mirror of https://github.com/ppy/osu.git synced 2024-10-01 19:17:25 +08:00
Bartłomiej Dach 08350a1aca Add parenthesis handling to old link format
Allow users to put both balanced round parentheses, as well as
unbalanced escaped ones, in old style link text. The implementation
is the same as for Markdown and new style links, except for swapping
all instances of




for obvious reasons (different type of parenthesis requiring escaping).
Tests also included.
2019-09-04 00:21:27 +02:00

298 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace osu.Game.Online.Chat
public static class MessageFormatter
// [[Performance Points]] -> wiki:Performance Points (https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Performance_Points)
private static readonly Regex wiki_regex = new Regex(@"\[\[(?<text>[^\]]+)\]\]");
// (test)[https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1234] -> test (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1234)
private static readonly Regex old_link_regex = new Regex(@"\((?<text>(((?<=\\)[\(\)])|[^\(\)])*(((?<open>\()(((?<=\\)[\(\)])|[^\(\)])*)+((?<close-open>\))(((?<=\\)[\(\)])|[^\(\)])*)+)*(?(open)(?!)))\)\[(?<url>[a-z]+://[^ ]+)\]");
// [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1234 Beatmap [Hard] (poop)] -> Beatmap [hard] (poop) (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1234)
private static readonly Regex new_link_regex = new Regex(@"\[(?<url>[a-z]+://[^ ]+) (?<text>(((?<=\\)[\[\]])|[^\[\]])*(((?<open>\[)(((?<=\\)[\[\]])|[^\[\]])*)+((?<close-open>\])(((?<=\\)[\[\]])|[^\[\]])*)+)*(?(open)(?!)))\]");
// [test](https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1234) -> test (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1234) aka correct markdown format
private static readonly Regex markdown_link_regex = new Regex(@"\[(?<text>(((?<=\\)[\[\]])|[^\[\]])*(((?<open>\[)(((?<=\\)[\[\]])|[^\[\]])*)+((?<close-open>\])(((?<=\\)[\[\]])|[^\[\]])*)+)*(?(open)(?!)))\]\((?<url>[a-z]+://[^ ]+)\)");
// advanced, RFC-compatible regular expression that matches any possible URL, *but* allows certain invalid characters that are widely used
// This is in the format (<required>, [optional]):
// http[s]://<domain>.<tld>[:port][/path][?query][#fragment]
private static readonly Regex advanced_link_regex = new Regex(
// protocol
@"(?<link>[a-z]*?:\/\/" +
// domain + tld
@"(?<domain>(?:[a-z0-9]\.|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]\.)*[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]" +
// port (optional)
@"(?::\d+)?)" +
// path (optional)
@"(?<path>(?:(?:\/+(?:[a-z0-9$_\.\+!\*\',;:\(\)@&~=-]|%[0-9a-f]{2})*)*" +
// query (optional)
@"(?:\?(?:[a-z0-9$_\+!\*\',;:\(\)@&=\/~-]|%[0-9a-f]{2})*)?)?" +
// fragment (optional)
// 00:00:000 (1,2,3) - test
private static readonly Regex time_regex = new Regex(@"\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\d? [^-]*");
// #osu
private static readonly Regex channel_regex = new Regex(@"(#[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]+)");
// Unicode emojis
private static readonly Regex emoji_regex = new Regex(@"(\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDE4F])");
private static void handleMatches(Regex regex, string display, string link, MessageFormatterResult result, int startIndex = 0, LinkAction? linkActionOverride = null, char[] escapeChars = null)
int captureOffset = 0;
foreach (Match m in regex.Matches(result.Text, startIndex))
var index = m.Index - captureOffset;
var displayText = string.Format(display,
var linkText = string.Format(link,
if (displayText.Length == 0 || linkText.Length == 0) continue;
// Remove backslash escapes in front of the characters provided in escapeChars
if (escapeChars != null)
displayText = escapeChars.Aggregate(displayText, (current, c) => current.Replace($"\\{c}", c.ToString()));
// Check for encapsulated links
if (result.Links.Find(l => (l.Index <= index && l.Index + l.Length >= index + m.Length) || (index <= l.Index && index + m.Length >= l.Index + l.Length)) == null)
result.Text = result.Text.Remove(index, m.Length).Insert(index, displayText);
//since we just changed the line display text, offset any already processed links.
