// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using osu.Framework.Configuration; using osu.Framework.Screens; using osu.Game.Configuration; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Framework.Logging; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Game.Overlays.Toolbar; using osu.Game.Screens; using osu.Game.Screens.Menu; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using osu.Framework.Audio; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Development; using osu.Framework.Extensions.IEnumerableExtensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Framework.Input; using osu.Framework.Input.Bindings; using osu.Framework.Platform; using osu.Framework.Threading; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Game.Input; using osu.Game.Overlays.Notifications; using osu.Game.Screens.Play; using osu.Game.Input.Bindings; using osu.Game.Online.Chat; using osu.Game.Skinning; using osuTK.Graphics; using osu.Game.Overlays.Volume; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; using osu.Game.Scoring; using osu.Game.Screens.Select; using osu.Game.Utils; using LogLevel = osu.Framework.Logging.LogLevel; namespace osu.Game { /// /// The full osu! experience. Builds on top of to add menus and binding logic /// for initial components that are generally retrieved via DI. /// public class OsuGame : OsuGameBase, IKeyBindingHandler { public Toolbar Toolbar; private ChatOverlay chatOverlay; private ChannelManager channelManager; private NotificationOverlay notifications; private NowPlayingOverlay nowPlaying; private DirectOverlay direct; private SocialOverlay social; private UserProfileOverlay userProfile; private BeatmapSetOverlay beatmapSetOverlay; [Cached] private readonly ScreenshotManager screenshotManager = new ScreenshotManager(); protected SentryLogger SentryLogger; public virtual Storage GetStorageForStableInstall() => null; public float ToolbarOffset => Toolbar.Position.Y + Toolbar.DrawHeight; private IdleTracker idleTracker; public readonly Bindable OverlayActivationMode = new Bindable(); protected OsuScreenStack ScreenStack; protected BackButton BackButton; protected SettingsPanel Settings; private VolumeOverlay volume; private OsuLogo osuLogo; private MainMenu menuScreen; private IntroScreen introScreen; private Bindable configRuleset; private Bindable configSkin; private readonly string[] args; private readonly List overlays = new List(); private readonly List visibleBlockingOverlays = new List(); public OsuGame(string[] args = null) { this.args = args; forwardLoggedErrorsToNotifications(); SentryLogger = new SentryLogger(this); } private void updateBlockingOverlayFade() => screenContainer.FadeColour(visibleBlockingOverlays.Any() ? OsuColour.Gray(0.5f) : Color4.White, 500, Easing.OutQuint); public void AddBlockingOverlay(OverlayContainer overlay) { if (!visibleBlockingOverlays.Contains(overlay)) visibleBlockingOverlays.Add(overlay); updateBlockingOverlayFade(); } public void RemoveBlockingOverlay(OverlayContainer overlay) { visibleBlockingOverlays.Remove(overlay); updateBlockingOverlayFade(); } /// /// Close all game-wide overlays. /// /// Whether the toolbar should also be hidden. public void CloseAllOverlays(bool hideToolbar = true) { foreach (var overlay in overlays) overlay.Hide(); if (hideToolbar) Toolbar.Hide(); } private DependencyContainer dependencies; protected override IReadOnlyDependencyContainer CreateChildDependencies(IReadOnlyDependencyContainer parent) => dependencies = new DependencyContainer(base.CreateChildDependencies(parent)); [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(FrameworkConfigManager frameworkConfig) { this.frameworkConfig = frameworkConfig; if (!Host.IsPrimaryInstance && !DebugUtils.IsDebugBuild) { Logger.Log(@"osu! does not support multiple running instances.", LoggingTarget.Runtime, LogLevel.Error); Environment.Exit(0); } if (args?.Length > 0) { var paths = args.Where(a => !a.StartsWith(@"-")).ToArray(); if (paths.Length > 0) Task.Run(() => Import(paths)); } dependencies.CacheAs(this); dependencies.Cache(SentryLogger); dependencies.Cache(osuLogo = new OsuLogo { Alpha = 0 }); // bind config int to database RulesetInfo configRuleset = LocalConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.Ruleset); Ruleset.Value = RulesetStore.GetRuleset(configRuleset.Value) ?? RulesetStore.AvailableRulesets.First(); Ruleset.ValueChanged += r => configRuleset.Value = r.NewValue.ID ?? 