2022-05-03 14:23:25 +08:00
package emu.grasscutter ;
public final class Language {
public String An_error_occurred_during_game_update = " An error occurred during game update. " ;
public String Starting_Grasscutter = " Starting Grasscutter... " ;
public String Invalid_server_run_mode = " Invalid server run mode. " ;
public String Server_run_mode = " Server run mode must be 'HYBRID', 'DISPATCH_ONLY', or 'GAME_ONLY'. Unable to start Grasscutter... " ;
public String Shutting_down = " Shutting down... " ;
public String Start_done = " Done! For help, type \" help \" " ;
public String Dispatch_mode_not_support_command = " Commands are not supported in dispatch only mode. " ;
public String Command_error = " Command error: " ;
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public String Error = " An error occurred. " ;
public String Grasscutter_is_free = " Grasscutter is FREE software. If you have paid for this, you may have been scammed. Homepage: https://github.com/Grasscutters/Grasscutter " ;
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public String Game_start_port = " Game Server started on port {port} " ;
public String Client_connect = " Client connected from {address} " ;
public String Client_disconnect = " Client disconnected from {address} " ;
public String Client_request = " [Dispatch] Client {ip} {method} request: {url} " ;
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public String Not_load_keystore = " [Dispatch] Unable to load keystore. Trying default keystore password... " ;
public String Use_default_keystore = " [Dispatch] The default keystore password was loaded successfully. Please consider setting the password to 123456 in config.json. " ;
public String Load_keystore_error = " [Dispatch] Error while loading keystore! " ;
public String Not_find_ssl_cert = " [Dispatch] No SSL cert found! Falling back to HTTP server. " ;
public String Welcome = " Welcome to Grasscutter " ;
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public String Potential_unhandled_request = " [Dispatch] Potential unhandled {method} request: {url} " ;
public String Client_try_login = " [Dispatch] Client {ip} is trying to log in " ;
public String Client_login_token = " [Dispatch] Client {ip} is trying to log in via token " ;
public String Client_token_login_failed = " [Dispatch] Client {ip} failed to log in via token " ;
public String Client_login_in_token = " [Dispatch] Client {ip} logged in via token as {uid} " ;
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public String Game_account_cache_error = " Game account cache information error " ;
public String Wrong_session_key = " Wrong session key. " ;
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public String Client_exchange_combo_token = " [Dispatch] Client {ip} succeed to exchange combo token " ;
public String Client_failed_exchange_combo_token = " [Dispatch] Client {ip} failed to exchange combo token " ;
public String Dispatch_start_server_port = " [Dispatch] Dispatch server started on port {port} " ;
public String Client_failed_login_account_create = " [Dispatch] Client {ip} failed to log in: Account {uid} created " ;
public String Client_failed_login_account_create_failed = " [Dispatch] Client {ip} failed to log in: Account create failed " ;
public String Client_failed_login_account_no_found = " [Dispatch] Client {ip} failed to log in: Account no found " ;
public String Client_login = " [Dispatch] Client {ip} logged in as {uid} " ;
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public String Username_not_found = " Username not found. " ;
public String Username_not_found_create_failed = " Username not found, create failed. " ;
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public String Create_resources_folder = " Creating resources folder... " ;
public String Place_copy = " Place a copy of 'BinOutput' and 'ExcelBinOutput' in the resources folder. " ;
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// Command
public String No_command_specified = " No command specified. " ;
public String Unknown_command = " Unknown command: " ;
public String You_not_permission_run_command = " You do not have permission to run this command. " ;
public String This_command_can_only_run_from_console = " This command can only be run from the console. " ;
public String Run_this_command_in_game = " Run this command in-game. " ;
public String Invalid_playerId = " Invalid playerId. " ;
public String Player_not_found = " Player not found. " ;
public String Player_is_offline = " Player is offline. " ;
public String Invalid_item_id = " Invalid item id. " ;
public String Invalid_item_or_player_id = " Invalid item or player ID. " ;
public String Enabled = " enabled " ;
public String Disabled = " disabled " ;
public String No_command_found = " No command found. " ;
public String Help = " Help " ;
public String Player_not_found_or_offline = " Player not found or offline. " ;
public String Invalid_arguments = " Invalid arguments. " ;
public String Success = " Success " ;
public String Invalid_entity_id = " Invalid entity id. " ;
// Help
public String Help_usage = " Usage: " ;
public String Help_aliases = " Aliases: " ;
public String Help_available_command = " Available commands: " ;
// Account
public String Modify_user_account = " Modify user accounts " ;
public String Invalid_UID = " Invalid UID. " ;
public String Account_exists = " Account already exists. " ;
