# Linux ### 1. Requirements: Mono >= 5.4.0 (>= 5.8.0 recommended) Please check [here](http://www.mono-project.com/download/) for stable or [here](http://www.mono-project.com/download/alpha/) for an alpha release. NuGet >= 4.4.0 msbuild git ### 2. Cloning project Clone the entire repository with submodules using ``` git clone https://github.com/ppy/osu --recursive ``` Then restore NuGet packages from the repository ``` nuget restore ``` ### 3. Compiling Simply run `msbuild` where `osu.sln` is located, this will create all binaries in `osu/osu.Desktop/bin/Debug`. ### 4. Optimizing If you want additional performance you can change build type to Release with ``` msbuild -p:Configuration=Release ``` Additionally, mono provides an AOT utility which attempts to precompile binaries. You can utilize that by running ``` mono --aot ./osu\!.exe ``` ### 5. Troubleshooting You may run into trouble with NuGet versioning, as the one in packaging system is almost always out of date. Simply run ``` nuget sudo nuget update -self ``` **Warning** NuGet creates few config files when it's run for the first time. Do not run NuGet as root on the first run or you might run into very peculiar issues.