Add locale file support
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class BukkitCommand extends CommandManager implements CommandExecutor, TabExecut
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
Util.stripQuotes(Splitter.on(Patterns.COMMAND_SEPARATOR).omitEmptyStrings().splitToList(Joiner.on(' ').join(args))),
@ -55,6 +55,6 @@ class BukkitCommand extends CommandManager implements CommandExecutor, TabExecut
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
return onTabComplete(BukkitSenderFactory.get().wrap(sender), Arrays.asList(args));
return onTabComplete(BukkitSenderFactory.get(getPlugin()).wrap(sender), Arrays.asList(args));
@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
package me.lucko.luckperms;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.SenderFactory;
import me.lucko.luckperms.constants.Constants;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
@ -31,12 +29,16 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.UUID;
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class BukkitSenderFactory extends SenderFactory<CommandSender> {
private static BukkitSenderFactory instance = null;
public static synchronized BukkitSenderFactory get() {
private BukkitSenderFactory(LuckPermsPlugin plugin) {
public static synchronized BukkitSenderFactory get(LuckPermsPlugin plugin) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new BukkitSenderFactory();
instance = new BukkitSenderFactory(plugin);
return instance;
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import;
import me.lucko.luckperms.tracks.TrackManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.users.BukkitUserManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.utils.LocaleManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.utils.LogFactory;
import org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ public class LPBukkitPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
private Importer importer;
private ConsecutiveExecutor consecutiveExecutor;
private DefaultsProvider defaultsProvider;
private LocaleManager localeManager;
public void onEnable() {
@ -77,6 +79,18 @@ public class LPBukkitPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
getLog().info("Loading configuration...");
configuration = new BukkitConfig(this);
localeManager = new LocaleManager();
File locale = new File(getDataFolder(), "lang.yml");
if (locale.exists()) {
getLog().info("Found locale file. Attempting to load from it.");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
defaultsProvider = new DefaultsProvider();
getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(this, () -> defaultsProvider.refresh(), 1L);
@ -108,7 +122,7 @@ public class LPBukkitPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimerAsynchronously(this, new UpdateTask(this), ticks, ticks);
getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(this, BukkitSenderFactory.get(), 1L, 1L);
getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(this, BukkitSenderFactory.get(this), 1L, 1L);
getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimerAsynchronously(this, new ExpireTemporaryTask(this), 60L, 60L);
getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimerAsynchronously(this, consecutiveExecutor, 20L, 20L);
@ -200,14 +214,14 @@ public class LPBukkitPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
public List<Sender> getNotifyListeners() {
return getServer().getOnlinePlayers().stream()
.map(p -> BukkitSenderFactory.get().wrap(p, Collections.singleton(me.lucko.luckperms.constants.Permission.LOG_NOTIFY)))
.map(p -> BukkitSenderFactory.get(this).wrap(p, Collections.singleton(me.lucko.luckperms.constants.Permission.LOG_NOTIFY)))
public Sender getConsoleSender() {
return BukkitSenderFactory.get().wrap(getServer().getConsoleSender());
return BukkitSenderFactory.get(this).wrap(getServer().getConsoleSender());
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class BungeeCommand extends Command implements TabExecutor {
public void execute(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
Util.stripQuotes(Splitter.on(Patterns.COMMAND_SEPARATOR).omitEmptyStrings().splitToList(Joiner.on(' ').join(args))),
@ -54,6 +54,6 @@ class BungeeCommand extends Command implements TabExecutor {
public Iterable<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
return manager.onTabComplete(BungeeSenderFactory.get().wrap(sender), Arrays.asList(args));
return manager.onTabComplete(BungeeSenderFactory.get(manager.getPlugin()).wrap(sender), Arrays.asList(args));
@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
package me.lucko.luckperms;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.SenderFactory;
import me.lucko.luckperms.constants.Constants;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.CommandSender;
@ -32,12 +30,16 @@ import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer;
import java.util.UUID;
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class BungeeSenderFactory extends SenderFactory<CommandSender> {
private static BungeeSenderFactory instance = null;
public static synchronized BungeeSenderFactory get() {
private BungeeSenderFactory(LuckPermsPlugin plugin) {
public static synchronized BungeeSenderFactory get(LuckPermsPlugin plugin) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new BungeeSenderFactory();
instance = new BungeeSenderFactory(plugin);
return instance;
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import;
import me.lucko.luckperms.tracks.TrackManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.users.BungeeUserManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.users.UserManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.utils.LocaleManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.utils.LogFactory;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.Plugin;
@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ public class LPBungeePlugin extends Plugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
private Logger log;
private Importer importer;
private ConsecutiveExecutor consecutiveExecutor;
private LocaleManager localeManager;
public void onEnable() {
@ -74,6 +76,17 @@ public class LPBungeePlugin extends Plugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
getLog().info("Loading configuration...");
configuration = new BungeeConfig(this);
localeManager = new LocaleManager();
File locale = new File(getDataFolder(), "lang.yml");
if (locale.exists()) {
getLog().info("Found locale file. Attempting to load from it.");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// register events
getProxy().getPluginManager().registerListener(this, new BungeeListener(this));
@ -101,7 +114,7 @@ public class LPBungeePlugin extends Plugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
// 20 times per second (once per "tick")
getProxy().getScheduler().schedule(this, BungeeSenderFactory.get(), 50L, 50L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
getProxy().getScheduler().schedule(this, BungeeSenderFactory.get(this), 50L, 50L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
getProxy().getScheduler().schedule(this, new ExpireTemporaryTask(this), 3L, 3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
getProxy().getScheduler().schedule(this, consecutiveExecutor, 1L, 1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
@ -162,14 +175,14 @@ public class LPBungeePlugin extends Plugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
public List<Sender> getNotifyListeners() {
return getProxy().getPlayers().stream()
.map(p -> BungeeSenderFactory.get().wrap(p, Collections.singleton(Permission.LOG_NOTIFY)))
.map(p -> BungeeSenderFactory.get(this).wrap(p, Collections.singleton(Permission.LOG_NOTIFY)))
public Sender getConsoleSender() {
return BungeeSenderFactory.get().wrap(getProxy().getConsole());
return BungeeSenderFactory.get(this).wrap(getProxy().getConsole());
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import me.lucko.luckperms.groups.GroupManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.tracks.TrackManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.users.UserManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.utils.LocaleManager;
import java.util.List;
@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ public interface LuckPermsPlugin {
ApiProvider getApiProvider();
Importer getImporter();
ConsecutiveExecutor getConsecutiveExecutor();
LocaleManager getLocaleManager();