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public String Account_create_UID = " Account created with UID {uid}. " ;
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public String Account_delete = " Account deleted. " ;
public String Account_not_find = " Account not found. " ;
public String Account_command_usage = " Usage: account <create|delete> <username> [uid] " ;
// Broadcast
public String Broadcast_command_usage = " Usage: broadcast <message> " ;
public String Broadcast_message_sent = " Message sent. " ;
// ChangeScene
public String Change_screen_usage = " Usage: changescene <scene id> " ;
public String Change_screen_you_in_that_screen = " You are already in that scene " ;
public String Change_screen = " Changed to scene " ;
public String Change_screen_not_exist = " Scene does not exist " ;
// Clear
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public String Clear_weapons = " Cleared weapons for {name} . " ;
public String Clear_artifacts = " Cleared artifacts for {name} . " ;
public String Clear_materials = " Cleared materials for {name} . " ;
public String Clear_furniture = " Cleared furniture for {name} . " ;
public String Clear_displays = " Cleared displays for {name} . " ;
public String Clear_virtuals = " Cleared virtuals for {name} . " ;
public String Clear_everything = " Cleared everything for {name} . " ;
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// Coop
public String Coop_usage = " Usage: coop <playerId> <target playerId> " ;
// Drop
public String Drop_usage = " Usage: drop <itemId|itemName> [amount] " ;
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public String Drop_dropped_of = " Dropped {amount} of {item}. " ;
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// EnterDungeon
public String EnterDungeon_usage = " Usage: enterdungeon <dungeon id> " ;
public String EnterDungeon_changed_to_dungeon = " Changed to dungeon " ;
public String EnterDungeon_dungeon_not_found = " Dungeon does not exist " ;
public String EnterDungeon_you_in_that_dungeon = " You are already in that dungeon " ;
// GiveAll
public String GiveAll_usage = " Usage: giveall [player] [amount] " ;
public String GiveAll_item = " Giving all items... " ;
public String GiveAll_done = " Giving all items done " ;
public String GiveAll_invalid_amount_or_playerId = " Invalid amount or player ID. " ;
// GiveArtifact
public String GiveArtifact_usage = " Usage: giveart|gart [player] <artifactId> <mainPropId> [<appendPropId>[,<times>]]... [level] " ;
public String GiveArtifact_invalid_artifact_id = " Invalid artifact ID. " ;
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public String GiveArtifact_given = " Given {itemId} to {target}. " ;
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// GiveChar
public String GiveChar_usage = " Usage: givechar <player> <itemId|itemName> [amount] " ;
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public String GiveChar_given = " Given {avatarId} with level {level} to {target}. " ;
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public String GiveChar_invalid_avatar_id = " Invalid avatar id. " ;
public String GiveChar_invalid_avatar_level = " Invalid avatar level. " ;
public String GiveChar_invalid_avatar_or_player_id = " Invalid avatar or player ID. " ;
// Give
public String Give_usage = " Usage: give <player> <itemId|itemName> [amount] [level] " ;
public String Give_refinement_only_applicable_weapons = " Refinement is only applicable to weapons. " ;
public String Give_refinement_must_between_1_and_5 = " Refinement must be between 1 and 5. " ;
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public String Give_given = " Given {amount} of {item} to {target}. " ;
public String Give_given_with_level_and_refinement = " Given {item} with level {lvl}, refinement {refinement} {amount} times to {target} " ;
public String Give_given_level = " Given {item} with level {lvl} {amount} times to {target} " ;
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// GodMode
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public String Godmode_status = " Godmode is now {status} for {name} . " ;
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// Heal
public String Heal_message = " All characters have been healed. " ;
// Kick
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public String Kick_player_kick_player = " Player [{sendUid}:{sendName}] has kicked player [{kickUid}:{kickName}] " ;
public String Kick_server_player = " Kicking player [{kickUid}:{kickName}] " ;
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// Kill
public String Kill_usage = " Usage: killall [playerUid] [sceneId] " ;
public String Kill_scene_not_found_in_player_world = " Scene not found in player world " ;
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public String Kill_kill_monsters_in_scene = " Killing {size} monsters in scene {id} " ;
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// KillCharacter
public String KillCharacter_usage = " Usage: /killcharacter [playerId] " ;
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public String KillCharacter_kill_current_character = " Killed {name} current character. " ;
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// List
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public String List_message = " There are {size} player(s) online: " ;
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// Permission
public String Permission_usage = " Usage: permission <add|remove> <username> <permission> " ;
public String Permission_add = " Permission added. " ;
public String Permission_have_permission = " They already have this permission! " ;
public String Permission_remove = " Permission removed. " ;
public String Permission_not_have_permission = " They don't have this permission! " ;
// Position
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public String Position_message = " Coord: {x}, {y}, {z} \ nScene id: {id} " ;
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// Reload
public String Reload_reload_start = " Reloading config. " ;
public String Reload_reload_done = " Reload complete. " ;
// ResetConst
public String ResetConst_reset_all = " Reset all avatars' constellations. " ;
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public String ResetConst_reset_all_done = " Constellations for {name} have been reset. Please relog to see changes. " ;
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// ResetShopLimit
public String ResetShopLimit_usage = " Usage: /resetshop <player id> " ;
// SendMail
public String SendMail_usage = " Usage: give [player] <itemId|itemName> [amount] " ;
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public String SendMail_user_not_exist = " The user with an id of '{id}' does not exist " ;
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public String SendMail_start_composition = " Starting composition of message. \ nPlease use `/sendmail <title>` to continue. \ nYou can use `/sendmail stop` at any time " ;
public String SendMail_templates = " Mail templates coming soon implemented... " ;
public String SendMail_invalid_arguments = " Invalid arguments. \ nUsage `/sendmail <userId|all|help> [templateId]` " ;
public String SendMail_send_cancel = " Message sending cancelled " ;
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public String SendMail_send_done = " Message sent to user {name}! " ;
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public String SendMail_send_all_done = " Message sent to all users! " ;
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public String SendMail_not_composition_end = " Message composition not at final stage. \ nPlease use `/sendmail {args}` or `/sendmail stop` to cancel " ;
public String SendMail_please_use = " Please use `/sendmail {args}` " ;
public String SendMail_set_title = " Message title set as '{title}'. \ nUse '/sendmail <content>' to continue. " ;
public String SendMail_set_contents = " Message contents set as '{contents}'. \ nUse '/sendmail <sender>' to continue. " ;
public String SendMail_set_message_sender = " Message sender set as '{send}'. \ nUse '/sendmail <itemId|itemName|finish> [amount] [level]' to continue. " ;
public String SendMail_send = " Attached {amount} of {item} (level {lvl}) to the message. \ nContinue adding more items or use `/sendmail finish` to send the message. " ;
public String SendMail_invalid_arguments_please_use = " Invalid arguments \ n Please use `/sendmail {args}` " ;
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public String SendMail_title = " <title> " ;
public String SendMail_message = " <message> " ;
public String SendMail_sender = " <sender> " ;
public String SendMail_arguments = " <itemId|itemName|finish> [amount] [level] " ;
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public String SendMail_error = " ERROR: invalid construction stage {stage}. Check console for stacktrace. " ;
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// SendMessage
public String SendMessage_usage = " Usage: sendmessage <player> <message> " ;
public String SenaMessage_message_sent = " Message sent. " ;
// SetFetterLevel
public String SetFetterLevel_usage = " Usage: setfetterlevel <level> " ;
public String SetFetterLevel_fetter_level_must_between_0_and_10 = " Fetter level must be between 0 and 10. " ;
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public String SetFetterLevel_fetter_set_level = " Fetter level set to {level} " ;
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public String SetFetterLevel_invalid_fetter_level = " Invalid fetter level. " ;
// SetStats
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public String SetStats_usage_console = " Usage: setstats|stats @<UID> <stat> <value> " ;
public String SetStats_usage_ingame = " Usage: setstats|stats [@UID] <stat> <value> " ;
public String SetStats_help_message = """
\ n \ tValues for < stat > : hp | maxhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg | cdr | heal | heali | shield | defi
\ t ( cont . ) Elemental DMG Bonus : epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edendro | eelectro | ephys
\ t ( cont . ) Elemental RES : respyro | rescryo | reshydro | resgeo | resdendro | reselectro | resphys
" " " ;
public String SetStats_value_error = " Invalid stat value. " ;
public String SetStats_uid_error = " Invalid UID. " ;
public String SetStats_player_error = " Player not found or offline. " ;
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public String SetStats_set_self = " {name} set to {value}. " ;
public String SetStats_set_for_uid = " {name} for {uid} set to {value}. " ;
