// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using JetBrains.Annotations; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Extensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Input; using osu.Framework.Logging; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Configuration; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Game.Online.API; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses; using osu.Game.Online.Chat; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Overlays.Chat; using osu.Game.Overlays.Chat.Listing; using osu.Game.Overlays.Chat.ChannelList; using osuTK; using osuTK.Input; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterfaceV2; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Online { [TestFixture] public partial class TestSceneChatOverlay : OsuManualInputManagerTestScene { private TestChatOverlay chatOverlay; private ChannelManager channelManager; private readonly APIUser testUser = new APIUser { Username = "test user", Id = 5071479 }; private readonly APIUser testUser1 = new APIUser { Username = "test user", Id = 5071480 }; private Channel[] testChannels; private Message[] initialMessages; private Channel testChannel1 => testChannels[0]; private Channel testChannel2 => testChannels[1]; [Resolved] private OsuConfigManager config { get; set; } = null!; private int currentMessageId; private DummyAPIAccess dummyAPI => (DummyAPIAccess)API; private readonly ManualResetEventSlim requestLock = new ManualResetEventSlim(); [SetUp] public void SetUp() => Schedule(() => { currentMessageId = 0; testChannels = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(createPublicChannel).ToArray(); initialMessages = testChannels.SelectMany(createChannelMessages).ToArray(); Child = new DependencyProvidingContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, CachedDependencies = new (Type, object)[] { (typeof(ChannelManager), channelManager = new ChannelManager(API)), }, Children = new Drawable[] { channelManager, chatOverlay = new TestChatOverlay(), }, }; }); [SetUpSteps] public void SetUpSteps() { AddStep("Setup request handler", () => { ((DummyAPIAccess)API).HandleRequest = req => { switch (req) { case CreateChannelRequest createRequest: createRequest.TriggerSuccess(new APIChatChannel { ChannelID = ((int)createRequest.Channel.Id), RecentMessages = new List() }); return true; case GetUpdatesRequest getUpdates: getUpdates.TriggerFailure(new WebException()); return true; case JoinChannelRequest joinChannel: joinChannel.TriggerSuccess(); return true; case LeaveChannelRequest leaveChannel: leaveChannel.TriggerSuccess(); return true; case GetMessagesRequest getMessages: getMessages.TriggerSuccess(initialMessages.ToList()); return true; case GetUserRequest getUser: if (getUser.Lookup == testUser.Username) getUser.TriggerSuccess(testUser); else getUser.TriggerFailure(new WebException()); return true; case PostMessageRequest postMessage: postMessage.TriggerSuccess(new Message(RNG.Next(0, 10000000)) { Content = postMessage.Message.Content, ChannelId = postMessage.Message.ChannelId, Sender = postMessage.Message.Sender, Timestamp = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now), }); return true; default: Logger.Log($"Unhandled Request Type: {req.GetType()}"); return false; } }; }); AddStep("Add test channels", () => { (channelManager.AvailableChannels as BindableList)?.AddRange(testChannels); }); } [Test] public void TestBasic() { AddStep("Show overlay with channel", () => { chatOverlay.Show(); Channel joinedChannel = channelManager.JoinChannel(testChannel1); channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value = joinedChannel; }); AddAssert("Overlay is visible", () => chatOverlay.State.Value == Visibility.Visible); waitForChannel1Visible(); } [Test] public void TestShowHide() { AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); AddAssert("Overlay is visible", () => chatOverlay.State.Value == Visibility.Visible); AddStep("Hide overlay", () => chatOverlay.Hide()); AddAssert("Overlay is hidden", () => chatOverlay.State.Value == Visibility.Hidden); } [Test] public void TestChatHeight() { BindableFloat configChatHeight = new BindableFloat(); float newHeight = 0; AddStep("Reset config chat height", () => { config.BindWith(OsuSetting.ChatDisplayHeight, configChatHeight); configChatHeight.SetDefault(); }); AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); AddAssert("Overlay uses config height", () => chatOverlay.Height == configChatHeight.Default); AddStep("Move mouse to drag bar", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(chatOverlayTopBar.DragBar)); AddStep("Click drag bar", () => InputManager.PressButton(MouseButton.Left)); AddStep("Drag overlay to new height", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(chatOverlayTopBar, new Vector2(0, -300))); AddStep("Stop dragging", () => InputManager.ReleaseButton(MouseButton.Left)); AddStep("Store new height", () => newHeight = chatOverlay.Height); AddAssert("Config height changed", () => !configChatHeight.IsDefault && configChatHeight.Value == newHeight); AddStep("Hide overlay", () => chatOverlay.Hide()); AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); AddAssert("Overlay uses new height", () => chatOverlay.Height == newHeight); } [Test] public void TestChannelSelection() { AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); AddAssert("Listing is visible", () => listingIsVisible); joinTestChannel(0); AddStep("Select channel 1", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); waitForChannel1Visible(); } [Test] public void TestSearchInListing() { AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); AddAssert("Listing is visible", () => listingIsVisible); AddStep("Search for 'number 2'", () => chatOverlayTextBox.Text = "number 2"); AddUntilStep("Only channel 2 visible", () => { IEnumerable listingItems = chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType() .Where(item => item.IsPresent); return listingItems.Count() == 1 && listingItems.Single().Channel == testChannel2; }); } [Test] public void TestChannelCloseButton() { var testPMChannel = new Channel(testUser); AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); joinTestChannel(0); joinChannel(testPMChannel); AddStep("Select PM channel", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testPMChannel))); AddStep("Click close button", () => { ChannelListItemCloseButton closeButton = getChannelListItem(testPMChannel).ChildrenOfType().Single(); clickDrawable(closeButton); }); AddAssert("PM channel closed", () => !channelManager.JoinedChannels.Contains(testPMChannel)); AddStep("Select normal channel", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); AddStep("Click close button", () => { ChannelListItemCloseButton closeButton = getChannelListItem(testChannel1).ChildrenOfType().Single(); clickDrawable(closeButton); }); AddAssert("Normal channel closed", () => !channelManager.JoinedChannels.Contains(testChannel1)); } [Test] public void TestChatCommand() { AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); joinTestChannel(0); AddStep("Select channel 1", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); AddStep("Open chat with user", () => channelManager.PostCommand($"chat {testUser.Username}")); AddAssert("PM channel is selected", () => channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value.Type == ChannelType.PM && channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value.Users.Single() == testUser); AddStep("Open chat with non-existent user", () => channelManager.PostCommand("chat user_doesnt_exist")); AddAssert("Last message is error", () => channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value.Messages.Last() is ErrorMessage); // Make sure no unnecessary requests are made when the PM channel is already open. AddStep("Select channel 1", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); AddStep("Unregister request handling", () => ((DummyAPIAccess)API).HandleRequest = null); AddStep("Open chat with user", () => channelManager.PostCommand($"chat {testUser.Username}")); AddAssert("PM channel is selected", () => channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value.Type == ChannelType.PM && channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value.Users.Single() == testUser); } [Test] public void TestMultiplayerChannelIsNotShown() { Channel multiplayerChannel; AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); joinChannel(multiplayerChannel = new Channel(new APIUser()) { Name = "#mp_1", Type = ChannelType.Multiplayer, }); AddAssert("Channel is joined", () => channelManager.JoinedChannels.Contains(multiplayerChannel)); AddUntilStep("Channel not present in listing", () => !chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType() .Where(item => item.IsPresent) .Select(item => item.Channel) .Contains(multiplayerChannel)); } [Test] public void TestHighlightOnCurrentChannel() { Message message = null; AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); joinTestChannel(0); AddStep("Select channel 1", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); AddStep("Send message in channel 1", () => { testChannel1.AddNewMessages(message = new Message { ChannelId = testChannel1.Id, Content = "Message to highlight!", Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now, Sender = testUser, }); }); AddStep("Highlight message", () => chatOverlay.HighlightMessage(message, testChannel1)); waitForChannel1Visible(); } [Test] public void TestHighlightOnAnotherChannel() { Message message = null; AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); joinTestChannel(0); joinTestChannel(1); AddStep("Select channel 1", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); AddStep("Send message in channel 2", () => { testChannel2.AddNewMessages(message = new Message { ChannelId = testChannel2.Id, Content = "Message to highlight!", Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now, Sender = testUser, }); }); AddStep("Highlight message", () => chatOverlay.HighlightMessage(message, testChannel2)); waitForChannel2Visible(); } [Test] public void TestHighlightOnLeftChannel() { Message