// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Screens.Select; using osu.Game.Screens.Select.Filter; using osu.Game.Screens.SelectV2; using osuTK; using osuTK.Input; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.SongSelect { [TestFixture] public partial class TestSceneBeatmapCarouselV2NoGrouping : BeatmapCarouselV2TestScene { [SetUpSteps] public void SetUpSteps() { RemoveAllBeatmaps(); CreateCarousel(); SortBy(new FilterCriteria { Sort = SortMode.Title }); } /// /// Keyboard selection via up and down arrows doesn't actually change the selection until /// the select key is pressed. /// [Test] public void TestKeyboardSelectionKeyRepeat() { AddBeatmaps(10); WaitForDrawablePanels(); CheckNoSelection(); Select(); CheckNoSelection(); AddStep("press down arrow", () => InputManager.PressKey(Key.Down)); checkSelectionIterating(false); AddStep("press up arrow", () => InputManager.PressKey(Key.Up)); checkSelectionIterating(false); AddStep("release down arrow", () => InputManager.ReleaseKey(Key.Down)); checkSelectionIterating(false); AddStep("release up arrow", () => InputManager.ReleaseKey(Key.Up)); checkSelectionIterating(false); Select(); CheckHasSelection(); } /// /// Keyboard selection via left and right arrows moves between groups, updating the selection /// immediately. /// [Test] public void TestGroupSelectionKeyRepeat() { AddBeatmaps(10); WaitForDrawablePanels(); CheckNoSelection(); AddStep("press right arrow", () => InputManager.PressKey(Key.Right)); checkSelectionIterating(true); AddStep("press left arrow", () => InputManager.PressKey(Key.Left)); checkSelectionIterating(true); AddStep("release right arrow", () => InputManager.ReleaseKey(Key.Right)); checkSelectionIterating(true); AddStep("release left arrow", () => InputManager.ReleaseKey(Key.Left)); checkSelectionIterating(false); } [Test] public void TestCarouselRemembersSelection() { AddBeatmaps(10); WaitForDrawablePanels(); SelectNextGroup(); object? selection = null; AddStep("store drawable selection", () => selection = GetSelectedPanel()?.Item?.Model); CheckHasSelection(); AddAssert("drawable selection non-null", () => selection, () => Is.Not.Null); AddAssert("drawable selection matches carousel selection", () => selection, () => Is.EqualTo(Carousel.CurrentSelection)); RemoveAllBeatmaps(); AddUntilStep("no drawable selection", GetSelectedPanel, () => Is.Null); AddBeatmaps(10); WaitForDrawablePanels(); CheckHasSelection(); AddAssert("no drawable selection", GetSelectedPanel, () => Is.Null); AddStep("add previous selection", () => BeatmapSets.Add(((BeatmapInfo)selection!).BeatmapSet!)); AddAssert("selection matches original carousel selection", () => selection, () => Is.EqualTo(Carousel.CurrentSelection)); AddUntilStep("drawable selection restored", () => GetSelectedPanel()?.Item?.Model, () => Is.EqualTo(selection)); AddAssert("carousel item is visible", () => GetSelectedPanel()?.Item?.IsVisible, () => Is.True); } [Test] public void TestTraversalBeyondStart() { const int total_set_count = 200; AddBeatmaps(total_set_count); WaitForDrawablePanels(); SelectNextGroup(); WaitForSelection(0, 0); SelectPrevGroup(); WaitForSelection(total_set_count - 1, 0); } [Test] public void TestTraversalBeyondEnd() { const int total_set_count = 200; AddBeatmaps(total_set_count); WaitForDrawablePanels(); SelectPrevGroup(); WaitForSelection(total_set_count - 1, 0); SelectNextGroup(); WaitForSelection(0, 0); } [Test] public void TestGroupSelectionOnHeader() { AddBeatmaps(10, 3); WaitForDrawablePanels(); SelectNextGroup(); SelectNextGroup(); WaitForSelection(1, 0); SelectPrevPanel(); SelectPrevGroup(); WaitForSelection(1, 0); SelectPrevPanel(); SelectNextGroup(); WaitForSelection(1, 0); } [Test] public void TestKeyboardSelection() { AddBeatmaps(10, 3); WaitForDrawablePanels(); SelectNextPanel(); SelectNextPanel(); SelectNextPanel(); SelectNextPanel(); CheckNoSelection(); Select(); WaitForSelection(3, 0); SelectNextPanel(); WaitForSelection(3, 0); Select(); WaitForSelection(3, 1); SelectNextPanel(); WaitForSelection(3, 1); Select(); WaitForSelection(3, 2); SelectNextPanel(); WaitForSelection(3, 2); Select(); WaitForSelection(4, 0); } [Test] public void TestEmptyTraversal() { SelectNextPanel(); CheckNoSelection(); SelectNextGroup(); CheckNoSelection(); SelectPrevPanel(); CheckNoSelection(); SelectPrevGroup(); CheckNoSelection(); } [Test] public void TestInputHandlingWithinGaps() { AddBeatmaps(2, 5); WaitForDrawablePanels(); AddAssert("no beatmaps visible", () => !GetVisiblePanels().Any()); // Clicks just above the first group panel should not actuate any action. ClickVisiblePanelWithOffset(0, new Vector2(0, -(PanelBeatmapSet.HEIGHT / 2 + 1))); AddAssert("no beatmaps visible", () => !GetVisiblePanels().Any()); ClickVisiblePanelWithOffset(0, new Vector2(0, -(PanelBeatmapSet.HEIGHT / 2))); AddUntilStep("wait for beatmaps visible", () => GetVisiblePanels().Any()); WaitForSelection(0, 0); // Beatmap panels expand their selection area to cover holes from spacing. ClickVisiblePanelWithOffset(1, new Vector2(0, -(CarouselItem.DEFAULT_HEIGHT / 2 + 1))); WaitForSelection(0, 0); // Panels with higher depth will handle clicks in the gutters for simplicity. ClickVisiblePanelWithOffset(2, new Vector2(0, (CarouselItem.DEFAULT_HEIGHT / 2 + 1))); WaitForSelection(0, 2); ClickVisiblePanelWithOffset(3, new Vector2(0, (CarouselItem.DEFAULT_HEIGHT / 2 + 1))); WaitForSelection(0, 3); } private void checkSelectionIterating(bool isIterating) { object? selection = null; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { AddStep("store selection", () => selection = Carousel.CurrentSelection); if (isIterating) AddUntilStep("selection changed", () => Carousel.CurrentSelection != selection); else AddUntilStep("selection not changed", () => Carousel.CurrentSelection == selection); } } } }