// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Game.Online.Chat; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Overlays.Chat.Selection; using osu.Game.Overlays.Chat.Tabs; using osu.Game.Users; using osuTK.Input; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Online { public class TestSceneChatOverlay : OsuManualInputManagerTestScene { private TestChatOverlay chatOverlay; private ChannelManager channelManager; private IEnumerable<Channel> visibleChannels => chatOverlay.ChannelTabControl.VisibleItems.Where(channel => channel.Name != "+"); private IEnumerable<Channel> joinedChannels => chatOverlay.ChannelTabControl.Items.Where(channel => channel.Name != "+"); private readonly List<Channel> channels; private Channel currentChannel => channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value; private Channel nextChannel => joinedChannels.ElementAt(joinedChannels.ToList().IndexOf(currentChannel) + 1); private Channel previousChannel => joinedChannels.ElementAt(joinedChannels.ToList().IndexOf(currentChannel) - 1); private Channel channel1 => channels[0]; private Channel channel2 => channels[1]; public TestSceneChatOverlay() { channels = Enumerable.Range(1, 10) .Select(index => new Channel(new User()) { Name = $"Channel no. {index}", Topic = index == 3 ? null : $"We talk about the number {index} here", Type = index % 2 == 0 ? ChannelType.PM : ChannelType.Temporary }) .ToList(); } [SetUp] public void Setup() { Schedule(() => { ChannelManagerContainer container; Child = container = new ChannelManagerContainer(channels) { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }; chatOverlay = container.ChatOverlay; channelManager = container.ChannelManager; }); } [Test] public void TestHideOverlay() { AddAssert("Chat overlay is visible", () => chatOverlay.State.Value == Visibility.Visible); AddAssert("Selector is visible", () => chatOverlay.SelectionOverlayState == Visibility.Visible); AddStep("Close chat overlay", () => chatOverlay.Hide()); AddAssert("Chat overlay was hidden", () => chatOverlay.State.Value == Visibility.Hidden); AddAssert("Channel selection overlay was hidden", () => chatOverlay.SelectionOverlayState == Visibility.Hidden); } [Test] public void TestSelectingChannelClosesSelector() { AddAssert("Selector is visible", () => chatOverlay.SelectionOverlayState == Visibility.Visible); AddStep("Join channel 1", () => channelManager.JoinChannel(channel1)); AddStep("Switch to channel 1", () => clickDrawable(chatOverlay.TabMap[channel1])); AddAssert("Current channel is channel 1", () => currentChannel == channel1); AddAssert("Channel selector was closed", () => chatOverlay.SelectionOverlayState == Visibility.Hidden); } [Test] public void TestSearchInSelector() { AddStep("Search for 'no. 2'", () => chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType<SearchTextBox>().First().Text = "no. 2"); AddUntilStep("Only channel 2 visible", () => { var listItems = chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType<ChannelListItem>().Where(c => c.IsPresent); return listItems.Count() == 1 && listItems.Single().Channel == channel2; }); } [Test] public void TestChannelShortcutKeys() { AddStep("Join channels", () => channels.ForEach(channel => channelManager.JoinChannel(channel))); AddStep("Close channel selector", () => { InputManager.PressKey(Key.Escape); InputManager.ReleaseKey(Key.Escape); }); AddUntilStep("Wait for close", () => chatOverlay.SelectionOverlayState == Visibility.Hidden); for (int zeroBasedIndex = 0; zeroBasedIndex < 10; ++zeroBasedIndex) { var oneBasedIndex = zeroBasedIndex + 1; var targetNumberKey = oneBasedIndex % 10; var targetChannel = channels[zeroBasedIndex]; AddStep($"Press Alt+{targetNumberKey}", () => pressChannelHotkey(targetNumberKey)); AddAssert($"Channel #{oneBasedIndex} is selected", () => currentChannel == targetChannel); } } private Channel expectedChannel; [Test] public void TestCloseChannelBehaviour() { AddUntilStep("Join until dropdown has channels", () => { if (visibleChannels.Count() < joinedChannels.Count()) return true; // Using temporary channels because they don't hide their names when not active channelManager.JoinChannel(new Channel { Name = $"Channel no. {joinedChannels.Count() + 11}", Type = ChannelType.Temporary }); return false; }); AddStep("Switch to last tab", () => clickDrawable(chatOverlay.TabMap[visibleChannels.Last()])); AddAssert("Last visible selected", () => currentChannel == visibleChannels.Last()); // Closing the last channel before dropdown AddStep("Close current channel", () => { expectedChannel = nextChannel; chatOverlay.ChannelTabControl.RemoveChannel(currentChannel); }); AddAssert("Next