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// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Extensions.EnumExtensions;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Primitives;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.UserInterface;
using osu.Framework.Utils;
using osu.Game.Extensions;
using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit;
using osu.Game.Screens.Edit.Compose.Components;
using osu.Game.Skinning;
using osu.Game.Utils;
using osuTK;
namespace osu.Game.Overlays.SkinEditor
public partial class SkinSelectionHandler : SelectionHandler<ISerialisableDrawable>
private SkinEditor skinEditor { get; set; } = null!;
public override SelectionRotationHandler CreateRotationHandler() => new SkinSelectionRotationHandler
UpdatePosition = updateDrawablePosition
private bool allSelectedSupportManualSizing(Axes axis) => SelectedItems.All(b => (b as CompositeDrawable)?.AutoSizeAxes.HasFlagFast(axis) == false);
public override bool HandleScale(Vector2 scale, Anchor anchor)
Axes adjustAxis;
switch (anchor)
// for corners, adjust scale.
case Anchor.TopLeft:
case Anchor.TopRight:
case Anchor.BottomLeft:
case Anchor.BottomRight:
adjustAxis = Axes.Both;
// for edges, adjust size.
// autosize elements can't be easily handled so just disable sizing for now.
case Anchor.TopCentre:
case Anchor.BottomCentre:
if (!allSelectedSupportManualSizing(Axes.Y))
return false;
adjustAxis = Axes.Y;
case Anchor.CentreLeft:
case Anchor.CentreRight:
if (!allSelectedSupportManualSizing(Axes.X))
return false;
adjustAxis = Axes.X;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(anchor), anchor, null);
// convert scale to screen space
scale = ToScreenSpace(scale) - ToScreenSpace(Vector2.Zero);
adjustScaleFromAnchor(ref scale, anchor);
// the selection quad is always upright, so use an AABB rect to make mutating the values easier.
var selectionRect = getSelectionQuad().AABBFloat;
// If the selection has no area we cannot scale it
if (selectionRect.Area == 0)
return false;
// copy to mutate, as we will need to compare to the original later on.
var adjustedRect = selectionRect;
bool isRotated = false;
// for now aspect lock scale adjustments that occur at corners..
if (!anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.x1) && !anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.y1))
// project scale vector along diagonal
Vector2 diag = (selectionRect.TopLeft - selectionRect.BottomRight).Normalized();
scale = Vector2.Dot(scale, diag) * diag;
// ..or if any of the selection have been rotated.
// this is to avoid requiring skew logic (which would likely not be the user's expected transform anyway).
else if (SelectedBlueprints.Any(b => !Precision.AlmostEquals(((Drawable)b.Item).Rotation % 90, 0)))
isRotated = true;
if (anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.x1))
// if dragging from the horizontal centre, only a vertical component is available.
scale.X = scale.Y / selectionRect.Height * selectionRect.Width;
// in all other cases (arbitrarily) use the horizontal component for aspect lock.
scale.Y = scale.X / selectionRect.Width * selectionRect.Height;
if (anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.x0)) adjustedRect.X -= scale.X;
if (anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.y0)) adjustedRect.Y -= scale.Y;
// Maintain the selection's centre position if dragging from the centre anchors and selection is rotated.
if (isRotated && anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.x1)) adjustedRect.X -= scale.X / 2;
if (isRotated && anchor.HasFlagFast(Anchor.y1)) adjustedRect.Y -= scale.Y / 2;
adjustedRect.Width += scale.X;
adjustedRect.Height += scale.Y;
if (adjustedRect.Width <= 0 || adjustedRect.Height <= 0)
Axes toFlip = Axes.None;
if (adjustedRect.Width <= 0) toFlip |= Axes.X;
if (adjustedRect.Height <= 0) toFlip |= Axes.Y;
return true;
// scale adjust applied to each individual item should match that of the quad itself.
var scaledDelta = new Vector2(
adjustedRect.Width / selectionRect.Width,
adjustedRect.Height / selectionRect.Height
foreach (var b in SelectedBlueprints)
var drawableItem = (Drawable)b.Item;
// each drawable's relative position should be maintained in the scaled quad.