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public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_MAX_HP = " Max HP " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP = " Current HP " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_CUR_ATTACK = " ATK " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_BASE_ATTACK = " Base ATK " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_DEFENSE = " DEF " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_ELEMENT_MASTERY = " Elemental Mastery " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_CHARGE_EFFICIENCY = " Energy Recharge " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL = " Crit Rate " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL_HURT = " Crit DMG " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_ADD_HURT = " DMG Bonus " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_WIND_ADD_HURT = " Anemo DMG Bonus " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_ICE_ADD_HURT = " Cryo DMG Bonus " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_GRASS_ADD_HURT = " Dendro DMG Bonus " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_ELEC_ADD_HURT = " Electro DMG Bonus " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_ROCK_ADD_HURT = " Geo DMG Bonus " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_WATER_ADD_HURT = " Hydro DMG Bonus " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_FIRE_ADD_HURT = " Pyro DMG Bonus " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_PHYSICAL_ADD_HURT = " Physical DMG Bonus " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_SUB_HURT = " DMG Reduction " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_WIND_SUB_HURT = " Anemo RES " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_ICE_SUB_HURT = " Cryo RES " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_GRASS_SUB_HURT = " Dendro RES " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_ELEC_SUB_HURT = " Electro RES " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_ROCK_SUB_HURT = " Geo RES " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_WATER_SUB_HURT = " Hydro RES " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_FIRE_SUB_HURT = " Pyro RES " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_PHYSICAL_SUB_HURT = " Physical RES " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_SKILL_CD_MINUS_RATIO = " Cooldown Reduction " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_HEAL_ADD = " Healing Bonus " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_HEALED_ADD = " Incoming Healing Bonus " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_SHIELD_COST_MINUS_RATIO = " Shield Strength " ;
public String Stats_FIGHT_PROP_DEFENCE_IGNORE_RATIO = " DEF Ignore " ;
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// SetWorldLevel
public String SetWorldLevel_usage = " Usage: setworldlevel <level> " ;
public String SetWorldLevel_world_level_must_between_0_and_8 = " World level must be between 0-8 " ;
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public String SetWorldLevel_set_world_level = " World level set to {level}. " ;
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public String SetWorldLevel_invalid_world_level = " Invalid world level. " ;
// Spawn
public String Spawn_usage = " Usage: spawn <entityId> [amount] [level(monster only)] " ;
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public String Spawn_message = " Spawned {amount} of {id}. " ;
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// Stop
public String Stop_message = " Server shutting down... " ;
// Talent
public String Talent_usage_1 = " To set talent level: /talent set <talentID> <value> " ;
public String Talent_usage_2 = " Another way to set talent level: /talent <n or e or q> <value> " ;
public String Talent_usage_3 = " To get talent ID: /talent getid " ;
public String Talent_lower_16 = " Invalid talent level. Level should be lower than 16 " ;
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public String Talent_set_atk = " Set talent Normal ATK to {level}. " ;
public String Talent_set_e = " Set talent E to {level}. " ;
public String Talent_set_q = " Set talent Q to {level}. " ;
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public String Talent_invalid_skill_id = " Invalid skill ID. " ;
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public String Talent_set_this = " Set this talent to {level}. " ;
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public String Talent_invalid_talent_level = " Invalid talent level. " ;
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public String Talent_normal_attack_id = " Normal Attack ID {id}. " ;
public String Talent_e_skill_id = " E skill ID {id}. " ;
public String Talent_q_skill_id = " Q skill ID {id}. " ;
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// TeleportAll
public String TeleportAll_message = " You only can use this command in MP mode. " ;
// Teleport
public String Teleport_usage_server = " Usage: /tp @<player id> <x> <y> <z> [scene id] " ;
public String Teleport_usage = " Usage: /tp [@<player id>] <x> <y> <z> [scene id] " ;
public String Teleport_specify_player_id = " You must specify a player id. " ;
public String Teleport_invalid_position = " Invalid position. " ;
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public String Teleport_message = " Teleported {name} to {x},{y},{z} in scene {id} " ;
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// Weather
public String Weather_usage = " Usage: weather <weatherId> [climateId] " ;
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public String Weather_message = " Changed weather to {weatherId} with climate {climateId} " ;
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public String Weather_invalid_id = " Invalid ID. " ;