// OverallDifficulty is not considered in this algorithm and neither is HpDrainRate. That means, that in this form the algorithm determines how hard it physically is
// to play the map, assuming, that too much of an error will not lead to a death.
// It might be desirable to include OverallDifficulty into map difficulty, but in my personal opinion it belongs more to the weighting of the actual peformance
// and is superfluous in the beatmap difficulty rating.
// If it were to be considered, then I would look at the hit window of normal HitCircles only, since Sliders and Spinners are (almost) "free" 300s and take map length
// into account as well.
// The difficulty can be scaled by any desired metric.
// In osu!tp it gets squared to account for the rapid increase in difficulty as the limit of a human is approached. (Of course it also gets scaled afterwards.)
// It would not be suitable for a star rating, therefore:
// The following is a proposal to forge a star rating from 0 to 5. It consists of taking the square root of the difficulty, since by simply scaling the easier
// Again, from own observations and from the general opinion of the community a map with high speed and low aim (or vice versa) difficulty is harder,
// than a map with mediocre difficulty in both. Therefore we can not just add both difficulties together, but will introduce a scaling that favors extremes.
// Another approach to this would be taking Speed and Aim separately to a chosen power, which again would be equivalent. This would be more convenient if
// the hit window size is to be considered as well.
// Note: The star rating is tuned extremely tight! Airman (/b/104229) and Freedom Dive (/b/126645), two of the hardest ranked maps, both score ~4.66 stars.
// Expect the easier kind of maps that officially get 5 stars to obtain around 2 by this metric. The tutorial still scores about half a star.
// Tune by yourself as you please. ;)
// Traverse hitObjects in pairs to calculate the strain value of NextHitObject from the strain value of CurrentHitObject and environment.
// The maximum strain of the next interval is not zero by default! We need to take the last hitObject we encountered, take its strain and apply the decay