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// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Bindables;
using osu.Framework.Extensions.LocalisationExtensions;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Colour;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes;
using osu.Framework.Localisation;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Drawables;
using osu.Game.Graphics;
using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites;
using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods;
using osuTK;
using osuTK.Graphics;
using System.Threading;
using osu.Game.Configuration;
namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Mods
public partial class ModEffectPreviewPanel : CompositeDrawable
private Container content = null!;
private Container innerContent = null!;
private Box background = null!;
private Box innerBackground = null!;
private StarRatingDisplay starRatingDisplay = null!;
private BPMDisplay bpmDisplay = null!;
private VerticalAttributeDisplay circleSizeDisplay = null!;
private VerticalAttributeDisplay drainRateDisplay = null!;
private VerticalAttributeDisplay approachRateDisplay = null!;
private VerticalAttributeDisplay overallDifficultyDisplay = null!;
private const float transition_duration = 250;
public Bindable<IBeatmapInfo?> BeatmapInfo { get; } = new Bindable<IBeatmapInfo?>();
private Bindable<IReadOnlyList<Mod>> mods { get; set; } = null!;
private ModSettingChangeTracker? modSettingChangeTracker;
private OverlayColourProvider colourProvider { get; set; } = null!;
private BeatmapDifficultyCache difficultyCache { get; set; } = null!;
private CancellationTokenSource? cancellationSource;
private IBindable<StarDifficulty?> starDifficulty = null!;
private void load()
// values as ModSelectOverlay footer buttons
const float shear = ShearedOverlayContainer.SHEAR;
AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both;
InternalChild = content = new InputBlockingContainer
Origin = Anchor.BottomRight,
Anchor = Anchor.BottomRight,
AutoSizeAxes = Axes.X,
Height = ShearedButton.HEIGHT,
Shear = new Vector2(shear, 0),
CornerRadius = ShearedButton.CORNER_RADIUS,
BorderThickness = ShearedButton.BORDER_THICKNESS,
Masking = true,
Children = new Drawable[]
background = new Box
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both
new FillFlowContainer // divide inner and outer content
Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft,
Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft,
AutoSizeAxes = Axes.X,
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
Direction = FillDirection.Horizontal,
Children = new Drawable[]
innerContent = new Container
AutoSizeAxes = Axes.X,
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
BorderThickness = ShearedButton.BORDER_THICKNESS,
CornerRadius = ShearedButton.CORNER_RADIUS,
Masking = true,
Children = new Drawable[]
innerBackground = new Box
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both
new FillFlowContainer // actual inner content
Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
AutoSizeAxes = Axes.X,
Direction = FillDirection.Horizontal,
Margin = new MarginPadding { Horizontal = 15 },
Children = new Drawable[]
new Container // wrap to reserve space for StarRatingDisplay
Width = 70, // can be up to 70px on extra high SR
Child = starRatingDisplay = new StarRatingDisplay(default, animated: true)
Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
Shear = new Vector2(-shear, 0),
new Container // wrap to reserve space for BPM
Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
Width = 70,
Child = bpmDisplay = new BPMDisplay
Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
Shear = new Vector2(-shear, 0),
new FillFlowContainer<VerticalAttributeDisplay> // outer content
Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
AutoSizeAxes = Axes.X,
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
Direction = FillDirection.Horizontal,
Children = new[]
circleSizeDisplay = new VerticalAttributeDisplay("CS", "0.#"),
drainRateDisplay = new VerticalAttributeDisplay("HP", "0.#"),
approachRateDisplay = new VerticalAttributeDisplay("AR", "0.##"),
overallDifficultyDisplay = new VerticalAttributeDisplay("OD", "0.##"),
protected override void LoadComplete()
background.Colour = colourProvider.Background4;
innerBackground.Colour = colourProvider.Background3;
Color4 glowColour = colourProvider.Background1;
content.BorderColour = ColourInfo.GradientVertical(background.Colour, glowColour);
innerContent.BorderColour = ColourInfo.GradientVertical(innerBackground.Colour, glowColour);
BeatmapInfo.BindValueChanged(_ => updateValues(), true);
mods.BindValueChanged(_ =>
modSettingChangeTracker = new ModSettingChangeTracker(mods.Value);
modSettingChangeTracker.SettingChanged += _ => updateValues();
private void updateValues() => Scheduler.AddOnce(() =>
if (BeatmapInfo.Value == null)
starDifficulty = difficultyCache.GetBindableDifficulty(BeatmapInfo.Value, (cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource()).Token);
starDifficulty.BindValueChanged(s =>
starRatingDisplay.Current.Value = s.NewValue ?? default;
if (!starRatingDisplay.IsPresent)
double rate = 1;
foreach (var mod in mods.Value.OfType<IApplicableToRate>())
rate = mod.ApplyToRate(0, rate);
bpmDisplay.Current.Value = BeatmapInfo.Value.BPM * rate;
BeatmapDifficulty adjustedDifficulty = new BeatmapDifficulty(BeatmapInfo.Value.Difficulty);
foreach (var mod in mods.Value.OfType<IApplicableToDifficulty>())
circleSizeDisplay.Current.Value = adjustedDifficulty.CircleSize;
drainRateDisplay.Current.Value = adjustedDifficulty.DrainRate;
approachRateDisplay.Current.Value = adjustedDifficulty.ApproachRate;
overallDifficultyDisplay.Current.Value = adjustedDifficulty.OverallDifficulty;
private partial class BPMDisplay : RollingCounter<double>
protected override double RollingDuration => 500;
protected override LocalisableString FormatCount(double count) => count.ToLocalisableString("0 BPM");
protected override OsuSpriteText CreateSpriteText() => new OsuSpriteText
Font = OsuFont.Default.With(size: 20, weight: FontWeight.SemiBold)