// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Framework.Timing; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit.Blueprints; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit.Blueprints.Components; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types; using osuTK; using osuTK.Input; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Tests.Editor { public class TestSceneJuiceStreamSelectionBlueprint : CatchSelectionBlueprintTestScene { private JuiceStream hitObject; private readonly ManualClock manualClock = new ManualClock(); [SetUp] public void SetUp() => Schedule(() => { EditorBeatmap.Clear(); Content.Clear(); manualClock.CurrentTime = 0; Content.Clock = new FramedClock(manualClock); InputManager.ReleaseButton(MouseButton.Left); InputManager.ReleaseKey(Key.ShiftLeft); InputManager.ReleaseKey(Key.ControlLeft); }); [Test] public void TestBasicComponentLayout() { double[] times = { 100, 300, 500 }; float[] positions = { 100, 200, 100 }; addBlueprintStep(times, positions); for (int i = 0; i < times.Length; i++) addVertexCheckStep(times.Length, i, times[i], positions[i]); AddAssert("correct outline count", () => { var expected = hitObject.NestedHitObjects.Count(h => !(h is TinyDroplet)); return this.ChildrenOfType<FruitOutline>().Count() == expected; }); AddAssert("correct vertex piece count", () => this.ChildrenOfType<VertexPiece>().Count() == times.Length); AddAssert("first vertex is semitransparent", () => Precision.DefinitelyBigger(1, this.ChildrenOfType<VertexPiece>().First().Alpha)); } [Test] public void TestVertexDrag() { double[] times = { 100, 400, 700 }; float[] positions = { 100, 100, 100 }; addBlueprintStep(times, positions); addDragStartStep(times[1], positions[1]); AddMouseMoveStep(500, 150); addVertexCheckStep(3, 1, 500, 150); addDragEndStep(); addDragStartStep(times[2], positions[2]); AddMouseMoveStep(300, 50); addVertexCheckStep(3, 1, 300, 50); addVertexCheckStep(3, 2, 500, 150); AddMouseMoveStep(-100, 100); addVertexCheckStep(3, 1, times[0], positions[0]); } [Test] public void TestMultipleDrag() { double[] times = { 100, 300, 500, 700 }; float[] positions = { 100, 100, 100, 100 }; addBlueprintStep(times, positions); AddMouseMoveStep(times[1], positions[1]); AddStep("press left", () => InputManager.PressButton(MouseButton.Left)); AddStep("release left", () => InputManager.ReleaseButton(MouseButton.Left)); AddStep("hold control", () => InputManager.PressKey(Key.ControlLeft)); addDragStartStep(times[2], positions[2]); AddMouseMoveStep(times[2] - 50, positions[2] - 50); addVertexCheckStep(4, 1, times[1] - 50, positions[1] - 50); addVertexCheckStep(4, 2, times[2] - 50, positions[2] - 50); } [Test] public void TestClampedPositionIsRestored() { const double velocity = 0.25; double[] times = { 100, 500, 700 }; float[] positions = { 100, 100, 100 }; addBlueprintStep(times, positions, velocity); addDragStartStep(times[1], positions[1]); AddMouseMoveStep(times[1], 200); addVertexCheckStep(3, 1, times[1], 200); addVertexCheckStep(3, 2, times[2], 150); AddMouseMoveStep(times[1], 100); addVertexCheckStep(3, 1, times[1], 100); // Stored position is restored. addVertexCheckStep(3, 2, times[2], positions[2]); AddMouseMoveStep(times[1], 300); addDragEndStep(); addDragStartStep(times[1], 300); AddMouseMoveStep(times[1], 100); // Position is different because a changed position is committed when the previous drag is ended. addVertexCheckStep(3, 2, times[2], 250); } [Test] public void TestScrollWhileDrag() { double[] times = { 300, 500 }; float[] positions = { 100, 100 }; addBlueprintStep(times, positions); addDragStartStep(times[1], positions[1]); // This mouse move is necessary to start drag and capture the input. AddMouseMoveStep(times[1], positions[1] + 50); AddStep("scroll playfield", () => manualClock.CurrentTime += 200); AddMouseMoveStep(times[1] + 200, positions[1] + 100); addVertexCheckStep(2, 1, times[1] + 200, positions[1] + 100); } [Test] public void TestUpdateFromHitObject() { double[] times = { 100, 300 }; float[] positions = { 200, 200 }; addBlueprintStep(times, positions); AddStep("update hit object path", () => { hitObject.Path = new SliderPath(PathType.PerfectCurve, new[] { Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(100, 100), new Vector2(0, 200), }); EditorBeatmap.Update(hitObject); }); AddAssert("path is updated", () => getVertices().Count > 2); } [Test] public void TestAddVertex() { double[] times = { 100, 700 }; float[] positions = { 200, 200 }; addBlueprintStep(times, positions, 0.2); addAddVertexSteps(500, 150); addVertexCheckStep(3, 1, 500, 150); addAddVertexSteps(90, 220); addVertexCheckStep(4, 1, times[0], positions[0]); addAddVertexSteps(750, 180); addVertexCheckStep(5, 4, 750, 180); AddAssert("duration is changed", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(hitObject.Duration, 800 - times[0], 1e-3)); } [Test] public void TestDeleteVertex() { double[] times = { 100, 300, 500 }; float[] positions = { 100, 200, 150 }; addBlueprintStep(times, positions); addDeleteVertexSteps(times[1], positions[1]); addVertexCheckStep(2, 1, times[2], positions[2]); // The first vertex cannot be deleted. addDeleteVertexSteps(times[0], positions[0]); addVertexCheckStep(2, 0, times[0], positions[0]); addDeleteVertexSteps(times[2], positions[2]); addVertexCheckStep(1, 0, times[0], positions[0]); } [Test] public void TestVertexResampling() { addBlueprintStep(100, 100, new SliderPath(PathType.PerfectCurve, new[] { Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(100, 100), new Vector2(50, 200), }), 0.5); AddAssert("1 vertex per 1 nested HO", () => getVertices().Count == hitObject.NestedHitObjects.Count); AddAssert("slider path not yet changed", () => hitObject.Path.ControlPoints[0].Type == PathType.PerfectCurve); addAddVertexSteps(150, 150); AddAssert("slider path change to linear", () => hitObject.Path.ControlPoints[0].Type == PathType.Linear); } private void addBlueprintStep(double time, float x, SliderPath sliderPath, double velocity) => AddStep("add selection blueprint", () => { hitObject = new JuiceStream { StartTime = time, X = x, Path = sliderPath, }; EditorBeatmap.Difficulty.SliderMultiplier = velocity; EditorBeatmap.Add(hitObject); EditorBeatmap.Update(hitObject); Assert.That(hitObject.Velocity, Is.EqualTo(velocity)); AddBlueprint(new JuiceStreamSelectionBlueprint(hitObject)); }); private void addBlueprintStep(double[] times, float[] positions, double velocity = 0.5) { var path = new JuiceStreamPath(); for (int i = 1; i < times.Length; i++) path.Add((times[i] - times[0]) * velocity, positions[i] - positions[0]); var sliderPath = new SliderPath(); path.ConvertToSliderPath(sliderPath, 0); addBlueprintStep(times[0], positions[0], sliderPath, velocity); } private IReadOnlyList<JuiceStreamPathVertex> getVertices() => this.ChildrenOfType<EditablePath>().Single().Vertices; private void addVertexCheckStep(int count, int index, double time, float x) => AddAssert($"vertex {index} of {count} at {time}, {x}", () => { double expectedDistance = (time - hitObject.StartTime) * hitObject.Velocity; float expectedX = x - hitObject.OriginalX; var vertices = getVertices(); return vertices.Count == count && Precision.AlmostEquals(vertices[index].Distance, expectedDistance, 1e-3) && Precision.AlmostEquals(vertices[index].X, expectedX); }); private void addDragStartStep(double time, float x) { AddMouseMoveStep(time, x); AddStep("start dragging", () => InputManager.PressButton(MouseButton.Left)); } private void addDragEndStep() => AddStep("end dragging", () => InputManager.ReleaseButton(MouseButton.Left)); private void addAddVertexSteps(double time, float x) { AddMouseMoveStep(time, x); AddStep("add vertex", () => { InputManager.PressKey(Key.ControlLeft); InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Left); InputManager.ReleaseKey(Key.ControlLeft); }); } private void addDeleteVertexSteps(double time, float x) { AddMouseMoveStep(time, x); AddStep("delete vertex", () => { InputManager.PressKey(Key.ShiftLeft); InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Left); InputManager.ReleaseKey(Key.ShiftLeft); }); } } }