FumaPraQue f0f23ded18 Fix importing occlusions from .ymap files
Occlude Models from imported .ymap files was not being recognized properly.
The triangles count being shown on Project window was always being 0.
2022-10-17 23:34:46 -03:00

3569 lines
128 KiB

using SharpDX;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CodeWalker.Core.Utils;
using CodeWalker.World;
namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public class YmapFile : GameFile, PackedFile
public Meta Meta { get; set; }
public PsoFile Pso { get; set; }
public RbfFile Rbf { get; set; }
public CMapData _CMapData;
public CMapData CMapData { get { return _CMapData; } set { _CMapData = value; } }
public CEntityDef[] CEntityDefs { get; set; }
public CMloInstanceDef[] CMloInstanceDefs { get; set; }
public CCarGen[] CCarGens { get; set; }
public CTimeCycleModifier[] CTimeCycleModifiers { get; set; }
public MetaHash[] physicsDictionaries { get; set; }
public BoxOccluder[] CBoxOccluders { get; set; }
public OccludeModel[] COccludeModels { get; set; }
public string[] Strings { get; set; }
public YmapEntityDef[] AllEntities;
public YmapEntityDef[] RootEntities;
public YmapEntityDef[] MloEntities;
public YmapFile Parent { get; set; }
public YmapFile[] ChildYmaps = null;
public bool MergedWithParent = false;
public bool IsScripted { get { return (_CMapData.flags & 1) > 0; } }
public YmapGrassInstanceBatch[] GrassInstanceBatches { get; set; }
public YmapPropInstanceBatch[] PropInstanceBatches { get; set; }
public YmapDistantLODLights DistantLODLights { get; set; }
public YmapLODLights LODLights { get; set; }
public YmapTimeCycleModifier[] TimeCycleModifiers { get; set; }
public YmapCarGen[] CarGenerators { get; set; }
public YmapBoxOccluder[] BoxOccluders { get; set; }
public YmapOccludeModel[] OccludeModels { get; set; }
//fields used by the editor:
public bool HasChanged { get; set; } = false;
public List<string> SaveWarnings = null;
public bool LodManagerUpdate = false; //forces the LOD manager to refresh this ymap when rendering
public YmapEntityDef[] LodManagerOldEntities = null; //when entities are removed, need the old ones to remove from lod manager
public YmapFile() : base(null, GameFileType.Ymap)
public YmapFile(RpfFileEntry entry) : base(entry, GameFileType.Ymap)
RpfFileEntry = entry;
public void Load(byte[] data)
//direct load from a raw, compressed ymap file (openIV-compatible format)
RpfFile.LoadResourceFile(this, data, 2);
Loaded = true;
public void Load(byte[] data, RpfFileEntry entry)
Name = entry.Name;
RpfFileEntry = entry;
RpfResourceFileEntry resentry = entry as RpfResourceFileEntry;
if (resentry == null)
Loaded = true;
ResourceDataReader rd = new ResourceDataReader(resentry, data);
Meta = rd.ReadBlock<Meta>();//maybe null this after load to reduce memory consumption?
CMapData = MetaTypes.GetTypedData<CMapData>(Meta, MetaName.CMapData);
Strings = MetaTypes.GetStrings(Meta);
if (Strings != null)
foreach (string str in Strings)
JenkIndex.Ensure(str); //just shove them in there
physicsDictionaries = MetaTypes.GetHashArray(Meta, _CMapData.physicsDictionaries);
EnsureEntities(Meta); //load all the entity data and create the YmapEntityDefs
#region data block test and old code
//foreach (var block in Meta.DataBlocks)
// switch (block.StructureNameHash)
// {
// case (MetaName)MetaTypeName.STRING:
// case (MetaName)MetaTypeName.POINTER:
// case (MetaName)MetaTypeName.HASH:
// case (MetaName)MetaTypeName.UINT:
// case (MetaName)MetaTypeName.VECTOR3: //distant lod lights uses this
// case MetaName.CMapData:
// case MetaName.CEntityDef:
// case MetaName.CTimeCycleModifier: //these sections are handled already
// case MetaName.CCarGen:
// case MetaName.CLightAttrDef:
// case MetaName.CMloInstanceDef:
// case MetaName.CExtensionDefDoor:
// case MetaName.CExtensionDefLightEffect:
// case MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride:
// case MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef: //grass instance buffer
// case MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData: //grass instance buffer data
// break;
// case MetaName.PhVerletClothCustomBounds: //these sections still todo..
// case MetaName.SectionUNKNOWN1:
// case MetaName.SectionUNKNOWN5://occlusion vertex data container
// case MetaName.SectionUNKNOWN7://occlusion related?
// break;
// case (MetaName)17: //vertex data - occlusion related - SectionUNKNOWN5
// break;
// case (MetaName)33: //what is this? maybe lodlights related
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
//string shortname = resentry.Name.Substring(0, resentry.Name.LastIndexOf('.'));
//uint namehash = JenkHash.GenHash(shortname);
//CLightAttrDefs = MetaTypes.GetTypedDataArray<CLightAttrDef>(Meta, MetaName.CLightAttrDef);
//if (CLightAttrDefs != null)
//{ }
//var unk5s = MetaTypes.GetTypedDataArray<SectionUNKNOWN5>(Meta, MetaName.SectionUNKNOWN5);
//if (unk5s != null) //used in occlusion ymaps
// foreach (var unk5 in unk5s)
// {
// if ((unk5.verts.Ptr > 0) && (unk5.verts.Ptr <= (ulong)Meta.DataBlocks.Length))
// {
// var indicesoffset = unk5.numVertsInBytes;
// var datablock = Meta.DataBlocks[((int)unk5.verts.Ptr) - 1];
// if (datablock != null)
// { }//vertex data... occlusion mesh?
// }
// }
//var unk7s = MetaTypes.GetTypedDataArray<SectionUNKNOWN7>(Meta, MetaName.SectionUNKNOWN7);
//if (unk7s != null)
//{ } //used in occlusion ymaps
//var unk10s = MetaTypes.GetTypedDataArray<SectionUNKNOWN10>(Meta, MetaName.SectionUNKNOWN10);
//if (unk10s != null)
//{ } //entity pointer array..
//CDoors = MetaTypes.GetTypedDataArray<CExtensionDefDoor>(Meta, MetaName.CExtensionDefDoor);
//if (CDoors != null)
//{ } //needs work - doors can be different types? not enough bytes for one
//CExtLightEffects = MetaTypes.GetTypedDataArray<CExtensionDefLightEffect>(Meta, MetaName.CExtensionDefLightEffect);
//if (CExtLightEffects != null)
//{ }
//CSpawnOverrides = MetaTypes.GetTypedDataArray<CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride>(Meta, MetaName.CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride);
//if (CSpawnOverrides != null)
//{ }
//#if !DEBUG
// Meta = null; //this object is required for XML conversion! can't just let go of it here
private void NonMetaLoad(byte[] data)
//non meta not supported yet! but see what's in there...
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data);
if (RbfFile.IsRBF(ms))
Rbf = new RbfFile();
else if (PsoFile.IsPSO(ms))
Pso = new PsoFile();
private void EnsureEntities(Meta Meta)
//CMloInstanceDefs = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CMloInstanceDef>(Meta, MetaName.CMloInstanceDef, CMapData.entities);
CMloInstanceDefs = MetaTypes.GetTypedDataArray<CMloInstanceDef>(Meta, MetaName.CMloInstanceDef);
if (CMloInstanceDefs != null)
{ }
var eptrs = MetaTypes.GetPointerArray(Meta, _CMapData.entities);
//CEntityDefs = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CEntityDef>(Meta, MetaName.CEntityDef, CMapData.entities);
CEntityDefs = MetaTypes.GetTypedDataArray<CEntityDef>(Meta, MetaName.CEntityDef);
if (CEntityDefs != null)
{ }
int instcount = 0;
if (CEntityDefs != null) instcount += CEntityDefs.Length;
if (CMloInstanceDefs != null) instcount += CMloInstanceDefs.Length;
if (instcount > 0)
//build the entity hierarchy.
List<YmapEntityDef> roots = new List<YmapEntityDef>(instcount);
List<YmapEntityDef> alldefs = new List<YmapEntityDef>(instcount);
List<YmapEntityDef> mlodefs = null;
if (CEntityDefs != null)
for (int i = 0; i < CEntityDefs.Length; i++)
YmapEntityDef d = new YmapEntityDef(this, i, ref CEntityDefs[i]);
if (CMloInstanceDefs != null)
mlodefs = new List<YmapEntityDef>();
for (int i = 0; i < CMloInstanceDefs.Length; i++)
YmapEntityDef d = new YmapEntityDef(this, i, ref CMloInstanceDefs[i]);
uint[] defentsets = MetaTypes.GetUintArray(Meta, CMloInstanceDefs[i].defaultEntitySets);
if (d.MloInstance != null)
d.MloInstance.defaultEntitySets = defentsets;
for (int i = 0; i < alldefs.Count; i++)
YmapEntityDef d = alldefs[i];
int pind = d._CEntityDef.parentIndex;
bool isroot = false;
if ((pind < 0) || (pind >= alldefs.Count) || d.LodInParentYmap)
isroot = true;
YmapEntityDef p = alldefs[pind];
if ((p._CEntityDef.lodLevel <= d._CEntityDef.lodLevel) ||
((p._CEntityDef.lodLevel == rage__eLodType.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD) &&
(d._CEntityDef.lodLevel != rage__eLodType.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD)))
isroot = true;
p = null;
if (isroot)
YmapEntityDef p = alldefs[pind];
for (int i = 0; i < alldefs.Count; i++)
AllEntities = alldefs.ToArray();
RootEntities = roots.ToArray();
if (mlodefs != null)
MloEntities = mlodefs.ToArray();
foreach (var ent in AllEntities)
ent.Extensions = MetaTypes.GetExtensions(Meta, ent._CEntityDef.extensions);
private void EnsureInstances(Meta Meta)
if (_CMapData.instancedData.GrassInstanceList.Count1 != 0)
rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef[] batches = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef>(Meta, MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef, _CMapData.instancedData.GrassInstanceList);
YmapGrassInstanceBatch[] gbatches = new YmapGrassInstanceBatch[batches.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++)
var batch = batches[i];
rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData[] instdatas = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData>(Meta, MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData, batch.InstanceList);
YmapGrassInstanceBatch gbatch = new YmapGrassInstanceBatch();
gbatch.Ymap = this;
gbatch.Batch = batch;
gbatch.Instances = instdatas;
gbatch.Position = (batch.BatchAABB.min.XYZ() + batch.BatchAABB.max.XYZ()) * 0.5f;
gbatch.Radius = (batch.BatchAABB.max.XYZ() - gbatch.Position).Length();
gbatch.AABBMin = (batch.BatchAABB.min.XYZ());
gbatch.AABBMax = (batch.BatchAABB.max.XYZ());
gbatches[i] = gbatch;
GrassInstanceBatches = gbatches;
if (_CMapData.instancedData.PropInstanceList.Count1 != 0)
private void EnsureLODLights(Meta Meta)
if (_CMapData.LODLightsSOA.direction.Count1 != 0)
var soa = _CMapData.LODLightsSOA;
LODLights = new YmapLODLights();
LODLights.Ymap = this;
LODLights.CLODLight = soa;
LODLights.direction = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<MetaVECTOR3>(Meta, MetaName.FloatXYZ, soa.direction);
LODLights.falloff = MetaTypes.GetFloatArray(Meta, soa.falloff);
LODLights.falloffExponent = MetaTypes.GetFloatArray(Meta, soa.falloffExponent);
LODLights.timeAndStateFlags = MetaTypes.GetUintArray(Meta, soa.timeAndStateFlags);
LODLights.hash = MetaTypes.GetUintArray(Meta, soa.hash);
LODLights.coneInnerAngle = MetaTypes.GetByteArray(Meta, soa.coneInnerAngle);
LODLights.coneOuterAngleOrCapExt = MetaTypes.GetByteArray(Meta, soa.coneOuterAngleOrCapExt);
LODLights.coronaIntensity = MetaTypes.GetByteArray(Meta, soa.coronaIntensity);
private void EnsureDistantLODLights(Meta Meta)
if (_CMapData.DistantLODLightsSOA.position.Count1 != 0)
var soa = _CMapData.DistantLODLightsSOA;
DistantLODLights = new YmapDistantLODLights();
DistantLODLights.Ymap = this;
DistantLODLights.CDistantLODLight = soa;
DistantLODLights.colours = MetaTypes.GetUintArray(Meta, soa.RGBI);
DistantLODLights.positions = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<MetaVECTOR3>(Meta, MetaName.FloatXYZ, soa.position);
private void EnsureTimeCycleModifiers(Meta Meta)
CTimeCycleModifiers = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CTimeCycleModifier>(Meta, MetaName.CTimeCycleModifier, _CMapData.timeCycleModifiers);
if (CTimeCycleModifiers != null)
TimeCycleModifiers = new YmapTimeCycleModifier[CTimeCycleModifiers.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < CTimeCycleModifiers.Length; i++)
YmapTimeCycleModifier tcm = new YmapTimeCycleModifier();
tcm.Ymap = this;
tcm.CTimeCycleModifier = CTimeCycleModifiers[i];
tcm.BBMin = tcm.CTimeCycleModifier.minExtents;
tcm.BBMax = tcm.CTimeCycleModifier.maxExtents;
TimeCycleModifiers[i] = tcm;
private void EnsureCarGens(Meta Meta)
CCarGens = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<CCarGen>(Meta, MetaName.CCarGen, _CMapData.carGenerators);
if (CCarGens != null)
//string str = MetaTypes.GetTypesInitString(resentry, Meta); //to generate structinfos and enuminfos
CarGenerators = new YmapCarGen[CCarGens.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < CCarGens.Length; i++)
CarGenerators[i] = new YmapCarGen(this, CCarGens[i]);
private void EnsureBoxOccluders(Meta meta)
CBoxOccluders = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<BoxOccluder>(Meta, MetaName.BoxOccluder, _CMapData.boxOccluders);
if (CBoxOccluders != null)
BoxOccluders = new YmapBoxOccluder[CBoxOccluders.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < CBoxOccluders.Length; i++)
BoxOccluders[i] = new YmapBoxOccluder(this, CBoxOccluders[i]);
BoxOccluders[i].Index = i;
private void EnsureOccludeModels(Meta meta)
COccludeModels = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<OccludeModel>(Meta, MetaName.OccludeModel, _CMapData.occludeModels);
if (COccludeModels != null)
OccludeModels = new YmapOccludeModel[COccludeModels.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < COccludeModels.Length; i++)
OccludeModels[i] = new YmapOccludeModel(this, COccludeModels[i]);
OccludeModels[i].Index = i;
private void EnsureContainerLods(Meta meta)
//TODO: containerLods
if (_CMapData.containerLods.Count1 > 0)
//string str = MetaTypes.GetTypesInitString(Meta); //to generate structinfos and enuminfos
public void BuildCEntityDefs()
//recreates the CEntityDefs and CMloInstanceDefs arrays from AllEntities.
