// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Newtonsoft.Json; using osu.Game.Extensions; using osu.Game.Users; namespace osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses { [JsonObject(MemberSerialization.OptIn)] public class APIUser : IEquatable, IUser { /// /// A user ID which can be used to represent any system user which is not attached to a user profile. /// public const int SYSTEM_USER_ID = 0; [JsonProperty(@"id")] public int Id { get; set; } = 1; [JsonProperty(@"join_date")] public DateTimeOffset JoinDate; [JsonProperty(@"username")] public string Username { get; set; } = string.Empty; [JsonProperty(@"previous_usernames")] public string[] PreviousUsernames; [JsonProperty(@"rank_highest")] [CanBeNull] public UserRankHighest RankHighest; public class UserRankHighest { [JsonProperty(@"rank")] public int Rank; [JsonProperty(@"updated_at")] public DateTimeOffset UpdatedAt; } [JsonProperty(@"country_code")] private string countryCodeString; public CountryCode CountryCode { get => Enum.TryParse(countryCodeString, out CountryCode result) ? result : CountryCode.Unknown; set => countryCodeString = value.ToString(); } [JsonProperty(@"profile_colour")] public string Colour; [JsonProperty(@"avatar_url")] public string AvatarUrl; [JsonProperty(@"cover_url")] public string CoverUrl { get => Cover?.Url; set => Cover = new UserCover { Url = value }; } [JsonProperty(@"cover")] public UserCover Cover; public class UserCover { [JsonProperty(@"custom_url")] public string CustomUrl; [JsonProperty(@"url")] public string Url; [JsonProperty(@"id")] public int? Id; } [JsonProperty(@"is_admin")] public bool IsAdmin; [JsonProperty(@"is_supporter")] public bool IsSupporter; [JsonProperty(@"support_level")] public int SupportLevel; [JsonProperty(@"is_gmt")] public bool IsGMT; [JsonProperty(@"is_qat")] public bool IsQAT; [JsonProperty(@"is_bng")] public bool IsBNG; [JsonProperty(@"is_bot")] public bool IsBot { get; set; } [JsonProperty(@"is_active")] public bool Active; [JsonProperty(@"is_online")] public bool IsOnline; [JsonProperty(@"pm_friends_only")] public bool PMFriendsOnly; [JsonProperty(@"interests")] public string Interests; [JsonProperty(@"occupation")] public string Occupation; [JsonProperty(@"title")] public string Title; [JsonProperty(@"location")] public string Location; [JsonProperty(@"last_visit")] public DateTimeOffset? LastVisit; [JsonProperty(@"twitter")] public string Twitter; [JsonProperty(@"discord")] public string Discord; [JsonProperty(@"website")] public string Website; [JsonProperty(@"post_count")] public int PostCount; [JsonProperty(@"comments_count")] public int CommentsCount; [JsonProperty(@"follower_count")] public int FollowerCount; [JsonProperty(@"mapping_follower_count")] public int MappingFollowerCount; [JsonProperty(@"favourite_beatmapset_count")] public int FavouriteBeatmapsetCount; [JsonProperty(@"graveyard_beatmapset_count")] public int GraveyardBeatmapsetCount; [JsonProperty(@"loved_beatmapset_count")] public int LovedBeatmapsetCount; [JsonProperty(@"ranked_beatmapset_count")] public int RankedBeatmapsetCount; [JsonProperty(@"pending_beatmapset_count")] public int PendingBeatmapsetCount; [JsonProperty(@"guest_beatmapset_count")] public int GuestBeatmapsetCount; [JsonProperty(@"nominated_beatmapset_count")] public int NominatedBeatmapsetCount; [JsonProperty(@"scores_best_count")] public int ScoresBestCount; [JsonProperty(@"scores_first_count")] public int ScoresFirstCount; [JsonProperty(@"scores_recent_count")] public int ScoresRecentCount; [JsonProperty(@"scores_pinned_count")] public int ScoresPinnedCount; [JsonProperty(@"beatmap_playcounts_count")] public int BeatmapPlayCountsCount; [JsonProperty(@"playstyle")] private string[] playStyle { set => PlayStyles = value?.Select(str => Enum.Parse(str, true)).ToArray(); } public APIPlayStyle[] PlayStyles; [JsonProperty(@"playmode")] public string PlayMode; [JsonProperty(@"profile_hue")] public int? ProfileHue; [JsonProperty(@"profile_order")] public string[] ProfileOrder; [JsonProperty(@"kudosu")] public KudosuCount Kudosu; public class KudosuCount { [JsonProperty(@"total")] public int Total; [JsonProperty(@"available")] public int Available; } private UserStatistics statistics; /// /// User statistics for the requested ruleset (in the case of a or response). /// /// /// This returns null when accessed from . Use instead. /// [JsonProperty(@"statistics")] public UserStatistics Statistics { get => statistics ??= new UserStatistics(); set { if (statistics != null) // we may already have rank history populated value.RankHistory = statistics.RankHistory; statistics = value; } } [JsonProperty(@"rank_history")] private APIRankHistory rankHistory { set => Statistics.RankHistory = value; } [JsonProperty(@"active_tournament_banners")] public TournamentBanner[] TournamentBanners; [JsonProperty("badges")] public Badge[] Badges; [JsonProperty("user_achievements")] public APIUserAchievement[] Achievements; [JsonProperty("monthly_playcounts")] public APIUserHistoryCount[] MonthlyPlayCounts; [JsonProperty("replays_watched_counts")] public APIUserHistoryCount[] ReplaysWatchedCounts; /// /// All user statistics per ruleset's short name (in the case of a or response). /// Otherwise empty. Can be altered for testing purposes. /// // todo: this should likely be moved to a separate UserCompact class at some point. [JsonProperty("statistics_rulesets")] [CanBeNull] public Dictionary RulesetsStatistics { get; set; } [JsonProperty("groups")] public APIUserGroup[] Groups; [JsonProperty("daily_challenge_user_stats")] public APIUserDailyChallengeStatistics DailyChallengeStatistics = new APIUserDailyChallengeStatistics(); public override string ToString() => Username; /// /// A user instance for displaying locally created system messages. /// public static readonly APIUser SYSTEM_USER = new APIUser { Id = SYSTEM_USER_ID, Username = "system", Colour = @"9c0101", }; public int OnlineID => Id; public bool Equals(APIUser other) => this.MatchesOnlineID(other); #pragma warning disable 649 private class Country { [JsonProperty(@"code")] public string Code; } #pragma warning restore 649 } }