2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
# LuckPerms Language File
# Locale: en_US
# Author: Luck
2016-09-27 01:42:46 +08:00
prefix : "&7&l[&b&lL&3&lP&7&l] &c"
2017-01-20 03:51:41 +08:00
log-info : "&7&l[&bL&3P&7&l] &3{0}"
log-warn : "&7&l[&bLuck&3Perms&7&l] &c[WARN] {0}"
log-error : "&7&l[&bLuck&3Perms&7&l] &4[ERROR] {0}"
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
empty : "{0}"
player-online : "&aOnline"
player-offline : "&cOffline"
loading-error : "Permissions data could not be loaded. Please contact an administrator."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
op-disabled : "&bThe vanilla OP system is disabled on this server."
2016-12-08 05:27:50 +08:00
op-disabled-sponge : "&2Server Operator status has no effect when a permission plugin is installed. Please edit user data directly."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
log : "&3LOG &3&l> {0}"
command-not-recognised : "Command not recognised."
command-no-permission : "You do not have permission to use this command!"
already-haspermission : "{0} already has this permission!"
does-not-havepermission : "{0} does not have this permission set."
already-has-temp-permission : "{0} already has this permission set temporarily!"
does-not-have-temp-permission : "{0} does not have this permission set temporarily."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
user-not-found : "&bUser could not be found."
2017-01-24 05:03:58 +08:00
user-not-online : "&bUser &a{0}&b is not online."
user-no-data : "&bUser &a{0}&b does not have any data loaded."
2016-11-12 22:10:42 +08:00
user-save-success : "&7(User data was saved to storage)"
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
user-save-error : "There was an error whilst saving the user."
user-create-fail : "There was an error whilst creating a new user."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
group-not-found : "&bGroup could not be found."
2016-11-12 22:10:42 +08:00
group-save-success : "&7(Group data was saved to storage)"
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
group-save-error : "There was an error whilst saving the group."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
track-not-found : "&bTrack could not be found."
2016-11-12 22:10:42 +08:00
track-save-success : "&7(Track data was saved to storage)"
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
track-save-error : "There was an error whilst saving the track."
user-invalid-entry : "&d{0}&c is not a valid username/uuid."
group-invalid-entry : "Group names can only contain alphanumeric characters."
track-invalid-entry : "Track names can only contain alphanumeric characters."
server-invalid-entry : "Server names can only contain alphanumeric characters."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
use-inherit-command : "Use the 'parent add' command instead of specifying the node."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
2017-02-13 01:19:16 +08:00
verbose-invalid-filter : "&cInvalid verbose filter: &f{0}"
2016-10-28 00:46:44 +08:00
verbose-on : "&bVerbose checking output set to &aTRUE &bfor all permissions."
2016-11-06 03:19:29 +08:00
verbose-on_query : "&bVerbose checking output set to &aTRUE &bfor permissions matching the following filters: &f{0}"
2016-10-28 00:46:44 +08:00
verbose-off : "&bVerbose checking output set to &cFALSE&b."
2016-12-08 05:20:54 +08:00
verbose-recording-on : "&bVerbose recording set to &aTRUE &bfor all permissions."
verbose-recording-on-query : "&bVerbose recording set to &aTRUE &bfor permissions matching the following filters: &f{0}"
verbose-recording-upload-start : "&bVerbose recording was disabled. Uploading results..."
2017-01-27 03:47:46 +08:00
verbose-recording-url : "&aVerbose results URL:"
2016-12-08 05:20:54 +08:00
2017-01-14 04:11:25 +08:00
search-searching : "&aSearching for users and groups with &b{0}&a..."
search-result : "&aFound &b{0}&a entries from &b{1}&a users and &b{2}&a groups."
search-showing-users : "&bShowing user entries:"
search-showing-groups : "&bShowing group entries:"
search-showing-users-with-page : "&bShowing user entries: {0}"
search-showing-groups-with-page : "&bShowing group entries: {0}"
2017-01-24 05:08:27 +08:00
check-result : "&aPermission check result on user &b{0}&a for permission &b{1}&a: &f{2}"
2017-01-24 05:03:58 +08:00
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
create-success : "&b{0}&a was successfully created."
delete-success : "&b{0}&a was successfully deleted."
