// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Extensions.ObjectExtensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Input.Bindings; using osu.Framework.Input.Events; using osu.Framework.Localisation; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Configuration; using osu.Game.Database; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Game.Input.Bindings; using osu.Game.Localisation; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Overlays.Settings; using osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Audio; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Scoring; using osu.Game.Screens.Ranking.Statistics; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Screens.Play.PlayerSettings { public partial class BeatmapOffsetControl : CompositeDrawable, IKeyBindingHandler { public Bindable ReferenceScore { get; } = new Bindable(); private Bindable lastAppliedScore { get; } = new Bindable(); public BindableDouble Current { get; } = new BindableDouble { MinValue = -50, MaxValue = 50, Precision = 0.1, }; private readonly FillFlowContainer referenceScoreContainer; [Resolved] private RealmAccess realm { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private IBindable beatmap { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private OsuColour colours { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private Player? player { get; set; } [Resolved] private IGameplayClock? gameplayClock { get; set; } private double lastPlayAverage; private double lastPlayBeatmapOffset; private HitEventTimingDistributionGraph? lastPlayGraph; private SettingsButton? useAverageButton; private IDisposable? beatmapOffsetSubscription; private Task? realmWriteTask; public BeatmapOffsetControl() { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X; AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y; InternalChild = new FillFlowContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, Spacing = new Vector2(10), Children = new Drawable[] { new OffsetSliderBar { KeyboardStep = 5, LabelText = BeatmapOffsetControlStrings.AudioOffsetThisBeatmap, Current = Current, }, referenceScoreContainer = new FillFlowContainer { Spacing = new Vector2(10), Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, }, } }; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(SessionStatics statics) { statics.BindWith(Static.LastAppliedOffsetScore, lastAppliedScore); } protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); beatmapOffsetSubscription = realm.SubscribeToPropertyChanged( r => r.Find(beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo.ID)?.UserSettings, settings => settings.Offset, val => { // At the point we reach here, it's not guaranteed that all realm writes have taken place (there may be some in-flight). // We are only aware of writes that originated from our own flow, so if we do see one that's active we can avoid handling the feedback value arriving. if (realmWriteTask == null) { Current.Disabled = false; Current.Value = val; Current.Disabled = allowOffsetAdjust; } if (realmWriteTask?.IsCompleted == true) { // we can also mark any in-flight write that is managed locally as "seen" and start handling any incoming changes again. realmWriteTask = null; } }); Current.BindValueChanged(currentChanged); ReferenceScore.BindValueChanged(scoreChanged, true); } // the last play graph is relative to the offset at the point of the last play, so we need to factor that out for some usages. private double adjustmentSinceLastPlay => lastPlayBeatmapOffset - Current.Value; private void currentChanged(ValueChangedEvent offset) { Scheduler.AddOnce(updateOffset); void updateOffset() { // Negative is applied here because the play graph is considering a hit offset, not track (as we currently use for clocks). lastPlayGraph?.UpdateOffset(-adjustmentSinceLastPlay); // ensure the previous write has completed. ignoring performance concerns, if we don't do this, the async writes could be out of sequence. if (realmWriteTask?.IsCompleted == false) { Scheduler.AddOnce(updateOffset); return; } realmWriteTask = realm.WriteAsync(r => { var setInfo = r.Find(beatmap.Value.BeatmapSetInfo.ID); if (setInfo == null) // only the case for tests. return; // Apply to all difficulties in a beatmap set if they have the same audio // (they generally always share timing). foreach (var b in setInfo.Beatmaps) { BeatmapUserSettings userSettings = b.UserSettings; double val = Current.Value; if (userSettings.Offset != val && b.AudioEquals(beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo)) userSettings.Offset = val; } }); } } private void scoreChanged(ValueChangedEvent score) { referenceScoreContainer.Clear(); if (score.NewValue == null) return; if (score.NewValue.Equals(lastAppliedScore.Value)) return; if (!score.NewValue.BeatmapInfo.AsNonNull().Equals(beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo)) return; if (score.NewValue.Mods.Any(m => !m.UserPlayable || m is IHasNoTimedInputs)) return; var hitEvents = score.NewValue.HitEvents; if (!(hitEvents.CalculateAverageHitError() is double average)) return; referenceScoreContainer.Children = new Drawable[] { new OsuSpriteText { Text = BeatmapOffsetControlStrings.PreviousPlay }, }; // affecting unstable rate here is used as a substitute of determining if a hit event represents a *timed* hit event, // i.e. an user input that the user had to *time to the track*, // i.e. one that it *makes sense to use* when doing anything with timing and offsets. if (hitEvents.Count(HitEventExtensions.AffectsUnstableRate) < 10) { referenceScoreContainer.AddRange(new Drawable[] { new OsuTextFlowContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Colour = colours.Red1, Text = BeatmapOffsetControlStrings.PreviousPlayTooShortToUseForCalibration }, }); return; } lastPlayAverage = average; lastPlayBeatmapOffset = Current.Value; LinkFlowContainer globalOffsetText; referenceScoreContainer.AddRange(new Drawable[] { lastPlayGraph = new HitEventTimingDistributionGraph(hitEvents) { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 50, }, new AverageHitError(hitEvents), useAverageButton = new SettingsButton { Text = BeatmapOffsetControlStrings.CalibrateUsingLastPlay, Action = () => { if (Current.Disabled) return; Current.Value = lastPlayBeatmapOffset - lastPlayAverage; lastAppliedScore.Value = ReferenceScore.Value; }, }, globalOffsetText = new LinkFlowContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, } }); if (settings != null) { globalOffsetText.AddText("You can also "); globalOffsetText.AddLink("adjust the global offset", () => settings.ShowAtControl()); globalOffsetText.AddText(" based off this play."); } } [Resolved] private SettingsOverlay? settings { get; set; } protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { base.Dispose(isDisposing); beatmapOffsetSubscription?.Dispose(); } protected override void Update() { base.Update(); bool allow = allowOffsetAdjust; if (useAverageButton != null) useAverageButton.Enabled.Value = allow && !Precision.AlmostEquals(lastPlayAverage, adjustmentSinceLastPlay, Current.Precision / 2); Current.Disabled = !allow; } private bool allowOffsetAdjust { get { // General limitations to ensure players don't do anything too weird. // These match stable for now. if (player is SubmittingPlayer) { Debug.Assert(gameplayClock != null); // TODO: the blocking conditions should probably display a message. if (!player.IsBreakTime.Value && gameplayClock.CurrentTime - gameplayClock.GameplayStartTime > 10000) return false; if (gameplayClock.IsPaused.Value) return false; } return true; } } public bool OnPressed(KeyBindingPressEvent e) { // To match stable, this should adjust by 5 ms, or 1 ms when holding alt. // But that is hard to make work with global actions due to the operating mode. // Let's use the more precise as a default for now. const double amount = 1; switch (e.Action) { case GlobalAction.IncreaseOffset: if (!Current.Disabled) Current.Value += amount; return true; case GlobalAction.DecreaseOffset: if (!Current.Disabled) Current.Value -= amount; return true; } return false; } public void OnReleased(KeyBindingReleaseEvent e) { } public static LocalisableString GetOffsetExplanatoryText(double offset) { return offset == 0 ? LocalisableString.Interpolate($@"{offset:0.0} ms") : LocalisableString.Interpolate($@"{offset:0.0} ms {getEarlyLateText(offset)}"); LocalisableString getEarlyLateText(double value) { Debug.Assert(value != 0); return value > 0 ? BeatmapOffsetControlStrings.HitObjectsAppearEarlier : BeatmapOffsetControlStrings.HitObjectsAppearLater; } } private partial class OffsetSliderBar : PlayerSliderBar { protected override Drawable CreateControl() => new CustomSliderBar(); protected partial class CustomSliderBar : SliderBar { public override LocalisableString TooltipText => GetOffsetExplanatoryText(Current.Value); } } } }