* @return the version of the plugin
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.track.DeleteTrack;
import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.track.ListTracks;
import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.track.TrackMainCommand;
import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.user.UserMainCommand;
import me.lucko.luckperms.constants.Message;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
@ -49,6 +48,7 @@ import;
public class CommandManager {
private final LuckPermsPlugin plugin;
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ public class CommandManager {
private void sendCommandUsage(Sender sender, String label) {
Message.INFO_BRIEF.send(sender, plugin.getVersion());
sender.sendMessage(Util.color("&6Running &bLuckPerms v" + plugin.getVersion() + "&6."));
.filter(c -> c.isAuthorized(sender))
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
package me.lucko.luckperms.commands;
import me.lucko.luckperms.LuckPermsPlugin;
import me.lucko.luckperms.constants.Permission;
import java.util.UUID;
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import java.util.UUID;
public interface Sender {
LuckPermsPlugin getPlatform();
String getName();
UUID getUuid();
void sendMessage(String s);
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ package me.lucko.luckperms.commands;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import me.lucko.luckperms.LuckPermsPlugin;
import me.lucko.luckperms.constants.Constants;
import me.lucko.luckperms.constants.Permission;
@ -36,7 +38,9 @@ import;
* Factory class to make a thread-safe sender instance
* @param <T> the command sender type
public abstract class SenderFactory<T> implements Runnable {
private final LuckPermsPlugin plugin;
private final Map<T, List<String>> messages = new HashMap<>();
private final AtomicBoolean shouldSend = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final SenderFactory<T> factory = this;
@ -47,11 +51,11 @@ public abstract class SenderFactory<T> implements Runnable {
protected abstract boolean hasPermission(T t, String node);
public final Sender wrap(T t) {
return new SenderImp(t, null);
return new SenderImp(plugin, t, null);
public final Sender wrap(T t, Set<Permission> toCheck) {
return new SenderImp(t, toCheck);
return new SenderImp(plugin, t, toCheck);
@ -85,7 +89,11 @@ public abstract class SenderFactory<T> implements Runnable {
private final boolean console;
private SenderImp(T t, Set<Permission> toCheck) {
private final LuckPermsPlugin platform;
private SenderImp(LuckPermsPlugin platform, T t, Set<Permission> toCheck) {
this.platform = platform;
this.tRef = new WeakReference<>(t);
|||| = factory.getName(t);
this.uuid = factory.getUuid(t);
@ -23,10 +23,11 @@
package me.lucko.luckperms.constants;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Getter;
import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.Sender;
import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.Util;
import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
@ -36,21 +37,20 @@ public enum Message {
* General & Commands
PREFIX("&7&l[&b&lL&a&lP&7&l] &c", false),
EMPTY("%s", true),
EMPTY("{0}", true),
PLAYER_ONLINE("&aOnline", false),
PLAYER_OFFLINE("&cOffline", false),
LOADING_ERROR("Permissions data could not be loaded. Please contact an administrator.", true),
OP_DISABLED("&eThe vanilla OP system is disabled on this server.", false),
LOG("&3LOG &3&l> %s", true),
LOG("&3LOG &3&l> {0}", true),
COMMAND_NOT_RECOGNISED("Command not recognised.", true),
COMMAND_NO_PERMISSION("You do not have permission to use this command!", true),
INFO_BRIEF("&6Running &bLuckPerms v%s&6.", true),
ALREADY_HASPERMISSION("%s already has this permission!", true),
DOES_NOT_HAVEPERMISSION("%s does not have this permission set.", true),
ALREADY_HAS_TEMP_PERMISSION("%s already has this permission set temporarily!", true),
DOES_NOT_HAVE_TEMP_PERMISSION("%s does not have this permission set temporarily.", true),
ALREADY_HASPERMISSION("{0} already has this permission!", true),
DOES_NOT_HAVEPERMISSION("{0} does not have this permission set.", true),
ALREADY_HAS_TEMP_PERMISSION("{0} already has this permission set temporarily!", true),
DOES_NOT_HAVE_TEMP_PERMISSION("{0} does not have this permission set temporarily.", true),
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public enum Message {
USER_USE_ADDGROUP("Use the addgroup command instead of specifying the node.", true),
USER_USE_REMOVEGROUP("Use the removegroup command instead of specifying the node.", true),
USER_INVALID_ENTRY("&d%s&c is not a valid username/uuid.", true),
USER_INVALID_ENTRY("&d{0}&c is not a valid username/uuid.", true),
GROUP_USE_INHERIT("Use the setinherit command instead of specifying the node.", true),
GROUP_USE_UNINHERIT("Use the unsetinherit command instead of specifying the node.", true),
@ -92,22 +92,22 @@ public enum Message {
* Commands
CREATE_SUCCESS("&b%s&a was successfully created.", true),
DELETE_SUCCESS("&b%s&a was successfully deleted.", true),
RENAME_SUCCESS("&b%s&a was successfully renamed to &b%s&a.", true),
CREATE_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a was successfully created.", true),
DELETE_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a was successfully deleted.", true),
RENAME_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a was successfully renamed to &b{0}&a.", true),
USER_ALREADY_MEMBER_OF("%s is already a member of '%s'.", true),
USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF("%s is not a member of '%s'.", true),
GROUP_ALREADY_INHERITS("%s already inherits '%s'.", true),
GROUP_DOES_NOT_INHERIT("%s does not inherit '%s'.", true),
USER_ALREADY_MEMBER_OF("{0} is already a member of '{1}'.", true),
USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF("{0} is not a member of '{1}'.", true),
GROUP_ALREADY_INHERITS("{0} already inherits '{1}'.", true),
GROUP_DOES_NOT_INHERIT("{0} does not inherit '{1}'.", true),
USER_ALREADY_TEMP_MEMBER_OF("%s is already a temporary member of '%s'.", true),
USER_NOT_TEMP_MEMBER_OF("%s is not a temporary member of '%s'.", true),
GROUP_ALREADY_TEMP_INHERITS("%s already temporarily inherits '%s'.", true),
GROUP_DOES_NOT_TEMP_INHERIT("%s does not temporarily inherit '%s'.", true),
USER_ALREADY_TEMP_MEMBER_OF("{0} is already a temporary member of '{1}'.", true),
USER_NOT_TEMP_MEMBER_OF("{0} is not a temporary member of '{1}'.", true),
GROUP_ALREADY_TEMP_INHERITS("{0} already temporarily inherits '{1}'.", true),
GROUP_DOES_NOT_TEMP_INHERIT("{0} does not temporarily inherit '{1}'.", true),
TRACK_ALREADY_CONTAINS("Track %s already contains the group '%s'.", true),
TRACK_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN("Track %s does not contain the group '%s'.", true),
TRACK_ALREADY_CONTAINS("Track {0} already contains the group '{1}'.", true),
TRACK_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN("Track {0} does not contain the group '{1}'.", true),
GROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS("That group already exists!", true),
GROUP_DOES_NOT_EXIST("That group does not exist!", true),
@ -122,186 +122,186 @@ public enum Message {
UPDATE_TASK_RUN("&bRunning update task for all online users.", true),
PREFIX + "&6Running &bLuckPerms v%s&6 by &bLuck&6." + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &ePlatform: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eStorage Method: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eServer Name: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eSync Interval: &6%s minutes" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eInclude Global: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eInclude Global World: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eApply Global Groups: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eApply Global World Groups: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eOnline Mode: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eApply Wildcards: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eApply Regex: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eApply Shorthand: &6%s",