//TODO: save entity extensions!!?
CEntityDefs = null;
CMloInstanceDefs = null;
if (AllEntities == null)
List<CEntityDef> centdefs = new List<CEntityDef>();
List<CMloInstanceDef> cmlodefs = new List<CMloInstanceDef>();
for (int i = 0; i < AllEntities.Length; i++)
var ent = AllEntities[i];
if (ent.MloInstance != null)
if (centdefs.Count > 0)
CEntityDefs = centdefs.ToArray();
if (cmlodefs.Count > 0)
CMloInstanceDefs = cmlodefs.ToArray();
public void BuildCCarGens()
//recreates the CCarGens array from CarGenerators.
if (CarGenerators == null)
CCarGens = null;
int count = CarGenerators.Length;
CCarGens = new CCarGen[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
CCarGens[i] = CarGenerators[i].CCarGen;
public void BuildInstances()
if (GrassInstanceBatches == null)
if (PropInstanceBatches == null)
{ }
int count = GrassInstanceBatches.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var g = GrassInstanceBatches[i];
var b = g.Batch;
var aabb = new rage__spdAABB();
aabb.min = new Vector4(g.AABBMin, 0);
aabb.max = new Vector4(g.AABBMax, 0);
b.BatchAABB = aabb;
GrassInstanceBatches[i].Batch = b;
public void BuildLodLights()
if (LODLights == null) return;
public void BuildDistantLodLights()
//how to rebuild these here? the LODlights array is on the child ymap...
//for now, they are being updated as they are edited in project window
public void BuildBoxOccluders()
if (BoxOccluders == null) return;
if (BoxOccluders.Length == 0) return;
var boxes = new BoxOccluder[BoxOccluders.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < BoxOccluders.Length; i++)
var box = BoxOccluders[i];
boxes[i] = box._Box;
CBoxOccluders = boxes;
public void BuildOccludeModels()
if (OccludeModels == null) return;
if (OccludeModels.Length == 0) return;
//nothing to do here, has to be done later due to embedded data
public byte[] Save()
//direct save to a raw, compressed ymap file (openIV-compatible format)
//since Ymap object contents have been modified, need to recreate the arrays which are what is saved.
BuildCEntityDefs(); //technically this isn't required anymore since the CEntityDefs is no longer used for saving.
//BuildTimecycleModifiers(); //already being saved - update them..
MetaBuilder mb = new MetaBuilder();
var mdb = mb.EnsureBlock(MetaName.CMapData);
CMapData mapdata = CMapData;
if ((AllEntities != null) && (AllEntities.Length > 0))
for (int i = 0; i < AllEntities.Length; i++)
var ent = AllEntities[i]; //save the extensions first..
ent._CEntityDef.extensions = mb.AddWrapperArrayPtr(ent.Extensions);
MetaPOINTER[] ptrs = new MetaPOINTER[AllEntities.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < AllEntities.Length; i++)
var ent = AllEntities[i];
if (ent.MloInstance != null)
ent.MloInstance._Instance.CEntityDef = ent.CEntityDef; //overwrite with all the updated values..
ent.MloInstance._Instance.defaultEntitySets = mb.AddUintArrayPtr(ent.MloInstance.defaultEntitySets);
ptrs[i] = mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CMloInstanceDef, ent.MloInstance.Instance);
ptrs[i] = mb.AddItemPtr(MetaName.CEntityDef, ent.CEntityDef);
mapdata.entities = mb.AddPointerArray(ptrs);
mapdata.entities = new Array_StructurePointer();
mapdata.timeCycleModifiers = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CTimeCycleModifier, CTimeCycleModifiers);
mapdata.physicsDictionaries = mb.AddHashArrayPtr(physicsDictionaries);
mapdata.carGenerators = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.CCarGen, CCarGens);
//clear everything else out for now - TODO: fix
if (mapdata.containerLods.Count1 != 0) LogSaveWarning("containerLods were not saved. (TODO!)");
if (mapdata.instancedData.PropInstanceList.Count1 != 0) LogSaveWarning("instancedData.PropInstanceList was not saved. (TODO!)");
mapdata.containerLods = new Array_Structure();
if ((GrassInstanceBatches != null) && (GrassInstanceBatches.Length > 0))
var instancedData = new rage__fwInstancedMapData();
rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef[] batches = new rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef[GrassInstanceBatches.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < GrassInstanceBatches.Length; i++)
var batch = GrassInstanceBatches[i];
if (batch != null)
var b = batch.Batch;
b.InstanceList = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData, batch.Instances);
batches[i] = b;
instancedData.GrassInstanceList = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef, batches);
mapdata.instancedData = instancedData;
mapdata.instancedData = new rage__fwInstancedMapData();
if ((LODLights != null) && (LODLights.direction != null))
var soa = new CLODLight();
soa.direction = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.FloatXYZ, LODLights.direction);
soa.falloff = mb.AddFloatArrayPtr(LODLights.falloff);
soa.falloffExponent = mb.AddFloatArrayPtr(LODLights.falloffExponent);
soa.timeAndStateFlags = mb.AddUintArrayPtr(LODLights.timeAndStateFlags);
soa.hash = mb.AddUintArrayPtr(LODLights.hash);
soa.coneInnerAngle = mb.AddByteArrayPtr(LODLights.coneInnerAngle);
soa.coneOuterAngleOrCapExt = mb.AddByteArrayPtr(LODLights.coneOuterAngleOrCapExt);
soa.coronaIntensity = mb.AddByteArrayPtr(LODLights.coronaIntensity);
mapdata.LODLightsSOA = soa;
mapdata.LODLightsSOA = new CLODLight();
if ((DistantLODLights != null) && (DistantLODLights.positions != null))
var soa = DistantLODLights.CDistantLODLight;//to copy base vars
soa.position = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.FloatXYZ, DistantLODLights.positions);
soa.RGBI = mb.AddUintArrayPtr(DistantLODLights.colours);
mapdata.DistantLODLightsSOA = soa;
mapdata.DistantLODLightsSOA = new CDistantLODLight();
if ((CBoxOccluders != null) && (CBoxOccluders.Length > 0))
mapdata.boxOccluders = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.BoxOccluder, CBoxOccluders);
mapdata.boxOccluders = new Array_Structure();
if ((OccludeModels != null) && (OccludeModels.Length > 0))
COccludeModels = new OccludeModel[OccludeModels.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < OccludeModels.Length; i++)
var model = OccludeModels[i];
var cocc = model._OccludeModel;
cocc.verts = mb.AddDataBlockPtr(model.Data, (MetaName)MetaStructureEntryDataType.UnsignedByte);//17
COccludeModels[i] = cocc;
mapdata.occludeModels = mb.AddItemArrayPtr(MetaName.OccludeModel, COccludeModels);
mapdata.occludeModels = new Array_Structure();
var block = new CBlockDesc(); = mb.AddStringPtr(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Name));
block.exportedBy = mb.AddStringPtr("CodeWalker");
block.time = mb.AddStringPtr(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm"));
mapdata.block = block;
string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Name);
uint nameHash = JenkHash.GenHash(name); = new MetaHash(nameHash);//make sure name is upto date...
mb.AddItem(MetaName.CMapData, mapdata);
//make sure all the relevant structure and enum infos are present.
if ((GrassInstanceBatches != null) && (GrassInstanceBatches.Length > 0))
if ((AllEntities != null) && (AllEntities.Length > 0))
mb.AddEnumInfo(MetaName.rage__eLodType); //LODTYPES_
mb.AddEnumInfo(MetaName.rage__ePriorityLevel); //PRI_
if ((CTimeCycleModifiers != null) && (CTimeCycleModifiers.Length > 0))
if ((CCarGens != null) && (CCarGens.Length > 0))
if ((LODLights != null) && (LODLights.direction != null))
if ((DistantLODLights != null) && (DistantLODLights.positions != null))
if ((CBoxOccluders != null) && (CBoxOccluders.Length > 0))
if ((COccludeModels != null) && (COccludeModels.Length > 0))
Meta meta = mb.GetMeta();
byte[] data = ResourceBuilder.Build(meta, 2); //ymap is version 2...
return data;
private void LogSaveWarning(string w)
if (SaveWarnings == null) SaveWarnings = new List<string>();
public void EnsureChildYmaps(GameFileCache gfc)
if (ChildYmaps == null)
//no children here... look for child ymap....
var node = gfc.GetMapNode(RpfFileEntry.ShortNameHash);
if ((node != null) && (node.Children != null) && (node.Children.Length > 0))
ChildYmaps = new YmapFile[node.Children.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < ChildYmaps.Length; i++)
var chash = node.Children[i].Name;
ChildYmaps[i] = gfc.GetYmap(chash);
if (ChildYmaps[i] == null)
//couldn't find child ymap..
bool needupd = false;
if (ChildYmaps != null)
for (int i = 0; i < ChildYmaps.Length; i++)
var cmap = ChildYmaps[i];
if (cmap == null) continue; //nothing here..
if (!cmap.Loaded)
//ChildYmaps[i] = gfc.GetYmap(cmap.Hash); //incase no load was requested.
cmap = gfc.GetYmap(cmap.Key.Hash);
ChildYmaps[i] = cmap;
if ((cmap.Loaded) && (!cmap.MergedWithParent))
needupd = true;
if ((ChildYmaps != null) && needupd)
List<YmapEntityDef> newroots = new List<YmapEntityDef>(RootEntities);
for (int i = 0; i < ChildYmaps.Length; i++)
var cmap = ChildYmaps[i];
if (cmap == null) continue; //nothing here..
if ((cmap.Loaded) && (!cmap.MergedWithParent))
cmap.MergedWithParent = true;
if (cmap.RootEntities != null)
foreach (var rcent in cmap.RootEntities)
int pind = rcent._CEntityDef.parentIndex;
if (pind < 0)
if (rcent._CEntityDef.lodLevel != rage__eLodType.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD)
//pind = 0;
if ((pind >= 0) && (pind < AllEntities.Length) && !rcent.LodInParentYmap)
var pentity = AllEntities[pind];
//TODO: fix this!!
