mirror of https://github.com/ppy/osu.git synced 2025-03-29 17:17:19 +08:00
Dean Herbert 506409a9c4 Fix realm backup creation failing when run from RealmAccess constructor
At the point of construction, we are not on the update thread, but it
doesn't really matter at this point because there's no other usages.
2022-07-04 16:45:23 +09:00

955 lines
42 KiB

// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using osu.Framework;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Development;
using osu.Framework.Input.Bindings;
using osu.Framework.Logging;
using osu.Framework.Platform;
using osu.Framework.Statistics;
using osu.Framework.Threading;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Configuration;
using osu.Game.Input.Bindings;
using osu.Game.Models;
using osu.Game.Rulesets;
using osu.Game.Scoring;
using osu.Game.Skinning;
using Realms;
using Realms.Exceptions;
namespace osu.Game.Database
/// <summary>
/// A factory which provides safe access to the realm storage backend.
/// </summary>
public class RealmAccess : IDisposable
private readonly Storage storage;
/// <summary>
/// The filename of this realm.
/// </summary>
public readonly string Filename;
private readonly IDatabaseContextFactory? efContextFactory;
private readonly SynchronizationContext? updateThreadSyncContext;
/// <summary>
/// Version history:
/// 6 ~2021-10-18 First tracked version.
/// 7 2021-10-18 Changed OnlineID fields to non-nullable to add indexing support.
/// 8 2021-10-29 Rebind scroll adjust keys to not have control modifier.
/// 9 2021-11-04 Converted BeatmapMetadata.Author from string to RealmUser.
/// 10 2021-11-22 Use ShortName instead of RulesetID for ruleset settings.
/// 11 2021-11-22 Use ShortName instead of RulesetID for ruleset key bindings.
/// 12 2021-11-24 Add Status to RealmBeatmapSet.
/// 13 2022-01-13 Final migration of beatmaps and scores to realm (multiple new storage fields).
/// 14 2022-03-01 Added BeatmapUserSettings to BeatmapInfo.
/// </summary>
private const int schema_version = 14;
/// <summary>
/// Lock object which is held during <see cref="BlockAllOperations"/> sections, blocking realm retrieval during blocking periods.
/// </summary>
private readonly SemaphoreSlim realmRetrievalLock = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
private readonly ThreadLocal<bool> currentThreadCanCreateRealmInstances = new ThreadLocal<bool>();
/// <summary>
/// Holds a map of functions registered via <see cref="RegisterCustomSubscription"/> and <see cref="RegisterForNotifications{T}"/> and a coinciding action which when triggered,
/// will unregister the subscription from realm.
/// Put another way, the key is an action which registers the subscription with realm. The returned <see cref="IDisposable"/> from the action is stored as the value and only
/// used internally.
/// Entries in this dictionary are only removed when a consumer signals that the subscription should be permanently ceased (via their own <see cref="IDisposable"/>).
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<Func<Realm, IDisposable?>, IDisposable?> customSubscriptionsResetMap = new Dictionary<Func<Realm, IDisposable?>, IDisposable?>();
/// <summary>
/// Holds a map of functions registered via <see cref="RegisterForNotifications{T}"/> and a coinciding action which when triggered,
/// fires a change set event with an empty collection. This is used to inform subscribers when the main realm instance gets recycled, and ensure they don't use invalidated
/// managed realm objects from a previous firing.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<Func<Realm, IDisposable?>, Action> notificationsResetMap = new Dictionary<Func<Realm, IDisposable?>, Action>();
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> realm_instances_created = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Instances (Created)");
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> total_subscriptions = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Subscriptions");
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> total_reads_update = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Reads (Update)");
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> total_reads_async = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Reads (Async)");
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> total_writes_update = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Writes (Update)");
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> total_writes_async = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Writes (Async)");
private Realm? updateRealm;
/// <summary>
/// Tracks whether a realm was ever fetched from this instance.
/// After a fetch occurs, blocking operations will be guaranteed to restore any subscriptions.