message = null; AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); joinTestChannel(0); joinTestChannel(1); AddStep("Select channel 1", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); AddStep("Send message in channel 2", () => { testChannel2.AddNewMessages(message = new Message { ChannelId = testChannel2.Id, Content = "Message to highlight!", Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now, Sender = testUser, }); }); AddStep("Leave channel 2", () => channelManager.LeaveChannel(testChannel2)); AddStep("Highlight message", () => chatOverlay.HighlightMessage(message, testChannel2)); waitForChannel2Visible(); } [Test] public void TestHighlightWhileChatNeverOpen() { Message message = null; joinTestChannel(0); AddStep("Send message in channel 1", () => { testChannel1.AddNewMessages(message = new Message { ChannelId = testChannel1.Id, Content = "Message to highlight!", Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now, Sender = testUser, }); }); AddStep("Highlight message", () => chatOverlay.HighlightMessage(message, testChannel1)); waitForChannel1Visible(); } [Test] public void TestHighlightWithNullChannel() { Message message = null; joinTestChannel(0); AddStep("Send message in channel 1", () => { testChannel1.AddNewMessages(message = new Message { ChannelId = testChannel1.Id, Content = "Message to highlight!", Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now, Sender = testUser, }); }); AddStep("Set null channel", () => channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value = null); AddStep("Highlight message", () => chatOverlay.HighlightMessage(message, testChannel1)); waitForChannel1Visible(); } [Test] public void TestTextBoxRetainsFocus() { AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); AddAssert("TextBox is focused", () => InputManager.FocusedDrawable == chatOverlayTextBox); joinTestChannel(0); AddStep("Select channel 1", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); waitForChannel1Visible(); AddAssert("TextBox is focused", () => InputManager.FocusedDrawable == chatOverlayTextBox); AddStep("Click drawable channel", () => clickDrawable(currentDrawableChannel)); AddAssert("TextBox is focused", () => InputManager.FocusedDrawable == chatOverlayTextBox); AddStep("Click selector", () => clickDrawable(channelSelectorButton)); AddAssert("TextBox is focused", () => InputManager.FocusedDrawable == chatOverlayTextBox); AddStep("Click listing", () => clickDrawable(chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single())); AddAssert("TextBox is focused", () => InputManager.FocusedDrawable == chatOverlayTextBox); AddStep("Click channel list", () => clickDrawable(chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single())); AddAssert("TextBox is focused", () => InputManager.FocusedDrawable == chatOverlayTextBox); AddStep("Click top bar", () => clickDrawable(chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single())); AddAssert("TextBox is focused", () => InputManager.FocusedDrawable == chatOverlayTextBox); AddStep("Hide overlay", () => chatOverlay.Hide()); AddAssert("TextBox is not focused", () => InputManager.FocusedDrawable == null); } [Test] public void TestSlowLoadingChannel() { AddStep("Show overlay (slow-loading)", () => { chatOverlay.Show(); chatOverlay.SlowLoading = true; }); joinTestChannel(0); AddStep("Select channel 1", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); AddUntilStep("Channel 1 loading", () => !channelIsVisible && chatOverlay.GetSlowLoadingChannel(testChannel1).LoadState == LoadState.Loading); joinTestChannel(1); AddStep("Select channel 2", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel2))); AddUntilStep("Channel 2 loading", () => !channelIsVisible && chatOverlay.GetSlowLoadingChannel(testChannel2).LoadState == LoadState.Loading); AddStep("Finish channel 1 load", () => chatOverlay.GetSlowLoadingChannel(testChannel1).LoadEvent.Set()); AddUntilStep("Channel 1 ready", () => chatOverlay.GetSlowLoadingChannel(testChannel1).LoadState == LoadState.Ready); AddAssert("Channel 1 not displayed", () => !channelIsVisible); AddStep("Finish channel 2 load", () => chatOverlay.GetSlowLoadingChannel(testChannel2).LoadEvent.Set()); AddUntilStep("Channel 2 loaded", () => chatOverlay.GetSlowLoadingChannel(testChannel2).IsLoaded); waitForChannel2Visible(); AddStep("Select channel 1", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); AddUntilStep("Channel 1 loaded", () => chatOverlay.GetSlowLoadingChannel(testChannel1).IsLoaded); waitForChannel1Visible(); } [Test] public void TestKeyboardCloseAndRestoreChannel() { AddStep("Show overlay with channel 1", () => { channelManager.JoinChannel(testChannel1); chatOverlay.Show(); }); waitForChannel1Visible(); AddStep("Press document close keys", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.DocumentClose)); AddAssert("Listing is visible", () => listingIsVisible); AddStep("Press tab restore keys", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.TabRestore)); waitForChannel1Visible(); } [Test] public void TestKeyboardNewChannel() { AddStep("Show