var screenPosition = b.ScreenSpaceSelectionPoint;
var relativePositionInOriginal =
new Vector2(
(screenPosition.X - selectionRect.TopLeft.X) / selectionRect.Width,
(screenPosition.Y - selectionRect.TopLeft.Y) / selectionRect.Height
var newPositionInAdjusted = new Vector2(
adjustedRect.TopLeft.X + adjustedRect.Width * relativePositionInOriginal.X,
adjustedRect.TopLeft.Y + adjustedRect.Height * relativePositionInOriginal.Y
updateDrawablePosition(drawableItem, newPositionInAdjusted);
var currentScaledDelta = scaledDelta;
if (Precision.AlmostEquals(MathF.Abs(drawableItem.Rotation) % 180, 90))
currentScaledDelta = new Vector2(scaledDelta.Y, scaledDelta.X);
switch (adjustAxis)
case Axes.X:
drawableItem.Width *= currentScaledDelta.X;
case Axes.Y:
drawableItem.Height *= currentScaledDelta.Y;
case Axes.Both:
drawableItem.Scale *= currentScaledDelta;
return true;
public override bool HandleFlip(Direction direction, bool flipOverOrigin)
var selectionQuad = getSelectionQuad();
Vector2 scaleFactor = direction == Direction.Horizontal ? new Vector2(-1, 1) : new Vector2(1, -1);
foreach (var b in SelectedBlueprints)
var drawableItem = (Drawable)b.Item;
var flippedPosition = GeometryUtils.GetFlippedPosition(direction, flipOverOrigin ? drawableItem.Parent!.ScreenSpaceDrawQuad : selectionQuad, b.ScreenSpaceSelectionPoint);
updateDrawablePosition(drawableItem, flippedPosition);
drawableItem.Scale *= scaleFactor;
drawableItem.Rotation -= drawableItem.Rotation % 180 * 2;
return true;
public override bool HandleMovement(MoveSelectionEvent<ISerialisableDrawable> moveEvent)
foreach (var c in SelectedBlueprints)
var item = c.Item;
Drawable drawable = (Drawable)item;
drawable.Position += drawable.ScreenSpaceDeltaToParentSpace(moveEvent.ScreenSpaceDelta);
if (item.UsesFixedAnchor) continue;
return true;
public static void ApplyClosestAnchor(Drawable drawable) => applyAnchor(drawable, getClosestAnchor(drawable));
protected override void OnSelectionChanged()
SelectionBox.CanScaleX = allSelectedSupportManualSizing(Axes.X);
SelectionBox.CanScaleY = allSelectedSupportManualSizing(Axes.Y);
SelectionBox.CanScaleDiagonally = true;
SelectionBox.CanFlipX = true;
SelectionBox.CanFlipY = true;
SelectionBox.CanReverse = false;
protected override void DeleteItems(IEnumerable<ISerialisableDrawable> items) =>
protected override IEnumerable<MenuItem> GetContextMenuItemsForSelection(IEnumerable<SelectionBlueprint<ISerialisableDrawable>> selection)
var closestItem = new TernaryStateRadioMenuItem("Closest", MenuItemType.Standard, _ => applyClosestAnchors())
State = { Value = GetStateFromSelection(selection, c => !c.Item.UsesFixedAnchor) }
yield return new OsuMenuItem("Anchor")
Items = createAnchorItems((d, a) => d.UsesFixedAnchor && ((Drawable)d).Anchor == a, applyFixedAnchors)
yield return new OsuMenuItem("Origin")
Items = createAnchorItems((d, o) => ((Drawable)d).Origin == o, applyOrigins).ToArray()
yield return new OsuMenuItemSpacer();
yield return new OsuMenuItem("Reset position", MenuItemType.Standard, () =>
foreach (var blueprint in SelectedBlueprints)
((Drawable)blueprint.Item).Position = Vector2.Zero;
yield return new OsuMenuItem("Reset rotation", MenuItemType.Standard, () =>
foreach (var blueprint in SelectedBlueprints)
((Drawable)blueprint.Item).Rotation = 0;
yield return new OsuMenuItem("Reset scale", MenuItemType.Standard, () =>
foreach (var blueprint in SelectedBlueprints)
var blueprintItem = ((Drawable)blueprint.Item);
blueprintItem.Scale = Vector2.One;
