mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 23:02:14 +08:00
Navmesh/paths rendering depth bias, navmesh points and portals now selectable
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public List<ushort> Indices { get; set; }
public List<NavMeshAdjPoly> AdjPolys { get; set; }
public List<YnvPoly> Polys { get; set; }
public List<YnvPortal> Portals { get; set; }
public List<YnvPoint> Points { get; set; }
public EditorVertex[] PathVertices { get; set; }
@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public bool HasChanged { get; set; } = false;
public List<string> SaveWarnings = null;
public PathBVH BVH { get; set; }
public int AreaID
@ -79,13 +82,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
Nav = rd.ReadBlock<NavMesh>();
if ((Nav != null) && (Nav.SectorTree != null))
if (Nav != null)
Vector3 posoffset = Nav.SectorTree?.AABBMin.XYZ() ?? Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 aabbsize = Nav.AABBSize;
if (Nav.Vertices != null)
Vector3 posoffset = Nav.SectorTree.AABBMin.XYZ();
Vector3 aabbsize = Nav.AABBSize;
var verts = Nav.Vertices.GetFullList();
Vertices = new List<Vector3>(verts.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i++)
@ -111,36 +114,60 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
YnvPoly poly = new YnvPoly();
poly.Init(this, polys[i]);
poly.Index = i;
poly.CalculatePosition(); //calc poly center for display purposes..
//calc poly center.
if ((Indices == null) || (Vertices == null))
{ continue; }
var vc = Vertices.Count;
var ic = poly._RawData.IndexCount;
var startid = poly._RawData.IndexID;
var endid = startid + ic;
if (startid >= Indices.Count)
{ continue; }
if (endid > Indices.Count)
{ continue; }
Vector3 pcenter = Vector3.Zero;
float pcount = 0.0f;
for (int id = startid; id < endid; id++)
var ind = Indices[id];
{ continue; }
pcenter += Vertices[ind];
pcount += 1.0f;
poly.Position = pcenter * (1.0f / pcount);
if (Nav.Portals != null)
var portals = Nav.Portals;
Portals = new List<YnvPortal>(portals.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < portals.Length; i++)
YnvPortal portal = new YnvPortal();
portal.Init(this, portals[i]);
portal.Index = i;
portal.Position1 = posoffset + portal._RawData.Position1.ToVector3() * aabbsize;
portal.Position2 = posoffset + portal._RawData.Position2.ToVector3() * aabbsize;
////### add points to the list and calculate positions...
var treestack = new Stack<NavMeshSector>();
var pointi = 0;
if (Nav.SectorTree != null)
while (treestack.Count > 0)
var sector = treestack.Pop();
if (sector.Data != null)
var points = sector.Data.Points;
if (points != null)
if (Points == null)
Points = new List<YnvPoint>();
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
YnvPoint point = new YnvPoint();
point.Init(this, points[i]);
point.Index = pointi; pointi++;
point.Position = posoffset + point._RawData.Position * aabbsize;
if (sector.SubTree1 != null) treestack.Push(sector.SubTree1);
if (sector.SubTree2 != null) treestack.Push(sector.SubTree2);
if (sector.SubTree3 != null) treestack.Push(sector.SubTree3);
if (sector.SubTree4 != null) treestack.Push(sector.SubTree4);
@ -150,6 +177,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
Loaded = true;
LoadQueued = true;
@ -251,91 +280,51 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public void UpdateAllNodePositions()
