Niek Schoemaker da3dc2f8f3
Optimizations and refactoring
Added pooling to most of the Space Init functions (BVH Builders, etc)

Added multi threading to search world and Space Init functions
2024-01-08 05:00:55 +01:00

766 lines
29 KiB

using CodeWalker.Core.Utils;
using CodeWalker.World;
using CommunityToolkit.HighPerformance;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public class RpfManager
private static RpfManager _instance = new RpfManager();
public static RpfManager GetInstance()
return _instance ??= new RpfManager();
//for caching and management of RPF file data.
public string Folder { get; private set; }
public string[] ExcludePaths { get; set; }
public bool EnableMods { get; set; }
public bool BuildExtendedJenkIndex { get; set; } = true;
public event Action<string> UpdateStatus;
public event Action<string> ErrorLog;
public List<RpfFile> BaseRpfs { get; private set; }
public List<RpfFile> ModRpfs { get; private set; }
public List<RpfFile> DlcRpfs { get; private set; }
public List<RpfFile> AllRpfs { get; private set; }
public List<RpfFile> DlcNoModRpfs { get; private set; }
public List<RpfFile> AllNoModRpfs { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<string, RpfFile> RpfDict { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<string, RpfEntry> EntryDict { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<string, RpfFile> ModRpfDict { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<string, RpfEntry> ModEntryDict { get; private set; }
public volatile bool IsInited = false;
private const int DefaultEntryDictCapacity = 354878;
private const int DefaultRpfDictCapacity = 4650;
public void Init(string folder, Action<string> updateStatus, Action<string> errorLog, bool rootOnly = false, bool buildIndex = true)
using var timer = new DisposableTimer("RpfManager.Init");
UpdateStatus += updateStatus;
ErrorLog += errorLog;
string replpath = folder + "\\";
var sopt = rootOnly ? SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly : SearchOption.AllDirectories;
string[] allfiles = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.rpf", sopt);
BaseRpfs = new List<RpfFile>(1300);
ModRpfs = new List<RpfFile>(0);
DlcRpfs = new List<RpfFile>(3500);
AllRpfs ??= new List<RpfFile>(0);
DlcNoModRpfs = new List<RpfFile>(3500);
AllNoModRpfs = new List<RpfFile>(5000);
RpfDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfFile>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
EntryDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfEntry>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
ModRpfDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfFile>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
ModEntryDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfEntry>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
FileCounts _fileCounts = default;
var rpfs = new ConcurrentBag<RpfFile>();
Parallel.ForEach(allfiles, (rpfpath) =>
RpfFile rf = new RpfFile(rpfpath, rpfpath.Replace(replpath, ""));
if (ExcludePaths is not null)
bool excl = false;
foreach(var path in ExcludePaths)
if (rf.Path.StartsWith(path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
excl = true;
if (excl)
return; //skip files in exclude paths.
rf.ScanStructure(updateStatus, errorLog, out var fileCounts);
_fileCounts += fileCounts;
if (rf.LastException != null) //incase of corrupted rpf (or renamed NG encrypted RPF)
catch (Exception ex)
errorLog?.Invoke($"{rpfpath}: {ex}");
static int calculateSum(RpfFile rpf)
return rpf.AllEntries?.Count ?? 0 + rpf.Children?.Sum(calculateSum) ?? 0;
EntryDict.EnsureCapacity((int)_fileCounts.Rpfs + (int)_fileCounts.Files);
foreach (var rpf in rpfs)
AddRpfFile(rpf, false, false);
if (buildIndex)
Task.Run(() =>
updateStatus?.Invoke("Building jenkindex...");
IsInited = true;
updateStatus?.Invoke("Scan complete");
updateStatus?.Invoke("Scan complete");
IsInited = true;
Console.WriteLine($"fileCounts: {_fileCounts}");
Console.WriteLine($"AllRpfs: {AllRpfs.Count}; RpfDict: {RpfDict.Count}; EntryDict: {EntryDict.Count}; BaseRpfs: {BaseRpfs.Count}; ModRpfs: {ModRpfs.Count}; DlcRpfs: {DlcRpfs.Count}; DlcNoModRpfs: {DlcNoModRpfs.Count}; AllNoModRpfs: {AllNoModRpfs.Count}; ModRpfDict: {ModRpfDict.Count}; ModEntryDict: {ModEntryDict.Count}");
