// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using osu.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Configuration; using osu.Framework.Extensions.IEnumerableExtensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes; using osu.Framework.Localisation; using osu.Framework.Platform; using osu.Framework.Platform.Windows; using osu.Game.Configuration; using osu.Game.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Game.Localisation; using osuTK; using osuTK.Graphics; namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Graphics { public partial class LayoutSettings : SettingsSubsection { protected override LocalisableString Header => GraphicsSettingsStrings.LayoutHeader; private FillFlowContainer> scalingSettings = null!; private SettingsSlider dimSlider = null!; private readonly Bindable currentDisplay = new Bindable(); private Bindable scalingMode = null!; private Bindable sizeFullscreen = null!; private readonly BindableList resolutions = new BindableList(new[] { new Size(9999, 9999) }); private readonly IBindable fullscreenCapability = new Bindable(FullscreenCapability.Capable); [Resolved] private OsuGameBase game { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private GameHost host { get; set; } = null!; private IWindow? window; private SettingsDropdown resolutionDropdown = null!; private SettingsDropdown displayDropdown = null!; private SettingsDropdown windowModeDropdown = null!; private SettingsCheckbox minimiseOnFocusLossCheckbox = null!; private SettingsCheckbox safeAreaConsiderationsCheckbox = null!; private Bindable scalingPositionX = null!; private Bindable scalingPositionY = null!; private Bindable scalingSizeX = null!; private Bindable scalingSizeY = null!; private Bindable scalingBackgroundDim = null!; private const int transition_duration = 400; [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(FrameworkConfigManager config, OsuConfigManager osuConfig, GameHost host) { window = host.Window; scalingMode = osuConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.Scaling); sizeFullscreen = config.GetBindable(FrameworkSetting.SizeFullscreen); scalingSizeX = osuConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.ScalingSizeX); scalingSizeY = osuConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.ScalingSizeY); scalingPositionX = osuConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.ScalingPositionX); scalingPositionY = osuConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.ScalingPositionY); scalingBackgroundDim = osuConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.ScalingBackgroundDim); if (window != null) { currentDisplay.BindTo(window.CurrentDisplayBindable); window.DisplaysChanged += onDisplaysChanged; } if (host.Renderer is IWindowsRenderer windowsRenderer) fullscreenCapability.BindTo(windowsRenderer.FullscreenCapability); Children = new Drawable[] { windowModeDropdown = new SettingsDropdown { LabelText = GraphicsSettingsStrings.ScreenMode, Items = window?.SupportedWindowModes, CanBeShown = { Value = window?.SupportedWindowModes.Count() > 1 }, Current = config.GetBindable(FrameworkSetting.WindowMode), }, displayDropdown = new DisplaySettingsDropdown { LabelText = GraphicsSettingsStrings.Display, Items = window?.Displays, Current = currentDisplay, }, resolutionDropdown = new ResolutionSettingsDropdown { LabelText = GraphicsSettingsStrings.Resolution, ShowsDefaultIndicator = false, ItemSource = resolutions, Current = sizeFullscreen }, minimiseOnFocusLossCheckbox = new SettingsCheckbox { LabelText = GraphicsSettingsStrings.MinimiseOnFocusLoss, Current = config.GetBindable(FrameworkSetting.MinimiseOnFocusLossInFullscreen), Keywords = new[] { "alt-tab", "minimize", "focus", "hide" }, }, safeAreaConsiderationsCheckbox = new SettingsCheckbox { LabelText = GraphicsSettingsStrings.ShrinkGameToSafeArea, Current = osuConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.SafeAreaConsiderations), }, new