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synced 2025-03-11 01:48:16 +08:00
Traditional Chinese | Translation Patches
Added missing some commands translation, and fixing up another mainlander's CHS = CHT mindset.
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,24 +24,24 @@
"account": {
"login_attempt": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 正在嘗試登入",
"login_success": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 已登入,UID為 %s",
"login_max_player_limit": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 登入失敗:在綫人數已滿",
"login_max_player_limit": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 登入失敗:在線人數已滿",
"login_token_attempt": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 正在嘗試用憑證登入",
"login_token_error": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 使用憑證登入失敗",
"login_token_success": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 已透過憑證登入,UID為 %s",
"login_password_error": "🇺🇸[Dispatch] Client %s failed to log in via password.",
"login_password_storage_error": "🇺🇸[Dispatch] Client %s failed to log in via password because there is no password in the database.",
"login_password_error": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 使用密碼登入失敗",
"login_password_storage_error": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 使用密碼登入失敗,因為該帳號在資料庫裡面沒有設定密碼。",
"combo_token_success": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 交換憑證成功",
"combo_token_error": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 交換憑證失敗",
"account_login_create_success": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 登入失敗: 已註冊UID為 %s 的帳號",
"account_login_create_success": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 登入失敗: 已註冊UID為 %s 的帳號。",
"account_login_create_error": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 登入失敗:帳號建立失敗。",
"account_login_exist_error": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 登入失敗: 帳號不存在",
"account_login_exist_error": "[Dispatch] 客戶端 %s 登入失敗: 帳號不存在。",
"account_cache_error": "遊戲帳號緩存資訊錯誤",
"session_key_error": "對話密鑰不符。",
"username_error": "未找到此用戶名。",
"username_create_error": "未找到用戶名,建立失敗。",
"password_error": "🇺🇸Invalid Password",
"password_length_error": "🇺🇸Password length must be greater then or equal to 8",
"password_storage_error": "🇺🇸You don't have a password for your account. Please contact an administrator.",
"password_error": "無效的密碼",
"password_length_error": "密碼長度必須大於或等於 8。",
"password_storage_error": "此帳號沒有設定密碼,請聯繫伺服器管理員。",
"server_max_player_limit": "伺服器在線人數已滿"
"router_error": "[Dispatch] 無法附加到路由上。"
@ -54,14 +54,14 @@
"error": "發生了一個錯誤。",
"welcome": "歡迎使用 Grasscutter",
"run_mode_error": "無效的伺服器運行模式: %s。",
"run_mode_help": "伺服器運行模式必須為 HYBRID 或者 DISPATCH_ONLY 或者 GAME_ONLY。Grasscutter 啟動失敗...",
"run_mode_help": "伺服器運行模式必須為 HYBRID 或者 DISPATCH_ONLY 或者 GAME_ONLY。 Grasscutter 啟動失敗...",
"create_resources": "正在建立 resources 資料夾...",
"resources_error": "請將 BinOutput 和 ExcelBinOutput 複製到 resources 資料夾。",
"version": "Grasscutter版本: %s-%s",
"game_version": "遊戲版本:%s",
"resources": {
"loading": "🇺🇸Loading resources...",
"finish": "🇺🇸Finished loading resources."
"loading": "加載資源中...",
"finish": "資源加載完成.。"
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"console_execute_error": "此指令只能在伺服器的命令提示字元執行。",
"player_execute_error": "請在遊戲裡使用這條指令。",
"command_exist_error": "找不到指令。",
"no_usage_specified": "🇺🇸No usage specified",
"no_usage_specified": "沒有指定用法。",
"no_description_specified": "没有指定說明。",
"set_to": "%s 已經設為 %s。",
"set_for_to": "%s 的使用者 %s 更改為 %s。",
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"itemLevel": "無效的物品等級。",
"itemRefinement": "無效的物品精煉度。",
"statValue": "無效的數據值。",
"value_between": "🇺🇸Invalid value: %s must be between %s and %s.",
"value_between": "無效的屬性值:%s 必須在 %s 到 %s 之間。",
"playerId": "無效的玩家ID。",
"uid": "無效的UID。",
"id": "無效的ID。"
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@
"description": "建立或刪除帳號。"
"announce": {
"send_success": "🇺🇸Send an announcement successfully, you can revoke it by /a revoke %s.",
"refresh_success": "🇺🇸Refresh announcement config file successfully. [Total %s]",
"revoke_done": "🇺🇸Try to revoke announcement %s.",
"not_found": "🇺🇸Could not found announcement %s.",
"description": "🇺🇸Send announcement to all online players, or manage server's announcement"
"send_success": "成功發送了一則公告,你可以通過 /a revoke %s 撤銷。",
