// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Formats; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Legacy; using osu.Game.Database; using osu.Game.IO.Legacy; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses; using osu.Game.Replays; using osu.Game.Replays.Legacy; using osu.Game.Rulesets; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Replays; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osuTK; using SharpCompress.Compressors.LZMA; namespace osu.Game.Scoring.Legacy { public abstract class LegacyScoreDecoder { private IBeatmap currentBeatmap; private Ruleset currentRuleset; private float beatmapOffset; public Score Parse(Stream stream) { var score = new Score { Replay = new Replay() }; WorkingBeatmap workingBeatmap; ScoreRank? decodedRank = null; using (SerializationReader sr = new SerializationReader(stream)) { currentRuleset = GetRuleset(sr.ReadByte()); var scoreInfo = new ScoreInfo { Ruleset = currentRuleset.RulesetInfo }; score.ScoreInfo = scoreInfo; int version = sr.ReadInt32(); scoreInfo.IsLegacyScore = version < LegacyScoreEncoder.FIRST_LAZER_VERSION; // TotalScoreVersion gets initialised to LATEST_VERSION. // In the case where the incoming score has either an osu!stable or old lazer version, we need // to mark it with the correct version increment to trigger reprocessing to new standardised scoring. // // See StandardisedScoreMigrationTools.ShouldMigrateToNewStandardised(). scoreInfo.TotalScoreVersion = version < 30000002 ? 30000001 : LegacyScoreEncoder.LATEST_VERSION; string beatmapHash = sr.ReadString(); workingBeatmap = GetBeatmap(beatmapHash); if (workingBeatmap is DummyWorkingBeatmap) throw new BeatmapNotFoundException(beatmapHash); scoreInfo.User = new APIUser { Username = sr.ReadString() }; // MD5Hash sr.ReadString(); scoreInfo.SetCount300(sr.ReadUInt16()); scoreInfo.SetCount100(sr.ReadUInt16()); scoreInfo.SetCount50(sr.ReadUInt16()); scoreInfo.SetCountGeki(sr.ReadUInt16()); scoreInfo.SetCountKatu(sr.ReadUInt16()); scoreInfo.SetCountMiss(sr.ReadUInt16()); scoreInfo.TotalScore = sr.ReadInt32(); scoreInfo.MaxCombo = sr.ReadUInt16(); /* score.Perfect = */ sr.ReadBoolean(); scoreInfo.Mods = currentRuleset.ConvertFromLegacyMods((LegacyMods)sr.ReadInt32()).ToArray(); // lazer replays get a really high version number. if (version < LegacyScoreEncoder.FIRST_LAZER_VERSION) scoreInfo.Mods = scoreInfo.Mods.Append(currentRuleset.CreateMod<ModClassic>()).ToArray(); currentBeatmap = workingBeatmap.GetPlayableBeatmap(currentRuleset.RulesetInfo, scoreInfo.Mods); scoreInfo.BeatmapInfo = currentBeatmap.BeatmapInfo; // As this is baked into hitobject timing (see `LegacyBeatmapDecoder`) we also need to apply this to replay frame timing. beatmapOffset = currentBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.BeatmapVersion < 5 ? LegacyBeatmapDecoder.EARLY_VERSION_TIMING_OFFSET : 0; /* score.HpGraphString = */ sr.ReadString(); scoreInfo.Date = sr.ReadDateTime(); byte[] compressedReplay = sr.ReadByteArray(); if (version >= 20140721) scoreInfo.LegacyOnlineID = sr.ReadInt64(); else if (version >= 20121008) scoreInfo.LegacyOnlineID = sr.ReadInt32(); byte[] compressedScoreInfo = null; if (version >= 30000001) compressedScoreInfo = sr.ReadByteArray(); if (compressedReplay?.Length > 0) readCompressedData(compressedReplay, reader => readLegacyReplay(score.Replay, reader)); if (compressedScoreInfo?.Length > 0) { readCompressedData(compressedScoreInfo, reader => { LegacyReplaySoloScoreInfo readScore = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LegacyReplaySoloScoreInfo>(reader.ReadToEnd()); Debug.Assert(readScore != null); score.ScoreInfo.OnlineID = readScore.OnlineID; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics = readScore.Statistics; score.ScoreInfo.MaximumStatistics = readScore.MaximumStatistics; score.ScoreInfo.Mods = readScore.Mods.Select(m => m.ToMod(currentRuleset)).ToArray(); score.ScoreInfo.ClientVersion = readScore.ClientVersion; decodedRank = readScore.Rank; if (readScore.UserID > 1) score.ScoreInfo.RealmUser.OnlineID = readScore.UserID; if (readScore.TotalScoreWithoutMods is long totalScoreWithoutMods) score.ScoreInfo.TotalScoreWithoutMods = totalScoreWithoutMods; else PopulateTotalScoreWithoutMods(score.ScoreInfo); }); } } PopulateMaximumStatistics(score.ScoreInfo, workingBeatmap); if (score.ScoreInfo.IsLegacyScore) score.ScoreInfo.LegacyTotalScore = score.ScoreInfo.TotalScore; StandardisedScoreMigrationTools.UpdateFromLegacy(score.ScoreInfo, workingBeatmap); if (decodedRank != null) score.ScoreInfo.Rank = decodedRank.Value; // before returning for database import, we must restore the database-sourced BeatmapInfo. // if not, the clone operation in GetPlayableBeatmap will cause a dereference and subsequent database exception. score.ScoreInfo.BeatmapInfo = workingBeatmap.BeatmapInfo; score.ScoreInfo.BeatmapHash = workingBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.Hash; return score; } private void readCompressedData(byte[] data, Action<StreamReader> readFunc) { using (var replayInStream = new MemoryStream(data)) { byte[] properties = new byte[5]; if (replayInStream.Read(properties, 0, 5) != 5) throw new IOException("input .lzma is too short"); long outSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int v = replayInStream.ReadByte(); if (v < 0) throw new IOException("Can't Read 1"); outSize |= (long)(byte)v << (8 * i); } long compressedSize = replayInStream.Length - replayInStream.Position; using (var lzma = new LzmaStream(properties, replayInStream, compressedSize, outSize)) using (var reader = new StreamReader(lzma)) readFunc(reader); } } /// <summary> /// Populates the <see cref="ScoreInfo.MaximumStatistics"/> for a given <see cref="ScoreInfo"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="score">The score to populate the statistics of.</param> /// <param name="workingBeatmap">The corresponding <see cref="WorkingBeatmap"/>.</param> public static void PopulateMaximumStatistics(ScoreInfo score, WorkingBeatmap workingBeatmap) { Debug.Assert(score.BeatmapInfo != null); if (score.MaximumStatistics.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).Sum() > 0) return; var ruleset = score.Ruleset.Detach(); var rulesetInstance = ruleset.CreateInstance(); var scoreProcessor = rulesetInstance.CreateScoreProcessor(); // Populate the maximum statistics. HitResult maxBasicResult = rulesetInstance.GetHitResults() .Select(h => h.result) .Where(h => h.IsBasic()).MaxBy(scoreProcessor.GetBaseScoreForResult); foreach ((HitResult result, int count) in score.Statistics) { switch (result) { case HitResult.LargeTickHit: case HitResult.LargeTickMiss: score.MaximumStatistics[HitResult.LargeTickHit] = score.MaximumStatistics.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.LargeTickHit) + count; break; case HitResult.SmallTickHit: case HitResult.SmallTickMiss: score.MaximumStatistics[HitResult.SmallTickHit] = score.MaximumStatistics.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.SmallTickHit) + count; break; case HitResult.IgnoreHit: case HitResult.IgnoreMiss: case HitResult.SmallBonus: case HitResult.LargeBonus: break; default: score.MaximumStatistics[maxBasicResult] = score.MaximumStatistics.GetValueOrDefault(maxBasicResult) + count; break; } } if (!score.IsLegacyScore) return; #pragma warning disable CS0618 // In osu! and osu!mania, some judgements affect combo but aren't stored to scores. // A special hit result is used to pad out the combo value to match, based on the max combo from the difficulty attributes. var calculator = rulesetInstance.CreateDifficultyCalculator(workingBeatmap); var attributes = calculator.Calculate(score.Mods); int maxComboFromStatistics = score.MaximumStatistics.Where(kvp => kvp.Key.AffectsCombo()).Select(kvp => kvp.Value).