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// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using MathNet.Numerics;
using MathNet.Numerics.Distributions;
using osu.Framework.Audio.Track;
using osu.Framework.Extensions.IEnumerableExtensions;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Mods;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring;
using osu.Game.Scoring;
using Precision = osu.Framework.Utils.Precision;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Difficulty
public class ManiaPerformanceCalculator : PerformanceCalculator
private const double tail_multiplier = 1.5; // Lazer LN tails have 1.5x the hit window of a Note or an LN head.
private int countPerfect;
private int countGreat;
private int countGood;
private int countOk;
private int countMeh;
private int countMiss;
private double? estimatedUr;
private bool isLegacyScore;
private double[] hitWindows;
public ManiaPerformanceCalculator()
: base(new ManiaRuleset())
public new ManiaPerformanceAttributes Calculate(ScoreInfo score, DifficultyAttributes attributes)
=> (ManiaPerformanceAttributes)CreatePerformanceAttributes(score, attributes);
protected override PerformanceAttributes CreatePerformanceAttributes(ScoreInfo score, DifficultyAttributes attributes)
var maniaAttributes = (ManiaDifficultyAttributes)attributes;
countPerfect = score.Statistics.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.Perfect);
countGreat = score.Statistics.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.Great);
countGood = score.Statistics.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.Good);
countOk = score.Statistics.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.Ok);
countMeh = score.Statistics.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.Meh);
countMiss = score.Statistics.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.Miss);
isLegacyScore = score.Mods.Any(m => m is ManiaModClassic) && !Precision.DefinitelyBigger(totalJudgements, maniaAttributes.NoteCount + maniaAttributes.HoldNoteCount);
hitWindows = isLegacyScore ? getLegacyHitWindows(score, maniaAttributes) : getLazerHitWindows(score, maniaAttributes);
estimatedUr = computeEstimatedUr(maniaAttributes);
// Arbitrary initial value for scaling pp in order to standardize distributions across game modes.
// The specific number has no intrinsic meaning and can be adjusted as needed.
double multiplier = 8.0;
if (score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModNoFail))
multiplier *= 0.75;
if (score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModEasy))
multiplier *= 0.5;
double difficultyValue = computeDifficultyValue(maniaAttributes);
double totalValue = difficultyValue * multiplier;
return new ManiaPerformanceAttributes
Difficulty = difficultyValue,
Total = totalValue,
EstimatedUr = estimatedUr,
HitWindows = hitWindows
private double computeDifficultyValue(ManiaDifficultyAttributes attributes)
double difficultyValue = Math.Pow(Math.Max(attributes.StarRating - 0.15, 0.05), 2.2)
* (1 + 0.1 * Math.Min(1, (attributes.NoteCount + attributes.HoldNoteCount) / 1500.0)); // Star rating to pp curve
if (estimatedUr == null)
return 0;
difficultyValue *= Math.Max(SpecialFunctions.Erf(260 / estimatedUr.Value) * (1 - Math.Pow(estimatedUr.Value / 1000, 1.3)), 0); // UR to multiplier curve, see https://www.desmos.com/calculator/m0t9pqjjja
return difficultyValue;
private double totalJudgements => countPerfect + countOk + countGreat + countGood + countMeh + countMiss;
private double totalSuccessfulJudgements => countPerfect + countOk + countGreat + countGood + countMeh;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the estimated tapping deviation of the score, assuming the average hit location is in the center of the hit window.
/// </summary>
private double? computeEstimatedUr(ManiaDifficultyAttributes attributes)
if (totalSuccessfulJudgements == 0 || attributes.NoteCount + attributes.HoldNoteCount == 0)
return null;
// Lazer LN heads are the same as Notes, so return NoteCount + HoldNoteCount for lazer scores.
double logNoteCount = isLegacyScore ? Math.Log(attributes.NoteCount) : Math.Log(attributes.NoteCount + attributes.HoldNoteCount);
double logHoldCount = Math.Log(attributes.HoldNoteCount);
double likelihoodGradient(double d)
if (d <= 0)
return 0;
JudgementProbs pNotes = pNote(d);
// Since lazer tails have the same hit behaviour as Notes, return pNote instead of pHold for them.
