4(projt, 0);
m.Row2 = new Vector4(proju, 0);
m.Row3 = new Vector4(projv, 0);
m.Row4 = new Vector4(xoffs, 1);
var v0 = m.Multiply(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
var v1 = m.Multiply(new Vector3(1, 0, 1));
var v2 = m.Multiply(new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
var v3 = m.Multiply(new Vector3(1, 1, 0));
var c0 = eori.Multiply(v0) + epos;
var c1 = eori.Multiply(v1) + epos;
var c2 = eori.Multiply(v2) + epos;
var c3 = eori.Multiply(v3) + epos;
RenderSelectionLine(c0, c1, colblu);
RenderSelectionLine(c1, c2, colblu);
RenderSelectionLine(c2, c3, colblu);
RenderSelectionLine(c3, c0, colblu);
//RenderSelectionLine(c0, c0 + tangt, colred);
if (f.VehicleGlassWindows?.Windows != null)
for (int i = 0; i < f.VehicleGlassWindows.Windows.Length; i++)
var vgw = f.VehicleGlassWindows.Windows[i];
//var grp = vgw.Group;
//var grplod = vgw.GroupLOD;
var m = vgw.Projection;
m.M44 = 1.0f;
var min = (new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
var max = (new Vector3(vgw.ShatterMapWidth, vgw.ItemDataCount, 1));
var v0 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(min.X, min.Y, 0));
var v1 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(min.X, max.Y, 0));
var v2 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(max.X, max.Y, 0));
var v3 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(max.X, min.Y, 0));
var c0 = eori.Multiply(v0) + epos;
var c1 = eori.Multiply(v1) + epos;
var c2 = eori.Multiply(v2) + epos;
var c3 = eori.Multiply(v3) + epos;
RenderSelectionLine(c0, c1, colblu);
RenderSelectionLine(c1, c2, colblu);
RenderSelectionLine(c2, c3, colblu);
RenderSelectionLine(c3, c0, colblu);
if (vgw.ShatterMap != null)
var width = vgw.ShatterMapWidth;
var height = vgw.ShatterMap.Length;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
var smr = vgw.ShatterMap[y];
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
var v = smr.GetValue(x);
if (v < 0 || v > 255)
var col = (uint)(new Color(v, v, v, 127).ToRgba());
v0 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(x, y, 0));
v1 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(x, y+1, 0));
v2 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(x+1, y+1, 0));
v3 = m.MultiplyW(new Vector3(x+1, y, 0));
c0 = eori.Multiply(v0) + epos;
c1 = eori.Multiply(v1) + epos;
c2 = eori.Multiply(v2) + epos;
c3 = eori.Multiply(v3) + epos;
RenderSelectionQuad(c0, c1, c2, c3, col);//extra ouch
RenderDrawable(draw, arch, ent, txdhash, null, null, animClip);
RenderFragmentWindows(arch, ent, fragment, txdhash, animClip);
return true;
public bool RenderArchetype(Archetype arche, YmapEntityDef entity, Renderable rndbl = null, bool cull = true, ClipMapEntry animClip = null)
public bool RenderArchetype(Archetype arche, YmapEntityDef entity, Renderable? rndbl = null, bool cull = true, ClipMapEntry? animClip = null)
//enqueue a single archetype for rendering.
