2019-12-30 00:56:29 +11:00

1039 lines
35 KiB

using SharpDX;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public class Archetype
public virtual MetaName Type => MetaName.CBaseArchetypeDef;
public CBaseArchetypeDef _BaseArchetypeDef;
public CBaseArchetypeDef BaseArchetypeDef => _BaseArchetypeDef; // for browsing.
public MetaHash Hash { get; set; }
public YtypFile Ytyp { get; set; }
public MetaHash DrawableDict { get; set; }
public MetaHash TextureDict { get; set; }
public MetaHash ClipDict { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMin { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMax { get; set; }
public Vector3 BSCenter { get; set; }
public float BSRadius { get; set; }
public float LodDist { get; set; }
public MetaWrapper[] Extensions { get; set; }
public string Name
public string AssetName
return _BaseArchetypeDef.assetName.ToString();
protected void InitVars(ref CBaseArchetypeDef arch)
_BaseArchetypeDef = arch;
Hash = arch.assetName;
if (Hash.Hash == 0) Hash =;
DrawableDict = arch.drawableDictionary;
TextureDict = arch.textureDictionary;
ClipDict = arch.clipDictionary;
BBMin = arch.bbMin;
BBMax = arch.bbMax;
BSCenter = arch.bsCentre;
BSRadius = arch.bsRadius;
LodDist = arch.lodDist;
public void Init(YtypFile ytyp, ref CBaseArchetypeDef arch)
Ytyp = ytyp;
InitVars(ref arch);
public virtual bool IsActive(float hour)
return true;
public override string ToString()
return _BaseArchetypeDef.ToString();
public class TimeArchetype : Archetype
public override MetaName Type => MetaName.CTimeArchetypeDef;
public CTimeArchetypeDef _TimeArchetypeDef;
public CTimeArchetypeDef TimeArchetypeDef => _TimeArchetypeDef; // for browsing.
public uint TimeFlags { get; set; }
public bool[] ActiveHours { get; set; }
public string[] ActiveHoursText { get; set; }
public bool ExtraFlag { get { return ((TimeFlags >> 24) & 1) == 1; } }
public void Init(YtypFile ytyp, ref CTimeArchetypeDef arch)
Ytyp = ytyp;
InitVars(ref arch._BaseArchetypeDef);
_TimeArchetypeDef = arch;
TimeFlags = arch.TimeArchetypeDef.timeFlags;
public override bool IsActive(float hour)
if (ActiveHours == null) return true;
int h = ((int)hour) % 24;
if ((h < 0) || (h > 23)) return true;
return ActiveHours[h];
public void UpdateActiveHours()
if (ActiveHours == null)
ActiveHours = new bool[24];
ActiveHoursText = new string[24];
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
bool v = ((TimeFlags >> i) & 1) == 1;
ActiveHours[i] = v;
int nxth = (i < 23) ? (i + 1) : 0;
string hrs = string.Format("{0:00}:00 - {1:00}:00", i, nxth);
ActiveHoursText[i] = (hrs + (v ? " - On" : " - Off"));
public void SetTimeFlags(uint flags)
TimeFlags = flags;
_TimeArchetypeDef._TimeArchetypeDef.timeFlags = flags;
public class MloArchetype : Archetype
public override MetaName Type => MetaName.CMloArchetypeDef;
public CMloArchetypeDef MloArchetypeDef => _MloArchetypeDef; // for browsing.