//newroots.Add(rcent); //not sure this is the right approach.
//////rcent.Owner = this;
if (AllEntities != null)
for (int i = 0; i < AllEntities.Length; i++)
RootEntities = newroots.ToArray();
public void ConnectToParent(YmapFile pymap)
Parent = pymap;
if (RootEntities != null) //parent changed or first set, make sure to link entities hierarchy
for (int i = 0; i < RootEntities.Length; i++)
var ent = RootEntities[i];
int pind = ent._CEntityDef.parentIndex;
if (pind >= 0) //connect root entities to parents if they have them..
YmapEntityDef p = null;
if ((pymap != null) && (pymap.AllEntities != null))
if ((pind < pymap.AllEntities.Length))
p = pymap.AllEntities[pind];
ent.Parent = p;
ent.ParentName = p._CEntityDef.archetypeName;
{ }//should only happen if parent ymap not loaded yet...
if (LODLights != null)
if (Parent?.DistantLODLights != null)
{ }
public void AddEntity(YmapEntityDef ent)
//used by the editor to add to the ymap.
List<YmapEntityDef> allents = new List<YmapEntityDef>();
if (AllEntities != null) allents.AddRange(AllEntities);
ent.Index = allents.Count;
ent.Ymap = this;
AllEntities = allents.ToArray();
if ((ent.Parent == null) || (ent.Parent.Ymap != this))
//root entity, add to roots.
List<YmapEntityDef> rootents = new List<YmapEntityDef>();
if (RootEntities != null) rootents.AddRange(RootEntities);
RootEntities = rootents.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
LodManagerUpdate = true;
public bool RemoveEntity(YmapEntityDef ent)
//used by the editor to remove from the ymap.
if (ent == null) return false;
var res = true;
int idx = ent.Index;
List<YmapEntityDef> newAllEntities = new List<YmapEntityDef>();
List<YmapEntityDef> newRootEntities = new List<YmapEntityDef>();
for (int i = 0; i < AllEntities.Length; i++)
var oent = AllEntities[i];
oent.Index = newAllEntities.Count;
if (oent != ent) newAllEntities.Add(oent);
else if (i != idx)
res = false; //indexes didn't match.. this shouldn't happen!
for (int i = 0; i < RootEntities.Length; i++)
var oent = RootEntities[i];
if (oent != ent) newRootEntities.Add(oent);
if ((AllEntities.Length == newAllEntities.Count) || (RootEntities.Length == newRootEntities.Count))
res = false;
LodManagerOldEntities = AllEntities;
AllEntities = newAllEntities.ToArray();
RootEntities = newRootEntities.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
LodManagerUpdate = true;
return res;
public void AddCarGen(YmapCarGen cargen)
List<YmapCarGen> cargens = new List<YmapCarGen>();
if (CarGenerators != null) cargens.AddRange(CarGenerators);
cargen.Ymap = this;
CarGenerators = cargens.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
public bool RemoveCarGen(YmapCarGen cargen)
if (cargen == null) return false;
List<YmapCarGen> newcargens = new List<YmapCarGen>();
if (CarGenerators != null)
for (int i = 0; i < CarGenerators.Length; i++)
var cg = CarGenerators[i];
if (cg != cargen)
if (newcargens.Count == CarGenerators.Length)
return false; //nothing removed... wasn't present?
CarGenerators = newcargens.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
return true;
public void AddLodLight(YmapLODLight lodlight)
if (LODLights == null)
LODLights = new YmapLODLights();
LODLights.Ymap = this;
List<YmapLODLight> lodlights = new List<YmapLODLight>();
if (LODLights?.LodLights != null) lodlights.AddRange(LODLights.LodLights);
lodlight.LodLights = this.LODLights;
lodlight.Index = lodlights.Count;
LODLights.LodLights = lodlights.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
if (Parent?.DistantLODLights != null)
Parent.HasChanged = true;
public bool RemoveLodLight(YmapLODLight lodlight)
if (lodlight == null) return false;
List<YmapLODLight> newlodlights = new List<YmapLODLight>();
var lodlights = LODLights?.LodLights;
if (lodlights != null)
for (int i = 0; i < lodlights.Length; i++)
var ll = lodlights[i];
if (ll != lodlight)
if (newlodlights.Count == lodlights.Length)
return false; //nothing removed... wasn't present?
for (int i = 0; i < newlodlights.Count; i++)
newlodlights[i].Index = i;
LODLights.LodLights = newlodlights.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
if (Parent?.DistantLODLights != null)
Parent.HasChanged = true;
return true;
public void AddBoxOccluder(YmapBoxOccluder box)
if (box == null) return;
var boxes = new List<YmapBoxOccluder>();
if (BoxOccluders != null) boxes.AddRange(BoxOccluders);
box.Ymap = this;
box.Index = boxes.Count;
BoxOccluders = boxes.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
public bool RemoveBoxOccluder(YmapBoxOccluder box)
if (box == null) return false;
var newboxes = new List<YmapBoxOccluder>();
if (BoxOccluders != null)
foreach (var oldbox in BoxOccluders)
if (oldbox != box)
oldbox.Index = newboxes.Count;
if (newboxes.Count == BoxOccluders.Length)
return false;//nothing removed... wasn't present?
BoxOccluders = newboxes.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
return true;
public void AddOccludeModel(YmapOccludeModel model)
if (model == null) return;
var models = new List<YmapOccludeModel>();
if (OccludeModels != null) models.AddRange(OccludeModels);
model.Ymap = this;
OccludeModels = models.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
public bool RemoveOccludeModel(YmapOccludeModel model)
if (model == null) return false;
var newmodels = new List<YmapOccludeModel>();
if (OccludeModels != null)
foreach (var oldmodel in OccludeModels)
if (oldmodel != model)
oldmodel.Index = newmodels.Count;
if (newmodels.Count == OccludeModels.Length)
return false;//nothing removed... wasn't present?
OccludeModels = newmodels.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
return true;
public void AddOccludeModelTriangle(YmapOccludeModelTriangle tri)
if (tri == null) return;
if (tri.Model == null) return;
var tris = tri.Model.Triangles.ToList();
tri.Index = tris.Count;
tri.Model.Triangles = tris.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
public bool RemoveOccludeModelTriangle(YmapOccludeModelTriangle tri)
if (tri == null) return false;
if (tri.Model == null) return false;
var newtris = new List<YmapOccludeModelTriangle>();
if (tri.Model.Triangles != null)
foreach (var oldtri in tri.Model.Triangles)
if (oldtri != tri)
oldtri.Index = newtris.Count;
tri.Model.Triangles = newtris.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
return true;
public void AddGrassBatch(YmapGrassInstanceBatch newbatch)
List<YmapGrassInstanceBatch> batches = new List<YmapGrassInstanceBatch>();
if (GrassInstanceBatches != null) batches.AddRange(GrassInstanceBatches);
newbatch.Ymap = this;
GrassInstanceBatches = batches.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
public bool RemoveGrassBatch(YmapGrassInstanceBatch batch)
if (batch == null) return false;
List<YmapGrassInstanceBatch> batches = new List<YmapGrassInstanceBatch>();
if (GrassInstanceBatches != null)
for (int i = 0; i < GrassInstanceBatches.Length; i++)
var gb = GrassInstanceBatches[i];
if (gb != batch)
if (batches.Count == GrassInstanceBatches.Length)
return false; //nothing removed... wasn't present?
if (batches.Count <= 0)
GrassInstanceBatches = batches.ToArray();
HasChanged = true;
return true;
public void SetName(string newname)
var newnamel = newname.ToLowerInvariant();
var newnamex = newname + ".ymap";
var newnamexl = newname.ToLowerInvariant();
var newhash = JenkHash.GenHash(newnamel);
if (RpfFileEntry != null)
RpfFileEntry.Name = newnamex;
RpfFileEntry.NameLower = newnamexl;
RpfFileEntry.NameHash = JenkHash.GenHash(newnamexl);
RpfFileEntry.ShortNameHash = newhash;
Name = newnamex; = newhash;
public void SetFilePath(string filepath)
FilePath = filepath.ToLowerInvariant();
var newname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filepath);
public bool CalcFlags()
uint flags = 0;
uint contentFlags = 0;
if (AllEntities != null)
foreach (var yent in AllEntities)
switch (yent._CEntityDef.lodLevel)
case rage__eLodType.LODTYPES_DEPTH_HD:
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 0); //1
case rage__eLodType.LODTYPES_DEPTH_LOD:
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 1); //2
flags = SetBit(flags, 1); //2
case rage__eLodType.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD1:
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 4); //16
flags = SetBit(flags, 1); //2
case rage__eLodType.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD2:
case rage__eLodType.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD3:
case rage__eLodType.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD4:
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 2); //4
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 4); //16
flags = SetBit(flags, 1); //2
if (yent.MloInstance != null)
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 3); //8 //(interior instance)
if ((CMloInstanceDefs != null) && (CMloInstanceDefs.Length > 0))
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 3); //8 //(interior instance) //is this still necessary?
