// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Game.Online; using osu.Game.Online.Multiplayer; using osu.Game.Online.Rooms; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Mods; using osu.Game.Screens.OnlinePlay.Multiplayer.Participants; using osu.Game.Users; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Multiplayer { public class TestSceneMultiplayerParticipantsList : MultiplayerTestScene { [SetUp] public new void Setup() => Schedule(createNewParticipantsList); [Test] public void TestAddUser() { AddAssert("one unique panel", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Select(p => p.User).Distinct().Count() == 1); AddStep("add user", () => Client.AddUser(new User { Id = 3, Username = "Second", CoverUrl = @"https://osu.ppy.sh/images/headers/profile-covers/c3.jpg", })); AddAssert("two unique panels", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Select(p => p.User).Distinct().Count() == 2); } [Test] public void TestAddNullUser() { AddAssert("one unique panel", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Select(p => p.User).Distinct().Count() == 1); AddStep("add non-resolvable user", () => Client.AddNullUser(-3)); AddUntilStep("two unique panels", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Select(p => p.User).Distinct().Count() == 2); } [Test] public void TestRemoveUser() { User secondUser = null; AddStep("add a user", () => { Client.AddUser(secondUser = new User { Id = 3, Username = "Second", CoverUrl = @"https://osu.ppy.sh/images/headers/profile-covers/c3.jpg", }); }); AddStep("remove host", () => Client.RemoveUser(API.LocalUser.Value)); AddAssert("single panel is for second user", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Single().User.User == secondUser); } [Test] public void TestGameStateHasPriorityOverDownloadState() { AddStep("set to downloading map", () => Client.ChangeBeatmapAvailability(BeatmapAvailability.Downloading(0))); checkProgressBarVisibility(true); AddStep("make user ready", () => Client.ChangeState(MultiplayerUserState.Results)); checkProgressBarVisibility(false); AddUntilStep("ready mark visible", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Single().IsPresent); AddStep("make user ready", () => Client.ChangeState(MultiplayerUserState.Idle)); checkProgressBarVisibility(true); } [Test] public void TestCorrectInitialState() { AddStep("set to downloading map", () => Client.ChangeBeatmapAvailability(BeatmapAvailability.Downloading(0))); AddStep("recreate list", createNewParticipantsList); checkProgressBarVisibility(true); } [Test] public void TestBeatmapDownloadingStates() { AddStep("set to no map", () => Client.ChangeBeatmapAvailability(BeatmapAvailability.NotDownloaded())); AddStep("set to downloading map", () => Client.ChangeBeatmapAvailability(BeatmapAvailability.Downloading(0))); checkProgressBarVisibility(true); AddRepeatStep("increment progress", () => { var progress = this.ChildrenOfType().Single().User.BeatmapAvailability.DownloadProgress ?? 0; Client.ChangeBeatmapAvailability(BeatmapAvailability.Downloading(progress + RNG.NextSingle(0.1f))); }, 25); AddAssert("progress bar increased", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Single().Current.Value > 0); AddStep("set to importing map", () => Client.ChangeBeatmapAvailability(BeatmapAvailability.Importing())); checkProgressBarVisibility(false); AddStep("set to available", () => Client.ChangeBeatmapAvailability(BeatmapAvailability.LocallyAvailable())); } [Test] public void TestToggleReadyState() { AddAssert("ready mark invisible", () => !this.ChildrenOfType().Single().IsPresent); AddStep("make user ready", () => Client.ChangeState(MultiplayerUserState.Ready)); AddUntilStep("ready mark visible", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Single().IsPresent); AddStep("make user idle", () => Client.ChangeState(MultiplayerUserState.Idle)); AddUntilStep("ready mark invisible", () => !this.ChildrenOfType().Single().IsPresent); } [Test] public void TestToggleSpectateState() { AddStep("make user spectating", () => Client.ChangeState(MultiplayerUserState.Spectating)); AddStep("make user idle", () => Client.ChangeState(MultiplayerUserState.Idle)); } [Test] public void TestCrownChangesStateWhenHostTransferred() { AddStep("add user", () => Client.AddUser(new User { Id = 3, Username = "Second", CoverUrl = @"https://osu.ppy.sh/images/headers/profile-covers/c3.jpg", })); AddUntilStep("first user crown visible", () => this.ChildrenOfType().ElementAt(0).ChildrenOfType().First().Alpha == 1); AddUntilStep("second user crown hidden", () => this.ChildrenOfType().ElementAt(1).ChildrenOfType().First().Alpha == 0); AddStep("make second user host", () => Client.TransferHost(3)); AddUntilStep("first user crown hidden", () => this.ChildrenOfType().ElementAt(0).ChildrenOfType().First().Alpha == 0); AddUntilStep("second user crown visible", () => this.ChildrenOfType().ElementAt(1).ChildrenOfType().First().Alpha == 1); } [Test] public void TestManyUsers() { AddStep("add many users", () => { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Client.AddUser(new User { Id = i, Username = $"User {i}", RulesetsStatistics = new Dictionary { { Ruleset.Value.ShortName, new UserStatistics { GlobalRank = RNG.Next(1, 100000), } } }, CoverUrl = @"https://osu.ppy.sh/images/headers/profile-covers/c3.jpg", }); Client.ChangeUserState(i, (MultiplayerUserState)RNG.Next(0, (int)MultiplayerUserState.Results + 1)); if (RNG.NextBool()) { var beatmapState = (DownloadState)RNG.Next(0, (int)DownloadState.LocallyAvailable + 1); switch (beatmapState) { case DownloadState.NotDownloaded: Client.ChangeUserBeatmapAvailability(i, BeatmapAvailability.NotDownloaded()); break; case DownloadState.Downloading: Client.ChangeUserBeatmapAvailability(i, BeatmapAvailability.Downloading(RNG.NextSingle())); break; case DownloadState.Importing: Client.ChangeUserBeatmapAvailability(i, BeatmapAvailability.Importing()); break; } } } }); } [Test] public void TestUserWithMods() { AddStep("add user", () => { Client.AddUser(new User { Id = 0, Username = "User 0", RulesetsStatistics = new Dictionary { { Ruleset.Value.ShortName, new UserStatistics { GlobalRank = RNG.Next(1, 100000), } } }, CoverUrl = @"https://osu.ppy.sh/images/headers/profile-covers/c3.jpg", }); Client.ChangeUserMods(0, new Mod[] { new OsuModHardRock(), new OsuModDifficultyAdjust { ApproachRate = { Value = 1 } } }); }); for (var i = MultiplayerUserState.Idle; i < MultiplayerUserState.Results; i++) { var state = i; AddStep($"set state: {state}", () => Client.ChangeUserState(0, state)); } } private void createNewParticipantsList() { Child = new ParticipantsList { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Size = new Vector2(380, 0.7f) }; } private void checkProgressBarVisibility(bool visible) => AddUntilStep($"progress bar {(visible ? "is" : "is not")}visible", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Single().IsPresent == visible); } }