// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Audio; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Drawables; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Screens.Play; using osu.Game.Skinning; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.UI { /// /// A component which can trigger the most appropriate hit sound for a given point in time, based on the state of a /// public partial class GameplaySampleTriggerSource : CompositeDrawable { /// /// The number of concurrent samples allowed to be played concurrently so that it feels better when spam-pressing a key. /// private const int max_concurrent_hitsounds = OsuGameBase.SAMPLE_CONCURRENCY; private readonly HitObjectContainer hitObjectContainer; private int nextHitSoundIndex; private readonly Container hitSounds; private HitObjectLifetimeEntry? mostValidObject; [Resolved] private IGameplayClock? gameplayClock { get; set; } protected readonly AudioContainer AudioContainer; public GameplaySampleTriggerSource(HitObjectContainer hitObjectContainer) { this.hitObjectContainer = hitObjectContainer; InternalChild = AudioContainer = new AudioContainer { Child = hitSounds = new Container { Name = "concurrent sample pool", ChildrenEnumerable = Enumerable.Range(0, max_concurrent_hitsounds).Select(_ => new PausableSkinnableSound { MinimumSampleVolume = DrawableHitObject.MINIMUM_SAMPLE_VOLUME }) } }; } /// /// Play the most appropriate hit sound for the current point in time. /// public virtual void Play() { HitObject? nextObject = GetMostValidObject(); if (nextObject == null) return; var samples = nextObject.Samples .Cast() .ToArray(); PlaySamples(samples); } protected virtual void PlaySamples(ISampleInfo[] samples) => Schedule(() => { var hitSound = GetNextSample(); ApplySampleInfo(hitSound, samples); hitSound.Play(); }); protected virtual void ApplySampleInfo(SkinnableSound hitSound, ISampleInfo[] samples) { hitSound.Samples = samples; } public void StopAllPlayback() => Schedule(() => { foreach (var sound in hitSounds) sound.Stop(); }); protected override void Update() { base.Update(); if (gameplayClock?.IsRewinding == true) mostValidObject = null; } protected HitObject? GetMostValidObject() { if (mostValidObject == null || isAlreadyHit(mostValidObject)) { // We need to use lifetime entries to find the next object (we can't just use `hitObjectContainer.Objects` due to pooling - it may even be empty). // If required, we can make this lookup more efficient by adding support to get next-future-entry in LifetimeEntryManager. var candidate = // Use alive entries first as an optimisation. hitObjectContainer.AliveEntries.Keys.Where(e => !isAlreadyHit(e)).MinBy(e => e.HitObject.StartTime) ?? hitObjectContainer.Entries.Where(e => !isAlreadyHit(e)).MinBy(e => e.HitObject.StartTime); // In the case there are no non-judged objects, the last hit object should be used instead. if (candidate == null) { mostValidObject = hitObjectContainer.Entries.LastOrDefault(); } else { if (isCloseEnoughToCurrentTime(candidate.HitObject)) { mostValidObject = candidate; } else { mostValidObject ??= hitObjectContainer.Entries.FirstOrDefault(); } } } if (mostValidObject == null) return null; // If the fallback has been judged then we want the sample from the object itself. if (isAlreadyHit(mostValidObject)) return mostValidObject.HitObject; // Else we want the earliest valid nested. // In cases of nested objects, they will always have earlier sample data than their parent object. return getAllNested(mostValidObject.HitObject).OrderBy(h => h.GetEndTime()).SkipWhile(h => h.GetEndTime() <= getReferenceTime()).FirstOrDefault() ?? mostValidObject.HitObject; } private bool isAlreadyHit(HitObjectLifetimeEntry h) => h.AllJudged; private bool isCloseEnoughToCurrentTime(HitObject h) => getReferenceTime() >= h.StartTime - h.HitWindows.WindowFor(HitResult.Miss) * 2; private double getReferenceTime() => gameplayClock?.CurrentTime ?? Clock.CurrentTime; private IEnumerable getAllNested(HitObject hitObject) { foreach (var h in hitObject.NestedHitObjects) { yield return h; foreach (var n in getAllNested(h)) yield return n; } } protected SkinnableSound GetNextSample() { SkinnableSound hitSound = hitSounds[nextHitSoundIndex]; // round robin over available samples to allow for concurrent playback. nextHitSoundIndex = (nextHitSoundIndex + 1) % max_concurrent_hitsounds; return hitSound; } } }