# This is a workaround to allow PRs to report their coverage. This will run inside the base repository. # See: # * https://github.com/dorny/test-reporter#recommended-setup-for-public-repositories # * https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/authentication-in-a-workflow#permissions-for-the-github_token name: Annotate CI run with test results on: workflow_run: workflows: ["Continuous Integration"] types: - completed permissions: {} jobs: annotate: permissions: checks: write # to create checks (dorny/test-reporter) name: Annotate CI run with test results runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.conclusion != 'cancelled' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: - { prettyname: Windows } - { prettyname: macOS } - { prettyname: Linux } threadingMode: ['SingleThread', 'MultiThreaded'] timeout-minutes: 5 steps: - name: Annotate CI run with test results uses: dorny/test-reporter@v1.6.0 with: artifact: osu-test-results-${{matrix.os.prettyname}}-${{matrix.threadingMode}} name: Test Results (${{matrix.os.prettyname}}, ${{matrix.threadingMode}}) path: "*.trx" reporter: dotnet-trx list-suites: 'failed' list-tests: 'failed'