clone_depth: 1 version: '{branch}-{build}' image: Visual Studio 2019 dotnet_csproj: patch: true file: 'osu.Game\osu.Game.csproj' # Use wildcard when it's able to exclude Xamarin projects version: '0.0.{build}' cache: - '%LOCALAPPDATA%\NuGet\v3-cache -> appveyor.yml' before_build: - ps: dotnet --info # Useful when version mismatch between CI and local - ps: nuget restore -verbosity quiet # Only nuget.exe knows both new (.NET Core) and old (Xamarin) projects build: project: osu.sln parallel: true verbosity: minimal after_build: - ps: dotnet tool restore - ps: dotnet format --dry-run --check - ps: .\InspectCode.ps1 artifacts: - path: '**\*.nupkg' test: assemblies: except: - '**\*Android*' - '**\*iOS*' - 'build\**\*'