
620 lines
22 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public class ResourceBuilder
protected const int RESOURCE_IDENT = 0x37435352;
protected const int BASE_SIZE = 0x2000;
private const int SKIP_SIZE = 16;//512;//256;//64;
private const int ALIGN_SIZE = 16;//512;//64;
public static void GetBlocks(IResourceBlock rootBlock, out IList<IResourceBlock> sys, out IList<IResourceBlock> gfx)
var systemBlocks = new HashSet<IResourceBlock>();
var graphicBlocks = new HashSet<IResourceBlock>();
var processed = new HashSet<IResourceBlock>();
//var protectedBlocks = new List<IResourceBlock>();
//var stack = new Stack<IResourceBlock>();
//while (stack.Count > 0)
// var block = stack.Pop();
// if (block == null)
// continue;
// if (block is IResourceSystemBlock)
// {
// if (!systemBlocks.Contains(block))
// systemBlocks.Add(block);
// // for system blocks, also process references...
// var references = ((IResourceSystemBlock)block).GetReferences();
// //Array.Reverse(references);
// foreach (var reference in references)
// if (!processed.Contains(reference))
// {
// stack.Push(reference);
// processed.Add(reference);
// }
// var subs = new Stack<IResourceSystemBlock>();
// foreach (var part in ((IResourceSystemBlock)block).GetParts())
// subs.Push((IResourceSystemBlock)part.Item2);
// while (subs.Count > 0)
// {
// var sub = subs.Pop();
// foreach (var x in sub.GetReferences())
// if (!processed.Contains(x))
// {
// stack.Push(x);
// processed.Add(x);
// }
// foreach (var x in sub.GetParts())
// subs.Push((IResourceSystemBlock)x.Item2);
// protectedBlocks.Add(sub);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// if (!graphicBlocks.Contains(block))
// graphicBlocks.Add(block);
// }
//// there are now sys-blocks in the list that actually
//// only substructures and therefore must not get
//// a new position!
//// -> remove them from the list
//foreach (var q in protectedBlocks)
// if (systemBlocks.Contains(q))
// systemBlocks.Remove(q);
void addBlock(IResourceBlock block)
if (block is IResourceSystemBlock)
if (!systemBlocks.Contains(block)) systemBlocks.Add(block);
else if(block is IResourceGraphicsBlock)
if (!graphicBlocks.Contains(block)) graphicBlocks.Add(block);
void addChildren(IResourceBlock block)
if (block is IResourceSystemBlock sblock)
var references = sblock.GetReferences();
foreach (var reference in references)
if (!processed.Contains(reference))
var parts = sblock.GetParts();
foreach (var part in parts)
sys = new List<IResourceBlock>();
foreach (var s in systemBlocks)
gfx = new List<IResourceBlock>();
foreach (var s in graphicBlocks)
public static void AssignPositions(IList<IResourceBlock> blocks, uint basePosition, ref int pageSize, out int pageCount)
IResourceBlock getFirstBlock()
if (blocks.Count > 0)
return blocks[0];
return null;
HashSet<IResourceBlock> getBlockSet()
var blockset = new HashSet<IResourceBlock>();
for (int i = 1; i < blocks.Count; i++)
return blockset;
IResourceBlock takeBestBlock(long maxSize, HashSet<IResourceBlock> blockset)
if (maxSize <= 0) return null;
IResourceBlock r = null;
long rlen = 0;
foreach (var block in blockset)
var blockLength = block.BlockLength;
if ((blockLength <= maxSize) && (blockLength > rlen))
r = block;
rlen = blockLength;
if (r != null)
return r;
// find largest structure
long largestBlockSize = 0;
foreach (var block in blocks)
if (largestBlockSize < block.BlockLength)
largestBlockSize = block.BlockLength;
// find minimum page size
long currentPageSize = pageSize;// 0x2000;
while (currentPageSize < largestBlockSize)
currentPageSize *= 2;
long currentPageCount = 0;
long currentPosition = 0;
while (true)
if (blocks.Count == 0) break;
// reset all positions
foreach (var block in blocks)
block.FilePosition = -1;
//currentPageCount = 0;
//currentPosition = 0;
//foreach (var block in blocks)
// //if (block.FilePosition != -1)
// // throw new Exception("Block was already assigned a position!");
// //if (block.Length == 0)
// // throw new Exception("A length of 0 is not allowed!");
// // check if new page is necessary...