if (arche == null) return false;
if (arche is null)
return false;
Vector3 entpos = (entity != null) ? entity.Position : Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 entpos = (entity is not null) ? entity.Position : Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 camrel = entpos - camera.Position;
Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
Vector3 scale = Vector3.One;
Vector3 bscent = camrel;
if (entity != null)
if (entity is not null)
orientation = entity.Orientation;
scale = entity.Scale;
@ -3051,19 +3046,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (boundsmode == BoundsShaderMode.Sphere)
if ((bsrad < renderboundsmaxrad) && (dist < renderboundsmaxdist))
if (bsrad < renderboundsmaxrad && dist < renderboundsmaxdist)
MapSphere ms = new MapSphere
CamRelPos = bscent,
Radius = bsrad,
BoundingSpheres.Add(new MapSphere(bscent, bsrad));
if (boundsmode == BoundsShaderMode.Box)
if ((dist < renderboundsmaxdist))
if (dist < renderboundsmaxdist)
new MapBox(
@ -3077,16 +3067,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
bool res = false;
if (rndbl == null)
if (rndbl is null)
var drawable = gameFileCache.TryGetDrawable(arche);
rndbl = TryGetRenderable(arche, drawable);
if (rndbl == null || !rndbl.IsLoaded)
if (rndbl is null || !rndbl.IsLoaded)
return false;
@ -3099,14 +3086,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
res = RenderRenderable(rndbl, arche, entity);
bool res = RenderRenderable(rndbl, arche, entity);
//fragments have extra drawables! need to render those too... TODO: handle fragments properly...
if (rndbl.Key is FragDrawable fd)
var frag = fd.OwnerFragment;
if ((frag != null) && (frag.DrawableCloth != null)) //cloth...
if (frag is not null && frag.DrawableCloth != null) //cloth...
rndbl = TryGetRenderable(arche, frag.DrawableCloth);
if (rndbl != null && rndbl.IsLoaded)
@ -3121,14 +3108,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
return res;
public bool RenderDrawable(DrawableBase drawable, Archetype arche, YmapEntityDef entity, uint txdHash = 0, TextureDictionary? txdExtra = null, Texture? diffOverride = null, ClipMapEntry? animClip = null, ClothInstance? cloth = null, Expression? expr = null)
public bool RenderDrawable(DrawableBase drawable, Archetype? arche, YmapEntityDef entity, uint txdHash = 0, TextureDictionary? txdExtra = null, Texture? diffOverride = null, ClipMapEntry? animClip = null, ClothInstance? cloth = null, Expression? expr = null)
//enqueue a single drawable for rendering.
if (drawable is null)
return false;
Renderable rndbl = TryGetRenderable(arche, drawable, txdHash, txdExtra, diffOverride);
Renderable? rndbl = TryGetRenderable(arche, drawable, txdHash, txdExtra, diffOverride);
if (rndbl is null || !rndbl.IsLoaded)
return false;
@ -3176,11 +3163,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
Vector3 bbmax = (arche != null) ? arche.BBMax : rndbl.Key.BoundingBoxMax;
Vector3 bscen = (arche != null) ? arche.BSCenter : rndbl.Key.BoundingCenter;
float radius = (arche != null) ? arche.BSRadius : rndbl.Key.BoundingSphereRadius;
float distance = 0;//(camrel + bscen).Length();
bool interiorent = false;
bool castshadow = true;
if (entity != null)
float distance;
if (entity is not null)
position = entity.Position;
scale = entity.Scale;
@ -3191,8 +3177,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
bscen = entity.BSCenter;
camrel += position;
distance = entity.Distance;
castshadow = (entity.MloParent == null);//don't cast sun/moon shadows if this is an interior entity - optimisation!
interiorent = (entity.MloParent != null);
castshadow = (entity.MloParent is null);//don't cast sun/moon shadows if this is an interior entity - optimisation!
@ -3213,7 +3198,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (rndbl.Cloth != null)
if (rndbl.Cloth is not null)
@ -3246,7 +3231,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
RenderSkeleton(rndbl, entity);
if (renderlights && Shaders.deferred && (rndbl.Lights != null))
if (renderlights && Shaders.deferred && rndbl.Lights is not null)
@ -3286,7 +3271,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
bool retval = true;// false;
if ((rndbl.AllTexturesLoaded || !waitforchildrentoload))
if (rndbl.AllTexturesLoaded || !waitforchildrentoload)
RenderableGeometryInst rginst = new RenderableGeometryInst();
rginst.Inst.Renderable = rndbl;
@ -3305,10 +3290,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
RenderableModel[] models = isselected ? rndbl.HDModels : rndbl.GetModels(distance);
for (int mi = 0; mi < models.Length; mi++)
foreach(var model in models)
var model = models[mi];
if (isselected)
if (SelectionModelDrawFlags.ContainsKey(model.DrawableModel))
@ -3322,9 +3305,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
} //filter out reflection proxy models...