/// </summary>
private bool hasInitialisedOnce;
private bool isSendingNotificationResetEvents;
public Realm Realm => ensureUpdateRealm();
private const string realm_extension = @".realm";
private Realm ensureUpdateRealm()
if (isSendingNotificationResetEvents)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot retrieve a realm context from a notification callback during a blocking operation.");
if (!ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
throw new InvalidOperationException(@$"Use {nameof(getRealmInstance)} when performing realm operations from a non-update thread");
if (updateRealm == null)
updateRealm = getRealmInstance();
hasInitialisedOnce = true;
Logger.Log(@$"Opened realm ""{updateRealm.Config.DatabasePath}"" at version {updateRealm.Config.SchemaVersion}");
// Resubscribe any subscriptions
foreach (var action in customSubscriptionsResetMap.Keys.ToArray())
Debug.Assert(updateRealm != null);
return updateRealm;
internal static bool CurrentThreadSubscriptionsAllowed => current_thread_subscriptions_allowed.Value;
private static readonly ThreadLocal<bool> current_thread_subscriptions_allowed = new ThreadLocal<bool>();
/// <summary>
/// Construct a new instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="storage">The game storage which will be used to create the realm backing file.</param>
/// <param name="filename">The filename to use for the realm backing file. A ".realm" extension will be added automatically if not specified.</param>
/// <param name="updateThread">The game update thread, used to post realm operations into a thread-safe context.</param>
/// <param name="efContextFactory">An EF factory used only for migration purposes.</param>
public RealmAccess(Storage storage, string filename, GameThread? updateThread = null, IDatabaseContextFactory? efContextFactory = null)
this.storage = storage;
this.efContextFactory = efContextFactory;
updateThreadSyncContext = updateThread?.SynchronizationContext ?? SynchronizationContext.Current;
Filename = filename;
if (!Filename.EndsWith(realm_extension, StringComparison.Ordinal))
Filename += realm_extension;
string newerVersionFilename = $"{Filename.Replace(realm_extension, string.Empty)}_newer_version{realm_extension}";
// Attempt to recover a newer database version if available.
if (storage.Exists(newerVersionFilename))
Logger.Log(@"A newer realm database has been found, attempting recovery...", LoggingTarget.Database);
// This method triggers the first `getRealmInstance` call, which will implicitly run realm migrations and bring the schema up-to-date.
catch (Exception e)
// See https://github.com/realm/realm-core/blob/master/src%2Frealm%2Fobject-store%2Fobject_store.cpp#L1016-L1022
// This is the best way we can detect a schema version downgrade.
if (e.Message.StartsWith(@"Provided schema version", StringComparison.Ordinal))
Logger.Error(e, "Your local database is too new to work with this version of osu!. Please close osu! and install the latest release to recover your data.");
// If a newer version database already exists, don't backup again. We can presume that the first backup is the one we care about.
if (!storage.Exists(newerVersionFilename))
Logger.Error(e, "Realm startup failed with unrecoverable error; starting with a fresh database. A backup of your database has been made.");
createBackup($"{Filename.Replace(realm_extension, string.Empty)}_{DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds()}_corrupt{realm_extension}");
private void attemptRecoverFromFile(string recoveryFilename)
Logger.Log($@"Performing recovery from {recoveryFilename}", LoggingTarget.Database);
// First check the user hasn't started to use the database that is in place..
using (var realm = Realm.GetInstance(getConfiguration()))
if (realm.All<ScoreInfo>().Any())
Logger.Log(@"Recovery aborted as the existing database has scores set already.", LoggingTarget.Database);
Logger.Log($@"To perform recovery, delete {OsuGameBase.CLIENT_DATABASE_FILENAME} while osu! is not running.", LoggingTarget.Database);
// Even if reading the in place database fails, still attempt to recover.
// Then check that the database we are about to attempt recovery can actually be recovered on this version..
using (Realm.GetInstance(getConfiguration(recoveryFilename)))
// Don't need to do anything, just check that opening the realm works correctly.