if (Nav == null) return;
if (Nav.Portals == null) return;
int cnt = Nav.Portals?.Length ?? 0;
if (cnt <= 0)
NodePositions = null;
Vector3 posoffset = Nav.SectorTree.AABBMin.XYZ();
Vector3 aabbsize = Nav.AABBSize;
var np = new Vector4[cnt];
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
var portal = Nav.Portals[i];
var pv = portal.Position1.ToVector3();
//var pv = portal.Position2.ToVector3();
np[i] = new Vector4(posoffset + pv * aabbsize, 1.0f);
NodePositions = np;
int lcnt = Nav.PortalLinks?.Length ?? 0;
if (lcnt <= 0)
PathVertices = null;
//var lv = new EditorVertex[lcnt];
//for (int i = 0; i < lcnt; i++)
// var pl = Nav.PortalLinks[i];
// if (pl >= np.Length) lv[i] = new EditorVertex();
// else
// {
// lv[i].Position = np[pl].XYZ();
// lv[i].Colour = 0xFF0000FF;
// }
//PathVertices = lv;
EditorVertex v = new EditorVertex();
v.Colour = 0xFF0000FF;
var lv = new List<EditorVertex>();
//int cind = 0;
var plinks = Nav.PortalLinks;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
var nv = new List<Vector4>();
////### add portal positions to the node list, also add links to the link vertex array
int cnt = Portals?.Count ?? 0;
if (cnt > 0)
var portal = Nav.Portals[i];
//var plcnt = 2;
v.Position = posoffset + portal.Position1.ToVector3() * aabbsize;
v.Position = posoffset + portal.Position2.ToVector3() * aabbsize;
//var plcnt = portal.LinkCount;
//if (plcnt < 2) continue;
//var plink = (cind < plinks.Length) ? plinks[cind] : 0xFFFF;
//var ppos = (plink < np.Length) ? np[plink].XYZ() : Vector3.Zero;
//for (int pl = 1; pl < plcnt; pl++)
// var ind2 = cind + pl;
// var plink2 = (ind2 < plinks.Length) ? plinks[ind2] : 0xFFFF;
// var ppos2 = (plink2 < np.Length) ? np[plink2].XYZ() : Vector3.Zero;
// v.Position = ppos; lv.Add(v);
// v.Position = ppos2; lv.Add(v);
//cind += plcnt;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
var portal = Portals[i];
nv.Add(new Vector4(portal.Position1, 1.0f));
v.Position = portal.Position1; lv.Add(v);
v.Position = portal.Position2; lv.Add(v);
PathVertices = lv.ToArray();
////### add point positions to the node list
cnt = Points?.Count ?? 0;
if (cnt >= 0)
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
var point = Points[i];
nv.Add(new Vector4(point.Position, 1.0f));
NodePositions = (nv.Count > 0) ? nv.ToArray() : null;
PathVertices = (lv.Count > 0) ? lv.ToArray() : null;
public void UpdateTriangleVertices()
if (Nav == null) return;
if (Nav.Polys == null) return;
if (Nav.Vertices == null) return;
//need position and colour for each vertex.
//render as a triangle list... (no indices needed)
@ -410,6 +399,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public void BuildBVH()
var nodes = new List<BasePathNode>();
if (Portals != null) nodes.AddRange(Portals);
if (Points != null) nodes.AddRange(Points);
BVH = new PathBVH(nodes, 10, 10);
public EditorVertex[] GetPathVertices()
return PathVertices;
@ -493,6 +492,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public void SetPosition(Vector3 pos)
Vector3 delta = pos - Position;
Position = pos;
//TODO: update vertex positions!!!
public Color4 GetColour()
@ -556,11 +561,129 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public void CalculatePosition()
//calc poly center for display purposes.
