// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Extensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Localisation; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterfaceV2; using osu.Game.Localisation; using osu.Game.Resources.Localisation.Web; using osu.Game.Screens.Edit; using osu.Game.Screens.Edit.Setup; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Setup { public partial class ManiaDifficultySection : SetupSection { public override LocalisableString Title => EditorSetupStrings.DifficultyHeader; private LabelledSliderBar keyCountSlider { get; set; } = null!; private LabelledSliderBar healthDrainSlider { get; set; } = null!; private LabelledSliderBar overallDifficultySlider { get; set; } = null!; private LabelledSliderBar baseVelocitySlider { get; set; } = null!; private LabelledSliderBar tickRateSlider { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private Editor? editor { get; set; } [Resolved] private IEditorChangeHandler? changeHandler { get; set; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { Children = new Drawable[] { keyCountSlider = new LabelledSliderBar { Label = BeatmapsetsStrings.ShowStatsCsMania, FixedLabelWidth = LABEL_WIDTH, Description = "The number of columns in the beatmap", Current = new BindableFloat(Beatmap.Difficulty.CircleSize) { Default = BeatmapDifficulty.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 10, Precision = 1, } }, healthDrainSlider = new LabelledSliderBar { Label = BeatmapsetsStrings.ShowStatsDrain, FixedLabelWidth = LABEL_WIDTH, Description = EditorSetupStrings.DrainRateDescription, Current = new BindableFloat(Beatmap.Difficulty.DrainRate) { Default = BeatmapDifficulty.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 10, Precision = 0.1f, } }, overallDifficultySlider = new LabelledSliderBar { Label = BeatmapsetsStrings.ShowStatsAccuracy, FixedLabelWidth = LABEL_WIDTH, Description = EditorSetupStrings.OverallDifficultyDescription, Current = new BindableFloat(Beatmap.Difficulty.OverallDifficulty) { Default = BeatmapDifficulty.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 10, Precision = 0.1f, } }, baseVelocitySlider = new LabelledSliderBar { Label = EditorSetupStrings.BaseVelocity, FixedLabelWidth = LABEL_WIDTH, Description = EditorSetupStrings.BaseVelocityDescription, Current = new BindableDouble(Beatmap.Difficulty.SliderMultiplier) { Default = 1.4, MinValue = 0.4, MaxValue = 3.6, Precision = 0.01f, } }, tickRateSlider = new LabelledSliderBar { Label = EditorSetupStrings.TickRate, FixedLabelWidth = LABEL_WIDTH, Description = EditorSetupStrings.TickRateDescription, Current = new BindableDouble(Beatmap.Difficulty.SliderTickRate) { Default = 1, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 4, Precision = 1, } }, }; keyCountSlider.Current.BindValueChanged(updateKeyCount); healthDrainSlider.Current.BindValueChanged(_ => updateValues()); overallDifficultySlider.Current.BindValueChanged(_ => updateValues()); baseVelocitySlider.Current.BindValueChanged(_ => updateValues()); tickRateSlider.Current.BindValueChanged(_ => updateValues()); } private bool updatingKeyCount; private void updateKeyCount(ValueChangedEvent keyCount) { if (updatingKeyCount) return; updateValues(); if (editor == null) return; updatingKeyCount = true; editor.Reload().ContinueWith(t => { if (!t.GetResultSafely()) { Schedule(() => { changeHandler!.RestoreState(-1); Beatmap.Difficulty.CircleSize = keyCountSlider.Current.Value = keyCount.OldValue; updatingKeyCount = false; }); } else { updatingKeyCount = false; } }); } private void updateValues() { // for now, update these on commit rather than making BeatmapMetadata bindables. // after switching database engines we can reconsider if switching to bindables is a good direction. Beatmap.Difficulty.CircleSize = keyCountSlider.Current.Value; Beatmap.Difficulty.DrainRate = healthDrainSlider.Current.Value; Beatmap.Difficulty.OverallDifficulty = overallDifficultySlider.Current.Value; Beatmap.Difficulty.SliderMultiplier = baseVelocitySlider.Current.Value; Beatmap.Difficulty.SliderTickRate = tickRateSlider.Current.Value; Beatmap.UpdateAllHitObjects(); Beatmap.SaveState(); } } }