2016-09-24 05:19:17 +08:00
rename-success : "&b{0}&a was successfully renamed to &b{1}&a."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
clone-success : "&b{0}&a was successfully cloned to &b{1}&a."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
already-inherits : "{0} already inherits '{1}'."
does-not-inherit : "{0} does not inherit '{1}'."
already-temp-inherits : "{0} already temporarily inherits '{1}'."
does-not-temp-inherit : "{0} does not temporarily inherit '{1}'."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
track-already-contains : "Track {0} already contains the group '{1}'."
track-does-not-contain : "Track {0} does not contain the group '{1}'."
2016-11-02 05:34:54 +08:00
track-ambiguous-call : "The user specified is a member of multiple groups on this track. Unable to determine their location."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
group-already-exists : "That group already exists!"
group-does-not-exist : "That group does not exist!"
group-load-error : "An unexpected error occurred. Group not loaded."
groups-load-error : "An unexpected error occurred. Unable to load all groups."
track-already-exists : "That track already exists!"
track-does-not-exist : "That track does not exist!"
track-load-error : "An unexpected error occurred. Track not loaded."
tracks-load-error : "An unexpected error occurred. Unable to load all tracks."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
track-empty : "The track cannot be used as it is empty or contains only one group."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
update-task-request : "&bUpdate task scheduled."
update-task-complete : "&aUpdate task finished."
2016-10-24 21:38:12 +08:00
update-task-complete-network : "&aUpdate task finished. Now attempting to push to other servers."
2017-01-29 19:09:11 +08:00
update-task-push-success : "&aOther servers were notified via &b{0} Messaging &asuccessfully."
update-task-push-failure : "&cError whilst pushing changes to other servers."
update-task-push-failure-not-setup : "&cError whilst pushing changes to other servers. A messaging service has not been configured."
2017-01-22 04:14:25 +08:00
reload-config-success : "&aThe configuration file was reloaded. &7(some options will only apply after the server has restarted.)"
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
info : >
2016-09-27 01:42:46 +08:00
{PREFIX}&2Running &bLuckPerms v{0}&2 by &bLuck&2.\n
2016-11-01 06:25:42 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &3Platform : &f{1}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Storage Method : &f{2}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Server Name : &f{3}\n
2016-11-20 05:56:11 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &3Sync Interval : &a{4} &fminutes\n
2017-01-29 19:09:11 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &3Messaging Service : &f{5}\n
2016-11-20 05:56:11 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &bCounts:\n
2017-01-29 19:09:11 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &3Online Players : &a{6}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Loaded Users : &a{7}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Loaded Groups : &a{8}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Loaded Tracks : &a{9}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Log size : &a{10}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3UUID Cache size : &a{11}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Translations loaded : &a{12}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Pre-process contexts : &a{13}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Context Calculators : &a{14}\n
2016-11-20 05:56:11 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &bConfiguration:\n
2017-01-29 19:09:11 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &3Online Mode : {15 }\n
2016-11-20 05:56:11 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &bPermission Calculation:\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Including Global : {16 }\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Including Global World : {17 }\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Applying Global Groups : {18 }\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Applying Global World Groups : {19 }\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Applying Wildcards : {20 }\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Applying Regex : {21 }\n
2017-01-29 19:09:11 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &3Applying Shorthand : {22 }
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
create-group-error : "There was an error whilst creating the group."
delete-group-error : "There was an error whilst deleting the group."
delete-group-error-default : "You cannot delete the default group."
groups-list : "&aGroups: {0}"
create-track-error : "There was an error whilst creating the track."
delete-track-error : "There was an error whilst deleting the track."
tracks-list : "&aTracks: {0}"
2016-12-13 03:06:23 +08:00
listnodes : "&b{0}'s Nodes:"
2016-12-20 21:55:42 +08:00
listnodes-with-page : "&b{0}'s Nodes: {1}"
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
listnodes-temp : "&b{0}'s Temporary Nodes:\n{1}"
listparents : "&b{0}'s Parent Groups:\n{1}"
listparents-temp : "&b{0}'s Temporary Parent Groups:\n{1}"
listgroups : "&b{0}'s Groups:\n{1}"
listgroups-temp : "&b{0}'s Temporary Groups:\n{1}"
2016-11-05 02:36:32 +08:00
list-tracks : "&b{0}'s Tracks:\n{1}"
list-tracks-empty : "{0} is not on any tracks."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
setpermission-success : "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a."