// // if yes, add a new page and align to it
// long maxSpace = currentPageCount * currentPageSize - currentPosition;
// if (maxSpace < (block.BlockLength + SKIP_SIZE))
// {
// currentPageCount++;
// currentPosition = currentPageSize * (currentPageCount - 1);
// }
// // set position
// block.FilePosition = basePosition + currentPosition;
// currentPosition += block.BlockLength + SKIP_SIZE;
// // align...
// if ((currentPosition % ALIGN_SIZE) != 0)
// currentPosition += (ALIGN_SIZE - (currentPosition % ALIGN_SIZE));
currentPageCount = 1;
currentPosition = 0;
var blockset = getBlockSet();
while (true)
var maxSize = currentPageCount * currentPageSize - currentPosition;
var isroot = (currentPosition == 0);
var block = isroot ? getFirstBlock() : takeBestBlock(maxSize, blockset);
if (block != null)
block.FilePosition = basePosition + currentPosition;
currentPosition += block.BlockLength;
if ((currentPosition % ALIGN_SIZE) != 0)
currentPosition += (ALIGN_SIZE - (currentPosition % ALIGN_SIZE));
else if (blockset.Count > 0)
currentPosition = currentPageSize * currentPageCount;
// break if everything fits...
if (currentPageCount < 128)
currentPageSize *= 2;
pageSize = (int)currentPageSize;
pageCount = (int)currentPageCount;
public static void AssignPositions(IList<IResourceBlock> blocks, uint basePosition, out RpfResourcePageFlags pageFlags)
var sys = (basePosition == 0x50000000);
IResourceBlock getRootBlock()
if (sys && (blocks.Count > 0))
return blocks[0];
return null;
HashSet<IResourceBlock> getBlockSet()
var blockset = new HashSet<IResourceBlock>();
int start = sys ? 1 : 0;
for (int i = start; i < blocks.Count; i++)
return blockset;
IResourceBlock findBestBlock(long maxSize, HashSet<IResourceBlock> blockset)
if (maxSize <= 0) return null;
IResourceBlock r = null;
long rlen = 0;
foreach (var block in blockset)
var blockLength = block.BlockLength;
if ((blockLength <= maxSize) && (blockLength > rlen))
r = block;
rlen = blockLength;
return r;
IResourceBlock takeBestBlock(long maxSize, HashSet<IResourceBlock> blockset)
var r = findBestBlock(maxSize, blockset);
if (r != null)
return r;
long pad(long p)
return ((ALIGN_SIZE - (p % ALIGN_SIZE)) % ALIGN_SIZE);
long largestBlockSize = 0; // find largest structure
long startPageSize = BASE_SIZE;// 0x2000; // find starting page size
long totalBlockSize = 0;
foreach (var block in blocks)
var blockLength = block.BlockLength;
totalBlockSize += blockLength;
totalBlockSize += pad(totalBlockSize);
if (largestBlockSize < blockLength)
largestBlockSize = blockLength;
while (startPageSize < largestBlockSize)
startPageSize *= 2;
pageFlags = new RpfResourcePageFlags();
while (true)
if (blocks.Count == 0) break;
var currentPosition = 0L;
var currentPageSize = startPageSize;
var currentPageStart = 0L;
var currentPageSpace = startPageSize;
var currentRemainder = totalBlockSize;
var rootblock = getRootBlock();
var blockset = getBlockSet();
var pageCount = 1;
var pageCounts = new uint[9];
var pageCountIndex = 0;
var targetPageSize = Math.Max(65536, startPageSize >> 5);
var minPageSize = Math.Max(512, Math.Min(targetPageSize, startPageSize) >> 4);
var baseShift = 0u;
var baseSize = 512;
while (baseSize < minPageSize)
baseSize *= 2;
if (baseShift >= 0xF) break;
var baseSizeMax = baseSize << 8;
var baseSizeMaxTest = startPageSize;
while (baseSizeMaxTest < baseSizeMax)
baseSizeMaxTest *= 2;
pageCounts[pageCountIndex] = 1;
while (true)
var isroot = sys && (currentPosition == 0);
var block = isroot ? rootblock : takeBestBlock(currentPageSpace, blockset);
var blockLength = block?.BlockLength ?? 0;
if (block != null)
//add this block to the current page.