if ((physicsDictionaries != null) && (physicsDictionaries.Length > 0))
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 6); //64
if ((GrassInstanceBatches != null) && (GrassInstanceBatches.Length > 0))
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 10); //64
if ((LODLights != null) && ((LODLights.direction?.Length ?? 0) > 0))
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 7); //128
if ((DistantLODLights != null) && ((DistantLODLights.positions?.Length ?? 0) > 0))
flags = SetBit(flags, 1); //2
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 8); //256
if ((BoxOccluders != null) || (OccludeModels != null))
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 5); //32
bool change = false;
if (_CMapData.flags != flags)
_CMapData.flags = flags;
change = true;
if (_CMapData.contentFlags != contentFlags)
_CMapData.contentFlags = contentFlags;
change = true;
return change;
public bool CalcExtents()
Vector3 emin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
Vector3 emax = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
Vector3 smin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
Vector3 smax = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
Vector3[] c = new Vector3[8];
Vector3[] s = new Vector3[8];
if (AllEntities != null)
for (int i = 0; i < AllEntities.Length; i++)
var ent = AllEntities[i];
var arch = ent.Archetype;
var ori = ent.Orientation;
float loddist = ent._CEntityDef.lodDist;
Vector3 bbmin = ent.Position - ent.BSRadius; //sphere
Vector3 bbmax = ent.Position + ent.BSRadius;
Vector3 sbmin = bbmin - loddist;
Vector3 sbmax = bbmax + loddist;
if (arch != null)
if (loddist <= 0.0f)
loddist = arch.LodDist;
Vector3 abmin = arch.BBMin * ent.Scale; //entity box
Vector3 abmax = arch.BBMax * ent.Scale;
c[0] = abmin;
c[1] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmin.Y, abmax.Z);
c[2] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmax.Y, abmin.Z);
c[3] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmax.Y, abmax.Z);
c[4] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmin.Y, abmin.Z);
c[5] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmin.Y, abmax.Z);
c[6] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmax.Y, abmin.Z);
c[7] = abmax;
abmin = arch.BBMin * ent.Scale - loddist; //streaming box
abmax = arch.BBMax * ent.Scale + loddist;
s[0] = abmin;
s[1] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmin.Y, abmax.Z);
s[2] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmax.Y, abmin.Z);
s[3] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmax.Y, abmax.Z);
s[4] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmin.Y, abmin.Z);
s[5] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmin.Y, abmax.Z);
s[6] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmax.Y, abmin.Z);
s[7] = abmax;
bbmin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
bbmax = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
sbmin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
sbmax = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
Vector3 corn = ori.Multiply(c[j]) + ent.Position;
bbmin = Vector3.Min(bbmin, corn);
bbmax = Vector3.Max(bbmax, corn);
corn = ori.Multiply(s[j]) + ent.Position;
sbmin = Vector3.Min(sbmin, corn);
sbmax = Vector3.Max(sbmax, corn);
emin = Vector3.Min(emin, bbmin);
emax = Vector3.Max(emax, bbmax);
smin = Vector3.Min(smin, sbmin);
smax = Vector3.Max(smax, sbmax);
if (GrassInstanceBatches != null)
//var lodoffset = Vector3.Zero;// new Vector3(0, 0, 100); //IDK WHY -neos7 //dexy: i guess it's not completely necessary... //blame neos
foreach (var batch in GrassInstanceBatches) //thanks to Neos7
emin = Vector3.Min(emin, batch.AABBMin);
emax = Vector3.Max(emax, batch.AABBMax);
smin = Vector3.Min(smin, (batch.AABBMin - batch.Batch.lodDist)); // + lodoffset
smax = Vector3.Max(smax, (batch.AABBMax + batch.Batch.lodDist)); // - lodoffset
if (CarGenerators != null)
foreach (var cargen in CarGenerators)
var len = cargen._CCarGen.perpendicularLength;
emin = Vector3.Min(emin, cargen.Position - len);
emax = Vector3.Max(emax, cargen.Position + len);
smin = Vector3.Min(smin, cargen.Position - len*2.0f); //just a random guess, maybe should be more?
smax = Vector3.Max(smax, cargen.Position + len*2.0f);
if (LODLights != null)
emin = Vector3.Min(emin, LODLights.BBMin - 20.0f); //about right
emax = Vector3.Max(emax, LODLights.BBMax + 20.0f);
smin = Vector3.Min(smin, (LODLights.BBMin - 950.0f)); //seems correct
smax = Vector3.Max(smax, (LODLights.BBMax + 950.0f));
if (DistantLODLights != null)
emin = Vector3.Min(emin, DistantLODLights.BBMin - 20.0f); //not exact, but probably close enough
emax = Vector3.Max(emax, DistantLODLights.BBMax + 20.0f);
smin = Vector3.Min(smin, (DistantLODLights.BBMin - 3000.0f)); //seems correct
smax = Vector3.Max(smax, (DistantLODLights.BBMax + 3000.0f));
if (BoxOccluders != null)
foreach (var box in BoxOccluders)
var siz = box.Size.Length() * 0.5f;//should really use box rotation instead....
emin = Vector3.Min(emin, box.Position - siz);
emax = Vector3.Max(emax, box.Position + siz);
smin = Vector3.Min(smin, box.Position - siz);//check this! for some vanilla ymaps it seems right, others not
smax = Vector3.Max(smax, box.Position + siz);//occluders don't seem to have a loddist
if (OccludeModels != null)
foreach (var model in OccludeModels)
emin = Vector3.Min(emin, (model.BVH?.Box.Minimum ?? model._OccludeModel.bmin));//this needs to be updated!
emax = Vector3.Max(emax, (model.BVH?.Box.Maximum ?? model._OccludeModel.bmax));
smin = Vector3.Min(smin, (model.BVH?.Box.Minimum ?? model._OccludeModel.bmin));//check this! for some vanilla ymaps it seems right, others not
smax = Vector3.Max(smax, (model.BVH?.Box.Maximum ?? model._OccludeModel.bmax));//occluders don't seem to have a loddist
bool change = false;
if (_CMapData.entitiesExtentsMin != emin)
_CMapData.entitiesExtentsMin = emin;
change = true;
if (_CMapData.entitiesExtentsMax != emax)
_CMapData.entitiesExtentsMax = emax;
change = true;
if (_CMapData.streamingExtentsMin != smin)
_CMapData.streamingExtentsMin = smin;
change = true;
if (_CMapData.streamingExtentsMax != smax)
_CMapData.streamingExtentsMax = smax;
change = true;
return change;
private void UpdateGrassPhysDict(bool add)
var physDict = physicsDictionaries?.ToList() ?? new List<MetaHash>();
var vproc1 = JenkHash.GenHash("v_proc1");
var vproc2 = JenkHash.GenHash("v_proc2"); // I think you need vproc2 as well.
var change = false;
if (!physDict.Contains(vproc1))
change = true;
if (add) physDict.Add(vproc1);
else physDict.Remove(vproc1);
if (!physDict.Contains(vproc2))
change = true;
if (add) physDict.Add(vproc2);
else physDict.Remove(vproc2);
if (change) physicsDictionaries = physDict.ToArray();
public void InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc)
if (AllEntities != null)
for (int i = 0; i < AllEntities.Length; i++)
var ent = AllEntities[i];
var arch = gfc.GetArchetype(ent._CEntityDef.archetypeName);
if (ent.IsMlo) ent.MloInstance.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(gfc);
if (GrassInstanceBatches != null)
for (int i = 0; i < GrassInstanceBatches.Length; i++)
var batch = GrassInstanceBatches[i];
batch.Archetype = gfc.GetArchetype(batch.Batch.archetypeName);
if (TimeCycleModifiers != null)
for (int i = 0; i < TimeCycleModifiers.Length; i++)
var tcm = TimeCycleModifiers[i];
World.TimecycleMod wtcm;
if (gfc.TimeCycleModsDict.TryGetValue(, out wtcm))
tcm.TimeCycleModData = wtcm;
private static uint SetBit(uint value, int bit)
return (value | (1u << bit));
public class YmapEntityDef
public Archetype Archetype { get; set; } //cached by GameFileCache on loading...
public Vector3 BBMin;//oriented archetype AABBmin
public Vector3 BBMax;//oriented archetype AABBmax
public Vector3 BBCenter; //oriented archetype AABB center
public Vector3 BBExtent; //oriented archetype AABB extent
public Vector3 BSCenter; //oriented archetype BS center
public float BSRadius;//cached from archetype
public float LodDist;
public float ChildLodDist;
public CEntityDef _CEntityDef;
public CEntityDef CEntityDef { get { return _CEntityDef; } set { _CEntityDef = value; } }
private List<YmapEntityDef> ChildList { get; set; }
public YmapEntityDef[] Children { get; set; }
public YmapEntityDef[] ChildrenMerged;// { get; set; }
public Vector3 Position { get; set; }
public Quaternion Orientation { get; set; }
public Vector3 Scale { get; set; }
public bool IsMlo { get; set; }
public MloInstanceData MloInstance { get; set; }
public YmapEntityDef MloParent { get; set; }
public MloInstanceEntitySet MloEntitySet { get; set; }
public Vector3 MloRefPosition { get; set; }
public Quaternion MloRefOrientation { get; set; }
public MetaWrapper[] Extensions { get; set; }
public int Index { get; set; }
public float Distance { get; set; } //used for rendering
public bool IsVisible; //used for rendering
public bool ChildrenVisible; //used for rendering
public bool ChildrenRendered; //used when rendering ymap mode to reduce LOD flashing...
public YmapEntityDef Parent { get; set; } //for browsing convenience, also used/updated for rendering
public MetaHash ParentName { get; set; } //just for browsing convenience
public YmapFile Ymap { get; set; }
public Vector3 PivotPosition = Vector3.Zero;
public Quaternion PivotOrientation = Quaternion.Identity;
public Vector3 WidgetPosition = Vector3.Zero;
public Quaternion WidgetOrientation = Quaternion.Identity;
public uint EntityHash { get; set; } = 0; //used by CW as a unique position+name identifier
public LinkedList<YmapEntityDef> LodManagerChildren = null;
public object LodManagerRenderable = null;
public LightInstance[] Lights { get; set; }
//public uint[] LightHashTest { get; set; }
public bool LodInParentYmap { get { return ((_CEntityDef.flags >> 3) & 1) > 0; } }
public string Name
return _CEntityDef.archetypeName.ToString();
public YmapEntityDef()
Scale = Vector3.One;
Position = Vector3.One;
Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
public YmapEntityDef(YmapFile ymap, int index, ref CEntityDef def)
Ymap = ymap;
Index = index;
CEntityDef = def;
Scale = new Vector3(new Vector2(_CEntityDef.scaleXY), _CEntityDef.scaleZ);
Position = _CEntityDef.position;
Orientation = new Quaternion(_CEntityDef.rotation);
if (Orientation != Quaternion.Identity)
Orientation = Quaternion.Invert(Orientation);
IsMlo = false;
public YmapEntityDef(YmapFile ymap, int index, ref CMloInstanceDef mlo)
Ymap = ymap;
Index = index;
CEntityDef = mlo.CEntityDef;
Scale = new Vector3(new Vector2(_CEntityDef.scaleXY), _CEntityDef.scaleZ);
Position = _CEntityDef.position;
Orientation = new Quaternion(_CEntityDef.rotation);
//if (Orientation != Quaternion.Identity)
// Orientation = Quaternion.Invert(Orientation);
IsMlo = true;
MloInstance = new MloInstanceData(this, null);//is this necessary..? will get created in SetArchetype..
MloInstance.Instance = mlo;
public void SetArchetype(Archetype arch)
Archetype = arch;
if (Archetype != null)
if (Archetype.Type == MetaName.CMloArchetypeDef)
//transform interior entities into world space...
var mloa = Archetype as MloArchetype;
MloInstance = new MloInstanceData(this, mloa);
MloInstance._Instance = new CMloInstanceDef { CEntityDef = _CEntityDef };
if (mloa != null)
if (!IsMlo)
IsMlo = true;
List<YmapEntityDef> mloEntities = Ymap.MloEntities?.ToList() ?? new List<YmapEntityDef>();
Ymap.MloEntities = mloEntities.ToArray();
if (BSRadius == 0.0f)
BSRadius = LodDist;//need something so it doesn't get culled...