public void Init(List<RpfFile> allRpfs)
using var _ = new DisposableTimer("RpfManager.Init");
//fast init used by RPF explorer's File cache
AllRpfs = allRpfs;
BaseRpfs = new List<RpfFile>();
ModRpfs = new List<RpfFile>();
DlcRpfs = new List<RpfFile>();
DlcNoModRpfs = new List<RpfFile>();
AllNoModRpfs = new List<RpfFile>();
RpfDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfFile>(DefaultRpfDictCapacity, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
EntryDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfEntry>(DefaultEntryDictCapacity, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
ModRpfDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfFile>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
ModEntryDict = new Dictionary<string, RpfEntry>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var rpf in allRpfs)
RpfDict[rpf.Path] = rpf;
if (rpf.AllEntries == null)
foreach (var entry in rpf.AllEntries)
EntryDict[entry.Path] = entry;
Console.WriteLine($"RpfDict: {RpfDict.Count}; EntryDict: {EntryDict.Count}");
Task.Run(() =>
IsInited = true;
private void AddRpfFile(RpfFile file, bool isdlc, bool ismod)
if (file.AllEntries is null && file.Children is null)
isdlc = isdlc || (file.Name.EndsWith(".rpf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && (file.Name.StartsWith("dlc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || file.Name.Equals("update.rpf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
ismod = ismod || (file.Path.StartsWith("mods\\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (file.AllEntries is not null)
if (!ismod)
if (isdlc)
if (!ismod)
if (ismod)
if (ismod)
ModRpfDict[file.Path.Substring(5)] = file;
RpfDict[file.Path] = file;
foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Name))
if (ismod)
ModEntryDict[entry.Path] = entry;
ModEntryDict[entry.Path.Substring(5)] = entry;
_ = EntryDict.TryAdd(entry.Path, entry);
catch (Exception ex)
file.LastError = ex.ToString();
file.LastException = ex;
ErrorLog?.Invoke($"{entry.Path}: {ex}");
if (file.Children is not null)
foreach (RpfFile cfile in file.Children)
AddRpfFile(cfile, isdlc, ismod);
public RpfFile? FindRpfFile(string path) => FindRpfFile(path, false);
public RpfFile? FindRpfFile(string path, bool exactPathOnly)
if (EnableMods && ModRpfDict.TryGetValue(path, out RpfFile? file))
return file;
if (RpfDict.TryGetValue(path, out file))
return file;
foreach (RpfFile tfile in AllRpfs)
if (!exactPathOnly && tfile.Name.Equals(path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return tfile;
if (tfile.Path.Equals(path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return tfile;
return file;
public RpfEntry? GetEntry(string path)
if (EnableMods && ModEntryDict.TryGetValue(path, out RpfEntry? entry))
return entry;
EntryDict.TryGetValue(path, out entry);
if (entry is null)
path = path.Replace("/", "\\");
path = path.Replace("common:", "common.rpf");
if (EnableMods && ModEntryDict.TryGetValue(path, out entry))
return entry;
EntryDict.TryGetValue(path, out entry);
return entry;
public byte[]? GetFileData(string path)
byte[]? data = null;
if (GetEntry(path) is RpfFileEntry entry)
data = entry.File.ExtractFile(entry);
return data;
public string GetFileUTF8Text(string path)
byte[]? bytes = GetFileData(path);
var text = TextUtil.GetUTF8Text(bytes);
return text;
public StreamReader GetFileUTF8TextStream(string path)
byte[]? bytes = GetFileData(path);
return new StreamReader(bytes.AsMemory().AsStream(), new UTF8Encoding(false), true); ;
public XmlDocument GetFileXml(string path)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
string text = GetFileUTF8Text(path);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
return doc;
public XmlReader GetFileXmlReader(string path, XmlNameTable nameTable)
var text = GetFileUTF8TextStream(path);
var reader = XmlReader.Create(text, new XmlReaderSettings { NameTable = nameTable });
return reader;
public XmlReader GetFileXmlReader(string path)
var text = GetFileUTF8TextStream(path);
var reader = XmlReader.Create(text);
return reader;