PREFIX + "&6Running &bLuckPerms v{0}&6 by &bLuck&6." + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &ePlatform: &6{1}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eStorage Method: &6{2}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eServer Name: &6{3}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eSync Interval: &6{4} minutes" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eInclude Global: &6{5}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eInclude Global World: &6{6}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eApply Global Groups: &6{7}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eApply Global World Groups: &6{8}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eOnline Mode: &6{9}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eApply Wildcards: &6{10}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eApply Regex: &6{11}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f-> &eApply Shorthand: &6{12}",
PREFIX + "&d&l> &dDebug Info" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f> &eOnline Players: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f> &eLoaded Users: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f> &eLoaded Groups: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f> &eLoaded Tracks: &6%s",
PREFIX + "&f> &eOnline Players: &6{0}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f> &eLoaded Users: &6{1}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f> &eLoaded Groups: &6{2}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&f> &eLoaded Tracks: &6{3}",
CREATE_GROUP_ERROR("There was an error whilst creating the group.", true),
DELETE_GROUP_ERROR("There was an error whilst deleting the group.", true),
DELETE_GROUP_ERROR_DEFAULT("You cannot delete the default group.", true),
GROUPS_LIST("&aGroups: %s", true),
GROUPS_LIST("&aGroups: {0}", true),
CREATE_TRACK_ERROR("There was an error whilst creating the track.", true),
DELETE_TRACK_ERROR("There was an error whilst deleting the track.", true),
TRACKS_LIST("&aTracks: %s", true),
TRACKS_LIST("&aTracks: {0}", true),
LISTNODES("&e%s's Nodes:" + "\n" + "%s", true),
LISTNODES_TEMP("&e%s's Temporary Nodes:" + "\n" + "%s", true),
LISTPARENTS("&e%s's Parent Groups:" + "\n" + "%s", true),
LISTPARENTS_TEMP("&e%s's Temporary Parent Groups:" + "\n" + "%s", true),
LISTGROUPS("&e%s's Groups:" + "\n" + "%s", true),
LISTGROUPS_TEMP("&e%s's Temporary Groups:" + "\n" + "%s", true),
SETPERMISSION_SUCCESS("&aSet &b%s&a to &b%s&a for &b%s&a.", true),
SETPERMISSION_SERVER_SUCCESS("&aSet &b%s&a to &b%s&a for &b%s&a on server &b%s&a.", true),
SETPERMISSION_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&aSet &b%s&a to &b%s&a for &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
SETPERMISSION_TEMP_SUCCESS("&aSet &b%s&a to &b%s&a for &b%s&a for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
SETPERMISSION_TEMP_SERVER_SUCCESS("&aSet &b%s&a to &b%s&a for &b%s&a on server &b%s&a for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
SETPERMISSION_TEMP_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&aSet &b%s&a to &b%s&a for &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a, for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
UNSETPERMISSION_SUCCESS("&aUnset &b%s&a for &b%s&a.", true),
UNSETPERMISSION_SERVER_SUCCESS("&aUnset &b%s&a for &b%s&a on server &b%s&a.", true),
UNSETPERMISSION_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&aUnset &b%s&a for &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
UNSET_TEMP_PERMISSION_SUCCESS("&aUnset temporary permission &b%s&a for &b%s&a.", true),
UNSET_TEMP_PERMISSION_SERVER_SUCCESS("&aUnset temporary permission &b%s&a for &b%s&a on server &b%s&a.", true),
UNSET_TEMP_PERMISSION_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&aUnset temporary permission &b%s&a for &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
CLEAR_SUCCESS("&b%s&a's permissions were cleared.", true),
ILLEGAL_DATE_ERROR("Could not parse date '%s'.", true),
LISTNODES("&e{0}'s Nodes:" + "\n" + "{1}", true),
LISTNODES_TEMP("&e{0}'s Temporary Nodes:" + "\n" + "{1}", true),
LISTPARENTS("&e{0}'s Parent Groups:" + "\n" + "{1}", true),
LISTPARENTS_TEMP("&e{0}'s Temporary Parent Groups:" + "\n" + "{1}", true),
LISTGROUPS("&e{0}'s Groups:" + "\n" + "{1}", true),
LISTGROUPS_TEMP("&e{0}'s Temporary Groups:" + "\n" + "{1}", true),
SETPERMISSION_SUCCESS("&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a.", true),
SETPERMISSION_SERVER_SUCCESS("&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a.", true),
SETPERMISSION_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a.", true),
SETPERMISSION_TEMP_SUCCESS("&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a.", true),
SETPERMISSION_TEMP_SERVER_SUCCESS("&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a for a duration of &b{4}&a.", true),
SETPERMISSION_TEMP_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a.", true),
UNSETPERMISSION_SUCCESS("&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a.", true),
UNSETPERMISSION_SERVER_SUCCESS("&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a.", true),
UNSETPERMISSION_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a.", true),
UNSET_TEMP_PERMISSION_SUCCESS("&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a.", true),
UNSET_TEMP_PERMISSION_SERVER_SUCCESS("&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a.", true),
UNSET_TEMP_PERMISSION_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a.", true),
CLEAR_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a's permissions were cleared.", true),
ILLEGAL_DATE_ERROR("Could not parse date '{0}'.", true),
PAST_DATE_ERROR("You cannot set a date in the past!", true),
CHAT_META_PREFIX_HEADER("&e%s's Prefixes", true),
CHAT_META_SUFFIX_HEADER("&e%s's Suffixes", true),
CHAT_META_ENTRY("&d-> &e%s &6- &f\"%s&f\"", true),
CHAT_META_PREFIX_NONE("&e%s has no prefixes.", true),
CHAT_META_SUFFIX_NONE("&e%s has no suffixes.", true),
CHAT_META_PREFIX_HEADER("&e{0}'s Prefixes", true),
CHAT_META_SUFFIX_HEADER("&e{0}'s Suffixes", true),
CHAT_META_ENTRY("&d-> &e{0} &6- &f\"{1}&f\"", true),
CHAT_META_PREFIX_NONE("&e{0} has no prefixes.", true),
CHAT_META_SUFFIX_NONE("&e{0} has no suffixes.", true),
META_INVALID_PRIORITY("Invalid priority '%s'. Expected a number.", true),
ALREADY_HAS_PREFIX("%s already has that prefix set.", true),
ALREADY_HAS_SUFFIX("%s already has that suffix set.", true),
DOES_NOT_HAVE_PREFIX("%s doesn't have that prefix set.", true),
DOES_NOT_HAVE_SUFFIX("%s doesn't have that suffix set.", true),
META_INVALID_PRIORITY("Invalid priority '{0}'. Expected a number.", true),
ALREADY_HAS_PREFIX("{0} already has that prefix set.", true),
ALREADY_HAS_SUFFIX("{0} already has that suffix set.", true),
DOES_NOT_HAVE_PREFIX("{0} doesn't have that prefix set.", true),
DOES_NOT_HAVE_SUFFIX("{0} doesn't have that suffix set.", true),
ADDPREFIX_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a.", true),
ADDPREFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a on server &b%s&a.", true),
ADDPREFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
REMOVEPREFIX_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed.", true),
REMOVEPREFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed on server &b%s&a.", true),
REMOVEPREFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
ADDPREFIX_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a.", true),
ADDPREFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a.", true),
ADDPREFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a.", true),
REMOVEPREFIX_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed.", true),
REMOVEPREFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a.", true),
REMOVEPREFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a.", true),
ADDSUFFIX_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a.", true),
ADDSUFFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a on server &b%s&a.", true),
ADDSUFFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
REMOVESUFFIX_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed.", true),
REMOVESUFFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed on server &b%s&a.", true),
REMOVESUFFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
ADDSUFFIX_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a.", true),
ADDSUFFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a.", true),
ADDSUFFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a.", true),
REMOVESUFFIX_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed.", true),
REMOVESUFFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a.", true),
REMOVESUFFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_PREFIX_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_PREFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_PREFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a, for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_PREFIX_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had temporary prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_PREFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had temporary prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed on server &b%s&a.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_PREFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had temporary prefix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_PREFIX_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_PREFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_PREFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_PREFIX_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_PREFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_PREFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_SUFFIX_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_SUFFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_SUFFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a set at a priority of &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a, for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_SUFFIX_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had temporary suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_SUFFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had temporary suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed on server &b%s&a.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_SUFFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a had temporary suffix &f\"%s&f\"&a at priority &b%s&a removed on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_SUFFIX_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_SUFFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a.", true),
ADD_TEMP_SUFFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_SUFFIX_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{1}&a removed.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_SUFFIX_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a.", true),
REMOVE_TEMP_SUFFIX_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a.", true),
PREFIX + "&d-> &eUser: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &eUUID: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &eStatus: %s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &ePrimary Group: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &ePermissions: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &eTemporary Permissions: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &bUse &a/%s user %s listnodes &bto see all permissions.",
PREFIX + "&d-> &eUser: &6{0}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &eUUID: &6{1}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &eStatus: {2}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &ePrimary Group: &6{3}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &ePermissions: &6{4}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &eTemporary Permissions: &6{5}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &bUse &a/{6} user {7} listnodes &bto see all permissions.",
USER_GETUUID("&bThe UUID of &e%s&b is &e%s&b.", true),
USER_ADDGROUP_SUCCESS("&b%s&a successfully added to group &b%s&a.", true),
USER_ADDGROUP_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a successfully added to group &b%s&a on server &b%s&a.", true),
USER_ADDGROUP_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a successfully added to group &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
USER_ADDTEMPGROUP_SUCCESS("&b%s&a successfully added to group &b%s&a for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
USER_ADDTEMPGROUP_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a successfully added to group &b%s&a on server &b%s&a for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
USER_ADDTEMPGROUP_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a successfully added to group &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a, for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
USER_REMOVEGROUP_SUCCESS("&b%s&a was removed from group &b%s&a.", true),
USER_REMOVEGROUP_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a was removed from group &b%s&a on server &b%s&a.", true),
USER_REMOVEGROUP_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a was removed from group &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
USER_REMOVETEMPGROUP_SUCCESS("&b%s&a was removed from temproary group &b%s&a.", true),
USER_REMOVETEMPGROUP_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a was removed from temporary group &b%s&a on server &b%s&a.", true),
USER_REMOVETEMPGROUP_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a was removed from temporary group &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
USER_GETUUID("&bThe UUID of &e{0}&b is &e{1}&b.", true),
USER_ADDGROUP_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a.", true),
USER_ADDGROUP_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a.", true),
USER_ADDGROUP_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a.", true),
USER_ADDTEMPGROUP_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a for a duration of &b{2}&a.", true),
USER_ADDTEMPGROUP_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a.", true),
USER_ADDTEMPGROUP_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a.", true),
USER_REMOVEGROUP_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a was removed from group &b{1}&a.", true),
USER_REMOVEGROUP_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a was removed from group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a.", true),
USER_REMOVEGROUP_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a was removed from group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a.", true),
USER_REMOVETEMPGROUP_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a was removed from temproary group &b{1}&a.", true),
USER_REMOVETEMPGROUP_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a was removed from temporary group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a.", true),
USER_REMOVETEMPGROUP_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a was removed from temporary group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a.", true),
USER_REMOVEGROUP_ERROR_PRIMARY("You cannot remove a user from their primary group.", true),
USER_PRIMARYGROUP_SUCCESS("&b%s&a's primary group was set to &b%s&a.", true),
USER_PRIMARYGROUP_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a's primary group was set to &b{1}&a.", true),
USER_PRIMARYGROUP_ERROR_ALREADYHAS("The user already has this group set as their primary group.", true),
USER_PRIMARYGROUP_ERROR_NOTMEMBER("&b%s&a was not already a member of &b%s&a, adding them now.", true),
USER_SHOWTRACKS_INFO("&aShowing tracks that contain the group '&b%s&a' (%s's primary group)", true),
USER_PROMOTE_SUCCESS_PROMOTE("&aPromoting user along track &b%s&a from &b%s&a to &b%s&a.", true),
USER_PROMOTE_SUCCESS_REMOVE("&b%s&a was removed from &b%s&a, added to &b%s&a, and their primary group was set to &b%s&a.", true),
USER_PROMOTE_ERROR_ENDOFTRACK("The end of track &4%s&c was reached. Unable to promote user.", true),
USER_PRIMARYGROUP_ERROR_NOTMEMBER("&b{0}&a was not already a member of &b{1}&a, adding them now.", true),
USER_SHOWTRACKS_INFO("&aShowing tracks that contain the group '&b{0}&a' ({1}'s primary group)", true),
USER_PROMOTE_SUCCESS_PROMOTE("&aPromoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a.", true),
USER_PROMOTE_SUCCESS_REMOVE("&b{0}&a was removed from &b{1}&a, added to &b{2}&a, and their primary group was set to &b{3}&a.", true),
USER_PROMOTE_ERROR_ENDOFTRACK("The end of track &4{0}&c was reached. Unable to promote user.", true),
PREFIX + "The next group on the track, %s, no longer exists. Unable to promote user." + "\n" +
PREFIX + "The next group on the track, {0}, no longer exists. Unable to promote user." + "\n" +
PREFIX + "Either create the group, or remove it from the track and try again.",
USER_PROMOTE_ERROR_NOT_CONTAIN_GROUP("Promotions are done based on primary groups. The users primary group is not on the track specified.", true),
USER_DEMOTE_SUCCESS_PROMOTE("&aDemoting user along track &b%s&a from &b%s&a to &b%s&a.", true),