for (int gi = 0; gi < model.Geometries.Length; gi++)
foreach(var geom in model.Geometries)
var geom = model.Geometries[gi];
var dgeom = geom.DrawableGeom;
if (dgeom.UpdateRenderableParameters) //when edited by material editor
@ -3361,21 +3343,18 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
return retval;
public void RenderCar(Vector3 pos, Quaternion ori, MetaHash modelHash, MetaHash modelSetHash, bool valign = false)
public void RenderCar(Vector3 pos, in Quaternion ori, MetaHash modelHash, MetaHash modelSetHash, bool valign = false)
uint carhash = modelHash;
if ((carhash == 0) && (modelSetHash != 0))
if (carhash == 0 && modelSetHash != 0)
//find the pop group... and choose a vehicle..
var stypes = Scenarios.ScenarioTypes;
if (stypes != null)
if (stypes is not null)
var modelset = stypes.GetVehicleModelSet(modelSetHash);
if ((modelset != null) && (modelset.Models != null) && (modelset.Models.Length > 0))
if (modelset is not null && modelset.Models is not null && modelset.Models.Length > 0)
carhash = JenkHash.GenHash(modelset.Models[0].NameLower);
@ -3383,8 +3362,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (carhash == 0) carhash = 418536135; //"infernus"
YftFile caryft = gameFileCache.GetYft(carhash);
if ((caryft != null) && (caryft.Loaded) && (caryft.Fragment != null))
YftFile? caryft = gameFileCache.GetYft(carhash);
if (caryft is not null && caryft.Loaded && caryft.Fragment is not null)
if (valign)
@ -3515,15 +3494,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
RenderDrawable(drawable, null, ped.RenderEntity, 0, td, texture, ac, cloth, expr);
public void RenderHideEntity(YmapEntityDef ent)
var hash = ent?.EntityHash ?? 0;
if (hash == 0) return;
var hash = ent.EntityHash;
if (hash == 0)
HideEntities[hash] = ent;
@ -3601,7 +3579,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
private Renderable? TryGetRenderable(Archetype arche, DrawableBase drawable, uint txdHash = 0, TextureDictionary? txdExtra = null, Texture? diffOverride = null)
private Renderable? TryGetRenderable(Archetype? arche, DrawableBase drawable, uint txdHash = 0, TextureDictionary? txdExtra = null, Texture? diffOverride = null)
if (drawable is null)
return null;
@ -3628,7 +3606,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (rndbl is null)
return null;
if ((clipDict != 0) && (rndbl.ClipDict == null))
if (clipDict != 0 && rndbl.ClipDict is null)
var ycd = gameFileCache.GetYcd(clipDict);
if (ycd is not null && ycd.Loaded)
@ -3753,7 +3731,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
foreach (var geom in model.Geometries)
if (geom.Textures != null)
if (geom.HasTextures)
for (int i = 0; i < geom.Textures.Length; i++)
@ -3863,7 +3841,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
RenderableTexture? rhdtex = null;
if (renderhdtextures)
Texture hdtex = geom.TexturesHD[i];
Texture? hdtex = geom.TexturesHD[i];
if (hdtex is null)
//look for a replacement HD texture...