public T? GetFile<T>(string path) where T : class, PackedFile, new()
if (GetEntry(path) is not RpfFileEntry entry)
return null;
return GetFile<T>(entry);
public static T? GetFile<T>(RpfEntry e) where T : class, PackedFile, new()
if (e is not RpfFileEntry entry)
return null;
byte[]? data = entry.File.ExtractFile(entry);
T? file = null;
if (data is not null)
file = new T();
file.Load(data, entry);
return file;
public ValueTask<T?> GetFileAsync<T>(string path) where T : class, PackedFile, new()
RpfFileEntry? entry = GetEntry(path) as RpfFileEntry;
if (entry is null)
return ValueTask.FromResult((T?)null);
return GetFileAsync<T>(entry);
public static async ValueTask<T?> GetFileAsync<T>(RpfEntry e) where T : class, PackedFile, new()
if (e is not RpfFileEntry entry)
return null;
byte[]? data = await entry.File.ExtractFileAsync(entry);
T? file = null;
if (data is not null && data.Length > 0)
file = new T();
file.Load(data, entry);
return file;
catch(Exception ex)
public bool LoadFile<T>(T file, RpfEntry e) where T : class, PackedFile
byte[]? data = null;
RpfFileEntry? entry = e as RpfFileEntry;
if (entry is not null)
data = entry.File.ExtractFile(entry);
if (data is not null && data.Length > 0)
file.Load(data, entry);
return true;
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error occured while loading {e.Name} at {e.Path}:\n{ex}");
return false;
public async ValueTask<bool> LoadFileAsync<T>(T file, RpfEntry e) where T : class, PackedFile
byte[]? data = null;
RpfFileEntry? entry = e as RpfFileEntry;
if (entry is not null)
data = await entry.File.ExtractFileAsync(entry);
if (data is not null && data.Length > 0)
file.Load(data, entry);
return true;
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error occured while loading {e.Name} at {e.Path}:\n{ex}");
return false;
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, int> counts = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, int>();
private string[] stringLookup;
public void AddAllLods(string name)
var idx = name.LastIndexOf('_');
if (idx > 0)
var str1 = name.AsSpan(0, idx);
var idx2 = str1.LastIndexOf('_');
if (idx2 > 0)
// Filter some peds and clothing models (ydd's) which don't have LOD hashes we're interested in.
// This saves about 50% of the time it takes to do initial hashing
var str2 = str1.Slice(0, idx2 + 1).ToString();
if (str2.Length <= 2)
var ignore = str2 switch
"p_" => true,
"s_m_y_" => true,
"s_m_" => true,
"s_m_m_" => true,
"s_f_y_" => true,
"a_m_y_" => true,
"ig_" => true,
"u_m_y_" => true,
"u_m_m_" => true,
"u_m_" => true,
"minimap_" => true,
"a_" => true,
"u_f_" => true,
"csb_" => true,
"g_m_y_" => true,
"a_f_m_" => true,
"a_m_m_" => true,
"g_m_m_" => true,
"mp_m_" => true,
"mp_f_" => true,
"mp_" => true,
"a_f_y_" => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("accs_") => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("decl_") => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("berd_") => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("hair_") => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("teef_") => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("lowr_") => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("jbib_") => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("hand_") => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("feet_") => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("task_") => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("head_") => true,
var str when str.StartsWith("uppr_") => true,
_ => false,
if (ignore)
Span<char> buff = stackalloc char[str2.Length + 2 + 4];
str2.CopyTo(buff.Slice(0, str2.Length));
stackalloc char[] { 'l', 'o', 'd' }.CopyTo(buff.Slice(str2.Length, 3));
//Console.WriteLine(buff.Slice(0, str2.Length + 3).ToString());
JenkIndex.EnsureLower(buff.Slice(0, str2.Length + 3));
const int maxi = 99;
stackalloc char[] { '0', '0', '_', 'l', 'o', 'd' }.CopyTo(buff.Slice(str2.Length, 6));
if (stringLookup is null)
stringLookup = new string[maxi + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= maxi; i++)
stringLookup[i] = i.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
for (int i = 1; i <= maxi; i++)