var indices = Ynv.Indices;
var vertices = Ynv.Vertices;
if ((indices == null) || (vertices == null))
{ return; }
var vc = vertices.Count;
var ic = _RawData.IndexCount;
var startid = _RawData.IndexID;
var endid = startid + ic;
if (startid >= indices.Count)
{ return; }
if (endid > indices.Count)
{ return; }
Vector3 pcenter = Vector3.Zero;
float pcount = 0.0f;
for (int id = startid; id < endid; id++)
var ind = indices[id];
if (ind >= vc)
{ continue; }
pcenter += vertices[ind];
pcount += 1.0f;
Position = pcenter * (1.0f / pcount);
public override string ToString()
return AreaID.ToString() + ", " + Index.ToString();
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class YnvPortal : BasePathNode
public NavMeshPortal _RawData;
public YnvFile Ynv { get; set; }
public NavMeshPortal RawData { get { return _RawData; } set { _RawData = value; } }
public Vector3 Position { get { return Position1; } set { Position1 = value; } }
public Vector3 Position1 { get; set; }
public Vector3 Position2 { get; set; }
public int Index { get; set; }
public void Init(YnvFile ynv, NavMeshPortal portal)
Ynv = ynv;
RawData = portal;
public void SetPosition(Vector3 pos)
Position = pos;
//TODO: update _RawData positions!
public override string ToString()
return Index.ToString();
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class YnvPoint : BasePathNode
public NavMeshPoint _RawData;
public YnvFile Ynv { get; set; }
public NavMeshPoint RawData { get { return _RawData; } set { _RawData = value; } }
public Vector3 Position { get; set; }
public float Direction
return (float)Math.PI * 2.0f * _RawData.Angle / 255.0f;
_RawData.Angle = (byte)(value * 255.0f / ((float)Math.PI * 2.0f));
public Quaternion Orientation
get { return Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitZ, Direction); }
Vector3 dir = value.Multiply(Vector3.UnitX);
float dira = (float)Math.Atan2(dir.Y, dir.X);
Direction = dira;
public int Index { get; set; }
public byte Flags { get { return _RawData.Flags; } set { _RawData.Flags = value; } }
public void Init(YnvFile ynv, NavMeshPoint point)
Ynv = ynv;
RawData = point;
public void SetPosition(Vector3 pos)
Position = pos;
//TODO! update _RawData.Position!!!
public void SetOrientation(Quaternion orientation)
Orientation = orientation;
public override string ToString()
return Index.ToString() + ": " + Flags.ToString();
@ -608,14 +608,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public uint AdjAreaIDInd { get { return (Value >> 0) & 0x1F; } }
public uint AreaIDInd { get { return (Value >> 0) & 0x1F; } }
public uint PolyID { get { return (Value >> 5) & 0x3FFF; } }
public uint Unk2 { get { return (Value >> 19) & 0x3; } }
public uint Unk3 { get { return (Value >> 21); } }
public uint Unk3 { get { return (Value >> 21) & 0x7FF; } }
public override string ToString()
return AdjAreaIDInd.ToString() + ", " + PolyID.ToString() + ", " + Unk2.ToString() + ", " + Unk3.ToString();
return AreaIDInd.ToString() + ", " + PolyID.ToString() + ", " + Unk2.ToString() + ", " + Unk3.ToString();
@ -766,29 +766,29 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public uint UnkDataStartID { get; set; }
public uint Unused_04h { get; set; } // 0x00000000
public ulong PolyIDsPointer { get; set; }
public ulong UnkDataPointer { get; set; }
public ulong PointsPointer { get; set; }
public ushort PolyIDsCount { get; set; }
public ushort UnkDataCount { get; set; }
public ushort PointsCount { get; set; }
public uint Unused_1Ch { get; set; } // 0x00000000
public ushort[] PolyIDs { get; set; }
public NavMeshSectorDataUnk[] UnkData { get; set; }
public NavMeshPoint[] Points { get; set; }
private ResourceSystemStructBlock<ushort> PolyIDsBlock = null;
private ResourceSystemStructBlock<NavMeshSectorDataUnk> UnkDataBlock = null;
private ResourceSystemStructBlock<NavMeshPoint> PointsBlock = null;
public override void Read(ResourceDataReader reader, params object[] parameters)