if (BBMin == BBMax)
BBMin = Position - BSRadius;
BBMax = Position + BSRadius;//it's not ideal
BBCenter = (BBMax + BBMin) * 0.5f;
BBExtent = (BBMax - BBMin) * 0.5f;
else if (IsMlo) // archetype is no longer an mlo
IsMlo = false;
MloInstance = null;
if (Ymap.MloEntities != null)
List<YmapEntityDef> mloEntities = Ymap.MloEntities.ToList();
if (mloEntities.Remove(this))
Ymap.MloEntities = mloEntities.ToArray();
public void SetPosition(Vector3 pos)
Position = pos;
if (MloParent != null)
_CEntityDef.position = Quaternion.Normalize(Quaternion.Invert(MloParent.Orientation)).Multiply(pos - MloParent.Position);
MloRefPosition = _CEntityDef.position;
_CEntityDef.position = pos;
if (MloInstance != null)
private void UpdateBB()
if (Archetype != null)
BSCenter = Orientation.Multiply(Archetype.BSCenter) * Scale;
BSRadius = Archetype.BSRadius * Math.Max(Scale.X, Scale.Z);
if (Orientation == Quaternion.Identity)
BBMin = (Vector3.Min(Archetype.BBMin, Archetype.BBMax) * Scale) + Position;
BBMax = (Vector3.Max(Archetype.BBMin, Archetype.BBMax) * Scale) + Position;
BBCenter = (BBMax + BBMin) * 0.5f;
BBExtent = (BBMax - BBMin) * 0.5f;
var mat = Matrix.Transformation(Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Scale, Vector3.Zero, Orientation, Position);
var matabs = mat;
matabs.Column1 = mat.Column1.Abs();
matabs.Column2 = mat.Column2.Abs();
matabs.Column3 = mat.Column3.Abs();
matabs.Column4 = mat.Column4.Abs();
var bbcenter = (Archetype.BBMax + Archetype.BBMin) * 0.5f;
var bbextent = (Archetype.BBMax - Archetype.BBMin) * 0.5f;
var ncenter = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(bbcenter, mat);
var nextent = Vector3.TransformNormal(bbextent, matabs).Abs();
BBCenter = ncenter;
BBExtent = nextent;
BBMin = ncenter - nextent;
BBMax = ncenter + nextent;
LodDist = _CEntityDef.lodDist;
if (LodDist <= 0)
LodDist = Archetype.LodDist;
ChildLodDist = _CEntityDef.childLodDist;
if (ChildLodDist < 0)
ChildLodDist = LodDist * 0.5f;
public void UpdateEntityHash()
uint xhash = (uint)(Position.X * 100);
uint yhash = (uint)(Position.Y * 100);
uint zhash = (uint)(Position.Z * 100);
EntityHash = _CEntityDef.archetypeName.Hash ^ xhash ^ yhash ^ zhash & 0xffffffff;
public void SetOrientation(Quaternion ori, bool inverse = false)
if (MloParent != null)
var mloInv = Quaternion.Normalize(Quaternion.Invert(MloParent.Orientation));
Quaternion rel = Quaternion.Normalize(Quaternion.Multiply(mloInv, ori));
Quaternion inv = Quaternion.Normalize(Quaternion.Invert(rel));
Orientation = ori;
_CEntityDef.rotation = inv.ToVector4();
Orientation = inverse ? Quaternion.Normalize(Quaternion.Invert(ori)) : ori;
if (MloInstance != null)
_CEntityDef.rotation = Orientation.ToVector4();
Quaternion inv = inverse ? ori : Quaternion.Normalize(Quaternion.Invert(ori));
_CEntityDef.rotation = inv.ToVector4();
if (MloInstance != null)
public void SetScale(Vector3 s)
Scale = new Vector3(s.X, s.X, s.Z);
_CEntityDef.scaleXY = s.X;
_CEntityDef.scaleZ = s.Z;
MloInstanceData mloInstance = MloParent?.MloInstance;
if (mloInstance != null)
var mcEntity = mloInstance.TryGetArchetypeEntity(this);
if (mcEntity != null)
mcEntity._Data.scaleXY = s.X;
mcEntity._Data.scaleZ = s.Z;
if (Archetype != null)
float smax = Math.Max(Scale.X, Scale.Z);
BSRadius = Archetype.BSRadius * smax;
SetPosition(Position);//update the BB
private void UpdateMloArchetype()
if (!(MloParent.Archetype is MloArchetype mloArchetype)) return;
MCEntityDef entity = null;
if ((MloEntitySet?.Entities != null) && (MloEntitySet?.EntitySet?.Entities != null))
var idx = MloEntitySet.Entities.IndexOf(this);
if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= MloEntitySet.EntitySet.Entities.Length)) return;
entity = MloEntitySet.EntitySet.Entities[idx];
if (Index >= mloArchetype.entities.Length) return;
entity = mloArchetype.entities[Index];
entity._Data.position = _CEntityDef.position;
entity._Data.rotation = _CEntityDef.rotation;
public void SetPivotPosition(Vector3 pos)
PivotPosition = pos;
public void SetPivotOrientation(Quaternion ori)
PivotOrientation = ori;
public void SetPositionFromWidget(Vector3 pos)
SetPosition(pos - Orientation.Multiply(PivotPosition));
public void SetOrientationFromWidget(Quaternion ori)
var newori = Quaternion.Normalize(Quaternion.Multiply(ori, Quaternion.Invert(PivotOrientation)));
var newpos = WidgetPosition - newori.Multiply(PivotPosition);
public void SetPivotPositionFromWidget(Vector3 pos)
var orinv = Quaternion.Invert(Orientation);
SetPivotPosition(orinv.Multiply(pos - Position));
public void SetPivotOrientationFromWidget(Quaternion ori)
var orinv = Quaternion.Invert(Orientation);
SetPivotOrientation(Quaternion.Multiply(orinv, ori));
public void UpdateWidgetPosition()
WidgetPosition = Position + Orientation.Multiply(PivotPosition);
public void UpdateWidgetOrientation()
WidgetOrientation = Quaternion.Multiply(Orientation, PivotOrientation);
public void AddChild(YmapEntityDef c)
if (ChildList == null)
ChildList = new List<YmapEntityDef>();
c.Parent = this;
c.ParentName = _CEntityDef.archetypeName;
public void ChildListToArray()
if (ChildList == null) return;
//if (Children == null)
Children = ChildList.ToArray();
ChildrenMerged = Children;//include these by default in merged array
// List<YmapEntityDef> newc = new List<YmapEntityDef>(Children.Length + ChildList.Count);
// newc.AddRange(Children);
// newc.AddRange(ChildList);
// Children = newc.ToArray();
ChildList = null;
public void ChildListToMergedArray()
if (ChildList == null) return;
if (ChildrenMerged == null)
ChildrenMerged = ChildList.ToArray();
List<YmapEntityDef> newc = new List<YmapEntityDef>(ChildrenMerged.Length + ChildList.Count);
ChildrenMerged = newc.ToArray();
ChildList = null;
public void LodManagerAddChild(YmapEntityDef child)
if (LodManagerChildren == null)
LodManagerChildren = new LinkedList<YmapEntityDef>();
public void LodManagerRemoveChild(YmapEntityDef child)
LodManagerChildren?.Remove(child);//could improve this by caching the list node....
public override string ToString()
return _CEntityDef.ToString() + ((ChildList != null) ? (" (" + ChildList.Count.ToString() + " children) ") : " ") + _CEntityDef.lodLevel.ToString();
public void EnsureLights(DrawableBase db)
if (Lights != null) return;
if (Archetype == null) return;
if (db == null) return;
var dd = db as Drawable;
var fd = db as FragDrawable;
var skel = db.Skeleton;
LightAttributes[] lightAttrs = null;
Bounds b = null;
if (dd != null)
lightAttrs = dd.LightAttributes?.data_items;
b = dd.Bound;
else if (fd != null)
var frag = fd?.OwnerFragment;
skel = skel ?? frag?.Drawable?.Skeleton;
lightAttrs = frag?.LightAttributes?.data_items;
b = frag?.PhysicsLODGroup?.PhysicsLOD1?.Bound;
if (lightAttrs == null) return;
var abmin = Vector3.Min(Archetype.BBMin, db.BoundingBoxMin);
var abmax = Vector3.Max(Archetype.BBMax, db.BoundingBoxMax);
if (b != null)
abmin = Vector3.Min(abmin, b.BoxMin);
abmax = Vector3.Max(abmax, b.BoxMax);
var bb = new BoundingBox(abmin, abmax).Transform(Position, Orientation, Scale);
var ints = new uint[7];
ints[0] = (uint)(bb.Minimum.X * 10.0f);
ints[1] = (uint)(bb.Minimum.Y * 10.0f);
ints[2] = (uint)(bb.Minimum.Z * 10.0f);
ints[3] = (uint)(bb.Maximum.X * 10.0f);
ints[4] = (uint)(bb.Maximum.Y * 10.0f);
ints[5] = (uint)(bb.Maximum.Z * 10.0f);
var bones = skel?.BonesMap;
var exts = (Archetype.Extensions?.Length ?? 0);// + (Extensions?.Length ?? 0);//seems entity extensions aren't included in this
//todo: create extension light instances
var lightInsts = new LightInstance[lightAttrs.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < lightAttrs.Length; i++)
ints[6] = (uint)(exts + i);
var la = lightAttrs[i];
var xform = Matrix.Identity;
if ((bones != null) && (bones.TryGetValue(la.BoneId, out Bone bone)))
xform = bone.AbsTransform;
var li = new LightInstance();
li.Attributes = la;
li.Hash = ComputeLightHash(ints);
li.Position = Orientation.Multiply(xform.Multiply(la.Position)) + Position;
li.Direction = Orientation.Multiply(xform.MultiplyRot(la.Direction));
lightInsts[i] = li;
Lights = lightInsts;
//LightHashTest = new uint[25];
//for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
// ints[6] = (uint)(i);
// LightHashTest[i] = ComputeLightHash(ints);
public static uint ComputeLightHash(uint[] ints, uint seed = 0)
var a2 = ints.Length;
var v3 = a2;
var v5 = (uint)(seed + 0xDEADBEEF + 4 * ints.Length);
var v6 = v5;
var v7 = v5;
var c = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < (ints.Length - 4) / 3 + 1; i++, v3 -= 3, c += 3)
var v9 = ints[c + 2] + v5;
var v10 = ints[c + 1] + v6;
var v11 = ints[c] - v9;
var v13 = v10 + v9;
var v14 = (v7 + v11) ^ BitUtil.RotateLeft(v9, 4);
var v15 = v10 - v14;
var v17 = v13 + v14;
var v18 = v15 ^ BitUtil.RotateLeft(v14, 6);
var v19 = v13 - v18;
var v21 = v17 + v18;
var v22 = v19 ^ BitUtil.RotateLeft(v18, 8);
var v23 = v17 - v22;
var v25 = v21 + v22;
var v26 = v23 ^ BitUtil.RotateLeft(v22, 16);
var v27 = v21 - v26;
var v29 = v27 ^ BitUtil.RotateRight(v26, 13);
var v30 = v25 - v29;
v7 = v25 + v26;
v6 = v7 + v29;
v5 = v30 ^ BitUtil.RotateLeft(v29, 4);
if (v3 == 3)
v5 += ints[c + 2];
if (v3 >= 2)
v6 += ints[c + 1];
if (v3 >= 1)
var v34 = (v6 ^ v5) - BitUtil.RotateLeft(v6, 14);
var v35 = (v34 ^ (v7 + ints[c])) - BitUtil.RotateLeft(v34, 11);
var v36 = (v35 ^ v6) - BitUtil.RotateRight(v35, 7);
var v37 = (v36 ^ v34) - BitUtil.RotateLeft(v36, 16);
var v38 = BitUtil.RotateLeft(v37, 4);
var v39 = (((v35 ^ v37) - v38) ^ v36) - BitUtil.RotateLeft((v35 ^ v37) - v38, 14);
return (v39 ^ v37) - BitUtil.RotateRight(v39, 8);
return v5;
public class LightInstance
public LightAttributes Attributes { get; set; } //just for display purposes!
public uint Hash { get; set; }
public Vector3 Position { get; set; }
public Vector3 Direction { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return Hash.ToString() + ": " + Attributes.Type.ToString();
public class YmapGrassInstanceBatch
private const float BatchVertMultiplier = 0.00001525878f;
public Archetype Archetype { get; set; } //cached by GameFileCache on loading...
public rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef Batch { get; set; }
public rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData[] Instances { get; set; }
public Vector3 Position { get; set; } //calculated from AABB
public float Radius { get; set; } //calculated from AABB
public Vector3 AABBMin { get; set; }
public Vector3 AABBMax { get; set; }
public Vector3 CamRel; //used for rendering...
