osu file format v128 [Difficulty] HPDrainRate: 3 CircleSize: 4 OverallDifficulty: 9 ApproachRate: 9.3 SliderMultiplier: 3.59999990463257 SliderTickRate: 1 [TimingPoints] 812,342.857142857143,4,1,1,70,1,0 57383,-28.5714285714286,4,1,1,70,0,0 [HitObjects] // Taken from https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/881996#osu/1844019 // This slider is 42 ms in length, triggering the LegacyLastTick edge case. // The tick will be at 21.5 ms (sliderDuration / 2) instead of 6 ms (sliderDuration - LAST_TICK_LENIENCE). 416,41,57383,6,0,L|467:217,1,157.499997329712,2|0,3:3|3:0,3:0:0:0: // Include the next slider as well to cover the jump back to the start position. 407,73,57469,2,0,L|470:215,1,129.599999730835,2|0,0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0: