// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Framework.Timing; using osu.Game.Screens.OnlinePlay.Multiplayer.Spectate; using osu.Game.Tests.Visual; namespace osu.Game.Tests.OnlinePlay { [HeadlessTest] public class TestSceneCatchUpSyncManager : OsuTestScene { private TestManualClock master; private CatchUpSyncManager syncManager; private TestSpectatorPlayerClock player1; private TestSpectatorPlayerClock player2; [SetUp] public void Setup() { syncManager = new CatchUpSyncManager(master = new TestManualClock()); syncManager.AddPlayerClock(player1 = new TestSpectatorPlayerClock(1)); syncManager.AddPlayerClock(player2 = new TestSpectatorPlayerClock(2)); Schedule(() => Child = syncManager); } [Test] public void TestPlayerClocksStartWhenAllHaveFrames() { setWaiting(() => player1, false); assertPlayerClockState(() => player1, false); assertPlayerClockState(() => player2, false); setWaiting(() => player2, false); assertPlayerClockState(() => player1, true); assertPlayerClockState(() => player2, true); } [Test] public void TestReadyPlayersStartWhenReadyForMaximumDelayTime() { setWaiting(() => player1, false); AddWaitStep($"wait {CatchUpSyncManager.MAXIMUM_START_DELAY} milliseconds", (int)Math.Ceiling(CatchUpSyncManager.MAXIMUM_START_DELAY / TimePerAction)); assertPlayerClockState(() => player1, true); assertPlayerClockState(() => player2, false); } [Test] public void TestPlayerClockDoesNotCatchUpWhenSlightlyOutOfSync() { setAllWaiting(false); setMasterTime(CatchUpSyncManager.SYNC_TARGET + 1); assertCatchingUp(() => player1, false); } [Test] public void TestPlayerClockStartsCatchingUpWhenTooFarBehind() { setAllWaiting(false); setMasterTime(CatchUpSyncManager.MAX_SYNC_OFFSET + 1); assertCatchingUp(() => player1, true); assertCatchingUp(() => player2, true); } [Test] public void TestPlayerClockKeepsCatchingUpWhenSlightlyOutOfSync() { setAllWaiting(false); setMasterTime(CatchUpSyncManager.MAX_SYNC_OFFSET + 1); setPlayerClockTime(() => player1, CatchUpSyncManager.SYNC_TARGET + 1); assertCatchingUp(() => player1, true); } [Test] public void TestPlayerClockStopsCatchingUpWhenInSync() { setAllWaiting(false); setMasterTime(CatchUpSyncManager.MAX_SYNC_OFFSET + 2); setPlayerClockTime(() => player1, CatchUpSyncManager.SYNC_TARGET); assertCatchingUp(() => player1, false); assertCatchingUp(() => player2, true); } [Test] public void TestPlayerClockDoesNotStopWhenSlightlyAhead() { setAllWaiting(false); setPlayerClockTime(() => player1, -CatchUpSyncManager.SYNC_TARGET); assertCatchingUp(() => player1, false); assertPlayerClockState(() => player1, true); } [Test] public void TestPlayerClockStopsWhenTooFarAheadAndStartsWhenBackInSync() { setAllWaiting(false); setPlayerClockTime(() => player1, -CatchUpSyncManager.SYNC_TARGET - 1); // This is a silent catchup, where IsCatchingUp = false but IsRunning = false also. assertCatchingUp(() => player1, false); assertPlayerClockState(() => player1, false); setMasterTime(1); assertCatchingUp(() => player1, false); assertPlayerClockState(() => player1, true); } [Test] public void TestInSyncPlayerClockDoesNotStartIfWaitingOnFrames() { setAllWaiting(false); assertPlayerClockState(() => player1, true); setWaiting(() => player1, true); assertPlayerClockState(() => player1, false); } private void setWaiting(Func playerClock, bool waiting) => AddStep($"set player clock {playerClock().Id} waiting = {waiting}", () => playerClock().WaitingOnFrames.Value = waiting); private void setAllWaiting(bool waiting) => AddStep($"set all player clocks waiting = {waiting}", () => { player1.WaitingOnFrames.Value = waiting; player2.WaitingOnFrames.Value = waiting; }); private void setMasterTime(double time) => AddStep($"set master = {time}", () => master.Seek(time)); /// /// clock.Time = master.Time - offsetFromMaster /// private void setPlayerClockTime(Func playerClock, double offsetFromMaster) => AddStep($"set player clock {playerClock().Id} = master - {offsetFromMaster}", () => playerClock().Seek(master.CurrentTime - offsetFromMaster)); private void assertCatchingUp(Func playerClock, bool catchingUp) => AddAssert($"player clock {playerClock().Id} {(catchingUp ? "is" : "is not")} catching up", () => playerClock().IsCatchingUp == catchingUp); private void assertPlayerClockState(Func playerClock, bool running) => AddAssert($"player clock {playerClock().Id} {(running ? "is" : "is not")} running", () => playerClock().IsRunning == running); private class TestSpectatorPlayerClock : TestManualClock, ISpectatorPlayerClock { public Bindable WaitingOnFrames { get; } = new Bindable(true); public bool IsCatchingUp { get; set; } public IFrameBasedClock Source { set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public readonly int Id; public TestSpectatorPlayerClock(int id) { Id = id; WaitingOnFrames.BindValueChanged(waiting => { if (waiting.NewValue) Stop(); else Start(); }); } public void ProcessFrame() { } public double ElapsedFrameTime => 0; public double FramesPerSecond => 0; public FrameTimeInfo TimeInfo => default; } private class TestManualClock : ManualClock, IAdjustableClock { public TestManualClock() { IsRunning = true; } public void Start() => IsRunning = true; public void Stop() => IsRunning = false; public bool Seek(double position) { CurrentTime = position; return true; } public void Reset() { } public void ResetSpeedAdjustments() { } } } }