setpermission-server-success : "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
setpermission-server-world-success : "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
setpermission-temp-success : "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
setpermission-temp-server-success : "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a for a duration of &b{4}&a."
setpermission-temp-server-world-success : "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a."
unsetpermission-success : "&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a."
unsetpermission-server-success : "&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
unsetpermission-server-world-success : "&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
unset-temp-permission-success : "&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a."
unset-temp-permission-server-success : "&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
unset-temp-permission-server-world-success : "&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
set-inherit-success : "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a."
set-inherit-server-success : "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
set-inherit-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
2016-11-01 03:27:04 +08:00
set-parent-success : "&b{0}&a had their existing parent groups cleared, and now only inherits &b{1}&a."
set-parent-server-success : "&b{0}&a had their existing parent groups cleared, and now only inherits &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
set-parent-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a had their existing parent groups cleared, and now only inherits &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
set-temp-inherit-success : "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a for a duration of &b{2}&a."
set-temp-inherit-server-success : "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
set-temp-inherit-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a."
unset-inherit-success : "&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a."
unset-inherit-server-success : "&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
unset-inherit-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
unset-temp-inherit-success : "&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a."
unset-temp-inherit-server-success : "&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
unset-temp-inherit-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
clear-success : "&b{0}&a's permissions were cleared. (&b{1}&a nodes were removed.)"
clear-success-singular : "&b{0}&a's permissions were cleared. (&b{1}&a node was removed.)"
2016-12-13 03:06:23 +08:00
parent-clear-success : "&b{0}&a's parents were cleared. (&b{1}&a nodes were removed.)"
parent-clear-success-singular : "&b{0}&a's parents were cleared. (&b{1}&a node was removed.)"
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
meta-clear-success : "&b{0}&a's meta was cleared. (&b{1}&a nodes were removed.)"
meta-clear-success-singular : "&b{0}&a's meta was cleared. (&b{1}&a node was removed.)"
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
illegal-date-error : "Could not parse date '{0}'."
past-date-error : "You cannot set a date in the past!"
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
chat-meta-prefix-header : "&b{0}'s Prefixes"
chat-meta-suffix-header : "&b{0}'s Suffixes"
2016-11-05 03:13:39 +08:00
meta-header : "&b{0}'s Meta"
2016-11-15 04:40:33 +08:00
chat-meta-entry : "&b-> {0} &f- &f\"{1}&f\" &8(&7inherited from &a{2}&8)"
chat-meta-entry-with-context : "&b-> {0} &f- &f\"{1}&f\" &8(&7inherited from &a{2}&8){3}"
meta-entry : "&b-> &a{0} &f= &f\"{1}&f\" &8(&7inherited from &a{2}&8)"
meta-entry-with-context : "&b-> &a{0} &f= &f\"{1}&f\" &8(&7inherited from &a{2}&8){3}"
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
chat-meta-prefix-none : "&b{0} has no prefixes."
chat-meta-suffix-none : "&b{0} has no suffixes."
2016-11-05 03:13:39 +08:00
meta-none : "&b{0} has no meta."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
meta-invalid-priority : "Invalid priority '{0}'. Expected a number."
already-has-prefix : "{0} already has that prefix set."
already-has-suffix : "{0} already has that suffix set."
does-not-have-prefix : "{0} doesn't have that prefix set."
does-not-have-suffix : "{0} doesn't have that suffix set."
addprefix-success : "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a."
addprefix-server-success : "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
addprefix-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
removeprefix-success : "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed."
removeprefix-server-success : "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
removeprefix-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
addsuffix-success : "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a."
addsuffix-server-success : "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
addsuffix-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
removesuffix-success : "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed."
removesuffix-server-success : "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
removesuffix-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
add-temp-prefix-success : "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
add-temp-prefix-server-success : "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a."
add-temp-prefix-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a."
remove-temp-prefix-success : "&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed."
remove-temp-prefix-server-success : "&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
remove-temp-prefix-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
add-temp-suffix-success : "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
add-temp-suffix-server-success : "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a."
add-temp-suffix-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a."
remove-temp-suffix-success : "&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{1}&a removed."
remove-temp-suffix-server-success : "&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
remove-temp-suffix-server-world-success : "&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
already-has-meta : "{0} already has that meta key value pair set."
set-meta-success : "&aSet meta value for key &f\"{0}&f\"&a to &f\"{1}&f\"&a for &b{2}&a."