USER_DEMOTE_SUCCESS_REMOVE("&b%s&a was removed from &b%s&a, added to &b%s&a, and their primary group was set to &b%s&a.", true),
USER_DEMOTE_ERROR_ENDOFTRACK("The end of track &4%s&c was reached. Unable to demote user.", true),
USER_DEMOTE_SUCCESS_PROMOTE("&aDemoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a.", true),
USER_DEMOTE_SUCCESS_REMOVE("&b{0}&a was removed from &b{1}&a, added to &b{2}&a, and their primary group was set to &b{3}&a.", true),
USER_DEMOTE_ERROR_ENDOFTRACK("The end of track &4{0}&c was reached. Unable to demote user.", true),
PREFIX + "The previous group on the track, %s, no longer exists. Unable to demote user." + "\n" +
PREFIX + "The previous group on the track, {0}, no longer exists. Unable to demote user." + "\n" +
PREFIX + "Either create the group, or remove it from the track and try again.",
USER_DEMOTE_ERROR_NOT_CONTAIN_GROUP("Demotions are done based on primary groups. The users primary group is not on the track specified.", true),
USER_SHOWPOS("&aShowing &b%s&a's position on track &b%s&a.\n%s", true),
USER_SHOWPOS("&aShowing &b{0}&a's position on track &b{1}&a.\n{2}", true),
PREFIX + "&d-> &eGroup: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &ePermissions: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &eTemporary Permissions: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &bUse &a/%s group %s listnodes &bto see all permissions.",
PREFIX + "&d-> &eGroup: &6{0}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &ePermissions: &6{1}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &eTemporary Permissions: &6{2}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &bUse &a/{3} group {4} listnodes &bto see all permissions.",
GROUP_SETINHERIT_SUCCESS("&b%s&a now inherits permissions from &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_SETINHERIT_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a now inherits permissions from &b%s&a on server &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_SETINHERIT_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a now inherits permissions from &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_SET_TEMP_INHERIT_SUCCESS("&b%s&a now inherits permissions from &b%s&a for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_SET_TEMP_INHERIT_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a now inherits permissions from &b%s&a on server &b%s&a for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_SET_TEMP_INHERIT_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a now inherits permissions from &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a, for a duration of &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSETINHERIT_SUCCESS("&b%s&a no longer inherits permissions from &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSETINHERIT_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a no longer inherits permissions from &b%s&a on server &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSETINHERIT_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a no longer inherits permissions from &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSET_TEMP_INHERIT_SUCCESS("&b%s&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSET_TEMP_INHERIT_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b%s&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b%s&a on server &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSET_TEMP_INHERIT_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b%s&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b%s&a on server &b%s&a, world &b%s&a.", true),
GROUP_SETINHERIT_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a.", true),
GROUP_SETINHERIT_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a.", true),
GROUP_SETINHERIT_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a.", true),
GROUP_SET_TEMP_INHERIT_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a for a duration of &b{2}&a.", true),
GROUP_SET_TEMP_INHERIT_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a.", true),
GROUP_SET_TEMP_INHERIT_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSETINHERIT_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSETINHERIT_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSETINHERIT_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSET_TEMP_INHERIT_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSET_TEMP_INHERIT_SERVER_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a.", true),
GROUP_UNSET_TEMP_INHERIT_SERVER_WORLD_SUCCESS("&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a.", true),
PREFIX + "&d-> &eTrack: &6%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &ePath: &6%s",
PREFIX + "&d-> &eTrack: &6{0}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&d-> &ePath: &6{1}",
TRACK_CLEAR("&b%s&a's groups track was cleared.", true),
TRACK_APPEND_SUCCESS("&aGroup &b%s&a was successfully appended to track &b%s&a.", true),
TRACK_INSERT_SUCCESS("&aGroup &b%s&a was successfully inserted into track &b%s&a at position &b%s&a.", true),
TRACK_INSERT_ERROR_NUMBER("Expected number but instead received: %s", true),
TRACK_INSERT_ERROR_INVALID_POS("Unable to insert at position %s. Index out of bounds.", true),
TRACK_REMOVE_SUCCESS("&aGroup &b%s&a was successfully removed from track &b%s&a.", true),
TRACK_CLEAR("&b{0}&a's groups track was cleared.", true),
TRACK_APPEND_SUCCESS("&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully appended to track &b{1}&a.", true),
TRACK_INSERT_SUCCESS("&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully inserted into track &b{1}&a at position &b{2}&a.", true),
TRACK_INSERT_ERROR_NUMBER("Expected number but instead received: {0}", true),
TRACK_INSERT_ERROR_INVALID_POS("Unable to insert at position {0}. Index out of bounds.", true),
TRACK_REMOVE_SUCCESS("&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully removed from track &b{1}&a.", true),
LOG_LOAD_ERROR("The log could not be loaded.", true),
LOG_INVALID_PAGE("Invalid page number.", true),
LOG_INVALID_PAGE_RANGE("Invalid page number. Please enter a value between 1 and %s.", true),
LOG_INVALID_PAGE_RANGE("Invalid page number. Please enter a value between 1 and {0}.", true),
LOG_NO_ENTRIES("&eNo log entries to show.", true),
LOG_ENTRY("&e#%s -> &8(&7%s ago&8) %s", true),
LOG_ENTRY("&e#{0} -> &8(&7{1} ago&8) {2}", true),
LOG_NOTIFY_TOGGLE_ON("&aEnabled&b logging output.", true),
LOG_NOTIFY_TOGGLE_OFF("&cDisabled&b logging output.", true),
@ -309,47 +309,48 @@ public enum Message {
LOG_NOTIFY_ALREADY_OFF("You aren't currently receiving notifications.", true),
LOG_NOTIFY_UNKNOWN("State unknown. Expecting \"on\" or \"off\".", true),
LOG_SEARCH_HEADER("&aShowing recent actions for query &b%s &a(page &f%s&a of &f%s&a)", true),
LOG_SEARCH_HEADER("&aShowing recent actions for query &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)", true),
LOG_RECENT_HEADER("&aShowing recent actions (page &f%s&a of &f%s&a)", true),
LOG_RECENT_BY_HEADER("&aShowing recent actions by &b%s &a(page &f%s&a of &f%s&a)", true),
LOG_RECENT_HEADER("&aShowing recent actions (page &f{0}&a of &f{1}&a)", true),
LOG_RECENT_BY_HEADER("&aShowing recent actions by &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)", true),
LOG_HISTORY_USER_HEADER("&aShowing history for user &b%s &a(page &f%s&a of &f%s&a)", true),
LOG_HISTORY_GROUP_HEADER("&aShowing history for group &b%s &a(page &f%s&a of &f%s&a)", true),
LOG_HISTORY_TRACK_HEADER("&aShowing history for track &b%s &a(page &f%s&a of &f%s&a)", true),
LOG_HISTORY_USER_HEADER("&aShowing history for user &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)", true),
LOG_HISTORY_GROUP_HEADER("&aShowing history for group &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)", true),
LOG_HISTORY_TRACK_HEADER("&aShowing history for track &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)", true),
LOG_EXPORT_ALREADY_EXISTS("Error: File %s already exists.", true),
LOG_EXPORT_NOT_WRITABLE("Error: File %s is not writable.", true),
LOG_EXPORT_ALREADY_EXISTS("Error: File {0} already exists.", true),
LOG_EXPORT_NOT_WRITABLE("Error: File {0} is not writable.", true),
LOG_EXPORT_EMPTY("The log is empty and therefore cannot be exported.", true),
LOG_EXPORT_FAILURE("An unexpected error occured whilst writing to the file.", true),
LOG_EXPORT_SUCCESS("&aSuccessfully exported the log to &b%s&a.", true),