public CMloArchetypeDef _MloArchetypeDef;
public CMloArchetypeDefData _MloArchetypeDefData;
public MCEntityDef[] entities { get; set; }
public MCMloRoomDef[] rooms { get; set; }
public MCMloPortalDef[] portals { get; set; }
public MCMloEntitySet[] entitySets { get; set; }
public CMloTimeCycleModifier[] timeCycleModifiers { get; set; }
public void Init(YtypFile ytyp, ref CMloArchetypeDef arch)
Ytyp = ytyp;
InitVars(ref arch._BaseArchetypeDef);
_MloArchetypeDef = arch;
_MloArchetypeDefData = arch.MloArchetypeDef;
public bool AddEntity(YmapEntityDef ent, int roomIndex, int portalIndex = -1, int entsetIndex = -1)
if (ent == null) return false;
if (roomIndex >= (rooms?.Length ?? 0))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Room index {roomIndex} exceeds the amount of rooms in {Name}.");
if (portalIndex >= (portals?.Length ?? 0))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Portal index {portalIndex} exceeds the amount of portals in {Name}.");
if (entsetIndex >= (entitySets?.Length ?? 0))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"EntitySet index {entsetIndex} exceeds the amount of entitySets in {Name}.");
var mcEntityDef = new MCEntityDef(ref ent._CEntityDef, this);
if ((roomIndex >= 0) || (portalIndex >= 0))
var entList = entities?.ToList() ?? new List<MCEntityDef>();
ent.Index = entList.Count;
entities = entList.ToArray();
if (roomIndex >= 0)
var attachedObjs = rooms[roomIndex].AttachedObjects?.ToList() ?? new List<uint>();
rooms[roomIndex].AttachedObjects = attachedObjs.ToArray();
if (portalIndex >= 0)
var attachedObjs = portals[portalIndex].AttachedObjects?.ToList() ?? new List<uint>();
portals[portalIndex].AttachedObjects = attachedObjs.ToArray();
else if (entsetIndex >= 0)
var entset = entitySets[entsetIndex];
var entList = entset.Entities?.ToList() ?? new List<MCEntityDef>();
entset.Entities = entList.ToArray();
var locs = entset.Locations?.ToList() ?? new List<uint>();
locs.Add(0);//choose a better default location?
entset.Locations = locs.ToArray();
var mloInstance = ent.MloParent?.MloInstance;
if ((mloInstance?.EntitySets != null) && (entsetIndex < mloInstance.EntitySets.Length))
ent.MloEntitySet = mloInstance.EntitySets[entsetIndex];
else return false;
return true;
public bool RemoveEntity(YmapEntityDef ent)
if (ent == null) return false;
if ((ent.MloEntitySet?.Entities != null) && (ent.MloEntitySet?.EntitySet != null))
var instents = ent.MloEntitySet.Entities;
var set = ent.MloEntitySet.EntitySet;
var idx = instents.IndexOf(ent);
if (idx >= 0)
var ents = set.Entities.ToList();
set.Entities = ents.ToArray();
var locs = set.Locations.ToList();
set.Locations = locs.ToArray();
return true;
return false;
if (ent.Index >= entities.Length) return false;
var delent = entities[ent.Index];
if (delent != null)
var newentities = new MCEntityDef[entities.Length - 1];
var didDel = false;
int index = 0;
int delIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
if (entities[i] == delent)
delIndex = i;
didDel = true;
var newent = entities[i];
newentities[index] = newent;
entities = newentities;
if (didDel)
return didDel;
return false;
public void AddRoom(MCMloRoomDef room)
if (room == null) return;
room.OwnerMlo = this;
room.Index = rooms?.Length ?? 0;
var newrooms = rooms?.ToList() ?? new List<MCMloRoomDef>();
rooms = newrooms.ToArray();
public void RemoveRoom(MCMloRoomDef room)
if (room == null) return;
var newrooms = rooms.ToList();
rooms = newrooms.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Length; i++)
rooms[i].Index = i;
public void AddPortal(MCMloPortalDef portal)
if (portal == null) return;
portal.OwnerMlo = this;
portal.Index = portals?.Length ?? 0;
var newportals = portals?.ToList() ?? new List<MCMloPortalDef>();
portals = newportals.ToArray();
public void RemovePortal(MCMloPortalDef portal)
if (portal == null) return;
var newportals = portals.ToList();
portals = newportals.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < portals.Length; i++)
portals[i].Index = i;
public void AddEntitySet(MCMloEntitySet set)
if (set == null) return;
set.OwnerMlo = this;
set.Index = entitySets?.Length ?? 0;
var newsets = entitySets?.ToList() ?? new List<MCMloEntitySet>();
entitySets = newsets.ToArray();
public void RemoveEntitySet(MCMloEntitySet set)
if (set == null) return;
var newsets = entitySets.ToList();
entitySets = newsets.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < entitySets.Length; i++)
entitySets[i].Index = i;
private void FixPortalIndexes(int deletedIndex)
foreach (var portal in portals)
List<uint> newAttachedObjects = new List<uint>();
if (portal.AttachedObjects == null)
foreach(var objIndex in portal.AttachedObjects)
if (objIndex == deletedIndex) continue;
if (objIndex > deletedIndex)
newAttachedObjects.Add(objIndex - 1); // move the index back so it matches the index in the entitiy array.