block.FilePosition = basePosition + currentPosition;
var opos = currentPosition;
currentPosition += blockLength;
currentPosition += pad(currentPosition);
var usedspace = currentPosition - opos;
currentPageSpace -= usedspace;
currentRemainder -= usedspace;//blockLength;//
else if (blockset.Count > 0)
//allocate a new page
currentPageStart += currentPageSize;
currentPosition = currentPageStart;
block = findBestBlock(long.MaxValue, blockset);//just find the biggest block
blockLength = block?.BlockLength ?? 0;
while (blockLength <= (currentPageSize >> 1))//determine best new page size
if (currentPageSize <= minPageSize) break;
if (pageCountIndex >= 8) break;
if ((currentPageSize <= targetPageSize) && (currentRemainder >= (currentPageSize - minPageSize))) break;
currentPageSize = currentPageSize >> 1;
currentPageSpace = currentPageSize;
pageFlags = new RpfResourcePageFlags(pageCounts, baseShift);
if ((pageCount == pageFlags.Count) && (pageFlags.Size >= currentPosition)) //make sure page counts fit in the flags value
startPageSize *= 2;
public static byte[] Build(ResourceFileBase fileBase, int version, bool compress = true)
fileBase.FilePagesInfo = new ResourcePagesInfo();
IList<IResourceBlock> systemBlocks;
IList<IResourceBlock> graphicBlocks;
GetBlocks(fileBase, out systemBlocks, out graphicBlocks);
//int systemPageSize = BASE_SIZE;// *4;
//int systemPageCount;
//AssignPositions(systemBlocks, 0x50000000, ref systemPageSize, out systemPageCount);
//int graphicsPageSize = BASE_SIZE;
//int graphicsPageCount;
//AssignPositions(graphicBlocks, 0x60000000, ref graphicsPageSize, out graphicsPageCount);
RpfResourcePageFlags systemPageFlags;
AssignPositions(systemBlocks, 0x50000000, out systemPageFlags);
RpfResourcePageFlags graphicsPageFlags;
AssignPositions(graphicBlocks, 0x60000000, out graphicsPageFlags);
//fileBase.FilePagesInfo.SystemPagesCount = 0;
//if (systemPageCount > 0)
// fileBase.FilePagesInfo.SystemPagesCount = 1; // (byte)systemPageCount; //1
fileBase.FilePagesInfo.SystemPagesCount = (byte)systemPageFlags.Count;// systemPageCount;
fileBase.FilePagesInfo.GraphicsPagesCount = (byte)graphicsPageFlags.Count;// graphicsPageCount;
var systemStream = new MemoryStream();
var graphicsStream = new MemoryStream();
var resourceWriter = new ResourceDataWriter(systemStream, graphicsStream);
resourceWriter.Position = 0x50000000;
foreach (var block in systemBlocks)
resourceWriter.Position = block.FilePosition;
var pos_before = resourceWriter.Position;
var pos_after = resourceWriter.Position;
if ((pos_after - pos_before) != block.BlockLength)
throw new Exception("error in system length");
resourceWriter.Position = 0x60000000;
foreach (var block in graphicBlocks)
resourceWriter.Position = block.FilePosition;
var pos_before = resourceWriter.Position;
var pos_after = resourceWriter.Position;
if ((pos_after - pos_before) != block.BlockLength)
throw new Exception("error in graphics length");
var sysDataSize = (int)systemPageFlags.Size;// systemPageCount * systemPageSize;
var sysData = new byte[sysDataSize];
systemStream.Position = 0;
systemStream.Read(sysData, 0, (int)systemStream.Length);
var gfxDataSize = (int)graphicsPageFlags.Size;// graphicsPageCount * graphicsPageSize;
var gfxData = new byte[gfxDataSize];
graphicsStream.Position = 0;
graphicsStream.Read(gfxData, 0, (int)graphicsStream.Length);
uint uv = (uint)version;
uint sv = (uv >> 4) & 0xF;
uint gv = (uv >> 0) & 0xF;
//uint sf = RpfResourceFileEntry.GetFlagsFromSize(sysDataSize, sv);
//uint gf = RpfResourceFileEntry.GetFlagsFromSize(gfxDataSize, gv); //TODO: might be broken...
