// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.

#nullable disable

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using osu.Framework.Utils;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit.Checks.Components;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types;

namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit.Checks
    public class CheckMutedObjects : ICheck
        /// <summary>
        /// Volume percentages lower than or equal to this are typically inaudible.
        /// </summary>
        private const int muted_threshold = 5;

        /// <summary>
        /// Volume percentages lower than or equal to this can sometimes be inaudible depending on sample used and music volume.
        /// </summary>
        private const int low_volume_threshold = 20;

        private enum EdgeType

        public CheckMetadata Metadata { get; } = new CheckMetadata(CheckCategory.Audio, "Low volume hitobjects");

        public IEnumerable<IssueTemplate> PossibleTemplates => new IssueTemplate[]
            new IssueTemplateMutedActive(this),
            new IssueTemplateLowVolumeActive(this),
            new IssueTemplateMutedPassive(this)

        public IEnumerable<Issue> Run(BeatmapVerifierContext context)
            foreach (var hitObject in context.Beatmap.HitObjects)
                // Worth keeping in mind: The samples of an object always play at its end time.
                // Objects like spinners have no sound at its start because of this, while hold notes have nested objects to accomplish this.
                foreach (var nestedHitObject in hitObject.NestedHitObjects)
                    foreach (var issue in getVolumeIssues(hitObject, nestedHitObject))
                        yield return issue;

                foreach (var issue in getVolumeIssues(hitObject))
                    yield return issue;

        private IEnumerable<Issue> getVolumeIssues(HitObject hitObject, HitObject sampledHitObject = null)
            sampledHitObject ??= hitObject;
            if (!sampledHitObject.Samples.Any())
                yield break;

            // Samples that allow themselves to be overridden by control points have a volume of 0.
            int maxVolume = sampledHitObject.Samples.Max(sample => sample.Volume > 0 ? sample.Volume : sampledHitObject.SampleControlPoint.SampleVolume);
            double samplePlayTime = sampledHitObject.GetEndTime();

            EdgeType edgeType = getEdgeAtTime(hitObject, samplePlayTime);
            // We only care about samples played on the edges of objects, not ones like spinnerspin or slidertick.
            if (edgeType == EdgeType.None)
                yield break;

            string postfix = hitObject is IHasDuration ? edgeType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() : null;

            if (maxVolume <= muted_threshold)
                if (edgeType == EdgeType.Head)
                    yield return new IssueTemplateMutedActive(this).Create(hitObject, maxVolume / 100f, sampledHitObject.GetEndTime(), postfix);
                    yield return new IssueTemplateMutedPassive(this).Create(hitObject, maxVolume / 100f, sampledHitObject.GetEndTime(), postfix);
            else if (maxVolume <= low_volume_threshold && edgeType == EdgeType.Head)
                yield return new IssueTemplateLowVolumeActive(this).Create(hitObject, maxVolume / 100f, sampledHitObject.GetEndTime(), postfix);

        private EdgeType getEdgeAtTime(HitObject hitObject, double time)
            if (Precision.AlmostEquals(time, hitObject.StartTime, 1f))
                return EdgeType.Head;
            if (Precision.AlmostEquals(time, hitObject.GetEndTime(), 1f))
                return EdgeType.Tail;

            if (hitObject is IHasRepeats hasRepeats)
                double spanDuration = hasRepeats.Duration / hasRepeats.SpanCount();
                if (spanDuration <= 0)
                    // Prevents undefined behaviour in cases like where zero/negative-length sliders/hold notes exist.
                    return EdgeType.None;

                double spans = (time - hitObject.StartTime) / spanDuration;
                double acceptableDifference = 1 / spanDuration; // 1 ms of acceptable difference, as with head/tail above.

                if (Precision.AlmostEquals(spans, Math.Ceiling(spans), acceptableDifference) ||
                    Precision.AlmostEquals(spans, Math.Floor(spans), acceptableDifference))
                    return EdgeType.Repeat;

            return EdgeType.None;

        public abstract class IssueTemplateMuted : IssueTemplate
            protected IssueTemplateMuted(ICheck check, IssueType type, string unformattedMessage)
                : base(check, type, unformattedMessage)

            public Issue Create(HitObject hitobject, double volume, double time, string postfix = "")
                string objectName = hitobject.GetType().Name;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(postfix))
                    objectName += " " + postfix;

                return new Issue(hitobject, this, objectName, volume) { Time = time };

        public class IssueTemplateMutedActive : IssueTemplateMuted
            public IssueTemplateMutedActive(ICheck check)
                : base(check, IssueType.Problem, "{0} has a volume of {1:0%}. Clickable objects must have clearly audible feedback.")

        public class IssueTemplateLowVolumeActive : IssueTemplateMuted
            public IssueTemplateLowVolumeActive(ICheck check)
                : base(check, IssueType.Warning, "{0} has a volume of {1:0%}, ensure this is audible.")

        public class IssueTemplateMutedPassive : IssueTemplateMuted
            public IssueTemplateMutedPassive(ICheck check)
                : base(check, IssueType.Negligible, "{0} has a volume of {1:0%}, ensure there is no distinct sound here in the song if inaudible.")