overlay with channel 1", () => { channelManager.JoinChannel(testChannel1); chatOverlay.Show(); }); waitForChannel1Visible(); AddStep("Press tab new keys", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.TabNew)); AddAssert("Listing is visible", () => listingIsVisible); } [Test] public void TestKeyboardNextChannel() { Channel announceChannel = createAnnounceChannel(); Channel pmChannel1 = createPrivateChannel(); Channel pmChannel2 = createPrivateChannel(); joinTestChannel(0); joinTestChannel(1); joinChannel(pmChannel1); joinChannel(pmChannel2); joinChannel(announceChannel); AddStep("Show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); AddStep("Select channel 1", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); waitForChannel1Visible(); AddStep("Press document next keys", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.DocumentNext)); waitForChannel2Visible(); AddStep("Press document next keys", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.DocumentNext)); AddUntilStep("PM Channel 1 displayed", () => channelIsVisible && currentDrawableChannel?.Channel == pmChannel1); AddStep("Press document next keys", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.DocumentNext)); AddUntilStep("PM Channel 2 displayed", () => channelIsVisible && currentDrawableChannel?.Channel == pmChannel2); AddStep("Press document next keys", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.DocumentNext)); AddUntilStep("Announce channel displayed", () => channelIsVisible && currentDrawableChannel?.Channel == announceChannel); AddStep("Press document next keys", () => InputManager.Keys(PlatformAction.DocumentNext)); waitForChannel1Visible(); } [Test] public void TestRemoveMessages() { AddStep("Show overlay with channel", () => { chatOverlay.Show(); channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value = channelManager.JoinChannel(testChannel1); }); AddAssert("Overlay is visible", () => chatOverlay.State.Value == Visibility.Visible); waitForChannel1Visible(); AddStep("Send message from another user", () => { testChannel1.AddNewMessages(new Message { ChannelId = testChannel1.Id, Content = "Message from another user", Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now, Sender = testUser1, }); }); AddStep("Remove messages from other user", () => { testChannel1.RemoveMessagesFromUser(testUser.Id); }); } [Test] public void TestTextBoxSavePerChannel() { var testPMChannel = new Channel(testUser); AddStep("show overlay", () => chatOverlay.Show()); joinTestChannel(0); joinChannel(testPMChannel); AddAssert("listing is visible", () => listingIsVisible); AddStep("search for 'number 2'", () => chatOverlayTextBox.Text = "number 2"); AddAssert("'number 2' saved to selector", () => channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value.TextBoxMessage.Value == "number 2"); AddStep("select normal channel", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); AddAssert("text box cleared on normal channel", () => chatOverlayTextBox.Text == string.Empty); AddAssert("nothing saved on normal channel", () => channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value.TextBoxMessage.Value == string.Empty); AddStep("type '727'", () => chatOverlayTextBox.Text = "727"); AddAssert("'727' saved to normal channel", () => channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value.TextBoxMessage.Value == "727"); AddStep("select PM channel", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testPMChannel))); AddAssert("text box cleared on PM channel", () => chatOverlayTextBox.Text == string.Empty); AddAssert("nothing saved on PM channel", () => channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value.TextBoxMessage.Value == string.Empty); AddStep("type 'hello'", () => chatOverlayTextBox.Text = "hello"); AddAssert("'hello' saved to PM channel", () => channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value.TextBoxMessage.Value == "hello"); AddStep("select normal channel", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testChannel1))); AddAssert("text box contains '727'", () => chatOverlayTextBox.Text == "727"); AddStep("select PM channel", () => clickDrawable(getChannelListItem(testPMChannel))); AddAssert("text box contains 'hello'", () => chatOverlayTextBox.Text == "hello"); AddStep("click close button", () => { ChannelListItemCloseButton closeButton = getChannelListItem(testPMChannel).ChildrenOfType().Single(); clickDrawable(closeButton); }); AddAssert("listing is visible", () => listingIsVisible); AddAssert("text box contains 'channel 2'", () => chatOverlayTextBox.Text == "number 2"); AddUntilStep("only channel 2 visible", () => { IEnumerable listingItems = chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType() .Where(item => item.IsPresent); return listingItems.Count() == 1 && listingItems.Single().Channel == testChannel2; }); } [Test] public void TestChatReport() { ChatReportRequest request = null; AddStep("Show overlay with channel", () => { chatOverlay.Show(); channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value = channelManager.JoinChannel(testChannel1); }); AddAssert("Overlay is visible", () => chatOverlay.State.Value == Visibility.Visible); waitForChannel1Visible(); AddStep("Setup request handling", () => { requestLock.Reset(); dummyAPI.HandleRequest = r => { if (!