SettingsSlider { LabelText = GraphicsSettingsStrings.UIScaling, TransferValueOnCommit = true, Current = osuConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.UIScale), KeyboardStep = 0.01f, Keywords = new[] { "scale", "letterbox" }, }, new SettingsEnumDropdown { LabelText = GraphicsSettingsStrings.ScreenScaling, Current = osuConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.Scaling), Keywords = new[] { "scale", "letterbox" }, }, scalingSettings = new FillFlowContainer> { Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Masking = true, Children = new[] { new SettingsSlider { LabelText = GraphicsSettingsStrings.HorizontalPosition, Keywords = new[] { "screen", "scaling" }, Current = scalingPositionX, KeyboardStep = 0.01f, DisplayAsPercentage = true }, new SettingsSlider { LabelText = GraphicsSettingsStrings.VerticalPosition, Keywords = new[] { "screen", "scaling" }, Current = scalingPositionY, KeyboardStep = 0.01f, DisplayAsPercentage = true }, new SettingsSlider { LabelText = GraphicsSettingsStrings.HorizontalScale, Keywords = new[] { "screen", "scaling" }, Current = scalingSizeX, KeyboardStep = 0.01f, DisplayAsPercentage = true }, new SettingsSlider { LabelText = GraphicsSettingsStrings.VerticalScale, Keywords = new[] { "screen", "scaling" }, Current = scalingSizeY, KeyboardStep = 0.01f, DisplayAsPercentage = true }, dimSlider = new SettingsSlider { LabelText = GameplaySettingsStrings.BackgroundDim, Current = scalingBackgroundDim, KeyboardStep = 0.01f, DisplayAsPercentage = true, }, } }, }; fullscreenCapability.BindValueChanged(_ => Schedule(updateScreenModeWarning), true); } protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); scalingSettings.ForEach(s => bindPreviewEvent(s.Current)); windowModeDropdown.Current.BindValueChanged(_ => { updateDisplaySettingsVisibility(); updateScreenModeWarning(); }, true); currentDisplay.BindValueChanged(display => Schedule(() => { if (display.NewValue == null) { resolutions.Clear(); return; } resolutions.ReplaceRange(1, resolutions.Count - 1, display.NewValue.DisplayModes .Where(m => m.Size.Width >= 800 && m.Size.Height >= 600) .OrderByDescending(m => Math.Max(m.Size.Height, m.Size.Width)) .Select(m => m.Size) .Distinct()); updateDisplaySettingsVisibility(); }), true); scalingMode.BindValueChanged(_ => { scalingSettings.ClearTransforms(); scalingSettings.AutoSizeDuration = transition_duration; scalingSettings.AutoSizeEasing = Easing.OutQuint; updateScalingModeVisibility(); }); // initial update bypasses transforms updateScalingModeVisibility(); void updateScalingModeVisibility() { if (scalingMode.Value == ScalingMode.Off) scalingSettings.ResizeHeightTo(0, transition_duration, Easing.OutQuint); scalingSettings.AutoSizeAxes = scalingMode.Value != ScalingMode.Off ? Axes.Y : Axes.None; scalingSettings.ForEach(s => { if (s == dimSlider) { s.CanBeShown.Value = scalingMode.Value == ScalingMode.Everything || scalingMode.Value == ScalingMode.ExcludeOverlays; } else { s.TransferValueOnCommit = scalingMode.Value == ScalingMode.Everything; s.CanBeShown.Value = scalingMode.Value != ScalingMode.Off; } }); } } private void onDisplaysChanged(IEnumerable displays) { Scheduler.AddOnce(d => { if (!displayDropdown.Items.SequenceEqual(d, DisplayListComparer.DEFAULT)) displayDropdown.Items = d; updateDisplaySettingsVisibility(); }, displays); } private void updateDisplaySettingsVisibility() { resolutionDropdown.CanBeShown.Value = resolutions.Count > 1 && windowModeDropdown.Current.Value == WindowMode.Fullscreen; displayDropdown.CanBeShown.Value = displayDropdown.Items.Count() > 1; minimiseOnFocusLossCheckbox.CanBeShown.Value = RuntimeInfo.IsDesktop && windowModeDropdown.Current.Value == WindowMode.Fullscreen; safeAreaConsiderationsCheckbox.CanBeShown.Value = host.Window?.SafeAreaPadding.Value.Total != Vector2.Zero; } private void updateScreenModeWarning() { // Can be removed once we stop supporting SDL2. if (!FrameworkEnvironment.UseSDL3) { if (windowModeDropdown.Current.Value == WindowMode.Fullscreen) windowModeDropdown.SetNoticeText(LayoutSettingsStrings.FullscreenMacOSNote, true); else windowModeDropdown.ClearNoticeText(); return; } if (windowModeDropdown.Current.Value != WindowMode.Fullscreen) { windowModeDropdown.SetNoticeText(GraphicsSettingsStrings.NotFullscreenNote, true); return; } if (host.Renderer is IWindowsRenderer) { switch (fullscreenCapability.Value) { case FullscreenCapability.Unknown: windowModeDropdown.SetNoticeText(LayoutSettingsStrings.CheckingForFullscreenCapabilities, true); break; case FullscreenCapability.Capable: windowModeDropdown.SetNoticeText(LayoutSettingsStrings.OsuIsRunningExclusiveFullscreen); break; case FullscreenCapability.Incapable: windowModeDropdown.SetNoticeText(LayoutSettingsStrings.UnableToRunExclusiveFullscreen, true); break; } } else { // We can only detect exclusive fullscreen status on windows currently. windowModeDropdown.ClearNoticeText(); } } private void bindPreviewEvent(Bindable bindable) { bindable.ValueChanged += _ => { switch (scalingMode.Value) { case ScalingMode.Gameplay: showPreview(); break; } }; } private Drawable? preview; private void showPreview() { if (preview?.IsAlive != true) game.Add(preview = new ScalingPreview()); preview.FadeOutFromOne(1500); preview.Expire(); } protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { if (window != null) window.DisplaysChanged -= onDisplaysChanged; base.Dispose(isDisposing); } private partial class ScalingPreview : ScalingContainer { public ScalingPreview() { Child = new Box { Colour = Color4.White, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Alpha = 0.5f, }; } } private partial class UIScaleSlider : RoundedSliderBar { public override LocalisableString TooltipText => base.TooltipText + "x"; } private partial class DisplaySettingsDropdown : SettingsDropdown { protected override OsuDropdown CreateDropdown() => new DisplaySettingsDropdownControl(); private partial class DisplaySettingsDropdownControl : DropdownControl { protected override LocalisableString GenerateItemText(Display item) { return $"{item.Index}: {item.Name} ({item.Bounds.Width}x{item.Bounds.Height})"; } } } private partial class ResolutionSettingsDropdown : SettingsDropdown { protected override OsuDropdown CreateDropdown() => new ResolutionDropdownControl(); private partial class ResolutionDropdownControl : DropdownControl { protected override LocalisableString GenerateItemText(Size item) { if (item == new Size(9999, 9999)) return CommonStrings.Default; return $"{item.Width}x{item.Height}"; } } } /// /// Contrary to , this comparer disregards the value of . /// We want to just show a list of displays, and for the purposes of settings we don't care about their bounds when it comes to the list. /// However, fires even if only the resolution of the current display was changed /// (because it causes the bounds of all displays to also change). /// We're not interested in those changes, so compare only the rest that we actually care about. /// This helps to avoid a bindable/event feedback loop, in which a resolution change /// would trigger a display "change", which would in turn reset resolution again. /// private class DisplayListComparer : IEqualityComparer { public static readonly DisplayListComparer DEFAULT = new DisplayListComparer(); public bool Equals(Display? x, Display? y) { if (ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true; if (ReferenceEquals(x, null)) return false; if (ReferenceEquals(y, null)) return false; return x.Index == y.Index && x.Name == y.Name && x.DisplayModes.SequenceEqual(y.DisplayModes); } public int GetHashCode(Display obj) { var hashCode = new HashCode(); hashCode.Add(obj.Index); hashCode.Add(obj.Name); hashCode.Add(obj.DisplayModes.Length); foreach (var displayMode in obj.DisplayModes) hashCode.Add(displayMode); return hashCode.ToHashCode(); } } } }