Logger.Log(@"Recovery aborted as the newer version could not be loaded by this osu! version.", LoggingTarget.Database);
// For extra safety, also store the temporarily-used database which we are about to replace.
createBackup($"{Filename.Replace(realm_extension, string.Empty)}_{DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds()}_newer_version_before_recovery{realm_extension}");
using (var inputStream = storage.GetStream(recoveryFilename))
using (var outputStream = storage.CreateFileSafely(Filename))
Logger.Log(@"Recovery complete!", LoggingTarget.Database);
private void cleanupPendingDeletions()
using (var realm = getRealmInstance())
using (var transaction = realm.BeginWrite())
var pendingDeleteScores = realm.All<ScoreInfo>().Where(s => s.DeletePending);
foreach (var score in pendingDeleteScores)
var pendingDeleteSets = realm.All<BeatmapSetInfo>().Where(s => s.DeletePending);
foreach (var beatmapSet in pendingDeleteSets)
foreach (var beatmap in beatmapSet.Beatmaps)
// Cascade delete related scores, else they will have a null beatmap against the model's spec.
foreach (var score in beatmap.Scores)
var pendingDeleteSkins = realm.All<SkinInfo>().Where(s => s.DeletePending);
foreach (var s in pendingDeleteSkins)
// clean up files after dropping any pending deletions.
// in the future we may want to only do this when the game is idle, rather than on every startup.
new RealmFileStore(this, storage).Cleanup();
/// <summary>
/// Compact this realm.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Compact()
return Realm.Compact(getConfiguration());
// Catch can be removed along with entity framework. Is specifically to allow a failure message to arrive to the user (see similar catches in EFToRealmMigrator).
catch (AggregateException ae) when (RuntimeInfo.OS == RuntimeInfo.Platform.macOS && ae.Flatten().InnerException is TypeInitializationException)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Run work on realm with a return value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run.</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The return type.</typeparam>
public T Run<T>(Func<Realm, T> action)
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
return action(Realm);
using (var realm = getRealmInstance())
return action(realm);
/// <summary>
/// Run work on realm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run.</param>
public void Run(Action<Realm> action)
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
using (var realm = getRealmInstance())
/// <summary>
/// Write changes to realm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run.</param>
public T Write<T>(Func<Realm, T> action)
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
return Realm.Write(action);
using (var realm = getRealmInstance())
return realm.Write(action);
/// <summary>
/// Write changes to realm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run.</param>
public void Write(Action<Realm> action)
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
using (var realm = getRealmInstance())
private readonly CountdownEvent pendingAsyncWrites = new CountdownEvent(0);
/// <summary>
/// Write changes to realm asynchronously, guaranteeing order of execution.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run.</param>
public Task WriteAsync(Action<Realm> action)
if (isDisposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(RealmAccess));
// Required to ensure the write is tracked and accounted for before disposal.
// Can potentially be avoided if we have a need to do so in the future.
if (!ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
throw new InvalidOperationException(@$"{nameof(WriteAsync)} must be called from the update thread.");
// CountdownEvent will fail if already at zero.
if (!pendingAsyncWrites.TryAddCount())
// Regardless of calling Realm.GetInstance or Realm.GetInstanceAsync, there is a blocking overhead on retrieval.
// Adding a forced Task.Run resolves this.
var writeTask = Task.Run(async () =>
// Not attempting to use Realm.GetInstanceAsync as there's seemingly no benefit to us (for now) and it adds complexity due to locking
// concerns in getRealmInstance(). On a quick check, it looks to be more suited to cases where realm is connecting to an online sync
// server, which we don't use. May want to report upstream or revisit in the future.
using (var realm = getRealmInstance())
// ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure (WriteAsync should be marked as [InstantHandle]).
await realm.WriteAsync(() => action(realm));
return writeTask;
/// <summary>
/// Subscribe to a realm collection and begin watching for asynchronous changes.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This adds osu! specific thread and managed state safety checks on top of <see cref="IRealmCollection{T}.SubscribeForNotifications"/>.