LOG_EXPORT_SUCCESS("&aSuccessfully exported the log to &b{0}&a.", true),
IMPORT_ALREADY_RUNNING("Another import process is already running. Please wait for it to finish and try again.", true),
IMPORT_LOG_DOESNT_EXIST("Error: File %s does not exist.", true),
IMPORT_LOG_NOT_READABLE("Error: File %s is not readable.", true),
IMPORT_LOG_DOESNT_EXIST("Error: File {0} does not exist.", true),
IMPORT_LOG_NOT_READABLE("Error: File {0} is not readable.", true),
IMPORT_LOG_FAILURE("An unexpected error occured whilst reading from the log file.", true),
IMPORT_PROGRESS("&e(Import) &d-> &f%s &6percent complete &7- &e%s&6/&e%s &6operations complete with &c%s &6errors.", true),
IMPORT_PROGRESS_SIN("&e(Import) &d-> &f%s &6percent complete &7- &e%s&6/&e%s &6operations complete with &c%s &6error.", true),
IMPORT_PROGRESS("&e(Import) &d-> &f{0} &6percent complete &7- &e{1}&6/&e{2} &6operations complete with &c{3} &6errors.", true),
IMPORT_PROGRESS_SIN("&e(Import) &d-> &f{0} &6percent complete &7- &e{1}&6/&e{2} &6operations complete with &c{3} &6error.", true),
IMPORT_START("&e(Import) &d-> &6Starting import process.", true),
IMPORT_END_COMPLETE("&e(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &e%s &7seconds - &7No errors.", true),
IMPORT_END_COMPLETE_ERR("&e(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &e%s &7seconds - &c%s errors.", true),
IMPORT_END_COMPLETE_ERR_SIN("&e(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &e%s &7seconds - &c%s error.", true),
IMPORT_END_COMPLETE("&e(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &e{0} &7seconds - &7No errors.", true),
IMPORT_END_COMPLETE_ERR("&e(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &e{0} &7seconds - &c{1} errors.", true),
IMPORT_END_COMPLETE_ERR_SIN("&e(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &e{0} &7seconds - &c{1} error.", true),
PREFIX + "&e(Import) &7------------> &6Showing Error #&e%s &7<------------" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&e(Import) &6Whilst executing: &fCommand #%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&e(Import) &6Command: &7%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&e(Import) &6Type: &f%s" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&e(Import) &7------------> &6Showing Error #&e{0} &7<------------" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&e(Import) &6Whilst executing: &fCommand #{1}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&e(Import) &6Command: &7{2}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&e(Import) &6Type: &f{3}" + "\n" +
PREFIX + "&e(Import) &6Output:",
IMPORT_END_ERROR_CONTENT("&e(Import) &d-> &c%s", true),
IMPORT_END_ERROR_CONTENT("&e(Import) &d-> &c{0}", true),
IMPORT_END_ERROR_FOOTER("&e(Import) &7<------------------------------------------>", true),
MIGRATION_NOT_CONSOLE("Migration must be performed from the Console.", true);
private String message;
private boolean showPrefix;
@ -359,13 +360,20 @@ public enum Message {
public void send(Sender sender, Object... objects) {
String s = sender.getPlatform().getLocaleManager().getTranslation(this);
if (s == null) {
s = message;
} else {
s = s.replace("{PREFIX}", PREFIX.getMessage()).replace("\\n", "\n");
try {
if (showPrefix) {
sender.sendMessage(Util.color(PREFIX + String.format(message, objects)));
sender.sendMessage(Util.color(PREFIX + MessageFormat.format(s, objects)));
} else {
sender.sendMessage(Util.color(String.format(message, objects)));
sender.sendMessage(Util.color(MessageFormat.format(s, objects)));
} catch (IllegalFormatException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
System.out.println("Could not format message: " + this);
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import me.lucko.luckperms.LuckPermsPlugin;
import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.CommandManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.CommandResult;
import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.Sender;
@ -183,6 +184,11 @@ public class Importer {
this.instance = instance;
public LuckPermsPlugin getPlatform() {
return instance.commandManager.getPlugin();
public String getName() {
return Constants.getImporterName();
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 Lucko (Luck) <>
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package me.lucko.luckperms.utils;
import lombok.Cleanup;
import me.lucko.luckperms.constants.Message;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
import java.util.Map;
* Manages translations
public class LocaleManager {
private Map<String, String> translations = null;
public void loadFromFile(File file) throws Exception {
@Cleanup FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(file);
translations = ImmutableMap.copyOf((Map<String, String>) new Yaml().load(fileReader));
public String getTranslation(Message key) {
if (translations == null) {
return null;
String k ='_', '-');
return translations.get(k);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
# LuckPerms Language File
# Locale: en_US
# Author: Luck
prefix: "&7&l[&b&lL&a&lP&7&l] &c"
empty: "{0}"
player-online: "&aOnline"
player-offline: "&cOffline"
loading-error: "Permissions data could not be loaded. Please contact an administrator."
op-disabled: "&eThe vanilla OP system is disabled on this server."
log: "&3LOG &3&l> {0}"
command-not-recognised: "Command not recognised."
command-no-permission: "You do not have permission to use this command!"
already-haspermission: "{0} already has this permission!"
does-not-havepermission: "{0} does not have this permission set."
already-has-temp-permission: "{0} already has this permission set temporarily!"
does-not-have-temp-permission: "{0} does not have this permission set temporarily."
user-not-found: "&eUser could not be found."
user-save-success: "&7(User data was saved to the datastore)"
user-save-error: "There was an error whilst saving the user."
user-attempting-lookup: "&7(Attempting UUID lookup, since you specified a username)"
user-create-fail: "There was an error whilst creating a new user."
group-not-found: "&eGroup could not be found."
group-save-success: "&7(Group data was saved to the datastore)"
group-save-error: "There was an error whilst saving the group."
track-not-found: "&eTrack could not be found."
track-save-success: "&7(Track data was saved to the datastore)"
track-save-error: "There was an error whilst saving the track."
user-use-addgroup: "Use the addgroup command instead of specifying the node."
user-use-removegroup: "Use the removegroup command instead of specifying the node."
user-invalid-entry: "&d{0}&c is not a valid username/uuid."
group-use-inherit: "Use the setinherit command instead of specifying the node."
group-use-uninherit: "Use the unsetinherit command instead of specifying the node."
group-invalid-entry: "Group names can only contain alphanumeric characters."
track-invalid-entry: "Track names can only contain alphanumeric characters."
server-invalid-entry: "Server names can only contain alphanumeric characters."
create-success: "&b{0}&a was successfully created."
delete-success: "&b{0}&a was successfully deleted."
rename-success: "&b{0}&a was successfully renamed to &b{0}&a."
user-already-member-of: "{0} is already a member of '{1}'."
user-not-member-of: "{0} is not a member of '{1}'."
group-already-inherits: "{0} already inherits '{1}'."
group-does-not-inherit: "{0} does not inherit '{1}'."
user-already-temp-member-of: "{0} is already a temporary member of '{1}'."
user-not-temp-member-of: "{0} is not a temporary member of '{1}'."
group-already-temp-inherits: "{0} already temporarily inherits '{1}'."
group-does-not-temp-inherit: "{0} does not temporarily inherit '{1}'."
track-already-contains: "Track {0} already contains the group '{1}'."
track-does-not-contain: "Track {0} does not contain the group '{1}'."
group-already-exists: "That group already exists!"
group-does-not-exist: "That group does not exist!"
group-load-error: "An unexpected error occurred. Group not loaded."
groups-load-error: "An unexpected error occurred. Unable to load all groups."
track-already-exists: "That track already exists!"
track-does-not-exist: "That track does not exist!"
track-load-error: "An unexpected error occurred. Track not loaded."
tracks-load-error: "An unexpected error occurred. Unable to load all tracks."
track-empty: "The track cannot be used as it is empty or contains only one group."
update-task-run: "&bRunning update task for all online users."
