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synced 2025-03-04 06:12:57 +08:00
As seen in https://github.com/ppy/osu/actions/runs/7607899979/job/20716013982?pr=26662#step:5:75 In https://github.com/ppy/osu/pull/26484, I went "well if I'm moving the enabling of validation of playback rate to `SubmittingPlayer` context, then surely I can remove the local override in the test scene, right?" Reader: Apparently I did not notice that `FakeImportingPlayer : TestPlayer : SoloPlayer : SubmittingPlayer`. So no, I could not remove the local override in the test scene. You could probably attempt to conjure up some excuse about deep inheritance hierarchies here but nah. Really just a failure to read on my behalf as usual.
407 lines
14 KiB
407 lines
14 KiB
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using NUnit.Framework;
using osu.Framework.Screens;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Online.API;
using osu.Game.Online.Rooms;
using osu.Game.Online.Solo;
using osu.Game.Rulesets;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Judgements;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko.Mods;
using osu.Game.Scoring;
using osu.Game.Screens.Play;
using osu.Game.Screens.Ranking;
using osu.Game.Tests.Beatmaps;
namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Gameplay
public partial class TestScenePlayerScoreSubmission : PlayerTestScene
protected override bool AllowFail => allowFail;
private bool allowFail;
private Func<RulesetInfo, IBeatmap> createCustomBeatmap;
private Func<Ruleset> createCustomRuleset;
private Func<Mod[]> createCustomMods;
private DummyAPIAccess dummyAPI => (DummyAPIAccess)API;
protected override bool HasCustomSteps => true;
protected override TestPlayer CreatePlayer(Ruleset ruleset)
if (createCustomMods != null)
SelectedMods.Value = SelectedMods.Value.Concat(createCustomMods()).ToList();
return new FakeImportingPlayer(false);
protected new FakeImportingPlayer Player => (FakeImportingPlayer)base.Player;
protected override Ruleset CreatePlayerRuleset() => createCustomRuleset?.Invoke() ?? new OsuRuleset();
protected override IBeatmap CreateBeatmap(RulesetInfo ruleset) => createCustomBeatmap?.Invoke(ruleset) ?? createTestBeatmap(ruleset);
private IBeatmap createTestBeatmap(RulesetInfo ruleset)
var beatmap = (TestBeatmap)base.CreateBeatmap(ruleset);
beatmap.HitObjects = beatmap.HitObjects.Take(10).ToList();
return beatmap;
public void TestNoSubmissionOnResultsWithNoToken()
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddUntilStep("wait for track to start running", () => Beatmap.Value.Track.IsRunning);
AddStep("seek to completion", () => Player.GameplayClockContainer.Seek(Player.DrawableRuleset.Objects.Last().GetEndTime()));
AddUntilStep("results displayed", () => Player.GetChildScreen() is ResultsScreen);
AddAssert("ensure no submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore == null);
public void TestSubmissionOnResults()
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddUntilStep("wait for track to start running", () => Beatmap.Value.Track.IsRunning);
AddStep("seek to completion", () => Player.GameplayClockContainer.Seek(Player.DrawableRuleset.Objects.Last().GetEndTime()));
AddUntilStep("results displayed", () => Player.GetChildScreen() is ResultsScreen);
AddAssert("ensure passing submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore?.ScoreInfo.Passed == true);
public void TestSubmissionForDifferentRuleset()
createPlayerTest(createRuleset: () => new TaikoRuleset());
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddUntilStep("wait for track to start running", () => Beatmap.Value.Track.IsRunning);
AddStep("seek to completion", () => Player.GameplayClockContainer.Seek(Player.DrawableRuleset.Objects.Last().GetEndTime()));
AddUntilStep("results displayed", () => Player.GetChildScreen() is ResultsScreen);
AddAssert("ensure passing submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore?.ScoreInfo.Passed == true);
AddAssert("submitted score has correct ruleset ID", () => Player.SubmittedScore?.ScoreInfo.Ruleset.ShortName == new TaikoRuleset().RulesetInfo.ShortName);
public void TestSubmissionForConvertedBeatmap()
createPlayerTest(createRuleset: () => new ManiaRuleset(), createBeatmap: _ => createTestBeatmap(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo));
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddUntilStep("wait for track to start running", () => Beatmap.Value.Track.IsRunning);
AddStep("seek to completion", () => Player.GameplayClockContainer.Seek(Player.DrawableRuleset.Objects.Last().GetEndTime()));
AddUntilStep("results displayed", () => Player.GetChildScreen() is ResultsScreen);
AddAssert("ensure passing submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore?.ScoreInfo.Passed == true);
AddAssert("submitted score has correct ruleset ID", () => Player.SubmittedScore?.ScoreInfo.Ruleset.ShortName == new ManiaRuleset().RulesetInfo.ShortName);
public void TestNoSubmissionOnExitWithNoToken()
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddUntilStep("wait for track to start running", () => Beatmap.Value.Track.IsRunning);
AddStep("exit", () => Player.Exit());
AddAssert("ensure no submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore == null);
public void TestNoSubmissionOnEmptyFail()