UnkDataStartID = reader.ReadUInt32();
Unused_04h = reader.ReadUInt32();
PolyIDsPointer = reader.ReadUInt64();
UnkDataPointer = reader.ReadUInt64();
PointsPointer = reader.ReadUInt64();
PolyIDsCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
UnkDataCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
PointsCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
Unused_1Ch = reader.ReadUInt32();
PolyIDs = reader.ReadUshortsAt(PolyIDsPointer, PolyIDsCount);
UnkData = reader.ReadStructsAt<NavMeshSectorDataUnk>(UnkDataPointer, UnkDataCount);
Points = reader.ReadStructsAt<NavMeshPoint>(PointsPointer, PointsCount);
@ -796,16 +796,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
PolyIDsPointer = (ulong)(PolyIDsBlock?.FilePosition ?? 0);
PolyIDsCount = (ushort)(PolyIDs?.Length ?? 0);
UnkDataPointer = (ulong)(UnkDataBlock?.FilePosition ?? 0);
UnkDataCount = (ushort)(UnkData?.Length ?? 0);
PointsPointer = (ulong)(PointsBlock?.FilePosition ?? 0);
PointsCount = (ushort)(Points?.Length ?? 0);
@ -818,10 +818,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
PolyIDsBlock = new ResourceSystemStructBlock<ushort>(PolyIDs);
if ((UnkData != null) && (UnkData.Length > 0))
if ((Points != null) && (Points.Length > 0))
UnkDataBlock = new ResourceSystemStructBlock<NavMeshSectorDataUnk>(UnkData);
PointsBlock = new ResourceSystemStructBlock<NavMeshPoint>(Points);
@ -830,21 +830,33 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public override string ToString()
return "(Polys: " + PolyIDsCount.ToString() + ", UnkOffset: " + UnkDataStartID.ToString() + ", UnkCount: " + UnkDataCount.ToString() + ")";
return "(Polys: " + PolyIDsCount.ToString() + ", UnkOffset: " + UnkDataStartID.ToString() + ", UnkCount: " + PointsCount.ToString() + ")";
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public struct NavMeshSectorDataUnk
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public struct NavMeshPoint
public ushort Unknown_0h { get; set; }
public ushort Unknown_2h { get; set; }
public ushort Unknown_4h { get; set; }
public ushort Unknown_6h { get; set; }
public ushort X { get; set; }
public ushort Y { get; set; }
public ushort Z { get; set; }
public byte Angle { get; set; }
public byte Flags { get; set; }
public Vector3 Position { get { return ToVector3(); } }
public Vector3 ToVector3()
const float usmax = ushort.MaxValue;
return new Vector3(X / usmax, Y / usmax, Z / usmax);
public override string ToString()
return Unknown_0h.ToString() + ", " + Unknown_2h.ToString() + ", " + Unknown_4h.ToString() + ", " + Unknown_6h.ToString();
return Flags.ToString() + ": " + Angle.ToString() + ", " + Position.ToString();
@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public void GetVisibleYnvs(Camera cam, List<YnvFile> ynvs)
public void GetVisibleYnvs(Camera cam, int gridrange, List<YnvFile> ynvs)
if (!Inited) return;
if (Grid == null) return;
@ -1173,7 +1173,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
int gridrange = 30;
var pos = NavGrid.GetCellPos(cam.Position);
int minx = Math.Min(Math.Max(pos.X - gridrange, 0), NavGrid.CellCountX-1);
int maxx = Math.Min(Math.Max(pos.X + gridrange, 0), NavGrid.CellCountX-1);
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Forms
FileName = ybn.Name;
Ybn = ybn;
public void LoadParticles(YptFile ypt)
@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Forms
ToolsPanel.Visible = true; //show the panel by default for dictionaries...
private void UpdateBoundsUI(Bounds bounds)
private void UpdateBoundsUI(YbnFile bounds)
DetailsPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = bounds;
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
private Camera Camera;
public ShaderGlobalLights GlobalLights = new ShaderGlobalLights();
public bool PathsDepthClip = false;//true;//
public bool PathsDepthClip = true;//false;//
private GameFileCache GameFileCache;
private RenderableCache RenderableCache;
Binary file not shown.
