// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Primitives; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Extensions; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects; using osu.Game.Screens.Edit.Compose.Components; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Edit { public class OsuSelectionHandler : EditorSelectionHandler { /// /// During a transform, the initial origin is stored so it can be used throughout the operation. /// private Vector2? referenceOrigin; /// /// During a transform, the initial path types of a single selected slider are stored so they /// can be maintained throughout the operation. /// private List referencePathTypes; protected override void OnSelectionChanged() { base.OnSelectionChanged(); Quad quad = selectedMovableObjects.Length > 0 ? getSurroundingQuad(selectedMovableObjects) : new Quad(); SelectionBox.CanRotate = quad.Width > 0 || quad.Height > 0; SelectionBox.CanFlipX = SelectionBox.CanScaleX = quad.Width > 0; SelectionBox.CanFlipY = SelectionBox.CanScaleY = quad.Height > 0; SelectionBox.CanReverse = EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.Count > 1 || EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.Any(s => s is Slider); } protected override void OnOperationEnded() { base.OnOperationEnded(); referenceOrigin = null; referencePathTypes = null; } public override bool HandleMovement(MoveSelectionEvent moveEvent) { var hitObjects = selectedMovableObjects; // this will potentially move the selection out of bounds... foreach (var h in hitObjects) h.Position += this.ScreenSpaceDeltaToParentSpace(moveEvent.ScreenSpaceDelta); // but this will be corrected. moveSelectionInBounds(); return true; } public override bool HandleReverse() { var hitObjects = EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects; double endTime = hitObjects.Max(h => h.GetEndTime()); double startTime = hitObjects.Min(h => h.StartTime); bool moreThanOneObject = hitObjects.Count > 1; foreach (var h in hitObjects) { if (moreThanOneObject) h.StartTime = endTime - (h.GetEndTime() - startTime); if (h is Slider slider) { slider.Path.Reverse(out Vector2 offset); slider.Position += offset; } } return true; } public override bool HandleFlip(Direction direction) { var hitObjects = selectedMovableObjects; var selectedObjectsQuad = getSurroundingQuad(hitObjects); foreach (var h in hitObjects) { h.Position = GetFlippedPosition(direction, selectedObjectsQuad, h.Position); if (h is Slider slider) { foreach (var point in slider.Path.ControlPoints) { point.Position.Value = new Vector2( (direction == Direction.Horizontal ? -1 : 1) * point.Position.Value.X, (direction == Direction.Vertical ? -1 : 1) * point.Position.Value.Y ); } } } return true; } public override bool HandleScale(Vector2 scale, Anchor reference) { adjustScaleFromAnchor(ref scale, reference); var hitObjects = selectedMovableObjects; // for the time being, allow resizing of slider paths only if the slider is // the only hit object selected. with a group selection, it's likely the user // is not looking to change the duration of the slider but expand the whole pattern. if (hitObjects.Length == 1 && hitObjects.First() is Slider slider) scaleSlider(slider, scale); else scaleHitObjects(hitObjects, reference, scale); moveSelectionInBounds(); return true; } private static void adjustScaleFromAnchor(ref Vector2 scale, Anchor reference) { // cancel out scale in axes we don't care about (based on which drag handle was used). if ((reference & Anchor.x1) > 0) scale.X = 0; if ((reference & Anchor.y1) > 0) scale.Y = 0; // reverse the scale direction if dragging from top or left. if ((reference & Anchor.x0) > 0) scale.X = -scale.X; if ((reference & Anchor.y0) > 0) scale.Y = -scale.Y; } public override bool HandleRotation(float delta) { var hitObjects = selectedMovableObjects; Quad quad = getSurroundingQuad(hitObjects); referenceOrigin ??= quad.Centre; foreach (var h in hitObjects) { h.Position = RotatePointAroundOrigin(h.Position, referenceOrigin.Value, delta); if (h is IHasPath path) { foreach (var point in path.Path.ControlPoints) point.Position.Value = RotatePointAroundOrigin(point.Position.Value, Vector2.Zero, delta); } } // this isn't always the case but let's be lenient for now. return true; } private void scaleSlider(Slider slider, Vector2 scale) { referencePathTypes ??