/// In addition to the documented realm behaviour, we have the additional requirement of handling subscriptions over potential realm instance recycle.
/// When this happens, callback events will be automatically fired:
/// - On recycle start, a callback with an empty collection and <c>null</c> <see cref="ChangeSet"/> will be invoked.
/// - On recycle end, a standard initial realm callback will arrive, with <c>null</c> <see cref="ChangeSet"/> and an up-to-date collection.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="query">The <see cref="IQueryable{T}"/> to observe for changes.</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of the elements in the list.</typeparam>
/// <param name="callback">The callback to be invoked with the updated <see cref="IRealmCollection{T}"/>.</param>
/// <returns>
/// A subscription token. It must be kept alive for as long as you want to receive change notifications.
/// To stop receiving notifications, call <see cref="IDisposable.Dispose"/>.
/// </returns>
/// <seealso cref="IRealmCollection{T}.SubscribeForNotifications"/>
public IDisposable RegisterForNotifications<T>(Func<Realm, IQueryable<T>> query, NotificationCallbackDelegate<T> callback)
where T : RealmObjectBase
Func<Realm, IDisposable?> action = realm => query(realm).QueryAsyncWithNotifications(callback);
lock (notificationsResetMap)
// Store an action which is used when blocking to ensure consumers don't use results of a stale changeset firing.
notificationsResetMap.Add(action, () => callback(new EmptyRealmSet<T>(), null, null));
return RegisterCustomSubscription(action);
/// <summary>
/// Subscribe to the property of a realm object to watch for changes.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// On subscribing, unless the <paramref name="modelAccessor"/> does not match an object, an initial invocation of <paramref name="onChanged"/> will occur immediately.
/// Further invocations will occur when the value changes, but may also fire on a realm recycle with no actual value change.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="modelAccessor">A function to retrieve the relevant model from realm.</param>
/// <param name="propertyLookup">A function to traverse to the relevant property from the model.</param>
/// <param name="onChanged">A function to be invoked when a change of value occurs.</param>
/// <typeparam name="TModel">The type of the model.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TProperty">The type of the property to be watched.</typeparam>
/// <returns>
/// A subscription token. It must be kept alive for as long as you want to receive change notifications.
/// To stop receiving notifications, call <see cref="IDisposable.Dispose"/>.
/// </returns>
public IDisposable SubscribeToPropertyChanged<TModel, TProperty>(Func<Realm, TModel?> modelAccessor, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> propertyLookup, Action<TProperty> onChanged)
where TModel : RealmObjectBase
return RegisterCustomSubscription(_ =>
string propertyName = getMemberName(propertyLookup);
var model = Run(modelAccessor);
var propLookupCompiled = propertyLookup.Compile();
if (model == null)
return null;
model.PropertyChanged += onPropertyChanged;
// Update initial value immediately.
return new InvokeOnDisposal(() => model.PropertyChanged -= onPropertyChanged);
void onPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
if (args.PropertyName == propertyName)
static string getMemberName(Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression)
if (!(expression is LambdaExpression lambda))
throw new ArgumentException("Outermost expression must be a lambda expression", nameof(expression));
if (!(lambda.Body is MemberExpression memberExpression))
throw new ArgumentException("Lambda body must be a member access expression", nameof(expression));
// TODO: nested access can be supported, with more iteration here
// (need to iteratively soft-cast `memberExpression.Expression` into `MemberExpression`s until `lambda.Parameters[0]` is hit)
if (memberExpression.Expression != lambda.Parameters[0])
throw new ArgumentException("Nested access expressions are not supported", nameof(expression));
return memberExpression.Member.Name;
/// <summary>
/// Run work on realm that will be run every time the update thread realm instance gets recycled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run. Return value should be an <see cref="IDisposable"/> from QueryAsyncWithNotifications, or an <see cref="InvokeOnDisposal"/> to clean up any bindings.</param>
/// <returns>An <see cref="IDisposable"/> which should be disposed to unsubscribe any inner subscription.</returns>
public IDisposable RegisterCustomSubscription(Func<Realm, IDisposable?> action)
if (updateThreadSyncContext == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to register a realm subscription before update thread registration.");
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
updateThreadSyncContext.Send(_ => registerSubscription(action), null);
updateThreadSyncContext.Post(_ => registerSubscription(action), null);
// This token is returned to the consumer.