@ -3919,6 +3897,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public readonly Archetype Archetype = archetype;
public readonly YmapEntityDef Entity = entity;
public readonly struct RenderedBoundComposite(RenderableBoundComposite boundComp, YmapEntityDef entity)
public readonly RenderableBoundComposite BoundComp = boundComp;
@ -4006,7 +3985,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (ymap.Parent != pymap)
Console.WriteLine($"Connected ymap {ymap.Name} to parent {pymap.Name}");
Console.WriteLine($"Connected ymap {ymap.Name} {ymap.FilePath} to parent {pymap.Name} {pymap.FilePath}");
@ -4025,8 +4004,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
var ymap = CurrentYmaps[remYmap];
Console.WriteLine($"Removing ymap {ymap.Name} {ymap.FilePath}");
var remEnts = ymap.LodManagerOldEntities ?? ymap.AllEntities;
if (remEnts != null) // remove this ymap's entities from the tree.....
if (remEnts is not null) // remove this ymap's entities from the tree.....
for (int i = 0; i < remEnts.Length; i++)
@ -4063,11 +4045,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (ymap._CMapData.parent != 0 && ymap.Parent is null) //skip adding ymaps until parents are available
// We have to make sure to re-add children when map get's reloaded (this breaks LOD's for project files otherwise)
CurrentYmaps.Remove(key, out _);
if (CurrentYmaps.TryAdd(key, ymap))
foreach(var ent in ymap.AllEntities)
Console.WriteLine($"Adding ymap {ymap.Name} {ymap.FilePath}");
foreach (var ent in ymap.AllEntities)
if (ent.Parent is not null)
@ -106,12 +106,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
PSSceneVars = new GpuVarsBuffer<CableShaderPSSceneVars>(device);
PSGeomVars = new GpuVarsBuffer<CableShaderPSGeomVars>(device);
//supported layout - requires Position, Normal, Colour, Texcoord
layouts.Add(VertexType.Default, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypeGTAV.GetLayout(VertexType.Default)));
texsampler = new SamplerState(device, new SamplerStateDescription()
AddressU = TextureAddressMode.Wrap,
@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
MinimumLod = 0,
MipLodBias = 0,
@ -167,12 +167,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
defaultBoneMatrices = new Matrix3_s[255];
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
defaultBoneMatrices[i] = new Matrix3_s
Row1 = Vector4.UnitX,
Row2 = Vector4.UnitY,
Row3 = Vector4.UnitZ
defaultBoneMatrices[i] = new Matrix3_s(Vector4.UnitX, Vector4.UnitY, Vector4.UnitZ);
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering.Utils
return folder;
@ -112,7 +112,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
string searchfolder = FileSearchFolderTextBox.Text;
AbortOperation = false;
if (InProgress) return;
if (InProgress)
if (searchfolder.Length == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Please select a folder...");
@ -165,10 +167,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
InProgress = true;
Task.Run(() =>
_ = Task.Run(() =>
FileSearchAddResult("Searching " + searchfolder + "...");
FileSearchAddResult($"Searching {searchfolder}...");
string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles(searchfolder);
@ -195,13 +197,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
if (hitlen1 == bytelen)
FileSearchAddResult(finf.Name + ":" + (i - bytelen));
FileSearchAddResult($"{finf.Name}:{i - bytelen}");
hitlen1 = 0;
if (hitlen2 == bytelen)
FileSearchAddResult(finf.Name + ":" + (i - bytelen));
FileSearchAddResult($"{finf.Name}:{i - bytelen}");
hitlen2 = 0;
@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
FileSearchAddResult(string.Format("Search complete. {0} results found.", matchcount));
FileSearchAddResult($"Search complete. {matchcount} results found.");
InProgress = false;
@ -479,7 +481,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
{ continue; }
UpdateStatus(string.Format("{0} - Searching {1}/{2} : {3}", duration.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"), curfile, totfiles, fentry.Path));
UpdateStatus($"{duration:hh\\:mm\\:ss} - Searching {curfile}/{totfiles} : {fentry.Path}");
byte[] filebytes = fentry.File.ExtractFile(fentry);
if (filebytes == null) continue;
@ -655,7 +657,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
