// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Online.API; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests; using osu.Game.Online.Leaderboards; using osu.Game.Rulesets; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; using osu.Game.Scoring; namespace osu.Game.Screens.Select.Leaderboards { public class BeatmapLeaderboard : Leaderboard { public Action ScoreSelected; [Resolved] private RulesetStore rulesets { get; set; } private BeatmapInfo beatmap; public BeatmapInfo Beatmap { get => beatmap; set { if (beatmap == value) return; beatmap = value; Scores = null; UpdateScores(); } } private bool filterMods; private IBindable> itemRemoved; private IBindable> itemAdded; /// /// Whether to apply the game's currently selected mods as a filter when retrieving scores. /// public bool FilterMods { get => filterMods; set { if (value == filterMods) return; filterMods = value; UpdateScores(); } } [Resolved] private ScoreManager scoreManager { get; set; } [Resolved] private BeatmapDifficultyCache difficultyCache { get; set; } [Resolved] private IBindable ruleset { get; set; } [Resolved] private IBindable> mods { get; set; } [Resolved] private IAPIProvider api { get; set; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { ruleset.ValueChanged += _ => UpdateScores(); mods.ValueChanged += _ => { if (filterMods) UpdateScores(); }; itemRemoved = scoreManager.ItemRemoved.GetBoundCopy(); itemRemoved.BindValueChanged(onScoreRemoved); itemAdded = scoreManager.ItemUpdated.GetBoundCopy(); itemAdded.BindValueChanged(onScoreAdded); } protected override void Reset() { base.Reset(); TopScore = null; } private void onScoreRemoved(ValueChangedEvent> score) => scoreStoreChanged(score); private void onScoreAdded(ValueChangedEvent> score) => scoreStoreChanged(score); private void scoreStoreChanged(ValueChangedEvent> score) { if (Scope != BeatmapLeaderboardScope.Local) return; if (score.NewValue.TryGetTarget(out var scoreInfo)) { if (Beatmap?.ID != scoreInfo.BeatmapInfoID) return; } RefreshScores(); } protected override bool IsOnlineScope => Scope != BeatmapLeaderboardScope.Local; private CancellationTokenSource loadCancellationSource; protected override APIRequest FetchScores(Action> scoresCallback) { loadCancellationSource?.Cancel(); loadCancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); if (Beatmap == null) { PlaceholderState = PlaceholderState.NoneSelected; return null; } if (Scope == BeatmapLeaderboardScope.Local) { var scores = scoreManager .QueryScores(s => !s.DeletePending && s.Beatmap.ID == Beatmap.ID && s.Ruleset.ID == ruleset.Value.ID); if (filterMods && !mods.Value.Any()) { // we need to filter out all scores that have any mods to get all local nomod scores scores = scores.Where(s => !s.Mods.Any()); } else if (filterMods) { // otherwise find all the scores that have *any* of the currently selected mods (similar to how web applies mod filters) // we're creating and using a string list representation of selected mods so that it can be translated into the DB query itself var selectedMods = mods.Value.Select(m => m.Acronym); scores = scores.Where(s => s.Mods.Any(m => selectedMods.Contains(m.Acronym))); } scoreManager.OrderByTotalScoreAsync(scores.ToArray(), loadCancellationSource.Token) .ContinueWith(ordered => scoresCallback?.Invoke(ordered.Result), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion); return null; } if (api?.IsLoggedIn != true) { PlaceholderState = PlaceholderState.NotLoggedIn; return null; } if (Beatmap.OnlineBeatmapID == null || Beatmap?.Status <= BeatmapSetOnlineStatus.Pending) { PlaceholderState = PlaceholderState.Unavailable; return null; } if (!api.LocalUser.Value.IsSupporter && (Scope != BeatmapLeaderboardScope.Global || filterMods)) { PlaceholderState = PlaceholderState.NotSupporter; return null; } IReadOnlyList requestMods = null; if (filterMods && !mods.Value.Any()) // add nomod for the request requestMods = new Mod[] { new ModNoMod() }; else if (filterMods) requestMods = mods.Value; var req = new GetScoresRequest(Beatmap, ruleset.Value ?? Beatmap.Ruleset, Scope, requestMods); req.Success += r => { scoreManager.OrderByTotalScoreAsync(r.Scores.Select(s => s.CreateScoreInfo(rulesets)).ToArray(), loadCancellationSource.Token) .ContinueWith(ordered => Schedule(() => { if (loadCancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) return; scoresCallback?.Invoke(ordered.Result); TopScore = r.UserScore?.CreateScoreInfo(rulesets); }), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion); }; return req; } protected override LeaderboardScore CreateDrawableScore(ScoreInfo model, int index) => new LeaderboardScore(model, index, IsOnlineScope) { Action = () => ScoreSelected?.Invoke(model) }; protected override LeaderboardScore CreateDrawableTopScore(ScoreInfo model) => new LeaderboardScore(model, model.Position, false) { Action = () => ScoreSelected?.Invoke(model) }; } }