// When disposed, it will cause the registration to be permanently ceased (unsubscribed with realm and unregistered by this class).
return new InvokeOnDisposal(() =>
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
updateThreadSyncContext.Send(_ => unsubscribe(), null);
updateThreadSyncContext.Post(_ => unsubscribe(), null);
void unsubscribe()
if (customSubscriptionsResetMap.TryGetValue(action, out var unsubscriptionAction))
lock (notificationsResetMap)
private void registerSubscription(Func<Realm, IDisposable?> action)
// Retrieve realm instance outside of flag update to ensure that the instance is retrieved,
// as attempting to access it inside the subscription if it's not constructed would lead to
// cyclic invocations of the subscription callback.
var realm = Realm;
Debug.Assert(!customSubscriptionsResetMap.TryGetValue(action, out var found) || found == null);
current_thread_subscriptions_allowed.Value = true;
customSubscriptionsResetMap[action] = action(realm);
current_thread_subscriptions_allowed.Value = false;
private Realm getRealmInstance()
if (isDisposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(RealmAccess));
bool tookSemaphoreLock = false;
if (!currentThreadCanCreateRealmInstances.Value)
currentThreadCanCreateRealmInstances.Value = true;
tookSemaphoreLock = true;
// the semaphore is used to handle blocking of all realm retrieval during certain periods.
// once the semaphore has been taken by this code section, it is safe to retrieve further realm instances on the same thread.
// this can happen if a realm subscription is active and triggers a callback which has user code that calls `Run`.
return Realm.GetInstance(getConfiguration());
// Catch can be removed along with entity framework. Is specifically to allow a failure message to arrive to the user (see similar catches in EFToRealmMigrator).
catch (AggregateException ae) when (RuntimeInfo.OS == RuntimeInfo.Platform.macOS && ae.Flatten().InnerException is TypeInitializationException)
return Realm.GetInstance();
if (tookSemaphoreLock)
currentThreadCanCreateRealmInstances.Value = false;
private RealmConfiguration getConfiguration(string? filename = null)
// This is currently the only usage of temporary files at the osu! side.
// If we use the temporary folder in more situations in the future, this should be moved to a higher level (helper method or OsuGameBase).
string tempPathLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), @"lazer");
if (!Directory.Exists(tempPathLocation))
return new RealmConfiguration(storage.GetFullPath(filename ?? Filename, true))
SchemaVersion = schema_version,
MigrationCallback = onMigration,
FallbackPipePath = tempPathLocation,
private void onMigration(Migration migration, ulong lastSchemaVersion)
for (ulong i = lastSchemaVersion + 1; i <= schema_version; i++)
applyMigrationsForVersion(migration, i);
private void applyMigrationsForVersion(Migration migration, ulong targetVersion)
switch (targetVersion)
case 7:
void convertOnlineIDs<T>() where T : RealmObject
string className = getMappedOrOriginalName(typeof(T));
// version was not bumped when the beatmap/ruleset models were added
// therefore we must manually check for their presence to avoid throwing on the `DynamicApi` calls.
if (!migration.OldRealm.Schema.TryFindObjectSchema(className, out _))
var oldItems = migration.OldRealm.DynamicApi.All(className);
var newItems = migration.NewRealm.DynamicApi.All(className);
int itemCount = newItems.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
dynamic? oldItem = oldItems.ElementAt(i);
dynamic? newItem = newItems.ElementAt(i);
long? nullableOnlineID = oldItem?.OnlineID;
newItem.OnlineID = (int)(nullableOnlineID ?? -1);
case 8:
// Ctrl -/+ now adjusts UI scale so let's clear any bindings which overlap these combinations.