if (entry is RpfDirectoryEntry rde)
FileInfoLabel.Text = rde.Path + " (Directory)";
FileInfoLabel.Text = $"{rde.Path} (Directory)";
DataTextBox.Text = "[Please select a data file]";
@ -678,7 +680,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
byte[] data = rfe.File.ExtractFile(rfe);
int datalen = (data != null) ? data.Length : 0;
FileInfoLabel.Text = rfe.Path + " (" + typestr + " file) - " + TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(datalen);
FileInfoLabel.Text = $"{rfe.Path} ({typestr} file) - {TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(datalen)}";
if (ShowLargeFileContentsCheckBox.Checked || (datalen < 524287)) //512K
@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
{ continue; }
UpdateStatus(string.Format("{0} - Searching {1}/{2} : {3}", duration.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"), curfile, totfiles, fentry.Path));
UpdateStatus($"{duration:hh\\:mm\\:ss} - Searching {curfile}/{totfiles} : {fentry.Path}");
byte[] filebytes = fentry.File.ExtractFile(fentry);
if (filebytes == null) continue;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using CodeWalker.Properties;
using CodeWalker.Utils;
using CommunityToolkit.Diagnostics;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
@ -64,20 +65,17 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
private void UpdateExtractStatus(string text)
private async void UpdateExtractStatus(string text)
if (InvokeRequired)
Invoke(new Action(() => { UpdateExtractStatus(text); }));
ExtractStatusLabel.Text = text;
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
ExtractStatusLabel.Text = text;
catch(Exception ex)
catch { }
private void ExtractButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
@ -91,12 +89,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
if (!Directory.Exists(FolderTextBox.Text))
MessageBox.Show("Folder doesn't exist: " + FolderTextBox.Text);
MessageBox.Show($"Folder doesn't exist: {FolderTextBox.Text}");
if (!Directory.Exists(OutputFolderTextBox.Text))
MessageBox.Show("Folder doesn't exist: " + OutputFolderTextBox.Text);
MessageBox.Show($"Folder doesn't exist: {OutputFolderTextBox.Text}");
//if (Directory.GetFiles(OutputFolderTextBox.Text, "*.ysc", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length > 0)
@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
bool bydd = YddCheckBox.Checked;
bool byft = YftCheckBox.Checked;
Task.Run(() =>
Task.Run(async () =>
UpdateExtractStatus("Keys loaded.");
@ -146,22 +144,39 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
if (bytd && entry.IsExtension(".ytd"))
YtdFile ytd = RpfManager.GetFile<YtdFile>(entry);
if (ytd is null) throw new Exception("Couldn't load file.");
if (ytd.TextureDict is null) throw new Exception("Couldn't load texture dictionary.");
if (ytd.TextureDict.Textures is null) throw new Exception("Couldn't load texture dictionary texture array.");
if (ytd.TextureDict.Textures.data_items is null) throw new Exception("Texture dictionary had no entries...");
YtdFile? ytd = await RpfManager.GetFileAsync<YtdFile>(entry);
if (ytd is null)
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException($"Couldn't load ytd file {entry.Path ?? entry.File.Path}");
if (ytd.TextureDict is null)
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException($"Couldn't load texture dictionary for file {entry.Path ?? entry.File.Path}");
if (ytd.TextureDict.Textures is null)
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException($"Couldn't load texture dictionary texture array for file {entry.Path ?? entry.File.Path}");
if (ytd.TextureDict.Textures.data_items is null)
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException($"Texture dictionary had no entries... for file {entry.Path ?? entry.File.Path}");
foreach (var tex in ytd.TextureDict.Textures.data_items)
SaveTexture(tex, entry, outputpath);
await SaveTextureAsync(tex, entry, outputpath);
else if (bydr && entry.IsExtension(".ydr"))
YdrFile ydr = RpfManager.GetFile<YdrFile>(entry);
if (ydr is null) throw new Exception("Couldn't load file.");
if (ydr.Drawable is null) throw new Exception("Couldn't load drawable.");
YdrFile? ydr = await RpfManager.GetFileAsync<YdrFile>(entry);