JudgementProbs pHolds = isLegacyScore ? pHold(d) : pNote(d, tail_multiplier);
return -totalProb(pNotes, pHolds, logNoteCount, logHoldCount);
// Finding the minimum of the function returns the most likely deviation for the hit results. UR is deviation * 10.
double deviation = FindMinimum.OfScalarFunction(likelihoodGradient, 30);
return deviation * 10;
private double[] getLegacyHitWindows(ScoreInfo score, ManiaDifficultyAttributes attributes)
double[] legacyHitWindows = new double[5];
double overallDifficulty = attributes.OverallDifficulty;
double greatWindowLeniency = 0;
double goodWindowLeniency = 0;
// When converting beatmaps to osu!mania in stable, the resulting hit window sizes are dependent on whether the beatmap's OD is above or below 4.
if (attributes.IsConvert)
overallDifficulty = 10;
if (attributes.OverallDifficulty <= 4)
greatWindowLeniency = 13;
goodWindowLeniency = 10;
double windowMultiplier = 1;
if (score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModHardRock))
windowMultiplier *= 1 / 1.4;
else if (score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModEasy))
windowMultiplier *= 1.4;
legacyHitWindows[0] = Math.Floor(16 * windowMultiplier);
legacyHitWindows[1] = Math.Floor((64 - 3 * overallDifficulty + greatWindowLeniency) * windowMultiplier);
legacyHitWindows[2] = Math.Floor((97 - 3 * overallDifficulty + goodWindowLeniency) * windowMultiplier);
legacyHitWindows[3] = Math.Floor((127 - 3 * overallDifficulty) * windowMultiplier);
legacyHitWindows[4] = Math.Floor((151 - 3 * overallDifficulty) * windowMultiplier);
return legacyHitWindows;
private double[] getLazerHitWindows(ScoreInfo score, ManiaDifficultyAttributes attributes)
double[] lazerHitWindows = new double[5];
// Create a new track of arbitrary length, and apply the total rate change of every mod to the track (i.e. DT = 1.01-2x, HT = 0.5-0.99x)
var track = new TrackVirtual(10000);
score.Mods.OfType<IApplicableToTrack>().ForEach(m => m.ApplyToTrack(track));
double clockRate = track.Rate;
double windowMultiplier = 1 / clockRate;
if (score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModHardRock))
windowMultiplier *= 1 / 1.4;
else if (score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModEasy))
windowMultiplier *= 1.4;
if (attributes.OverallDifficulty < 5)
lazerHitWindows[0] = (22.4 - 0.6 * attributes.OverallDifficulty) * windowMultiplier;
lazerHitWindows[0] = (24.9 - 1.1 * attributes.OverallDifficulty) * windowMultiplier;
lazerHitWindows[1] = (64 - 3 * attributes.OverallDifficulty) * windowMultiplier;
lazerHitWindows[2] = (97 - 3 * attributes.OverallDifficulty) * windowMultiplier;
lazerHitWindows[3] = (127 - 3 * attributes.OverallDifficulty) * windowMultiplier;
lazerHitWindows[4] = (151 - 3 * attributes.OverallDifficulty) * windowMultiplier;
return lazerHitWindows;
private struct JudgementProbs
public double PMax;
public double P300;
public double P200;
public double P100;
public double P50;
public double P0;
// Probability of hitting a certain judgement on Notes given a deviation. The multiplier is for lazer LN tails, which are 1.5x as lenient.
private JudgementProbs pNote(double d, double multiplier = 1)
JudgementProbs probabilities = new JudgementProbs
PMax = logDiff(0, logPcNote(hitWindows[0] * multiplier, d)),
P300 = logDiff(logPcNote(hitWindows[0] * multiplier, d), logPcNote(hitWindows[1] * multiplier, d)),
P200 = logDiff(logPcNote(hitWindows[1] * multiplier, d), logPcNote(hitWindows[2] * multiplier, d)),
P100 = logDiff(logPcNote(hitWindows[2] * multiplier, d), logPcNote(hitWindows[3] * multiplier, d)),
P50 = logDiff(logPcNote(hitWindows[3] * multiplier, d), logPcNote(hitWindows[4] * multiplier, d)),
P0 = logPcNote(hitWindows[4] * multiplier, d)
return probabilities;
// Probability of hitting a certain judgement on legacy LNs, which have different hit behaviour to Notes and lazer LNs.
private JudgementProbs pHold(double d)
JudgementProbs probabilities = new JudgementProbs();
// Since we're using complementary probabilities for precision, multiplying the head and tail probabilities takes the form P(A∩B)' = P(A'B') = P(A') + P(B') - P(A'∩B').
double combinedProb(double p1, double p2) => logDiff(logSum(p1, p2), p1 + p2);
double logPcMaxHead = logPcNote(hitWindows[0] * 1.2, d);
double logPcMaxTail = logPcHoldTail(hitWindows[0] * 2.4, d);
probabilities.PMax = logDiff(0, combinedProb(logPcMaxHead, logPcMaxTail));
double logPc300Head = logPcNote(hitWindows[1] * 1.1, d);
double logPc300Tail = logPcHoldTail(hitWindows[1] * 2.2, d);
probabilities.P300 = logDiff(combinedProb(logPcMaxHead, logPcMaxTail), combinedProb(logPc300Head, logPc300Tail));
double logPc200Head = logPcNote(hitWindows[2], d);
double logPc200Tail = logPcHoldTail(hitWindows[2] * 2, d);
probabilities.P200 = logDiff(combinedProb(logPc300Head, logPc300Tail), combinedProb(logPc200Head, logPc200Tail));
double logPc100Head = logPcNote(hitWindows[3], d);
double logPc100Tail = logPcHoldTail(hitWindows[3] * 2, d);
probabilities.P100 = logDiff(combinedProb(logPc200Head, logPc200Tail), combinedProb(logPc100Head, logPc100Tail));
double logPc50Head = logPcNote(hitWindows[4], d);
double logPc50Tail = logPcHoldTail(hitWindows[4] * 2, d);
probabilities.P50 = logDiff(combinedProb(logPc100Head, logPc100Tail), combinedProb(logPc50Head, logPc50Tail));
probabilities.P0 = combinedProb(logPc50Head, logPc50Tail);
return probabilities;
/// <summary>
/// Combines pNotes and pHolds/pTails into a single probability value for each judgement, and compares them to the judgements of the play.
/// </summary>
private double totalProb(JudgementProbs firstProbs, JudgementProbs secondProbs, double firstObjectCount, double secondObjectCount)
// firstObjectCount can be either Notes, or Notes + Holds, as stable LN heads don't behave like Notes but lazer LN heads do.
double pMax = logSum(firstProbs.PMax + firstObjectCount, secondProbs.PMax + secondObjectCount) - Math.Log(totalJudgements);
double p300 = logSum(firstProbs.P300 + firstObjectCount, secondProbs.P300 + secondObjectCount) - Math.Log(totalJudgements);
double p200 = logSum(firstProbs.P200 + firstObjectCount, secondProbs.P200 + secondObjectCount) - Math.Log(totalJudgements);
double p100 = logSum(firstProbs.P100 + firstObjectCount, secondProbs.P100 + secondObjectCount) - Math.Log(totalJudgements);
double p50 = logSum(firstProbs.P50 + firstObjectCount, secondProbs.P50 + secondObjectCount) - Math.Log(totalJudgements);
double p0 = logSum(firstProbs.P0 + firstObjectCount, secondProbs.P0 + secondObjectCount) - Math.Log(totalJudgements);
double totalProb = Math.Exp(
(countPerfect * pMax
+ (countGreat + 0.5) * p300
+ countGood * p200
+ countOk * p100
+ countMeh * p50
+ countMiss * p0) / totalJudgements
return totalProb;
/// <summary>
/// The log complementary probability of hitting within a hit window with a certain deviation.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A value from 0 (log of 1, 0% chance) to negative infinity (log of 0, 100% chance).
/// </returns>
private double logPcNote(double x, double deviation) => logErfc(x / (deviation * Math.Sqrt(2)));
/// <summary>
/// The log complementary probability of hitting within a hit window with a certain deviation.
/// Exclusively for stable LN tails, as they give a result from 2 error values (total error on the head + the tail).
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A value from 0 (log of 1, 0% chance) to negative infinity (log of 0, 100% chance).
/// </returns>
private double logPcHoldTail(double x, double deviation) => logProbTail(x / (deviation * Math.Sqrt(2)));
private double logErfc(double x) => x <= 5
? Math.Log(SpecialFunctions.Erfc(x))
: -Math.Pow(x, 2) - Math.Log(x * Math.Sqrt(Math.PI)); // This is an approximation, https://www.desmos.com/calculator/kdbxwxgf01
private double logProbTail(double x) => x <= 7
? Math.Log(1 - Math.Pow(2 * Normal.CDF(0, 1, x) - 1, 2))
: Math.Log(2) - Math.Pow(x, 2) / 2 - Math.Log(x / Math.Sqrt(2) * Math.Sqrt(Math.PI)); // This is an approximation, https://www.desmos.com/calculator/lgwyhx0fxo
private double logSum(double firstLog, double secondLog)
double maxVal = Math.Max(firstLog, secondLog);
double minVal = Math.Min(firstLog, secondLog);
// 0 in log form becomes negative infinity, so return negative infinity if both numbers are negative infinity.
if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(maxVal))
return maxVal;
return maxVal + Math.Log(1 + Math.Exp(minVal - maxVal));
private double logDiff(double firstLog, double secondLog)
double maxVal = Math.Max(firstLog, secondLog);
// Avoid negative infinity - negative infinity (NaN) by checking if the higher value is negative infinity. See comment in logSum.
if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(maxVal))
return maxVal;
return firstLog + SpecialFunctions.Log1p(-Math.Exp(-(firstLog - secondLog)));