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ VS_OUTPUT main(VS_INPUT input, uint iid : SV_InstanceID)
float3 ipos = input.Position.xyz * 0.25f;
float3 opos = ipos + npos - CameraPos.xyz;
float4 cpos = mul(float4(opos, 1), ViewProj);
cpos.z -= 0.01; //bias paths depth slightly to bring it in front of normal geometry...
output.Position = cpos;
output.Colour = ((float4)1) * LightColour.a; //apply intensity
Binary file not shown.
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ VS_OUTPUT main(uint id : SV_VertexID)
float3 opos = pos - CameraPos.xyz;
float4 cpos = mul(float4(opos, 1), ViewProj);
cpos.z -= 0.01; //bias paths depth slightly to bring it in front of normal geometry...
output.Position = cpos;
output.Colour.rgb = col.rgb * LightColour.a; //apply intensity
output.Colour.a = col.a;
Binary file not shown.
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ VS_OUTPUT main(VS_INPUT input)
float3 opos = pos - CameraPos.xyz;
float4 cpos = mul(float4(opos, 1), ViewProj);
cpos.z -= 0.01; //bias paths depth slightly to bring it in front of normal geometry...
output.Position = cpos;
output.Colour.rgb = col.rgb * LightColour.a; //apply intensity
output.Colour.a = col.a;
@ -185,6 +185,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker
public WaterQuad WaterQuad { get; set; }
public Bounds CollisionBounds { get; set; }
public YnvPoly NavPoly { get; set; }
public YnvPoint NavPoint { get; set; }
public YnvPortal NavPortal { get; set; }
public YndNode PathNode { get; set; }
public YndLink PathLink { get; set; }
public TrainTrackNode TrainTrackNode { get; set; }
@ -218,6 +220,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker
(WaterQuad != null) ||
(CollisionBounds != null) ||
(NavPoly != null) ||
(NavPoint != null) ||
(NavPortal != null) ||
(PathNode != null) ||
(TrainTrackNode != null) ||
(DistantLodLights != null) ||
@ -248,6 +252,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker
|| (WaterQuad != mhit.WaterQuad)
|| (CollisionBounds != mhit.CollisionBounds)
|| (NavPoly != mhit.NavPoly)
|| (NavPoint != mhit.NavPoint)
|| (NavPortal != mhit.NavPortal)
|| (PathNode != mhit.PathNode)
|| (TrainTrackNode != mhit.TrainTrackNode)
|| (ScenarioNode != mhit.ScenarioNode)
@ -268,6 +274,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker
|| (WaterQuad != null)
|| (CollisionBounds != null)
|| (NavPoly != null)
|| (NavPoint != null)
|| (NavPortal != null)
|| (PathNode != null)
|| (PathLink != null)
|| (TrainTrackNode != null)
@ -290,6 +298,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker
WaterQuad = null;
CollisionBounds = null;
NavPoly = null;
NavPoint = null;
NavPortal = null;
PathNode = null;
PathLink = null;
TrainTrackNode = null;
@ -352,6 +362,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker
name = "NavPoly " + NavPoly.ToString();
if (NavPoint != null)
name = "NavPoint " + NavPoint.ToString();
if (NavPortal != null)
name = "NavPortal " + NavPortal.ToString();
if (PathNode != null)
name = "PathNode " + PathNode.AreaID.ToString() + "." + PathNode.NodeID.ToString(); //+ FloatUtil.GetVector3String(PathNode.Position);
@ -418,6 +436,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker
name = "NavPoly " + NavPoly.ToString();
if (NavPoint != null)
name = "NavPoint " + NavPoint.ToString();
if (NavPortal != null)
name = "NavPortal " + NavPortal.ToString();
if (PathNode != null)
name = "PathNode " + PathNode.AreaID.ToString() + "." + PathNode.NodeID.ToString();// + FloatUtil.GetVector3String(PathNode.Position);
@ -461,6 +487,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker
res = true;
else if (NavPoint != null)
res = true;
else if (NavPortal != null)
res = true;
else if (PathNode != null)
res = true;
@ -500,6 +534,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker
return NavPoly.Position;
else if (NavPoint != null)
return NavPoint.Position;
else if (NavPortal != null)
return NavPortal.Position;
else if (PathNode != null)
return PathNode.Position;
@ -539,6 +581,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker
return Quaternion.Identity;
else if (NavPoint != null)
return NavPoint.Orientation;