if (ydr is null)
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException($"Couldn't load ydr file {entry.Path ?? entry.File.Path}");
if (ydr.Drawable is null) {
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException($"Couldn't load drawable. array for file {entry.Path ?? entry.File.Path}");
if (ydr.Drawable.ShaderGroup is not null)
var ydrtd = ydr.Drawable.ShaderGroup.TextureDictionary;
@ -169,7 +184,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
foreach (var tex in ydrtd.Textures.data_items)
SaveTexture(tex, entry, outputpath);
await SaveTextureAsync(tex, entry, outputpath);
@ -177,22 +192,30 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
else if (bydd && entry.IsExtension(".ydd"))
YddFile ydd = RpfManager.GetFile<YddFile>(entry);
if (ydd == null) throw new Exception("Couldn't load file.");
YddFile? ydd = await RpfManager.GetFileAsync<YddFile>(entry);
if (ydd is null)
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException($"Couldn't load ydd file {entry.Path ?? entry.File.Path}");
//if (ydd.DrawableDict == null) throw new Exception("Couldn't load drawable dictionary.");
//if (ydd.DrawableDict.Drawables == null) throw new Exception("Drawable dictionary had no items...");
//if (ydd.DrawableDict.Drawables.data_items == null) throw new Exception("Drawable dictionary had no items...");
if ((ydd.Dict==null)||(ydd.Dict.Count==0)) throw new Exception("Drawable dictionary had no items...");
if (ydd.Dict is null || ydd.Dict.Count == 0)
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidDataException("Drawable dictionary has no items...");
foreach (var drawable in ydd.Dict.Values)
if (drawable.ShaderGroup != null)
var ydrtd = drawable.ShaderGroup.TextureDictionary;
if ((ydrtd != null) && (ydrtd.Textures != null) && (ydrtd.Textures.data_items != null))
if (ydrtd?.Textures?.data_items != null)
foreach (var tex in ydrtd.Textures.data_items)
SaveTexture(tex, entry, outputpath);
await SaveTextureAsync(tex, entry, outputpath);
@ -201,9 +224,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
else if (byft && entry.IsExtension(".yft"))
YftFile yft = RpfManager.GetFile<YftFile>(entry);
if (yft == null) throw new Exception("Couldn't load file.");
if (yft.Fragment == null) throw new Exception("Couldn't load fragment.");
YftFile? yft = await RpfManager.GetFileAsync<YftFile>(entry);
if (yft is null)
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException($"Couldn't load yft file {entry.Path ?? entry.File.Path}");
if (yft.Fragment is null)
ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidDataException($"Couldn't load fragment for file {entry.Path ?? entry.File.Path}");
if (yft.Fragment.Drawable != null)
if (yft.Fragment.Drawable.ShaderGroup != null)
@ -213,7 +242,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
foreach (var tex in ydrtd.Textures.data_items)
SaveTexture(tex, entry, outputpath);
await SaveTextureAsync(tex, entry, outputpath);
@ -222,7 +251,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
catch (Exception ex)
string err = entry.Name + ": " + ex.Message;
string err = $"{entry.Name}: {ex.Message}";
@ -237,14 +267,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
private void SaveTexture(Texture tex, RpfEntry entry, string folder)
private static async Task SaveTextureAsync(Texture tex, RpfEntry entry, string folder)
byte[] dds = DDSIO.GetDDSFile(tex);
string bpath = folder + "\\" + entry.Name + "_" + tex.Name;
string bpath = $"{folder}\\{entry.Name}_{tex.Name}";
string fpath = bpath + ".dds";
int c = 1;
while (File.Exists(fpath))
@ -253,8 +283,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
File.WriteAllBytes(fpath, dds);
await File.WriteAllBytesAsync(fpath, dds);
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Tools
if (hasstr && hastxt)
MatchTextBox.Text = string.Format("JenkIndex match:\r\n{0}\r\nGlobalText match:\r\n{1}", str, txt);
MatchTextBox.Text = $"JenkIndex match:\r\n{str}\r\nGlobalText match:\r\n{txt}";
else if (hasstr)
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using SharpDX;
using SharpDX.Direct3D11;
using CodeWalker.Utils;
using CodeWalker.Core.Utils;
namespace CodeWalker
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
catch (Exception ex)
