setpermission-success:"&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a."
setpermission-server-success:"&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
setpermission-server-world-success:"&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
setpermission-temp-success:"&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
setpermission-temp-server-success:"&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a for a duration of &b{4}&a."
setpermission-temp-server-world-success:"&aSet &b{0}&a to &b{1}&a for &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a."
unsetpermission-success:"&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a."
unsetpermission-server-success:"&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
unsetpermission-server-world-success:"&aUnset &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
unset-temp-permission-success:"&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a."
unset-temp-permission-server-success:"&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
unset-temp-permission-server-world-success:"&aUnset temporary permission &b{0}&a for &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
clear-success:"&b{0}&a's permissions were cleared."
illegal-date-error:"Could not parse date '{0}'."
past-date-error:"You cannot set a date in the past!"
chat-meta-prefix-header:"&e{0}'s Prefixes"
chat-meta-suffix-header:"&e{0}'s Suffixes"
chat-meta-entry:"&d-> &e{0} &6- &f\"{1}&f\""
chat-meta-prefix-none:"&e{0} has no prefixes."
chat-meta-suffix-none:"&e{0} has no suffixes."
meta-invalid-priority:"Invalid priority '{0}'. Expected a number."
already-has-prefix:"{0} already has that prefix set."
already-has-suffix:"{0} already has that suffix set."
does-not-have-prefix:"{0} doesn't have that prefix set."
does-not-have-suffix:"{0} doesn't have that suffix set."
addprefix-success:"&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a."
addprefix-server-success:"&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
addprefix-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
removeprefix-success:"&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed."
removeprefix-server-success:"&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
removeprefix-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
addsuffix-success:"&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a."
addsuffix-server-success:"&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
addsuffix-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
removesuffix-success:"&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed."
removesuffix-server-success:"&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
removesuffix-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
add-temp-prefix-success:"&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
add-temp-prefix-server-success:"&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a."
add-temp-prefix-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a had prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a."
remove-temp-prefix-success:"&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed."
remove-temp-prefix-server-success:"&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
remove-temp-prefix-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a had temporary prefix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
add-temp-suffix-success:"&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
add-temp-suffix-server-success:"&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a."
add-temp-suffix-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a had suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a set at a priority of &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a, for a duration of &b{5}&a."
remove-temp-suffix-success:"&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{1}&a removed."
remove-temp-suffix-server-success:"&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a."
remove-temp-suffix-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a had temporary suffix &f\"{1}&f\"&a at priority &b{2}&a removed on server &b{3}&a, world &b{4}&a."
{PREFIX}&d-> &eUser:&6{0}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &eUUID:&6{1}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &eStatus:{2}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &ePrimary Group:&6{3}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &ePermissions:&6{4}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &eTemporary Permissions:&6{5}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &bUse &a/{6} user {7} listnodes &bto see all permissions.
user-getuuid:"&bThe UUID of &e{0}&b is &e{1}&b."
user-addgroup-success:"&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a."
user-addgroup-server-success:"&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
user-addgroup-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
user-addtempgroup-success:"&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a for a duration of &b{2}&a."
user-addtempgroup-server-success:"&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
user-addtempgroup-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a successfully added to group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a."
user-removegroup-success:"&b{0}&a was removed from group &b{1}&a."
user-removegroup-server-success:"&b{0}&a was removed from group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
user-removegroup-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a was removed from group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
user-removetempgroup-success:"&b{0}&a was removed from temproary group &b{1}&a."
user-removetempgroup-server-success:"&b{0}&a was removed from temporary group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
user-removetempgroup-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a was removed from temporary group &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
user-removegroup-error-primary:"You cannot remove a user from their primary group."
user-primarygroup-success:"&b{0}&a's primary group was set to &b{1}&a."
user-primarygroup-error-alreadyhas:"The user already has this group set as their primary group."
user-primarygroup-error-notmember:"&b{0}&a was not already a member of &b{1}&a, adding them now."
user-showtracks-info:"&aShowing tracks that contain the group '&b{0}&a' ({1}'s primary group)"
user-promote-success-promote:"&aPromoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a."
user-promote-success-remove:"&b{0}&a was removed from &b{1}&a, added to &b{2}&a, and their primary group was set to &b{3}&a."
user-promote-error-endoftrack:"The end of track &4{0}&c was reached. Unable to promote user."
{PREFIX}The next group on the track, {0}, no longer exists. Unable to promote user.
{PREFIX}Either create the group, or remove it from the track and try again.
user-promote-error-not-contain-group:"Promotions are done based on primary groups. The users primary group is not on the track specified."
user-demote-success-promote:"&aDemoting user along track &b{0}&a from &b{1}&a to &b{2}&a."
user-demote-success-remove:"&b{0}&a was removed from &b{1}&a, added to &b{2}&a, and their primary group was set to &b{3}&a."
user-demote-error-endoftrack:"The end of track &4{0}&c was reached. Unable to demote user."
{PREFIX}The previous group on the track, {0}, no longer exists. Unable to demote user.\n
{PREFIX}Either create the group, or remove it from the track and try again.
user-demote-error-not-contain-group:"Demotions are done based on primary groups. The users primary group is not on the track specified."
user-showpos:"&aShowing &b{0}&a's position on track &b{1}&a.\n{2}"
{PREFIX}&d-> &eGroup:&6{0}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &ePermissions:&6{1}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &eTemporary Permissions:&6{2}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &bUse &a/{3} group {4} listnodes &bto see all permissions.
group-setinherit-success:"&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a."
group-setinherit-server-success:"&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{2}&a on server &b{3}&a."
group-setinherit-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
group-set-temp-inherit-success:"&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a for a duration of &b{2}&a."
group-set-temp-inherit-server-success:"&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a for a duration of &b{3}&a."
group-set-temp-inherit-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a now inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a, for a duration of &b{4}&a."
group-unsetinherit-success:"&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a."
group-unsetinherit-server-success:"&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
group-unsetinherit-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a no longer inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
group-unset-temp-inherit-success:"&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a."
group-unset-temp-inherit-server-success:"&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a."
group-unset-temp-inherit-server-world-success:"&b{0}&a no longer temporarily inherits permissions from &b{1}&a on server &b{2}&a, world &b{3}&a."
{PREFIX}&d-> &eTrack:&6{0}\n
{PREFIX}&d-> &ePath:&6{1}
track-clear:"&b{0}&a's groups track was cleared."
track-append-success:"&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully appended to track &b{1}&a."
track-insert-success:"&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully inserted into track &b{1}&a at position &b{2}&a."
track-insert-error-number:"Expected number but instead received: {0}"
track-insert-error-invalid-pos:"Unable to insert at position {0}. Index out of bounds."
track-remove-success:"&aGroup &b{0}&a was successfully removed from track &b{1}&a."
log-load-error:"The log could not be loaded."
log-invalid-page:"Invalid page number."
log-invalid-page-range:"Invalid page number. Please enter a value between 1 and {0}."