public float Distance; //used for rendering
public YmapFile Ymap { get; set; }
private List<BoundingBox> grassBounds; // for brush
public bool BrushEnabled; // for brush
public float BrushRadius = 5f; // for brush
public bool HasChanged; // for brush and renderer
// TODO: Make configurable.
const float BoundingSize = 0.3F;
static readonly Vector3 GrassMinMax = Vector3.One * BoundingSize;
public override string ToString()
return Batch.ToString();
public void UpdateInstanceCount()
var b = Batch;
var ins = b.InstanceList;
ins.Count1 = (ushort)Instances.Length;
b.InstanceList = ins;
Batch = b;
public bool IsPointBlockedByInstance(Vector3 point)
return grassBounds.Any(bb => bb.Contains(point) == ContainmentType.Contains);
private void ReInitializeBoundingCache()
// cache is already initialized correctly.
if (grassBounds != null && (grassBounds.Count == Instances.Length))
// Clear the current bounding cache.
if (grassBounds == null)
grassBounds = new List<BoundingBox>();
else grassBounds?.Clear();
foreach (var inst in Instances)
// create bounding box for this instance.
var worldPos = GetGrassWorldPos(inst.Position, new BoundingBox(AABBMin, AABBMax));
var bb = new BoundingBox(worldPos - GrassMinMax, worldPos + GrassMinMax);
public bool EraseInstancesAtMouse(
YmapGrassInstanceBatch batch,
SpaceRayIntersectResult mouseRay,
float radius)
rage__spdAABB batchAABB = batch.Batch.BatchAABB;
var oldInstanceBounds = new BoundingBox
var deleteSphere = new BoundingSphere(mouseRay.Position, radius);
// check each instance to see if it's in the delete sphere
// thankfully we've just avoided an O(n^2) op using this bounds stuff (doesn't mean it's super fast though,
// but it's not super slow either, even at like 50,000 instances)
var insList = new List<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData>();
foreach (var instance in batch.Instances)
// get the world pos
var worldPos = GetGrassWorldPos(instance.Position, oldInstanceBounds);
// create a boundary around the instance.
var instanceBounds = new BoundingBox(worldPos - GrassMinMax, worldPos + GrassMinMax);
// check if the sphere contains the boundary.
var bb = new BoundingBox(instanceBounds.Minimum, instanceBounds.Maximum);
var ct = deleteSphere.Contains(ref bb);
if (ct == ContainmentType.Contains || ct == ContainmentType.Intersects)
//delInstances.Add(instance); // Add a copy of this instance
if (insList.Count == Instances.Length)
return false;
var newBounds = GetNewGrassBounds(insList, oldInstanceBounds);
// recalc instances
var b = RecalcBatch(newBounds, batch);
batch.Batch = b;
insList = RecalculateInstances(insList, oldInstanceBounds, newBounds);
batch.Instances = insList.ToArray();
return true;
public void CreateInstancesAtMouse(
YmapGrassInstanceBatch batch,
SpaceRayIntersectResult mouseRay,
float radius,
int amount,
Func<Vector3, SpaceRayIntersectResult> spawnRayFunc,
Color color,
int ao,
int scale,
Vector3 pad,
bool randomScale)
var spawnPosition = mouseRay.Position;
var positions = new List<Vector3>();
var normals = new List<Vector3>();
// Get rand positions.
GetSpawns(spawnPosition, spawnRayFunc, positions, normals, radius, amount);
if (positions.Count <= 0) return;
// get the instance list
var instances =
batch.Instances?.ToList() ?? new List<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData>();
var batchAABB = batch.Batch.BatchAABB;
// make sure to store the old instance bounds for the original
// grass instances
var oldInstanceBounds = new BoundingBox(batchAABB.min.XYZ(), batchAABB.max.XYZ());
if (positions.Count <= 0)
// Begin the spawn bounds.
var grassBound = new BoundingBox(positions[0] - GrassMinMax, positions[0] + GrassMinMax);
grassBound = EncapsulatePositions(positions, grassBound);
// Calculate the new spawn bounds.
var newInstanceBounds = new BoundingBox(oldInstanceBounds.Minimum, oldInstanceBounds.Maximum);
newInstanceBounds = instances.Count > 0
? newInstanceBounds.Encapsulate(grassBound)
: new BoundingBox(grassBound.Minimum, grassBound.Maximum);
// now we need to recalculate the position of each instance
instances = RecalculateInstances(instances, oldInstanceBounds, newInstanceBounds);
// Add new instances at each spawn position with
// the parameters in the brush.
SpawnInstances(positions, normals, instances, newInstanceBounds, color, ao, scale, pad, randomScale);
// then recalc the bounds of the grass batch
var b = RecalcBatch(newInstanceBounds, batch);
// plug our values back in and refresh the ymap.
batch.Batch = b;
// Give back the new intsances
batch.Instances = instances.ToArray();
// bhv approach recommended by dexy.
public YmapGrassInstanceBatch[] OptimizeInstances(YmapGrassInstanceBatch batch, float minRadius)
// this function will return an array of grass instance batches
// that are split up into sectors (groups) with a specific size.
// say for instance we have 30,000 instances spread across a large
// distance. We will split those instances into a grid-like group
// and return the groups as an array of batches.
var oldInstanceBounds = new BoundingBox(batch.Batch.BatchAABB.min.XYZ(), batch.Batch.BatchAABB.max.XYZ());
if (oldInstanceBounds.Radius() < minRadius)
return new [] { batch };
// Get our optimized grassInstances
var split = SplitGrassRecursive(batch.Instances.ToList(), oldInstanceBounds, minRadius);
// Initiate a new batch list.
var newBatches = new List<YmapGrassInstanceBatch>();
foreach (var grassList in split)
// Create a new batch
var newBatch = new YmapGrassInstanceBatch
Archetype = batch.Archetype,
Ymap = batch.Ymap
// Get the boundary of the grassInstances
var newInstanceBounds = GetNewGrassBounds(grassList, oldInstanceBounds);
// Recalculate the batch boundaries.
var b = RecalcBatch(newInstanceBounds, newBatch);
newBatch.Batch = b;
var ins = RecalculateInstances(grassList, oldInstanceBounds, newInstanceBounds);
newBatch.Instances = ins.ToArray();
return newBatches.ToArray();
private List<List<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData>> SplitGrassRecursive(
IReadOnlyList<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData> grassInstances,
BoundingBox batchAABB,
float minRadius = 15F
var ret = new List<List<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData>>();
var oldPoints = SplitGrass(grassInstances, batchAABB);
while (true)
var stop = true;
var newPoints = new List<List<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData>>();
foreach (var mb in oldPoints)
// for some reason we got a null group?
if (mb == null)
// Get the bounds of the grassInstances list
var radius = GetNewGrassBounds(mb, batchAABB).Radius();
// check if the radius of the grassInstances
if (radius <= minRadius)
// this point list is within the minimum
// radius.
continue; // we don't need to continue.
// since we're here let's keep going
stop = false;
// split the grassInstances again
var s = SplitGrass(mb, batchAABB);
// add it into the new grassInstances list.
// set the old grassInstances to the new grassInstances.
oldPoints = newPoints.ToArray();
// if we're done, and all grassInstances are within the desired size
// then end the loop.
if (stop) break;
return ret;
private List<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData>[] SplitGrass(
IReadOnlyList<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData> points,
BoundingBox batchAABB)
var pointGroup = new List<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData>[2];
// Calculate the bounds of these grassInstances.
var m = GetNewGrassBounds(points, batchAABB);
// Get the center and size
var mm = new Vector3
X = Math.Abs(m.Minimum.X - m.Maximum.X),
Y = Math.Abs(m.Minimum.Y - m.Maximum.Y),
Z = Math.Abs(m.Minimum.Z - m.Maximum.Z)
// x is the greatest axis...
if (mm.X > mm.Y && mm.X > mm.Z)
// Calculate both boundaries.
var lhs = new BoundingBox(m.Minimum, m.Maximum - new Vector3(mm.X * 0.5F, 0, 0));
var rhs = new BoundingBox(m.Minimum + new Vector3(mm.X * 0.5F, 0, 0), m.Maximum);
// Set the grassInstances accordingly.
pointGroup[0] = points
.Where(p => lhs.Contains(GetGrassWorldPos(p.Position, batchAABB)) == ContainmentType.Contains).ToList();
pointGroup[1] = points
.Where(p => rhs.Contains(GetGrassWorldPos(p.Position, batchAABB)) == ContainmentType.Contains).ToList();
// y is the greatest axis...
else if (mm.Y > mm.X && mm.Y > mm.Z)
// Calculate both boundaries.
var lhs = new BoundingBox(m.Minimum, m.Maximum - new Vector3(0, mm.Y * 0.5F, 0));
var rhs = new BoundingBox(m.Minimum + new Vector3(0, mm.Y * 0.5F, 0), m.Maximum);
// Set the grassInstances accordingly.
pointGroup[0] = points
.Where(p => lhs.Contains(GetGrassWorldPos(p.Position, batchAABB)) == ContainmentType.Contains).ToList();
pointGroup[1] = points
.Where(p => rhs.Contains(GetGrassWorldPos(p.Position, batchAABB)) == ContainmentType.Contains).ToList();
// z is the greatest axis...
else if (mm.Z > mm.X && mm.Z > mm.Y)
// Calculate both boundaries.
var lhs = new BoundingBox(m.Minimum, m.Maximum - new Vector3(0, 0, mm.Z * 0.5F));
var rhs = new BoundingBox(m.Minimum + new Vector3(0, 0, mm.Z * 0.5F), m.Maximum);
// Set the grassInstances accordingly.
pointGroup[0] = points
.Where(p => lhs.Contains(GetGrassWorldPos(p.Position, batchAABB)) == ContainmentType.Contains).ToList();
pointGroup[1] = points
.Where(p => rhs.Contains(GetGrassWorldPos(p.Position, batchAABB)) == ContainmentType.Contains).ToList();
return pointGroup;
private static BoundingBox GetNewGrassBounds(IReadOnlyList<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData> newGrass, BoundingBox oldAABB)
var grassPositions = newGrass.Select(x => GetGrassWorldPos(x.Position, oldAABB)).ToArray();
return BoundingBox.FromPoints(grassPositions).Expand(1f);
private void SpawnInstances(
IReadOnlyList<Vector3> positions,
IReadOnlyList<Vector3> normals,
ICollection<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData> instanceList,
BoundingBox instanceBounds,
Color color,
int ao,
int scale,
Vector3 pad,
bool randomScale)
for (var i = 0; i < positions.Count; i++)
var pos = positions[i];
// create the new instance.
var newInstance = CreateNewInstance(normals[i], color, ao, scale, pad, randomScale);
// get the grass position of the new instance and add it to the
// instance list
var grassPosition = GetGrassPos(pos, instanceBounds);
newInstance.Position = grassPosition;
private rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData CreateNewInstance(Vector3 normal, Color color, int ao, int scale, Vector3 pad,
bool randomScale = false)
//Vector3 pad = FloatUtil.ParseVector3String(PadTextBox.Text);
//int scale = (int)ScaleNumericUpDown.Value;
var rand = new Random();
if (randomScale)
scale = rand.Next(scale / 2, scale);
var newInstance = new rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData
Ao = (byte)ao,
Scale = (byte)scale,
Color = new ArrayOfBytes3 { b0 = color.R, b1 = color.G, b2 = color.B },
Pad = new ArrayOfBytes3 { b0 = (byte)pad.X, b1 = (byte)pad.Y, b2 = (byte)pad.Z },
NormalX = (byte)((normal.X + 1) * 0.5F * 255F),
NormalY = (byte)((normal.Y + 1) * 0.5F * 255F)
return newInstance;
private rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef RecalcBatch(BoundingBox newInstanceBounds, YmapGrassInstanceBatch batch)
batch.AABBMax = newInstanceBounds.Maximum;
batch.AABBMin = newInstanceBounds.Minimum;
batch.Position = newInstanceBounds.Center();
batch.Radius = newInstanceBounds.Radius();
var b = batch.Batch;
b.BatchAABB = new rage__spdAABB
min =
new Vector4(newInstanceBounds.Minimum,
0), // Let's pass the new stuff into the batchabb as well just because.
max = new Vector4(newInstanceBounds.Maximum, 0)
return b;
private void GetSpawns(
Vector3 origin, Func<Vector3,
SpaceRayIntersectResult> spawnRayFunc,
ICollection<Vector3> positions,
ICollection<Vector3> normals,
float radius,
int resolution = 28)
var rand = new Random();
for (var i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
var randX = (float)rand.NextDouble(-radius, radius);
var randY = (float)rand.NextDouble(-radius, radius);
if (Math.Abs(randX) > 0 && Math.Abs(randY) > 0)
randX *= .7071f;
randY *= .7071f;
var posOffset = origin + new Vector3(randX, randY, 2f);
var spaceRay = spawnRayFunc.Invoke(posOffset);
if (!spaceRay.Hit) continue;
// not truly O(n^2) but may be slow...
