// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Extensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Screens; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Database; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses; using osu.Game.Online.Spectator; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Replays; using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI; using osu.Game.Scoring; using osu.Game.Screens; using osu.Game.Screens.Play; using osu.Game.Tests.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Tests.Beatmaps.IO; using osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Multiplayer; using osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Spectator; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Gameplay { public class TestSceneSpectator : ScreenTestScene { private readonly APIUser streamingUser = new APIUser { Id = MultiplayerTestScene.PLAYER_1_ID, Username = "Test user" }; [Cached(typeof(UserLookupCache))] private UserLookupCache lookupCache = new TestUserLookupCache(); // used just to show beatmap card for the time being. protected override bool UseOnlineAPI => true; [Resolved] private OsuGameBase game { get; set; } private TestSpectatorClient spectatorClient; private SoloSpectator spectatorScreen; private BeatmapSetInfo importedBeatmap; private int importedBeatmapId; [SetUpSteps] public void SetupSteps() { DependenciesScreen dependenciesScreen = null; AddStep("load dependencies", () => { spectatorClient = new TestSpectatorClient(); // The screen gets suspended so it stops receiving updates. Child = spectatorClient; LoadScreen(dependenciesScreen = new DependenciesScreen(spectatorClient)); }); AddUntilStep("wait for dependencies to load", () => dependenciesScreen.IsLoaded); AddStep("import beatmap", () => { importedBeatmap = BeatmapImportHelper.LoadOszIntoOsu(game, virtualTrack: true).GetResultSafely(); importedBeatmapId = importedBeatmap.Beatmaps.First(b => b.Ruleset.OnlineID == 0).OnlineID; }); } [Test] public void TestFrameStarvationAndResume() { loadSpectatingScreen(); AddAssert("screen hasn't changed", () => Stack.CurrentScreen is SoloSpectator); start(); waitForPlayer(); sendFrames(); AddAssert("ensure frames arrived", () => replayHandler.HasFrames); AddUntilStep("wait for frame starvation", () => replayHandler.WaitingForFrame); checkPaused(true); double? pausedTime = null; AddStep("store time", () => pausedTime = currentFrameStableTime); sendFrames(); AddUntilStep("wait for frame starvation", () => replayHandler.WaitingForFrame); checkPaused(true); AddAssert("time advanced", () => currentFrameStableTime > pausedTime); } [Test] public void TestPlayStartsWithNoFrames() { loadSpectatingScreen(); start(); waitForPlayer(); checkPaused(true); // send enough frames to ensure play won't be paused sendFrames(100); checkPaused(false); } [Test] public void TestSpectatingDuringGameplay() { start(); sendFrames(300); loadSpectatingScreen(); waitForPlayer(); sendFrames(300); AddUntilStep("playing from correct point in time", () => player.ChildrenOfType().First().FrameStableClock.CurrentTime > 30000); } [Test] public void TestHostRetriesWhileWatching() { loadSpectatingScreen(); start(); sendFrames(); waitForPlayer(); Player lastPlayer = null; AddStep("store first player", () => lastPlayer = player); start(); sendFrames(); waitForPlayer(); AddAssert("player is different", () => lastPlayer != player); } [Test] public void TestHostFails() { loadSpectatingScreen(); start(); waitForPlayer(); checkPaused(true); finish(); checkPaused(false); // TODO: should replay until running out of frames then fail } [Test] public void TestStopWatchingDuringPlay() { loadSpectatingScreen(); start(); sendFrames(); waitForPlayer(); AddStep("stop spectating", () => (Stack.CurrentScreen as Player)?.Exit()); AddUntilStep("spectating stopped", () => spectatorScreen.GetChildScreen() == null); } [Test] public void TestStopWatchingThenHostRetries() { loadSpectatingScreen(); start(); sendFrames(); waitForPlayer(); AddStep("stop spectating", () => (Stack.CurrentScreen as Player)?.Exit()); AddUntilStep("spectating stopped", () => spectatorScreen.GetChildScreen() == null); // host starts playing a new session start(); waitForPlayer(); } [Test] public void TestWatchingBeatmapThatDoesntExistLocally() { loadSpectatingScreen(); start(-1234); sendFrames(); AddAssert("screen didn't change", () => Stack.CurrentScreen is SoloSpectator); } [Test] public void TestFinalFramesPurgedBeforeEndingPlay() { AddStep("begin playing", () => spectatorClient.BeginPlaying(new GameplayState(new TestBeatmap(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo), new OsuRuleset()), new Score())); AddStep("send frames and finish play", () => { spectatorClient.HandleFrame(new OsuReplayFrame(1000, Vector2.Zero)); spectatorClient.EndPlaying(); }); // We can't access API because we're an "online" test. AddAssert("last received frame has time = 1000", () => spectatorClient.LastReceivedUserFrames.First().Value.Time == 1000); } [Test] public void TestFinalFrameInBundleHasHeader() { FrameDataBundle lastBundle = null; AddStep("bind to client", () => spectatorClient.OnNewFrames += (_, bundle) => lastBundle = bundle); start(-1234); sendFrames(); finish(); AddUntilStep("bundle received", () => lastBundle != null); AddAssert("first frame does not have header", () => lastBundle.Frames[0].Header == null); AddAssert("last frame has header", () => lastBundle.Frames[^1].Header != null); } private OsuFramedReplayInputHandler replayHandler => (OsuFramedReplayInputHandler)Stack.ChildrenOfType().First().ReplayInputHandler; private Player player => Stack.CurrentScreen as Player; private double currentFrameStableTime => player.ChildrenOfType().First().FrameStableClock.CurrentTime; private void waitForPlayer() => AddUntilStep("wait for player", () => (Stack.CurrentScreen as Player)?.IsLoaded == true); private void start(int? beatmapId = null) => AddStep("start play", () => spectatorClient.StartPlay(streamingUser.Id, beatmapId ?? importedBeatmapId)); private void finish() => AddStep("end play", () => spectatorClient.EndPlay(streamingUser.Id)); private void checkPaused(bool state) => AddUntilStep($"game is {(state ? "paused" : "playing")}", () => player.ChildrenOfType().First().IsPaused.Value == state); private void sendFrames(int count = 10) { AddStep("send frames", () => spectatorClient.SendFrames(streamingUser.Id, count)); } private void loadSpectatingScreen() { AddStep("load spectator", () => LoadScreen(spectatorScreen = new SoloSpectator(streamingUser))); AddUntilStep("wait for screen load", () => spectatorScreen.LoadState == LoadState.Loaded); } /// /// Used for the sole purpose of adding as a resolvable dependency. /// private class DependenciesScreen : OsuScreen { [Cached(typeof(SpectatorClient))] public readonly TestSpectatorClient Client; public DependenciesScreen(TestSpectatorClient client) { Client = client; } } } }