if (blueprintItem.RelativeSizeAxes.HasFlagFast(Axes.X))
blueprintItem.Width = 1;
if (blueprintItem.RelativeSizeAxes.HasFlagFast(Axes.Y))
blueprintItem.Height = 1;
yield return new OsuMenuItemSpacer();
yield return new OsuMenuItem("Bring to front", MenuItemType.Standard, () => skinEditor.BringSelectionToFront());
yield return new OsuMenuItem("Send to back", MenuItemType.Standard, () => skinEditor.SendSelectionToBack());
yield return new OsuMenuItemSpacer();
foreach (var item in base.GetContextMenuItemsForSelection(selection))
yield return item;
IEnumerable<TernaryStateMenuItem> createAnchorItems(Func<ISerialisableDrawable, Anchor, bool> checkFunction, Action<Anchor> applyFunction)
var displayableAnchors = new[]
return displayableAnchors.Select(a =>
return new TernaryStateRadioMenuItem(a.ToString(), MenuItemType.Standard, _ => applyFunction(a))
State = { Value = GetStateFromSelection(selection, c => checkFunction(c.Item, a)) }
private static void updateDrawablePosition(Drawable drawable, Vector2 screenSpacePosition)
drawable.Position =
drawable.Parent!.ToLocalSpace(screenSpacePosition) - drawable.AnchorPosition;
private void applyOrigins(Anchor origin)
foreach (var item in SelectedItems)
var drawable = (Drawable)item;
if (origin == drawable.Origin) continue;
var previousOrigin = drawable.OriginPosition;
drawable.Origin = origin;
drawable.Position += drawable.OriginPosition - previousOrigin;
if (item.UsesFixedAnchor) continue;
/// <summary>
/// A screen-space quad surrounding all selected drawables, accounting for their full displayed size.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private Quad getSelectionQuad() =>
GeometryUtils.GetSurroundingQuad(SelectedBlueprints.SelectMany(b => b.Item.ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.GetVertices().ToArray()));
private void applyFixedAnchors(Anchor anchor)
foreach (var item in SelectedItems)
var drawable = (Drawable)item;
item.UsesFixedAnchor = true;
applyAnchor(drawable, anchor);
private void applyClosestAnchors()
foreach (var item in SelectedItems)
item.UsesFixedAnchor = false;
private static Anchor getClosestAnchor(Drawable drawable)
var parent = drawable.Parent;
if (parent == null)
return drawable.Anchor;
var screenPosition = drawable.ToScreenSpace(drawable.OriginPosition);
var absolutePosition = parent.ToLocalSpace(screenPosition);
var factor = parent.RelativeToAbsoluteFactor;
var result = default(Anchor);
static Anchor getAnchorFromPosition(float xOrY, Anchor anchor0, Anchor anchor1, Anchor anchor2)
if (xOrY >= 2 / 3f)
return anchor2;
if (xOrY >= 1 / 3f)
return anchor1;
return anchor0;
result |= getAnchorFromPosition(absolutePosition.X / factor.X, Anchor.x0, Anchor.x1, Anchor.x2);
result |= getAnchorFromPosition(absolutePosition.Y / factor.Y, Anchor.y0, Anchor.y1, Anchor.y2);
return result;
private static void applyAnchor(Drawable drawable, Anchor anchor)
if (anchor == drawable.Anchor) return;
var previousAnchor = drawable.AnchorPosition;
drawable.Anchor = anchor;
drawable.Position -= drawable.AnchorPosition - previousAnchor;
private static void adjustScaleFromAnchor(ref Vector2 scale, Anchor reference)
// cancel out scale in axes we don't care about (based on which drag handle was used).
if ((reference & Anchor.x1) > 0) scale.X = 0;
if ((reference & Anchor.y1) > 0) scale.Y = 0;
// reverse the scale direction if dragging from top or left.
if ((reference & Anchor.x0) > 0) scale.X = -scale.X;
if ((reference & Anchor.y0) > 0) scale.Y = -scale.Y;