else newAttachedObjects.Add(objIndex); // else just add the index to the attached objects.
portal.AttachedObjects = newAttachedObjects.ToArray();
private void FixRoomIndexes(int deletedIndex)
foreach (var room in rooms)
List<uint> newAttachedObjects = new List<uint>();
if (room.AttachedObjects == null)
foreach (var objIndex in room.AttachedObjects)
if (objIndex == deletedIndex) continue;
if (objIndex > deletedIndex)
newAttachedObjects.Add(objIndex - 1); // move the index back so it matches the index in the entitiy array.
else newAttachedObjects.Add(objIndex); // else just add the index to the attached objects.
room.AttachedObjects = newAttachedObjects.ToArray();
private void UpdateAllEntityIndexes()
var index = 0;
if (entities != null)
for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
entities[i].Index = index++;
if (entitySets != null)
for (int e = 0; e < entitySets.Length; e++)
var set = entitySets[e];
if (set?.Entities == null) continue;
for (int i = 0; i < set.Entities.Length; i++)
set.Entities[i].Index = index++;
public void LoadChildren(Meta meta)
var centities = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CEntityDef>(meta, MetaName.CEntityDef, _MloArchetypeDefData.entities);
if (centities != null)
entities = new MCEntityDef[centities.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < centities.Length; i++)
entities[i] = new MCEntityDef(meta, ref centities[i]) { OwnerMlo = this, Index = i };
var crooms = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CMloRoomDef>(meta, MetaName.CMloRoomDef, _MloArchetypeDefData.rooms);
if (crooms != null)
rooms = new MCMloRoomDef[crooms.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < crooms.Length; i++)
rooms[i] = new MCMloRoomDef(meta, crooms[i]) { OwnerMlo = this, Index = i };
var cportals = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CMloPortalDef>(meta, MetaName.CMloPortalDef, _MloArchetypeDefData.portals);
if (cportals != null)
portals = new MCMloPortalDef[cportals.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < cportals.Length; i++)
portals[i] = new MCMloPortalDef(meta, cportals[i]) { OwnerMlo = this, Index = i };
var centitySets = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CMloEntitySet>(meta, MetaName.CMloEntitySet, _MloArchetypeDefData.entitySets);
if (centitySets != null)
entitySets = new MCMloEntitySet[centitySets.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < centitySets.Length; i++)
entitySets[i] = new MCMloEntitySet(meta, centitySets[i], this) { OwnerMlo = this, Index = i };
timeCycleModifiers = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CMloTimeCycleModifier>(meta, MetaName.CMloTimeCycleModifier, _MloArchetypeDefData.timeCycleModifiers);
public int GetEntityObjectIndex(MCEntityDef ent)
if (entities == null) return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
var e = entities[i];
if (e == ent)
return i;
return -1;
public MCMloRoomDef GetEntityRoom(MCEntityDef ent)
if (rooms == null) return null;
int objectIndex = GetEntityObjectIndex(ent);
if (objectIndex < 0) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Length; i++)
var r = rooms[i];
if (r.AttachedObjects != null)