set-meta-server-success : "&aSet meta value for key &f\"{0}&f\"&a to &f\"{1}&f\"&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
set-meta-server-world-success : "&aSet meta value for key &f\"{0}&f\"&a to &f\"{1}&f\"&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
set-meta-temp-success : "&aSet meta value for key &f\"{0}&f\"&a to &f\"{1}&f\"&a for &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
set-meta-temp-server-success : "&aSet meta value for key &f\"{0}&f\"&a to &f\"{1}&f\"&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a for a duration of &b{4}&a."
set-meta-temp-server-world-success : "&aSet meta value for key &f\"{0}&f\"&a to &f\"{1}&f\"&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a."
unset-meta-success : "&aUnset meta value with key &f\"{0}&f\"&a for &b{1}&a."
unset-meta-server-success : "&aUnset meta value with key &f\"{0}&f\"&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
unset-meta-server-world-success : "&aUnset meta value with key &f\"{0}&f\"&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
unset-meta-temp-success : "&aUnset temporary meta value with key &f\"{0}&f\"&a for &b{1}&a."
unset-meta-temp-server-success : "&aUnset temporary meta value with key &f\"{0}&f\"&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
unset-meta-temp-server-world-success : "&aUnset temporary meta value with key &f\"{0}&f\"&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
2016-09-26 00:29:11 +08:00
bulk-change-type-error : "Invalid type. Was expecting 'server' or 'world'."
bulk-change-success : "&aApplied bulk change successfully. {0} records were changed."
2016-11-20 01:52:39 +08:00
user-info-general : >
2016-11-01 06:25:42 +08:00
{PREFIX}&b&l> &bUser Info : &f{0}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3UUID : &f{1}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Status : {2 }\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Primary Group : &f{3}\n
2016-11-20 01:52:39 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &aCounts:\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Permissions : &a{4}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Temporary Permissions : &a{5}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Prefixes : &a{6}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Suffixes : &a{7}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Meta : &a{8}
user-info-data : >
{PREFIX}&f- &aCached Data:\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Is Loaded : {0 }\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Current Contexts : {1 }\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Current Prefix : {2 }\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Current Suffix : {3 }
2016-12-19 07:34:33 +08:00
info-parent-header : "&f- &aParent Groups:"
info-temp-parent-header : "&f- &aTemporary Parent Groups:"
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
user-getuuid : "&bThe UUID of &b{0}&b is &b{1}&b."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
user-removegroup-error-primary : "You cannot remove a user from their primary group."
user-primarygroup-success : "&b{0}&a's primary group was set to &b{1}&a."
user-primarygroup-error-alreadyhas : "The user already has this group set as their primary group."
user-primarygroup-error-notmember : "&b{0}&a was not already a member of &b{1}&a, adding them now."
2016-11-02 05:34:54 +08:00
user-track-error-not-contain-group : "The user specified isn't already in any groups on this track."
2017-01-15 21:22:50 +08:00
user-track-added-to-first : "&b{0}&a isn't in any groups on this track, so they were added to the first group, &b{1}&a."
user-track-added-to-first-server : "&b{0}&a isn't in any groups on this track, so they were added to the first group, &b{1}&a, on server &b{2}&a."
user-track-added-to-first-server-world : "&b{0}&a isn't in any groups on this track, so they were added to the first group, &b{1}&a, on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
2016-11-02 05:34:54 +08:00
user-promote-success : "&aPromoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a."
user-promote-success-server : "&aPromoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
user-promote-success-server-world : "&aPromoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
user-promote-error-endoftrack : "The end of track &4{0}&c was reached. Unable to promote user."
user-promote-error-malformed : >
{PREFIX}The next group on the track, {0}, no longer exists. Unable to promote user.
{PREFIX}Either create the group, or remove it from the track and try again.