info: >
{PREFIX}&6Running &bLuckPerms v{0}&6 by &bLuck&6.\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &ePlatform: &6{1}\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &eStorage Method: &6{2}\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &eServer Name: &6{3}\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &eSync Interval: &6{4} minutes\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &eInclude Global: &6{5}\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &eInclude Global World: &6{6}\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &eApply Global Groups: &6{7}\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &eApply Global World Groups: &6{8}\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &eOnline Mode: &6{9}\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &eApply Wildcards: &6{10}\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &eApply Regex: &6{11}\n
{PREFIX}&f-> &eApply Shorthand: &6{12}
debug: >
{PREFIX}&d&l> &dDebug Info\n
{PREFIX}&f> &eOnline Players: &6{0}\n
{PREFIX}&f> &eLoaded Users: &6{1}\n
{PREFIX}&f> &eLoaded Groups: &6{2}\n
{PREFIX}&f> &eLoaded Tracks: &6{3}
create-group-error: "There was an error whilst creating the group."
delete-group-error: "There was an error whilst deleting the group."
delete-group-error-default: "You cannot delete the default group."
groups-list: "&aGroups: {0}"
create-track-error: "There was an error whilst creating the track."
delete-track-error: "There was an error whilst deleting the track."
tracks-list: "&aTracks: {0}"
listnodes: "&e{0}'s Nodes:\n{1}"
listnodes-temp: "&e{0}'s Temporary Nodes:\n{1}"
listparents: "&e{0}'s Parent Groups:\n{1}"
listparents-temp: "&e{0}'s Temporary Parent Groups:\n{1}"
listgroups: "&e{0}'s Groups:\n{1}"
listgroups-temp: "&e{0}'s Temporary Groups:\n{1}"
setpermission-success: "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a."
setpermission-server-success: "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
setpermission-server-world-success: "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
setpermission-temp-success: "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
setpermission-temp-server-success: "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a for a duration of &b{4}&a."
setpermission-temp-server-world-success: "&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a."
unsetpermission-success: "&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a."
unsetpermission-server-success: "&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
unsetpermission-server-world-success: "&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
unset-temp-permission-success: "&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a."
unset-temp-permission-server-success: "&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
unset-temp-permission-server-world-success: "&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
clear-success: "&b{0}&a's permissions were cleared."
illegal-date-error: "Could not parse date '{0}'."
past-date-error: "You cannot set a date in the past!"
chat-meta-prefix-header: "&e{0}'s Prefixes"
chat-meta-suffix-header: "&e{0}'s Suffixes"
chat-meta-entry: "&d-> &e{0} &6- &f\"{1}&f\""
chat-meta-prefix-none: "&e{0} has no prefixes."
chat-meta-suffix-none: "&e{0} has no suffixes."
meta-invalid-priority: "Invalid priority '{0}'. Expected a number."
already-has-prefix: "{0} already has that prefix set."
already-has-suffix: "{0} already has that suffix set."
does-not-have-prefix: "{0} doesn't have that prefix set."
does-not-have-suffix: "{0} doesn't have that suffix set."
addprefix-success: "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a."
addprefix-server-success: "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
addprefix-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
removeprefix-success: "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed."
removeprefix-server-success: "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
removeprefix-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
addsuffix-success: "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a."
addsuffix-server-success: "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
addsuffix-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
removesuffix-success: "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed."
removesuffix-server-success: "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
removesuffix-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
add-temp-prefix-success: "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
add-temp-prefix-server-success: "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a."
add-temp-prefix-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a."
remove-temp-prefix-success: "&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed."
remove-temp-prefix-server-success: "&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
remove-temp-prefix-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
add-temp-suffix-success: "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
add-temp-suffix-server-success: "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a."
add-temp-suffix-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a."
remove-temp-suffix-success: "&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{1}&a removed."
remove-temp-suffix-server-success: "&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
remove-temp-suffix-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
user-info: >
{PREFIX}&d-> &eUser: &6{0}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &eUUID: &6{1}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &eStatus: {2}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &ePrimary Group: &6{3}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &ePermissions: &6{4}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &eTemporary Permissions: &6{5}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &bUse &a/{6} user {7} listnodes &bto see all permissions.
user-getuuid: "&bThe UUID of &e{0}&b is &e{1}&b."
user-addgroup-success: "&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a."
user-addgroup-server-success: "&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
user-addgroup-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
user-addtempgroup-success: "&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a for a duration of &b{2}&a."
user-addtempgroup-server-success: "&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
user-addtempgroup-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a."
user-removegroup-success: "&b{0}&a was removed from group &b{1}&a."
user-removegroup-server-success: "&b{0}&a was removed from group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
user-removegroup-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a was removed from group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
user-removetempgroup-success: "&b{0}&a was removed from temproary group &b{1}&a."
user-removetempgroup-server-success: "&b{0}&a was removed from temporary group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
user-removetempgroup-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a was removed from temporary group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
user-removegroup-error-primary: "You cannot remove a user from their primary group."
user-primarygroup-success: "&b{0}&a's primary group was set to &b{1}&a."
user-primarygroup-error-alreadyhas: "The user already has this group set as their primary group."
user-primarygroup-error-notmember: "&b{0}&a was not already a member of &b{1}&a, adding them now."
user-showtracks-info: "&aShowing tracks that contain the group '&b{0}&a' ({1}'s primary group)"
user-promote-success-promote: "&aPromoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a."
user-promote-success-remove: "&b{0}&a was removed from &b{1}&a, added to &b{2}&a, and their primary group was set to &b{3}&a."
user-promote-error-endoftrack: "The end of track &4{0}&c was reached. Unable to promote user."
user-promote-error-malformed: >
{PREFIX}The next group on the track, {0}, no longer exists. Unable to promote user.
{PREFIX}Either create the group, or remove it from the track and try again.
user-promote-error-not-contain-group: "Promotions are done based on primary groups. The users primary group is not on the track specified."
user-demote-success-promote: "&aDemoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a."
user-demote-success-remove: "&b{0}&a was removed from &b{1}&a, added to &b{2}&a, and their primary group was set to &b{3}&a."
user-demote-error-endoftrack: "The end of track &4{0}&c was reached. Unable to demote user."
user-demote-error-malformed: >
{PREFIX}The previous group on the track, {0}, no longer exists. Unable to demote user.\n
{PREFIX}Either create the group, or remove it from the track and try again.
user-demote-error-not-contain-group: "Demotions are done based on primary groups. The users primary group is not on the track specified."
user-showpos: "&aShowing &b{0}&a's position on track &b{1}&a.\n{2}"
group-info: >
{PREFIX}&d-> &eGroup: &6{0}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &ePermissions: &6{1}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &eTemporary Permissions: &6{2}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &bUse &a/{3} group {4} listnodes &bto see all permissions.
group-setinherit-success: "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a."
group-setinherit-server-success: "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
group-setinherit-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
group-set-temp-inherit-success: "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a for a duration of &b{2}&a."
group-set-temp-inherit-server-success: "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
group-set-temp-inherit-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a."
group-unsetinherit-success: "&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a."
group-unsetinherit-server-success: "&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
group-unsetinherit-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
group-unset-temp-inherit-success: "&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a."
group-unset-temp-inherit-server-success: "&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
group-unset-temp-inherit-server-world-success: "&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
track-info: >
{PREFIX}&d-> &eTrack: &6{0}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &ePath: &6{1}
track-clear: "&b{0}&a's groups track was cleared."
track-append-success: "&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully appended to track &b{1}&a."
track-insert-success: "&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully inserted into track &b{1}&a at position &b{2}&a."