(r is ChatReportRequest req)) return false; Task.Run(() => { request = req; requestLock.Wait(10000); req.TriggerSuccess(); }); return true; }; }); AddStep("Show report popover", () => this.ChildrenOfType().First().ShowPopover()); AddStep("Set report reason to other", () => { var reason = this.ChildrenOfType>().Single(); reason.Current.Value = ChatReportReason.Other; }); AddStep("Try to report", () => { var btn = this.ChildrenOfType().Single().ChildrenOfType().Single(); InputManager.MoveMouseTo(btn); InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Left); }); AddAssert("Nothing happened", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Any()); AddStep("Set report data", () => { var field = this.ChildrenOfType().Single().ChildrenOfType().Single(); field.Current.Value = "test other"; }); AddStep("Try to report", () => { var btn = this.ChildrenOfType().Single().ChildrenOfType().Single(); InputManager.MoveMouseTo(btn); InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Left); }); AddUntilStep("Overlay closed", () => !this.ChildrenOfType().Any()); AddStep("Complete request", () => requestLock.Set()); AddUntilStep("Request sent", () => request != null); AddUntilStep("Info message displayed", () => channelManager.CurrentChannel.Value.Messages.Last(), () => Is.InstanceOf(typeof(InfoMessage))); } private void joinTestChannel(int i) { AddStep($"Join test channel {i}", () => channelManager.JoinChannel(testChannels[i])); AddUntilStep("wait for join completed", () => testChannels[i].Joined.Value); } private void joinChannel(Channel channel) { AddStep($"Join channel {channel}", () => channelManager.JoinChannel(channel)); AddUntilStep("wait for join completed", () => channel.Joined.Value); } private void waitForChannel1Visible() => AddUntilStep("Channel 1 is visible", () => channelIsVisible && currentDrawableChannel?.Channel == testChannel1); private void waitForChannel2Visible() => AddUntilStep("Channel 2 is visible", () => channelIsVisible && currentDrawableChannel?.Channel == testChannel2); private bool listingIsVisible => chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single().State.Value == Visibility.Visible; private bool loadingIsVisible => chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single().State.Value == Visibility.Visible; private bool channelIsVisible => !listingIsVisible && !loadingIsVisible; [CanBeNull] private DrawableChannel currentDrawableChannel => chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType().SingleOrDefault(); private ChannelListItem getChannelListItem(Channel channel) => chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single(item => item.Channel == channel); private ChatTextBox chatOverlayTextBox => chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single(); private ChatOverlayTopBar chatOverlayTopBar => chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single(); private ChannelListItem channelSelectorButton => chatOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single(item => item.Channel is ChannelListing.ChannelListingChannel); private void clickDrawable(Drawable d) { InputManager.MoveMouseTo(d); InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Left); } private List createChannelMessages(Channel channel) { var message = new Message(currentMessageId++) { ChannelId = channel.Id, Content = $"Hello, this is a message in {channel.Name}", Sender = testUser, Timestamp = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now), }; return new List { message }; } private Channel createPublicChannel(int id) => new Channel { Id = id, Name = $"#channel-{id}", Topic = $"We talk about the number {id} here", Type = ChannelType.Public, }; private Channel createPrivateChannel() { int id = RNG.Next(0, DummyAPIAccess.DUMMY_USER_ID - 1); return new Channel(new APIUser { Id = id, Username = $"test user {id}", }); } private Channel createAnnounceChannel() { const int announce_channel_id = 133337; return new Channel { Name = $"Announce {announce_channel_id}", Type = ChannelType.Announce, Id = announce_channel_id, }; } private partial class TestChatOverlay : ChatOverlay { public bool SlowLoading { get; set; } public SlowLoadingDrawableChannel GetSlowLoadingChannel(Channel channel) => DrawableChannels.OfType().Single(c => c.Channel == channel); protected override DrawableChannel CreateDrawableChannel(Channel newChannel) { return SlowLoading ? new SlowLoadingDrawableChannel(newChannel) : new DrawableChannel(newChannel); } } private partial class SlowLoadingDrawableChannel : DrawableChannel { public readonly ManualResetEventSlim LoadEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(); public SlowLoadingDrawableChannel([NotNull] Channel channel) : base(channel) { } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { LoadEvent.Wait(10000); } } } }