else if (NavPortal != null)
return Quaternion.Identity;
else if (PathNode != null)
return Quaternion.Identity;
@ -578,6 +628,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker
return WidgetAxis.XYZ;
else if (NavPoint != null)
return WidgetAxis.Z;
else if (NavPortal != null)
return WidgetAxis.None;
else if (PathNode != null)
return WidgetAxis.None;
@ -617,6 +675,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker
return Vector3.One;
else if (NavPoint != null)
return Vector3.One;
else if (NavPortal != null)
return Vector3.One;
else if (PathNode != null)
return Vector3.One;
@ -667,13 +733,21 @@ namespace CodeWalker
else if (NavPoly != null)
//if (projectForm != null)
// projectForm.OnWorldNavPolyModified(NavPoly);
else if (NavPoint != null)
else if (NavPortal != null)
else if (TrainTrackNode != null)
@ -709,6 +783,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker
else if (NavPoint != null)
else if (Audio != null)
@ -1540,9 +1540,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker
this.label12.AutoSize = true;
this.label12.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 178);
this.label12.Name = "label12";
this.label12.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(106, 13);
this.label12.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(129, 13);
this.label12.TabIndex = 51;
this.label12.Text = "Collision mesh range:";
this.label12.Text = "Collision/nav mesh range:";
// CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar
@ -1551,6 +1551,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
this.CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLightLight;
this.CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar.LargeChange = 1;
this.CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 194);
this.CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar.Maximum = 15;
this.CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar.Minimum = 1;
this.CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar.Name = "CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar";
this.CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(188, 45);
@ -1878,6 +1879,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker
// PathsDepthClipCheckBox
this.PathsDepthClipCheckBox.AutoSize = true;
this.PathsDepthClipCheckBox.Checked = true;
this.PathsDepthClipCheckBox.CheckState = System.Windows.Forms.CheckState.Checked;
this.PathsDepthClipCheckBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 434);
this.PathsDepthClipCheckBox.Name = "PathsDepthClipCheckBox";
this.PathsDepthClipCheckBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(102, 17);
@ -2674,7 +2677,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
this.Toolbar.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(1, 0);
this.Toolbar.Name = "Toolbar";
this.Toolbar.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(585, 25);
this.Toolbar.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(554, 25);
this.Toolbar.TabIndex = 6;
this.Toolbar.Text = "toolStrip1";
@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
space.GetVisibleYnvs(camera, rendernavmeshynvs);
space.GetVisibleYnvs(camera, collisionmeshrange, rendernavmeshynvs);
if (ProjectForm != null)
@ -1117,7 +1117,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker
change = change || (LastMouseHit.CollisionBounds != PrevMouseHit.CollisionBounds);
case MapSelectionMode.NavMesh:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.NavPoly != PrevMouseHit.NavPoly);
change = change || (LastMouseHit.NavPoly != PrevMouseHit.NavPoly)
|| (LastMouseHit.NavPoint != PrevMouseHit.NavPoint)
|| (LastMouseHit.NavPortal != PrevMouseHit.NavPortal);
case MapSelectionMode.Path:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.PathNode != PrevMouseHit.PathNode);
@ -1144,9 +1146,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker
{ return; }
if (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.NavMesh)
if ((SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.NavMesh) && (CurMouseHit.NavPoly != null))
return;//navmesh mode isn't needing a selection box..
return;//navmesh poly isn't needing a selection box..
