// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Framework.Timing; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses; using osu.Game.Online.Multiplayer; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Scoring; using osu.Game.Screens.OnlinePlay.Multiplayer.Spectate; using osu.Game.Screens.Play.HUD; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Multiplayer { public class TestSceneMultiSpectatorLeaderboard : MultiplayerTestScene { private Dictionary clocks; private MultiSpectatorLeaderboard leaderboard; [SetUpSteps] public new void SetUpSteps() { AddStep("reset", () => { Clear(); clocks = new Dictionary { { PLAYER_1_ID, new ManualClock() }, { PLAYER_2_ID, new ManualClock() } }; foreach ((int userId, var _) in clocks) { SpectatorClient.SendStartPlay(userId, 0); OnlinePlayDependencies.MultiplayerClient.AddUser(new APIUser { Id = userId }); } }); AddStep("create leaderboard", () => { Beatmap.Value = CreateWorkingBeatmap(Ruleset.Value); var playable = Beatmap.Value.GetPlayableBeatmap(Ruleset.Value); var scoreProcessor = new OsuScoreProcessor(new OsuRuleset()); scoreProcessor.ApplyBeatmap(playable); LoadComponentAsync(leaderboard = new MultiSpectatorLeaderboard(Ruleset.Value, scoreProcessor, clocks.Keys.Select(id => new MultiplayerRoomUser(id)).ToArray()) { Expanded = { Value = true } }, Add); }); AddUntilStep("wait for load", () => leaderboard.IsLoaded); AddUntilStep("wait for user population", () => leaderboard.ChildrenOfType().Count() == 2); AddStep("add clock sources", () => { foreach ((int userId, var clock) in clocks) leaderboard.AddClock(userId, clock); }); } [Test] public void TestLeaderboardTracksCurrentTime() { AddStep("send frames", () => { // For player 1, send frames in sets of 1. // For player 2, send frames in sets of 10. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { SpectatorClient.SendFramesFromUser(PLAYER_1_ID, 1); if (i % 10 == 0) SpectatorClient.SendFramesFromUser(PLAYER_2_ID, 10); } }); assertCombo(PLAYER_1_ID, 1); assertCombo(PLAYER_2_ID, 10); // Advance to a point where only user player 1's frame changes. setTime(500); assertCombo(PLAYER_1_ID, 5); assertCombo(PLAYER_2_ID, 10); // Advance to a point where both user's frame changes. setTime(1100); assertCombo(PLAYER_1_ID, 11); assertCombo(PLAYER_2_ID, 20); // Advance user player 2 only to a point where its frame changes. setTime(PLAYER_2_ID, 2100); assertCombo(PLAYER_1_ID, 11); assertCombo(PLAYER_2_ID, 30); // Advance both users beyond their last frame setTime(101 * 100); assertCombo(PLAYER_1_ID, 100); assertCombo(PLAYER_2_ID, 100); } [Test] public void TestNoFrames() { assertCombo(PLAYER_1_ID, 0); assertCombo(PLAYER_2_ID, 0); } private void setTime(double time) => AddStep($"set time {time}", () => { foreach (var (_, clock) in clocks) clock.CurrentTime = time; }); private void setTime(int userId, double time) => AddStep($"set user {userId} time {time}", () => clocks[userId].CurrentTime = time); private void assertCombo(int userId, int expectedCombo) => AddUntilStep($"player {userId} has {expectedCombo} combo", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Single(s => s.User?.Id == userId).Combo.Value == expectedCombo); } }