result.Links.ForEach(l => l.Index -= l.Index > index ? m.Length - displayText.Length : 0);
var details = getLinkDetails(linkText);
result.Links.Add(new Link(linkText, index, displayText.Length, linkActionOverride ?? details.Action, details.Argument));
//adjust the offset for processing the current matches group.
captureOffset += m.Length - displayText.Length;
private static void handleAdvanced(Regex regex, MessageFormatterResult result, int startIndex = 0)
foreach (Match m in regex.Matches(result.Text, startIndex))
var index = m.Index;
var link = m.Groups["link"].Value;
var indexLength = link.Length;
var details = getLinkDetails(link);
result.Links.Add(new Link(link, index, indexLength, details.Action, details.Argument));
private static LinkDetails getLinkDetails(string url)
var args = url.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
args[0] = args[0].TrimEnd(':');
switch (args[0])
case "http":
case "https":
// length > 3 since all these links need another argument to work
if (args.Length > 3 && (args[1] == "osu.ppy.sh" || args[1] == "new.ppy.sh"))
switch (args[2])
case "b":
case "beatmaps":
return new LinkDetails(LinkAction.OpenBeatmap, args[3]);
case "s":
case "beatmapsets":
case "d":
return new LinkDetails(LinkAction.OpenBeatmapSet, args[3]);
case "u":
case "users":
return new LinkDetails(LinkAction.OpenUserProfile, args[3]);
return new LinkDetails(LinkAction.External, null);
case "osu":
// every internal link also needs some kind of argument
if (args.Length < 3)
return new LinkDetails(LinkAction.External, null);
LinkAction linkType;
switch (args[1])
case "chan":
linkType = LinkAction.OpenChannel;
case "edit":
linkType = LinkAction.OpenEditorTimestamp;
case "b":
linkType = LinkAction.OpenBeatmap;
case "s":
case "dl":
linkType = LinkAction.OpenBeatmapSet;
case "spectate":
linkType = LinkAction.Spectate;
case "u":
linkType = LinkAction.OpenUserProfile;
linkType = LinkAction.External;
return new LinkDetails(linkType, args[2]);
case "osump":
return new LinkDetails(LinkAction.JoinMultiplayerMatch, args[1]);
return new LinkDetails(LinkAction.External, null);
private static MessageFormatterResult format(string toFormat, int startIndex = 0, int space = 3)
var result = new MessageFormatterResult(toFormat);
// handle the [link display] format
handleMatches(new_link_regex, "{1}", "{2}", result, startIndex, escapeChars: new[] { '[', ']' });
// handle the standard markdown []() format
handleMatches(markdown_link_regex, "{1}", "{2}", result, startIndex, escapeChars: new[] { '[', ']' });
// handle the ()[] link format
handleMatches(old_link_regex, "{1}", "{2}", result, startIndex, escapeChars: new[] { '(', ')' });
// handle wiki links
handleMatches(wiki_regex, "{1}", "https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/{1}", result, startIndex);
// handle bare links
handleAdvanced(advanced_link_regex, result, startIndex);
// handle editor times
handleMatches(time_regex, "{0}", "osu://edit/{0}", result, startIndex, LinkAction.OpenEditorTimestamp);
// handle channels
handleMatches(channel_regex, "{0}", "osu://chan/{0}", result, startIndex, LinkAction.OpenChannel);
var empty = "";
while (space-- > 0)
empty += "\0";
handleMatches(emoji_regex, empty, "{0}", result, startIndex);
return result;
public static Message FormatMessage(Message inputMessage)
var result = format(inputMessage.Content);
inputMessage.DisplayContent = result.Text;
// Sometimes, regex matches are not in order
inputMessage.Links = result.Links;
return inputMessage;
public static MessageFormatterResult FormatText(string text)
var result = format(text);
return result;
public class MessageFormatterResult
public List<Link> Links = new List<Link>();
public string Text;
public string OriginalText;
public MessageFormatterResult(string text)
OriginalText = Text = text;
public class LinkDetails
public LinkAction Action;
public string Argument;
public LinkDetails(LinkAction action, string argument)
Action = action;
Argument = argument;
public enum LinkAction
public class Link : IComparable<Link>
public string Url;
public int Index;
public int Length;
public LinkAction Action;
public string Argument;
public Link(string url, int startIndex, int length, LinkAction action, string argument)
Url = url;
Index = startIndex;
Length = length;
Action = action;
Argument = argument;
public int CompareTo(Link otherLink) => Index > otherLink.Index ? 1 : -1;