for (int j = 0; j < r.AttachedObjects.Length; j++)
var ind = r.AttachedObjects[j];
if (ind == objectIndex)
return r;
return null;
public MCMloPortalDef GetEntityPortal(MCEntityDef ent)
if (portals == null) return null;
int objectIndex = GetEntityObjectIndex(ent);
if (objectIndex < 0) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < portals.Length; i++)
var p = portals[i];
if (p.AttachedObjects != null)
for (int j = 0; j < p.AttachedObjects.Length; j++)
var ind = p.AttachedObjects[j];
if (ind == objectIndex)
return p;
return null;
public MCMloEntitySet GetEntitySet(MCEntityDef ent)
if (entitySets == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < entitySets.Length; i++)
var set = entitySets[i];
if (set.Entities != null)
for (int j = 0; j < set.Entities.Length; j++)
if (set.Entities[j] == ent)
return set;
return null;
public class MloInstanceData
public YmapEntityDef Owner { get; set; }
public MloArchetype MloArch { get; set; }
public CMloInstanceDef _Instance;
public CMloInstanceDef Instance { get { return _Instance; } set { _Instance = value; } }
public uint[] defaultEntitySets { get; set; }
public YmapEntityDef[] Entities { get; set; }
public MloInstanceEntitySet[] EntitySets { get; set; }
public MloInstanceData(YmapEntityDef owner, MloArchetype mloa)
Owner = owner;
MloArch = mloa;
public void CreateYmapEntities()
if (Owner == null) return;
if (MloArch?.entities == null) return;
var ec = MloArch.entities.Length;
var entlist = new List<YmapEntityDef>();
for (int i = 0; i < ec; i++)
var e = CreateYmapEntity(Owner, MloArch.entities[i], i);
int lasti = ec;
var entitySets = MloArch.entitySets;
if (entitySets != null)
EntitySets = new MloInstanceEntitySet[entitySets.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < entitySets.Length; i++)
var entitySet = entitySets[i];
var instset = new MloInstanceEntitySet(entitySet, this);
if (entitySet.Entities != null)
for (int j = 0; j < entitySet.Entities.Length; j++)
var e = CreateYmapEntity(Owner, entitySet.Entities[j], lasti);
e.MloEntitySet = instset;
EntitySets[i] = instset;
if ((defaultEntitySets != null) && (EntitySets != null))
for (var i = 0; i < defaultEntitySets.Length; i++)
uint index = defaultEntitySets[i];
if (index >= EntitySets.Length) continue;
var instset = EntitySets[index];
instset.Visible = true;
Entities = entlist.ToArray();
public void InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc)
if (Owner == null) return;
var arch = Owner.Archetype;
if (Entities != null)
for (int j = 0; j < Entities.Length; j++)
var ient = Entities[j];
var iarch = gfc.GetArchetype(ient._CEntityDef.archetypeName);
if (iarch == null)
{ } //can't find archetype - des stuff eg {des_prologue_door}
if (EntitySets != null)
for (int e = 0; e < EntitySets.Length; e++)
var entitySet = EntitySets[e];
var entities = entitySet.Entities;
if (entities == null) continue;
for (int i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++)
var ient = entities[i];
var iarch = gfc.GetArchetype(ient._CEntityDef.archetypeName);
if (iarch == null)
{ } //can't find archetype - des stuff eg {des_prologue_door}
public void UpdateBBs(Archetype arch)
//update archetype room AABB's.. bad to have this here? where else to put it?