= slider.Path.ControlPoints.Select(p => p.Type.Value).ToList(); Quad sliderQuad = GetSurroundingQuad(slider.Path.ControlPoints.Select(p => p.Position.Value)); // Limit minimum distance between control points after scaling to almost 0. Less than 0 causes the slider to flip, exactly 0 causes a crash through division by 0. scale = Vector2.ComponentMax(new Vector2(Precision.FLOAT_EPSILON), sliderQuad.Size + scale) - sliderQuad.Size; Vector2 pathRelativeDeltaScale = new Vector2( sliderQuad.Width == 0 ? 0 : 1 + scale.X / sliderQuad.Width, sliderQuad.Height == 0 ? 0 : 1 + scale.Y / sliderQuad.Height); Queue oldControlPoints = new Queue(); foreach (var point in slider.Path.ControlPoints) { oldControlPoints.Enqueue(point.Position.Value); point.Position.Value *= pathRelativeDeltaScale; } // Maintain the path types in case they were defaulted to bezier at some point during scaling for (int i = 0; i < slider.Path.ControlPoints.Count; ++i) slider.Path.ControlPoints[i].Type.Value = referencePathTypes[i]; //if sliderhead or sliderend end up outside playfield, revert scaling. Quad scaledQuad = getSurroundingQuad(new OsuHitObject[] { slider }); (bool xInBounds, bool yInBounds) = isQuadInBounds(scaledQuad); if (xInBounds && yInBounds && slider.Path.HasValidLength) return; foreach (var point in slider.Path.ControlPoints) point.Position.Value = oldControlPoints.Dequeue(); } private void scaleHitObjects(OsuHitObject[] hitObjects, Anchor reference, Vector2 scale) { scale = getClampedScale(hitObjects, reference, scale); Quad selectionQuad = getSurroundingQuad(hitObjects); foreach (var h in hitObjects) h.Position = GetScaledPosition(reference, scale, selectionQuad, h.Position); } private (bool X, bool Y) isQuadInBounds(Quad quad) { bool xInBounds = (quad.TopLeft.X >= 0) && (quad.BottomRight.X <= DrawWidth); bool yInBounds = (quad.TopLeft.Y >= 0) && (quad.BottomRight.Y <= DrawHeight); return (xInBounds, yInBounds); } private void moveSelectionInBounds() { var hitObjects = selectedMovableObjects; Quad quad = getSurroundingQuad(hitObjects); Vector2 delta = Vector2.Zero; if (quad.TopLeft.X < 0) delta.X -= quad.TopLeft.X; if (quad.TopLeft.Y < 0) delta.Y -= quad.TopLeft.Y; if (quad.BottomRight.X > DrawWidth) delta.X -= quad.BottomRight.X - DrawWidth; if (quad.BottomRight.Y > DrawHeight) delta.Y -= quad.BottomRight.Y - DrawHeight; foreach (var h in hitObjects) h.Position += delta; } /// /// Clamp scale for multi-object-scaling where selection does not exceed playfield bounds or flip. /// /// The hitobjects to be scaled /// The anchor from which the scale operation is performed /// The scale to be clamped /// The clamped scale vector private Vector2 getClampedScale(OsuHitObject[] hitObjects, Anchor reference, Vector2 scale) { float xOffset = ((reference & Anchor.x0) > 0) ? -scale.X : 0; float yOffset = ((reference & Anchor.y0) > 0) ? -scale.Y : 0; Quad selectionQuad = getSurroundingQuad(hitObjects); //todo: this is not always correct for selections involving sliders. This approximation assumes each point is scaled independently, but sliderends move with the sliderhead. Quad scaledQuad = new Quad(selectionQuad.TopLeft.X + xOffset, selectionQuad.TopLeft.Y + yOffset, selectionQuad.Width + scale.X, selectionQuad.Height + scale.Y); //max Size -> playfield bounds if (scaledQuad.TopLeft.X < 0) scale.X += scaledQuad.TopLeft.X; if (scaledQuad.TopLeft.Y < 0) scale.Y += scaledQuad.TopLeft.Y; if (scaledQuad.BottomRight.X > DrawWidth) scale.X -= scaledQuad.BottomRight.X - DrawWidth; if (scaledQuad.BottomRight.Y > DrawHeight) scale.Y -= scaledQuad.BottomRight.Y - DrawHeight; //min Size -> almost 0. Less than 0 causes the quad to flip, exactly 0 causes scaling to get stuck at minimum scale. Vector2 scaledSize = selectionQuad.Size + scale; Vector2 minSize = new Vector2(Precision.FLOAT_EPSILON); scale = Vector2.ComponentMax(minSize, scaledSize) - selectionQuad.Size; return scale; } /// /// Returns a gamefield-space quad surrounding the provided hit objects. /// /// The hit objects to calculate a quad for. private Quad getSurroundingQuad(OsuHitObject[] hitObjects) => GetSurroundingQuad(hitObjects.SelectMany(h => { if (h is IHasPath path) { return new[] { h.Position, // can't use EndPosition for reverse slider cases. h.Position + path.Path.PositionAt(1) }; } return new[] { h.Position }; })); /// /// All osu! hitobjects which can be moved/rotated/scaled. /// private OsuHitObject[] selectedMovableObjects => SelectedItems.OfType() .Where(h => !(h is Spinner)) .ToArray(); } }