// actually just did some testing, not slow at all.
if (IsPointBlockedByInstance(spaceRay.Position)) continue;
private static List<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData> RecalculateInstances(
List<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData> instances,
BoundingBox oldInstanceBounds,
BoundingBox newInstanceBounds)
var refreshList = new List<rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData>();
foreach (var inst in instances)
// Copy instance
var copy =
new rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData
Position = inst.Position,
Ao = inst.Ao,
Color = inst.Color,
NormalX = inst.NormalX,
NormalY = inst.NormalY,
Pad = inst.Pad,
Scale = inst.Scale
// get the position from where we would be in the old bounds, and move it to
// the position it needs to be in the new bounds.
var oldPos = GetGrassWorldPos(copy.Position, oldInstanceBounds);
//var oldPos = oldInstanceBounds.min + oldInstanceBounds.Size * (grassPos * BatchVertMultiplier);
copy.Position = GetGrassPos(oldPos, newInstanceBounds);
instances = refreshList.ToList();
return instances;
private static BoundingBox EncapsulatePositions(IEnumerable<Vector3> positions, BoundingBox bounds)
foreach (var pos in positions)
var posBounds = new BoundingBox(pos - (GrassMinMax + 0.1f), pos + (GrassMinMax + 0.1f));
bounds = bounds.Encapsulate(posBounds);
return bounds;
private static ArrayOfUshorts3 GetGrassPos(Vector3 worldPos, BoundingBox batchAABB)
var offset = worldPos - batchAABB.Minimum;
var size = batchAABB.Size();
var percentage =
new Vector3(
offset.X / size.X,
offset.Y / size.Y,
offset.Z / size.Z
var instancePos = percentage / BatchVertMultiplier;
return new ArrayOfUshorts3
u0 = (ushort)instancePos.X,
u1 = (ushort)instancePos.Y,
u2 = (ushort)instancePos.Z
private static Vector3 GetGrassWorldPos(ArrayOfUshorts3 grassPos, BoundingBox batchAABB)
return batchAABB.Minimum + batchAABB.Size() * (grassPos.XYZ() * BatchVertMultiplier);
public class YmapPropInstanceBatch
public YmapFile Ymap { get; set; }
public class YmapDistantLODLights
public CDistantLODLight CDistantLODLight { get; set; }
public uint[] colours { get; set; }
public MetaVECTOR3[] positions { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMin { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMax { get; set; }
public YmapFile Ymap { get; set; }
public void CalcBB()
if (positions != null)
Vector3 min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
Vector3 max = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++)
var p = positions[i];
Vector3 pv = p.ToVector3();
min = Vector3.Min(min, pv);
max = Vector3.Max(max, pv);
BBMin = min;
BBMax = max;
public void RebuildFromLodLights(YmapLODLight[] lodlights)
var n = lodlights?.Length ?? 0;
if (n == 0) return;
colours = new uint[n];
positions = new MetaVECTOR3[n];
var nstreetlights = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
var ll = lodlights[i];
colours[i] = (uint)(ll.Colour.ToBgra());
positions[i] = new MetaVECTOR3(ll.Position);
if ((ll.StateFlags1 & 1) > 0)
var cdll = CDistantLODLight;
cdll.numStreetLights = (ushort)nstreetlights;
public override string ToString()
if (Ymap != null)
return Ymap.ToString();
return base.ToString();
public class YmapLODLights
public CLODLight CLODLight { get; set; }
public MetaVECTOR3[] direction { get; set; }
public float[] falloff { get; set; }
public float[] falloffExponent { get; set; }
public uint[] timeAndStateFlags { get; set; }
public uint[] hash { get; set; }
public byte[] coneInnerAngle { get; set; }
public byte[] coneOuterAngleOrCapExt { get; set; }
public byte[] coronaIntensity { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMin { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMax { get; set; }
public YmapFile Ymap { get; set; }
public YmapLODLight[] LodLights { get; set; }
public PathBVH BVH { get; set; }
public void Init(YmapDistantLODLights parent)
if (parent == null) return;
public void BuildLodLights(YmapDistantLODLights parent)
var n = direction?.Length ?? 0;
n = Math.Min(n, parent.positions?.Length ?? 0);
n = Math.Min(n, parent.colours?.Length ?? 0);
n = Math.Min(n, falloff?.Length ?? 0);
n = Math.Min(n, falloffExponent?.Length ?? 0);
n = Math.Min(n, timeAndStateFlags?.Length ?? 0);
n = Math.Min(n, hash?.Length ?? 0);
n = Math.Min(n, coneInnerAngle?.Length ?? 0);
n = Math.Min(n, coneOuterAngleOrCapExt?.Length ?? 0);
n = Math.Min(n, coronaIntensity?.Length ?? 0);
if (n == 0) return;
LodLights = new YmapLODLight[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
var l = new YmapLODLight();
l.Init(this, parent, i);
LodLights[i] = l;
public void BuildBVH()
BVH = new PathBVH(LodLights, 10, 10);
public void CalcBB()
var positions = Ymap?.Parent?.DistantLODLights?.positions;
if (positions != null)
Vector3 min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
Vector3 max = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++)
var p = positions[i];
Vector3 pv = p.ToVector3();
min = Vector3.Min(min, pv);
max = Vector3.Max(max, pv);
BBMin = min;
BBMax = max;
else if (Ymap != null)
BBMin = Ymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMin;
BBMax = Ymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMax;
{ }
public void RebuildFromLodLights()
var n = LodLights?.Length ?? 0;
if (n <= 0)
direction = null;
falloff = null;
falloffExponent = null;
timeAndStateFlags = null;
hash = null;
coneInnerAngle = null;
coneOuterAngleOrCapExt = null;
coronaIntensity = null;
direction = new MetaVECTOR3[n];
falloff = new float[n];
falloffExponent = new float[n];
timeAndStateFlags = new uint[n];
hash = new uint[n];
coneInnerAngle = new byte[n];
coneOuterAngleOrCapExt = new byte[n];
coronaIntensity = new byte[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
var ll = LodLights[i];
direction[i] = new MetaVECTOR3(ll.Direction);
falloff[i] = ll.Falloff;
falloffExponent[i] = ll.FalloffExponent;
timeAndStateFlags[i] = ll.TimeAndStateFlags;
hash[i] = ll.Hash;
coneInnerAngle[i] = ll.ConeInnerAngle;
coneOuterAngleOrCapExt[i] = ll.ConeOuterAngleOrCapExt;
coronaIntensity[i] = ll.CoronaIntensity;
public override string ToString()
if (Ymap != null)
return Ymap.ToString();
return base.ToString();
public class YmapLODLight : BasePathNode
public YmapFile Ymap { get { return LodLights?.Ymap ?? DistLodLights?.Ymap; } }
public YmapLODLights LodLights { get; set; }
public YmapDistantLODLights DistLodLights { get; set; }
public int Index { get; set; }
public Color Colour { get; set; }
public Vector3 Position { get; set; }
public Vector3 Direction { get; set; }
public float Falloff { get; set; }
public float FalloffExponent { get; set; }
public uint TimeAndStateFlags { get; set; }
public uint Hash { get; set; }
public byte ConeInnerAngle { get; set; }
public byte ConeOuterAngleOrCapExt { get; set; }
public byte CoronaIntensity { get; set; }
public Quaternion Orientation { get; set; }
public Vector3 Scale { get; set; }
public Vector3 TangentX { get; set; }
public Vector3 TangentY { get; set; }
public LightType Type
return (LightType)((TimeAndStateFlags >> 26) & 7);
TimeAndStateFlags = (TimeAndStateFlags & 0xE3FFFFFF) + (((uint)value & 7) << 26);
public FlagsUint TimeFlags
return (TimeAndStateFlags & 0xFFFFFF);
TimeAndStateFlags = (TimeAndStateFlags & 0xFF000000) + (value & 0xFFFFFF);
public uint StateFlags1
return (TimeAndStateFlags >> 24) & 3;
TimeAndStateFlags = (TimeAndStateFlags & 0xFCFFFFFF) + ((value & 3) << 24);
public uint StateFlags2
return (TimeAndStateFlags >> 29) & 7;
TimeAndStateFlags = (TimeAndStateFlags & 0x1FFFFFFF) + ((value & 7) << 29);
public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true;
public void Init(YmapLODLights l, YmapDistantLODLights p, int i)
LodLights = l;
DistLodLights = p;
Index = i;
if (p.colours == null) return;
if ((i < 0) || (i >= p.colours.Length)) return;
Colour = Color.FromBgra(p.colours[i]);
Position = p.positions[i].ToVector3();
Direction = l.direction[i].ToVector3();
Falloff = l.falloff[i];
FalloffExponent = l.falloffExponent[i];
TimeAndStateFlags = l.timeAndStateFlags[i];
Hash = l.hash[i];
ConeInnerAngle = l.coneInnerAngle[i];
ConeOuterAngleOrCapExt = l.coneOuterAngleOrCapExt[i];
CoronaIntensity = l.coronaIntensity[i];
Scale = new Vector3(Falloff);
public void UpdateTangentsAndOrientation()
switch (Type)
case LightType.Point:
TangentX = Vector3.UnitX;
TangentY = Vector3.UnitY;
Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
case LightType.Spot:
TangentX = Vector3.Normalize(Direction.GetPerpVec());
TangentY = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(Direction, TangentX));
case LightType.Capsule:
TangentX = -Vector3.Normalize(Direction.GetPerpVec());
TangentY = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(Direction, TangentX));
if (Type == LightType.Point)
Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
var m = new Matrix();
m.Row1 = new Vector4(TangentX, 0);
m.Row2 = new Vector4(TangentY, 0);
m.Row3 = new Vector4(Direction, 0);
Orientation = Quaternion.RotationMatrix(m);
public void SetColour(Color c)
Colour = c;
if ((DistLodLights?.colours != null) && (DistLodLights.colours.Length >= Index))
DistLodLights.colours[Index] = (uint)(c.ToBgra());
public void SetPosition(Vector3 pos)
Position = pos;
if ((DistLodLights?.positions != null) && (DistLodLights.positions.Length >= Index))
DistLodLights.positions[Index] = new MetaVECTOR3(pos);
public void SetOrientation(Quaternion ori)
var inv = Quaternion.Invert(Orientation);
var delta = ori * inv;
TangentX = Vector3.Normalize(delta.Multiply(TangentX));
TangentY = Vector3.Normalize(delta.Multiply(TangentY));
Direction = Vector3.Normalize(delta.Multiply(Direction));
Orientation = ori;
public void SetScale(Vector3 scale)
switch (Type)
case LightType.Point:
case LightType.Spot:
Falloff = scale.Z;
case LightType.Capsule:
Falloff = scale.X;
ConeOuterAngleOrCapExt = (byte)Math.Min(255, Math.Max(0, Math.Round(Math.Max((uint)ConeOuterAngleOrCapExt, 2) * Math.Abs(scale.Z / Math.Max(Scale.Z, 0.01f)))));//lols
Scale = scale;
public void CopyFrom(YmapLODLight l)
Colour = l.Colour;
Position = l.Position;
Direction = l.Direction;