var mloa = arch as MloArchetype;
if (mloa != null)
Vector3 mlobbmin = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 mlobbmax = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3[] c = new Vector3[8];
var rooms = mloa.rooms;
if (rooms != null)
for (int j = 0; j < rooms.Length; j++)
var room = rooms[j];
if ((room.AttachedObjects == null) || (room.AttachedObjects.Length == 0)) continue;
Vector3 min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
Vector3 max = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
for (int k = 0; k < room.AttachedObjects.Length; k++)
var objid = room.AttachedObjects[k];
if (objid < Entities.Length)
var rooment = Entities[objid];
if ((rooment != null) && (rooment.Archetype != null))
var earch = rooment.Archetype;
var pos = rooment._CEntityDef.position;
var ori = rooment.Orientation;
Vector3 abmin = earch.BBMin * rooment.Scale; //entity box
Vector3 abmax = earch.BBMax * rooment.Scale;
c[0] = abmin;
c[1] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmin.Y, abmax.Z);
c[2] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmax.Y, abmin.Z);
c[3] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmax.Y, abmax.Z);
c[4] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmin.Y, abmin.Z);
c[5] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmin.Y, abmax.Z);
c[6] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmax.Y, abmin.Z);
c[7] = abmax;
for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
Vector3 corn = ori.Multiply(c[n]) + pos;
min = Vector3.Min(min, corn);
max = Vector3.Max(max, corn);
room.BBMin_CW = min;
room.BBMax_CW = max;
mlobbmin = Vector3.Min(mlobbmin, min);
mlobbmax = Vector3.Max(mlobbmax, max);
mloa.BBMin = mlobbmin;
mloa.BBMax = mlobbmax;
public YmapEntityDef CreateYmapEntity(YmapEntityDef owner, MCEntityDef ment, int index)
YmapEntityDef e = new YmapEntityDef(null, index, ref ment._Data);
e.Extensions = ment.Extensions;
e.MloRefPosition = e.Position;
e.MloRefOrientation = e.Orientation;
e.MloParent = owner;
e.Position = owner.Position + owner.Orientation.Multiply(e.MloRefPosition);
e.Orientation = Quaternion.Multiply(owner.Orientation, e.MloRefOrientation);
return e;
public MCEntityDef TryGetArchetypeEntity(YmapEntityDef ymapEntity)
if (ymapEntity == null) return null;
if (Owner?.Archetype == null) return null;
if (!(Owner.Archetype is MloArchetype mloa)) return null;
var index = Array.FindIndex(Entities, x => x == ymapEntity);
if ((index >= 0) && (index < mloa.entities.Length))
return mloa.entities[index];
if (EntitySets != null)
for (int e = 0; e < EntitySets.Length; e++)
var entset = EntitySets[e];
var ents = entset.Entities;
var set = entset.EntitySet;
var setents = set?.Entities;
if ((ents == null) || (setents == null)) continue;
var idx = ents.IndexOf(ymapEntity);
if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < setents.Length))
return setents[idx];
return null;
public YmapEntityDef TryGetYmapEntity(MCEntityDef mcEntity)
if (mcEntity == null) return null;
if (Owner?.Archetype == null) return null;
if (!(Owner.Archetype is MloArchetype mloa)) return null;
var index = Array.FindIndex(mloa.entities, x => x == mcEntity);
if ((index >= 0) && (index < Entities.Length))
return Entities[index];
if (EntitySets != null)
for (int e = 0; e < EntitySets.Length; e++)
var entset = EntitySets[e];
var ents = entset.Entities;
var set = entset.EntitySet;
var setents = set?.Entities;
if ((ents == null) || (setents == null)) continue;
var idx = Array.FindIndex(setents, x => x == mcEntity);
if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < ents.Count))
return ents[idx];
return null;
public void SetPosition(Vector3 pos)
var cent = _Instance.CEntityDef;
cent.position = pos;
_Instance.CEntityDef = cent; //TODO: maybe find a better way of doing this...
public void SetOrientation(Quaternion ori)
var cent = _Instance.CEntityDef;
cent.rotation = new Vector4(ori.X, ori.Y, ori.Z, ori.W); //mlo instances have oppposite orientations to normal entities...