track-insert-error-number: "Expected number but instead received: {0}"
track-insert-error-invalid-pos: "Unable to insert at position {0}. Index out of bounds."
track-remove-success: "&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully removed from track &b{1}&a."
log-load-error: "The log could not be loaded."
log-invalid-page: "Invalid page number."
log-invalid-page-range: "Invalid page number. Please enter a value between 1 and {0}."
log-no-entries: "&eNo log entries to show."
log-entry: "&e#{0} -> &8(&7{1} ago&8) {2}"
log-notify-toggle-on: "&aEnabled&b logging output."
log-notify-toggle-off: "&cDisabled&b logging output."
log-notify-already-on: "You are already receiving notifications."
log-notify-already-off: "You aren't currently receiving notifications."
log-notify-unknown: "State unknown. Expecting \"on\" or \"off\"."
log-search-header: "&aShowing recent actions for query &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)"
log-recent-header: "&aShowing recent actions (page &f{0}&a of &f{1}&a)"
log-recent-by-header: "&aShowing recent actions by &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)"
log-history-user-header: "&aShowing history for user &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)"
log-history-group-header: "&aShowing history for group &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)"
log-history-track-header: "&aShowing history for track &b{0} &a(page &f{1}&a of &f{2}&a)"
log-export-already-exists: "Error: File {0} already exists."
log-export-not-writable: "Error: File {0} is not writable."
log-export-empty: "The log is empty and therefore cannot be exported."
log-export-failure: "An unexpected error occured whilst writing to the file."
log-export-success: "&aSuccessfully exported the log to &b{0}&a."
import-already-running: "Another import process is already running. Please wait for it to finish and try again."
import-log-doesnt-exist: "Error: File {0} does not exist."
import-log-not-readable: "Error: File {0} is not readable."
import-log-failure: "An unexpected error occured whilst reading from the log file."
import-progress: "&e(Import) &d-> &f{0} &6percent complete &7- &e{1}&6/&e{2} &6operations complete with &c{3} &6errors."
import-progress-sin: "&e(Import) &d-> &f{0} &6percent complete &7- &e{1}&6/&e{2} &6operations complete with &c{3} &6error."
import-start: "&e(Import) &d-> &6Starting import process."
import-end-complete: "&e(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &e{0} &7seconds - &7No errors."
import-end-complete-err: "&e(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &e{0} &7seconds - &c{1} errors."
import-end-complete-err-sin: "&e(Import) &a&lCOMPLETED &7- took &e{0} &7seconds - &c{1} error."
import-end-error-header: >
{PREFIX}&e(Import) &7------------> &6Showing Error #&e{0} &7<------------\n
{PREFIX}&e(Import) &6Whilst executing: &fCommand #{1}\n
{PREFIX}&e(Import) &6Command: &7{2}\n
{PREFIX}&e(Import) &6Type: &f{3}\n
{PREFIX}&e(Import) &6Output:
import-end-error-content: "&e(Import) &d-> &c{0}"
import-end-error-footer: "&e(Import) &7<------------------------------------------>"
migration-not-console: "Migration must be performed from the Console."
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import;
import me.lucko.luckperms.tracks.TrackManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.users.SpongeUserManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.users.UserManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.utils.LocaleManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.utils.LogFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.spongepowered.api.Game;
@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ public class LPSpongePlugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
private Importer importer;
private ConsecutiveExecutor consecutiveExecutor;
private LuckPermsService service;
private LocaleManager localeManager;
public void onEnable(GamePreInitializationEvent event) {
@ -103,6 +105,17 @@ public class LPSpongePlugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
getLog().info("Loading configuration...");
configuration = new SpongeConfig(this);
localeManager = new LocaleManager();
File locale = new File(getMainDir(), "lang.yml");
if (locale.exists()) {
getLog().info("Found locale file. Attempting to load from it.");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// register events
Sponge.getEventManager().registerListeners(this, new SpongeListener(this));
@ -139,7 +152,7 @@ public class LPSpongePlugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
scheduler.createTaskBuilder().async().intervalTicks(60L).execute(new ExpireTemporaryTask(this)).submit(this);
@ -219,14 +232,14 @@ public class LPSpongePlugin implements LuckPermsPlugin {
public List<Sender> getNotifyListeners() {
return game.getServer().getOnlinePlayers().stream()
.map(s -> SpongeSenderFactory.get().wrap(s, Collections.singleton(Permission.LOG_NOTIFY)))
.map(s -> SpongeSenderFactory.get(this).wrap(s, Collections.singleton(Permission.LOG_NOTIFY)))
public Sender getConsoleSender() {
return SpongeSenderFactory.get().wrap(game.getServer().getConsole());
return SpongeSenderFactory.get(this).wrap(game.getServer().getConsole());
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class SpongeCommand extends CommandManager implements CommandCallable {
public CommandResult process(CommandSource source, String s) throws CommandException {
@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ class SpongeCommand extends CommandManager implements CommandCallable {
public List<String> getSuggestions(CommandSource source, String s, @Nullable Location<World> location) throws CommandException {
return onTabComplete(SpongeSenderFactory.get().wrap(source), Splitter.on(' ').splitToList(s));
return onTabComplete(SpongeSenderFactory.get(getPlugin()).wrap(source), Splitter.on(' ').splitToList(s));
public List<String> getSuggestions(CommandSource source, String s) throws CommandException {
return onTabComplete(SpongeSenderFactory.get().wrap(source), Splitter.on(' ').splitToList(s));
return onTabComplete(SpongeSenderFactory.get(getPlugin()).wrap(source), Splitter.on(' ').splitToList(s));
@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
package me.lucko.luckperms;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import me.lucko.luckperms.commands.SenderFactory;
import me.lucko.luckperms.constants.Constants;
import org.spongepowered.api.command.CommandSource;
@ -32,12 +30,16 @@ import org.spongepowered.api.text.serializer.TextSerializers;
import java.util.UUID;
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class SpongeSenderFactory extends SenderFactory<CommandSource> {
private static SpongeSenderFactory instance = null;
public static synchronized SpongeSenderFactory get() {
private SpongeSenderFactory(LuckPermsPlugin plugin) {
public static synchronized SpongeSenderFactory get(LuckPermsPlugin plugin) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new SpongeSenderFactory();
instance = new SpongeSenderFactory(plugin);
return instance;
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import;
import me.lucko.luckperms.tracks.TrackManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.users.StandaloneUserManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.users.UserManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.utils.LocaleManager;
import me.lucko.luckperms.utils.LogFactory;
@ -65,12 +66,14 @@ public class StandaloneBase implements LuckPermsPlugin {
private final Logger log;
private final UuidCache uuidCache;
private final ApiProvider apiProvider;
private final LocaleManager localeManager;
public StandaloneBase(LPStandaloneApp app) {
logger = java.util.logging.Logger.getGlobal();
log = LogFactory.wrap(logger);
configuration = new StandaloneConfiguration(this);
localeManager = new LocaleManager();
// TODO datastore
datastore = null;
@ -165,7 +168,13 @@ public class StandaloneBase implements LuckPermsPlugin {
public Sender getConsoleSender() {
final LuckPermsPlugin instance = this;
return new Sender() {
public LuckPermsPlugin getPlatform() {
return instance;
public String getName() {
return Constants.getConsoleName();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user