//uint sf = RpfResourceFileEntry.GetFlagsFromBlocks((uint)systemPageCount, (uint)systemPageSize, sv);
//uint gf = RpfResourceFileEntry.GetFlagsFromBlocks((uint)graphicsPageCount, (uint)graphicsPageSize, gv);
uint sf = systemPageFlags.Value + (sv << 28);
uint gf = graphicsPageFlags.Value + (gv << 28);
var tdatasize = sysDataSize + gfxDataSize;
var tdata = new byte[tdatasize];
Buffer.BlockCopy(sysData, 0, tdata, 0, sysDataSize);
Buffer.BlockCopy(gfxData, 0, tdata, sysDataSize, gfxDataSize);
var cdata = compress ? Compress(tdata) : tdata;
var dataSize = 16 + cdata.Length;// sysDataSize + gfxDataSize;
var data = new byte[dataSize];
byte[] h1 = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)0x37435352);
byte[] h2 = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)version);
byte[] h3 = BitConverter.GetBytes(sf);
byte[] h4 = BitConverter.GetBytes(gf);
Buffer.BlockCopy(h1, 0, data, 0, 4);
Buffer.BlockCopy(h2, 0, data, 4, 4);
Buffer.BlockCopy(h3, 0, data, 8, 4);
Buffer.BlockCopy(h4, 0, data, 12, 4);
Buffer.BlockCopy(cdata, 0, data, 16, cdata.Length);
//Buffer.BlockCopy(sysData, 0, data, 16, sysDataSize);
//Buffer.BlockCopy(gfxData, 0, data, 16 + sysDataSize, gfxDataSize);
return data;
public static byte[] AddResourceHeader(RpfResourceFileEntry entry, byte[] data)
if (data == null) return null;
byte[] newdata = new byte[data.Length + 16];
byte[] h1 = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)0x37435352);
byte[] h2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(entry.Version);
byte[] h3 = BitConverter.GetBytes(entry.SystemFlags);
byte[] h4 = BitConverter.GetBytes(entry.GraphicsFlags);
Buffer.BlockCopy(h1, 0, newdata, 0, 4);
Buffer.BlockCopy(h2, 0, newdata, 4, 4);
Buffer.BlockCopy(h3, 0, newdata, 8, 4);
Buffer.BlockCopy(h4, 0, newdata, 12, 4);
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, newdata, 16, data.Length);
return newdata;
public static byte[] Compress(byte[] data)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
DeflateStream ds = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Compress, true);
ds.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
byte[] deflated = ms.GetBuffer();
byte[] outbuf = new byte[ms.Length]; //need to copy to the right size buffer...
Array.Copy(deflated, outbuf, outbuf.Length);
return outbuf;
public static byte[] Decompress(byte[] data)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data))
DeflateStream ds = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress);
MemoryStream outstr = new MemoryStream();
byte[] deflated = outstr.GetBuffer();
byte[] outbuf = new byte[outstr.Length]; //need to copy to the right size buffer...
Array.Copy(deflated, outbuf, outbuf.Length);
return outbuf;