_Instance.CEntityDef = cent; //TODO: maybe find a better way of doing this...
public void UpdateEntities()
if (Entities == null) return;
if (Owner == null) return;
for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Length; i++)
var ent = Entities[i];
if (EntitySets != null)
for (int e = 0; e < EntitySets.Length; e++)
var entset = EntitySets[e];
if (entset?.Entities != null)
for (int i = 0; i < entset.Entities.Count; i++)
var ent = entset.Entities[i];
public void UpdateEntity(YmapEntityDef e)
e.Position = Owner.Position + Owner.Orientation.Multiply(e.MloRefPosition);
e.Orientation = Quaternion.Multiply(Owner.Orientation, e.MloRefOrientation);
public void AddEntity(YmapEntityDef e)
if (e == null) return;
if (e.MloEntitySet != null)
if (Entities == null) Entities = new YmapEntityDef[0];
var entities = Entities.ToList();
Entities = entities.ToArray();
public bool DeleteEntity(YmapEntityDef ent)
var del = false;
if (ent.MloEntitySet != null)
del = ent.MloEntitySet.DeleteEntity(ent);
return del;
if (Entities == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("The Entities list returned null in our MloInstanceData. This could be an issue with initialization. The MloInstance probably doesn't exist.");
if (ent.Index >= Entities.Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The index of the entity was greater than the amount of entities that exist in this MloInstance. Likely an issue with initializion.");
int index = 0;
var newentities = new YmapEntityDef[Entities.Length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Length; i++)
if (i == ent.Index)
del = true;
newentities[index] = Entities[i];
newentities[index].Index = index;
if (del)
Entities = newentities;
return true;
else throw new ArgumentException("The entity specified was not found in this MloInstance. It cannot be deleted.");
public void AddEntitySet(MCMloEntitySet set)
var instset = new MloInstanceEntitySet(set, this);
var esets = EntitySets?.ToList() ?? new List<MloInstanceEntitySet>();
EntitySets = esets.ToArray();
public bool DeleteEntitySet(MCMloEntitySet set)
if (EntitySets == null) return false;
var esets = EntitySets.ToList();
var rem = esets.RemoveAll(s => s.EntitySet == set);
EntitySets = esets.ToArray();
return rem == 1;
public void UpdateDefaultEntitySets()
var list = new List<uint>();
if (EntitySets != null)
for (uint i = 0; i < EntitySets.Length; i++)
var entset = EntitySets[i];
if (entset != null)
if (entset.Visible)
defaultEntitySets = list.ToArray();
private void UpdateAllEntityIndexes()
var index = 0;
if (Entities != null)
for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Length; i++)
Entities[i].Index = index++;
if (EntitySets != null)
for (int e = 0; e < EntitySets.Length; e++)
var set = EntitySets[e];
if (set?.Entities == null) continue;
for (int i = 0; i < set.Entities.Count; i++)
set.Entities[i].Index = index++;
public class MloInstanceEntitySet
public MloInstanceEntitySet(MCMloEntitySet entSet, MloInstanceData instance)
EntitySet = entSet;
Entities = new List<YmapEntityDef>();
Instance = instance;
public MCMloEntitySet EntitySet { get; set; }
public List<YmapEntityDef> Entities { get; set; }
public MloInstanceData Instance { get; set; }
public uint[] Locations
get { return EntitySet?.Locations; }
set { if (EntitySet != null) EntitySet.Locations = value; }
public bool Visible { get; set; }
public bool VisibleOrForced
if (Visible) return true;
if (EntitySet == null) return false;
return EntitySet.ForceVisible;
public void AddEntity(YmapEntityDef ent)
if (Entities == null) Entities = new List<YmapEntityDef>();
public bool DeleteEntity(YmapEntityDef ent)
if (Entities == null) return false;
return Entities.Remove(ent);