// New defaults will be populated by the key store afterwards.
var keyBindings = migration.NewRealm.All<RealmKeyBinding>();
var increaseSpeedBinding = keyBindings.FirstOrDefault(k => k.ActionInt == (int)GlobalAction.IncreaseScrollSpeed);
if (increaseSpeedBinding != null && increaseSpeedBinding.KeyCombination.Keys.SequenceEqual(new[] { InputKey.Control, InputKey.Plus }))
var decreaseSpeedBinding = keyBindings.FirstOrDefault(k => k.ActionInt == (int)GlobalAction.DecreaseScrollSpeed);
if (decreaseSpeedBinding != null && decreaseSpeedBinding.KeyCombination.Keys.SequenceEqual(new[] { InputKey.Control, InputKey.Minus }))
case 9:
// Pretty pointless to do this as beatmaps aren't really loaded via realm yet, but oh well.
string metadataClassName = getMappedOrOriginalName(typeof(BeatmapMetadata));
// May be coming from a version before `RealmBeatmapMetadata` existed.
if (!migration.OldRealm.Schema.TryFindObjectSchema(metadataClassName, out _))
var oldMetadata = migration.OldRealm.DynamicApi.All(metadataClassName);
var newMetadata = migration.NewRealm.All<BeatmapMetadata>();
int metadataCount = newMetadata.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < metadataCount; i++)
dynamic? oldItem = oldMetadata.ElementAt(i);
var newItem = newMetadata.ElementAt(i);
string username = oldItem.Author;
newItem.Author = new RealmUser
Username = username
case 10:
string rulesetSettingClassName = getMappedOrOriginalName(typeof(RealmRulesetSetting));
if (!migration.OldRealm.Schema.TryFindObjectSchema(rulesetSettingClassName, out _))
var oldSettings = migration.OldRealm.DynamicApi.All(rulesetSettingClassName);
var newSettings = migration.NewRealm.All<RealmRulesetSetting>().ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < newSettings.Count; i++)
dynamic? oldItem = oldSettings.ElementAt(i);
var newItem = newSettings.ElementAt(i);
long rulesetId = oldItem.RulesetID;
string? rulesetName = getRulesetShortNameFromLegacyID(rulesetId);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rulesetName))
newItem.RulesetName = rulesetName;
case 11:
string keyBindingClassName = getMappedOrOriginalName(typeof(RealmKeyBinding));
if (!migration.OldRealm.Schema.TryFindObjectSchema(keyBindingClassName, out _))
var oldKeyBindings = migration.OldRealm.DynamicApi.All(keyBindingClassName);
var newKeyBindings = migration.NewRealm.All<RealmKeyBinding>().ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < newKeyBindings.Count; i++)
dynamic? oldItem = oldKeyBindings.ElementAt(i);
var newItem = newKeyBindings.ElementAt(i);
if (oldItem.RulesetID == null)
long rulesetId = oldItem.RulesetID;
string? rulesetName = getRulesetShortNameFromLegacyID(rulesetId);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rulesetName))
newItem.RulesetName = rulesetName;
case 14:
foreach (var beatmap in migration.NewRealm.All<BeatmapInfo>())
beatmap.UserSettings = new BeatmapUserSettings();
private string? getRulesetShortNameFromLegacyID(long rulesetId) =>
efContextFactory?.Get().RulesetInfo.FirstOrDefault(r => r.ID == rulesetId)?.ShortName;
/// <summary>
/// Create a full realm backup.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="backupFilename">The filename for the backup.</param>
public void CreateBackup(string backupFilename)
if (realmRetrievalLock.CurrentCount != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Call {nameof(BlockAllOperations)} before creating a backup.");
private void createBackup(string backupFilename)
Logger.Log($"Creating full realm database backup at {backupFilename}", LoggingTarget.Database);
int attempts = 10;
while (attempts-- > 0)
using (var source = storage.GetStream(Filename, mode: FileMode.Open))
using (var destination = storage.GetStream(backupFilename, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.CreateNew))
catch (IOException)
// file may be locked during use.
