// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes; using osu.Framework.Input.Events; using osu.Game.Tournament.Models; using osu.Game.Tournament.Screens.Editors; using osuTK; using osuTK.Graphics; using osuTK.Input; namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Screens.Ladder.Components { public partial class DrawableTournamentMatch : CompositeDrawable { public readonly TournamentMatch Match; private readonly bool editor; protected readonly FillFlowContainer<DrawableMatchTeam> Flow; private readonly Drawable selectionBox; private readonly Drawable currentMatchSelectionBox; private Bindable<TournamentMatch>? globalSelection; [Resolved] private LadderEditorInfo? editorInfo { get; set; } [Resolved] private LadderInfo? ladderInfo { get; set; } public DrawableTournamentMatch(TournamentMatch match, bool editor = false) { Match = match; this.editor = editor; AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both; const float border_thickness = 5; const float spacing = 2; Margin = new MarginPadding(10); InternalChildren = new Drawable[] { Flow = new FillFlowContainer<DrawableMatchTeam> { AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, Spacing = new Vector2(spacing) }, new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding(-10), Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Child = selectionBox = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Alpha = 0, Masking = true, BorderColour = Color4.YellowGreen, BorderThickness = border_thickness, Child = new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, AlwaysPresent = true, Alpha = 0, } }, }, new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding(-(spacing + border_thickness)), Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Child = currentMatchSelectionBox = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Alpha = 0, BorderColour = Color4.White, BorderThickness = border_thickness, Masking = true, Child = new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, AlwaysPresent = true, Alpha = 0, } }, } }; boundReference(match.Team1).BindValueChanged(_ => updateTeams()); boundReference(match.Team2).BindValueChanged(_ => updateTeams()); boundReference(match.Team1Score).BindValueChanged(_ => updateWinConditions()); boundReference(match.Team2Score).BindValueChanged(_ => updateWinConditions()); boundReference(match.Round).BindValueChanged(_ => { updateWinConditions(); Changed?.Invoke(); }); boundReference(match.Completed).BindValueChanged(_ => updateProgression()); boundReference(match.Progression).BindValueChanged(_ => updateProgression()); boundReference(match.LosersProgression).BindValueChanged(_ => updateProgression()); boundReference(match.Losers).BindValueChanged(_ => { updateTeams(); Changed?.Invoke(); }); boundReference(match.Current).BindValueChanged(_ => updateCurrentMatch(), true); boundReference(match.Position).BindValueChanged(pos => { if (!IsDragged) Position = new Vector2(pos.NewValue.X, pos.NewValue.Y); Changed?.Invoke(); }, true); updateTeams(); } /// <summary> /// Fired when something changed that requires a ladder redraw. /// </summary> public Action? Changed; private readonly List<IUnbindable> refBindables = new List<IUnbindable>(); private T boundReference<T>(T obj) where T : IBindable { obj = (T)obj.GetBoundCopy(); refBindables.Add(obj); return obj; } protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { base.Dispose(isDisposing); foreach (var b in refBindables) b.UnbindAll(); } private void updateCurrentMatch() { if (Match.Current.Value) currentMatchSelectionBox.Show(); else currentMatchSelectionBox.Hide(); } private bool selected; public bool Selected { get => selected; set { if (value == selected) return; selected = value; if (selected) { selectionBox.Show(); if (editor && editorInfo != null) editorInfo.Selected.Value = Match; else if (ladderInfo != null) ladderInfo.CurrentMatch.Value = Match; } else selectionBox.Hide(); } } private void updateProgression() { if (!Match.Completed.Value) { // ensure we clear any of our teams from our progression. // this is not pretty logic but should suffice for now. if (Match.Progression.Value != null && Match.Progression.Value.Team1.Value == Match.Team1.Value) Match.Progression.Value.Team1.Value = null; if (Match.Progression.Value != null && Match.Progression.Value.Team2.Value == Match.Team2.Value) Match.Progression.Value.Team2.Value = null; if (Match.LosersProgression.Value != null && Match.LosersProgression.Value.Team1.Value == Match.Team1.Value) Match.LosersProgression.Value.Team1.Value = null; if (Match.LosersProgression.Value != null && Match.LosersProgression.Value.Team2.Value == Match.Team2.Value) Match.LosersProgression.Value.Team2.Value = null; } else { Debug.Assert(Match.Winner != null); transferProgression(Match.Progression.Value, Match.Winner); Debug.Assert(Match.Loser != null); transferProgression(Match.LosersProgression.Value, Match.Loser); } Changed?.Invoke(); } private void transferProgression(TournamentMatch? destination, TournamentTeam team) { if (destination == null) return; bool progressionAbove = destination.ID < Match.ID; Bindable<TournamentTeam?> destinationTeam; // check for the case where we have already transferred out value if (destination.Team1.Value == team) destinationTeam = destination.Team1; else if (destination.Team2.Value == team) destinationTeam = destination.Team2; else { destinationTeam = progressionAbove ? destination.Team2 : destination.Team1; if (destinationTeam.Value != null) destinationTeam = progressionAbove ? destination.Team1 : destination.Team2; } destinationTeam.Value = team; } private void updateWinConditions() { if (Match.Round.Value == null) return; int instantWinAmount = Match.Round.Value.BestOf.Value / 2; Match.Completed.Value = Match.Round.Value.BestOf.Value > 0 && (Match.Team1Score.Value + Match.Team2Score.Value >= Match.Round.Value.BestOf.Value || Match.Team1Score.Value > instantWinAmount || Match.Team2Score.Value > instantWinAmount); } protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); updateTeams(); if (editorInfo != null) { globalSelection = editorInfo.Selected.GetBoundCopy(); globalSelection.BindValueChanged(s => Selected = s.NewValue == Match, true); } } private void updateTeams() { if (LoadState != LoadState.Loaded) return; // todo: teams may need to be bindable for transitions at a later point. if (Match.Team1.Value == null || Match.Team2.Value == null) Match.CancelMatchStart(); if (Match.ConditionalMatches.Count > 0) { foreach (var conditional in Match.ConditionalMatches) { bool team1Match = Match.Team1Acronym != null && conditional.Acronyms.Contains(Match.Team1Acronym); bool team2Match = Match.Team2Acronym != null && conditional.Acronyms.Contains(Match.Team2Acronym); if (team1Match && team2Match) Match.Date.Value = conditional.Date.Value; } } Flow.Children = new[] { new DrawableMatchTeam(Match.Team1.Value, Match, Match.Losers.Value), new DrawableMatchTeam(Match.Team2.Value, Match, Match.Losers.Value) }; SchedulerAfterChildren.Add(() => Scheduler.Add(updateProgression)); updateWinConditions(); } protected override bool OnMouseDown(MouseDownEvent e) => e.Button == MouseButton.Left && editorInfo != null; protected override bool OnKeyDown(KeyDownEvent e) { if (Selected && editorInfo != null && e.Key == Key.Delete) { Remove(); return true; } return base.OnKeyDown(e); } protected override bool OnClick(ClickEvent e) { if (editorInfo == null || Match is ConditionalTournamentMatch || e.Button != MouseButton.Left) return false; Selected = true; return true; } private Vector2 positionAtStartOfDrag; protected override bool OnDragStart(DragStartEvent e) { if (editorInfo != null) { positionAtStartOfDrag = Position; return true; } return false; } protected override void OnDrag(DragEvent e) { base.OnDrag(e); Selected = true; this.MoveTo(snapToGrid(positionAtStartOfDrag + (e.MousePosition - e.MouseDownPosition))); Match.Position.Value = new Point((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y); } private Vector2 snapToGrid(Vector2 pos) => new Vector2( (int)(pos.X / LadderEditorScreen.GRID_SPACING) * LadderEditorScreen.GRID_SPACING, (int)(pos.Y / LadderEditorScreen.GRID_SPACING) * LadderEditorScreen.GRID_SPACING ); public void Remove() { Selected = false; Match.Progression.Value = null; Match.LosersProgression.Value = null; if (ladderInfo == null) return; ladderInfo.Matches.Remove(Match); foreach (var m in ladderInfo.Matches) { if (m.Progression.Value == Match) m.Progression.Value = null; if (m.LosersProgression.Value == Match) m.LosersProgression.Value = null; } } } }