// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Threading; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Extensions.Color4Extensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Colour; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface; using osuTK; using osuTK.Graphics; namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Notifications { public class ProgressNotification : Notification, IHasCompletionTarget { private const float loading_spinner_size = 22; public string Text { set => Schedule(() => textDrawable.Text = value); } public string CompletionText { get; set; } = "Task has completed!"; private float progress; public float Progress { get => progress; set { progress = value; Scheduler.AddOnce(updateProgress, progress); } } private void updateProgress(float progress) => progressBar.Progress = progress; protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); // we may have received changes before we were displayed. updateState(); } private readonly CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); public CancellationToken CancellationToken => cancellationTokenSource.Token; public ProgressNotificationState State { get => state; set { if (state == value) return; state = value; if (IsLoaded) Schedule(updateState); } } private void updateState() { const double colour_fade_duration = 200; switch (state) { case ProgressNotificationState.Queued: Light.Colour = colourQueued; Light.Pulsate = false; progressBar.Active = false; iconBackground.FadeColour(ColourInfo.GradientVertical(colourQueued, colourQueued.Lighten(0.5f)), colour_fade_duration); loadingSpinner.Show(); break; case ProgressNotificationState.Active: Light.Colour = colourActive; Light.Pulsate = true; progressBar.Active = true; iconBackground.FadeColour(ColourInfo.GradientVertical(colourActive, colourActive.Lighten(0.5f)), colour_fade_duration); loadingSpinner.Show(); break; case ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled: cancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); iconBackground.FadeColour(ColourInfo.GradientVertical(Color4.Gray, Color4.Gray.Lighten(0.5f)), colour_fade_duration); loadingSpinner.Hide(); var icon = new SpriteIcon { Icon = FontAwesome.Solid.Ban, Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Size = new Vector2(loading_spinner_size), }; IconContent.Add(icon); icon.FadeInFromZero(200, Easing.OutQuint); Light.Colour = colourCancelled; Light.Pulsate = false; progressBar.Active = false; break; case ProgressNotificationState.Completed: loadingSpinner.Hide(); NotificationContent.MoveToY(-DrawSize.Y / 2, 200, Easing.OutQuint); this.FadeOut(200).Finally(d => Completed()); break; } } private ProgressNotificationState state; protected virtual Notification CreateCompletionNotification() => new ProgressCompletionNotification { Activated = CompletionClickAction, Text = CompletionText }; protected virtual void Completed() { CompletionTarget?.Invoke(CreateCompletionNotification()); base.Close(); } public override bool DisplayOnTop => false; private readonly ProgressBar progressBar; private Color4 colourQueued; private Color4 colourActive; private Color4 colourCancelled; private Box iconBackground; private LoadingSpinner loadingSpinner; private readonly TextFlowContainer textDrawable; public ProgressNotification() { Content.Add(textDrawable = new OsuTextFlowContainer { Colour = OsuColour.Gray(128), AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, }); NotificationContent.Add(progressBar = new ProgressBar { Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, }); // make some extra space for the progress bar. IconContent.Margin = new MarginPadding { Bottom = 5 }; State = ProgressNotificationState.Queued; // don't close on click by default. Activated = () => false; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(OsuColour colours) { colourQueued = colours.YellowDark; colourActive = colours.Blue; colourCancelled = colours.Red; IconContent.AddRange(new Drawable[] { iconBackground = new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Colour = Color4.White, }, loadingSpinner = new LoadingSpinner { Size = new Vector2(loading_spinner_size), } }); } public override void Close() { switch (State) { case ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled: base.Close(); break; case ProgressNotificationState.Active: case ProgressNotificationState.Queued: if (CancelRequested?.Invoke() != false) State = ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled; break; } } public Func CancelRequested { get; set; } /// /// The function to post completion notifications back to. /// public Action CompletionTarget { get; set; } /// /// An action to complete when the completion notification is clicked. Return true to close. /// public Func CompletionClickAction; private class ProgressBar : Container { private readonly Box box; private Color4 colourActive; private Color4 colourInactive; private float progress; public float Progress { get => progress; set { if (progress == value) return; progress = value; box.ResizeTo(new Vector2(progress, 1), 100, Easing.OutQuad); } } private bool active; public bool Active { get => active; set { active = value; this.FadeColour(active ? colourActive : colourInactive, 100); } } public ProgressBar() { Children = new[] { box = new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Width = 0, } }; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(OsuColour colours) { colourActive = colours.Blue; Colour = colourInactive = OsuColour.Gray(0.5f); Height = 5; } } } public enum ProgressNotificationState { Queued, Active, Completed, Cancelled } }