// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Mods; using osu.Game.Tests.Visual; using System.Collections.Generic; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Objects; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Difficulty; using osu.Game.Tests.Beatmaps; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Mods { public class TestSceneManiaModHoldOff : ModTestScene { protected override Ruleset CreatePlayerRuleset() => new ManiaRuleset(); [Test] public void TestMapHasNoHoldNotes() { var testBeatmap = createModdedBeatmap(); Assert.False(testBeatmap.HitObjects.OfType().Any()); } [Test] public void TestCorrectNoteValues() { var testBeatmap = createRawBeatmap(); var noteValues = new List(testBeatmap.HitObjects.OfType().Count()); foreach (HoldNote h in testBeatmap.HitObjects.OfType()) { noteValues.Add(ManiaModHoldOff.GetNoteDurationInBeatLength(h, testBeatmap)); } noteValues.Sort(); Assert.AreEqual(noteValues, new List { 0.125, 0.250, 0.500, 1.000, 2.000 }); } [TestCase(ManiaModHoldOff.BeatDivisors.Whole)] [TestCase(ManiaModHoldOff.BeatDivisors.Half)] [TestCase(ManiaModHoldOff.BeatDivisors.Quarter)] [TestCase(ManiaModHoldOff.BeatDivisors.Eighth)] public void TestCorrectObjectCount(ManiaModHoldOff.BeatDivisors minBeatSnap) { /* This test is to ensure that, given that end notes are enabled, the mod produces the expected number of objects when the mod is applied. */ // Mod settings will be set to include the correct beat snap value var rawBeatmap = createRawBeatmap(); var testBeatmap = createModdedBeatmap(minBeatSnap); // Calculate expected number of objects int expectedObjectCount = 0; double beatSnapValue = 1 / (Math.Pow(2, (int)minBeatSnap)); foreach (ManiaHitObject h in rawBeatmap.HitObjects) { // Both notes and hold notes account for at least one object expectedObjectCount++; if (h.GetType() == typeof(HoldNote)) { double noteValue = ManiaModHoldOff.GetNoteDurationInBeatLength((HoldNote)h, rawBeatmap); if (noteValue >= beatSnapValue) { // Should generate an end note if it's longer than the minimum note value expectedObjectCount++; } } } Assert.That(testBeatmap.HitObjects.Count == expectedObjectCount); } [Test] public void TestDifficultyIncrease() { // A lower minimum beat snap divisor should only make the map harder, never easier // (as more notes can be spawned) var beatmaps = new[] { createModdedBeatmap(), createModdedBeatmap(ManiaModHoldOff.BeatDivisors.Half), createModdedBeatmap(ManiaModHoldOff.BeatDivisors.Quarter), createModdedBeatmap(ManiaModHoldOff.BeatDivisors.Eighth), createModdedBeatmap(ManiaModHoldOff.BeatDivisors.Sixteenth) }; double[] mapDifficulties = new double[beatmaps.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < mapDifficulties.Length; i++) { var workingBeatmap = new TestWorkingBeatmap(beatmaps[i]); var difficultyCalculator = new ManiaDifficultyCalculator(new ManiaRuleset().RulesetInfo, workingBeatmap); mapDifficulties[i] = difficultyCalculator.Calculate().StarRating; if (i > 0) { Assert.LessOrEqual(mapDifficulties[i - 1], mapDifficulties[i]); Assert.LessOrEqual(beatmaps[i - 1].HitObjects.Count, beatmaps[i].HitObjects.Count); } } } private static ManiaBeatmap createModdedBeatmap(ManiaModHoldOff.BeatDivisors minBeatSnap = ManiaModHoldOff.BeatDivisors.Whole) { var beatmap = createRawBeatmap(); var holdOffMod = new ManiaModHoldOff { MinBeatSnap = { Value = minBeatSnap } }; Assert.AreEqual(holdOffMod.MinBeatSnap.Value, minBeatSnap); foreach (var hitObject in beatmap.HitObjects) hitObject.ApplyDefaults(beatmap.ControlPointInfo, new BeatmapDifficulty()); holdOffMod.ApplyToBeatmap(beatmap); return beatmap; } private static ManiaBeatmap createRawBeatmap() { var beatmap = new ManiaBeatmap(new StageDefinition { Columns = 1 }); beatmap.ControlPointInfo.Add(0.0, new TimingControlPoint { BeatLength = 1000 }); // Set BPM to 60 // Add test hit objects beatmap.HitObjects.Add(new Note { StartTime = 4000 }); beatmap.HitObjects.Add(new Note { StartTime = 4500 }); beatmap.HitObjects.Add(new HoldNote { StartTime = 0, EndTime = 125 }); // 1/8 note beatmap.HitObjects.Add(new HoldNote { StartTime = 0, EndTime = 250 }); // 1/4 note beatmap.HitObjects.Add(new HoldNote { StartTime = 0, EndTime = 500 }); // 1/2 note beatmap.HitObjects.Add(new HoldNote { StartTime = 0, EndTime = 1000 }); // 1/1 note beatmap.HitObjects.Add(new HoldNote { StartTime = 0, EndTime = 2000 }); // 2/1 note return beatmap; } } }