// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Game.Audio; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Drawables; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko.Objects.Drawables.Pieces; using osu.Game.Skinning; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko.Objects.Drawables { public class DrawableHit : DrawableTaikoHitObject { /// /// A list of keys which can result in hits for this HitObject. /// public TaikoAction[] HitActions { get; private set; } /// /// The action that caused this to be hit. /// public TaikoAction? HitAction { get; private set; } private bool validActionPressed; private bool pressHandledThisFrame; private Bindable type; public DrawableHit(Hit hit) : base(hit) { FillMode = FillMode.Fit; updateActionsFromType(); } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { type = HitObject.TypeBindable.GetBoundCopy(); type.BindValueChanged(_ => { updateActionsFromType(); // will overwrite samples, should only be called on change. updateSamplesFromTypeChange(); RecreatePieces(); }); } private HitSampleInfo[] rimSamples => HitObject.Samples.Where(s => s.Name == HitSampleInfo.HIT_CLAP || s.Name == HitSampleInfo.HIT_WHISTLE).ToArray(); protected override void LoadSamples(bool changed) { base.LoadSamples(changed); if (changed) type.Value = rimSamples.Any() ? HitType.Rim : HitType.Centre; } private void updateSamplesFromTypeChange() { var samples = rimSamples; bool isRimType = HitObject.Type == HitType.Rim; if (isRimType != samples.Any()) { if (isRimType) HitObject.Samples.Add(new HitSampleInfo { Name = HitSampleInfo.HIT_CLAP }); else { foreach (var sample in samples) HitObject.Samples.Remove(sample); } } } private void updateActionsFromType() { HitActions = HitObject.Type == HitType.Centre ? new[] { TaikoAction.LeftCentre, TaikoAction.RightCentre } : new[] { TaikoAction.LeftRim, TaikoAction.RightRim }; } protected override SkinnableDrawable CreateMainPiece() => HitObject.Type == HitType.Centre ? new SkinnableDrawable(new TaikoSkinComponent(TaikoSkinComponents.CentreHit), _ => new CentreHitCirclePiece(), confineMode: ConfineMode.ScaleToFit) : new SkinnableDrawable(new TaikoSkinComponent(TaikoSkinComponents.RimHit), _ => new RimHitCirclePiece(), confineMode: ConfineMode.ScaleToFit); public override IEnumerable GetSamples() { // normal and claps are always handled by the drum (see DrumSampleMapping). // in addition, whistles are excluded as they are an alternative rim marker. var samples = HitObject.Samples.Where(s => s.Name != HitSampleInfo.HIT_NORMAL && s.Name != HitSampleInfo.HIT_CLAP && s.Name != HitSampleInfo.HIT_WHISTLE); if (HitObject.Type == HitType.Rim && HitObject.IsStrong) { // strong + rim always maps to whistle. // TODO: this should really be in the legacy decoder, but can't be because legacy encoding parity would be broken. // when we add a taiko editor, this is probably not going to play nice. var corrected = samples.ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < corrected.Count; i++) { var s = corrected[i]; if (s.Name != HitSampleInfo.HIT_FINISH) continue; var sClone = s.Clone(); sClone.Name = HitSampleInfo.HIT_WHISTLE; corrected[i] = sClone; } return corrected; } return samples; } protected override void CheckForResult(bool userTriggered, double timeOffset) { Debug.Assert(HitObject.HitWindows != null); if (!userTriggered) { if (!HitObject.HitWindows.CanBeHit(timeOffset)) ApplyResult(r => r.Type = HitResult.Miss); return; } var result = HitObject.HitWindows.ResultFor(timeOffset); if (result == HitResult.None) return; if (!validActionPressed) ApplyResult(r => r.Type = HitResult.Miss); else ApplyResult(r => r.Type = result); } public override bool OnPressed(TaikoAction action) { if (pressHandledThisFrame) return true; if (Judged) return false; validActionPressed = HitActions.Contains(action); // Only count this as handled if the new judgement is a hit var result = UpdateResult(true); if (IsHit) HitAction = action; // Regardless of whether we've hit or not, any secondary key presses in the same frame should be discarded // E.g. hitting a non-strong centre as a strong should not fall through and perform a hit on the next note pressHandledThisFrame = true; return result; } public override void OnReleased(TaikoAction action) { if (action == HitAction) HitAction = null; base.OnReleased(action); } protected override void Update() { base.Update(); // The input manager processes all input prior to us updating, so this is the perfect time // for us to remove the extra press blocking, before input is handled in the next frame pressHandledThisFrame = false; } protected override void UpdateStateTransforms(ArmedState state) { Debug.Assert(HitObject.HitWindows != null); switch (state) { case ArmedState.Idle: validActionPressed = false; UnproxyContent(); break; case ArmedState.Miss: this.FadeOut(100); break; case ArmedState.Hit: // If we're far enough away from the left stage, we should bring outselves in front of it ProxyContent(); var flash = (MainPiece.Drawable as CirclePiece)?.FlashBox; flash?.FadeTo(0.9f).FadeOut(300); const float gravity_time = 300; const float gravity_travel_height = 200; this.ScaleTo(0.8f, gravity_time * 2, Easing.OutQuad); this.MoveToY(-gravity_travel_height, gravity_time, Easing.Out) .Then() .MoveToY(gravity_travel_height * 2, gravity_time * 2, Easing.In); this.FadeOut(800); break; } } protected override DrawableStrongNestedHit CreateStrongHit(StrongHitObject hitObject) => new StrongNestedHit(hitObject, this); private class StrongNestedHit : DrawableStrongNestedHit { /// /// The lenience for the second key press. /// This does not adjust by map difficulty in ScoreV2 yet. /// private const double second_hit_window = 30; public new DrawableHit MainObject => (DrawableHit)base.MainObject; public StrongNestedHit(StrongHitObject strong, DrawableHit hit) : base(strong, hit) { } protected override void CheckForResult(bool userTriggered, double timeOffset) { if (!MainObject.Result.HasResult) { base.CheckForResult(userTriggered, timeOffset); return; } if (!MainObject.Result.IsHit) { ApplyResult(r => r.Type = HitResult.Miss); return; } if (!userTriggered) { if (timeOffset - MainObject.Result.TimeOffset > second_hit_window) ApplyResult(r => r.Type = HitResult.Miss); return; } if (Math.Abs(timeOffset - MainObject.Result.TimeOffset) <= second_hit_window) ApplyResult(r => r.Type = MainObject.Result.Type); } public override bool OnPressed(TaikoAction action) { // Don't process actions until the main hitobject is hit if (!MainObject.IsHit) return false; // Don't process actions if the pressed button was released if (MainObject.HitAction == null) return false; // Don't handle invalid hit action presses if (!MainObject.HitActions.Contains(action)) return false; return UpdateResult(true); } } } }