2016-11-02 05:34:54 +08:00
user-demote-success : "&aDemoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a."
user-demote-success-server : "&aDemoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
user-demote-success-server-world : "&aDemoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
2017-01-15 21:22:50 +08:00
user-demote-endoftrack : "The end of track &4{0}&c was reached, so &4{1}&c was removed from &4{2}&c."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
user-demote-error-malformed : >
{PREFIX}The previous group on the track, {0}, no longer exists. Unable to demote user.\n
{PREFIX}Either create the group, or remove it from the track and try again.
user-demote-error-not-contain-group : "Demotions are done based on primary groups. The users primary group is not on the track specified."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
user-showpos : "&aShowing &b{0}&a's position on track &b{1}&a.{2}"
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
2016-12-22 05:22:48 +08:00
group-info-general : >
2016-11-01 06:25:42 +08:00
{PREFIX}&b&l> &bGroup Info : &f{0}\n
2016-12-22 05:26:22 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &3Display Name : &f{1}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Weight : &f{2}\n
2016-12-19 07:34:33 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &aCounts:\n
2016-12-22 05:26:22 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &3Permissions : &a{3}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Temporary Permissions : &a{4}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Prefixes : &a{5}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Suffixes : &a{6}\n
{PREFIX}&f- &3Meta : &a{7}
2016-12-22 05:22:48 +08:00
group-set-weight : "&aSet weight to &b{0}&a for group &b{1}&a."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
track-info : >
2016-11-02 05:34:54 +08:00
{PREFIX}&b&l> &bShowing Track : &f{0}\n
2016-11-01 06:25:42 +08:00
{PREFIX}&f- &7Path : &f{1}
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
track-clear : "&b{0}&a's groups track was cleared."
track-append-success : "&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully appended to track &b{1}&a."
track-insert-success : "&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully inserted into track &b{1}&a at position &b{2}&a."
track-insert-error-number : "Expected number but instead received: {0}"
track-insert-error-invalid-pos : "Unable to insert at position {0}. Index out of bounds."
track-remove-success : "&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully removed from track &b{1}&a."
log-load-error : "The log could not be loaded."
log-invalid-page : "Invalid page number."
log-invalid-page-range : "Invalid page number. Please enter a value between 1 and {0}."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
log-no-entries : "&bNo log entries to show."
log-entry : "&b#{0} -> &8(&7{1} ago&8) {2}"
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
log-notify-toggle-on : "&aEnabled&b logging output."
log-notify-toggle-off : "&cDisabled&b logging output."
log-notify-already-on : "You are already receiving notifications."
log-notify-already-off : "You aren't currently receiving notifications."
log-notify-unknown : "State unknown. Expecting \"on\" or \"off\"."
log-search-header : "&aShowing recent actions for query &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)"
log-recent-header : "&aShowing recent actions (page &f{0}&a of &f{1}&a)"
log-recent-by-header : "&aShowing recent actions by &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)"
log-history-user-header : "&aShowing history for user &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)"
log-history-group-header : "&aShowing history for group &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)"
log-history-track-header : "&aShowing history for track &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)"
log-export-already-exists : "Error: File {0} already exists."
log-export-not-writable : "Error: File {0} is not writable."
log-export-empty : "The log is empty and therefore cannot be exported."
log-export-failure : "An unexpected error occured whilst writing to the file."
log-export-success : "&aSuccessfully exported the log to &b{0}&a."
import-already-running : "Another import process is already running. Please wait for it to finish and try again."
import-log-doesnt-exist : "Error: File {0} does not exist."
import-log-not-readable : "Error: File {0} is not readable."
import-log-failure : "An unexpected error occured whilst reading from the log file."
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
import-progress : "&b(Import) &b-> &f{0} &fpercent complete &7- &b{1}&f/&b{2} &foperations complete with &c{3} &ferrors."
import-progress-sin : "&b(Import) &b-> &f{0} &fpercent complete &7- &b{1}&f/&b{2} &foperations complete with &c{3} &ferror."
import-start : "&b(Import) &b-> &fStarting import process."
import-end-complete : "&b(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &b{0} &7seconds - &7No errors."
import-end-complete-err : "&b(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &b{0} &7seconds - &c{1} errors."
import-end-complete-err-sin : "&b(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &b{0} &7seconds - &c{1} error."
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
import-end-error-header : >
2016-10-24 00:59:34 +08:00
{PREFIX}&b(Import) &7------------> &fShowing Error #&b{0} &7<------------\n
{PREFIX}&b(Import) &fWhilst executing : &3Command #{1}\n
{PREFIX}&b(Import) &fCommand : &7{2}\n
{PREFIX}&b(Import) &fType : &3{3}\n
{PREFIX}&b(Import) &fOutput :
import-end-error-content : "&b(Import) &b-> &c{0}"
import-end-error-footer : "&b(Import) &7<------------------------------------------>"
2016-09-24 05:14:40 +08:00
migration-not-console : "Migration must be performed from the Console."