// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Humanizer; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Game.Online.API; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Overlays.Changelog; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Online { [TestFixture] public partial class TestSceneChangelogOverlay : OsuTestScene { private DummyAPIAccess dummyAPI => (DummyAPIAccess)API; private readonly Dictionary<string, APIUpdateStream> streams; private readonly Dictionary<string, APIChangelogBuild> builds; private APIChangelogBuild requestedBuild; private TestChangelogOverlay changelog; public TestSceneChangelogOverlay() { streams = APIUpdateStream.KNOWN_STREAMS.Keys.Select((stream, id) => new APIUpdateStream { Id = id + 1, Name = stream, DisplayName = stream.Humanize(), // not quite there, but good enough. }).ToDictionary(stream => stream.Name); string version = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToString("yyyy.Mdd.0"); builds = APIUpdateStream.KNOWN_STREAMS.Keys.Select(stream => new APIChangelogBuild { Version = version, DisplayVersion = version, UpdateStream = streams[stream], ChangelogEntries = new List<APIChangelogEntry>() }).ToDictionary(build => build.UpdateStream.Name); foreach (var stream in streams.Values) stream.LatestBuild = builds[stream.Name]; } [SetUp] public void SetUp() => Schedule(() => { requestedBuild = null; dummyAPI.HandleRequest = request => { switch (request) { case GetChangelogRequest changelogRequest: var changelogResponse = new APIChangelogIndex { Streams = streams.Values.ToList(), Builds = builds.Values.ToList() }; changelogRequest.TriggerSuccess(changelogResponse); return true; case GetChangelogBuildRequest buildRequest: if (requestedBuild != null) buildRequest.TriggerSuccess(requestedBuild); return true; } return false; }; Child = changelog = new TestChangelogOverlay(); }); [Test] public void ShowWithNoFetch() { AddStep(@"Show", () => changelog.Show()); AddUntilStep(@"wait for streams", () => changelog.Streams?.Count > 0); AddAssert(@"listing displayed", () => changelog.Current.Value == null); AddAssert(@"no stream selected", () => changelog.Header.Streams.Current.Value == null); } [Test] public void ShowWithListing() { AddStep(@"Show with listing", () => changelog.ShowListing()); AddUntilStep(@"wait for streams", () => changelog.Streams?.Count > 0); AddAssert(@"listing displayed", () => changelog.Current.Value == null); AddAssert(@"no stream selected", () => changelog.Header.Streams.Current.Value == null); } [TestCase(false)] [TestCase(true)] public void ShowWithBuild(bool isSupporter) { AddStep(@"set supporter", () => dummyAPI.LocalUser.Value.IsSupporter = isSupporter); showBuild(() => new APIChangelogBuild { Version = "2018.712.0", DisplayVersion = "2018.712.0", UpdateStream = streams[OsuGameBase.CLIENT_STREAM_NAME], CreatedAt = new DateTime(2018, 7, 12), ChangelogEntries = new List<APIChangelogEntry> { new APIChangelogEntry { Type = ChangelogEntryType.Fix, Category = "osu!", Title = "Fix thing", MessageHtml = "Additional info goes here.", Repository = "osu", GithubPullRequestId = 11100, GithubUser = new APIChangelogUser { OsuUsername = "smoogipoo", UserId = 1040328 } }, new APIChangelogEntry { Type = ChangelogEntryType.Add, Category = "osu!", Title = "Add thing", Major = true, Repository = "ppy/osu-framework", GithubPullRequestId = 4444, GithubUser = new APIChangelogUser { DisplayName = "frenzibyte", GithubUrl = "https://github.com/frenzibyte" } }, new APIChangelogEntry { Type = ChangelogEntryType.Misc, Category = "Code quality", Title = "Clean up thing", GithubUser = new APIChangelogUser { DisplayName = "some dude" } }, new APIChangelogEntry { Type = ChangelogEntryType.Misc, Category = "Code quality", Title = "Clean up another thing" }, new APIChangelogEntry { Type = ChangelogEntryType.Add, Category = "osu!", Title = "Add entry with news url", Url = "https://osu.ppy.sh/home/news/2023-07-27-summer-splash" }, } }); AddUntilStep(@"wait for streams", () => changelog.Streams?.Count > 0); AddAssert(@"correct build displayed", () => changelog.Current.Value.Version == "2018.712.0"); AddAssert(@"correct stream selected", () => changelog.Header.Streams.Current.Value.Id == 5); AddUntilStep(@"wait for content load", () => changelog.ChildrenOfType<ChangelogSupporterPromo>().Any()); AddAssert(@"supporter promo showed", () => changelog.ChildrenOfType<ChangelogSupporterPromo>().First().Alpha == (isSupporter ? 0 : 1)); } [Test] public void TestHTMLUnescaping() { showBuild(() => new APIChangelogBuild { Version = "2019.920.0", DisplayVersion = "2019.920.0", CreatedAt = new DateTime(2019, 9, 20), UpdateStream = new APIUpdateStream { Name = "Test", DisplayName = "Test" }, ChangelogEntries = new List<APIChangelogEntry> { new APIChangelogEntry { Category = "Testing HTML strings unescaping", Title = "Ensuring HTML strings are being unescaped", MessageHtml = """"This text should appear triple-quoted""" >_<", GithubUser = new APIChangelogUser { DisplayName = "Dummy", OsuUsername = "Dummy", } }, } }); } private void showBuild(Func<APIChangelogBuild> build) { AddStep("set up build", () => requestedBuild = build.Invoke()); AddStep("show build", () => changelog.ShowBuild(requestedBuild)); } private partial class TestChangelogOverlay : ChangelogOverlay { public new List<APIUpdateStream> Streams => base.Streams; public new ChangelogHeader Header => base.Header; } } }