// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit.Checks.Components; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit.Checks { public class CheckMutedObjects : ICheck { /// <summary> /// Volume percentages lower than or equal to this are typically inaudible. /// </summary> private const int muted_threshold = 5; /// <summary> /// Volume percentages lower than or equal to this can sometimes be inaudible depending on sample used and music volume. /// </summary> private const int low_volume_threshold = 20; private enum EdgeType { Head, Repeat, Tail, None } public CheckMetadata Metadata { get; } = new CheckMetadata(CheckCategory.Audio, "Low volume hitobjects"); public IEnumerable<IssueTemplate> PossibleTemplates => new IssueTemplate[] { new IssueTemplateMutedActive(this), new IssueTemplateLowVolumeActive(this), new IssueTemplateMutedPassive(this) }; public IEnumerable<Issue> Run(BeatmapVerifierContext context) { foreach (var hitObject in context.Beatmap.HitObjects) { // Worth keeping in mind: The samples of an object always play at its end time. // Objects like spinners have no sound at its start because of this, while hold notes have nested objects to accomplish this. foreach (var nestedHitObject in hitObject.NestedHitObjects) { foreach (var issue in getVolumeIssues(hitObject, nestedHitObject)) yield return issue; } foreach (var issue in getVolumeIssues(hitObject)) yield return issue; } } private IEnumerable<Issue> getVolumeIssues(HitObject hitObject, HitObject sampledHitObject = null) { sampledHitObject ??= hitObject; if (!sampledHitObject.Samples.Any()) yield break; // Samples that allow themselves to be overridden by control points have a volume of 0. int maxVolume = sampledHitObject.Samples.Max(sample => sample.Volume > 0 ? sample.Volume : sampledHitObject.SampleControlPoint.SampleVolume); double samplePlayTime = sampledHitObject.GetEndTime(); EdgeType edgeType = getEdgeAtTime(hitObject, samplePlayTime); // We only care about samples played on the edges of objects, not ones like spinnerspin or slidertick. if (edgeType == EdgeType.None) yield break; string postfix = hitObject is IHasDuration ? edgeType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() : null; if (maxVolume <= muted_threshold) { if (edgeType == EdgeType.Head) yield return new IssueTemplateMutedActive(this).Create(hitObject, maxVolume / 100f, sampledHitObject.GetEndTime(), postfix); else yield return new IssueTemplateMutedPassive(this).Create(hitObject, maxVolume / 100f, sampledHitObject.GetEndTime(), postfix); } else if (maxVolume <= low_volume_threshold && edgeType == EdgeType.Head) { yield return new IssueTemplateLowVolumeActive(this).Create(hitObject, maxVolume / 100f, sampledHitObject.GetEndTime(), postfix); } } private EdgeType getEdgeAtTime(HitObject hitObject, double time) { if (Precision.AlmostEquals(time, hitObject.StartTime, 1f)) return EdgeType.Head; if (Precision.AlmostEquals(time, hitObject.GetEndTime(), 1f)) return EdgeType.Tail; if (hitObject is IHasRepeats hasRepeats) { double spanDuration = hasRepeats.Duration / hasRepeats.SpanCount(); if (spanDuration <= 0) // Prevents undefined behaviour in cases like where zero/negative-length sliders/hold notes exist. return EdgeType.None; double spans = (time - hitObject.StartTime) / spanDuration; double acceptableDifference = 1 / spanDuration; // 1 ms of acceptable difference, as with head/tail above. if (Precision.AlmostEquals(spans, Math.Ceiling(spans), acceptableDifference) || Precision.AlmostEquals(spans, Math.Floor(spans), acceptableDifference)) { return EdgeType.Repeat; } } return EdgeType.None; } public abstract class IssueTemplateMuted : IssueTemplate { protected IssueTemplateMuted(ICheck check, IssueType type, string unformattedMessage) : base(check, type, unformattedMessage) { } public Issue Create(HitObject hitobject, double volume, double time, string postfix = "") { string objectName = hitobject.GetType().Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(postfix)) objectName += " " + postfix; return new Issue(hitobject, this, objectName, volume) { Time = time }; } } public class IssueTemplateMutedActive : IssueTemplateMuted { public IssueTemplateMutedActive(ICheck check) : base(check, IssueType.Problem, "{0} has a volume of {1:0%}. Clickable objects must have clearly audible feedback.") { } } public class IssueTemplateLowVolumeActive : IssueTemplateMuted { public IssueTemplateLowVolumeActive(ICheck check) : base(check, IssueType.Warning, "{0} has a volume of {1:0%}, ensure this is audible.") { } } public class IssueTemplateMutedPassive : IssueTemplateMuted { public IssueTemplateMutedPassive(ICheck check) : base(check, IssueType.Negligible, "{0} has a volume of {1:0%}, ensure there is no distinct sound here in the song if inaudible.") { } } } }