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddUntilStep("wait for fail", () => Player.GameplayState.HasFailed);
AddStep("exit", () => Player.Exit());
AddAssert("ensure no submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore == null);
public void TestSubmissionOnFail()
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddUntilStep("wait for fail", () => Player.GameplayState.HasFailed);
AddUntilStep("wait for submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore != null);
AddAssert("ensure failing submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore.ScoreInfo.Passed == false);
public void TestNoSubmissionOnEmptyExit()
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddStep("exit", () => Player.Exit());
AddAssert("ensure no submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore == null);
public void TestSubmissionOnExit()
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddStep("exit", () => Player.Exit());
AddUntilStep("wait for submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore != null);
AddAssert("ensure failing submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore.ScoreInfo.Passed == false);
public void TestSubmissionOnExitDuringImport()
AddStep("block imports", () => Player.AllowImportCompletion.Wait());
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddUntilStep("wait for import to start", () => Player.ScoreImportStarted);
AddStep("exit", () => Player.Exit());
AddStep("allow import to proceed", () => Player.AllowImportCompletion.Release(1));
AddUntilStep("ensure submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore != null && Player.ImportedScore != null);
public void TestNoSubmissionOnLocalBeatmap()
createPlayerTest(false, r =>
var beatmap = createTestBeatmap(r);
return beatmap;
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddStep("exit", () => Player.Exit());
AddAssert("ensure no submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore == null);
public void TestNoSubmissionOnCustomRuleset(int? rulesetId)
createPlayerTest(createRuleset: () => new OsuRuleset
RulesetInfo =
Name = "custom",
ShortName = $"custom{rulesetId}",
OnlineID = rulesetId ?? -1
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddStep("exit", () => Player.Exit());
AddAssert("ensure no submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore == null);
public void TestNoSubmissionWithModsOfDifferentRuleset()
createPlayerTest(createRuleset: () => new OsuRuleset(), createMods: () => new Mod[] { new TaikoModHidden() });
AddUntilStep("wait for token request", () => Player.TokenCreationRequested);
AddAssert("gameplay not loaded", () => Player.DrawableRuleset == null);
AddStep("exit", () => Player.Exit());
AddAssert("ensure no submission", () => Player.SubmittedScore == null);
private void createPlayerTest(bool allowFail = false, Func<RulesetInfo, IBeatmap> createBeatmap = null, Func<Ruleset> createRuleset = null, Func<Mod[]> createMods = null)
CreateTest(() => AddStep("set up requirements", () =>
this.allowFail = allowFail;
createCustomBeatmap = createBeatmap;
createCustomRuleset = createRuleset;
createCustomMods = createMods;
private void prepareTestAPI(bool validToken)
AddStep("Prepare test API", () =>
dummyAPI.HandleRequest = request =>
switch (request)
case CreateSoloScoreRequest tokenRequest:
if (validToken)
tokenRequest.TriggerSuccess(new APIScoreToken { ID = 1234 });
tokenRequest.TriggerFailure(new APIException("something went wrong!", null));
return true;
case SubmitSoloScoreRequest submissionRequest:
if (validToken)
var requestScore = submissionRequest.Score;
submissionRequest.TriggerSuccess(new MultiplayerScore
ID = 1234,
User = dummyAPI.LocalUser.Value,
Rank = requestScore.Rank,
TotalScore = requestScore.TotalScore,
Accuracy = requestScore.Accuracy,
MaxCombo = requestScore.MaxCombo,
Mods = requestScore.Mods,
Statistics = requestScore.Statistics,
Passed = requestScore.Passed,
EndedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now,
Position = 1
return true;
return false;
private void addFakeHit()
AddUntilStep("wait for first result", () => Player.Results.Count > 0);
AddStep("force successfuly hit", () =>
Player.ScoreProcessor.ApplyResult(new OsuJudgementResult(Beatmap.Value.Beatmap.HitObjects.First(), new OsuJudgement())
Type = HitResult.Great,
protected partial class FakeImportingPlayer : TestPlayer
public bool ScoreImportStarted { get; set; }
public SemaphoreSlim AllowImportCompletion { get; }
public Score ImportedScore { get; private set; }
public FakeImportingPlayer(bool allowPause = true, bool showResults = true, bool pauseOnFocusLost = false)
: base(allowPause, showResults, pauseOnFocusLost)
AllowImportCompletion = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
protected override GameplayClockContainer CreateGameplayClockContainer(WorkingBeatmap beatmap, double gameplayStart) => new MasterGameplayClockContainer(beatmap, gameplayStart)
ShouldValidatePlaybackRate = false,
protected override async Task ImportScore(Score score)
ScoreImportStarted = true;
await AllowImportCompletion.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
ImportedScore = score;
// Calling base.ImportScore is omitted as it will fail for the test method which uses a custom ruleset.
// This can be resolved by doing something similar to what TestScenePlayerLocalScoreImport is doing,
// but requires a bit of restructuring.