errorAction("Could not load map icon " + Filepath + " for " + Name + "!\n\n" + ex.ToString());
errorAction($"Could not load map icon {Filepath} for {Name}!\n\n{ex}");
@ -75,42 +76,48 @@ namespace CodeWalker
public class MapMarker
public MapIcon Icon { get; set; }
public MapIcon? Icon { get; set; }
public Vector3 WorldPos { get; set; } //actual world pos
public Vector3 CamRelPos { get; set; } //updated per frame
public Vector3 ScreenPos { get; set; } //position on screen (updated per frame)
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public List<string> Properties { get; set; } //additional data
public bool IsMovable { get; set; }
public float Distance { get; set; } //length of CamRelPos, updated per frame
public void Parse(string s)
public void Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char> s)
Vector3 p = new Vector3(0.0f);
string[] ss = s.Split(',');
if (ss.Length > 1)
var enumerator = s.EnumerateSplit(',');
if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
FloatUtil.TryParse(enumerator.Current.Trim(), out p.X);
if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
FloatUtil.TryParse(enumerator.Current.Trim(), out p.Y);
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
FloatUtil.TryParse(ss[0].Trim(), out p.X);
FloatUtil.TryParse(ss[1].Trim(), out p.Y);
if (ss.Length > 2)
FloatUtil.TryParse(ss[2].Trim(), out p.Z);
if (ss.Length > 3)
Name = ss[3].Trim();
Name = string.Empty;
for (int i = 4; i < ss.Length; i++)
if (Properties == null) Properties = new List<string>();
FloatUtil.TryParse(enumerator.Current.Trim(), out p.Z);
WorldPos = p;
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
Name = enumerator.Current.Trim().ToString();
Properties ??= new List<string>();
public override string ToString()
@ -118,12 +125,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker
string cstr = Get3DWorldPosString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
cstr += ", " + Name;
if (Properties != null)
cstr += $", {Name}";
if (Properties is not null)
foreach (string prop in Properties)
cstr += ", " + prop;
cstr += $", {prop}";
@ -132,11 +139,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker
public string Get2DWorldPosString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}, {1}", WorldPos.X, WorldPos.Y);
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{WorldPos.X}, {WorldPos.Y}");
public string Get3DWorldPosString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}, {1}, {2}", WorldPos.X, WorldPos.Y, WorldPos.Z);
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{WorldPos.X}, {WorldPos.Y}, {WorldPos.Z}");
@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker
var tstr = tex.Name.Trim();
if (tex is Texture t)
tstr = string.Format("{0} ({1}x{2}, embedded)", tex.Name, t.Width, t.Height);
tstr = $"{tex.Name} ({t.Width}x{t.Height}, embedded)";
var tnode = tgnode.Nodes.Add(hash.ToString().Trim() + ": " + tstr);
var tnode = tgnode.Nodes.Add($"{hash}: {tstr}");
tnode.Tag = tex;
@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
int ih = (int)fh;
int im = v - (ih * 60);
if (ih == 24) ih = 0;
TimeOfDayLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", ih, im);
TimeOfDayLabel.Text = $"{ih:00}:{im:00}";
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
if (obj.Enabled == false) continue;
if (obj.HideEntity != null)
if (obj.HideEntity is not null)
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
ArchetypeSearchStatusLabel.Text = text;
catch(Exception ex)
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
if (ArchetypeResults.Contains(arch))
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
ArchetypeSearchTextBox.Enabled = true;
ArchetypeSearchButton.Enabled = true;
ArchetypeSearchAbortButton.Enabled = false;
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
EntitySearchStatusLabel.Text = text;
catch (Exception ex)
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
if (EntityResults.Contains(ent))
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
await this.SwitchToUi();
await this.SwitchToUiContext();
EntitySearchTextBox.Enabled = true;
EntitySearchButton.Enabled = true;
EntitySearchAbortButton.Enabled = false;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user