0; // bind config int to database SkinInfo configSkin = LocalConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.Skin); SkinManager.CurrentSkinInfo.ValueChanged += skin => configSkin.Value = skin.NewValue.ID; configSkin.ValueChanged += skinId => { var skinInfo = SkinManager.Query(s => s.ID == skinId.NewValue); if (skinInfo == null) { switch (skinId.NewValue) { case -1: skinInfo = DefaultLegacySkin.Info; break; default: skinInfo = SkinInfo.Default; break; } } SkinManager.CurrentSkinInfo.Value = skinInfo; }; configSkin.TriggerChange(); IsActive.BindValueChanged(active => updateActiveState(active.NewValue), true); Audio.AddAdjustment(AdjustableProperty.Volume, inactiveVolumeFade); SelectedMods.BindValueChanged(modsChanged); Beatmap.BindValueChanged(beatmapChanged, true); } private ExternalLinkOpener externalLinkOpener; /// /// Handle an arbitrary URL. Displays via in-game overlays where possible. /// This can be called from a non-thread-safe non-game-loaded state. /// /// The URL to load. public void HandleLink(string url) => HandleLink(MessageFormatter.GetLinkDetails(url)); /// /// Handle a specific . /// This can be called from a non-thread-safe non-game-loaded state. /// /// The link to load. public void HandleLink(LinkDetails link) => Schedule(() => { switch (link.Action) { case LinkAction.OpenBeatmap: // TODO: proper query params handling if (link.Argument != null && int.TryParse(link.Argument.Contains('?') ? link.Argument.Split('?')[0] : link.Argument, out int beatmapId)) ShowBeatmap(beatmapId); break; case LinkAction.OpenBeatmapSet: if (int.TryParse(link.Argument, out int setId)) ShowBeatmapSet(setId); break; case LinkAction.OpenChannel: ShowChannel(link.Argument); break; case LinkAction.OpenEditorTimestamp: case LinkAction.JoinMultiplayerMatch: case LinkAction.Spectate: waitForReady(() => notifications, _ => notifications?.Post(new SimpleNotification { Text = @"This link type is not yet supported!", Icon = FontAwesome.Solid.LifeRing, })); break; case LinkAction.External: OpenUrlExternally(link.Argument); break; case LinkAction.OpenUserProfile: if (long.TryParse(link.Argument, out long userId)) ShowUser(userId); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException($"This {nameof(LinkAction)} ({link.Action.ToString()}) is missing an associated action."); } }); public void OpenUrlExternally(string url) => waitForReady(() => externalLinkOpener, _ => { if (url.StartsWith("/")) url = $"{API.Endpoint}{url}"; externalLinkOpener.OpenUrlExternally(url); }); /// /// Open a specific channel in chat. /// /// The channel to display. public void ShowChannel(string channel) => waitForReady(() => channelManager, _ => { try { channelManager.OpenChannel(channel); } catch (ChannelNotFoundException) { Logger.Log($"The requested channel \"{channel}\" does not exist"); } }); /// /// Show a beatmap set as an overlay. /// /// The set to display. public void ShowBeatmapSet(int setId) => waitForReady(() => beatmapSetOverlay, _ => beatmapSetOverlay.FetchAndShowBeatmapSet(setId)); /// /// Show a user's profile as an overlay. /// /// The user to display. public void ShowUser(long userId) => waitForReady(() => userProfile, _ => userProfile.ShowUser(userId)); /// /// Show a beatmap's set as an overlay, displaying the given beatmap. /// /// The beatmap to show. public void ShowBeatmap(int beatmapId) => waitForReady(() => beatmapSetOverlay, _ => beatmapSetOverlay.FetchAndShowBeatmap(beatmapId)); /// /// Present a beatmap at song select immediately. /// The user should have already requested this interactively. /// /// The beatmap to select. public void PresentBeatmap(BeatmapSetInfo beatmap) { var databasedSet = beatmap.OnlineBeatmapSetID != null ? BeatmapManager.QueryBeatmapSet(s => s.OnlineBeatmapSetID == beatmap.OnlineBeatmapSetID) : BeatmapManager.QueryBeatmapSet(s => s.Hash == beatmap.Hash); if (databasedSet == null) { Logger.Log("The requested beatmap could not be loaded.", LoggingTarget.Information); return; } performFromMainMenu(() => { // we might already be at song select, so a check is required before performing the load to solo. if (menuScreen.IsCurrentScreen()) menuScreen.LoadToSolo(); // we might even already be at the song if (Beatmap.Value.BeatmapSetInfo.Hash == databasedSet.Hash) { return; } // Use first beatmap available for current ruleset, else switch ruleset. var first = databasedSet.Beatmaps.Find(b => b.Ruleset.Equals(Ruleset.Value)) ?? databasedSet.Beatmaps.First(); Ruleset.Value = first.Ruleset; Beatmap.Value = BeatmapManager.GetWorkingBeatmap(first); }, $"load {beatmap}", bypassScreenAllowChecks: true, targetScreen: typeof(PlaySongSelect)); } /// /// Present a score's replay immediately. /// The user should have already requested this interactively. /// public void PresentScore(ScoreInfo score) { // The given ScoreInfo may have missing properties if it was retrieved from online data. Re-retrieve it from the database // to ensure all the required data for presenting a replay are present. var databasedScoreInfo = score.OnlineScoreID != null ? ScoreManager.Query(s => s.OnlineScoreID == score.OnlineScoreID) : ScoreManager.Query(s => s.Hash == score.Hash); if (databasedScoreInfo == null) { Logger.Log("The requested score could not be found locally.", LoggingTarget.Information); return; } var databasedScore = ScoreManager.GetScore(databasedScoreInfo); if (databasedScore.Replay == null) { Logger.Log("The loaded score has no replay data.", LoggingTarget.Information); return; } var databasedBeatmap = BeatmapManager.QueryBeatmap(b => b.ID == databasedScoreInfo.Beatmap.ID); if (databasedBeatmap == null) { Logger.Log("Tried to load a score for a beatmap we don't have!", LoggingTarget.Information); return; } performFromMainMenu(() => { Beatmap.Value = BeatmapManager.GetWorkingBeatmap(databasedBeatmap); menuScreen.Push(new ReplayPlayerLoader(databasedScore)); }, $"watch {databasedScoreInfo}", bypassScreenAllowChecks: true); } protected virtual Loader CreateLoader() => new Loader(); protected override Container CreateScalingContainer() => new ScalingContainer(ScalingMode.Everything); #region Beatmap progression private void beatmapChanged(ValueChangedEvent beatmap) { var nextBeatmap = beatmap.NewValue; if (nextBeatmap?.Track != null) nextBeatmap.Track.Completed += currentTrackCompleted; using (var oldBeatmap = beatmap.OldValue) { if (oldBeatmap?.Track != null) oldBeatmap.Track.Completed -= currentTrackCompleted; } updateModDefaults(); nextBeatmap?.LoadBeatmapAsync(); } private void modsChanged(ValueChangedEvent> mods) { updateModDefaults(); } private void updateModDefaults() { BeatmapDifficulty baseDifficulty = Beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty; if (baseDifficulty != null && SelectedMods.Value.Any(m => m is IApplicableToDifficulty)) { var adjustedDifficulty = baseDifficulty.Clone(); foreach (var mod in SelectedMods.Value.OfType()) mod.ReadFromDifficulty(adjustedDifficulty); } } private void currentTrackCompleted() => Schedule(() => { if (!Beatmap.Value.Track.Looping && !Beatmap.Disabled) musicController.NextTrack(); }); #endregion private ScheduledDelegate performFromMainMenuTask; /// /// Perform an action only after returning to the main menu. /// Eagerly tries to exit the current screen until it succeeds. /// /// The action to perform once we are in the correct state. /// The task name to display in a notification (if we can't immediately reach the main menu state). /// An optional target screen type. If this screen is already current we can immediately perform the action without returning to the menu. /// Whether checking should be bypassed. private void performFromMainMenu(Action action, string taskName, Type targetScreen = null, bool bypassScreenAllowChecks = false) { performFromMainMenuTask?.Cancel(); // if the current screen does not allow screen changing, give the user an option to try again later. if (!bypassScreenAllowChecks && (ScreenStack.CurrentScreen as IOsuScreen)?.AllowExternalScreenChange == false) { notifications.Post(new SimpleNotification { Text = $"Click here to {taskName}", Activated = () => { performFromMainMenu(action, taskName, targetScreen, true); return true; } }); return; } CloseAllOverlays(false); // we may already be at the target screen type. if (targetScreen != null && ScreenStack.CurrentScreen?.GetType() == targetScreen) { action(); return; } // all conditions have been met to continue with the action. if (menuScreen?.IsCurrentScreen() == true && !Beatmap.Disabled) { action(); return; } // menuScreen may not be initialised yet (null check required). menuScreen?.MakeCurrent(); performFromMainMenuTask = Schedule(() => performFromMainMenu(action, taskName)); } /// /// Wait for the game (and target component) to become loaded and then run an action. /// /// A function to retrieve a (potentially not-yet-constructed) target instance. /// The action to perform on the instance when load is confirmed. /// The type of the target instance. private void waitForReady(Func retrieveInstance, Action action) where T : Drawable { var instance = retrieveInstance(); if (ScreenStack == null || ScreenStack.CurrentScreen is StartupScreen || instance?.IsLoaded != true) Schedule(() => waitForReady(retrieveInstance, action)); else action(instance); } protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { base.Dispose(isDisposing); SentryLogger.Dispose(); } protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); // The next time this is updated is in UpdateAfterChildren, which occurs too late and results // in the cursor being shown for a few frames during the intro. // This prevents the cursor from showing until we have a screen with CursorVisible = true MenuCursorContainer.CanShowCursor = menuScreen?.CursorVisible ?? false; // todo: all archive managers should be able to be looped here. SkinManager.PostNotification = n => notifications?.Post(n); SkinManager.GetStableStorage = GetStorageForStableInstall; BeatmapManager.PostNotification = n => notifications?.Post(n); BeatmapManager.GetStableStorage = GetStorageForStableInstall; BeatmapManager.PresentImport = items => PresentBeatmap(items.First()); ScoreManager.PostNotification = n => notifications?.Post(n); ScoreManager.GetStableStorage = GetStorageForStableInstall; ScoreManager.PresentImport = items => PresentScore(items.First()); Container logoContainer; BackButton.Receptor receptor; dependencies.CacheAs(idleTracker = new GameIdleTracker(6000)); AddRange(new Drawable[] { new VolumeControlReceptor { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, ActionRequested = action => volume.Adjust(action), ScrollActionRequested = (action, amount, isPrecise) => volume.Adjust(action, amount, isPrecise), }, screenContainer = new ScalingContainer(ScalingMode.ExcludeOverlays) { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Children = new Drawable[] { receptor = new BackButton.Receptor(), ScreenStack = new OsuScreenStack { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, BackButton = new BackButton(receptor) { Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, Action = () => { if ((ScreenStack.CurrentScreen as IOsuScreen)?.AllowBackButton == true) ScreenStack.Exit(); } }, logoContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, } }, overlayContent = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, rightFloatingOverlayContent = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, leftFloatingOverlayContent = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, topMostOverlayContent = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, idleTracker }); ScreenStack.ScreenPushed += screenPushed; ScreenStack.ScreenExited += screenExited; loadComponentSingleFile(osuLogo, logo => { logoContainer.Add(logo); // Loader has to be created after the logo has finished loading as Loader performs logo transformations on entering. ScreenStack.Push(CreateLoader().With(l => l.RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both)); }); loadComponentSingleFile(Toolbar = new Toolbar { OnHome = delegate { CloseAllOverlays(false); menuScreen?.MakeCurrent(); }, }, topMostOverlayContent.Add); loadComponentSingleFile(volume = new VolumeOverlay(), leftFloatingOverlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(new OnScreenDisplay(), Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(musicController = new MusicController(), Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(notifications = new NotificationOverlay { GetToolbarHeight = () => ToolbarOffset, Anchor = Anchor.TopRight, Origin = Anchor.TopRight, }, rightFloatingOverlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(screenshotManager, Add); //overlay elements loadComponentSingleFile(direct = new DirectOverlay(), overlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(social = new SocialOverlay(), overlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(channelManager = new ChannelManager(), AddInternal, true); loadComponentSingleFile(new MessageNotifier(), AddInternal, true); loadComponentSingleFile(chatOverlay = new ChatOverlay(), overlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(Settings = new SettingsOverlay { GetToolbarHeight = () => ToolbarOffset }, leftFloatingOverlayContent.Add, true); var changelogOverlay = loadComponentSingleFile(new ChangelogOverlay(), overlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(userProfile = new UserProfileOverlay(), overlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(beatmapSetOverlay = new BeatmapSetOverlay(), overlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(new LoginOverlay { GetToolbarHeight = () => ToolbarOffset, Anchor = Anchor.TopRight, Origin = Anchor.TopRight, }, rightFloatingOverlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(nowPlaying = new NowPlayingOverlay { GetToolbarHeight = () => ToolbarOffset, Anchor = Anchor.TopRight, Origin = Anchor.TopRight, }, rightFloatingOverlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(new AccountCreationOverlay(), topMostOverlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(new DialogOverlay(), topMostOverlayContent.Add, true); loadComponentSingleFile(externalLinkOpener = new ExternalLinkOpener(), topMostOverlayContent.Add); chatOverlay.State.ValueChanged += state => channelManager.HighPollRate.Value = state.NewValue == Visibility.Visible; Add(externalLinkOpener = new ExternalLinkOpener()); // side overlays which cancel each other. var singleDisplaySideOverlays = new OverlayContainer[] { Settings, notifications }; foreach (var overlay in singleDisplaySideOverlays) { overlay.State.ValueChanged += state => { if (state.NewValue == Visibility.Hidden) return; singleDisplaySideOverlays.Where(o => o != overlay).ForEach(o => o.Hide()); }; } // eventually informational overlays should be displayed in a stack, but for now let's only allow one to stay open at a time. var informationalOverlays = new OverlayContainer[] { beatmapSetOverlay, userProfile }; foreach (var overlay in informationalOverlays) { overlay.State.ValueChanged += state => { if (state.NewValue == Visibility.Hidden) return; informationalOverlays.Where(o => o != overlay).ForEach(o => o.Hide()); }; } // ensure only one of these overlays are open at once. var singleDisplayOverlays = new OverlayContainer[] { chatOverlay, social, direct, changelogOverlay }; foreach (var overlay in singleDisplayOverlays) { overlay.State.ValueChanged += state => { // informational overlays should be dismissed on a show or hide of a full overlay. informationalOverlays.ForEach(o => o.Hide()); if (state.NewValue == Visibility.Hidden) return; singleDisplayOverlays.Where(o => o != overlay).ForEach(o => o.Hide()); }; } OverlayActivationMode.ValueChanged += mode => { if (mode.NewValue != OverlayActivation.All) CloseAllOverlays(); }; void updateScreenOffset() { float offset = 0; if (Settings.State.Value == Visibility.Visible) offset += ToolbarButton.WIDTH / 2; if (notifications.State.Value == Visibility.Visible) offset -= ToolbarButton.WIDTH / 2; screenContainer.MoveToX(offset, SettingsPanel.TRANSITION_LENGTH, Easing.OutQuint); } Settings.State.ValueChanged += _ => updateScreenOffset(); notifications.State.ValueChanged += _ => updateScreenOffset(); } public class GameIdleTracker : IdleTracker { private InputManager inputManager; public GameIdleTracker(int time) : base(time) { } protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); inputManager = GetContainingInputManager(); } protected override bool AllowIdle => inputManager.FocusedDrawable == null; } private void forwardLoggedErrorsToNotifications() { int recentLogCount = 0; const double debounce = 60000; Logger.NewEntry += entry => { if (entry.Level < LogLevel.Important || entry.Target == null) return; const int short_term_display_limit = 3; if (recentLogCount < short_term_display_limit) { Schedule(() => notifications.Post(new SimpleNotification { Icon = entry.Level == LogLevel.Important ? FontAwesome.Solid.ExclamationCircle : FontAwesome.Solid.Bomb, Text = entry.Message + (entry.Exception != null && IsDeployedBuild ? "\n\nThis error has been automatically reported to the devs." : string.Empty), })); } else if (recentLogCount == short_term_display_limit) { Schedule(() => notifications.Post(new SimpleNotification { Icon = FontAwesome.Solid.EllipsisH, Text = "Subsequent messages have been logged. Click to view log files.", Activated = () => { Host.Storage.GetStorageForDirectory("logs").OpenInNativeExplorer(); return true; } })); } Interlocked.Increment(ref recentLogCount); Scheduler.AddDelayed(() => Interlocked.Decrement(ref recentLogCount), debounce); }; } private Task asyncLoadStream; private T loadComponentSingleFile(T d, Action add, bool cache = false) where T : Drawable { if (cache) dependencies.Cache(d); if (d is OverlayContainer overlay) overlays.Add(overlay); // schedule is here to ensure that all component loads are done after LoadComplete is run (and thus all dependencies are cached). // with some better organisation of LoadComplete to do construction and dependency caching in one step, followed by calls to loadComponentSingleFile, // we could avoid the need for scheduling altogether. Schedule(() => { var previousLoadStream = asyncLoadStream; //chain with existing load stream asyncLoadStream = Task.Run(async () => { if (previousLoadStream != null) await previousLoadStream; try { Logger.Log($"Loading {d}...", level: LogLevel.Debug); // Since this is running in a separate thread, it is possible for OsuGame to be disposed after LoadComponentAsync has been called // throwing an exception. To avoid this, the call is scheduled on the update thread, which does not run if IsDisposed = true Task task = null; var del = new ScheduledDelegate(() => task = LoadComponentAsync(d, add)); Scheduler.Add(del); // The delegate won't complete if OsuGame has been disposed in the meantime while (!IsDisposed && !del.Completed) await Task.Delay(10); // Either we're disposed or the load process has started successfully if (IsDisposed) return; Debug.Assert(task != null); await task; Logger.Log($"Loaded {d}!", level: LogLevel.Debug); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } }); }); return d; } public bool OnPressed(GlobalAction action) { if (introScreen == null) return false; switch (action) { case GlobalAction.ToggleNowPlaying: nowPlaying.ToggleVisibility(); return true; case GlobalAction.ToggleChat: chatOverlay.ToggleVisibility(); return true; case GlobalAction.ToggleSocial: social.ToggleVisibility(); return true; case GlobalAction.ResetInputSettings: var sensitivity = frameworkConfig.GetBindable(FrameworkSetting.CursorSensitivity); sensitivity.Disabled = false; sensitivity.Value = 1; sensitivity.Disabled = true; frameworkConfig.Set(FrameworkSetting.IgnoredInputHandlers, string.Empty); frameworkConfig.GetBindable(FrameworkSetting.ConfineMouseMode).SetDefault(); return true; case GlobalAction.ToggleToolbar: Toolbar.ToggleVisibility(); return true; case GlobalAction.ToggleSettings: Settings.ToggleVisibility(); return true; case GlobalAction.ToggleDirect: direct.ToggleVisibility(); return true; case GlobalAction.ToggleGameplayMouseButtons: LocalConfig.Set(OsuSetting.MouseDisableButtons, !LocalConfig.Get(OsuSetting.MouseDisableButtons)); return true; } return false; } #region Inactive audio dimming private readonly BindableDouble inactiveVolumeFade = new BindableDouble(); private void updateActiveState(bool isActive) { if (isActive) this.TransformBindableTo(inactiveVolumeFade, 1, 400, Easing.OutQuint); else this.TransformBindableTo(inactiveVolumeFade, LocalConfig.Get(OsuSetting.VolumeInactive), 4000, Easing.OutQuint); } #endregion public bool OnReleased(GlobalAction action) => false; private Container overlayContent; private Container rightFloatingOverlayContent; private Container leftFloatingOverlayContent; private Container topMostOverlayContent; private FrameworkConfigManager frameworkConfig; private ScalingContainer screenContainer; private MusicController musicController; protected override bool OnExiting() { if (ScreenStack.CurrentScreen is Loader) return false; if (introScreen == null) return true; if (!introScreen.DidLoadMenu || !(ScreenStack.CurrentScreen is IntroScreen)) { Scheduler.Add(introScreen.MakeCurrent); return true; } return base.OnExiting(); } /// /// Use to programatically exit the game as if the user was triggering via alt-f4. /// Will keep persisting until an exit occurs (exit may be blocked multiple times). /// public void GracefullyExit() { if (!OnExiting()) Exit(); else Scheduler.AddDelayed(GracefullyExit, 2000); } protected override void UpdateAfterChildren() { base.UpdateAfterChildren(); screenContainer.Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = ToolbarOffset }; overlayContent.Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = ToolbarOffset }; MenuCursorContainer.CanShowCursor = (ScreenStack.CurrentScreen as IOsuScreen)?.CursorVisible ?? false; } protected virtual void ScreenChanged(IScreen current, IScreen newScreen) { switch (newScreen) { case IntroScreen intro: introScreen = intro; break; case MainMenu menu: menuScreen = menu; break; } if (newScreen is IOsuScreen newOsuScreen) { OverlayActivationMode.Value = newOsuScreen.InitialOverlayActivationMode; musicController.AllowRateAdjustments = newOsuScreen.AllowRateAdjustments; if (newOsuScreen.HideOverlaysOnEnter) CloseAllOverlays(); else Toolbar.Show(); if (newOsuScreen.AllowBackButton) BackButton.Show(); else BackButton.Hide(); } } private void screenPushed(IScreen lastScreen, IScreen newScreen) { ScreenChanged(lastScreen, newScreen); Logger.Log($"Screen changed → {newScreen}"); } private void screenExited(IScreen lastScreen, IScreen newScreen) { ScreenChanged(lastScreen, newScreen); Logger.Log($"Screen changed ← {newScreen}"); if (newScreen == null) Exit(); } } }