// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Screens; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Game.Configuration; using osu.Game.Graphics.Backgrounds; using osu.Game.Online.API; using osu.Game.Screens; using osu.Game.Screens.Backgrounds; using osu.Game.Skinning; using osu.Game.Users; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Background { [TestFixture] public class TestSceneBackgroundScreenDefault : OsuTestScene { private BackgroundScreenStack stack; private BackgroundScreenDefault screen; private Graphics.Backgrounds.Background getCurrentBackground() => screen.ChildrenOfType<Graphics.Backgrounds.Background>().FirstOrDefault(); [Resolved] private SkinManager skins { get; set; } [Resolved] private OsuConfigManager config { get; set; } [SetUpSteps] public void SetUpSteps() { AddStep("create background stack", () => Child = stack = new BackgroundScreenStack()); AddStep("push default screen", () => stack.Push(screen = new BackgroundScreenDefault(false))); AddUntilStep("wait for screen to load", () => screen.IsCurrentScreen()); } [Test] public void TestBackgroundTypeSwitch() { setSupporter(true); setSourceMode(BackgroundSource.Beatmap); AddUntilStep("is beatmap background", () => getCurrentBackground() is BeatmapBackground); setSourceMode(BackgroundSource.BeatmapWithStoryboard); AddUntilStep("is storyboard background", () => getCurrentBackground() is BeatmapBackgroundWithStoryboard); setSourceMode(BackgroundSource.Skin); AddUntilStep("is default background", () => getCurrentBackground().GetType() == typeof(Graphics.Backgrounds.Background)); setCustomSkin(); AddUntilStep("is skin background", () => getCurrentBackground() is SkinBackground); } [Test] public void TestTogglingSupporterTogglesBeatmapBackground() { setSourceMode(BackgroundSource.Beatmap); setSupporter(true); AddUntilStep("is beatmap background", () => getCurrentBackground() is BeatmapBackground); setSupporter(false); AddUntilStep("is default background", () => !(getCurrentBackground() is BeatmapBackground)); setSupporter(true); AddUntilStep("is beatmap background", () => getCurrentBackground() is BeatmapBackground); } [TestCase(BackgroundSource.Beatmap, typeof(BeatmapBackground))] [TestCase(BackgroundSource.BeatmapWithStoryboard, typeof(BeatmapBackgroundWithStoryboard))] [TestCase(BackgroundSource.Skin, typeof(SkinBackground))] public void TestBackgroundDoesntReloadOnNoChange(BackgroundSource source, Type backgroundType) { Graphics.Backgrounds.Background last = null; setSourceMode(source); setSupporter(true); if (source == BackgroundSource.Skin) setCustomSkin(); AddUntilStep("wait for beatmap background to be loaded", () => (last = getCurrentBackground())?.GetType() == backgroundType); AddAssert("next doesn't load new background", () => screen.Next() == false); // doesn't really need to be checked but might as well. AddWaitStep("wait a bit", 5); AddUntilStep("ensure same background instance", () => last == getCurrentBackground()); } [Test] public void TestBackgroundCyclingOnDefaultSkin([Values] bool supporter) { Graphics.Backgrounds.Background last = null; setSourceMode(BackgroundSource.Skin); setSupporter(supporter); setDefaultSkin(); AddUntilStep("wait for beatmap background to be loaded", () => (last = getCurrentBackground())?.GetType() == typeof(Graphics.Backgrounds.Background)); AddAssert("next cycles background", () => screen.Next()); // doesn't really need to be checked but might as well. AddWaitStep("wait a bit", 5); AddUntilStep("ensure different background instance", () => last != getCurrentBackground()); } private void setSourceMode(BackgroundSource source) => AddStep($"set background mode to {source}", () => config.SetValue(OsuSetting.MenuBackgroundSource, source)); private void setSupporter(bool isSupporter) => AddStep($"set supporter {isSupporter}", () => ((DummyAPIAccess)API).LocalUser.Value = new User { IsSupporter = isSupporter, Id = API.LocalUser.Value.Id + 1, }); private void setCustomSkin() { // feign a skin switch. this doesn't do anything except force CurrentSkin to become a LegacySkin. AddStep("set custom skin", () => skins.CurrentSkinInfo.Value = new SkinInfo { ID = 5 }); } private void setDefaultSkin() => AddStep("set default skin", () => skins.CurrentSkinInfo.SetDefault()); [TearDownSteps] public void TearDown() => setDefaultSkin(); } }