Falloff = l.Falloff;
FalloffExponent = l.FalloffExponent;
TimeAndStateFlags = l.TimeAndStateFlags;
Hash = l.Hash;
ConeInnerAngle = l.ConeInnerAngle;
ConeOuterAngleOrCapExt = l.ConeOuterAngleOrCapExt;
CoronaIntensity = l.CoronaIntensity;
Orientation = l.Orientation;
Scale = l.Scale;
TangentX = l.TangentX;
TangentY = l.TangentY;
public override string ToString()
return Index.ToString() + ": " + Position.ToString();
public class YmapTimeCycleModifier
public CTimeCycleModifier CTimeCycleModifier { get; set; }
public World.TimecycleMod TimeCycleModData { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMin { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMax { get; set; }
public YmapFile Ymap { get; set; }
public class YmapCarGen
public CCarGen _CCarGen;
public CCarGen CCarGen { get { return _CCarGen; } set { _CCarGen = value; } }
public Vector3 Position { get; set; }
public Quaternion Orientation { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMin { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMax { get; set; }
public YmapFile Ymap { get; set; }
public YmapCarGen(YmapFile ymap, CCarGen cargen)
float hlen = cargen.perpendicularLength * 0.5f;
Ymap = ymap;
CCarGen = cargen;
Position = cargen.position;
BBMin = new Vector3(-hlen);
BBMax = new Vector3(hlen);
public void CalcOrientation()
float angl = (float)Math.Atan2(_CCarGen.orientY, _CCarGen.orientX);
Orientation = Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(0.0f, 0.0f, angl);
public void SetPosition(Vector3 pos)
Position = pos;
_CCarGen.position = pos;
public void SetOrientation(Quaternion ori)
Orientation = ori;
float len = Math.Max(_CCarGen.perpendicularLength * 1.5f, 5.0f);
Vector3 v = new Vector3(len, 0, 0);
Vector3 t = ori.Multiply(v);
_CCarGen.orientX = t.X;
_CCarGen.orientY = t.Y;
public void SetScale(Vector3 scale)
float s = scale.X;
float hlen = s * 0.5f;
_CCarGen.perpendicularLength = s;
BBMin = new Vector3(-hlen);
BBMax = new Vector3(hlen);
public void SetLength(float length)
_CCarGen.perpendicularLength = length;
float hlen = length * 0.5f;
BBMin = new Vector3(-hlen);
BBMax = new Vector3(hlen);
public string NameString()
MetaHash mh = _CCarGen.carModel;
if ((mh == 0) && (_CCarGen.popGroup != 0))
mh = _CCarGen.popGroup;
return mh.ToString();
public override string ToString()
return _CCarGen.carModel.ToString() + ", " + Position.ToString() + ", " + _CCarGen.popGroup.ToString() + ", " + _CCarGen.livery.ToString();
public class YmapOccludeModel : BasePathData
public OccludeModel _OccludeModel;
public OccludeModel OccludeModel { get { return _OccludeModel; } set { _OccludeModel = value; } }
public YmapFile Ymap { get; set; }
public byte[] Data { get; set; }
public Vector3[] Vertices { get; set; }
public byte[] Indices { get; set; }
public int Index { get; set; }
public YmapOccludeModelTriangle[] Triangles { get; set; }
public TriangleBVH BVH { get; set; }
public FlagsUint Flags
return _OccludeModel.flags;
_OccludeModel.flags = value;
public YmapOccludeModel(YmapFile ymap, OccludeModel model)
Ymap = ymap;
_OccludeModel = model;
public void Load(Meta meta)
var vptr = _OccludeModel.verts;
var dataSize = _OccludeModel.dataSize;
var indicesOffset = _OccludeModel.numVertsInBytes;
var vertexCount = indicesOffset / 12;
var indexCount = (int)(dataSize - indicesOffset);// / 4;
Data = MetaTypes.GetByteArray(meta, vptr, dataSize);
Vertices = MetaTypes.ConvertDataArray<Vector3>(Data, 0, vertexCount);
Indices = new byte[indexCount];
Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, indicesOffset, Indices, 0, indexCount);
public void BuildTriangles()
if ((Vertices == null) || (Indices == null))
Triangles = null;
var tris = new List<YmapOccludeModelTriangle>();
for (int i = 0; i < Indices.Length; i += 3)
var tri = new YmapOccludeModelTriangle(this, Vertices[Indices[i]], Vertices[Indices[i+1]], Vertices[Indices[i+2]], tris.Count);
Triangles = tris.ToArray();
public void BuildBVH()
if (Triangles == null)
BVH = null;
BVH = new TriangleBVH(Triangles);
public void BuildVertices()
//create vertices and indices arrays from Triangles
if (Triangles == null)
Vertices = null;
Indices = null;
var vdict = new Dictionary<Vector3, byte>();
var verts = new List<Vector3>();
var inds = new List<byte>();
byte ensureVert(Vector3 v)
if (vdict.TryGetValue(v, out byte b))
return b;
if (verts.Count > 255)
return 0;
var i = (byte)verts.Count;
vdict[v] = i;
return i;
for (int i = 0; i < Triangles.Length; i++)
var tri = Triangles[i];
Vertices = verts.ToArray();
Indices = inds.ToArray();
public void BuildData()
//create Data from vertices and indices arrays
if (Vertices == null) return;
if (Indices == null) return;
var dlen = (Vertices.Length * 12) + (Indices.Length * 1);
var d = new byte[dlen];
var vbytes = MetaTypes.ConvertArrayToBytes(Vertices);
var ibytes = Indices;
Buffer.BlockCopy(vbytes, 0, d, 0, vbytes.Length);
Buffer.BlockCopy(ibytes, 0, d, vbytes.Length, ibytes.Length);
Data = d;
var min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
var max = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Length; i++)
min = Vector3.Min(min, Vertices[i]);
max = Vector3.Max(max, Vertices[i]);
_OccludeModel.bmin = min;
_OccludeModel.bmax = max;
_OccludeModel.Unused0 = min.X;
_OccludeModel.Unused1 = max.X;
_OccludeModel.dataSize = (uint)dlen;
_OccludeModel.numVertsInBytes = (ushort)vbytes.Length;
_OccludeModel.numTris = (ushort)((ibytes.Length / 3) + 32768);//is this actually a flag lurking..?
//_OccludeModel.flags = ...
public YmapOccludeModelTriangle RayIntersect(ref Ray ray, ref float hitdist)
if (Triangles == null)
else if (BVH == null)
if (BVH == null) return null;
return BVH.RayIntersect(ref ray, ref hitdist) as YmapOccludeModelTriangle;
public EditorVertex[] GetTriangleVertices()
if ((Vertices == null) || (Indices == null)) return null;
EditorVertex[] res = new EditorVertex[Indices.Length];//changing from indexed to nonindexed triangle list
var colour = new Color4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f); //todo: colours for occluders?
var colourval = (uint)colour.ToRgba();
for (int i = 0; i < Indices.Length; i++)
res[i].Position = Vertices[Indices[i]];
res[i].Colour = colourval;
return res;
public EditorVertex[] GetPathVertices()
return null;
public Vector4[] GetNodePositions()
return null;
public override string ToString()
return Index.ToString() + ": " + (Vertices?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " vertices, " + (Triangles?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " triangles";
public class YmapOccludeModelTriangle : TriangleBVHItem
public YmapOccludeModel Model { get; set; }
public YmapFile Ymap { get { return Model?.Ymap; } }
public int Index { get; set; }
public YmapOccludeModelTriangle(YmapOccludeModel model, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3, int i)
Model = model;
Corner1 = v1;
Corner2 = v2;
Corner3 = v3;
Index = i;
public class YmapBoxOccluder : BasePathData
public BoxOccluder _Box;
public BoxOccluder Box { get { return _Box; } set { _Box = value; } }
public YmapFile Ymap { get; set; }
public Vector3 Position { get; set; }
public Vector3 Size { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMin { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMax { get; set; }
public Quaternion Orientation { get; set; }
public int Index { get; set; }
public YmapBoxOccluder(YmapFile ymap, BoxOccluder box)
Ymap = ymap;
_Box = box;
Position = new Vector3(box.iCenterX, box.iCenterY, box.iCenterZ) / 4.0f;
Size = new Vector3(box.iLength, box.iWidth, box.iHeight) / 4.0f;
BBMin = Size * -0.5f;
BBMax = Size * 0.5f;
float cosz = box.iCosZ / 32767.0f;// ((float)short.MaxValue)
float sinz = box.iSinZ / 32767.0f;
float angl = (float)Math.Atan2(cosz, sinz);
Orientation = Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(0.0f, 0.0f, angl);
public void UpdateBoxStruct()
_Box.iCenterX = (short)Math.Round(Position.X * 4.0f);
_Box.iCenterY = (short)Math.Round(Position.Y * 4.0f);
_Box.iCenterZ = (short)Math.Round(Position.Z * 4.0f);
_Box.iLength = (short)Math.Round(Size.X * 4.0f);
_Box.iWidth = (short)Math.Round(Size.Y * 4.0f);
_Box.iHeight = (short)Math.Round(Size.Z * 4.0f);
var dir = Orientation.Multiply(Vector3.UnitX) * 0.5f;
_Box.iSinZ = (short)Math.Round(dir.X * 32767.0f);
_Box.iCosZ = (short)Math.Round(dir.Y * 32767.0f);
public void SetSize(Vector3 s)
Size = s;
BBMin = Size * -0.5f;
BBMax = Size * 0.5f;
public EditorVertex[] GetTriangleVertices()
Vector3 xform(float x, float y, float z)
return Orientation.Multiply(new Vector3(x, y, z)) + Position;
EditorVertex[] res = new EditorVertex[36];
var colour = new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f); //todo: colours for occluders?
var c = (uint)colour.ToRgba();
var s = Size * 0.5f;
var v0 = new EditorVertex() { Position = xform(-s.X, -s.Y, -s.Z), Colour = c };
var v1 = new EditorVertex() { Position = xform(-s.X, -s.Y, +s.Z), Colour = c };
var v2 = new EditorVertex() { Position = xform(-s.X, +s.Y, -s.Z), Colour = c };
var v3 = new EditorVertex() { Position = xform(-s.X, +s.Y, +s.Z), Colour = c };
var v4 = new EditorVertex() { Position = xform(+s.X, -s.Y, -s.Z), Colour = c };
var v5 = new EditorVertex() { Position = xform(+s.X, -s.Y, +s.Z), Colour = c };
var v6 = new EditorVertex() { Position = xform(+s.X, +s.Y, -s.Z), Colour = c };
var v7 = new EditorVertex() { Position = xform(+s.X, +s.Y, +s.Z), Colour = c };
res[00] = v0; res[01] = v1; res[02] = v2; res[03] = v2; res[04] = v1; res[05] = v3;
res[06] = v2; res[07] = v3; res[08] = v6; res[09] = v6; res[10] = v3; res[11] = v7;
res[12] = v1; res[13] = v5; res[14] = v3; res[15] = v3; res[16] = v5; res[17] = v7;
res[18] = v6; res[19] = v7; res[20] = v4; res[21] = v4; res[22] = v7; res[23] = v5;
res[24] = v4; res[25] = v5; res[26] = v0; res[27] = v0; res[28] = v5; res[29] = v1;
res[30] = v2; res[31] = v6; res[32] = v0; res[33] = v0; res[34] = v6; res[35] = v4;
return res;
public EditorVertex[] GetPathVertices()
return null;
public Vector4[] GetNodePositions()
return null;
public override string ToString()
return Index.ToString() + ": " + FloatUtil.GetVector3String(Position);