/// <summary>
/// Flush any active realm instances and block any further writes.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This should be used in places we need to ensure no ongoing reads/writes are occurring with realm.
/// ie. to move the realm backing file to a new location.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="reason">The reason for blocking. Used for logging purposes.</param>
/// <returns>An <see cref="IDisposable"/> which should be disposed to end the blocking section.</returns>
public IDisposable BlockAllOperations(string reason)
Logger.Log($@"Attempting to block all realm operations for {reason}.", LoggingTarget.Database);
if (!ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
throw new InvalidOperationException(@$"{nameof(BlockAllOperations)} must be called from the update thread.");
if (isDisposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(RealmAccess));
SynchronizationContext? syncContext = null;
if (hasInitialisedOnce)
syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
// Before disposing the update context, clean up all subscriptions.
// Note that in the case of realm notification subscriptions, this is not really required (they will be cleaned up by disposal).
// In the case of custom subscriptions, we want them to fire before the update realm is disposed in case they do any follow-up work.
foreach (var action in customSubscriptionsResetMap.ToArray())
customSubscriptionsResetMap[action.Key] = null;
updateRealm = null;
Logger.Log(@"Lock acquired for blocking operations", LoggingTarget.Database);
const int sleep_length = 200;
int timeSpent = 0;
// see https://github.com/realm/realm-dotnet/discussions/2657
while (!Compact())
timeSpent += sleep_length;
if (timeSpent > 5000)
throw new TimeoutException($@"Realm compact failed after {timeSpent / sleep_length} attempts over {timeSpent / 1000} seconds");
catch (RealmException e)
// Compact may fail if the realm is in a bad state.
// We still want to continue with the blocking operation, though.
Logger.Log($"Realm compact failed with error {e}", LoggingTarget.Database);
Logger.Log(@"Realm usage isolated via compact", LoggingTarget.Database);
// In order to ensure events arrive in the correct order, these *must* be fired post disposal of the update realm,
// and must be posted to the synchronization context.
// This is because realm may fire event callbacks between the `unregisterAllSubscriptions` and `updateRealm.Dispose`
// calls above.
syncContext?.Send(_ =>
// Flag ensures that we don't get in a deadlocked scenario due to a callback attempting to access `RealmAccess.Realm` or `RealmAccess.Run`
// and hitting `realmRetrievalLock` a second time. Generally such usages should not exist, and as such we throw when an attempt is made
// to use in this fashion.
isSendingNotificationResetEvents = true;
lock (notificationsResetMap)
foreach (var action in notificationsResetMap.Values)
isSendingNotificationResetEvents = false;
}, null);
return new InvokeOnDisposal(restoreOperation);
void restoreOperation()
Logger.Log(@"Restoring realm operations.", LoggingTarget.Database);
// Post back to the update thread to revive any subscriptions.
// In the case we are on the update thread, let's also require this to run synchronously.
// This requirement is mostly due to test coverage, but shouldn't cause any harm.
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
syncContext?.Send(_ => ensureUpdateRealm(), null);
syncContext?.Post(_ => ensureUpdateRealm(), null);
// https://github.com/realm/realm-dotnet/blob/32f4ebcc88b3e80a3b254412665340cd9f3bd6b5/Realm/Realm/Extensions/ReflectionExtensions.cs#L46
private static string getMappedOrOriginalName(MemberInfo member) => member.GetCustomAttribute<MapToAttribute>()?.Mapping ?? member.Name;
private bool isDisposed;
public void Dispose()
if (!pendingAsyncWrites.Wait(10000))
Logger.Log("Realm took too long waiting on pending async writes", level: LogLevel.Error);
if (!isDisposed)
// intentionally block realm retrieval indefinitely. this ensures that nothing can start consuming a new instance after disposal.
isDisposed = true;