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); if (attributes.MaxCombo > maxComboFromStatistics) score.MaximumStatistics[HitResult.LegacyComboIncrease] = attributes.MaxCombo - maxComboFromStatistics; #pragma warning restore CS0618 } public static void PopulateTotalScoreWithoutMods(ScoreInfo score) { double modMultiplier = 1; foreach (var mod in score.Mods) modMultiplier *= mod.ScoreMultiplier; score.TotalScoreWithoutMods = (long)Math.Round(score.TotalScore / modMultiplier); } private void readLegacyReplay(Replay replay, StreamReader reader) { float lastTime = beatmapOffset; var legacyFrames = new List<LegacyReplayFrame>(); string[] frames = reader.ReadToEnd().Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++) { string[] split = frames[i].Split('|'); if (split.Length < 4) continue; if (split[0] == "-12345") { // Todo: The seed is provided in split[3], which we'll need to use at some point continue; } // In mania, mouseX encodes the pressed keys in the lower 20 bits int mouseXParseLimit = currentRuleset.RulesetInfo.OnlineID == 3 ? (1 << 20) - 1 : Parsing.MAX_COORDINATE_VALUE; float diff = Parsing.ParseFloat(split[0]); float mouseX = Parsing.ParseFloat(split[1], mouseXParseLimit); float mouseY = Parsing.ParseFloat(split[2], Parsing.MAX_COORDINATE_VALUE); lastTime += diff; legacyFrames.Add(new LegacyReplayFrame(lastTime, mouseX, mouseY, (ReplayButtonState)Parsing.ParseInt(split[3]))); } // https://github.com/peppy/osu-stable-reference/blob/e53980dd76857ee899f66ce519ba1597e7874f28/osu!/GameModes/Play/ReplayWatcher.cs#L62-L67 if (legacyFrames.Count >= 2 && legacyFrames[1].Time < legacyFrames[0].Time) { legacyFrames[1].Time = legacyFrames[0].Time; legacyFrames[0].Time = 0; } // https://github.com/peppy/osu-stable-reference/blob/e53980dd76857ee899f66ce519ba1597e7874f28/osu!/GameModes/Play/ReplayWatcher.cs#L69-L71 if (legacyFrames.Count >= 3 && legacyFrames[0].Time > legacyFrames[2].Time) legacyFrames[0].Time = legacyFrames[1].Time = legacyFrames[2].Time; // at the start of the replay, stable places two replay frames, at time 0 and SkipBoundary - 1, respectively. // both frames use a position of (256, -500). // ignore these frames as they serve no real purpose (and can even mislead ruleset-specific handlers - see mania) if (legacyFrames.Count >= 2 && legacyFrames[1].Position == new Vector2(256, -500)) legacyFrames.RemoveAt(1); if (legacyFrames.Count >= 1 && legacyFrames[0].Position == new Vector2(256, -500)) legacyFrames.RemoveAt(0); ReplayFrame currentFrame = null; foreach (var legacyFrame in legacyFrames) { // never allow backwards time traversal in relation to the current frame. // this handles frames with negative delta. // this doesn't match stable 100% as stable will do something similar to adding an interpolated "intermediate frame" // at the point wherein time flow changes from backwards to forwards, but it'll do for now. if (currentFrame != null && legacyFrame.Time < currentFrame.Time) continue; replay.Frames.Add(currentFrame = convertFrame(legacyFrame, currentFrame)); } } private ReplayFrame convertFrame(LegacyReplayFrame currentFrame, ReplayFrame lastFrame) { var convertible = currentRuleset.CreateConvertibleReplayFrame(); if (convertible == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Legacy replay cannot be converted for the ruleset: {currentRuleset.Description}"); convertible.FromLegacy(currentFrame, currentBeatmap, lastFrame); var frame = (ReplayFrame)convertible; frame.Time = currentFrame.Time; return frame; } /// <summary> /// Retrieves the <see cref="Ruleset"/> for a specific id. /// </summary> /// <param name="rulesetId">The id.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="Ruleset"/>.</returns> protected abstract Ruleset GetRuleset(int rulesetId); /// <summary> /// Retrieves the <see cref="WorkingBeatmap"/> corresponding to an MD5 hash. /// </summary> /// <param name="md5Hash">The MD5 hash.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="WorkingBeatmap"/>.</returns> protected abstract WorkingBeatmap GetBeatmap(string md5Hash); public class BeatmapNotFoundException : Exception { public string Hash { get; } public BeatmapNotFoundException(string hash) { Hash = hash; } } } }