@ -1197,6 +1199,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker
ori = sp.Orientation;
if (CurMouseHit.NavPoint != null)
ori = CurMouseHit.NavPoint.Orientation;
if (CurMouseHit.Audio != null)
ori = CurMouseHit.Audio.Orientation;
@ -1424,6 +1430,21 @@ namespace CodeWalker
//return;//don't render a selection box for nav mesh?
if (selectionItem.NavPoint != null)
var navp = selectionItem.NavPoint;
camrel = navp.Position - camera.Position;
//render direction arrow for NavPoint
ori = navp.Orientation;
float arrowlen = 2.0f;
float arrowrad = 0.25f;
Renderer.RenderSelectionArrowOutline(navp.Position, -Vector3.UnitY, Vector3.UnitZ, ori, arrowlen, arrowrad, cgrn);
if (selectionItem.NavPortal != null)
camrel = selectionItem.NavPortal.Position - camera.Position;
if (selectionItem.Audio != null)
@ -1724,7 +1745,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
lock (Renderer.RenderSyncRoot)
@ -2658,6 +2679,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker
if (ynv.BVH != null)
UpdateMouseHits(ynv.BVH, ref mray);
//if ((CurMouseHit.NavPoint != null) || (CurMouseHit.NavPortal != null)) continue;
if ((ynv.Nav != null) && (ynv.Vertices != null) && (ynv.Indices != null) && (ynv.Polys != null))
UpdateMouseHits(ynv, ynv.Nav.SectorTree, ynv.Nav.SectorTree, ref mray);
@ -2825,6 +2851,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker
var cellaabb = poly._RawData.CellAABB;
CurMouseHit.NavPoly = poly;
CurMouseHit.NavPoint = null;
CurMouseHit.NavPortal = null;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.AABB = new BoundingBox(cellaabb.Min, cellaabb.Max);
break;//no need to test further tris in this poly
@ -3119,6 +3147,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker
CurMouseHit.PathNode = n as YndNode;
CurMouseHit.TrainTrackNode = n as TrainTrackNode;
CurMouseHit.ScenarioNode = n as ScenarioNode;
CurMouseHit.NavPoint = n as YnvPoint;
CurMouseHit.NavPortal = n as YnvPortal;
CurMouseHit.NavPoly = null;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = (n.Position - camera.Position);
CurMouseHit.AABB = nbox;
@ -3364,6 +3395,38 @@ namespace CodeWalker
public void SelectNavPoint(YnvPoint point)
if (point == null)
float nrad = 0.5f;
MapSelection ms = new MapSelection();
ms.NavPoint = point;
ms.AABB = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-nrad), new Vector3(nrad));
public void SelectNavPortal(YnvPortal portal)
if (portal == null)
float nrad = 0.5f;
MapSelection ms = new MapSelection();
ms.NavPortal = portal;
ms.AABB = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-nrad), new Vector3(nrad));
public void SelectPathNode(YndNode node)
if (node == null)
@ -3580,6 +3643,24 @@ namespace CodeWalker
//ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Enabled = true;
//ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Text = "Delete nav poly";
else if (item.NavPoint != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "NavPoint";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.NavPoint;
ynv = item.NavPoint.Ynv;
//ToolbarCopyButton.Enabled = true;
//ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Enabled = true;
//ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Text = "Delete nav point";
else if (item.NavPortal != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "NavPortal";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.NavPortal;
ynv = item.NavPortal.Ynv;
//ToolbarCopyButton.Enabled = true;
//ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Enabled = true;
//ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Text = "Delete nav portal";
else if (item.TrainTrackNode != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "TrainNode";
@ -124,6 +124,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "Nav Poly";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.NavPoly;
else if (item.NavPoint != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "Nav Point";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.NavPoint;
else if (item.NavPortal != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "Nav Portal";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.NavPortal;
else if (item.PathNode != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "Path Node";
Reference in New Issue
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