stringLookup[i].AsSpan().CopyTo(buff.Slice(str2.Length, 2));
var hash = JenkHash.GenHashLower(buff);
JenkIndex.Ensure(str2, hash);
private void parseAwc(string path)
var enumerator = path.ReverseEnumerateSplit('\\');
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
ReadOnlySpan<char> fn = enumerator.Current;
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
ReadOnlySpan<char> fd = enumerator.Current;
fn = fn.Slice(0, fn.Length - 4);
if (fd.EndsWith(['.', 'r', 'p', 'f'], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
fd = fd.Slice(0, fd.Length - 4);
Span<char> hpath = stackalloc char[fd.Length + fn.Length + 1];
hpath[fd.Length] = '/';
fn.CopyTo(hpath.Slice(fd.Length + 1));
public void BuildBaseJenkIndex()
var yddFiles = new ConcurrentBag<string>();
using var timer = new DisposableTimer("BuildBaseJenkIndex");
Parallel.ForEach(AllRpfs, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4 }, [SkipLocalsInit] (file) =>
foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries)
var name = entry.Name;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
var nameWithoutExtension = entry.ShortName;
//if (ind < entry.Name.Length - 2)
// JenkIndex.Ensure(entry.Name.Substring(0, ind) + ".#" + entry.Name.Substring(ind + 2));
// JenkIndex.Ensure(entry.NameLower.Substring(0, ind) + ".#" + entry.NameLower.Substring(ind + 2));
if (BuildExtendedJenkIndex)
if (name.EndsWith(".ydr", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))// || nlow.EndsWith(".yft")) //do yft's get lods?
var sname = entry.ShortName;
var nameLod = $"{sname}_lod";
else if (name.EndsWith(".ydd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (name.EndsWith("_children.ydd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var strn = entry.Name.Substring(0, name.Length - 13);
var nameChildrenLod = $"{strn}_lod";
//var idx = name.LastIndexOf('_');
//if (idx > 0)
// var str1 = name.Substring(0, idx);
// var idx2 = str1.LastIndexOf('_');
// if (idx2 > 0)
// {
// var str2 = str1.Substring(0, idx2);
// JenkIndex.EnsureLower(str2 + "_lod");
// var maxi = 100;
// for (int i = 1; i <= maxi; i++)
// {
// var str3 = str2 + '_' + i.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_lod";
// //JenkIndex.Ensure(str3);
// JenkIndex.EnsureLower(str3);
// }
// }
else if(name.EndsWith(".sps", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
JenkIndex.EnsureLower(entry.Name);//for shader preset filename hashes!
else if(name.EndsWith(".awc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) //create audio container path hashes...
else if(name.EndsWith(".nametable", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (entry is RpfBinaryFileEntry binfe)
byte[] rawData = file.ExtractFile(binfe);
if (rawData != null)
foreach(var bytes in rawData.AsSpan().EnumerateSplit((byte)0))
string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
////DirMod_Sounds_ entries apparently can be used to infer SP audio strings
////no luck here yet though
//if (strl.StartsWith("dirmod_sounds_") && (strl.Length > 14))
// strl = strl.Substring(14);
// JenkIndex.Ensure(strl);
//int startIndex = 0;
//for (int i = 0; i < rawData.Length; i++)
// byte c = rawData[i];
// if (c == 0)
// {
// string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rawData.AsSpan(startIndex, i - startIndex));
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
// {
// //JenkIndex.Ensure(str);
// JenkIndex.EnsureLower(str);
// ////DirMod_Sounds_ entries apparently can be used to infer SP audio strings
// ////no luck here yet though
// //if (strl.StartsWith("dirmod_sounds_") && (strl.Length > 14))
// //{
// // strl = strl.Substring(14);
// // JenkIndex.Ensure(strl);
// //}
// }
// startIndex = i + 1;
// }
catch(Exception err)
//failing silently!! not so good really
//foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs)
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
_ = Task.Run(() => {
using var timer2 = new DisposableTimer("BuildBaseJenkIndex -> AddAllLods");
foreach (var name in yddFiles)
//Task.Run(() =>
// foreach (var count in counts.OrderBy(p => p.Value))
// {
// Console.WriteLine($"{count.Key,30}: {count.Value,3}");
// }