2021-04-27 15:40:35 +09:00
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Collections.Specialized ;
using System.Linq ;
using osu.Framework.Allocation ;
using osu.Framework.Bindables ;
using osu.Framework.Graphics ;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers ;
using osu.Framework.Input.Events ;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit ;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects ;
namespace osu.Game.Screens.Edit.Compose.Components
public class EditorBlueprintContainer : BlueprintContainer < HitObject >
protected EditorClock EditorClock { get ; private set ; }
protected EditorBeatmap Beatmap { get ; private set ; }
protected readonly HitObjectComposer Composer ;
private readonly BindableList < HitObject > selectedHitObjects = new BindableList < HitObject > ( ) ;
protected EditorBlueprintContainer ( HitObjectComposer composer )
Composer = composer ;
private void load ( )
// For non-pooled rulesets, hitobjects are already present in the playfield which allows the blueprints to be loaded in the async context.
if ( Composer ! = null )
foreach ( var obj in Composer . HitObjects )
AddBlueprintFor ( obj . HitObject ) ;
selectedHitObjects . BindTo ( Beatmap . SelectedHitObjects ) ;
selectedHitObjects . CollectionChanged + = ( selectedObjects , args ) = >
switch ( args . Action )
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction . Add :
foreach ( var o in args . NewItems )
SelectionBlueprints . FirstOrDefault ( b = > b . Item = = o ) ? . Select ( ) ;
break ;
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction . Remove :
foreach ( var o in args . OldItems )
SelectionBlueprints . FirstOrDefault ( b = > b . Item = = o ) ? . Deselect ( ) ;
break ;
} ;
protected override void LoadComplete ( )
base . LoadComplete ( ) ;
Beatmap . HitObjectAdded + = AddBlueprintFor ;
Beatmap . HitObjectRemoved + = RemoveBlueprintFor ;
if ( Composer ! = null )
// For pooled rulesets, blueprints must be added for hitobjects already "current" as they would've not been "current" during the async load addition process above.
foreach ( var obj in Composer . HitObjects )
AddBlueprintFor ( obj . HitObject ) ;
Composer . Playfield . HitObjectUsageBegan + = AddBlueprintFor ;
Composer . Playfield . HitObjectUsageFinished + = RemoveBlueprintFor ;
protected override IEnumerable < SelectionBlueprint < HitObject > > SortForMovement ( IReadOnlyList < SelectionBlueprint < HitObject > > blueprints )
= > blueprints . OrderBy ( b = > b . Item . StartTime ) ;
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protected override bool AllowDeselectionDuringDrag = > ! EditorClock . IsRunning ;
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protected override bool ApplySnapResult ( SelectionBlueprint < HitObject > [ ] blueprints , SnapResult result )
if ( ! base . ApplySnapResult ( blueprints , result ) )
return false ;
if ( result . Time . HasValue )
// Apply the start time at the newly snapped-to position
double offset = result . Time . Value - blueprints . First ( ) . Item . StartTime ;
if ( offset ! = 0 )
Beatmap . PerformOnSelection ( obj = > obj . StartTime + = offset ) ;
return true ;
protected override void AddBlueprintFor ( HitObject item )
if ( item is IBarLine )
return ;
base . AddBlueprintFor ( item ) ;
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protected override void DragOperationCompleted ( )
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base . DragOperationCompleted ( ) ;
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// handle positional change etc.
foreach ( var blueprint in SelectionBlueprints )
Beatmap . Update ( blueprint . Item ) ;
protected override bool OnDoubleClick ( DoubleClickEvent e )
if ( ! base . OnDoubleClick ( e ) )
return false ;
EditorClock ? . SeekSmoothlyTo ( ClickedBlueprint . Item . StartTime ) ;
return true ;
protected override Container < SelectionBlueprint < HitObject > > CreateSelectionBlueprintContainer ( ) = > new HitObjectOrderedSelectionContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes . Both } ;
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protected override SelectionHandler < HitObject > CreateSelectionHandler ( ) = > new EditorSelectionHandler ( ) ;
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protected override void SelectAll ( )
Composer . Playfield . KeepAllAlive ( ) ;
base . SelectAll ( ) ;
protected override void OnBlueprintSelected ( SelectionBlueprint < HitObject > blueprint )
base . OnBlueprintSelected ( blueprint ) ;
Composer . Playfield . SetKeepAlive ( blueprint . Item , true ) ;
protected override void OnBlueprintDeselected ( SelectionBlueprint < HitObject > blueprint )
base . OnBlueprintDeselected ( blueprint ) ;
Composer . Playfield . SetKeepAlive ( blueprint . Item , false ) ;
protected override void Dispose ( bool isDisposing )
base . Dispose ( isDisposing ) ;
if ( Beatmap ! = null )
Beatmap . HitObjectAdded - = AddBlueprintFor ;
Beatmap . HitObjectRemoved - = RemoveBlueprintFor ;
if ( Composer ! = null )
Composer . Playfield . HitObjectUsageBegan - = AddBlueprintFor ;
Composer . Playfield . HitObjectUsageFinished - = RemoveBlueprintFor ;