channel selected", () => currentChannel == expectedChannel); AddAssert("Selector remained closed", () => chatOverlay.SelectionOverlayState == Visibility.Hidden); // Depending on the window size, one more channel might need to be closed for the selectorTab to appear AddUntilStep("Close channels until selector visible", () => { if (chatOverlay.ChannelTabControl.VisibleItems.Last().Name == "+") return true; chatOverlay.ChannelTabControl.RemoveChannel(visibleChannels.Last()); return false; }); AddAssert("Last visible selected", () => currentChannel == visibleChannels.Last()); // Closing the last channel with dropdown no longer present AddStep("Close last when selector next", () => { expectedChannel = previousChannel; chatOverlay.ChannelTabControl.RemoveChannel(currentChannel); }); AddAssert("Previous channel selected", () => currentChannel == expectedChannel); // Standard channel closing AddStep("Switch to previous channel", () => chatOverlay.ChannelTabControl.SwitchTab(-1)); AddStep("Close current channel", () => { expectedChannel = nextChannel; chatOverlay.ChannelTabControl.RemoveChannel(currentChannel); }); AddAssert("Next channel selected", () => currentChannel == expectedChannel); // Selector reappearing after all channels closed AddUntilStep("Close all channels", () => { if (!joinedChannels.Any()) return true; chatOverlay.ChannelTabControl.RemoveChannel(joinedChannels.Last()); return false; }); AddAssert("Selector is visible", () => chatOverlay.SelectionOverlayState == Visibility.Visible); } [Test] public void TestChannelCloseButton() { AddStep("Join 2 channels", () => { channelManager.JoinChannel(channel1); channelManager.JoinChannel(channel2); }); // PM channel close button only appears when active AddStep("Select PM channel", () => clickDrawable(chatOverlay.TabMap[channel2])); AddStep("Click PM close button", () => clickDrawable(((TestPrivateChannelTabItem)chatOverlay.TabMap[channel2]).CloseButton.Child)); AddAssert("PM channel closed", () => !channelManager.JoinedChannels.Contains(channel2)); // Non-PM chat channel close button only appears when hovered AddStep("Hover normal channel tab", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(chatOverlay.TabMap[channel1])); AddStep("Click normal close button", () => clickDrawable(((TestChannelTabItem)chatOverlay.TabMap[channel1]).CloseButton.Child)); AddAssert("All channels closed", () => !channelManager.JoinedChannels.Any()); } private void pressChannelHotkey(int number) { var channelKey = Key.Number0 + number; InputManager.PressKey(Key.AltLeft); InputManager.PressKey(channelKey); InputManager.ReleaseKey(Key.AltLeft); InputManager.ReleaseKey(channelKey); } private void clickDrawable(Drawable d) { InputManager.MoveMouseTo(d); InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Left); } private class ChannelManagerContainer : Container { public TestChatOverlay ChatOverlay { get; private set; } [Cached] public ChannelManager ChannelManager { get; } = new ChannelManager(); private readonly List<Channel> channels; public ChannelManagerContainer(List<Channel> channels) { this.channels = channels; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { ((BindableList<Channel>)ChannelManager.AvailableChannels).AddRange(channels); InternalChildren = new Drawable[] { ChannelManager, ChatOverlay = new TestChatOverlay { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, }; ChatOverlay.Show(); } } private class TestChatOverlay : ChatOverlay { public Visibility SelectionOverlayState => ChannelSelectionOverlay.State.Value; public new ChannelTabControl ChannelTabControl => base.ChannelTabControl; public new ChannelSelectionOverlay ChannelSelectionOverlay => base.ChannelSelectionOverlay; protected override ChannelTabControl CreateChannelTabControl() => new TestTabControl(); public IReadOnlyDictionary<Channel, TabItem<Channel>> TabMap => ((TestTabControl)ChannelTabControl).TabMap; } private class TestTabControl : ChannelTabControl { protected override TabItem<Channel> CreateTabItem(Channel value) { switch (value.Type) { case ChannelType.PM: return new TestPrivateChannelTabItem(value); default: return new TestChannelTabItem(value); } } public new IReadOnlyDictionary<Channel, TabItem<Channel>> TabMap => base.TabMap; } private class TestChannelTabItem : ChannelTabItem { public TestChannelTabItem(Channel channel) : base(channel) { } public new ClickableContainer CloseButton => base.CloseButton; } private class TestPrivateChannelTabItem : PrivateChannelTabItem { public TestPrivateChannelTabItem(Channel channel) : base(channel) { } public new ClickableContainer CloseButton => base.CloseButton; } } }