"refresh_success": "已重新整理了%s個公告。",
"revoke_done": "嘗試撤回公告 %s。",
"not_found": "找不到公告 %s。",
"description": "發送公告給所有在線玩家,或者是更改伺服器的公告。"
"clear": {
"weapons": "已將 %s 的武器清空。",
@ -150,13 +150,13 @@
"description": "進入指定祕境。"
"give": {
"usage_relic": "🇺🇸Usage: give <artifactID> [mainPropID] [<appendPropID>[,<times>]]... [lv<level 0-20>]",
"illegal_relic": "🇺🇸This artifactID belongs to a blacklisted range, it may not be the one you wanted.",
"usage_relic": "用法: give <artifactID> [mainPropID] [<appendPropID>[,<times>]]... [lv<level 0-20>]",
"illegal_relic": "你不可以取得這個聖遺物,因為該聖遺物ID在黑名單列表內。",
"given": "已經將 %s 個 %s 給予 %s。",
"given_with_level_and_refinement": "已將 %s [等級%s, 精煉%s] %s個給予 %s",
"given_level": "已將 %s 等級 %s %s 個給予 %s",
"given_avatar": "已將 %s 等級 %s 給予 %s。",
"giveall_success": "🇺🇸Successfully gave all items.",
"giveall_success": "成功給予所有物品。",
"description": "給予指定物品。"
"heal": {
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
"description": "重置所選玩家的商店刷新時間。"
"sendMail": {
"give_usage": "🇺🇸Usage: give <player> <itemID|itemName> [amount] [level] [refinement]",
"give_usage": "用法: give <player> <itemID|itemName> [amount] [level] [refinement]",
"user_not_exist": "ID '%s' 的使用者不存在。",
"start_composition": "發送郵件流程。\n請使用`/send <郵件標題>`來進到下一步。\n你可以在任何時間使用`/sendmail stop`來停止發送。",
"templates": "郵件模板尚未實裝...",
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
"set_contents": "成功將'%s'為郵件內容。\n接下來請打出 '/sendmail <寄件者名稱>' 來設定郵件寄件者名稱。",
"set_message_sender": "郵件寄件者已設為 '%s'。\n使用 '/sendmail <itemId|itemName|finish> [amount] [level]' 以繼續操作。",
"send": "已添加 %s 個 %s (等級為 %s) 到郵件附件。\n如果沒有要繼續添加道具請使用 `/sendmail finish` 來完成郵件發送。",
"invalid_arguments_please_use": "Invalid arguments \n Please use `/sendmail %s`",
"invalid_arguments_please_use": "無效的參數 \n 請改用 `/sendmail %s`",
"title": "<標題>",
"message": "<正文>",
"sender": "<寄件者>",
@ -257,12 +257,12 @@
"description": "向指定玩家發送訊息。"
"setConst": {
"range_error": "Constellation level must be between 0 and 6.",
"level_error": "Invalid constellation level.",
"fail": "Failed to set constellation.",
"failed_success": "Constellations for %s have been set to %s. Please reload scene to see changes.",
"success": "Constellations for %s have been set to %s.",
"description": "Sets constellation level for your current active character"
"range_error": "命座必須在0到6之間。",
"level_error": "無效的命座等級。",
"fail": "設定命座失敗。",
"failed_success": "%s的命之座已設定為成%s,重新登入後將會生效。",
"success": "%s的命之座已設定為成%s。",
"description": "設定當前角色的命之座。"
"setFetterLevel": {
"range_error": "好感度必須在 0 到 10 之間。",
@ -271,14 +271,14 @@
"description": "設定當前角色的好感度等級。"
"setProp": {
"description": "🇺🇸Sets accountwide properties. Things like godmode can be enabled this way, as well as changing things like unlocked abyss floor and battle pass progress.\n\tValues for <prop>: godmode | nostamina | unlimitedenergy | abyss | worldlevel | bplevel\n\t(cont.) see PlayerProperty enum for other possible values, of form PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME -> max_spring_volume"
"description": "設定帳號屬性。 比如可以通過此命令啟用無敵,也可以解鎖深淵或更改紀行等級。\n\t可更改的屬性列表: godmode(無敵)|nostamina(無限體力)|unlimitedenergy(無限元素能量)|abyss(深淵螺旋)|worldlevel(世界等級)|bplevel(紀行等級)\n\t(cont.) `有關其他可能的數值,請參閱 PlayerProperty 列舉。 (範例 PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME -> max_spring_volume)`"
"setStats": {
"description": "設定當前角色的數據類型。\n\t可使用的數據類型:hp (生命值)| maxhp (最大生命值) | def(防禦力) | atk (攻擊力)| em (元素精通) | er (元素充能效率) | crate(暴擊率) | cdmg (暴擊傷害)| cdr (冷卻縮減) | heal(治療加成)| heali (受治療加成)| shield (護盾強效)| defi (無視防禦)\n\t(cont.) 元素增傷類:epyro (火傷) | ecryo (冰傷) | ehydro (水傷) | egeo (岩傷) | edendro (草傷) | eelectro (雷傷) | ephys (物傷)(cont.) 元素減傷類:respyro (火抗) | rescryo (冰抗) | reshydro (水抗) | resgeo (岩抗) | resdendro (草抗) | reselectro (雷抗) | resphys (物抗)"
"spawn": {
"success": "已生成 %s 個 %s。",
"limit_reached": "🇺🇸Scene spawn limit reached. Spawning %s entities instead.",
"limit_reached": "已達到場景生成上限,已改為%s個實體。",
"description": "在你附近生成一個實體動物。"
"stop": {
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
"documentation": {
"handbook": {
"title": "🇺🇸GM Handbook",
"title": "GM Handbook",
"title_commands": "指令",
"title_avatars": "角色",
"title_items": "道具",
@ -371,8 +371,8 @@
"index": {
"title": "文件",
"handbook": "🇺🇸GM Handbook",
"handbook": "GM Handbook",
"gacha_mapping": "祈願物品映射到JSON上"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user